Vlad Alucard - Tumblr Posts

2 years ago

It would be amazing, to donate my for Alucard, but you're right, it would be alot better if he drinks my blood warm and fresh for him. I’d love to be Alucard’s donor 🥰

What would happen if s/o gives Alucard permission to bite and drink blood from s/o. Even though s/o has hemochromatosis, a blood disorder? Even the doctors would throw the blood away after draining the blood out of s/o.

Warm and Fresh

What Would Happen If S/o Gives Alucard Permission To Bite And Drink Blood From S/o. Even Though S/o Has

I kind of know this, but nobody hasn't asked on tumblr, about if someone has a blood disorder, but no doctor wouldn't drain the blood out of s/o body. Then giving a permission to Alucard to drink s/o blood anytime

This is a good one…Amy speaks of a blood disorder in which the body extracts iron from food and keeps the blood in a high concentration of iron. Several terrible things can happen with liver damage and such. The first choice is to eat food with less iron naturally and lots of water But…there are times when the blood is removed (drained). The blood can not be collected and donated to a blood bank so the blood is wasted.

It is but by chance Vampire King would notice your blood is different. Alucard would know that your blood is too thick with iron and it could kill you. His eyes can tell him by extreme subtly in skin appearance and the scent from sweat and saliva.

What is a more perfect situation for a vampire like him? Only human blood is acceptable to Alucard and yet it is wasted for the most part.

I would imagine that Hellsing gets this blood supply, to a certain extent, to lower the consumption of two vampires in Hellsing. We know that Alucard’s blood was from blood donors of the blood bank in London.

The Shadow King approaches his Master, Sir Integra Hellsing to see if you are to be an employee of Hellsing, though he would prefer not on the field and in the line of fire.

The first couple of times the Unholy King would strain not to harm you badly. Your blood has a richer metallic taste to it. Your blood is addicting to him. He will refuse to share the blood.

It is here that it is plausible (Vampire King says impossible but he didn’t get a manual with his new abilities) that a Dhampir could be conceived due to the different aspect of your blood and him feeding on you.

Warm Fresh is always better than cold bagged…

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2 years ago

I’m really speechless about this 0//_//0 I’m like wow 😍❤️❤️❤️ Alucard and D being pregnant and wearing their shirt ❤️ 

*looks around from the corner* Is it okay if I request Alucard and D coming home to find their pregnant s/o sleeping in their shirt? I know it's already similar to another request you've done but I have an excuse to include D since not enough people are requesting for him.

Feeling Safe and Secure

*looks Around From The Corner* Is It Okay If I Request Alucard And D Coming Home To Find Their Pregnant

Warnings: ⚠️ fluff, some insinuation of coitus to come. Long post. (1463 words)

Oh boy! My first D question! Love this! (Some isyou found awake wearing their shirt) Thank you for being brave on Vampire Hunter D. Gets a little spicy towards the end. I do need to add some historical details before driving down the road on this one.

I have added a couple sites that cover D though book 29 is coming out in September this year. The start time of D is 15,000 years after nuclear in 1999. He is 10,000 years old and his mother was Mina the Fair. D stopped physically aging at age 17 and he is considered so beautiful that cis men even feel some attraction.

He is hated and feared for being the child of a Vampire Noble. The Dhampir travels the frontier (there is a capital city but most live in the frontier full of Noble created monsters.)

•Note on Alucard: I have penned a new term of endearment for Alucard for me to call him.: Lulă (Lu=alu and la=ula) It's German feminine for "famous warrior." Didn't know this was a real name at first. Girlycard/Allycard tie being the German feminine connection.

Poor source: as a girls' name is of Old German derivation, and the meaning of the name Lula is "famous warrior; other, foreign". Lula is an alternate form of Louise (Old German). Lula is also a variation of Luella (Old English, Old German).

One last question to my followers: is this a 2 for 1 or does Vladcard make it 3 for 1?

•🍷Alucard Hellsing

*looks Around From The Corner* Is It Okay If I Request Alucard And D Coming Home To Find Their Pregnant

Let's start with the Sacred Ancestor in his form as Alucard. D's father is Dracula in the novels and Alucard is capable of possibly interdimensional travel, as the time lines between Vampire Hunter D and Hellsing are not the best for consistency or accuracy on details.

•Just when Alucard didn't think there were any more surprises he could manifest or learn, you entered his world. You conceived and now waddle around with some precious cargo he helped create.

"Alucard, we miss you terribly when you are gone on long missions…" you pout at him.

"And what does my puțin rotund unu (little round one) think will help with this?" He sighs actually puzzled on what will help.

"If only you had a shirt I could snuggle in Lulă…"

"Did you forget my clothes are a shadow manifested?" He smiles coyly.

You sigh tiredly as 'D' kicks your belly hard. "I still forget…"

•So Alucard is on a mission to locate a man's traditional Romanian embroidered shirt. Within days Shadow King slinks up to you waddling around once more.

"I told you to stay off your feet puțin rotund unu," he places a kiss on your cheek. His shadows produce the shirt for you.

You squeak happily in his ear,"It's perfect! It even has your scent!"

Alucard gives a scowling look,"Time to rest up and sleep. You know I love to watch you sleeping."


•♟️Now Vlad Dracula for grins and giggles.

*looks Around From The Corner* Is It Okay If I Request Alucard And D Coming Home To Find Their Pregnant

•You became pregnant just after he left your side for the last time as a human. He has returned as the First Vampire.

•In the first six months Vlad wanders alone and silently. He is still unsure of his strengths, powers and weaknesses. There wasn't a manual for when you denounced God and if by chance demon's work, the only answers are in riddles.

•One evening he arrives at a secret location in Hoia Baciu forest. Most humans will never dare step foot in this haunted forest but him and…you.

•Your scent is strong but mingled with another. His jealous streak appears but choices to watch you get up in the darkness from sleeping and puttering around making food for yourself.

•Finally he enters the large cottage. "Acolo ești tot rotund și plin de copil. (There you are all round and full of baby.)"

Vlad's molten hellfire colored eyes study you. You are wearing his last shirt before being captured. It has stains and worn spots but yet it makes you look beyond beautiful in his eyes.

"Am așteptat în timp ce ai cerut și am o surpriză pentru tine Voivode.(I waited as you asked and I have a surprise for you Voivode.)" You chirp happily.

His ebony eyebrows raise up. "Copilul meu să fie.?(Is it my child to be?)


•🗡 Vampire Hunter D or just D.

*looks Around From The Corner* Is It Okay If I Request Alucard And D Coming Home To Find Their Pregnant

•D, as quietly as his father the Sacred Ancestor, entered the unknown Noble's castle. D has chosen this Castle and underground installation to protect you. It protects you from the monsters created by the Nobles. The location is even better due to a weather controlled satellite that still works well.

•This castle/laboratory still has deadly security in which his blue stoned medallion recognizes him only. (The mysterious blue stoned medallion is recognized as Vampire technology and so D can bypass dealing with mechanical security.)

•The Dhampir finds you curled up on a velvet couch next to a magically fuel-created fireplace. One of many Noble inventions in this residence. His pale fingers stroke your warm cheek,"(Y/n) How have you been? Is the baby well?"

