Axis Arra - Tumblr Posts
Some random headcanons for FFXV because I want to cry and hug my idiots, but sadly they´re fictional. So I wrote something to cheer us all!
- all the glaives are foreigners, there definitively were situations with mispronuciation or just simply forgetting words:
“You know what I mean, it looks like a hat.” “What? What thing like hat.” “ You can used it for cooking! And I don´t mean a pot. “Oo, you mean that thing with holes?” “Did .. did you guys meant colander?”
- Tredd is oficially banned as babysitter for Axis´s children (because teaching them how to blow up whole city ain´t good idea, Tredd)
- Luche, Sonitus, Pelna and Crowe are the type that when they drinks a hot bewerage are absolutely melting the cold inside them
-there is a tradition that before mission whoever slaps Nyx´s butt will have luck and won´t die on the deploytment. (That was proven correct many times ) Nyx was unaware of this till recently ...
- Crowe is avid tea drinker (loves green tea with lemon), absolutely hates plain black coffee with sugar
- Libertus is great at winning prizes at amusement park. Always wins so much that he gaves it away to children
- Luche never swears ... ALMOST never swears. He breaks this belief when his idiots do something EXTREMELY reckless. (or when someone was being asshole to glaives) Well, then he´s got some very colourful words for them
- Titus owns a small cabin near lake. It´s beautiful here and so calm. When he´s got a time, Titus packs his bag and take his doggie there.
- glaives have got into lot of drunken shennaningas ... like having a race with those mobility scooters
- Axis once burned water for coffee. In his defense, he didn´t sleep for like 48 hours cuz his children were ill and couldn´t sleep
- Tredd hates needles! And it doesn´t matter if it´s at doctor or tattoo artist, Tredd is scared!
- If you get ill, Pelna is the one who will take care for you. (cooking you food, buying groceris, cleaning,..) And no, he doesn´t give a damn If he gets ill himself in the process.
- Sonitus has great fashion sense. That man knows how to dress to impress. (More than once was invited as fashion guru to help pick outfit for their date)
- When Luche kiss someone he cradles their face in his hands to prolong it. The closeness and intimacy makes his heart melt
- Pelna sometimes likes to spent his time alone (to charge his energy). He usually spents somewhere out of city (some nice hike) or at home where he tinkers with computers. Also likes to play videogames, these days he enjoyed Animal Crossing.
- Nyx is playful boy and loves to make people smile. He absolutely hates when those close to him feel miserable. Whatever it takes, Nyx will make it better.
- I believe I said that before but Titus loves watching soap operas. (Rosalia, Esmerald,..) And reads absolutely sugary romances that would cause cavities. Don´t judge him, he loves good sappy ends!
- Libertus is actually big softie, If you get past his mean and guarded demeanor. Gives the best hugs and cuddles!
Glaive eating habits and food preferences? Who cooks and who eats what and when?
Ooo, sure sure anonie! (even though my eating habits aren´t great either) This will also serve as reminder to everyone to not ditch food and water!
Again, so sorry for the delay on your ask. But lots of you had such intricated and complex questions. Hope you will like it, I tried to answer it in some kind of order, but then my ADHD kicked in so it´s little chaotic!
(Libertus possessed me so he could nag on all his idiots for not eating on this ask)
Just for some clarification Galadh cuisine is in my humble opinion mashed asia/mediterranean dishes. Which means lot of meat (seafood and fish especially), heavy spices, vegetables, noodles, rice etc.

Luche has only two moods the normal and workaholic. In workaholic mood he neglects food and water (And gets scolded for that)
Purely fuctions on coffeine when in working mood
Sweet tooth, usually has in his pocket some chocolate or anything similiar (In Galadh is chocolate pricey stuff, and Luche was on cloud 9 when he bought some from his first paycheck)
Luche´s good cook when he´s got time for it (his chocolate mousse is a hit! anything he does with a chocolate is great actually)
when everything is hectic or Luche is just drained, some good galadhian take out or Yamachang saves the day
I am telling on Luche ... Again when in workaholic mood (after he gets scolded and Lib brings him some food) he tends to eat fast and on the move
You see, Luche´s got some refined taste buds. Which means caviar, red wine, oysters, and any other fancy food, you could think of (I once read a fic where Luche was being expert at red wine and mayyybeee little bit of snob, and it stuck with me)
Luche and his eating schedule ... it´s complicated. Like on day off he would have three full meals with a snacks. But with how he´s busy it´s hardly one meal a day

