Amikartest - Tumblr Posts
Thank you @icecry for commissioning me, and helping me, I really appreciate ❤️❤️❤️❤️
I do apologize for the wait, my Internet is run slow, @icecry Here is the video I promise, I do apologize for waiting for the video upload my channel, I hope you it’s a long video, I hope you all enjoy watching it too
Hellsing The Benediction owner by @icecry

Well a big surprise everone, “Little Carmine Angel” is coming, very lose, but getting there, and who is the writer and the artist, you know who,writer by @michi-tala and artwork by @amikartest me. So please, it’s going to take some time to get it done, thank you all your support as well
Hellsing © Kohta Hirano Alucard © Kohta Hirano Artwork © @amikartest

An update for “Little Carmine Angel” still working more on the new pages, I’m sorry it’s taking me so much longer to get it done, but I was so stress with alot of things, but I’ll be okay, I can’t wait to make more of my new pages soon ^_^
I want to die, this is the most beautiful story I have ever read 🥵 Michi you are so taleted❤️
In the Rain
©️michi tala ownership

🚫Violence/physical harm •🍋mature sexual content
Terms of twisted endearments:
•Regele sânge (Blood king)
•monstru împărat (monster king(
•mică ghindă (little acorn)
•micule corb (little raven)
An ebony haired woman with dark brown eyes like a raven quickly moves through Hyde Park. Her ever keen eyes search the shadowed darkness to see if she is being followed. Sight isn't what catches her attention but the rolling darkness of a master vampire. In fact, the eldest to walk the earth is the only one with that choking of a power roll.
Scathach, the youngish looking Irish woman, had hoped to meet up at a pub, not the shadowy lit park area. " Regele sânge? (Blood King)..." she lytes out in an old Irish accent.
Her answer is a large and powerful white gloved hand that seizes her throat and proceeds to lift her up from the grass by an iron bench. Scathach extends black talon like nails to savagely slash the vampire Alucard’s right arm. Blood drops rain down only to turn back to a black shadow vapor that resembles his arm.
In a stressed voice, Scathach huffs out,"Just as..I can not be killed can not either…"
Scathach is no small woman but hits the height of (6'2") 187cm. Yet, she appears much smaller than Alucard at (6'6") 198cm.
The Irish woman screeches like a raven at the First Nosferatu as her form changes to a shadowy form with a bird's head instead of remaining human-like and large wings.. The Unholy King melds his shadows to hers, which allows him to capture her right raven looking wing. His mouth immediately presses hard to her lips, and a fang pieces her bottom lip. As Scathach opens her mouth to scream out, Alucard smothers her mouth as his left gloved hand twists the wing until it snaps like a stick.
"I do not need to kill you mica mea ghindă (my little acorn)," he chuckles darkly, his cool breath blowing across her pale cheek.. "I find excruciating and unending pain works as well until I choose to release you."
"I have a young American woman arriving this week of spring orientation…"Scathach hisses in pain. "I have a four year art program for her."
"And..?" Alucard purrs in a menacing tone.
"Amy is a quite good artist as I have seen her art, so I created the bogus scholarship of sorts," Scathach pulls on her injured wing subconsciously. "She seems to have an inkling of your existence through her art…"
Alucard releases her broken wing; his blood-soaked gloves now hold Macha's battle raven around the waist. His nose nuzzles into her ebony black hair. "I thought that you might try to break the deal…that you were doing it as we speak."
"Moddey Dhoo deserves to become free from you and Hellsing's cruel clutches! I am not dragging this out…" Macha's Raven spits in his face.
"No?" Alucard growls softly. "I thought you were stalling because you love how I make your body feel…"
Scathach chirps in rage with an uppercut to his pale jaw,"Savage!"
Alucard lets the punch connect to his chin even though he could have blocked it easily enough. Scathach's physical strikes hurt immensely, yet his masochist side finds the pain beyond erotic. He would never share with Macha's battle raven, but the first couple of times she struck him, he came like a horny school boy. The Unholy King wishes for a human pet for a company at Hellsing as a human only approved by his Master Sir Integra Hellsing.
That leaves Scathach safe for the most part...
It's been two years now since Scathach arrived in his undead life. They first met at Chateau Sanguine and made the deal that she would find a young woman that Alucard would approve of and in exchange Scathach would get Baskerville back to a fae dog and not the twisted Baskerville Hound. It has also taken eighteen months for the raven faery to research how to separate "Bodu." Hellsing combined the occult with Alucard's ability to do alchemy and lower level black arts. Even Shadow King is not clearly sure of all the properties of Hellsing's work mixed with the powerful sigils on his hands.
Scathach has also discovered that Hellsing's trump card continually pushes and pulls the sigils' ability to restrain him. The Vampire King had originally thought to have Scathach find a way to free him from the Hellsing sigils. Part of this testing strength from time to time is taking his original form:
… Kazili Voyvoda, Vlad Dracula.
Alucard knew what Scathach was for the most part. She is one of Macha's children who stir up wars and collect her acorns or, as humans know, severed heads. Vlad's form had a steamy taste of this fine shadowy fae as still a human. In fact, she helped create his new being as a vampire since Scathach arrived to collect his head at the execution. In a twisted, sick way, the First Vampire does love his 'little acorn' but will never be in a nice way even for the resilient warrior fae of Macha.
The pain between the two is intoxicating to him.
"Now…now mică ghindă," he cupped her chin as molten hellfire eyes swift through colors of red, orange, and blurs of yellow. "You know that I have always adored your feistiness, and what an incredible lover you are. Shall we finish this somewhere else?"
"I hate you monstru împărat…"she scowls at him.
A deep, rumbling chuckle rushes from Alucard's parted lips. "Hate is so close to the strength of love! You can hate me all you want, but don't ever let your body not enjoy a single caress or sexual bite. I will always provide you micul meu corb (my little raven)..."
As if only shaking the rain off his shoulders, Alucard morphs to his first form of Vlad. His fingers wiggle in motion to create a shadow fringed portal that goes straight to his room of old at Chateau Sanguine. The Vampire King will bend the frames of time just a little before Sir Hellsing angrily calls him back. Meanwhile, he picks Scathach up, in which her shadow legs become flesh once more. His pants come open enough to release his thick, veiny cock then with soft growls and a nip to neck. Vlad is fully seated in Scathach. A soft moan escapes her mouth as her wetness runs down his shaft.
"I will make your soul dance with the pleasure I am about to give you mică ghindă…"