You rub your sleepy eyes open. "Did you find one you would wear?"

•Your Dhampir usually only wears form fitting black travelers clothes and leather with a hat. So D needed to buy something in his travels on the frontier.

D nods his head, deep brown locks move across his broad back. "Let's get you up and try it on?"

•You now nod your head in return and proceed to stand. His extra cloak, he left behind, is around your body. It opens to reveal you nude with a round belly. His baby inside you…

"Hmm, the shirt can wait for a moment, little rose…so my fingers can memorize your body once more. " His voice softly states as his blue eyes turn red from excitement from seeing your naked form.

•occasionally his left hand makes a tight fist to stop the homunculus demon symbiote from giving a grope to your breasts or even worse, a lick.


🍷•🗡 Polyamorous Alucard and D

•D places his right hand on your expanding round belly (the demon doesn't get to). A white gloved left hand with faded sigils from Hellsing, now also placed on your big belly.

•The twins growing inside you, have yet to reveal who the father is of them. D had rescued you from a vampire Noble's genetic laboratory and snatched from Alucard's grasp. You had been quite intimate with Alucard but chose to flee with D, not realizing the blood relative aspect.

•Alucard has been pursuing his son D as to the whereabouts of you. The Vampire King (title also used in Vampire Hunter D besides Sacred Ancestor) has suspected you are with child.

His Child.

•Alucard feels the twins shifted in your womb. Two is even better than one. A girl and a boy would make his world.

•It was a long and undeclared winner of a battle between them while you were secure in the castle, D finally allows his Father-Alucard to join him in the return to you. Your Dhampir wonders who is the father of yet unborn children. If they are his father's he plans to raise them more human than their noble family side of things.

•D's deep dark brown eyebrows raise up as Alucard's ebony ones raise even higher with the knowledge of what you wear right now.

*looks Around From The Corner* Is It Okay If I Request Alucard And D Coming Home To Find Their Pregnant

•Alucard chuckles loudly at the fact it's one of his white poet's shirts that stretches over your plump belly. Yet a thin, deep blue undershirt peeks from under. That is D's shirt as it matches his eyes (some say gray blue-red when provoked).

•Alucard is standing at his 6'6" usual-ish (198cm) and D is no slouch at 6'3" (190 cm). They tower over you with hungry eyes full of unbridled lust. Alucard's eyes turm to a swirling collision of red, orange and hints of yellow while his So's reveal his parental ancestory by glowing red. The Vampire King tilts his head and flashes upper canines as D reveals his predominant upper and lower fangs.

*looks Around From The Corner* Is It Okay If I Request Alucard And D Coming Home To Find Their Pregnant

•Alucard's gloves disappear as supernatural nimble fingers tug at the sleeves to remove his white poet's shirt. Then it's D's turn to remove his blue shirt. The son will make sure Alucard doesn't hurt you, so enjoy yourself with not one but two ungodly beautiful 'men'..


Thinking of names? Complete 2021 information on the meaning of Lula, its origin, history, pronunciation, popularity, variants and more as a
Myths and Folklore Wiki
Dhampirs (sometimes spelled dhampyres, dhamphirs, or dhampyrs) are hybrid creatures that are the born from the union between a vampire and a
Vampire Hunter D - Wikipedia

@alucardownsmyass @hunnie880 @amikartest

Tags :
2 years ago

Perfect ❤️

Alucard and Aizawa(separately) with a fem reader who is 5”3 to 4”9)? Plz fluff or nsfw or both you can pick

Maybe she isn’t afraid of him. No matter how scary he gets

You Don't Scare Me for My Size

Alucard And Aizawa(separately) With A Fem Reader Who Is 53 To 49)? Plz Fluff Or Nsfw Or Both You Can

As this is for Stygianoir, the reader is Latina for this..

🍷•Alucard w/ fluff

•Once more Asshat 'Alucard' makes jokes about height in general. He lives in a basement like dungeon and he gets verbally out of hand. 

Monologuing..go figure.

•But if it does upset you due to him being insensitive, Shadow King changes his tone and behavior.

•If he has insulted you then he will attempt to apologize. Sometimes words with loving actions as just giving gifts isn't really him learning a lesson.

🍷•Alucard w/smut

•Oh good Lord this man has no shame! Unholy King will lean lower and whisper in your ear all the sexually inappropriate he wants to do with.

•How he places his hands on the wall and his head hovers over you.

You just give him the 'perfect' Latina look of behave you..

•Then you reach between his legs and cup the male junk then give a squeeze to remind Vampire King you're not scared of him or his height.

•Having sexy fun is your legs around his waist, standing with your back to a wall. His hips pistoning him into your wet core.


🛡•Vladcard w/fluff & stuff

•So with Vlad, the average height in medieval times was 5'2" (157 cm) so your height isn't unusual. (Norse men and women were not tall either due to not huge resources of food)

•He enjoys literally sweeping you off his feet. He enjoys dancing with you, you're beautiful dark hair flowing with the motion of the steps.

Finding small alcoves in his castle you and he reside at..


🛡•Vladcard w/ erotic acts

•Remember those little spots called alcoves? Well he likes to whisk you into one of those to take mind of horrible backstabbers that are in meetings.

•He trusts much more so being vulnerable in the act of sexual release. Vlad doesn’t want others to know that's what he does for a break.

•Perhaps sitting on a stone bench with you sitting on his lap. Your height is perfect for it!  You ride him as he enjoys playing with your breasts.

Soft nips and licking until your nipples pebble from his skillful mouth…


⛩️•Aizawa scuff & fluff

•Pro heroes in mha all seem tall but that's not realistic for true height in Japan. (159.5 cm/ 5 2.8 inches) So you are not considered short at all.

Your Latina hair is envied by some women in Japan..

•Shouta is so comfortable with your height he wouldn't even think to tease you. Never crosses his mind as part of his culture.


⛩️• Aizawa w/ much more than fluff

Sex swing anyone?

•A swing can be adjusted and different positions readily available l.  The sound of skin and skin contact continually.

•His lips to your ear whispering words that make you clinch harder  around his cock. His teeth now nip your neck and leaving love marks on you.


Ask:  Short Stack and Busty

How would Aizawa/Alucard/D be around their busty s/o that deals with the daily struggle? I'm a short stack - 4'11" at 42DD with everything else of my body being"average ". High school wasn't fun with the hormonal boys. I always have a hard time finding tops that fit and last long enough - baggy hoodies are my go to but I struggle in the summer ;w; The girls and back are, of course, tender at the end of the day when the bra comes off (especially during that time of the month).

 My insurance won't cover the reduction, but honestly I'm not wanting to part with them. I spend the money on the bras that are meant for bustier women and they truly make a world of difference than big box store bras. Be well and thanks so much for your awesome writing!

📍Oh! Well my oldest is an A cup (and a stick🤨).. and the youngest DD sometimes F. So I understand due to her issues with size (42D for me but 5'5") Wire bras are a joke as your breasts ‘crawl’ under the damn wire.. Knew a friend who had a breast reduction (10lbs a breast) So I think I have this somewhat covered..

Oh! PS Alucard is the comic relief in this one so some might want to skip him.


