amelia-acero - Amelia Acero
Amelia Acero

Hi I’m Amelia, Amy for short26 years oldI write sometimesHere to have funScreaming into the occasional void.

693 posts

An Open Letter To Noah.

An Open Letter To Noah.

An open letter to Noah.


I know that the temptation to cut your hair is strong right now. You’re in an awkward in between stage. You’re probably thinking to yourself “it looks like a mullet” and you’re not wrong. But I promise you, STAY THE COURSE. BE STRONG. RESIST. It will come out the other side and look fabulous again. I promise. You just have to stay away from the scissors for a little bit longer. Please for the love of all the you hold dear. I’m begging you. DON’T CUT YOUR HAIR.

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More Posts from Amelia-acero

5 months ago

Got me like

Got Me Like

Without You…

Without You

Warning ⚠️ - abuse. Please don't read if these topics make you uncomfortable.


Part 5


The car ride was silent the rest of the way after that horrific interaction. Little did I know that was only a glimpse of the punishment that was waiting for me at home. When we pulled up to the house, there was a new security gate installed along with some very high-tech cameras. One thing about Noah is if he didn’t have to spend money on it he wouldn’t, and the fact that I cost him a pretty penny just puts me in a deeper hole. I looked over and saw Noah staring directly at me. He must have been keeping his eye on me the entire time and if I didn’t know any better, I’d say he didn’t even blink.

I grabbed my purse and got out of the limo with Noah right behind me grabbing my arm.

“Wherever I go, you go. If I can’t be there, Nick or Davis will be. Understand?”

Squeezing my arm to make sure I heard him loud and clear, I shook my head in agreement and tried to wipe my tears away. I couldn’t stop them, it was like a waterfall of pure misery and despair falling from my eyes. He yanked me into the house abd forced me to go up the stairs to our bedroom, as I looked behind me I could see Nick staring at us and Davis trying to get him to unclench his first. I mouthed “It’s okay” in hopes it would bring some comfort. We got to our room and Noah aggressively shoved me in as if he just caught a firefly in a jar. As I stumbled over my feet I heard the door close and lock behind him.

“Noah I understand you are mad at me, but you need to stop grabbing me the way you d-“

Before I knew it, a sharp sting was kissing my cheek causing me to fall back on the bed.

“You listen to me and you listen good. I make the fucking rules around here, you just obey. Understand!”

I looked up at him and held my cheek, if I wasn’t in such a fragile state I would have fought back. Instead, I quietly agreed. I sat there on the bed with even more tears welding up in my eyes. So much for “I’ll never hurt you”

Noah went over and pulled his pack of cigarettes out. He was gonna light one in front of me until the realization hit him.

Letting out a sigh of exhaustion and running his fingers through his hair, he tossed his lighter on the dresser and looked at me

“I’m sorry.” He said looking down

Hm. Like I haven’t heard that one before.

“I know”

“No, I am sorry Ruby. I shouldn’t have done that. I can’t take it back now but I truly am sorry.”

“I understand”

I know this is all bullshit but I don’t want to poke the bear any more than I already have.

“You need to realize that this isn’t a game Ruby, I know you’re more than aware of where our money comes from and what I do for work. I also know that you indeed stand how dangerous my line of work is. Right?”


“Yes? Okay so then you should know that there are people out there who want to hurt you. Pregnant or not they will do what they want. Those men could have done the absolute worse to you Ruby, and wouldn’t have lost sleep over it.”

“Why is that Noah?”

“Why is what?”

“Why do these men want to hurt me and not you?


The hesitation in his tone and voice even confused me. What is it? Why wouldn’t they just hurt Noah directly?


“Because they know you’re the only good thing left in me in this fucked up world I created.”

There it is. Big scary mafia man does have a heart. Instead of finding the cigarette, Noah grabbed his victory whiskey and took a huge gulp from the bottle. It’s almost like what he’s about to tell me next is gonna end his macho lifestyle.

“You were right Ruby, I knew what I was doing. All those times I cheated, all those times I came home and was cold to you. Baby, I fucked my world and took you down with me. I know you can’t forgive me, but all I’m asking is for you to stay with me and try. Fuck we aren’t perfect babe, but the love we got can withstand anything.”

I looked up at him and was met with sad heartfelt eyes. Why does he have to be so sweet to me now after all the damage he’s done? After all the damage I’ve done. I can never forgive myself and if he found out, well he would forgive me by putting flowers over my grave. We both have messed up in the past, but the decision I made is gonna haunt me forever.