I’m so lost of word, this story is so beyond amazing❤️
In the Rain
Chapter 2: Rain Begins

⚠️Notices:🚫Violence/physical harm 🍋mature sexual content ❌️ foul language 🔞Minors Don't Interact❗️
Terms of twisted endearments:
•Regele sânge (Blood king)
•monstru împărat
•micuța mea de Trandafir (my little rose)
•purpură înger (scarlet light bringer)
•mică ghindă (little acorn)
•micule corb (little raven)
Miss Amy (L/n) steps off the large commercial jet to see a young-looking girl with black hair the color of raven's wings. Amy had been texted that Scota Kane would meet the young American girl to help negotiate Heathrow airport and also London College. Scota wants to make sure Miss Amy meets her future Master without incident.
Vivid green eyes meet dark brown, almost black colored eyes. "Good day, Amy!" Scota is full of excitement and energy.
The green-eyed beauty, being an artist, begins to notice the fine details of Ms. Kane. Scota's hair has long ringlets with Celts and Norse hair beads. The college assistant wears a boho style green dress, scarf, and shawl. Amy realizes that Scota looks as Elves are described in fairy tales.
Amy (L/n) now watches the buildings and streets pass by as she sits in the back of an expensive black sedan. Her nerves begin to get to her. At that moment, Ms. Kane seems to sense her nervousness and glances in the rearview mirror.
"Miss Amy, it is big and foreign. I know, but you will have everything down and feeling confident in your new journey here in England..."
A small smile slips across her soft pink lips. Blood King will be unstoppable in the challenge of kissing Amy's inviting lips. A pout will seal it, probably alone.
Scathach looks away quickly. Fae are fae, and humans are humans. Faeries are amoral in thoughts, so why is the raven fae having moments of regret? It's nothing more than two supernatural beings bargaining with a human's freedom and life...
Yet the Vampire King can be so cruel to all...
Amy reaches the college in a timely fashion and joins the orientation tour. Her eyes look at carved arches and elegant art hanging on the halls that are around the London College that she has just enrolled for. She was contacted by the British college when a (supposed) college professor came across her art on the internet. She is to attend four years and end with a degree in digital art with traditional styles. This included a place to stay and a stipend for extra needed things for her college stay. All her art supplies were to be provided in the college course.
It seems almost too good to be true.
"What do you think of your surroundings?" The youngish woman Scota Kane, that seems to be older than her physical features relayed to the eyes. Scota is an abbreviated form of Scathach and asks to make sure Amy is not feeling too anxious about her new life in London, England.
Amy smiles to the raven black haired Irish woman. " I am nervous but feel amazingly safe here on such a campus."
"Good to hear! I will send you a text so you can put me in your contacts list" the student assistance person replies.
The two hug like cousins' meeting for the first time and are full of excitement. Scota says happily," Please check your flat out and let me know if you need anything. Just leave me a text!"
"Will I see you again soon Scota?" Amy asks now, getting nervous once more.
"Of course, you will! I am bringing dinner to your studio flat!" Scota waves goodbye for now.
Amy hugs herself and then proceeds to place her card key into the door slot to her new home. A gasp rushes out of her mouth! The flat is decorated as she would have done it. A couple of art pieces are framed art hanging. One of her more risque artworks is hanging above the huge sleigh bed.