⛩️• the tired pro hero-Shouta Aizawa 

•Shouta learns from you what it's like to have this much weight on the upper body.  It affects exercising even if only swimming. Some women have to wear a bra under the swimsuit just to have enough coverage and even more support.

•Aizawa will go shopping for clothes with you, to help with size and how it looks for having lots of breast to cover but flatter your shorter height in relation to your boobs. Just because it says XL doesn’t mean it's the true size of XL.  And if anyone gives you ‘the look’ or makes a joke at your expense, they will feel like Mineta does in class.

•Shouta learns how to ease the pain in your shoulders from the straps cutting into your muscles that you have grooves from the bra.  How bad that affects your neck muscles too. He massages back, shoulders, neck and if you can stand it,  light touch to your sore ‘sisters’. 

•Sometimes the mere touch of the breasts is unbearable. Another reminder of how large breasts have their own problems such as you can’t be massaged by laying on your stomach!

•He would suggest hot baths as the strain on your breast muscles is lessened for a short time..  There’s a reason women drown victims are found more.  Your breasts roll your body over in water and you are tits up.

•This tired hero would support you in whichever way you wish to go.  If you want surgery then he could help ‘foot’ the bill and with no guilt.  It's just money and he doesn’t spend it much on himself.  If you choose to keep your breast size then assist with finding/visiting a place that does the size measurement and has a better selection versus box stores. Figure out which style of straps work to give more support and not leave such deep grooves on your shoulders.

•This also means finding lingerie that fits and you are comfortable in.  Big breasts do not fit in most lingerie even if size 5XL.  You choose what to wear to bed.  Sometimes you have to wear a bra, especially around your period because they hurt so bad.

•  Aizawa will always think you are the most sexy in one of his shirts. And wearing your bra doesn’t necessarily mean you aren’t interested, just hands off the breasts and concentrate on foreplay at  another area of your body like your thighs or the curve of your hips or lower back.

Shouta would be your real-true hero for sure..

🍷•The No Life-King-Alucard 

•Argh! Alucard doesn't get much out of the basement for like 20 years. He would be completely out of touch without the required cell phone.

 Sub-note: Speaking of touch, I wonder how many phones he has broken before getting his strength right to hold it or type? Remember, he had to  learn not to fuck humans to death in one mighty thrust.  Dishes…you get the picture. (Yeah.  I think about supernatural beings opening doors and eating on plates without breaking them.)

Then you came along…

•And that changes everything for you and him at Hellsing. The Shadow King became less mean and occasionally slipped a “Seras’ in.  She has' ‘huge tracts of land” and a short body frame. So he interrupts her at some of the worst times for information as it's on his time first, you know.r

He learns about proper fitting bras as yet they had some like a bra and undies but not much for support and most women were small breasted.  And the Church did preach (historical fact from research I have done before) small breasts were a sign of virtue and large breasts meant you were unfaithful and probably a prostitute.  (Sadly still in this society you get slut etc)  Alucard doesn’t care what size you are (even on buff men those mommy milkers)

As for your big and beautiful sisters, he has massage down so most times doesn’t put too much pressure on them.  And with his body running cooler, his hands feel good when the muscles turn until they itch too.

Though would be an asshat and what shower and just just stand behind with arms around from the back and give them ‘support.  Though he learns to listen and be supportive.  He used to wear heavy armor and wield a halberd (pole arm with an ax head) so Alucard has a little idea with armor needing to fit correctly in the chest for example.

Probably he is best for snuggling and watching movies. Just spending time together but a limit of hours on your phone is stated in the beginning of the relationship.

Just no vampire movies!  You will never  hear the end of it with him.  But he is the Vampire King….


•Alucard is an ass hat at first. He doesn't suffer from hormones as when he's in his girlycard persona.

•He is a little better in the know from Sir Hellsing except she never mentioned sore breasts. But he's a knothead and often his brain slips back to when the medieval times, men knew nothing and didn't care they knew nothing.

•He wises up when you don't take your bra to 'air the twins' and hugging is painful even. Now his attention is caught on this new bit of information.

•The first he asked to massage them, instinct had you glaring at him. Sex at times like this?

•Then asks to touch you there. His hands are bare (jerk! Stop rolling the sigils inside your hands, gloves inside out..) And feel good just from the fact he's cooler to touch.

•He's extremely gentle, but sometimes mere grazing of a finger tip is excruciating pain. So he tries every month to see which section hurts.

Is it the muscles that hold up your breasts?

Your muscles that attach to your rib cage?

Or worse, your whole breast where the nipple rests?

•You still might cry out in pain but he does his best to make the girls feel better and not worse. The No Life King will run you a hot bath to loosen your muscles up, before.

•And if after, instead to keep the cute babes from becoming so painful after the massage.

•Alucard adores your little and cute snores because he knows you are in much less pain…

"Anything for you, îngerul meu dulce (my sweet angel).."

⚜️•Vampire Hunter D-Sacred Ancestor's son

D’s timeline and world is probably the most helpful for large breasts.  Noble’s sometimes do care for a pet human and a female companion having such issues is an inconvenience of sorts.

So bra support has been improved probably due to wearing some kind of modern age armored vest or coat.  The girls need to be supported just for what your job is.  Hence jobs not because it causes pain to a person.  (man bash: don’t care mostly)with  current female anatomy features.

There could be herbs or something derived from a Noble created monster that can be infused in a tincture.  Pain management should have improved too. And D knows all about Noble facilities and old ruins of houses where such supplies can be found.

The day he met you and you traveled with him, he gauged aspects of your body in a practical way to make your monster hunting abilities the best they can.  Sore breasts as we know can change how we do something.  We want to guard them from getting ‘smashed’..

Lefty will constantly harass D to make sure you're doing go.  At least you don’t yell and then silence him..like D can.

@stygianoir @amikartest @artsy-jandi @alucardownsmyass

Tags :
2 years ago

Now I really want Alucard to be my first 🥰🥵

what would vlad (from ultimate) be like marrying a virgin reader? i think he wouldnt be as brutal as his other versions (well, i think)

Your First Time with Kazikli Voivoda

What Would Vlad (from Ultimate) Be Like Marrying A Virgin Reader? I Think He Wouldnt Be As Brutal As

(@amikartest artwork that I commisioned)

⚠️Warnings: foul language, oral sex m/f, coitus and different positions. 🚫Minors Do Not Interact❗️

📍Just to warn you I don't go cannon much with Vladcard but incorporate historical facts too. I have never seen the end of the Gonzo version as it just puts me into a dead sleep. Never seen the end…As you mentioned Ultimate is pretty sure not what you had in mind? (Don't write just what you want hear especially when history is envokved) I disagree based on historical fact..

I have included other asks which include Alucard with a virgin and an eager one after this.

🛡• Vlad III Drǎculea

As for Vlad being more gentle?

•I strongly disagree with his Alucard persona being compared and not so gentle. The Turks later called him Kazikli Bey (Sir Impaler) or Kazikli Voivoda (Impaler Prince)

• According to Medieval Europe, No on the easy and gentle. Most women it was their duty and such. Gentle for what? Making babies is not. Marriages were contracts to property and power.

Most never for love as no profit..

•It is believed Vlad did truly love his first wife and they ruled Wallachia as a couple. The second Marriage was pushed on Vlad to marry King Matthis Corvinus's cousin.

