🎨Commission Open🎨 Being an disabled, doesn't mean you are crazy or being different from other people. You are also normal, you also have an amazing gifts. 🔞NSFW 🍋 https://twitter.com.AmiKArtest https://www.instagram.com/amikartest
602 posts
It Would Be Amazing, To Donate My For Alucard, But You're Right, It Would Be Alot Better If He Drinks
It would be amazing, to donate my for Alucard, but you're right, it would be alot better if he drinks my blood warm and fresh for him. I’d love to be Alucard’s donor 🥰
What would happen if s/o gives Alucard permission to bite and drink blood from s/o. Even though s/o has hemochromatosis, a blood disorder? Even the doctors would throw the blood away after draining the blood out of s/o.
Warm and Fresh

I kind of know this, but nobody hasn't asked on tumblr, about if someone has a blood disorder, but no doctor wouldn't drain the blood out of s/o body. Then giving a permission to Alucard to drink s/o blood anytime
This is a good one…Amy speaks of a blood disorder in which the body extracts iron from food and keeps the blood in a high concentration of iron. Several terrible things can happen with liver damage and such. The first choice is to eat food with less iron naturally and lots of water But…there are times when the blood is removed (drained). The blood can not be collected and donated to a blood bank so the blood is wasted.
It is but by chance Vampire King would notice your blood is different. Alucard would know that your blood is too thick with iron and it could kill you. His eyes can tell him by extreme subtly in skin appearance and the scent from sweat and saliva.
What is a more perfect situation for a vampire like him? Only human blood is acceptable to Alucard and yet it is wasted for the most part.
I would imagine that Hellsing gets this blood supply, to a certain extent, to lower the consumption of two vampires in Hellsing. We know that Alucard’s blood was from blood donors of the blood bank in London.
The Shadow King approaches his Master, Sir Integra Hellsing to see if you are to be an employee of Hellsing, though he would prefer not on the field and in the line of fire.
The first couple of times the Unholy King would strain not to harm you badly. Your blood has a richer metallic taste to it. Your blood is addicting to him. He will refuse to share the blood.
It is here that it is plausible (Vampire King says impossible but he didn’t get a manual with his new abilities) that a Dhampir could be conceived due to the different aspect of your blood and him feeding on you.
Warm Fresh is always better than cold bagged…
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More Posts from Amikartest

Aaaaah! Run away!

Aaaah! Just had something horrifying! Guy says he's a sugar daddy and talk but no nude photos or nsfw talk. Came through a post will girly. Pay me $1000.
I looked at his profile to see if joke and I think it was his 12 year old daughter in the picture but not really sure. I was sexually abused from age 4-14. My skin started to crawl. I was going to block then found the header. I couldn't block him fast enough...unfortunately I didn't screenshots stuff.
oh wow, now I’m really going grazy for Alucard even more 🥵 even thinking of him as a mershark SharkCard ❤️
The Sea has Fangs
(copyright©️Michi Tala owner)

⚠️Warnings: (2167 words) Alucard mermen nonsense
•Nothing but filthy-Language (like that's a big surprise from me)
• kinda Dub/con (ah..huh)
•Behind/on top the back coitus (his lower half is shark!?!)
•Double penetration: one or two holes your choice.
MIN🚫RS D🚫 N🚫T INTERACT‼️ Yes you. ☝️.
Well you asked for it…so no turning back now
(and Yeah you might need a bigger boat for this one.)
Your eyes blink and your body is sluggish as you slowly watch the sunrise at the White Cliffs of Dover. Your salty blood continues to flow out into the ocean, as your head is finally too heavy to hold up. Your body surrenders to the cerulean (think Loki's eyes) hued water, legs heavy, you begin your descent under the water.
The eyes.
Those eyes, the colors more vivid than the sunrise you abandoned but breaths ago.
Your mind fights against the inevitable, your heart having given in to slower and slower beats. This is very soon going to be your watery grave…
It was dark even under the Hunter’s moon and your marvelous friends put you up to a dare. You, ever the skeptic, told them that beautiful mermaids that sang and lured you to your death, didn't exist. And certainly mermen didn't seduce you with their masculine voices.
So that puts you at the White Cliffs of Dover late at night. You are on a trail that leads to a wilder side of the Cliffs away from the masses of people still lingering.
The head lamp (flashlight on your forehead) pierces the darkness as shadows recede. For a moment, it's eerie still around you. Your body shivers in the still warm night air.
"That's better.." you say softly aloud as if that will settle your mind.
Once your dangerous traverse is completed, without broken legs and twisted ankles, you stand on a pristine beach. Only the splashing sound as the waves hit the shore, the salty water lapping at the side of your black leather boot.
You sigh softly and let out an exasperated groan. Why did you agree to this stupid dare? One word…
Or is it?
Maybe both?
Most likely.