It is like someone could read her mind!
With her cheeks pink from shy embarrassment, Amy checks the small studio apartment more so that it is set up for completing her art projects. As promised, Scota brings fish n'chips with beer and sodas. She leaves Amy just before the late bedtime hour. Amy drifts off to sleep easily for such a change to her internal clock set at the U.S. time.
Outside the flat and half a campus away, Scathach lets a long-held breath out. Her back straightens at sensing Alucard's approach. Her head turns to face the exact direction Vampire King is walking from.
"Kazikli Voivode..."Scathach softly calls out. "She is settling in well tonight..."
His crimson duster blows put to flap in a sudden breeze as Shadow King stands next to the raven fae. His fingers, bare skinned for some reason, lifts her angular chin to look him in the eyes. His right hand pulls his orange aviator glasses down. Alucard knows that Scathach gets weak in the knees at the mere sight of his molten hellfire eyes. A cheeky smile spreads across his pale but seductive lips.
"So if everything goes according to plan mică ghindă," his teeth tug on her right, earlobe like a tiger thinking it's cute and playful. "You and Baskerville will be free from me soon.."
"Soon is not soon enough when it comes to you..."she chirps out like an angry bird.
"Comes to me?" He chuckles eerily. "I think we need to spend one more night writhing in passion and me pumping you full of cum..."
Scathach jerks her chin away from his fingers, "I hate you. I should have never traveled to your homeland!"
His lips ghost over her pouting ones, "But you did, and here we are in 'sunny' London..."
The odd and angry couple lock lips into a passionate kiss with the battling of tongues. Alucard motions once more for a shadowy portal to Chateau Sanguine. That hint of regret strikes Scathach again about Amy and Alucard's dark clutches.
This is about 'Bodu' the face hound...
The first two days at London College are clearly uneventful. Amy finds her classes easily and is beginning to make possible friends for the two classes so far. Though she can't shake the feeling she is being watched. Perhaps the flat has a ghost due to the age of the building? She will ask Scota when they next meet up.
It's on the third day; actually, the third night, a chilling shiver glides down her spine. Her green eyes search, looking out her flat door in vain, for the cause. Suddenly, her mind switches gears to the sound of large caliber gun fire. This strikes Amy as quite strange due to the strict gun owning laws of England. The sound doesn't scare her as she has been around guns in her hometown in America.
It's more curious if anything...
Dark shadows engulfing the night stand at the corner of Amy's flat. Alucard glides silently across the ground to observe his little future human pet. He is overjoyed that Miss Amy could sense his presence so easily. His patience pays off as Amy retires to bed but not before setting up to do some art in the morning before class starts. As she drifts off into a deep, relaxing sleep, Alucard's shadow morphs into the flat of the young woman. Her breathing has a natural calming effect on the Shadow King.
Alucard scans the bedroom to then set his red molten glowing eyes on the framed picture. His head tilts as a soft, lusty chuckle slips out. Scathach is correct on her thoughts about Amy and him. The artwork has him pressing Amy down from behind while looking to be rutting in her pussy as his large, lean body smothers her body down in the bed. Now, Alucard knows exactly how the first meeting, sexually should come to be. To him, positions are everything when you're a yandere. Who is more fitting of the term yandere than a vampire?
His fingers bear once more; his long pale digits stroke Amy's rich brown hair. He lifts them to inhale her scent and finds it to be almost addicting. Her smell is far beyond the temptation that Mina had. Scathach is the only one more intoxicating, but she was never born human in the first place, so she doesn't count.
The Unholy King leaves with regret from Amy's resting place. He now agrees with Scathach that soon is not soon enough. Yet, he is becoming less inclined to release Macha's battle raven from his presence. She was his first supernatural being to meet and had searched off and on for her in the 500+ years since his vampiric birth. Her face blood is different but still nourishing, and with her, he was able to gain quicker control of the blood lust.
He begrudgingly did owe her that one...
A cruel smile fills his facial features as a grand and wicked plan forms in his twisted mind. Long ago, he fashioned a ring of gold and silver through the black arts that was a rose with vines of thorns. When the ring is placed on the selected finger, the thorns dig into the flesh, and the ring can no longer be removed unless the hand is severed. It was to serve as a direct link, a sort of black arts tie between him and the intended target: Scathach. Somehow, she learned of its creation and fled before he could capture her. Not this time as when he passed Baskerville over as a pup, he would stealthy place the ring on her right ring finger as knights of old betrylled their lady love to them.