Tredd is in my personal headcanon a gym rat
so naturally he´s got some cooking skills (Tredd can be creative when he wants to be)
always has some protein bar as a snack or some protein shake
Tredd learned how to make a homemade jerky, it´s pretty tasty (even Libertus said so!)
He speaks with his mouth full of food (it irritates me, because I sometimes do that too, when I am telling some story)
Tredd loves meat! Protein for his muscles is important. So steaks, or ribs covered in barbeque sauce are quite guilty pleasure.
as almost every galadhian he loves flavourful food with tons of spices
strikes me as person who doesn´t like broccoli (probably ain´t that fond of most vegetable in general)
I didn´t forget of Tredd´s fondness of hot chocolate with chilli ( still denies he likes that stuff )
has planner on his phone when he should eat (it helps him a lot)

THE MAIN COOK OUT THERE! (No, seriously without him would half the glaives starved to death or eat only a junk food )
Libertus strikes me as a stress and emotional eater (me too Lib)
apart from being great cook, Lib mixes drink like no other (okay, Nyx is very close on that scale)
it´s probably not a eating habbit, but I can see Libertus having a nap after a good food
I support opinion that Lib is connossier (that man can say if it´s authentical galadhian dish from across the room)
"Everything can be good, as long as it´s properly cooked and salted." - Libertus Ostium
on completely different note: He threatens people to eat, because nourishment is important for your body to be strong and healthy. Once threatened Nyx that he would spoon feed him that food, if he doesn't comply. And Libertus really did spoon feed him.
obvi eats whenever he wants at least three meals a day
Libertus taste pallete is pretty colourful (Lib is like Gordon Ramsay of Eos XD)

I believe Pelna likes to eat his food with a company ( a nice habit from his home that prevailed)
He loves fruit and nuts! For example papaya, apples, bananas, melons and grapes are his favourites. As for nuts definitively macadamia nuts and coconut.
Pescetarian - so fish and seafood, and other animal products such as eggs and milk or honey
He often brings the dryed mix as a snacks that he shares with everyone ( Luche´s the one who eats all the chocolate if it´s in there)
dear Pelna skips breakfast, just hates eat in the morning (feels too heavy and full)
boy is ice-cream lover! Pistacio is his favourite!
Pelna´s having bigger lunch, dinner and probably some drink with friends, I may add that through whole day he snacks

Nyx drinks lots of beer or alcohol in general (I mean he was a bartender with Lib. Yet I can´t help but think that maybe drinking is his bad coping mechanism )
very proficient at mixing drinks
another troublemaker who Lib needs to yell at to get some food ( And Lib is 100% done with all of them. He started to cook more food and divides it into lunch boxes, which shares among them)
Like Nyx in kitchen is not bad at all, he owned bar with Lib for god sake! (isn´t probably one for the most complicated dishes, but whatever he cooks is good and edible)
was born and raised on galadhian dishes, so naturally those he cooks pretty well
but Nyx never says no to good pepperoni pizza that has some kick or burger with crispy fries and homemade sauce

Crowe can eat the most griesiest food ever and not gaining a gram of fat ( her metabolism is too fast + being a mage is tiring and requires a lot of energy to burn)
and because of it she eats all the time, be it snacks or full meal
she isn´t fond of any vegetable salat (it makes her more hungry)
Crowe bakes and she´s dam good at it! We don´t talk about her cooking ... safety reasons
most definitively obssessed with cheese of any kind
green tea with lemon is SACRED!
hates black coffee like plague (is fond of hazelnut cappuccino tho)
has secret stash of snacks (chips, chocolate, bonbons, ...) no one knows where she hides it

Axis as a right parent doesn´t waste food, so if his children leave any leftovers, he eats it after them
he´s trying to set good example for his children with right eating habits (but his night raids on the fridge are hard to miss )
every morning drinks black coffee with lots of sugar ( it could kill a man)
I do believe that Axis grew every vegetable and fruit on their farm (so he literally uses anything as cooking ingredient)
Axis actually does the cooking in their family. (he had to take care of himself) Those dishes may be simple, but delicious
Axis loves green pea! When he was younger Axis often sneaked out to the garden to pick some
was taught canning (pickles, blumes,..) and how to made marmelade (let´s just said that glaives are obssessed with that)
usually eats breakfast and dinner with his family, lunch spents at HQ with comrades