•He would push into you quickly like ripping a bandaid off. Then let you adjust but..more demanding as the need for sons.

•Due to lack of time and going to war a lot with surviving deadly battles, makes for a horny man with blue balls so more likely to be on the rough side after you are no longer a virgin. Mushy romance Scenes in movies with soldiers and what is attracting their attention.

Need to breed for genes to be passed on kinda thing..

•But Vlad was a political prisoner of the Sultan. Who has harems. So the Viovide (warlord closest title prince) would, in my opinion, be considered a worldly man.

As for marriage?

• Doesn't need marriage to have legitimate sons. Wallachia was different and influenced by Ottoman Turks' thinking. Any woman could/would do. Mistresses (he may actually have called them concubines hence cheating big time cruel death), wives, servants and you get the picture. Sometimes 50 male heirs of several nobles killing each other for the throne of Wallachia.

🍷•As for Alucard?

•Sometimes change with time. Alucard has had 500+ years to polish his seduction and love arts of pleasure. He would be able to ride through orgasms without cumming.

Orgasm control….

•More time to spend on such heated moments of passion.. The Hungarian King isn't trying to get him killed and Sultan Mehemed II doesn't constantly want his head sent in honey to Constantinople to prove his true death. There is no concern about viable heirs for a province of Romania once called Wallachia.

•Now Allycard (others call him girlycard) is a completely different story when it comes to men. Men are just supposed to be strong. It's the expected period. Ally did love to tange with Nazi's and chose the form to create maximum psychological terror.

So there you have it..


Ask: Alucard first time sex

Nsfw here! Do you have any headcanons on Alucard preparing his lover for their first time having sex?

📍So your question is part two of similar asks with virgins. This is a probable scenario for your first time.

💋•Side info: In my universe he can nip but a true bite with fangs, it needs to be deep in muscle or tissue. The vampire 'venom'' is necrotic neurotoxin. That means he can do a mild bite without turning you. The sharing of small amounts of his blood fed to you could prevent becoming a ghoul further down the road. Kinda like a flu shot of his blood creates an immunity..okay not sure where that's going.


•Alucard plans things out ahead of time. Doing something enjoyable and relaxing out like dining, walking in the rose gardens of Hellsing & such.

•A hot shower to help nerves and begin the foreplay. His damn long tongue! He may start out by 'eating' you out, legs over his shoulders. (And damn you notice how tall he is)

•Next would be mutually drying off and then being swept up in his arms bridal style. And would you think he will just set you on the bed?

• No he uses his cat-like grace and great strength to place you and then him on top of you, in one fluid motion only elder vampires can do.

•His fingers, surprisingly bare, touch, caress and arouse your mind and body. Lips kissing, teeth nipping and tugging on bottom lips. Soft rumbling growl that vibrate and you feel from his bare chest before you hear the growls (strange but interesting feeling)

•Alucard begins to use his fingers to stretch a bit, making sure there's plenty of juices flowing or discreetly Appling more but not directly! It's cold if you can believe it.

•Just as you are about to cum, Shadow King begins the process of inserting his thick veiny cock (you decide how big he is or long). It begins with distracting kisses as he slips the tip in and pauses. If you seem comfortable and relaxed, it's the three rules, three thrusts and dragging almost out. Then full hilt sheathed in you.

•No Life King becomes still and only wiggles his pelvis until he's sure you're ready for more of him. Alucard starts at a slow pace to settle better on top of you. His arms go under your armpits and reappear by your head. The Vampire King begins rocking his hips as your body curls and stretches to the motion. . His whole body engulfs yours beautifully and you feel so safe with him and his body.

• He's intimately holding you securely.

•He controls his arousal so that you definitely cum first most of all. You can help later tonight with his itch.

"Draga Regina (my queen in Romanian) you are so beautiful in my arms like this," the vampiric purr starts with his voice. "Your body fits perfectly…snug like a well made glove for my dick to slide in.."

•Hot bath in case your hips are a little sore. Your muscles have been used that way ever (Trust me you have muscles where you didn't think you had). He gets in first so that you can between his legs and relax.

•His hands remove sweaty hair from your face while his mouth gently kisses your head while mumbling encouraging words on how well you took his size and gave him so much pleasure.

"Was your first as good as you dreamed Scumpa mea (my darling).."

🍷Ask: Alucard first time eager virgin

How would Alucard act with a nervous, shy but eager virgin s/o for their first time together? I always imagine him having a big 😏 which would be intimidating but also very exciting.

Taking it in Steps

So I happen to have two similar questions about being virgins, so thought this one is how things are planned. The other ask will be the nsfw scenario…of course you get way more information and you probably wanted but hey!😁


•So in the living days of Vlad/Alucard things were much different but some the same. The nervous and wonder how much pain is going to be involved. Some are good but a lot are not. Sometimes no matter what the first is ehh. But pain will cause new person and sex to stop. All your mind focuses on how badly it hurt the first time..

(The worst is when you have, in a rare case, a thicker hymen that won't break with penile penetration and so surgery is required. First sign is tampons are super painful and can't be used, might have a thicker hymen) .

Onward eager ones!

•First thing would be slow fondling to find all your sensitive spots. Sweet spots aren't in the same places for women. Even a g-spot can be slightly higher as g-spots are unique. Love markings and tickling bother you.

•Next fingerings so you get used to a slight stretch by fingers Alucard's long ones hit all the right spots as his thumb strokes your sensitive nub. This could help discover if lubrication may be needed for the first time.

Less friction the first time around.

And one myth I am going to put to rest, not everyone bleeds! Hymen tissue thins as you get older. Maybe you had an accident and the Hymen was torn. Horses and tricycles. (my daughter with a tricycle took care of hers.)

Would Alucard Like a tinge of blood with your other juice stuff?

Well yes but it's such a small amount and he being the first Nosferatu, at his age it's about letting you receive the best first. He stopped caring about notches on the bed posts a while ago.

•Alucard would move for a next step with performing oral sex. Damn vampires and their oral fetishes. But can lick chrome off a bumper?

Oops! Digressed!

• He would love to have you learn to go down on him but for some that's just a thing. It also gives a sense of his size while using your hand or mouth.

•As for smell? Trust me, he would smell good but still a fresh shower removes a lot of scent that isn't pleasing to your nose. Some men don't do good enough hygiene and they stink! Alot!

•He would discuss positions that widen the hips for deeper penetration and positions the hips are narrowed to control how far he can go in. This is supposed to be start of a beautiful relationship with the best sex you can get. His ego is comfortable if being on top and riding him

You control how deep and fast. Stop and let your body stretch.

You are the boss the first time if you help with the jitters.

•Another concern is of course size..bigger isn't better. Big means knocked ovaries if the lover isn't paying attention because they are too busy chasing their high. (Note: twisted ovary bad enough, think twist inside you and your ovary dies drop circulation cut off. Going to hospital in one the most excruciating pain on par with kidney stones and giving birth.)

•Well shape shifting can be useful like. You know let the first time or two with sex be with a smaller meaty version of his 'hand cannon'.