At lunchtime, Scotia arrives to eat with Amy. She is curious to see how the first meeting with the Vampire King went, though Amy was sleeping through it. The Irish woman sits down next to Amy with some beef wellington as her keen dark eyes spy Amy, creating an exact portrait of Shadow King's eerie eyes when the release level is lowered on him. The young American woman does indeed have an invisible thread that connects her to Alucard. Mina never had one, and he sought her out relentlessly. Amy's luck would have run out soon enough without Scota's assistance to Alucard.
"What do you think of this Scota?" Amy asks after taking a bite of the beef wellington.
"It is a quite unique vision of an eye," Scota nods her head to Amy. "Do you see it somewhere or dream of it?"
"I believe I am being watched over, so I drew what I thought the watchful eye would look like!" She laughs happily.
Scota swallows softly, "You know many would find that a nightmare watching them..."
"I know! But, the owner of this watchful eye is protective and does not mean to harm me," Amy finishes eating.
The two women part company once more with Scota making a promise she would swing by on Friday night. They could go out to a nightclub, dance, and shoot down male egos all night. That would be the moment she passed Amy off to the cruelest vampire to exist...the Vampire King.
Scota, with shadow flight, enters the Chateau Sanguine for a much needed hot bath and massage. Her senses search for Alucard, but there is no detection of him this night. With a long breath of relief, Scathach heads to her room on the last floor of the Chateau for supernatural-paranormal beings. As her fingers slowly remove her elven looking clothes, the sound of a nail scratching a pain of glass can be distinctly heard. Her body whirls around swiftly that only the Undead King can still focus on. His wet inky black hair is down in front of his face as he taps the window to be allowed in. Scathach flicks her shadows to unlock and then lifts the window open.
The First Vampire climbs in like a supernatural spider due to his long limbs and the red coat. His head rises to show a light scruff of facial hair. He grins with fangs peeking from under his top lip. "How are my girls tonight?"
"Like you ever care about me...Regele sânge " she huffs loudly and tosses her dress at him.
His clawed hand snatches the article of clothing out of the air," I do too care about you but not enough to put my wants and desires after you..."
"I am one of Macha's battle ravens, and I create war in men's hearts, but I also know the strength of love and conviction... Scathach sneers back at the monster of monsters that still roam the world. Gods forbid he ever got loose once more.
"But of course you do," he glides over to stand next to her now nude body as his clothes disappear from sight. "It is what drew you to me as a human I should think."
Scathach rolls her dark bird-like eyes at him. Her slender fingers with dark nails like crows claws motions to the large bathroom, which has steam sipping past the door. The estranged couple enter the bath at the same time so that Vlad can wrap Scathach between his arms and legs. His teeth tug on her right ear lobe, "What did micuța mea de Trandafir say today?"
"Your Trandafir has drawn your shadow eyes with extreme accuracy," the raven fae chirps angrily. "She cannot see the danger she lies in due to some kind of supernatural connection to you..."
"She must then be the reincarnation of my beautiful blonde blue-eyed Transylvanian Saxon girl with the name of Katharina Siegel." Vlad sets his chin on Macha's battle raven. "That was truly a beautiful young love to be sure..."
Scathach motions to rise from the tub when Vlad puts her into a crushing hold if she was human, "Such jealousy from a fae...I need you to do one more thing and then I will release Bodu, your MhoddyDoo go..."
You need her to drink some of your blood before you two meet, so you do not kill her in your excitement..."she bent her head and nipped his index finger to make a point of sorts.
A deep and dark rumbling fills the room loudly, "You have always been such a smart one micule corb."
His long fingers now bring into view a small glass vial of a dark, viscous liquid. The raven fae knows it's his blood in the vial. Tomorrow, she will slip the Vampire King's blood into a drink at the club so that Amy can survive his un-controlling desire to claim her. His fingers stroke her fingers to take the blood vial as his mouth hovers over her pulse point. As her hand takes the secret concoction, Vlad sinks his fangs into her next and proceeds to pull a long drink from her.
She winks from the pain for a moment, "I bet Hellsing does not know this little secret of yours..."
He removes his fangs and licks his bloody lips. "Hey, never really looked into the effects of my blood to Renfield. If they had, then all the Hellsing mercenaries would have hopped up Renfields. I cannot have such a great secret learned now."
"My beak is sealed, Regele sânge..." As Scathach settles again in his arms so he can slide himself into her body to be Cock warmed.
Vlad Tepes and the Aryan woman