I held my face in my hands, wishing all of this was a dream. Who do I love? Who do I belong to? Are they both just as equally toxic? Where do I go from here? God please help me, my mind is racing, and I feel like I’m gonna pass out.

I felt a warm loving touch on my stomach and Noah's fingertips gently caressing my chin to face him.

“Ruby, I love you so much fucking much. You are the mother of my child and my entire world. We can make this right again. Just please, please don’t ever leave me. Okay? I will make it so you and Theo don’t ever have to worry about being hurt. I swear to you on our marriage. Let me be the man you deserve. Let me be your protector Y/N”

My heart is fucking breaking and my head is spinning like a carousel. The words “my protector” made me break out in a cold sweat all over my body. I've heard them before.

“Y/N I can't be your protector.”

But it wasn’t Noah who said it to me, it was Nick. On the lonely night where I confided in him after Noah up and left to go sleep with his whores. My bed and heart were so lonely and Nick filled that void. What have I done?

I could feel myself floating, almost like I was levitating onto a cloud. Something was wrong but I couldn’t speak.


The room is getting darker and my thoughts are becoming could

“Baby? What’s wrong.”

“Noah.. help me.”

The last thing I could hear was Noah screaming for Davis and Nick to call an ambulance and my entire world went dark.

My dream was peaceful yet quick. I was floating in the water but could breathe. When I looked up I could see the chaos happening above me but was unbothered because the water was keeping me safe. The ocean kept me safe. What was my dream telling me? Should I unfold the chaos that awaits me or stay safe in the cool dark ocean?

Grogginess lingered in my mind as I began to open my eyes. The smell of strong disinfectant and crisp air filled my nose. Where am I?


“Am I in Heaven?”


No, Heaven is not an option for me anymore.

I fully came to and was met with a worried Nick sitting at my bedside.

“Nick? What happened?”

I tried to get up but my head felt like it was full of cement.

“Easy Angel, you passed out. The doctor said it was some type of dizzy spell. He also said your sugar was extremely low. Have you not been eating?” Nick said gently pushing me back down

I looked around and gave Nick a puzzling stare.

“No, I have, it’s just I’ve been under a lot of pressure lately.”

I was going to relax until I realized something. I don’t remember if I fell on my back or my stomach. Sheer panic came over me and I almost threw myself out of the bed to make sure I wasn’t bleeding.

“Oh god! Theo! My baby !”

“Angel relax, please. He’s okay.”

“No what if something happened? How will I know? Nick my baby!”

Nick grabbed my face and tried to get me to steady my breathing. I’ve seen so many horror stories where women suffer a loss even though they can still see and hear the heartbeat.

“Y/N the baby is okay.”

My breathing started to slow down until Nick reminded me of the decision I would have to live with for the rest of my life.

“Our baby is okay.”

I pushed him off of me and tried to erase that beautiful haunting memory.

“Nick. Don’t.” I said raising my hand at him

“Angel I can’t keep pretending, he treats you like absolute garbage and even went as far as flipping a table at you. How long are you going to make me sit by and watch while he abuses you?”

“Nick this was your fucking idea. You’re the one who told me we didn’t need to tell him and that you’ll let him raise the baby as his own. We are two adults who made a decision that is going to bind us for the rest of our lives. If we tell Noah that Theo isn’t his, we aren’t going to see the rest of our lives. Got it?”

“Angel please, I fucking love you. Do you have any idea how hard this is for me? I was doing this for you so he wouldn't hurt you but he still is. Baby we can run away from all of this. I'm one of his trackers so I'll make sure to go where he can't find us.”

“Nick, get away from me,” I said scooching up in my bed.

I pushed him away once again, what the hell is this man thinking? I'm about to be 7 months pregnant, and I already tried the runaway stunt. Look where it fucking got me. It's like he hasn’t been paying attention. I began to feel aggravated that he would even suggest something so dangerous.

“Nick you have to let the both of us go. If you care about my and your baby’s well-being like you say you do, then you'll be the good little henchmen my husband hired and keep your mouth shut. We have to pretend and I'm sorry it has to end like this. I belong to Noah and now so does this baby. This was your fucking idea, so please try to remember that.”

Nick got up and faced away from me. I know my words hurt him but I have to be this way. It’s for the best for all 3 of us.

