andywinter16 - Final Fantasy XV: Kingsglaive
Final Fantasy XV: Kingsglaive

Send your headcannons for Final Fantasy XV or ideas about Kingsglaives. And I will work my magic :) FOR HEARTH AND HOME!

729 posts

Touch Starved Glaives With S/O HC Part 2

Touch starved glaives with S/O HC part 2


Ohoho! Hold tight, needy boy is here! First of all he's not shy to communicate with you that he needs your touch ( Thank a god, seriously). If you thought Nyx was touchy, Pelna is literally another level. Man will find you whenewer you are and embrace you in hug. Obviously you will have to stop whatever you do, be it training, cooking, shopping, etc. Has his hands on you all the time. (It can be little bit annoying, yet he's so sweet about it you wouldn't mind )Pouts and whines for your attention! (Squisch his face and kiss that lovable dork) if you neglect him, prepare for his secret weapon: PUPPY EYES! No one is immune! (I mean IT! NO ONE)

Tangle your hands in his pretty hair, massage his scalp. Eskimo kisses, nose kisses in general are his favourite. (DO IT! for his pretty smile and laugh) Nuzzle into his stumble, your personal scratcher. Whisper sweet things to his ear (what good job he does, what a strong handsome Galadhian man he is) *happy content Pelna noises* (loves being for once appreciated!) Nibble on his earlobe, those breathy sighs wont dissapoint you. šŸ˜‰ Pelna cracks joke or two to make you laugh. (with him you will laugh all the time) If you lie in bed, you would end up tangled like a pretzel of bodies. Rub your feet together. (His feet gets cold easily) Usually lies his head on your chest, listens to your heartbeat and breathing (it calms him down, you're after all his HEART And HOME)


*crack knuckles* Our witty vice captain with killing checkbones is here. Luche knows he's touch starved, is very well aware that you can help. Will literally do the fucking opposite. (For such inteligent man, he can be dummy *affectionate*) Luche did his research on what can help him. (Reason is simple- he didnt want to bother you. It's not your job to take care of him, you had other much important things than him to worry about. LAZARUS RELATIONSHIP DOESN'T WORK LIKE THAT!) Hot shower is his go to, spends awful lot of time under it.

You need a rock solid plan to get his ass under your care. (Add another plan and plan on top the plan) Rope everyone into it, call all hands on deck! (Because Luche's evasive clever bastard) If the plan doesn't work, just kidnap himĀ Ā Please, tell him how you feel in private. Ask him If he detest your touch that much. OH THEĀ  FUCKING CHANGE! (LucheĀ“s collected demeanor cracks instantly, you got him!) Put your foreheads together and hold his gaze. Caress firmly that sharp jawline. Assure him youĀ“re there for him, that he does ENOUGH for Kingsglaive, for his home and friends.( His gaze will soften, you can seeĀ  tears in the sky blue eyes) Embrace him, let his head drop on your shoulder. Run your hands through that neatly kept hair ( SO FUCKING SOFT) let him be vulnerable in your presence. Wraps his strong arms around you, holds you so close to inhale your scent. (gave those arms some attention LucheĀ“s proud of them, will flex them under your fingers) On that note massage his back with shoulders (man has whole Kingsglaive on them) Wanna see Luche lose his tight up appearance? Bite delicately his lower lip and suck hickeys on his neck.Ā 

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2 years ago

AWWWWWWWWW! My sweethearts!!!

Glaiveweek 2020 Day 7- Shoe Stealer

Sorry Iā€™m late with this one! It is pure shenanigans. @glaiveweek

Prompt: Free Choice

Summary: Pelna gets darted while on a scouting mission. Leaving a drugged glaive alone in the largest hospital in Insomnia is not a good idea. Nyx, Crowe, and Luche have to catch him before he gets into more trouble.Ā 

Warnings: Non con drugging.Ā 

Keep reading

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2 years ago


reblog for crowe

like if u agree

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2 years ago

Personal opinion but Nyx should have been allowed to say fuck in canon