With another long, drawn out sigh, you pull back from the edge of the sea. Your booted feet, with purpose, locate a rock extending up from the sand.
"Why did I make the joke about skinny dipping too?" As you slide your lacy black knickers down your shapely legs. This being your last article of clothing.
You say aloud as if to keep yourself convinced not to 'chicken out' on this foolish dare. You are not concerned about the quick swim, as you have never struggled to swim here in the ocean, being the public approved is the only thing different. You begin to wade to a salty tidal pool, filling up slowly with the rise of the tide. When the water reaches your endowed bosom, is when you begin to swim.
Even-long butterfly strokes.
With a breath out, you roll on your back to float and look up to the stars. It is a particularly beautiful, moon lit night.
"So peaceful…" you murmur as if you are the only one about besides fish swimming.
You never had a chance.
Slowly black hair, darkest of dark in color, fans out across the water. First a pale chin rises out of the ocean followed by eyes of such intensity it puts a sunset to shame.
Teeth click slightly, as a mouth settles next to your left ear. "What brings an eye appealing, sweet morsel such as yourself to my waters?"
You jolt out of your float position, water splashing into your eyes. You struggle to find the source of the words.
"What the hell!" You blurt out.
"Hell? Surely you have better, filthy words that can tumble out of that cute mouth of yours," the merman rumbles out as a purr, that can be heard above the ocean noise.
What possessed you to say the following words.
"God damn! Fucking son of bitch…" attitude thick in your foul curse.
The deep thruming of a baritone voice replies,"Yes my dear…You will be tasting every one of those foul words when I finish with you."
He circles your body, as your eyes spot his large, chalk white dorsal fin of a shark. Shark? Nobody mentioned that small detail!
"Aaah," you laugh nervously. "My friends said you existed and so I had to see for myself."
With a tilt of his ebony locked head, now asks with a crooked smile,"And so, you believe your eyes now?"
You nod your head as his face is coming nearer to your face. "Yes, I do now…"
Pale fingers stretch out to close the distance. "Your scientists would have given me the name of Carcharodon draconem, roughly translated to great-white dragon shark. But you may call me…Alucard."
"Ni-nice to meet you Alucard," and without thinking you tell him your name. "(Y/n)..."
A rumbling purr (think male alligator mating call) "What a heavenly name for such an alluring creature…(Y/n) merrily uttering your name brings shivers down my spine. No one has ever done that to me, before now.."
"Thank you…"you nervously smile. His words also cause a chill down your spine called: Dread.
It's the teeth.
Pearly white and sharp his teeth are. Alucard's upper and lower canines sit prominently above the other razor sharp teeth in his mouth. Vampire shark is more like it.
"Alucard, sir…"you hope being polite will earn you brownie points. "I need to swim back to shore. My legs are getting tired."
"Hmmm…" His lips tighten across his pale skinned face. "You are a strong swimmer. I almost forgot you belong on Terra firma."
Alucard does a slow circle around then sinks below the waves, his inky black hair fanning out, before also sinking below the surface. Your heart is pounding in your chest, like a caged animal, trying to escape through bone covered bars. You let out a scream as you feel Alucard part your kicking legs and swim between them. The shark merman rises to the surface, with you upon his back, just behind his dorsal fin.
"Such a delightful sensation," he coos out in a low base registered voice. "You are even undressed for this special occasion."
"I..uh" you sputter in your words. "Have never gone skinny dipping. Ahh you know naked.."
Alucard's black hair slides across (Y/n)'s bare legs. You don't want to acknowledge the fact Alucard's hair seems to be alive and prehensile as it begins to caress dangerously close to your most intimate spots.
Your eyes and mind have been so occupied with his invasive hair that you fail to see he's taking you down the coast from the spot you entered the ocean. It's far too late to stop Alucard, if you even could from suddenly diving under the water. His long hair captures your thighs and wrists as he dives.
You close your eyes and hold your breath.
Is he now going to drown you?
Just as your lungs start burning. You pop! to the surface inside an ocean cave. The sea floor gently slopes up to a solid ledge. "This is perfect, is it not…darling," Alucard suggestively states.
It never was a question.
"He he..best of both worlds," you have no idea why that came to mind.
"Yes it is my delicious morsel, a private place with you all to myself…"Alucard's eyes light up flowing hot magma. "I am sure you will taste Devine, my dear."
"Please Sir! No!" You shriek. "I don't want to be eaten alive!"
"Oh but what I planned is a special kind of eating…" he flashes his crooked smile. "Eating you out for both our pleasures."
"Oh!" Your mind spins with strange thoughts.
You can say to your friends that you indeed saw the mershark Alucard but deep down inside, you would keep a dirty little secret. Your friends accused you of not having at least one little scandalous secret.
Getting tongue fucked by this eerie but handsome man or is it still merman? That's a pretty 'nasty' little secret and it will be all yours soon enough.
Well you hope.
