Flufftober2021 - Tumblr Posts
A budding romance between a super-confident basketball player, and the nerd who's honestly a little terrified of her. But only a little.
Fandom: Original Work Rating: Explicit Warnings: Underage Relationships: Original Female Character/Original Male Character Characters: Original Male Character(s), Original Female Character(s) Additional Tags: Meet-Cute, Geek/Jock Romance, Role Reversal, Muscles, Shyness, Gentle femdom, First Time, gratuitous handholding, Flufftober 2021, Non-Penetrative Sex
Flufftober Prompts begin Chapter 4.
High School Romance, Chapter 12: Finger Roll
Will there be a chaperone?
No, mom. Just us.
Are you and Ash going to be sharing a room?
Alex is going to be there.
That’s not an answer. Don’t try to trick your mother. I taught you everything you know, but I didn’t teach you everything I know.
“I’m sorry I ruined sexy girl on girl pillow fights for you. Want me to make it up to you?”
“How were you thi-“ was as far as Brian got before Ash smacked him upside the head with one of the bed pillows. There was barely any force behind it, just a playful thump across his face. He shook it off, then looked back up at her. “Really?” he asked. “How is that making it up to me?”
“Tell you after you take off your shirt,” she purred, the heat behind it making it sound almost like a growl instead.
Ash had drawn a heart around the words “I love you too” while he wasn’t looking. When he looked back to her, she winked, then gestured to the whiteboard with her nose. Brian silently looked back at it, then down to his notes, and jotted down the words “I love you” in response to hers. Eventually, he felt the paper move, then come back, the words “I love you too, too,” beneath his declaration.
“I love you like fresh meat loves salt,” he wrote, then passed it back to her. He saw her raise an eyebrow out of the corner of his eye, then slowly turn to him; he gestured at the whiteboard with his nose, and she huffed, scribbled, and slid the paper back.
“I love you enough to not hold the idea that you think that’s romantic against you,” she’d written.
“So, basically just a big game date?” Ash asked, a hint of disappointment in her voice.
“Yeah, um, something like that,” Brian mumbled, looking up at her face, devoid of her usual infectious grin. A feeling of grim certainty wrapped around his chest. “You don’t like the idea, do you?”
“Hey, c’mon, gimme a chance to try it first,” she whispered, running her fingers through his scalp. “I really do want to do this with you, Brian. I just, y’know, might not be able to do the whole game room thing the way you can. Is that okay,” she asked him, giving his hand a squeeze.
“You know I used to dream about this?” Kathy asked him, as the fingers of one hand entwined with his, and the other brushed through his haur. “Not like, you know…” she trailed off, waving her arms at, well, everything. “I was eight, I didn’t know what people meant when they said sleeping together. But I had dreams where I’d wake up next to you,” she murmured. “I liked them.”
If Alex wasn’t a complete idiot, he would have said literally anything besides, “I had a couple of nightmares like that.” If only he wasn’t a complete idiot.
She froze, dark eyes widening, and for a moment he felt his guts drop through the bed they were sharing. Then, in a cold voice, she growled, “That’s because I’m a scary lady.”
Brian looked back to Ash, at her warm, confident smile. “I’ve got you,” she promised. “Remember, this is just falling practice. We’re not even going to the top of this thing yet.
Brian gulped, hands trembling, as he gripped at the two holds nearest the sign. He started to step, only for their teacher to clear his throat. “Remember, the first step is checking your harness, but the second step is signaling your partner. You never want to assume your partner is ready.”
Brian barely was able to voice the words, “on belay?”
He felt a reassuring little tug on his harness, a little jolt of pressure letting him know Ash had the thin little line that would be theoretically saving him from injury or death as tight as she could without dragging him up the cliff. “Belay on,” she called.
“Holy crap,” Alex mumbled, trying to push back the skittery feeling going up and down his nerves, “are there always this many people?”
“You were at Little Christmas,” Kathy replied, wrapping an arm around his waist. He sighed as the feeling of her warmth and pressure of her strong arms pushed away the feelings of tension. “I don’t know why you’re so surprised.”
“Yeah, but that’s Christmas, he muttered. “Besides, there’s way more people here than last time.”
“Yeah, but they’re all nerds,” Kathy pointed out. “You’re among your own kind now.”

Flufftober 2021 & Midam Week Prompt number: 2/ Day 7: Melody Fandom: Supernatural Pairing: Adam/Michael Rating: G Warnings/Tags: N/A
Adam lay on his bed staring at the cracked ceiling, he had a long day at work, but he wasn't sleepy.
“Adam” said Michael “do you want to go flying?” A smile spread across Adam's face.
One of the perks of sharing his body with an archangel was being able to fly, there was nothing like gliding along the air currents and seeing the world from above. Flying cleared his mind and refreshed him like nothing else, and of course this was Michael's element, the time they felt most at peace. As they flew low, skimming over the surface of lake Michigan, Adam heard something echoing across the water.
“Wait, let's go check that out” he said. They flew to the source of the melodic sound, finding that it was coming from an open window in a house near the shore, inside was an older woman playing a harp. They settled in a tree nearby so they could listen for awhile.
“It's beautiful, isn't it?” Adam said in his mind.
“What is it?”
“It's just... it reminds of Gabriel.”
“He could play, really? That doesn't sound like the Gabriel Sam and Dean describe.”
“You can't let the brash exterior fool you, his was quite talented. I was told his music made great kings cry tears of joy. I wish I had taken more time to listen then.” Adam nodded, in understanding.
“Perhaps you could play some of his music now, to honour him.”
“I am afraid I never learned to play the harp.”
“How very unangel like of you, Halo.”
“I was a little busy, leading armies, running Heaven.”
“Oh, of course.” Adam could feel Michael rolling his eyes at him “You know, I used to play guitar, nowhere near as good as harp lady, but I could teach, if you want.”
“I would like that.”
The music came to an end, and as the woman put her harp away, her audience carefully snuck out of the tree, and took to the sky once more.