•Of course Alucard has over five hundred years to master everything pretty well. He would even do orgasm denial so you will cum earlier. Once again it's about your first time…

•Now to the first time, your body is so highly aroused that wetness shouldn't be a problem but if not use that lube. Alucard might just manifest a tendril of shadow to bring the lubricant from the nightstand…

•He will take his time and if needs to be slower or stop and then start, that's okay! Once again it's about you having the best of a first experience so you 'cum' back for more.

@amikartest @artsy-jandi @alucardownsmyass

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1 year ago

Gorgeous 😍

Use your imagination...I am.

Use Your Imagination...I Am.

@amikartest @artsy-jandi @xhunniebunx

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1 year ago

Thunderstorms aren't no fun at all, but even having Vladcard and Alucard the same time to be there to protect you from ❤️

i don't know if you've answered this type of scenario, i couldn't find anything with search so here goes. how would our lovely men take care of their s/o that gets easily spooked by those scary thunder and lightning storms? they find them buried underneath a blanket and pillow nest during a really bad one. i grew up out in the plains and those really strong, but amazing to watch, storms rolling across would get super scary, especially when tornado season comes around. best wishes for your dad and your shoulder and your family (´。・v・。`)

Rolling Thunder

I Don't Know If You've Answered This Type Of Scenario, I Couldn't Find Anything With Search So Here Goes.

📍Thank you for being supportive. I just can't say it enough, my readers, followers and askers are so wonderful and understanding.🥰

Sorry this has taken so long!

So adding some tornado information as I was a dumb..dumb American and had no idea how much tornadoes occur in other parts of the world. Well at least I'm trainable..maybe?

📍In my case, my fear of thunder and lightning is from nearly getting struck as a teenager trying to get horses in the barn. You know standing under the tallest tree out in the open..with horseshoes…adds up to yikes.

I believe it comes down to how some process and instead of the "fight" this is cool, goes to "flight" or even more "freeze". Your body answers with hiding and generally right on the spot.

Anyrate, a map of the major regions where tornadoes occur globally.

I Don't Know If You've Answered This Type Of Scenario, I Couldn't Find Anything With Search So Here Goes.

💡Alas do I hear a loud and hearty bellow from…Vlad(card)? Oh yes indeed I believe I do!

🗡•Vlad alive

I Don't Know If You've Answered This Type Of Scenario, I Couldn't Find Anything With Search So Here Goes.

•At first, being the one ever eager to attack the enemy sees the thunderstorms and the sight of a tornado is a heaven sent sign to attack. Everyone else thinks this a death omen but they lack faith.

Vlad thinks..

•He chuckles at your antics with thunderstorms. Because he's romantically connected to you, it's cute as you bury your head under the pillows and flinch when the thunder is coming closer.

•This is his chance to poke a little loving fun out of you. Vlad of course stands up straight and marches over to your blanket/pillow nest. The big, bad Voivode is going to protect you now.

•(going with the bed) He slides across the bed and then captures you in his bare arms. Vlad wraps the blankets around both of you and places your head on his warm bare chest.

"Puișorul mamii Domi in leganuț Puișor draguț Luna și cu stealli Să-ți păzească viselii Să-ți mângâie genialii Genialii sprâncenele Haida și iar dormi Până-n zori de zi.." he sings softly.

[Mother's baby,Domi in the leganut,Cute little baby,The Moon and Stealli, Guard your dreams, To comfort your geniuses, Brilliant eyebrows,Go back and sleep again. Until dawn]~Hmm🤔 lost in translation even for reverso translation. Site listed below..

I Don't Know If You've Answered This Type Of Scenario, I Couldn't Find Anything With Search So Here Goes.

🍷Alucard in London

•Sir Hellsing raises an eyebrow or two when the sky gets dark and forms thunderclouds. Is it really all nature created? Or is Alucard secretly fucking around with the England weather?

•Alucard could ramp up the storm, though extremely painful ftom the Hellsing sigils, as he did coming to England on the Demeter but he actually use his weather control to not do that..

He helps calm it without altering the regional weather pattern..

•The basement ceiling and walls have no window glass to rattle from the thunder and it eases your fear as the lightning can't reach you underground so deep.

•His arms around you, one hand has his long fingers stroking your head and running them through your hair.

"Regele vampir te va ține în siguranță, draga mea…" [The Vampire King will keep you safe my dear]

I Don't Know If You've Answered This Type Of Scenario, I Couldn't Find Anything With Search So Here Goes.

⛩️•Aizawa Shouta Aizawa

•As long as the storm is not generated by a villain, he will be on his way to help you cope. Shouta keeps an attentive "eye" and weather information at hand so unless a sudden change of the weather, Aizawa finds you.

•If he can't make it soon enough, sometimes Hizashi or Nemuri can help too.

•He would text you comforting messages as he gets to your location (his place, yours etc)

•He will playfully scold you for not being in his resident yellow sleeping bag. You both snuggle in, your head to his chest.

"Go to sleep kitten/little one," he whispers to you."I'm going nowhere, for you.."

I Don't Know If You've Answered This Type Of Scenario, I Couldn't Find Anything With Search So Here Goes.

⚜️Sacred Ancestor's Son

•Ahh, thunderstorms are generally extremely dangerous 10,090 years in the future. It means a noble's weather control system is malfunctioning.

I Don't Know If You've Answered This Type Of Scenario, I Couldn't Find Anything With Search So Here Goes.

•This would be one of rare times a noble's ruined castle would be safe. Of course D knows it's safe and due to his necklace, security is stopped from possibly still working.

•Your fear becomes grave when he actually gets struck by lightning. He should be dead right?

No, not as Sacred Ancestor's only success..

•His fingernails comb your hair as you are wrapped up in his traveler's cloak/jacket ( some stories it's a traveler coat but other times called a cloak)

"Rest my love.." he whispers. "The weather can not keep me from you."

⚡️Notes: For example, coastal regions of southern England experienced more lightning flashes from May to July, while inland parts of southeast England had the most lightning activity from April to August.Oct 2, 2022

Lightning map reveals weather patterns in the British Isles
Lightning map reveals weather patterns in the British Isles • Earth.com

Huge bolt of lightning strikes London during epic thunderstorm in dramatic video
The footage from last night's huge storm is simply electric

Stay safe in thunder and lightning
Met Office
Learn how to protect yourself in a thunderstorm.


It can rain throughout the year; spring is the driest season. In summer, showers and thunderstorms are common, especially in the mountains.

Climate of the World: Romania | weatheronline.co.uk
Romania has a temperate-continental climate with moderate features which is characteristic for Central Europe. with hot summers, long, cold

Thunderstorms over Hungary, Romania & the Ukraine
On 14 June several convective clouds and convective systems developed in the Carpathian basin and to the east of it.


Tornadoes in Japan: A Rotating Rarity? - Unseen Japan
Unseen Japan
Tornadoes are far from the first natural disaster one thinks of in association with Japan - yet they occur more often than you may realize.