You rock your weight to oneside and slide off his pale back. Arms and feet move you a little bit then and roll to a floating on your back again. The water is so nice and warm in this hidden spot, it feels good. The Unholy Onr of merman waits patiently, with a red gleam to his eyes, while he licks his lips.
One breath.
Just one.
Suddenly the water ripples and rises as his jet black hair ensnares your hands under the water and waist. He pulls the hair taught as it feels like he is testing the strength of you. Cold, pale hands that end in long glistening claws, grasp your thighs, the tips dragging across your inner thigh. His aquilne nost is just under the surface but eyes of molten hellfire never break away from yours.
Finally he raises his head high enough to speak. “You know you want this. Humans always seek out the Alphas in their species and Sharkmere do to. We also happen to hunt for humans to satisfy our hunger for copulating. No harm will ‘cum’ of you as I only want a taste of what is between your gorgeous legs…”
“O..kay,” you respond breathlessly.
His right thumb strokes the pubic mound then parts your folds. His head dips down to flick his thick pink muscle of a tongue, as it glides from your sensitive bundle of nerves to your core. Alucard licks with purpose unti he hears you utter two words.
Once more you hear the deep rumbling growl but less frightening this time. Your back arches to raise you up more in his clutches. You couldn’t stop your body’s response to Alucard, if you wanted to. Your body is His to mold and capture until the rapture descends.
“Good (Y/n), I do not want your fear but your lust for the apex alpha that I am.”
You hear his tail thrashing water then his mouth settling on you once more. This time he thrusts his thick tongue in your waiting hole while you gasp from being filled so full, his clawed fingers stroke your sensitive bundle, as tendrils of long ebony hair grasp your nipples and give soft tugs.
The multiple spots of sexual stimulation has your panting with tears on the edge of your lids. No none has ever made you feel like this.
Then concept of time no longer exists as he tongue fucks you into oblivion. You feel like you are having what they call an outer body experience, as your hips frantically pump to the strong, pleasurable clenching of your body around Alucard tongue. The tip flicks against your cervix to cause a series of butterfly orgasms.
Slowly the warm ocean water is touching your breasts as Alucard rolls you on your stomach, keeping your body a float,”Little minnow, forgive me but I desire more from your small body and so I will. You would like that, yes.”
Your sex addled brain responds with such romatice worlds, “Ah..huh…”
A deep bass laugh slips out of Alucard as the water ripples away from your held body. His tail thrashes once more as he mounts you. You groan out from being filled so much, so thoroughly. His long body rises and falls with the assistance of his powerful tail, to thrust up and deep inside you.
Alucard lowers his ebony haired head to speak.`”So good. So delicious my dear. Your body takes mine so well, so perfect as if you were meant to be my mate. Sharkmere has special saliva and plenty of precum to make sure you are completely prepared to take me….”
A particularly strong thrust from his waist has both penises stuffed and pressed to the end. Your belly bulges from it.
You let a scream out,”All-ucard! Oh fuck! Oh fuck!”
“Yes! Yes! YES! Take them, both of them and fall under my spell (Y/n)...”Alucard rumbles in your ears.
“Al…ucard…I’m cumming again!” your body shakes under him even with his supporting you in the warm ocean water.
You stretch your arms out as your mind floods over with ecstasy until a sudden sharp pain registers. Alucard has bitten your neck at the point it meets your shoulder. You scream out but he ignores your panic until you no longer feel the urge to fight.
“Shh, my dear little minnow,Sharkmere are Sharkmere and we just can not resist biting some…”Alucard withdraws from your body. “Soon you will join me in the dark, deep waters.”
One question fleets through your mind: are you dying or are you changing into what Alucard is?
@alucardownsmyass @hunnie880 @amikartest @artsy-jandi

Genus: Carcharodon (shark) species: draconem (dragon)
Carcharodon draconem
Male alligator mating call
Do you have headcanons of Aizawa and Alucard helping their s/o have an orgasm?
Helping Find Ecstasy

I am adding on an ask about first time oral sex too...
⚠️Warnings: discussing foreplay, orgasm delay for the male, oral sex, masturbation, vibrator and positions in coitus.
To be a good lover is to listen to your mate's voice. Use words to tell it feels good. Dirty talk isn't for everyone and its embarrassing at first.
To take all the time you can. How their body wiggles and shifts under intimate contact. A male can self pleasure before or you help. It takes longer to cum the second time so it's all about you and him not chasing his high too.
•🎴•Starting with the beauty over the age so it's Shouta Aizawa.
•Foreplay goes without saying first off. Not always the same spot either..what works for oral sex doesn't help when coitus.
• His fingers stroked your skin everywhere, not just going for your chest or intimate spot (s) His mouth became familiar with all of your body. Inner thighs, curve of your hip. Tugging on your earlobe or lips. Lips is first an asking lick and then gentle tug of the bottom lip.