Soni over there is also gym rat like Tredd
he puts protein powder almost everywhere
Sonitus loves soups! Especially fish soup, his dad used to make
eats fish and seafood frequently (he lived near the sea coast so), mostly with vegetables and rice
enjoys pudding too much to be healthy (he´s not much into sweet things)
Soni sometimes takes too big bites of food and hardly chews them (then almost chokes)
strikes me as a person of few perfectly mastered dishes, then anything else is just average or disaster
enjoyes fresh juices (orange or ananas ones) or smoothies
he may be busy with glaive duties, but tries to maintain some order in eating habits like breakfast is at 8 am, lunch around 1-2 pm, dinner at 7 pm

if you though Luche and Nyx non-eating was bad, think again because Drautos takes the crown (hehe, quite literally)
Man survives on coffee and bourbon alone
his cooking ain´t the worst but not the best, he knows the basic at least (but mostly orders something cuz busy captain and all that jazz )
Titus + barbecue = The best experience in your existence!
Titus was almost whole life in military, so he isn´t picky eater either
his eating schedule is non - existent If Libertus woudn´t bring often some food to his office ( Lib puts harshly full plate of heavenly smelling food before him. " Sir, there´s a deal because I am this close to murder someone in this house for not taking care of themselves properly. So I will sit quietly in this chair and you will eat all this food on the plate. If not ..." *angry galadhian stare)
that man can eat whole chicken alone and still would want add a second
Titus loves homemade food + points if there is meat in it (those military food packs they get makes him sick, almost forgets how good food taste)
guilty pleasure is strawberry cake with whipped cream (his older sister made him always one on his birthday)
What flowers would glaives gift you+ meaning
(doesn´t matter what gender you are, everyone deserve a flowers!)

represents innocence, purity, cheerfulness and beauty

represents true, deep and undying love

represents beauty, commitment, and kindness

represents pride, strength and determination

Hyndrangea (I headcanon that their native to Galahd)
represents gratefulness, honest emotions and persevering love

represents passion, faith, fidelity

- Eustoma
- represents happiness, love, gratitude

- Hibiscus
- represents beauty, charm, youth or first love

Red roses ( Titus is one for a tradition)
represents romantic love, passionate affection, and desire

Nigella also called love in the mist
represents harmony and love

represents love, captivation and distinction

represents lightness, fun, levity and joy
Been browsing your touchstarved headcannons. Love the stuff. Question: Nyx vs Luche vs Pelna vs Libertus vs Tredd- how do they fare in tickle fights against an SO? (Which big bad glaive squeals? Which are immune till a certain spot is found? Let me know what you think!) XD
Awwwww, thank you so much!!!❤️❤️❤️ I hope you won´t mind but I added Crowe, Axis, Sonitus and Titus, because they also deserve good tickles.

you are well aware of his weak spots ( on his sides and underbelly), but Nyx is also aware of yours
if you play your cards right, you can hear him giggle 😈
but most of the times is Nyx the winner

seems unaffected, will hold his own pretty well
is very cunning in tickle fight, and pretty slippery
BUT! Luche has a special spot on his neck, so if you just lightly breath on it .... he would squeal like little girl😈 (this information was not leaked by me, okie)

I believe Lib is not ticklish for some reason
if you try it with him, he will give you blank stare
but he will tickle you instead, and he would not stop until you cry for help (scaryyyyyyy!)

sneak attacks you! and knows your weak spots too well
he´s so giddy and has the prettiest laugh *-*
it´s hard to tickle him, because his ultimate weak spot is on his feet and another one is under arms

vicious tickler! won´t stop until you beg her (and even then she won´t let you from her grasp)
Crowe squeals, Crowe squeals!!!! (I am prepared to die for this information!)
weak spots are on her belly and under her ribcage

mister " I am not ticklish, I am a big scary dude" is in fact VERY ticklish
... he giggles when you find his weak spot (which are on his legs, thighs to be precise and under his knees)
another tickler who tickles you so much you almost pee yourself (wins most of the time)

looks so unfazed when you try to tickle him
BUUUUUUUT! if you tickle his loins .... he will be laughting mess
come on, Axis is great at tickle fights! (he´s father of three childen, he has to be prepared for anything)

another one, who isn´t ticklish
you can try whatever you want, he just isn´t
without mercy when you try to tickle him (better run away!)