During the winter of 1455, the Wallachian prince Vlad Tepes, who was twenty-four at that time, was in the county of Brasov (Transylvania). There, he laid his eyes on a beautiful Aryan girl, seventeen years of age, struggling to push a sled. Captivated by her beauty, Vlad dismounted his horse and went to help her. That would be the beginning of their love affair. Her name was Katharina Siegel, a Transylvanian Saxon girl, daughter of a weaver from Brasov. Vlad was officially married to Anastasia Holszanka, yet so deep was his newfound love for the Germanic girl that he even tried to get a divorce certificate from the Pope himself.
The Moddey Dhoo /ˈmɔːðə ðoʊ/[1] (Manx Gaelic, meaning "black dog")[1][2][3] is a phantom black hound in Manx folklore that reputedly haunted Peel Castle on the west coast of the Isle of Man.[4] The Manx name Moddey Dhoo was transcribed as Mauthe Doog (/ˈmɔːðə doʊɡ/) by an influential 18th-Century English-speaking folklore source, which led to a history of misspellings of the proper name.
Alucard the most violence vampire King. I’m dying 🥵 Thank you sis!❤️
In the Rain
Chapter 4: in the downpour

⚠️Notices: Amy (L/n) is over 21🚫Violence/physical harm
⭕️ mental torture/threats of doing pain/removing organs
🍋mature sexual content❌️ foul language
Twisted Terms of endearment:
•Regele sânge (Blood king)
•monstru împărat
•micuța mea de Trandafir (my little rose)
•purpură înger (scarlot lightbringer)
•mică ghindă (little acorn)
•micule corb (little raven)
I guess I know where I kinda stand Vampire King…"Amy's eyes have sorrow in them now.
"Purpură înger (scarlot lightbringer) you will never fear anyone again but me…a little fear is intoxicating.."
Amy enters the large bathroom that has a huge claw footed bathtub big enough almost for Alucard's full length. He could just about stretch out his legs in it. The American College student starts the water while doing the one foot, one hand stand shimmy to get her lacy panties off. She realizes as the tub fills slowly that Scota had chosen all her clothes down to intimate and Amy knows why now.
Keep reading