•Better let him and enjoy how he stimulates your tongue, sides and roof of mouth (the roof of my mouth is ticklish of all things)
•He will have perhaps seen how you masturbate to see how you bring yourself pleasure. Is it a certain way of touch for your sensitive bundle or inserting fingers to find your perfect spot. It's not in the same location for everyone.
•Are your nipples sensitive? Maybe your inner elbow or the back of the knee, licking and then kissing.
•Maybe you need a little mechanical help so the use of a vibrator while having coitus is nothing to feel bad about. Aizawa would always try to use his fingers and tongue first.
•Positions such as deeper penetration from hips spread. The mating press to change how your body perceives and maybe an orgasm will sneak up on you. Hips less spread to lessen deep penetration.
•Any and all orgasms is the goal. Maybe butterfly flutters or are so strong that their side is almost painful. Not all orgasms are the same as nipple play can get someone cunming.
•And most of all time. Sometimes it's about how long foreplay is or oral sex to start climbing to your peak. Plenty of time not to feel rushed. If that means Shouta has to self denial to make sure you cum, he will occasionally.
•Remember making sounds, doesn’t have to be loud, helps him know if to keep going or keep searching, touching you is better.

•⚰️• Old Bat Bastard Alucard…
•No Life King is all about the senses. How his tongue licks your skin all over before diving between your thighs. Kisses and nips up your legs starting at your ankles.
•His teeth nip your soft skin. If you just have a low tolerance for pain, Alucard won't use his fangs. He will always secretly want to use his fangs but pain immediately takes you out of becoming aroused. He can behave at his age.
•Cool fingers glide, touch and explore you. Do you like your bundle of nerves touched with a circular motion or slowly more up and down. Squeezing gently your folds and using your own body to stimulate it. A little less force as it's easy to hurt down there and be sore.
•His aquiline nose takes in your scent. You smell the most devine when strong with want. And if his teeth chatter softly, it's because the large undead cat is processing. Alucard can detect a cycle by taste and scent. If you have periods, he will know exactly. His senses are heightened.
•Sometimes if he's getting close and you need more to get there, he will pause to ease the sensitivity while making sure you don't stop reaching your climax. He uses this time to produce a deep rumble of a growl in his chest that you feel first. Vampires have a whole series of vocable sounds that communicate when words do not.
👅I'm going to do beauty before age on this Ask.
•It's more about what's not being said between vampires and always sizing up with mere growls and hisses. Those sounds could work better than any dirty words could.
Hello. Could I get headcanons of Alucard and Aizawa giving oral to their s/o for the first time please?
Warnings ⚠️ oral sex m/f, oral first time, small amount foul language
Aizawa Shouta
•Aizawa will ask subtly if facial hair can annoy in certain sexual intimacy. He doesn't come right out about oral sex yet. It's to be a surprise.
•As always he sets the evening up by not coming back from patrol. He came straight from the U.A. high.
•Perhaps bring a favorite meal or dessert you have been craving. Or have both of you create a meal together.
•Your shared favorite music playing softly in the room. Shouta changes into sweatpants but not cotton material. It extenuated his round ass cheeks. (Thank the Gods, he doesn't have a white boy's flat ass. White men seem to have flat buttons more than not).
•As you two strength out on your shared bed, his left hand fingers draw circles on your thigh. You have changed to a Bralette top and matching underwear.
•Shouta rolls on his side and gently grasps your face to turn to face him. He places kisses on the cheek and forehead. He moves to licking your bottom lip for entry.
•You but tilt your head to kiss deep, passionate and breath stealing.
•His mouth breaks the kiss off to begin kissing an upper arm and slide a bralette strap down. His flexible body shifts to pause and straddle you. Fingers slip your underwear down as his mouth kisses one pebbled nipple and moves to the other. His fingers drop the other strap to expose the erect nipple.
•As he kisses and sucks down your body, his fingers have gone to the kneading muscles of your hips and thighs.
•With blown out dark eyes with a hint of golden, stare up at you. "May I get a taste of you babe…?"
You laugh softly with heated cheeks, "Very much so Shouta…"
•One strong calloused hand lifts a leg while the other hand grabs a pillow for your hips. Now both legs go over his shoulders.
•His tongue flicks a few times through your folds to end at your overly sensitive pearl. He gages you sensitively, following up with a settling mouth to suck on your swollen nub.
•At a certain part he blows breath on your pleasure button to change sensations. His mouth returns but this time he begins to thrust his tongue onto your sopping wet core.
•Once you're wiggling your hips, he switches back and forth. Suck the clit and fuck the core with his tongue.
•It just becomes too much, as you feel the rush of muscles clamping strong as your orgasm floods you first lower while it also runs up your spine to sex hazedmind.
•The sexed out look on your smiling face, Shouta knows he blew your mind. He strips quickly then pulls you into an embrace. You get to enjoy your euphoria without needing his release yet.