... I just wanted to say, that you´re the bravest person I have ever met
If you try to tickle him, at first. You will get face like in the gif
But Titus has a little secret ... between thigh and his hip bone, there is this little sweet spot which makes squeal
Just little warning, when you discover his weak point ... Titus will has to silence you ( with tickles!!!!!)
*is being shoved into closed*
Luche: Greetings everyone! We just took over Andy´s blog as you can obviously see. Don´t worry, nothing bad will happen to her.
Nyx: Unless ... she would want to 😏😏😏
Pelna: With consent, of course, right Nyx? *Nyx is nodding*
Luche: Anyway, from this day until end of this month, you can send us anything you want to ask us.
Libertus: Or anything you wanted to told us, but never have got a chance!
Crowe: And we can also play a games! Right guys!?
Together: YEAH!
Pelna: And Sonitus, Axis and Tredd will be there too! They´re just distracting captain .... Who may or may not join us too!
Nyx: So we will be waiting on your asks! Because I am worth the wait, right?
ASKS ARE OPEN!!!!!!!!!!!
Soooo... which of the handsome ones are single? it's for my dissertation 👀👀👀👀👀
Tredd: "Oh baby, I belong to the community. All the ladies and dudes want a piece of Tredd. And do you know pretty, what that means?" winggles his eyebrows.
Pelna: " That you´re a hoe and you should get tested for STD?"
Libertus and Pelna:

Libertus: "Damn, that was some sweet burn. He may never recover from that."
Crowe annoyed: " Guys, answer the question!" *proceeds to hit them on the heads* " Anyway, I am single for now. Pelna is also single as a Pringle. And Lib just scored a date with that pretty girl. So.."
Libertus and Nyx leans conspiratorially to you: " Actually, we believe that Crowe and Pelna are a thing. But psssssst, you don´t know it from us."
Crowe: *side eyes her idiots* Anyway Sonitus and Garret are kinda in love. We can call it slow burn. And Axis is devoted to his fierce wife and children."
Axis smiles: "I love my wife. Did I ever told you about her being in resistance?"
Everyone in unison: "Many times, Axis!"
Sonitus ashamed: " For your information, it´s called proper dating.We don´t want to be hasty. You know, he has a kiddo."
Nyx: Well, as for me I am also single. But we can change that, what do you say lovely? Purely from a professional point of view, for your dissertation." 😉
Luche rolls his eyes: "I am very busy, so I don´t have time for dating or anything like that."
Nyx being cheeky: " Which means, he´s married to his job. Same with Titus and marshall."
Luche: "Why you little "-
Pelna happily: " And that cocludes all the glaives."
Glaive takeover! I've got two questions for Titus- inspired by todays sleep deprivation shift.
Whats the weirdest spots you found glaives asleep in? And have you ever had to actually carry a workaholic glaive off to get some rest?
Thank you!
Luche:" oH, guys! Captain´s got questions! Nyx, go get him, so he can answer them!"
*Nyx salutes and goes to get captain*
Axis drinking his third sugary coffee: "You know that Drautos will tattle on you all, right?"
Luche tiredly: " Yeah, and he will enjoy it. No doubt about that."
*angry Titus emerges after running Nyx*
Nyx: " A special delivery for you!" runs away
Titus: " GLAIVES!" he notices the questions. " I will deal with all of you later."
*glaives rightfully cover in fear*
Titus: "So to answer your questions, reader. Apart from the normal places like locker room or common room. Nyx managed to collapse in the training ruins, all the way to the top in middle of fucking training. And Furia managed to fell asleep under my table."
Nyx from somewhere: " And yet it was the best nap of my life."
Tredd snickering: " It was a bet, okay. And captain still figured it out hours later."
Drautos gives both of them warning look.
Titus rubbing his temples: " And for the second question. I hate to admit that, but it happens more often than it should. Especially with Luche over there. And those idiots who overdue it at trainings." side eyes to Nyx and Tredd*
Titus: " It usually ends with me carrying them to the infirmary. I know I have a high standarts, okay? But rest is also inevitable part of being good glaive, so I have to take action for their wellbeing."
All the glaives in unison: " Pot and kettle, captain!"