Vampire Hunter D

Weather Controller
Vampire Hunter D Wiki
Weather Controllers are Noble made technologies. A dozen or so devices buried beneath the seven continents and apparently set up by the Nobi

Weather Manipulation
Vampire Hunter D Wiki
"D's coming! Now what should I do....should I send tidal waves or mud slides....lightening? or perhaps a dimensional tear to greet him?" ―Di

Romanian lullaby

This is a traditional Romanian cântec de leagăn, or lullaby. It's been around for a very long time, and has been passed through many, many g

@amikartest @stygianoir @artsy-jandi @xhunniebunx

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1 year ago

That is perfect

That Is Perfect
 Vlad III Drculea

⬆️ Vlad III Drǎculea ⬆️

 Vlad III Drculea

⬇️Vampire King⬇️

 Vlad III Drculea

@artsy-jandi @amikartest @xhunniebunx @stygianoir

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1 year ago

Yes! Absolutely ❤️

Imagine getting close to dusk and Alucard or Vladcard in black pants and a long red robe open.

Imagine Getting Close To Dusk And Alucard Or Vladcard In Black Pants And A Long Red Robe Open.

He's lounging bare foot and drinking his blood for the night..

His molten hellfire eyes now spot you as he lickes his lips and slowly shows you 'dropping' fang.

Imagine Getting Close To Dusk And Alucard Or Vladcard In Black Pants And A Long Red Robe Open.

"Vrei sa fii tu steaua mea norocoasa? "

(Do you want to be my lucky star?)

@amikartest @amikartest @xhunniebunx @stygianoir

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1 year ago
Commission Done For @michi-tala I Really Do Enjoy Drawing Vlad Thank You Sis For Commissioning Me, The

Commission done for @michi-tala I really do enjoy drawing Vlad ❤️ Thank you sis for commissioning me, the bedsheets and the bed frame weren't easy to do. I hope they look okay.

Tags :
1 year ago

Fascinating and factual article on the medieval peasants..

What’s a commonly held myth about life in medieval Europe?
Pat C.'s answer: 1. That being a peasant was awful Being a peasant wasn’t all that bad. In fact, in many ways, Medieval European peasants li

@amikartest @artsy-jandi

Tags :
1 year ago

Oh Yeah!

More historical Sword stuff...I love great swords but absolutely no strength to even lift one and put back on the display. A Scottish Claymore is the only one have touched in my life..

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Andrew Duffey's answer: To answer the original question: First of all: Weapons like the estoc are essentially the best spear that money cou

@artsy-jandi @amikartest @three-of-crows

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1 year ago

I can't even stop thinking about him like that >//_//<

Why do I think of Alucard in swarm of bats thing?

Why Do I Think Of Alucard In Swarm Of Bats Thing?

In coming!

Why Do I Think Of Alucard In Swarm Of Bats Thing?

@amikartest @artsy-jandi

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1 year ago

I also love strawberries and cream as well, now o know I need to drink more oranges and Lemon juice. But I also drink alots of pomegranate juice with my other drinks as well that is so amazing to know what is his favorite ❤️❤️❤️

Vlad's Favorite Fruit(s)

Vlad's Favorite Fruit(s)

Michi. How's it going?

Did Alucard have a favorite fruit when he was still human? I heard somewhere he liked sweet potatoes and I'm still wondering when Wallachia was introduced to that crop.

📍FYI: Doing better. Down to a couple more visits to PT and no need for surgery currently😁

I have decided Artsy's question to me is a great one! So hopefully it's okay I just blog it like an ask on Tumblr. I am suggesting a few that could have been a favorite and you decide.

All of these only the wealthy could afford and Vlad, I should have imagined eating a lot of these fruits as a guest.  Wallachia was not a wealthy country compared to Hungary at the time.

📌Also note that Vlad died before Columbus 'discovered' America and such things as potatoes and cocoa. Hence in my Alucard stories, he doesn't understand the love of chocolate. He died before ever tasting it.

•Vlad would have had access to citrus fruit such as lemons and oranges through being a well treated political prisoner. He ate the same dishes of food as the young Mehmed would have.  Vlad would have eaten them for his health versus the commoner use of rosehips. We now know citrus has vitamin C which helps with colds and such for the immune system. 

"Oranges, lemons and citrons were traded at least from the 14th century onward. During the Middle Ages they were considered rare, exotic and healthy, if not curative, and were only available to the wealthiest."

(Note: Nostradamus brewed rosehip tea and gave it to plague victims to heal them. It is thought a reason he didn't get plague from his patients besides washing hands etc.)

•Pomegranates would be another as it is still considered an exotic fruit today for some. Some believe this is the fruit of the tree of knowledge and the Greeks associate it with Hades tricking Persephone.

•Plum desserts at Christmas time.

•Dates when other fruits are not available.

•Papanași with (Romanian cheese donuts) w/ warm fruit compote (Blueberries were only native to the Americas)

•Perhaps he tasted watermelon served by Sultan Mehmed as this fruit originated from Africa.

"From Egypt, the historical trail of watermelon must be gleaned from the likes of medical books, recipe collections, and religious codices. For example, Numbers 11:5 from the Bible references watermelon as one of the foods the Israelites longed for after leaving Egypt. Additionally, ancient manuscripts of Jewish Law record watermelon as one of the items to be tithed and set aside for distribution to priests and the poor."

🤔•But I think his favorite would most likely be fresh strawberries and sweet cream.

• Though the Viovode might have steered clear of consuming very much sugar.  Supposedly the people of Europe had good teeth until the 'sweet salt' from the Crusades in the 11th century, was eaten instead of honey.  He would have noticed the blackening teeth and going bad from those eating a large portion of sugar.

📍• I have left links with more in depth information for those that want to read more about.

"Fruit eaten fresh, dried or canned, accounted for an additional nutrition. Fruits were collected in the forests around the towns and villages along with the honey collected from hives. Sweet dessert fruit actually out of reach to the common people. South of Europe grew lemons, oranges, pomegranates, grapes and figs, in the north of Europe spread mainly apples, berries and pears. Other fruits eaten in Europe were plum, chestnut, peach, quince, almond, strawberry, cherry and walnut."

"Potatoes, tomatoes, peppers and corn, which are key components of the European kitchens of these days, as do tea, coffee, cocoa and tobacco, which are an essential component in the recreational activities of the European, Starting from the 18th century, were not known at all in medieval Europe. Potatoes, tomatoes, peppers, cocoa and tobacco were there just after the 16th century, after the discovery of the Americas, as well as tea and coffee imports to Europe from Asia began in the 16th century."

Medieval Nutrition
The Middle Ages is a term that describes the eating habits, basic food products and preparation in the Middle Ages - the period of the field

Medieval fruits

Fruit during antiquity and during the Middle Ages and Renaissance, dietetics and sociology, fruits in cookery and recipes, fruits lost in th

Oranges/ lemons

The history of Citrus in the Low Countries during the Middle Ages and the Early Modern Age
The climate in north-western Europe is not well suited to the commercial production of any Citrus fruit. Therefore, the history of Citrus in

Chronological history of oranges
Chronicle Online
Globally, Florida is the second largest producer of orange juice after tropical Brazil. Orange juice tastes good, has vitamins C (ascorbic a

Strawberries and Cream
Keeping It Simple Blog
Strawberries and cream is a really easy and delicious dessert that is great to make when strawberries are fresh and in season.

