Setsuna Tokage - Tumblr Posts
“Hey, Yamada, what are you doing down HOLY CRAP!”
“You okay there, Setsuna-san?” he asked, as he helped the crumpled heap of girl to her feet. She’d apparently decided it would be funny to stand upside-down on the lintel of his doorframe. Judging from her reaction, his prank - merely existing - was better.
“Ow... Yeah, I’m fine. Holy crap, though, I didn’t know monsterboys were real. What happened to you?”
“We should probably chat more inside," he mumbled, beckoning her in. "Where’s Reiko-san?”
“Hanging out with the spooky kids,” Setsuna replied, as she slipped into the parlor. “She’s going to be here in a little while, but she said I should go ahead and get started without her. So,” she began puffing out her chest, presenting her magnificent chest to him for inspection, "what are you thinking?"
“I'm thinking that's a shame,” he admitted, shaking his head when Setsuna stuck her tongue out at him. "Not like that. I had a surprise for her, that's all.”
“Yeah, I know," she huffed. "You sure surprised the crap out of me.”
“Not actually what I meant either,” he explained, as he focused on Himiko’s Quirk, as well as the new minor Quirk he’d picked up from Subaru this morning. He’d never had a minor Quirk with such an unusual effect; maybe he should call it a meta-Quirk? Didn't matter unless he got another one. But for the first time, rather than Subaru's Quirk having its own effect, it modified Disguise, letting him swap his female forms to male, and his male - including his own - to female. And, in apparent deference to Subaru, it let him decide if his genitalia were part of that swap or not.
As, he felt his body shift and change, the ten or so minutes of time he had between what was left this morning and what he’d accumulated began ticking down, but so slowly it’d last well over an hour. Probably over two when he - no, he didn’t feel appropriate right now, must be an effect of the Quirk - considered the rate at which it was refilling. Apparently, making Taro into Taroko - no, that also wasn’t right... Fem-Taro? - was a lot less than what it took to make hi- no, her into Himiko, or even the pre-Paragon Taro. As the change finished, the now-female Taro stretched, rapidly adjusting to her new musculature and center of balance. And then she looked at Setsuna, put a hand on her hip, and winked.
Hatsuko - yeah, that sounded right - was just as tall in this form as her male form, and just as solidly built. She supposed that made sense; after all, the Paragon Quirk did give her a peak human physique. But Paragon also idealized her, which in this case meant it softened some of the hard edges away. She was still built like someone had taken the best features of a dozen different athletes and made them work together, but much like her paragon form as Taro, she looked like a fitness lover’s wet dream rather than a steroid abuser. Of course, there were some other, more obvious changes, she thought, as she looked down at a pair of ample breasts remarkably similar to Mina’s. Ass too, come to think of it. Who’d have thought his ex was the platonic ideal of buxom? Okay, yeah, anyone who’d ever met her.
“Do you like it?” she asked, in a smoky alto voice distinct from Kyoka’s, but which absolutely put her in mind of it. Setsuna didn’t answer. She took out her phone, snapped a picture as Hatsuko posed, and immediately began to text Reiko.
Ditch the spookies and get your ass over here right now!
Monstergirls are real! <<8414.jpg>>
Taro closed his eyes, steeling himself. Just like with Akira, he somehow knew in his gut that he was never going to see her again if he let her go now. “I’m coming too.”
“Yamada,” Setsuna hissed, “don’t be stupid. You’re a civilian, you’re just going to get in the way.”
“Do you have another shapeshifter?” He flashed to the shape of Hikari, then Chiaki, then back. “Tracking or not, if he only sees you, this won’t work. Wanna bet their lives on it?” he growled, as she opened her mouth to argue.
“Fuck fuck fuck... Okay,” she finally growled, throwing her arms up in frustration, “but you’d better listen to me, got it? Rei, stay with them. Yamada, don’t fuck this up.”
MHA bite sized imagines #2 (Class 1B edition)
Itsuka always catching you when you trip up and picking you up whenever you're stuck in a large crowd (She's used her quirk to pick you up more than she's actually used it in combat. She actually doesn't mind.)
Monoma copying your quirk to give you pointers and showing you a different point of view. (He wants you to be more versatile with your quirk so yall can crush 1A.)
Tetsutetsu making you little rock/wood figures from trees and boulders he's punched from training. (I imagine him handing you a mini wood version of him so he's always by your side.)
Ibara giving you little flowers from her hair to make you flower crowns. (Some of the real bad crowns she makes she puts on herself.)
Yosetsu attaching his arm to yours when he walks you to class and lunch. (He made the mistake of welding your head to his and yall had to go Recovery Girl)
Kinoko giving you mushroom oriented gifts such as mushroom plushies and stickers. (She wants to match with you SO BAD PLS LET HER.)
Reiko floating items to you so you never have to get up to fetch them. (Ranging from TV remote to phone to drink to lunch to notebook. This girl always has you covered.)
Yui enlarging your food so you can buy a small portion of food and beep bop beep your hello pandas are now the size of actual pandas. (Good luck eating it all LMAO)
Setsuna using her quirk to pull pranks on people. (She put one of her limbs in your locker and nearly gave you a heart attack. She's very sorry.)
Pony using her horns to hold stuff up for you (sis will only use about 3 of her horns to help ya or else she gets tired.)
Random thought of the day:
If Hiryu Rin and Setsuna Tokage had a child, said child would probably be a lizard. I mean...


= Spinner Lizard love?