I always wanted to do sketching in my sketchbook. Alucard and I. I’ll have to keep on practicing drawing Alucard. I will get there. I still want to draw more in my sketchbook still, but I can stil draw and color on my xp-pen tablet still. Thank you everyone for your support ❤️

My lovely friend and sister and I did an art-trade artwork drawn by
I am so amazed how she did wonderful of this beautiful art-trade, Gosh Vladan looks so cute. Thank you Todo-chan!❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️

I truly love how Vladan turn out, as an adult form, a Dhampir. Still have little green eyes like his mother, “me” even with red crimson. Still have the same looks just like his father, No-Life-King of vampires. Vladan Amyas Drauclea, the son of Alucard AKA Vlad Tepes, Dracula.
Hellsing © Kohta Hirano Vladan Amyas Draculea © @amikartest Artwork © @amikartest

I am very grateful how this artwork turn out. I drew a new artwork for @michi-tala and I, and our true love of Alucard, with is beautiful long hair, and his red crimson eye that we can’t stop staring at 😍. A remarkable artist, and wonderful writer. What will happen to us both when we’re with this charming No-Life-King of vampires Alucard ❤️
Thank you @zuendwinkhell ❤️ @michi-tala helped me with the idea of neckaces

I am very grateful how this artwork turn out. I drew a new artwork for @michi-tala and I, and our true love of Alucard, with is beautiful long hair, and his red crimson eye that we can’t stop staring at 😍. A remarkable artist, and wonderful writer. What will happen to us both when we’re with this charming No-Life-King of vampires Alucard ❤️
It would be amazing, to donate my for Alucard, but you're right, it would be alot better if he drinks my blood warm and fresh for him. I’d love to be Alucard’s donor 🥰
What would happen if s/o gives Alucard permission to bite and drink blood from s/o. Even though s/o has hemochromatosis, a blood disorder? Even the doctors would throw the blood away after draining the blood out of s/o.
Warm and Fresh

I kind of know this, but nobody hasn't asked on tumblr, about if someone has a blood disorder, but no doctor wouldn't drain the blood out of s/o body. Then giving a permission to Alucard to drink s/o blood anytime
This is a good one…Amy speaks of a blood disorder in which the body extracts iron from food and keeps the blood in a high concentration of iron. Several terrible things can happen with liver damage and such. The first choice is to eat food with less iron naturally and lots of water But…there are times when the blood is removed (drained). The blood can not be collected and donated to a blood bank so the blood is wasted.
It is but by chance Vampire King would notice your blood is different. Alucard would know that your blood is too thick with iron and it could kill you. His eyes can tell him by extreme subtly in skin appearance and the scent from sweat and saliva.
What is a more perfect situation for a vampire like him? Only human blood is acceptable to Alucard and yet it is wasted for the most part.
I would imagine that Hellsing gets this blood supply, to a certain extent, to lower the consumption of two vampires in Hellsing. We know that Alucard’s blood was from blood donors of the blood bank in London.
The Shadow King approaches his Master, Sir Integra Hellsing to see if you are to be an employee of Hellsing, though he would prefer not on the field and in the line of fire.
The first couple of times the Unholy King would strain not to harm you badly. Your blood has a richer metallic taste to it. Your blood is addicting to him. He will refuse to share the blood.
It is here that it is plausible (Vampire King says impossible but he didn’t get a manual with his new abilities) that a Dhampir could be conceived due to the different aspect of your blood and him feeding on you.
Warm Fresh is always better than cold bagged…
I really enjoy drawing it for you ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️ Thank you for commission me ❤️
Absolutely Adore this art commission I paid to AmikArtest of battycard being a naughty little vampire bat. Thanks Amy! You always do such a great job!