"Just stay relaxed and enjoy the feelings of your gorgeous body…"His fingers stroke the bare skin of your arm now.
Alucard Vampire King
•What can possibly be wrong with that prehensile tongue? Vampires are so "mouthy" with their oral fixations. That's okay when it comes to this kind of fun.
•Alucard respects you as a human and tries his damnist to stay out of your mind but when it comes to strong continuous thoughts. So one night after an intense hunt of freaks, it will be a great way to celebrate.
•After a hot shower to wash blood off, his nails scratch softly over hips and ass cheek. You know what that means from him. Both of you are settled on the mutually shared bed.
"(Y/n) do you trust me?" His molten colored eyes seem to swirl from his desire for you.
With a breathy voice and a gentle nod of your head,"I trust you more than one else…"
•The Unholy King begins by large hands holding your face at the cheeks. His teeth tug at your bottom lip and are trying not to demand you to let his tongue wander in your warm mouth. After a short period of time he wants to move on to something extremely intimate.
Eating you out..
•That's when his strong hands seek your waist out to lift your body up as he now rolls to lay on his lean pale back. Alucard with his shadows is plopping you down over his face. Your legs are now straddling his face with that beautiful aquiline nose.
Vampire King can't help sniffing..
"Hands on the headboard Dragostea me…" is all he purrs out to you.
•His tongue roves around similar to his tongue in your mouth. It does a stripe through your now dripping folds. The tip paying special attention to the moans when licking your swollen nub.
•You naughty thing! Alucard knows when those hands leave the head board. He slaps a thigh as his hands hold you firmly.
•So your hips wiggle frantically as your release moves closer and closer to that "cliff" of cumming.
•Shadow King starts sucking with sudden detours to your sopping wet core. Tongue and dick is the only thing in (besides a vampire tea bag) belonging in you.
•Now your voice raises in volume to how amazing it feels to be getting eaten out…
•The sudden crawling sensation reaches quick speed as your hips ride his face. Alucard listens to the fast beating of your heart followed by a deep pull of air into your lungs.
•Your attempt not to scream his name out…
•Your muscles going limp and holding onto the headboard is replaced with you feeling like a boneless fish. Your mind slowly swirls in ecstasy at your first time getting taken care of by a master of oral play.
@aizawaownsmyass @artsy-jandi @hunnie880 @amikartest
wow very amazing to know more and Alucard is the real vampire teacher
History Taught by a Vampire (Hellsing story on hiatus)

•(all features based on Hellsing portrayal not historically.)
•( Vlad III Draculea was not a vampire but some exaggerated press from his enemies)
•British slang words like lush, tidy.
“Rhia!” a fellow college student yells in the halls, “You have to come see the substitute professor for history!”
Rhiannon, being her full first name, can’t imagine this professor, or any history professor as being lush. The twenty something young woman is on a full scholarship to Cambridge. One of her classes is, The Palace and the Coffeehouse: The Power of Place in Ottoman History, 1300-1800. She also can’t imagine how the college has gotten a qualified professor to take over this class.
Her friend works her way, through all the other students. “He’s absolutely Tidy!”
“I’m sure Professor ‘Tidy’ has a real and professional name, Anna.”
Anna huffs and rolls her eyes, “Professor Vladislav Dracos…last name sounds like something in the Harry Potter books.
Rhia snorts, “Highly doubt it! It's Greek for dragon and its dra-co…”
“Oh sometimes I think you’re not batting on a full wickett!” Anna exclaims.
In which Rhiannon must return something equally rude, “And you're completely gormless at times.”
The two girls turn the corner, at a fast clip and enter the classroom. The temporary professor has his back to them and is writing in cursive. Rhia tilts her head in confusion. The handwriting is beautiful but who writes like that anymore?
Why isn’t he using the computer that is clearly set up and on?
Anna is of course busy watching his ass move as his muscles in his right arm causes his back muscles etc. and thinking how lush it is. Rhia, is always trying to be helpful, walks up quietly and stands by the podium.
“Professor Dracos?”
Professor Dracos turns with the fluidity of a dancer and not a professor, “Evening Miss…Yates?”
“Aaah, yes I'm Rhiannon Yates,” then her eyes went wide at the man standing before her. “La naiba! Kaziklu bey s-a întors! (Oh fuck! Prince Impaler has returned!)
Rhia’s computer bag goes to the floor and her reading material and notes scatter about. Without skipping a beat, he gives a piercing glare. Professor Dracos coldly states, “Domnișoara aia a fost nepoliticoasă. M-aș aștepta la mai mult de la patria noastră.(That young lady was rude. I would expect better from our motherland.)
“Îmi cer scuze pentru nesimțirea mea. (I apologize for my rudeness.)” Rhiannon replies in Romanian and feels the need to do a head bow.
“You will meet me after class Miss Yates…”Professor Dracos scolds her.
