amikartest - 🎨AmyK🎨

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Vampires-souls, True Love And Truly Evil.

Vampires-souls, true love and truly evil.

Vampires-souls, True Love And Truly Evil.

For your consideration: a philosophy on Vampire souls, capable of truly loving. The definition of truly evil and does it apply to vampires. Are vampires able to be granted redemption?

Souls & True Love (soulmate)

To be able to truly love two things about your soul: it is your own and it is free to leave.  If you make a deal with a demon, they own your soul and simply wait to collect.

Though many humans do not feel true love, care to find it dually noted.

An example of a free soul is Astral projection, the soul leaves but a silver line connects to it. That is, the soul is able to return. If the silver cord is severed, the soul cannot return and the death of the physical body follows quickly. Sometimes the soul finds it way back in time.

Some may linger in a deep coma but most die in days.

Vampire souls refuse or are unable to leave their bodies at the time of death. So the soul is no longer free to give to a soul mate. The soul isn't free to love as a mortal but locked to the Undead flesh. 

 It would appear to be a loophole with their existence  and is Unholy because it goes against nature, besides/instead  of religious beliefs. The nature being: born, grow up, age and death.  

It stops at age for vampires and it's not natural in the order that is natural.

Vampires-souls, True Love And Truly Evil.

The other thought would be that a demon already owns it. Alucard as Vlad lapped up blood when he cursed God.  Some  innocent blood was eaten but some of the blood would be tainted by corrupt persons. Therefore a demon could/would attach during the transformation.

The demon has their soul captured and simply waits. It would be one reason Vampires are believed to go to hell.  It is one demon whose essence is found in all Vampires. All vampiric souls could mean, in hypnosis, that the demon has set up a major soul collection in their hidden name.

Once more, Alucard is none other than All Father through his acquired demon. One of his ramblings is that he is a true Midian. Yet this has little to none for understanding if it only pertains as a name for a non-human. 

"In hellsing midian is used as a term to describe non-human, dangerous entities such as vampires, werewolves (and possibly anything else that can exist in the hellsing universe). anti-midian could be understood as an anti-monster weapon."

Vampires-souls, True Love And Truly Evil.

One last thought concerning the definition of truly evil. Vampires are evil in most things but not truly evil.  Truly means to never do some good in their existence. To never have done some kind of selfless act or right for another.

Demons, in general, only commit acts to further gathering a soul. They were born inhuman versus Vampires started life as a human but forget it when the transformation occurs. They do not wish or care to do anything morally right.

Now considering that Vlad truly felt a need to continue protecting his people and country, he did an act of extreme evil but trying to use for good. Therefore Vlad could/would have a way to get redemption.

Alucard's nightmare/memories of the past in which he wept blood. Wept blood is a symbol of willingness to accept your fate or great remorse. We always want to know if a killer feels remorse.

Would all other vampires be capable of redemption through Alucard/Vlad? Or would they be judged on current and future crimes.

What does "anti-midian" mean for Hellsing's Victoria Seras' signature weapon Harkonnen?
Science Fiction & Fantasy Stack Exchange
Hellsing ARMS Anti-Midian Cannon 'Harkonnen'. What does "Anti-Midian" mean?

So I leave to possibly consider some of these mental exercises about vampires, souls and redemption.





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More Posts from Amikartest

1 year ago

I love having a pillow/blanket nest, especially during the cold winter nights. I keep my head barely out enough so I don't smother myself with the weight. How would Alucard, Aizawa, D, and if you're still writing for Vlad/card, react to seeing their s/o buried under piles of blankets and surrounded by pillows? Maybe they even have some of their lover's clothing for extra comfort. I hope you're doing well and thanks so much for your time with writing your amazing asks/headcanons!

Pillow Pile & Some

I Love Having A Pillow/blanket Nest, Especially During The Cold Winter Nights. I Keep My Head Barely

📍First off…thank you for letting me know! I have decided to include Vladcard as you mentioned and I added Dom Aizawa.