@amikartest @artsy-jandi @three-of-crows

Tags :
1 year ago

This is to beautiful 😍

Can I request a alucard/vladcard x reader where she is his wife and mate , they've been together for centuries ,and she's so used to seeing him as alucard she's basically bewildered and surprised when she witnesses his vladcard form

The Reveal to his Wife of Centuries

Can I Request A Alucard/vladcard X Reader Where She Is His Wife And Mate , They've Been Together For

📍•(total 1977 words) This is good one with just enough details to use but also original to me. I am struggling with this a little though as vampires are inhuman monsters and rarely feel anything positive about its human food and chew toys. In the surge of unholy power and immortality, they also shed their humanity. Though many humans lack empathy and care of others hence war crimes and serial killers too.

Perhaps it is these former human monsters who make the worst inhuman monsters given the chance to be immortal? Anderson views Alucard as this combination.

As for Alucard?

He has shown compassion and care to a special select of a few humans. Walter, Integra and in a twisted way Paladin Anderson. So I am telling my logical brain that is the angle to work from. He's only a monster 99% of the time with humans.

Also due note: Anonymous wrote "she" but this would also apply to gay, bisexual and queer readers too.

✔️•Wife=Husband=Spouse=Life Mate

🌹• Romanian terms of endearment to be used:

•scumpa mea= honey, sweetheart, my baby

•draga mea= my dear •dragă =dear, honey, darling

•dragostea mea= my love

•Draguta mea=my lovely, my pretty, my little girl

•l meu Înger=my angel •înger iubit= Beloved angel

✒️•Now I am going to give example of each :

1) human to vampire wife

2) already a vampire to wife

3) two examples of were beings

4) fae folk

Most of the scenarios have the outcome that Alucard doesn't go to England and get captured by Hellsing. You changed the course of his clashing with Hellsing in 1897.

Well…that's a written mouthful.

📍•Remember Alternate Hellsing Universe and "virginity" is a loosey goosey kinda thing in my world. Some define virgin as never having been married or never sexually active with a man.

•Maybe Alucard just told the pushy sexually experienced women you had to be a virgin to send them packing. Perhaps he just got frustrated and munched on them lethally but didn't complete the ritual and exchange of his blood.

•Remember Kouta Hirano is from a different culture, with contrasting depictions of women as seen in anime girls…so there could be a factor on the virgin to vampire theme.

It's a disadvantage to Alucard that he can only create female vampires? Or curse from God personally to him and only him?


🎭 Scenario 1: human to vampire and wife

•You could be an orphaned nobility girl, in Paris, fleeing the Sans-culottes. They had your whole family executed and not all by the guillotine. In my Hellsing universe, Alucard lived in Paris during the French Revolution.

•A foreigner trapped due to residual religious battles between French Catholics and the Hugenotes (protestant).

•You could have been an American woman that traveled to France and was abandoned by your guardian or escaped from being sold into the sex trade.

•You definitely could be an African slave (example Haiti), Indigenous native of the Americas (mmiw-2s Pocahontas first documented), from Asia, India and the middle east. Being a woman of color is often taken as an excuse to kidnap and do terrible and inhuman acts on these women instead of white women,as we all know.

•The worst would be Alucard was attending one of the Marquis de Sade just before the French Revolution(convicted pedophile that escaped during taking of the Bastille prison) and you were going to be the sexually tortured prize of the evening.

Note: Marquis de Sade, byname of Donatien-Alphonse-François, Comte de Sade, (born June 2, 1740, Paris, France—died December 2, 1814, Charenton, near Paris), French nobleman whose perverse sexual preferences and erotic writings gave rise to the term sadism. His best-known work is the novel Justine (1791).

•Now Alucard can be a ruthless inhuman killer but he has moments of empathy and chooses to save a human. Maybe you remind him of a woman he knew alive and she died horribly and he does feel regret for not protecting her so you are the substitute.

An example might be that if Integra had been a boy and not a girl, he would have killed Integra and escaped. He does have a strong sense of honor that leads to undying loyalty.

•Hence when Alucard did change to his original form, he could be extremely frightening as his dark rolling aura surrounds the area he merely stands in. I could see it, if someone was aggressively sexual in behavior and speech towards you and hinting at harming you sexually.

That is the ultimate form of harm to his beloved..

•Yes you are a centuries old Vampire but he was taught to be a powerful male protector. He was a Voivode and it's ingrained in his mind to the subconscious level. As Vlad he was a powerhouse of intimation and swift retribution.

Vladcard is not being a misogynist man but an honorable one..

"Nimeni nu-i face rău îngerului meu întunecat.."

(No one harms my dark angel..)


🍷•Scenario 2: Vampire before Vampire wife

•In this case, you are an indirectly created vampire from All Father (yes my nickname I gave him). We know Alucard was more tolerant of his children before Hellsing captured him. The weird sisters(think Shakespeare's three witches also called weird sisters)are not his brides and one is possibly a female family member as she has an aquiline nose too. (Bram Stoker’s Dracula source.)3

•In some of his travels out of Wallachia (now undead) he would have created more 'children'. (I don't believe he sat in his castle for centuries and Stoker leaves Vlad's past a mystery) His Alucard form is to go more unnoticed than Vlad the Impaler and we know there were paintings in the original form.

And this is when he finds you…

•It was most likely your intoxicating scent that caught his attention. You were a special Vampiress and so Alucard courted you before he let his sexual hunger take over. You were more than a rough fuck and go on to another.

•In this situation Alucard would choose to travel more and eventually not return to his ancestral castle. It would be a late night with the moon full and he stands on the battlement. The Unholy King becomes completely silent, as a blood tear runs down his cheek. So many memories flood back. In response his ebony hair lengths more as a tattered cloak flows from black armor and waves on the night breeze. So you approach him..

"My Prince of old, dream now not of old pain but in the making of new memories with me.."


🐾•Scenario 3: Were beings

Note here: Alucard lies about some properties of his blood. He said renfields are not real and that his blood doesn't "boost" humans. Hellsing might have used his blood to create super soldiers for Britain during WWII.

Boosts humans? Hmm…he just grins slightly.

📍 So he may have neglected to say it extends life in some other beings. His blood creates strong mystical bonds as he was an alchemist before death too. (Some old tales but no real proof with Vlad Draculea)


•It is well known that Alucard had a wolf pack back in Romania (became in 1867). So it proves that wolves are his main animal to call. In return, Werewolves share an uneasy truce. The pack is supposed to introduce themselves and usually Alucard doesn't ask much of them. Werewolves lose the control of reason due to the usual trauma associated with werewolves. They also lack the ability to work well like wolves in packs.

But you were a born Sigma werewolf..

•A sigma is an Alpha (he/she/they) that chooses to be alone. Sigmas can't stand stupid alphas, mostly male ones. And your duty when traveling is to kill abusive Alpha pack leaders and if need be to take over the pack temporarily.

•This is most likely how you met Alucard. A pack of werewolves moved in his ancestral lands and broke several rules that could have exposed his long existence. So you violently stepped in and removed the troublemakers before Alucard needed to make a presence.

He probably watched you deal out justice as a Sigma..

•Alucard would have invited you to stay at his castle and romance you as an equal and perfect mate.Blood being the life essence and currency of the soul, eventually both of you will exchange blood freely.