Rhia responds politely in return, “Of course Professor Dracos. I fully expect it, Sir…”
“Now what did you need...young one?” he states in a rather soft voice.
Rhianon blinks her eyes several times to clear her vision and shakes her head. She can’t be seeing or hearing him right. The college student clearly thought she saw pearly white and sharply pointed upper canines peek out from under his pale lips, as he gave her a crooked smile. It was but a moment Rhiannon would swear his eyes slid from a dark brown almost black to now angry swirls of red, orange and hints of yellow.
No, it had to be the unusual tinted glasses he now pushes up his distinguishing nose. His word usage of the young one was disconcerting.
“Oh, I noticed you were writing on the board and I wondered if you needed help with the class computer, Sir.”
“How so very sweet of you draga mea but I chose to write. It is easier to give the ‘feel’ when one writes the language of the Ottoman Turks…"
"Oh! Of course Professor Dracos, it will be a delight to see my mother's family language and writing done by an expert," Rhiannon smiles.
"So, you are the child of a Turk and a Wallac... Romanian? You are quite beautiful, it seems you were given the best from both, Miss Yates."
"I, aah thank you Sir. I will go take a seat…" Rhia replies quietly.
She bends down to gather her scattered class belongings. Dracos watches intensely out of several red eyes that appear to stare from among his waist length jet black hair. A smile crosses his lips that slowly grows more wicked. As the young woman gathers her belongings, the skirt of her uniform raises up and exposes her thigh high stockings. The professor licks his lips, like he's spotted something absolutely delicious sitting on a dining table.
The professor keeps his back to her but his words are easily heard, "You will be sitting in front, of course. I would expect nothing less..."
Rhia walks to the front row that is near his podium so she is always in view. The young woman pulls a ‘rocketbook’ out to take her notes in. The notes can be taken in various colors for importance then can be sent to her email by a phone scan. Ana records hers but never relistens to half of the content. Rhia suspects her grade is a bit weighted by her looks but that’s not for her to say or judge.
The young woman now settles to study what has been written on the board. Most of her classmates will struggle with his handwriting,most likely. It is beautiful to her but seems to remind her of a signature she has seen of some Romanian leader of the past. Perhaps it is due to a learning style an area is what it reminds her of?
She tilts her head and remembers Anna using the word, Lush, to describe the perfectly handsome Professor Dracos.
The professor is tall and lean but not skinny. The charcoal black fitted double breasted suit hints at fit muscle under it. Rabia's fingers laced together and her thumbs wiggle as her eyes can't stop watching his hair flow about him. A silky shine of jet black and an ever so slight wave to hair that spills over his shoulders to stop at his waist.
His facial hair was a groomed van dyke style though the hair was sparser on his lower jaw. It gave the appearance, of still youthfulness, that he could not grow a full, thick beard yet.
Rhia could picture him in a top hat with a sword cane, walking the streets in Victorian London or in shining plate and chain armor aboard a well trained war horse. He has a remarkable amount of similarities to that certain historical figure but he is much too tall. This Vlad towers over Rhia, at 6'4" instead of historical records of 5'8". There are not any really accurate paintings either of Kazikli Voyvode.
Rhia jumps in her seat, when Anna rushes to sit next to her before the tardy bell rings. "Why are you sitting here?"
"I was expected to sit here by Professor Dracos…"Rhia whispers.
Dracos turns to look directly at the two young women, "Miss Yates and Miss Taylor, this is my time to talk, so you will be silent."
Rhia nods her head several times to silently acknowledge, she understood and would be on her best behavior. Professor Dracos decides that this little morsel of a college girl is to his liking, so he will make sure trouble is constantly happening.
"I am Professor Vladislav Dracos and until a better licensed professor can be found for this class, I will be teaching you…" Professor Dracos states with a bored look on his face. "I will allow you to ask a handful of questions…"
Rhia slaps her left hand over her eyes. The stupidity is about to begin and Rhia would like to teleport away. Anna is going to say something and drag her into it.
A posh rugby player and fellow student, stands up to address Dracos. "Are you related to that insane tyrant Count Drac Tepes?"
Now Rhia drops her head to her desk and buries her face. 'Kevin' didn't just ask that?!'
Vlad raises an eyebrow on his pale face and flashes a smile with a hint of fang. Kevin is suffering from a hangover so never saw that Dracos was mocking him. The professor looks over to see Rhia hiding her head.
"Miss Yates... perhaps you can answer this question for me, instead of suddenly needing a nap?"
Rhia's head jerks up then she stands so quickly, all her rocketbook pens scatter across the polished floor. "First of all, his name was Vlad III Drǎculea and a member of the House of Drăculești of the Basarab dynasty. It was Vladislav but there was a strong, negative history with the rulers Vladislav I and Vladislav II so it is thought it removed him from the confusion. Vlad was a favored name…"
With a pause she glances at her professor, he motions her to continue. "There are no direct descendants. The last blood relatives were Alexandru IV Cococul and Mihnea III. They died childless so the British family are not direct descendants. They can only trace to a half brother named Vlad the monk but that's not an heir direct. You and I could be descended by 0.1percent."