•Alucard is a tall, lanky bastard! You can't steal clothes from him..

•So his Pillows are the first in the pile up. Then your fuzzy/fluffy blanket (s).

•He has a warm sounding laugh when your eyes peek out from under the blankets. Your body wrapped around one of his pillows.

•Then a shadow tendril removes the blankets with a yank. Vampire King never gets tired of your shocked frown when he does that.


•Vlad gauges how cold you are versus missing him. If you're wearing one of his linen shirts and snuggling one of his pillows, that you miss him.

•If burrowed away like a cat undercovers, then he will either start a fire or stoke the wood burning.

•A mischievous bordering on wicked smiles crosses his lips. He removes his shirt with a toss to a chair and begins at the end of the bed and moves under the blankets.

•Of course you move out of his way but there's no escape as strong arms grap you tightly.


⛩️•Shouta Aizawa

•Ha! It will be you trying to get the blankets and pillows away from him!

•If you happen to have them, he moves them enough to get inside your pillow-blanket nest.

•Perhaps a lazy day off for both of you, two 'cats' snuggling under the pile of pillows and blankets.


🪢•Alpha Aizawa

•Hmm…Dom Aizawa first gives you the look of 'bad kitty".

•Then he begins to dismantle your nest until he finds an arm preferably an ankle to drag you to the edge of the bed.

•He just smirks all cocky, you are getting cold so you scramble to get snuggled up to him. Dom Aizawa is willing to warm you up for a price.

I leave the price up to you..


⚜️• Vampire Hunter D

•You are the reason he now has two traveler's coats so one can stay with you. His favorite item is his scarf and he accepts that it's not his anymore.

•Remember D doesn't live in one spot. He constantly travels the frontier and takes break for the cyborg horse.

•When able to get a room on the frontier, it's whatever blankets and pillows provided. You probably have a blanket that travels with you.

•You get to hear a soft sigh let out and you know D has a roguish smile..

@artsy-jandi @alucardownsmyass @amikartest

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1 year ago

Hey, this might be a bit strange... how would it be when Alucard hugs his so for the very first time? Like...would he do it casually or out of context in the middle of a discussion or even a mission? How do you think about that ?

📍Sorry this took so long.  Unexpected crap keeps interrupting my life.  I am also including any past hugging asks. The past ones contain Vampire Hunter D and mha Shouta Aizawa answers, too.

Warnings: none unless problems with word coitus.

That First Hug

Hey, This Might Be A Bit Strange... How Would It Be When Alucard Hugs His So For The Very First Time?

•Alucard is a tricky one.  I think it depends on the nature of how the relationship started to some extent. Are you an introvert and shy or bold and an extreme extrovert?

•If a bit of a sassy brat, for example, it would be a firm Dom/sub style hug.  You feel safe still, but you know he's in charge.  I suggest a safe word is about to be discussed.

•If an introvert/shy, it would be when at a low, sad, or frustrated moment. The kind where you turn, and he's just standing there waiting to embrace you for comfort.

•The most likely would be on a mission, and you nearly died.  He would be ferious but so relieved you were safe.  Though he might embrace you a little too strong.

So remind him of his strength…

đź“ŤHow do D and Alucard like to be hugged, if at all?

PS: I hope that you will be in a better health state soon! Having a stomach ulcer is nasty - speaking from experience. Wish you all that's best for you.

🔸️Oh!  Thank you! Heading down the path to healing it up.  Now to your ask! Let's start with D.

• ⚜️ Vampire Hunter D

•D is at first unsure, so you start with short hugs and ask permission, of course, before a brief hug. Your head pressed to his chest and a waist hug. 

•Then he accepts a hug in which your arms encircle his neck when he leans down. You also give him a kiss on the cheek or lips.

•Favorite though is you hugging from behind, as your arms wrap around his waist.  You press your face to his back and whisper you love him. He can feel your lips saying the words.