“As you wish Mrs. Davis.”

“Good, go get my husband and get the fuck out of my sight.”

The tears fell with each word that came out of my mouth. Our eyes met one last time exchanging the words “I love you” Maybe in a perfect world we could be together and have our baby. Relive those beautiful nights where we could lay under the sheets being tangled up in each other embrace. Talking about our future and if fate would allow us to create one together I would give everything to have that but this isn't my world….

Its Noah’s


This storybisnstartin gro become my guilty pleasure. Short chapter but enjoy 🩵


@reyadawn @bloodylullaby @fadingintothegrey @catsomens @ashdreamsalone @supersquirrel1996 @thisbicc @iluvmewwwww75 @dreamstyles @lma1986 @montgomery-929496 @amelia-acero @aubrey-melinoe

5 months ago

Noah, is that you? 👀

Noah, Is That You?

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5 months ago

my 5 year plan is to get back my joy

5 months ago

Reminder to self:

Meme with three panels. The first has a man sitting on a couch looking at a piece of paper in his hands. the second shows the piece of paper that reads: "it takes time to recover from burnout". The third panel shows the man again, he is holding his head in this hands
5 months ago
amelia-acero - Amelia Acero

I just saw you're taking prompt requests ☺️

1 and 16 from list 1

Noah and reader are best friends (they like each other but haven't told each other). They're on a road trip and they go to a hotel that only has one room left - the honeymoon suite! One big bed, mirrors on the ceiling and walls, you know lol. They wake up in the middle of the night cuddled together. Things start to get steamy and reader mentions she's inexperienced (not a virgin but not much experience) and Noah offers to give her a lesson. Reader says she doesn't wanna ruin their friendship but Noah says that's what friends are for. Very smutty times and then true feelings are revealed 🥹

welp rip everyone 💀

Parings: experienced best friend Noah! x slightly experienced Reader!

Warnings: best friends to lovers, fingering, guided masturbation, male and female masturbation,dirty talk, P in V, Creampie, unprotected sex, swearing, my grammar, ✨MDNI, NSFW✨

Taglist: @reyadawn @concreteangel92 @concreteemo @aubrey-melinoe @lma1986 @alwaysfightforwhoyouare @lilhobgobbler @sorrowsofsilence @blend-in-with-the-madness @noahsebastions @collisionofyourkissmakesitsohard @fadingangelwisp @into-the-grey @anangelinthepit @somewhere-diamond @somebodyels3 @somebodyllelse @hurricanesfollowyou @iluvmewwwww75 @iloveyoutodeathbutimdrowning @raspberrywatermelon @thisbicc @dunnkop @philomenie @silent-stories @bloodylullaby @dravenskye @english-fucker

✨Request and Prompts are CLOSED✨


Enjoy ✨🫶🏻🩶

Someone tell Addison Rae’s song Diet Pepsi, to fuck off from my brain that’s the only thing that keeps replaying💀😵‍💫 FUCKKK😩

I Just Saw You're Taking Prompt Requests

You and Noah were on a roadtrip to go to a famous tattoo shop. The drive was more than 24 hours, so you guys knew you’d be driving for a few days. You guys stopped at a few places a long the way since it was cool and touristy around you guys.

It was now night time and both of you were completely exhausted from driving. Still having 8 hours into the drive left both you decided that getting a hotel would be best for the both of you.

You guys were still in a large tourist area so there wasn’t a lot of hotel availability around. You guys called a few places and only one right by you guys had a room left. Not taking into details about the room you guys headed straight there to get your ass in a comfy bed.

Walking into the hotel lobby with your belongings you and Noah headed to the desk.

“Hi, we called about the room availability, you guys only having one left?” You questioned to the man at the desk.

The man turned around to you smiling, you matched his smile back, as he hoped on the computer to pull it up.

“Yes, we have are honeymoon suite available. It’s our only room left, with one large bed.” He replied looking back up at Noah and I. We could both get off as a couple but never wanted destroy your friendship.

I looked over at Noah, my face beat red. The idea of sharing a bed with him making me flush and feel all sorts of things. I’m not that experienced being with men anyway, let alone anyone.

I couldn’t really speak, Noah took over agreeing it was okay for the both of us. He signed the paperwork and the man gave us the key heading up to our room.

Noah and I hopped in the elevator. The silence was deafening between the both of us.