"Ooh Kevin! Great thing, wanker of Tepesh!" his fellow rugby mate punches his shoulder.
"Pula mea! Toţi bărbaţii sunt măgari!" Rhia scowls then finished with a colorful insult," pizda mă-sii!"
Vlad(card) smirks at this line of insults. "Miss Yates...yelling that Mr. Brown is a jackass and should fuck his mother will not improve his stupidity. There's hope as he is attending this class..."
The room is quiet then bursts out in laughter, Kevin laughing the loudest. Little miss star student, just got herself in serious trouble and Kevin loves it. Now maybe he can get her to go on a date, she has rejected him every time he approached her.
Kevin had leverage on her now...
"Yes Sir," Rhia replies. "I have overstepped my bounds."
She starts to hurry and gather her items. With full arms, Rhia hurries to head up the aisle and turn herself into the Dean.
"Miss Yates, I did not dismiss you. You will sit your ass down and I expect the best notes taken in the whole class then meet in my office…" Dracos said but it isn't angry but more like an evil purr?
Rhia's eyes shoot up to look at his eyes but it's the subtle lick of his lips that reveals sharp canines, then the flash of the unusually sharp looking teeth is gone once more. A low chuckle drifts to her ears and her head snaps around to see no one else seems to have heard the laugh. The college student shivers then plants her butt in the seat nearest to her. Miss Yates prepares to take notes.
"Next question…" the professor states.
"How long have you been involved in this topic?" another student stands and asks.
Dracos laughs softly as if the question is an inside joke, "It seems hundreds of years…"
The class laughs once more and is beginning to feel at ease. As for Rhiannon, her body is becoming less and less at ease. She looks down and waits for something to write.
"Professor, it says on the internet that the Romanian people regard Vlad Țepeș a national hero…" another female student asks.
"Miss Yates…"
"First is an explanation of the word "Tepes'', it is a Romanian translation for "the Impaler." It was a title given after he died so it shows the Romanian people are aware of his brutality. His enemies gave him a name posthumously, 'Kazıklı Voyvode', impaler prince. Sometimes also called Kazıklı Bey…" Rhia looks to Professor Dracos.
Her eyes go wide. The man is sitting on a wooden, high backed chair. His long legs cross at the knees and his chin rests on hand. His eyes are looking right at Rhiannon. She wonders where the chair came from and how she did not hear him moving it.
"Draga mea...most impressive. When your enemies give you such a name then you should honor it."
"And it would get you tried at Nuremberg for war crimes, in this day and age...Sir," Miss Yates answers back.
"This day and age is far from the times of old, you have to have lived in the period then judgement can be sited...child," Professor Dracos lets a hiss.
Rhiannon lowers her eyes and nods. She is just digging a bigger hole with the new professor. Dracos stands and stretches his long body, Rhia swears she hears all the girls sigh and some of the boys too.
He's tidy but not that sexually posh…
Professor Dracos senses he is losing the attention of his favorite student. The professor aka Alucard of the Hellsing Organization was not amused to be an undercover operative at Cambridge. The class is in the late afternoon but still quite irritating for the Vampire King. He could care less if a professor went missing then ended up dead in the Thames with chunks missing from him.
Though it seems the college teacher had ties to the Round Table so Alucard is here, Cambridge, posing as professor. Of course he's an expert on the subject though extremely biased due to up close and personal reasons. He decided his Vlad form would be great fun for this and he wasn't wrong.
"Miss Yates, what importance did Wallachia play in the war with the Ottoman Empire?" Vladcard asks.
"Professor Dracos, Wallachia was the country between the Hungarian border and Christianity. Sultan Mehmed II desired it to press Hungary and surrounding countries, but not keep a standing army. Hence a Vivode to pay tribute but backed by the sultan. The valued sea port Varna, once Bulgaria was controlled and the Danube river were readily available," Rhia explains.
Măgar [muh-GAR] = Jackass!
"Mmm...draga mea for a short answer, that was fairly accurate," Vladcard lets a sly smile flash for a moment.
Footnotes from Hell
It is used by the feminine sex to describe their male counterparts who are behaving in a rude or disrespectful way. A famous Romanian saying calls all the men Jackasses (“Toţi bărbaţii sunt măgari!)