@alucardownsmyass @hunnie880 @amikartest
I’m really speechless about this 0//_//0 I’m like wow 😍❤️❤️❤️ Alucard and D being pregnant and wearing their shirt ❤️
*looks around from the corner* Is it okay if I request Alucard and D coming home to find their pregnant s/o sleeping in their shirt? I know it's already similar to another request you've done but I have an excuse to include D since not enough people are requesting for him.
Feeling Safe and Secure

Warnings: ⚠️ fluff, some insinuation of coitus to come. Long post. (1463 words)
Oh boy! My first D question! Love this! (Some isyou found awake wearing their shirt) Thank you for being brave on Vampire Hunter D. Gets a little spicy towards the end. I do need to add some historical details before driving down the road on this one.
I have added a couple sites that cover D though book 29 is coming out in September this year. The start time of D is 15,000 years after nuclear in 1999. He is 10,000 years old and his mother was Mina the Fair. D stopped physically aging at age 17 and he is considered so beautiful that cis men even feel some attraction.
He is hated and feared for being the child of a Vampire Noble. The Dhampir travels the frontier (there is a capital city but most live in the frontier full of Noble created monsters.)
•Note on Alucard: I have penned a new term of endearment for Alucard for me to call him.: Lulă (Lu=alu and la=ula) It's German feminine for "famous warrior." Didn't know this was a real name at first. Girlycard/Allycard tie being the German feminine connection.
Poor source: as a girls' name is of Old German derivation, and the meaning of the name Lula is "famous warrior; other, foreign". Lula is an alternate form of Louise (Old German). Lula is also a variation of Luella (Old English, Old German).
One last question to my followers: is this a 2 for 1 or does Vladcard make it 3 for 1?
•🍷Alucard Hellsing

Let's start with the Sacred Ancestor in his form as Alucard. D's father is Dracula in the novels and Alucard is capable of possibly interdimensional travel, as the time lines between Vampire Hunter D and Hellsing are not the best for consistency or accuracy on details.
•Just when Alucard didn't think there were any more surprises he could manifest or learn, you entered his world. You conceived and now waddle around with some precious cargo he helped create.
"Alucard, we miss you terribly when you are gone on long missions…" you pout at him.
"And what does my puțin rotund unu (little round one) think will help with this?" He sighs actually puzzled on what will help.
"If only you had a shirt I could snuggle in Lulă…"
"Did you forget my clothes are a shadow manifested?" He smiles coyly.
You sigh tiredly as 'D' kicks your belly hard. "I still forget…"
•So Alucard is on a mission to locate a man's traditional Romanian embroidered shirt. Within days Shadow King slinks up to you waddling around once more.
"I told you to stay off your feet puțin rotund unu," he places a kiss on your cheek. His shadows produce the shirt for you.
You squeak happily in his ear,"It's perfect! It even has your scent!"
Alucard gives a scowling look,"Time to rest up and sleep. You know I love to watch you sleeping."
•♟️Now Vlad Dracula for grins and giggles.

•You became pregnant just after he left your side for the last time as a human. He has returned as the First Vampire.
•In the first six months Vlad wanders alone and silently. He is still unsure of his strengths, powers and weaknesses. There wasn't a manual for when you denounced God and if by chance demon's work, the only answers are in riddles.
•One evening he arrives at a secret location in Hoia Baciu forest. Most humans will never dare step foot in this haunted forest but him and…you.
•Your scent is strong but mingled with another. His jealous streak appears but choices to watch you get up in the darkness from sleeping and puttering around making food for yourself.
•Finally he enters the large cottage. "Acolo ești tot rotund și plin de copil. (There you are all round and full of baby.)"
Vlad's molten hellfire colored eyes study you. You are wearing his last shirt before being captured. It has stains and worn spots but yet it makes you look beyond beautiful in his eyes.
"Am așteptat în timp ce ai cerut și am o surpriză pentru tine Voivode.(I waited as you asked and I have a surprise for you Voivode.)" You chirp happily.
His ebony eyebrows raise up. "Copilul meu să fie.?(Is it my child to be?)
•🗡 Vampire Hunter D or just D.