Titus. Get over here. You need a hug. All of you need a hug.
Tredd with open arms: "Oh, come there then. Get a Tredd´s special for yourself." *when he hugs you, Tredd picks you up and spins with you*
Libertus: "Let me give you a bear hug!" * hugs you tightly* Crowe joins in too, tickling you on your sides in the process* "I will hug you to death!"
Pelna nervously: " Thank you, we all needed it." *gives you warm hug, squezing you a little*
Nyx is hesitant, he doesn´t hug people that often: " A one hug for little one, over there then." *he hugs you and cheekily messes with your hair *
*Axis and Sonitus both gives you hug at the same time, you look like a sandwich*
*Luche gives you a brief side way hug, it´s very friendly and warm.*
Titus being grumpy cat: "One hug, and that´s it. We have work to do." *he awkwardly envelops you in his big arms, he is very gently and mindful of his strenght around you*
A kiss on the cheeks and nose for all of my Glaives!! Yes that means you too Titus.
Titus trying to leave room but failing: " You´re one persistent thing, aren´t you?" * is being grumpy, but enjoyed it*
Luche, rolling his eyes: " You´re ruining my reputation of fearless second in command." *actually likes it and melts inside*
Libertus blushing: " What a sweet little thing, you are!" *boops your nose*
Crowe suprised: " That´s so lovely of you. Here!" *kisses you on the cheeks too*
Nyx, trying to make you blush: " So, shoudn´t Hero get a little bit more of kisses?" *winks*
Tredd being Tredd: " Hmm, you forget one spot right there." *pointing to his lips* *gets smacked by Libertus*
Pelna being touched: " Aww, so nice! Let me get back at you." *reciprocate your kisses*
Axis smiling: " Thank you, take care of yourself." * pats your head*
Sonitus also suprised and little awkward: "Oh, thanks. I didn´t see that coming."
Hey glaives and Titus! What is your favorite season? My favorite is fall for the cool air, crunchy leaf walks, fun treats, and Halloween.
Titus: " It doesn´t matter to me. I have more important things to do."
Tredd: " Oh baby, summer all the way! It´s a swimsuit season after all. And Tredd wants to show off."
Pelna: " Spring, I love that everything is in full bloom. It looks hopefull somehow. And we have a beautiful festival for welcoming spring, which is always fun."
Nyx: " Summer/Autumn, when the change of leaves is starting yet it´s still warm outside. And the night sky will show you more of constellations."
Crowe: "Autumn, I love Halloween! (I usually scare guys shitless with my costumes XD) And how it´s chilly outside so you have to stay under blanket with hot tea and some good movie."
Libertus: Easy, autumn! There´s so much food in our markets and our annual hunting competition. That´s always something to be excited about.
Luche: " Spring, it´s perfect time for hiking. And I always loved to explore during that time. Everything is becoming warmer and colourful. "
Sonitus: " Summer, lot of festivals were happening in Galadh during that period. It was nice change of pace."
Axis: " Hm? Oh, winter for sure. It was one of the seasons that I didn´t have to do that much on our farm. And Christmas dinner when our whole family is together. Those are nice times full of laughter."
The question about the spare time made me think - how do the rest of the Glaives along with their captain spend their time off-duty? (P.S: don't worry, I bought everything you guys asked for!)
Libertus: " Sure, sure. We can do that! Right everyone? * menancing Libertus* And yeah, thanks for that things, I will pay you up for it 😉 So I usually spent my time off with my squad at Yamachang or helping around Little Galadh, you know we should all stick together. And sometimes me and Luche goes to taste test around Insomnia restaurants."
Luche laughts: " That´s true, Libertus can be a suprisingly good company when he isn´t spitting fire left and right." " Hey, rude Lazarus!" " Calm down big guy! As for me, I like to run in the morning when everyone is still asleep or to go swimming to nearby pool, it´s calming my nerves. When I have time I play a chess."
Titus, doing report: " Classified, move along." *all the glaives* " BUT CAPTAIN!" "MOVE ALONG!"
Luche quietly:" He likes watching soap operas. And I see him often go for drink with a Marshal."
Tredd:" And don´t forget his little hellhound of dog, that he has." *Tredd uplesantly shivers*
Nyx: "Yeah, it´s little monster! Oh, I like reading in my spare time. Anything I can get my hands on. And apart from drinking with my idiots, I enjoye movies. Comedy in particular, cuz there´s not much to laugh about these days."
Pelna: I love to get out of city to hike in the nature. Cleigne is particulary beautiful. I like to tinker with computers, call it work deformation . Also I play on guitar, but not much often."
Sonitus: "As Tredd said we´re gym buddies. Gym is kinda like my second home, if I think about it. Well, but I have a cat named Rocket, that I teached walking on the leash. It´ endearing, really. And spending time with Garret and his daughter."
Crowe: Spa day, just pampering myself with massage and bubble bath, I should add some shopping. Astrals know it´s needed. And going gossip with my mages to our favourite caffe or going with my guys out."
Axis: Heh, as a parent I spent most of time with my children. Usually we´re planning interesting trips, so our children know their county better. Our favourite is Wiz Chocobo post, as former breeder of chocobos I love to just be there and reminisce about old times, call me nostalgic.
Glaives react to their S/O being glasses wearer