Class 1B girls! this is a compilation of all their character sketches+reiko who doesn’t have an official one atm
This took forever to paint and I had to draw Reiko from scratch but it was really fun. i can’t pick a favorite one of them. they’re all good characters.
(tumblr compresses the size a lot so click on it if you want to see it bigger!)

the girls of class 1-b!! setsuna's other hand is taking the picture :)
credits because not all of the costume alterations are mine:
ibara's design is from m0chicakes
pony's color scheme is from fujitastatara
kendo's and reiko's designs are inspired by doodlegraveyard
that's it, have a nice day :)

another Setsu drawing, this time featuring: epic sunglasses, a short summer haircut and a cool dinosaur print shirt i found in the depths of pinterest

green class b girls i care about deeply


Holiday moments with some of my favorite BNHA rare pairs
DekuToru (Izuku Midoriya x Toru Hagakure)
After being dancers in school festival, Toru and Izuku come up with a little dance to perform in front children and their families. With Toru’s quirk, she’s able to make normal Christmas lights “dance” to the music. Songs they perform include Wizards in Winter, Waltz of the Flower, and Feliz Navidad.
When it comes to snowball fights, few can compete against these two. Between Izuku’s Black Whip tossing many snowballs and Toru stealthily striking from behind, these two are a power couple.
These two get in their pjs, cuddle up next to each other and binge watch old Christmas shows.
Toru helps Izuku learn how to ice skate, and bless his heart, after so many falls, he finally gets the hang of it!
MomoSato (Momo Yaoyorozu x Rikidou Sato)
Most people associate Christmas with gifts. These two? FOOD
Rikidou naturally is able to whip up delightful Christmas sweets, especially Christmas cakes. Momo comes up with the perfect tea for each of them.
And Momo supplies with various dishes she learned from her maids and cooks when she was growing up. Rikidou naturally also helps make them. She also gets a LOT of KFC. (This is apparently an actual custom in Japan. Look it up!)
Rikidou also invites Momo and her family to join his for Dongzhi, or Winter Solstice. Their families bonds and there’s more food to enjoy.
Despite Momo being able to just make anything, they make hand-crafted simple knick-knacks for each other to decorate their dorms with.
Setsuyu (Setsuna Tokage x Tsuyu Asui)
Half of the time during the holidays, one will find these two at the kotatsus at either 1-A or 1-B, depending on who’s visiting who. (Setsuna is not as bad as Tsuyu, but she does have a shorter limit than most on how much cold she can take as well. She does have some lizard in her, after all!)
Each year, both of them try to give the other extravagant, festive holiday hairdos. Ibara and Midoriya join in.
Botanical gardens are one of their favorite spots to wander when they have the energy to go out into the cold.
Setsuna was introduced to the rest of the Asuis and found herself reading Christmas stories to Satsuki, using her hands as puppets for different characters. She was loved and approved by the family that very night.
Tokochako (Fumikage Tokoyami x Ochako Uraraka)
Night flights over the city where there’s a lot of Christmas lights.
When some nights get chilly, Fumikage wraps Ochako in a blanket to cover both of them up. Then positions his head on top of Ochako’s and fluffs his head out to add more cover to her, like a bird trying to keep its eggs warm.
Other nights, Dark Shadow becomes a blanket to Ochako and is super affectionate. Ochako has an extremely difficult time deciding which she likes more.(She loves both of course.)
One time, Ochako calls Fumikage out to show her ‘snow angel’. It turned out to be a snowman version of Fumikage using his Dark Fallen Angel move, with large twigs as the “wings”.
Fumikage’s birthday is close to Halloween. Ochako’s birthday is a little after Christmas. Their favorite holiday movie? Nightmare Before Christmas. The one time Ochako “splurges” is to get NBC pajamas for both of them while Fumikage gets some merchandise for her and DS.
Ashoji (Mezo Shoji x Mina Ashido)
Best thing about winter? Having a large boyfriend that can carry you in the front or the back of him in a pack literally made of warm hugs.
Mina had a hard time trying to come up with a gift for Mezo, since she wasn’t sure what to give to a minimalist. Mezo said he’d rather make memories with her than get gifts, preferably. So she came up with an idea. He had never really been to an amusement park before, so she got tickets to go to Disneyland for their first Christmas date. (She was honestly nervous that she was screwing things up.)
Turns out he enjoyed himself immensely, which allowed her to enjoy it immensely as well. They got a couple of photos on specific rides, watched the fireworks, and went on all the rides. Just as Mina was telling herself to not buy him a surprise gift to respect his minimalist lifestyle, Mezo finds her with something in his hands. A Stitch plushie and an Angel plushie, both for her. He called them “their children”. Mina sobbed happily and practically leaped on him.
After losing a bet, Mezo was bullied by Mineta, Kaminari and Sero to wear mistletoe on each of his six hands and get Mina to kiss each of them. Much to their dismay, she unashamedly did just that, and kissed his real mouth at the very end.
Warm couch cuddles by the fire became a time honored tradition.
Iidaoyama (Tenya Iida x Yuga Aoyama)
Joining Izuku and Toru as they perform with dancing, these two perform scenes from Christmas plays. The children love their energy and silliness.
These two have clashing ideas about how the Christmas lights should be placed. There’s disagreements, arguments, tears and yelling. All in the span of five minutes. Then they come back thirty seconds later, sincerely apologize, kiss and make up, and make a compromise.
When Tenya comes back with the Christmas tree, Yuga notices a sign at the top of the tree. In Tenya’s handwriting it says, “Reserved for Yuga”. Needlessly to say, he wept.
Tenya is surprised to find that one of Yuga’s favorite films is Joyuex Noel, and asks to watch with him sometime.
Well, those are the moments I can think of. I hope you enjoyed reading them, and in case I don’t post anything after this, Merry Christmas!
Ibara: Violence isn't the answer.
Tokage: It's a question.
Monoma: and the answer is yes.