•Thee one and only Vampire King likes hugs that lead to just being held too. He would hold you in his arms as you watch tv/movie or listen to music. In bed is the most appealing, especially after some delicious form of coitus.

•When in public at Hellsing, he wraps his right arm around you as he towers over you from behind. He gently rests his chin on your head.  Everyone knows exactly how much the lean undead cat adores you.

•Though he has grown to know us humans need personal touch.  Alucard can't miss how you relax and have less anxiety after one.

đź“ŤAsk: Alucard Aizawa D sneak up to hug

I hope you're recovering well from the ick! I enjoy your writing and takes of these men. I don't know if this has been asked, if so I apologize (tumblr is weird with searching for tags) - how would Alucard, Aizawa, and D react to their lover sneaking up behind them to hug them? Especially if they're a shorty like myself, I'm 4'12" on a good day... Much love!

đź“Ť(actually you are 5 ft. as it rolls over at 12" )

Sneaking up on a Vampire King? Good luck on that. This applies For D too. Anyrate here we go now. Going in order of Ask. I am adding the ask on Alucard and D getting hugs in general.

đź“ŤHistorical fact: Vlad III DrÇŽculea was most likely 5ft 6in (168 cm). See Footnotes to see why Count Dracula is so tall.

The global average height of a woman is 159.5 cm (5 feet 2.8 inches), which is the exact same height as the female average height in Japan.

For American women, it's 5'4"/162.56 cm.

🍷•Alucard (6'6" 195.58 cm)

•Huge shit eating grin that you thought you could sneak up to hug him from behind Shorty!

•Baritone chuckles instead of maniacal laughter.  Your height is cute and actually you're close to the height of women in the 1400’s.

⚜️Vampire Hunter D (6'3" 190.5 cm)

•He has a slight mellow smile. You can't sneak up on him unless he's unconscious.

•Favorite though is you hugging from behind, as your arms wrap around his waist.  You press your face to his back and whisper you love him. He can feel your lips saying the words.

• He will always enjoy them as there is a certain amount of unconditional love. You care not because of his looks.

⛩️• Shouta Aizawa 

•Shouta is considered tall actually for Japan. Though he is used to the height of Japanese women. So being your height is nothing to him.

•You hear a loud sigh from how much he loves your arms around his waist..

•This is a favorite if cooking or grading papers. Aizawa can't get enough hugs in private. Remember affectionate in public is still unusual.

@amikartest @amikartest @three-of-crows @stygianoir

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1 year ago

So...about silver and vampires again

So...about Silver And Vampires Again

Just my brain being strange again on vampire "stuff"

1. Expensive mirrors had silver used to reflect and silver was considered a higher metal /holy component. so Vampires didn't show up in mirrors. Silver repels the reflection not because couldn't cast a shadow.

Stick with me now...

2. 1840's to 1860's photographs used silver coating on copper sheets is "Why" vampires couldn't be seen in photos taken.

(Well besides not enough light and sitting still enough for the image to develop on the plate)

"For daguerreotype images, popular between 1840 and 1860, the photographer put a sheet of copper, coated with silver and exposed to iodine vapor, into the camera. Once the sheet was exposed to light during the taking of the picture, the photographer used a mercury vapor to bring out the image, and then set it with salt."

As for "All Father" as I sometimes call Vlad/Alucard the weaknesses don't apply being first and direct. The weaknesses are passed to his "offspring" directly to indirectly children.

He cheated death so why not cheat on the rules...
The Digital Public Library of America brings together the riches of America’s libraries, archives, and museums, and makes them freely availa

@amikartest @artsy-jandi @three-of-crows

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1 year ago

Good evening, Hellsing 🛡️

Good Evening, Hellsing

Another day, another set of emotional bandages. Its routine at this point. Through it all, dont forget that youre not meant for this; you arent anyones target practice & the bandages say You Deserve Better. Someday youll get it. 🩸

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