He likes your glasses, thinks they make you look sophisticated
definitively buys you another one, just so you can have a different style (and spare one if anything happened)
in all the truth Luche also wears glasses (only for reading tho)
is protective if someone would make fun of you wearing them (shuts them up with witty remark)

will ask you if he can try them on ( will pose like a model and asks If he looks good)
takes your glasses off, just so he can kiss you (you look adorable in his eyes)
helps you look for your glasses when you can´t find them
defends you if somebody makes fun of your glasses ( he hates that kind of behavior)

this fucker probably makes jokes about them ( you can tell him he looks antrocious in HD version)
Tredd “borrows” them just so he can look like a hot teacher
he most likely accidentaly broke them ( and was unplesandly suprised by price of the new ones, he had to buy you)
“ Said it to my face, fucker! Not so brave now, huh?” corners someone who picks on you, only he can do that!

is suprised, he never guessed you had any problems with your eye sight
definitively has on him cleaning tissues or cloth for your glasses when they get dirty
massages your eyes to relieve strain, it´s heathly! (and Pelna is very good at it)
“ Chuck it or it will get ugly.” isn´t he just adorable

she likes them, will get into your face saying “ So how´s the view?”
will buy a matching ones, so you could be stylish together
if your glasses slides, she will cheekily put them back on for you
“ Did you hear something, cutie? Hm, me neither probably just an insect.” GIRLBOSS

“ Oh, hey there gorgeous! Did we met before?” he´s just being silly
Lib is amused when you ask him if he saw your glasses “ Well, maybeee there.” points at you
asks a lot about your eyesight problem, cuz he may need glasses too
is ready to throw hands at whoever was mean to you!

“You look good.” he´s happy that you can see properly and that´s what matters to him
bought you a cooling mask for your eyes (your eyes need rest too)
Axis gifted you a cute case for them, there´s never enough cases
if someone is being rude Axis gives them THE unnerving stare

“You look like a whole different person.” Soni likes that those glasses makes your sight intense
Sonitus made you frames for your glasses (he´s extremy skilled)
is mindfull of his suroundings when you put your glasses down (that´s why the second glasses)
someone is being disrespectful? already rolling his sleeves up

nothing special, it´s still you. Glasses do not determine a person's worth (what are we, children?)
he gave you money to buy those super expensive lenses againts sun
Titus also has a glasses, you didn´t think those late nights with shitty light won´t catch up to him?
if somebody has guts to insult you before him ... well rumor says that the person was never saw again
“We should blow it up.” Tredd stated calmly while asseting the situation. It would solve lot of their problems. Plus he was dying to try those new explosives.
“ For 100th time, we will not blow it up Tredd!” Luche started to be desperate. Furia determined to blow something up, is hazzard to lifes. Libertus just came back with his team and brough some resources. They looked beaten up, but in relatively healthy conditions. Having two strong healers was a blessing, Luche noted he should ask Lib If he could borrow them.
“ Libertus, do you have any other ideas, how we can do it? Other than Tredd here.” Libertus looked deep in the thought when someone on his left spoke.
“Why not blow it up?” Cal asked rather perplexed.
“ And here we go again ...” Axis sighed in relief when Andy´s healing magic started kicking in on his shoulder.
*drops Aella again*
Which Glaive wants the bean?
Luche: " Oh god, no! I am calling captain to pick her up." * goes to call*
Libertus wants to go but is hold back by Nyx: " Lib, no. We can´t adopt captain´s daughter. We already have Crowe."
Crowe from somewhere: " I WANT A LITTLE SISTER!"
Meanwhile Axis and Pelna being in the dad modes: " Hi sweets, would you like to come with us? We will give you some yummies in your tummy, and then we can wait for your dad, sound good?"
*Axis proceeds to pick her up*
Glaives react to you a having bad cramps

our sweet Pelna is worried about you! (and perhaps little scared, because the mood swings are harsh)
he will bring you the fluffiest blanket and cuddle you, to make you feel better (if you don´t want to be touched, he will understand but will be pouty)
tons of sweets and chamomile tea for your pain