•D, as quietly as his father the Sacred Ancestor, entered the unknown Noble's castle. D has chosen this Castle and underground installation to protect you. It protects you from the monsters created by the Nobles. The location is even better due to a weather controlled satellite that still works well.
•This castle/laboratory still has deadly security in which his blue stoned medallion recognizes him only. (The mysterious blue stoned medallion is recognized as Vampire technology and so D can bypass dealing with mechanical security.)
•The Dhampir finds you curled up on a velvet couch next to a magically fuel-created fireplace. One of many Noble inventions in this residence. His pale fingers stroke your warm cheek,"(Y/n) How have you been? Is the baby well?"
You rub your sleepy eyes open. "Did you find one you would wear?"
•Your Dhampir usually only wears form fitting black travelers clothes and leather with a hat. So D needed to buy something in his travels on the frontier.
D nods his head, deep brown locks move across his broad back. "Let's get you up and try it on?"
•You now nod your head in return and proceed to stand. His extra cloak, he left behind, is around your body. It opens to reveal you nude with a round belly. His baby inside you…
"Hmm, the shirt can wait for a moment, little rose…so my fingers can memorize your body once more. " His voice softly states as his blue eyes turn red from excitement from seeing your naked form.
•occasionally his left hand makes a tight fist to stop the homunculus demon symbiote from giving a grope to your breasts or even worse, a lick.
🍷•🗡 Polyamorous Alucard and D
•D places his right hand on your expanding round belly (the demon doesn't get to). A white gloved left hand with faded sigils from Hellsing, now also placed on your big belly.
•The twins growing inside you, have yet to reveal who the father is of them. D had rescued you from a vampire Noble's genetic laboratory and snatched from Alucard's grasp. You had been quite intimate with Alucard but chose to flee with D, not realizing the blood relative aspect.
•Alucard has been pursuing his son D as to the whereabouts of you. The Vampire King (title also used in Vampire Hunter D besides Sacred Ancestor) has suspected you are with child.
His Child.
•Alucard feels the twins shifted in your womb. Two is even better than one. A girl and a boy would make his world.
•It was a long and undeclared winner of a battle between them while you were secure in the castle, D finally allows his Father-Alucard to join him in the return to you. Your Dhampir wonders who is the father of yet unborn children. If they are his father's he plans to raise them more human than their noble family side of things.
•D's deep dark brown eyebrows raise up as Alucard's ebony ones raise even higher with the knowledge of what you wear right now.

•Alucard chuckles loudly at the fact it's one of his white poet's shirts that stretches over your plump belly. Yet a thin, deep blue undershirt peeks from under. That is D's shirt as it matches his eyes (some say gray blue-red when provoked).
•Alucard is standing at his 6'6" usual-ish (198cm) and D is no slouch at 6'3" (190 cm). They tower over you with hungry eyes full of unbridled lust. Alucard's eyes turm to a swirling collision of red, orange and hints of yellow while his So's reveal his parental ancestory by glowing red. The Vampire King tilts his head and flashes upper canines as D reveals his predominant upper and lower fangs.

•Alucard's gloves disappear as supernatural nimble fingers tug at the sleeves to remove his white poet's shirt. Then it's D's turn to remove his blue shirt. The son will make sure Alucard doesn't hurt you, so enjoy yourself with not one but two ungodly beautiful 'men'..

@alucardownsmyass @hunnie880 @amikartest

I love how Seras looks as an chibi style shes so cute ❤️❤️❤️ I hope you all like how I drew her ❤️
Hellsing © Kohta Hirano Seras Victoria © Kohta Hirano Artwork © @amikartest

I really love how this turn out ❤️ this is a gift for my close sister and friend @michi-tala Thank you, sis *hugs* and you rest easy *hugs*
Here’s the link video from my youtube account
I also have an TikTok account as well
Hellsing © Kohta Hirano Alucard © Kohta Hirano Artwork © @amikartest
Michi Tala © @michi-tala

This is my most favorite one of all, the background wasn’t easy to do, even doing the skull. Gosh, I really want to touch his long hair, I really loved how his body turned out.
Here’s the video I post on YouTube
Hellsing © Kohta Hirano
Alucard/Dracula © Kohta Hirano
Artwork © @amikartest

I wanted to redraw one of my artwork, I really like how my new one looks, seeing so much improvement from the past, I will still grow each day, and every artist's out there as well ❤️ The chapter will be coming soon on Wattpad, here’s my Wattpad for my fan fictions
Hellsing © Kohta Hirano
Alucard/Dracula © Kohta Hirano
Artwork © @amikartest

I do apologize for not updating anything, I was so busy with everything that I've been doing, and I've been working on my doujinshi pages last month and this month. This is how far I have gotten. Give more support to my sister @michi-tala she has helped me so much, and she deserves to have lots of love ❤️