•You know Alucard is more than he seems yet he doesn’t share. So one day you confronted him, as he seems lost in old memories.

"Alucard.." You touch his forearm. "What were you like before we met?"

"I was known as Kazikli Voyvoda, the Impaler Prince when I still needed breath…"as his youth features and current clothing morph to reveal he is indeed Vlad the Impaler.


•This type of were took him by surprise. You were a cute Romanian girl that lived on the edge of Hoia Baciu forest. You were an odd girl and people left you alone because nothing happened to you living in this haunted forest.

So Alucard, with nothing better to do currently…

•He's dressed for hunting in the forest granted it's in the middle of the night. Suddenly he meets a large brown bear foraging and more suddenly finds himself bouncing off an old growth tree. The large bear stands on two legs now and charges with an axe. He nearly lost his head that night though only temporarily.

•Once more the exchange of blood and long life free of aging. You and he actually visit Canada first. You are more safe in the wilds of Canada as America is going through eradication of all predators including bears.

"Alu…" You lay next to him on a blanket by a small lake. "Our people spoke of a great Viovode that was betrayed and fell from grace. Are you directly one of his vampiric children?"

"Dragostea mea," he shifts his body slightly to take his form of old, minus the black armor. "I am the first Nosferatu to walk the earth..I am All Father."


🧚‍♀️Scenario 4: Fae (yandere beginnings)

•Alucard has come to London and while wandering Hyde Park, his keen inhuman eyes catch the most graceful woman he has ever seen. He knows that you are not human at all but a member of the light court.

He is by far not an expert on fairies..

•So he plans a way to capture you, having forgotten all about Lucy and Mina. Alucard is staying at Chateau Sanguine, a lavish London hotel and secret sanctuary for all 'other' beings. And Alucard knows this too. So he lures you there l, knowing you will feel safe at the Chateau.

And the snare is set..

•Against your better judgment, you agree to meet him for dinner. You hadn't detected he was an elder vampire and certainly not the First Vampire. Then before you know it, snare has caught you. Alucard is enamored with your combination of wit, charm and just enough feistiness. So through the other fae that stay at the Chateau to set a formal meeting up with the Queen of the Fae of the Light Court. To keep the peace between the King of Vampires and the Queen of the Fae, you become his beloved companion.

And when Hellsing begins the hunt..

"O you take the high road, and I'll take the low road. And I'll be in Scotland afore ye.."-Loch Lomond

•Hellsing takes the high road of the mortals and Shadow King takes the low road that is the road the Fae travel on the British Isles. He simply waits until old age comes to claim his enemies.

"Mierea mea este timpul să dezvălui în sfârșit, cu adevărat cine sunt.." (My honey it is time I finally reveal, truly who I am..)

@alastorhazbin @amikartest @artsy-jandi @three-of-crows @stygianoir

Tags :
1 year ago
This is where I should be reading my books pic.twitter.com/C4c21Hkp5v

— ℭ𝔬𝔲𝔫𝔱𝔢𝔰𝔰 𝔳𝔞𝔪𝔭𝔦𝔯𝔞 (@Draculasswife) September 6, 2023

Hmm..and this dark prince is on the couch.

Hmm..and This Dark Prince Is On The Couch.

Happy Dracula Day 🦇🩸🦇🩸 pic.twitter.com/cPHhFrpK1D

— Abigail Larson (@Abigail_Larson) May 26, 2023

@abigaillarson @amikartest @artsy-jandi @xhunniebunx

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1 year ago

To all non Call of Duty playing Hellsing fans/Alucard simps, I present to you: a curated list of his datamined quotes.

(for non CoD players, when he says he's calling in an MGB that's a nuke lmao)

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1 year ago
Trying To Think Of Something Small To Write For A Hellsing Halloween. So, Putting Out A Survey:

Trying to think of something small to write for a Hellsing Halloween. So, putting out a survey:

@amikartest @artsy-jandi

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1 year ago

Vlad Daddy...

Vlad Daddy...

Sitting on the edge of the tub..

Giving a neck massage..

And stealing kisses from your lips.


Vlad Daddy...

@amikartest @artsy-jandi @xhunniebunx

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1 year ago

Vampires-souls, true love and truly evil.

Vampires-souls, True Love And Truly Evil.

For your consideration: a philosophy on Vampire souls, capable of truly loving. The definition of truly evil and does it apply to vampires. Are vampires able to be granted redemption?

Souls & True Love (soulmate)

To be able to truly love two things about your soul: it is your own and it is free to leave.  If you make a deal with a demon, they own your soul and simply wait to collect.

Though many humans do not feel true love, care to find it dually noted.

An example of a free soul is Astral projection, the soul leaves but a silver line connects to it. That is, the soul is able to return. If the silver cord is severed, the soul cannot return and the death of the physical body follows quickly. Sometimes the soul finds it way back in time.

Some may linger in a deep coma but most die in days.

Vampire souls refuse or are unable to leave their bodies at the time of death. So the soul is no longer free to give to a soul mate. The soul isn't free to love as a mortal but locked to the Undead flesh. 

 It would appear to be a loophole with their existence  and is Unholy because it goes against nature, besides/instead  of religious beliefs. The nature being: born, grow up, age and death.  

It stops at age for vampires and it's not natural in the order that is natural.

Vampires-souls, True Love And Truly Evil.

The other thought would be that a demon already owns it. Alucard as Vlad lapped up blood when he cursed God.  Some  innocent blood was eaten but some of the blood would be tainted by corrupt persons. Therefore a demon could/would attach during the transformation.

The demon has their soul captured and simply waits. It would be one reason Vampires are believed to go to hell.  It is one demon whose essence is found in all Vampires. All vampiric souls could mean, in hypnosis, that the demon has set up a major soul collection in their hidden name.

Once more, Alucard is none other than All Father through his acquired demon. One of his ramblings is that he is a true Midian. Yet this has little to none for understanding if it only pertains as a name for a non-human. 

"In hellsing midian is used as a term to describe non-human, dangerous entities such as vampires, werewolves (and possibly anything else that can exist in the hellsing universe). anti-midian could be understood as an anti-monster weapon."

Vampires-souls, True Love And Truly Evil.

One last thought concerning the definition of truly evil. Vampires are evil in most things but not truly evil.  Truly means to never do some good in their existence. To never have done some kind of selfless act or right for another.

Demons, in general, only commit acts to further gathering a soul. They were born inhuman versus Vampires started life as a human but forget it when the transformation occurs. They do not wish or care to do anything morally right.

Now considering that Vlad truly felt a need to continue protecting his people and country, he did an act of extreme evil but trying to use for good. Therefore Vlad could/would have a way to get redemption.

Alucard's nightmare/memories of the past in which he wept blood. Wept blood is a symbol of willingness to accept your fate or great remorse. We always want to know if a killer feels remorse.

Would all other vampires be capable of redemption through Alucard/Vlad? Or would they be judged on current and future crimes.

What does "anti-midian" mean for Hellsing's Victoria Seras' signature weapon Harkonnen?
Science Fiction & Fantasy Stack Exchange
Hellsing ARMS Anti-Midian Cannon 'Harkonnen'. What does "Anti-Midian" mean?

So I leave to possibly consider some of these mental exercises about vampires, souls and redemption.





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