let´s be honest, she knows what pain is it. So she´s prepared in advance!
has painkillers and heat pads on stand by, along with some yummy snacks
she will definitively massage your stomach and lower back with essential oil to release the pain

poor Lib, he hates seeing you in pain (thank god, he had some experience with Crowe)
will prepare you some good food rich with iron (and makes sure it won´t bloat your stomach)
Lib will give you a heating pads, painkillers, and definitively extra vitamin supplements

is very concerned for your well being (100% reads articles about how to help relieve pain)
definitively chose massage and acupressure as a relief for your pain (and is damn good at it)
makes you hot tube with some lavender oil ( adds some bubbles just to make you happy)

he´s like “ Come one, it´s not that bad.” Then you almost topple in pain, and he takes it seriously
that man has zero idea what will help you, so logically he gives you painkillers
“ Hey, I read somewhere that sex helps to reduce the pain.” ( ... I am so done with him)

“ Come on love, let´s get you to bed.” his protective side is showing
Nyx will have his hands all over you to make you feel better (your personal heating Nyx pad) and will make you drink lots of water (hydrating yourself is important)
“ Shh, it will be alright, babe. You´re so strong for enduring it.” he will whisper encouraging words

Axis is right by your side, making sure you´re okay (will rub your lower back in concern)
“Drink this, it will make you feel better.” lots of herbal tea
I can see him attempting some joga position that helps with cramps (it actually does helps!)

you can see the wringles around Sonitus´s eyes from worrying
will try to calm you down with deep breathing and suggest light stretching exercise for the muscles
undulges your craving for any food you wants (yes, even the junkiest food)

evaluates the situation, if you can handle it ( he hates seeing you in pain)
silently he will bring you water with painkillers and drape over you a heating blanket (and if you plead enough with him, maybe he will be your blanket)
orders your favourite take out to cheer you up
What is the best way to make the glaives + titus fall asleep? (Full belly? Cuddles? Massages? Soft music?) The glaives need some love and rest. I personally fall asleep anytime my girlfriend holds me and plays with my hair. Thank you!
That´s a beautiful ask anonie!❤️ They certainly need lots of love and rest. (even if they say that they don´t and it´s just part of the job, you know who I am talking about 👀)
How to make glaives fall asleep (+ with their S/O) :

Nyx is the type that loves when his S/O plays with his hair and scratching his scalp, it puts him in such calm and sleepy mood. If he doesn´t have S/O, then he falls asleep when he´s listening to audio books. It´s the best way how to just shut down for a moment, he needs the background.

Lib is definitively the type of person that falls asleep with full belly of good food. ( and If some alcohol is involved then even better in his opinion) And if Lib has a S/O then gentle rubbing or scratching his full stomach, Lib will be out like a light. (He looks like a big cat with his tummy out, begging for scratches)

Tredd always striked me as touch oriented person, so if he can hold his S/O close to his chest and perhaps hide in the crooke of their neck then he´s the happiest Furia ever. (Tredd loves the warm of other person, it´s oddly comforting and it instantly lulls him to sleep) Without S/O he usually needs a good and long workout to tire him out.

Honestly, he falls asleep during his late night work. Luche exhausts himself so much, it crashes on him. But if he´s home for once at reasonable time then I can see him just lay there in complete silence, enjoying the quiet. (working with people is gruelling) With his S/O he enjoys deep back massages, that can make him melt on the spot.

Pelna actually falls asleep when he gets to drink chamomile tea or lavender tea. (it helps him sleep much better and relax) When he´s with his S/O he loves to fall asleep on their thighs while they read or watch videos. Pelna loves the closeness, the warm that radiates from the other person. (bonus points if his S/O hold his hand while rubbing his knuckles)

Crowe loves one hot and long bath with herbs. Soaking like that makes her forget literally everything. (moreover, it washes away all the bad things) Many times she fell asleep like that and almost drowned. When her S/O is singing or humming some soft tune, it makes her close her eyes and cherish the moment, which results in Crowe asleep.

Axis most likely falls asleep when surrounded by his family, prefferably in cuddle pile with his children when TV is playing in the background. With his S/O he loves spooning in the bed while they gently cares his face.