“You okay with sharing a bed?” You asked him, seeing he was caught in a daze of some thoughts he had going on.

“Yea, it’s completely fine, we’re just friends anyway.” He shrugged, as we made our way through the hallway to the room. “It ain’t going hurt us, to sleep in the same bed for one night. I’ll even sleep on the floor if you want me to.” He insisted, making sure you were the one that was comfortable over himself.

Before you can say another word he stopped right at the door. A big door, of course the number was “69” he laughed at the fact of that.

He scanned the card making the door unlock to open, gesturing you to go in before him. You walked in and immediately greeted with a large bed, a huge shower in the bathroom with a bench. Mirrors everywhere and on the ceiling, and a private balcony over laying the city.

“Wow, wtf there’s mirrors on the ceiling.” He laughed looking up. You both laughed awkwardly about the situation.

“They must of gave us the honeymoon suite where people go to make babies I guess.” You cringed at the thought of the idea that other people have fucked in this room.

Noah chuckled again at your comment, before grabbing some clothes and stating he was going shower. You nodded to him, walking over to the balcony taking a seat and watching the view. The city was pretty quiet not much going on, no parties or rowdiness in the streets. It was pretty relaxing. After about 10 minutes Noah appeared on the balcony freshly washed, hair wet, with a clean scent that filled your nostrils.

He looked so good fuck.

You thought to yourself. Noah and you both have feelings for each other but you both never thought to bring it up knowing it could possibly harm your friendship. Noah felt the same way about it you, he liked you a lot and wanted you to himself but would never tell you.

“I guess it’s my turn..” getting up to head to the shower yourself. You stripped off your clothes already feeling hot from the situation that’s been going on. Noah is extremely attractive and you’re going to share a bed with him.

You’re going to share a bed with your best friend. You tried not to think about it too much, worried that you’d get too wet and he’d notice. You’re not exactly a virgin but you still haven’t sucked dick or really done any other sex positions or even explored your kinks.

Your last boyfriend didn’t want to do all of those things. You remembered you called Noah the night you finally had sex asking him if everything you were experiencing was normal. Your boyfriend wasn’t exactly gentle with you, and you didn’t even cum, never even had an orgasm. It was bad, thank god you guys split.

You finished washing yourself off, turned off the shower, and dried off; putting on some shorts and a t shirt you had in your bag. You put your hair up as well in a messy bun, not caring how it looked, and it was still wet anyway.

You came out the bathroom and nearly stopped breathing. Your best friend shirtless with just his sweats on was laying on your shared bed. You haven’t seen Noah shirtless many times so it was like a surprise to you. You couldn’t help but stare and he could feel your eyes on him.

“What’s wrong? You ready for bed?” He asked, putting his phone down, turning his attention to you, as you bite your lip slightly looking anywhere but him. If you thought your wetness was gone it sure as fuck was not, and you can’t exactly get off to your best friend while he was awake by you, maybe when he was asleep though.

“Yea… let’s go to sleep.” You replied, crawling into the bed, both do you sleep backs facing each other. The darkness consumed the room, a little trace of moonlight peaked through the curtains by the balcony it was pretty peaceful. You finally feel yourself drift off to sleep.

*time skip*

You woke up in the middle of the night hot as fuck. It doesn’t help that you were literally cuddling in Noah’s arms. His arms wrapped around you tightly, his light snores in your ear, his grip on your lower stomach, having his hand under you shirt, and his fucking boner against your back. It was all overwhelming to wake up to. Not to mention the big ache that remained between your legs as you went to sleep next to problem that caused it.

Noah felt you shift around slightly moving out of his arms, his eyes opening seeing the situation. His low sleepy voice could have made you cum itself.

He didn’t move, he only pulled you closer, his dick digging into you further. You didn’t want to bother him but it was hard when it was bothering you.

“Noah..” you whispered, making him stir slightly. “Mmm..” he replied, rubbing his eyes.

“You’re poking me..” you groaned, clenching your thighs. His body immediately moved from yours onto his back, now fully awake, realizing the situation.

“Oh.. sorry..” he whispered, his voice low from sleeping. Your felt yourself clench again, the ache feeling heavier than normal. Noah got up to go into the bathroom to take care of it, however you felt guilty for some reason, catching his attention by whispering his name.

“Noah..” he stopped in his tracks, turning himself towards you.

“Yea Angel?” The pet name slipping out. Making you blush under the darkness of the room.

