You Are Somethin Else, You Know That? I Like You Mister Yamada, She Said In An Affectionate Tone, Even
“You are somethin’ else, you know that? I like you Mister Yamada,” she said in an affectionate tone, “even if your eyes are prolly that pretty brown ‘cuz you’re so full of shit.”
“Actually, they’re contacts,” he said. “Turns out they’re pretty close to yours.” Well, closer than any other color.
“Well ain’t that somethin’ else,” she replied. “Anyway, point is, I’m gonna do somethin’ i don’t do for everyone. You get to play with the big gal. You get through that in one piece? Maybe I’ll send my pretty little niece your way after all. Gotta warn you, though, I’m a hell of a ride.”
“Didn’t I already complain about people threatening me with a good time?”
“That you did, darlin’," she chuckled, "that you did. Just hope it ain’t too good for you.”
vinsmokelover liked this · 3 years ago
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More Posts from Amazonclimber
Chapters: 1/1 Fandom: Original Work, Monster Girls | Monster Boys Rating: Explicit Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply Relationships: Original Female Character/Original Male Character Characters: Original Monster Girl Character(s), Original Male Human Character(s) Additional Tags: Werewolves, Chases, Body Worship, Face-Sitting, Cunnilingus, Scents & Smells, Unsafe Sex, Werewolf Sex, Impregnation, Morning After Series: Part 6 of Mythophilia Summary:
Always let your friends know where you're going hiking, especially on the night of a full moon. You never know what - or who - you'll come across when you get lost.
A budding romance between a super-confident basketball player, and the nerd who's honestly a little terrified of her. But only a little.
Fandom: Original Work Rating: Explicit Warnings: Underage Relationships: Original Female Character/Original Male Character Characters: Original Male Character(s), Original Female Character(s) Additional Tags: Meet-Cute, Geek/Jock Romance, Role Reversal, Muscles, Shyness, Gentle femdom, First Time, gratuitous handholding, Flufftober 2021, Non-Penetrative Sex
Flufftober Prompts begin Chapter 4.
Taro closed his eyes, steeling himself. Just like with Akira, he somehow knew in his gut that he was never going to see her again if he let her go now. “I’m coming too.”
“Yamada,” Setsuna hissed, “don’t be stupid. You’re a civilian, you’re just going to get in the way.”
“Do you have another shapeshifter?” He flashed to the shape of Hikari, then Chiaki, then back. “Tracking or not, if he only sees you, this won’t work. Wanna bet their lives on it?” he growled, as she opened her mouth to argue.
“Fuck fuck fuck... Okay,” she finally growled, throwing her arms up in frustration, “but you’d better listen to me, got it? Rei, stay with them. Yamada, don’t fuck this up.”
I usually end up with an extras section at the bottom of any given chapter I’m working on, where little snippets patiently wait for a chance to find a nice, cozy chapter to curl up in so they can spread their wings and metamorphosize into magnificent paragraphs.
Tip for struggling writers!
Have you ever had a scene that really isn't working in your story, but you can't bring yourself to get rid of it? (Whether it be because it's an important scene plot-wise or you're just proud of how it's written?)
Make an "Extras" file!
Instead of deleting all your hard work, you can cut the bothersome scene and paste it into your "Extras" file to save it for later. Somewhere down the line, you may find an opening for all or parts of it! Or, if you're re-writing the scene altogether, you can cut and paste details/sentences into your re-write that you liked or are important!
This method has helped me countless times during re-writes, and has saved me a ton of time and effort!
“So, worried about nothing?” Himiko asked, as she sidled up to him.
“Nope,” he replied, as he dropped his old form, “it's exactly what I was afraid of.” He could feel feline ears extending out of the side of his head, his tail was now as fluffy as the tuft at the end all over, and he felt his finger muscles shifting and contorting. When he looked down at his hands, they still looked mostly normal, if a bit pointy. But a flex extended inch-long claws from his fingertips.
“Oh my gosh," Himiko squealed, as she pounced on him, "you are the cutest thing ever!” Her hands immediately began to run over his ears, eyes lighting up as he squirmed at the little sparks of pleasure running down from them through his body. “I want to brush you and scratch behind your ears and play foxtail with you and rub your tummy!”
Taro would never have noticed before, but behind that apparent glee, there was a strange somberness. “Himiko,” he asked, interrupting her put-on reverie, “are you okay?”
“Y-Yeah," she mumbled, "why wouldn’t I be?”