Pula mea [POO-la MAY-uh] = What the Hell? Fuck! Shit! (liter
ally “my dick”)
the speaker doesn't wish to direct the profanity at his interlocutor, the phrase "pizda mă-sii" is used instead, meaning "his/her/its mother's cunt",
The most influential in establishing his notoriety throughout Europe, were the German sources, dating from as early as 1463 (while Vlad was still alive). The most popular were several pamphlets that began to appear late in the fifteenth century and which were widely circulated because of the recent invention of the printing press. Indeed, some of the earliest secular texts to roll off the presses were horror stories about Vlad Dracula. Written in German and published at major centres such as Nuremberg, Bamberg, and Strassburg, these had such unsavory titles as The Frightening and Truly Extraordinary Story of a Wicked Blood-drinking Tyrant Called Prince Dracula. Researchers have discovered at least thirteen of these pamphlets dating from 1488 to 1521. The printers of the Dracula tales also included woodcut portraits of the prince and, in some cases, illustrations of his atrocities.
Other historical documents include Russian sources, notably one which presented not only the cruel side of Vlad's behavior but also his sense of justice and his determination to restore order. Turkish chronicles, not surprisingly, emphasize the horrors that Dracula inflicted on his enemies, especially during the battles of 1461-62. By contrast there are the Romanian oral narratives, still preserved in the villages near the ruins of Vlad Dracula's fortress on the Arges River. Here we find a very different Vlad: a prince who repeatedly defended his homeland from the Turks at a time when just about every other principality in the region had been subjected to Ottoman rule; and a leader who succeeded in maintaining law and order in what were indeed lawless and disorderly times.
All of these sources are biased. In the case of the German reports, the German Saxons of Transylvania were victims of incursions by Vlad into what was an independent state and the imposition of his harsh economic measures. One could hardly expect them to be objective informants. The Turkish chroniclers are hardly any more objective, downplaying Vlad's military successes and stressing their own demonstrations of bravery and cunning. Russian narratives were generally more unbiased. The Romanian narratives, by contrast, present a very different Vlad: a folk hero who endeavored to save his people not only from the invading Turks but from the treacherous boyars.
Works containing the stories about Vlad's cruelty were published in Low German in the Holy Roman Empire before 1480.[152][153] The stories were allegedly written in the early 1460s, because they describe Vlad's campaign across the Danube in early 1462, but they do not refer to Mehmed II's invasion of Wallachia in June of the same year.[154] They provide a detailed narration of the conflicts between Vlad and the Transylvanian Saxons, showing that they originated "in the literary minds of the Saxons".[152]
The stories about Vlad's plundering raids in Transylvania were clearly based on an eyewitness account, because they contain accurate details (including the lists of the churches destroyed by Vlad and the dates of the raids).[154] They describe Vlad as a "demented psychopath, a sadist, a gruesome murderer, a masochist", worse than Caligula and Nero.[153] However, the stories emphasizing Vlad's cruelty are to be treated with caution[155] because his brutal acts were very probably exaggerated (or even invented) by the Saxons.[156]
The invention of movable type printing contributed to the popularity of the stories about Vlad, making them one of the first "bestsellers" in Europe.[115] To enhance sales, they were published in books with woodcuts on their title pages that depicted horrific scenes.[157] For instance, the editions published in Nuremberg in 1499 and in Strasbourg in 1500 depict Vlad dining at a table surrounded by dead or dying people on poles.[157]
Slavic stories
There are more than twenty manuscripts (written between the 15th and 18th centuries)[158] which preserved the text of the Skazanie o Drakule voievode (The Tale about Voivode Dracula).[159] The manuscripts were written in Russian, but they copied a text that had originally been recorded in a South Slavic language, because they contain expressions alien to the Russian language but used in South Slavic idioms (such as diavol for "evil").[160] The original text was written in Buda between 1482 and 1486.[161]
The nineteen anecdotes in the Skazanie are longer than the German stories about Vlad.[158] They are a mixture of fact and fiction, according to historian Raymond T. McNally.[158] Almost half of the anecdotes emphasize, like the German stories, Vlad's brutality, but they also underline that his cruelty enabled him to strengthen the central government in Wallachia.[162][163] For instance, the Skazanie writes of a golden cup that nobody dared to steal at a fountain[164] because Vlad "hated stealing so violently ... that anybody who caused any evil or robbery ... did not live long", thereby promoting public order, and the German story about Vlad's campaign against Ottoman territory underlined his cruel acts while the Skazanie emphasized his successful diplomacy[165] calling him "zlomudry" or "evil-wise". On the other hand, the Skazanie sharply criticized Vlad for his conversion to Catholicism, attributing his death to this apostasy.[2] Some elements of the anecdotes were later added to Russian stories about Ivan the Terrible of Russia.[166]
@alucardownsmyass @hunnie880 @amikartest @artsy-jandi
This is the most beautiful drawing I ever seen ❤️ and reflecting eye that sees is gorgeous ❤️ This is most beautiful artwork that you done Michi❤️
Hoping if keep practicing, with no formal art training, will get better. Wanted to see the reflection of a battlefield in his pupil. Maybe be able to go back when better and recreate. At least down and out of mind.
3rd time drawing his eye. Completely from memory with obviously additional content..