“It hurts..” you whine. Feeling yourself feeling too horny and not sure how to take care of it. You haven’t even touched yourself, or even sucked someone off. You felt embarrassed asking for his help.

“What hurts..” Noah moved closer to you now feeling concern. You don’t know how to describe it, it didn’t hurt it ached.

You knew it could change everything if you let him play with you, but who would you be more comfortable with than your best friend, what are best friends for?

“It aches, idk what to do...” your hands came to cover your face as the embarrassment finally settles in. Noah didn’t say a word, didn’t move either. You felt him take a deep breath before speaking.

“I can help you, I’ll show you.” He spoke softly, placing a hand on your knee, that was pressed against your chest.

“Are you sure… I don’t want to ruin our-“ he cut you off mid sentence, not caring. He had feelings for you he would even confess them right now if it was the right time.

“Of course, what are friends for?” He replied, making you feel a little better. “Okay..” you relaxed moving your legs to extend out to him. He took your legs slightly stroking them. His cock was so hard it hurt him.

“I’m going tell you want to do okay. I’m going instruct you, if you want help I’ll help you.” He stated.

You felt yourself shiver at his words. You don’t want to expose yourself to him but it was dark enough that he wouldn’t see anyway. He moved his way up right by you sitting by you.

“Take your shorts off.” He commanded, breathing a little heavy. He palmed himself while watching your moves.

You slide your shorts down your legs, feeling the slick in between toue legs exposed. You’re completely soaked through, and down your legs. You could hear Noah’s light groan at the sight. The moonlight was dim enough to show the both of you, but not too bright to show you all to him.

“You’re soaked… fuck.” He muttered to himself. He re aligned his thoughts to helping you again. “Run your finger over yourself, like you’re teasing yourself.” He commented.

You did as you were told. Your finger running over your covered slit that was soaked, adding a little bit of pressure to it. It felt so good, the fabric sticking your skin, you heard Noah groan lightly right by you.

“Take them off.” He exclaimed, squeezing himself slightly. You looked over at him wanting to play a game with him as well.

“You take yours off too.” You replied, as your fingers hooked around your panties sliding them off and down your legs.

Noah didn’t argue with you, he did the same. You spread yourself out, waiting for his next move for you. You watched has he pumped himself slightly, the moonlight shined on his hard cock, you can tell shit was more than 6 inches. It was gonna hurt if it went inside you.

“Put your middle finger in and slowly pump it in and out. Match the pace I’m at.” Noah states, while he pumps himself slowly, watching your moves.

Your hand moved down to your core sliding your middle finger all the way in. You were tight since only being with one person and never touching yourself. You gasped at the feeling before adding another finger without Noah’s command. He didn’t care though it was about how you felt and you could even stop if you wanted to.

You pumped two fingers into yourself in and out at the pace Noah pumped himself at. You watched him squeeze himself around the tip, wanting nothing more than his hands on you, fingering you himself. His fingers were longer anyway.

“Curl your fingers.” He said, while watching you both breathing heavier. You whined not doing as he said. Wanting him to finger you and make you cum.

“What’s the matter?” His eyebrows furrowed, he stopped his movements.

“I want… you to do it.” You felt your face heat up. Your best friend is going to finger you. Would he even be okay doing this?

“Is that what you want?” He answered with a question, his hand stroking your leg slightly waiting for you to reply.

“Yes. Please Noah, make me cum.” You cried feeling his fingers move to your clit, adding some light pressure to it.

His fingers played with your clit for a little bit, before moving to your wet slit. He eased two of his fingers in feeling how you sucked them in and your walls would clench around them. He wanted to let out a moan himself.

“You’re so tight.” He exclaimed, moving his fingers in and out of you slightly. You breathed heavier feeling that the pleasure was finally enough. His fingers keep going at a faster pace hitting some spots in you, you don’t think were possible.

“Fuck…” you whined, feeling your eyes roll back. Noah keep up his pace, he was not stopping. He wanted you to cream around his fingers, he wanted you to come undone under you. There was no friendship happening after this.

“You feel good Angel.” His thumb working on your clit as well. His other hand holding your hips down so you’d stop squirming and running away from him.

“Mmmm hmm.” You couldn’t even let out words, his fingers here curling into your cunt so good it was nothing you ever felt before. You felt the pleasure in you growing stronger. You stomach tightening as well.

Is this what it felt like?

You wondered. Noah was good and pleasuring woman. He’s been with many of them, he knows the ins and outs of a woman’s pleasure and how to make them cum. If anything he could get off just to you cumming.

His fingers keep hitting the sweet spot inside you making you arch off the bed, eyes rolling back. The room was filled with your cries and Noah’s praises. It was filthy, the way you could see yourself on the ceiling.

“Closeeee…” you cried, the only words you could let out. Noah has officially fucked you out your mind. You could break his fingers from how hard you were squeezing him inside.

“Cum for me… let go.” Noah breathed, feeling himself twitch while watching you cum. You flooded his fingers, shaking slightly at the feeling. You were sensitive as can be.

Noah took his fingers out taken them to his mouth.

You heard him moan around them. “You taste amazing.” He smirked. Getting off the bed you could see his hard cock. He was ready to clean you up and take another shower for himself, but you stopped him.

“Please.. let me have you.” You pleaded, watching his eyes darken again at the idea of having your tight pussy around him.

“You sure Angel?” Noah asked, looking at your face for any signs of doubt or concern.

“Yes, please I know you want this too.” You met his face, pleading a light kiss to his lips. He returned the kiss as well laying you down under him.

You took your hand down to his cock, feeling how hard and sensitive it was. Noah stuttered at the feeling making you turn your glaze back up to him.

“Sensitive..” he replied, feeling your hand pump him. His head fell down to his shoulder eyes closed and mouth open at the feeling.

He had to stop you or he could’ve came all over you.

“I’m so sensitive I could cum right now.” His voice shaking slightly. Making you laugh a little. His finger tap your nose jokingly.

Noah got up running to his bag grabbing lube that he brought with him. You cocked your eyebrow at the fact he had lube.

“You carry that with you?” You questioned, as he rubbed a little lube onto his cock, making it easier to slip into you.

“You never know..” he looked back up to you with a soft smile. His tip rubbed against your folds. He looked up at you again for approval seeing you nod, as he pushed himself in slowly. The stretch was there, it definitely stinged. Noah watched your eyebrows furrow, and paused so you can adjust. After a few minutes he pushed more of himself in almost all the way in.

“You’re so big..” you whine. He chuckled at your comment, stroking your stomach.

“You’re so tight.” He argued back, pushing the rest of him in. Noah stayed there for a little bit already feeling close, like a damn virgin. You made him feel like virgin again.

You grinding your pelvis into his in an attempt to get any friction. Noah groaned at the feeling, before starting to move making you gasp. The pain was all gone the pleasure was everywhere.

He rocked his hips into you, making you moan at the feeling. His hand trailed to your shoulder holding onto you while the other was on your hip.

“Noahh..” you whined, it all felt too good. He made you feel close again. His cock starting hitting your cervix making your see stars at the feeling.

“Such a good girl for my cock.” He groaned, leaning back down to your ear. “Such a tight pussy just for me.” His words made you clench down on him, he can hear you whine more at the feeling of him.

“You like dirty talk huh?” He asked, smirking while his hand grabbed your boob. He flicked your nipple as well making a loud moan escape you.

Noah felt close, but he wanted to wait for you, he wanted to wait for you to come undone for him, he didn’t want to cum before you.

“Noah… I’m close..” his dick but your g spot over and over drilling into it. Your head thrown back while he continued to fuck into you. You couldn’t say words, couldn’t even hear. Your orgasm came so hard you saw stars, and maybe even heard colors while you were at. He fucked your mind up.

You felt Noah release into you, shortly after. He whimpered against you, stilling his hips as he twitched inside you a few times. Both of you were extremely sensitive and tired.

After a few minutes of lying like this with him. You decided to pop the question.

“Noah, what are we now?” You asked, a little concerned, thinking you ruined your friendship for good.

“Do you want to stay friends, because I want you all to myself if I’m being truly honest.” His head lifting off your chest to look at your face.

“I want to be with you.” You replied right away. Your words caused him to place a kiss to your lips, as it was the right and only answer for him.

“Me too.” He snuggled into you. You both feel asleep like this with his cock still inside you.

I Just Saw You're Taking Prompt Requests

…. AUGGHHH I’m sorry if it wasn’t exactly how you wanted it to be. I think it turned out great regardless. REQUEST AND PROMPTS are CLOSED I’m not longer taking any.

Thank you for your prompt request my beautiful anonymous, this was amazing🫶🏻

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