Sonitus falls asleep when he can hear the sound of the sea. You may laugh but he lived at coast his whole life. (Soni just can´t image to sleep without waves crashing at the reef, and smell of salt and seaweed) Soni loves when his S/O is his personal blanket, their weight and warm ground him in the reality. ( and to the land of dreaming)

Well, usually he doesn´t sleep much. (Always working the captain of ours) But when he actually gets home, he grabs bottle of bourbon and goes to the bed. There is accompanied by his little dog, which sleeps by his side. When this grump has S/O then he absolutely adores when they tell him about their day or whisper sweet things in his ear. (their voice is the most beautiful sound for Titus)
Hello anonie! :) You sended three, so three random facts!
Tredd: He´s got the image of unstoppable flirt who is so sure of himself. And this may come as a surprise, but Tredd likes to be genuinly praised. (even though he is like, "Oh please, I know I am that great.") He does appreciate it, he lives in Nyx and Luche´s shadows for far too long.
Axis: He´s quite diligent and dutiful dad. He never missed his children´s important events (dances, plays, etc) when he´s not deployed. But when he´s in Insomnia he fights teeth and nails to be there. Which is interesting becaue then he raises his voice, even at captain.
Sonitus: He doesn´t look like very romantic person, sadly. But with Soni actions speaks louder. Soni is very observant, so he remembers how you like your coffee or tea, which flavour of ice cream, favourite song. His love language is act of service for reason.
What is something that glaives like about themselves :

Nyx is proud of his tattooes that are egraved to his skin forever. They are part of Galahdian culture, part of his past that he cherishes dearly. They show his accomplishments, losses of the loved ones and commitments.

Luche´s absolutely proud of his arms (especially upper arms). He can protect his people with them no matter what and he´s not afraid to get them dirty. Also gets blushy when people compliment them.( Also he has a few freckles on his left arm)

... I really don´t like the way it´s going, Tredd. It´s his hard six pack, okay? He even learned how to make it dance, which is pretty neat. But behind this is lot of sweat, blood and renunciation. So that´s why he likes more tight clothes. (Why not to show-off, right?)

Interestingly enough, Titus is proud of his numerous scars from battles. They remind him of the long journey he took to acquire his dream. And that there is no way to turn back, he´s already too entangled in this mess of war.

It´s her hair! She cares of it very much with expensive shampoons, oils, coditioners etc. Crowe always had a long soft hair, that other girls were envious of. ( She greatly enjoys when Libertus braids them for her, but she will never admit that to him)

He loves his smile! Because he can joke around with others and gives them hope when everything seems lost. His smile is like sunshine, it makes you melt inside and energize you like no other.

Libertus is fond of his hands. He can cook and bake with them delicious food for his friends, braid Crowe´s hair (and his own) and protect his people with them. Those hands are also covered in blood of his lost comrades, which takes haevy tool on him.

Soni is proud of his back muscles. He´s proud how strong they are, it also means he can carry a lot on them. And hey, he can be a little bit show off for the S/O when he excercise,right?

Axis is proud of his legs, how fast and strong they have got. He can out-run an enemy and give them fatal blow or catch his children when playing a game.
Glaives react to their S/O having lot of pets

She loves animals and they love her back!
Will coax you into getting more of them (cuz you know they could get lonely and sad)
be prepared that she spoils them rotten (no seriously, they won´t eat the food you usually bought them, but only the special and expensive one from Crowe)

he knew you had lot of animals ... but not THAT MUCH!
will be absolutely thrilled when they nap on him (widened eyes while mouthing “ I was chosen!”)
some of your animals may adopt him as their own or like him much better than you (especially cats! for some reasons)

loves it! he´s farmer boy through and through
will definitively help you take care of them and show them so much love
will also advise you on how to take care of them properly (it´s his second nature)

“You have a zoo or something? Should i be scared of catching flees?”
some of your pets may bite him (and he deserves that! but suprisingly good with dogs)
still would love playing with them (you´re questioning sometimes how they managed to broke something with their shenanningas)

makes them toys, cuz Soni is that good!
teaches them tricks and treats them like his own children
definitively talks to them like a humans and its truly endearing. (”Mr. Pawpaw would you like your wet food with losos or chicken?” “Mewrr mwrr!” “Ah, yeah I think losos is really good choice.”)

the BIGGEST smile on his face and then sneeze (boy is probably alergic on some fur, but that never stops him from petting them)
would rather die to his allergies while happily petting and cuddling your animals
definitively takes photos of your animals while sleeping or when they do something cute (you have whole file in your phone with them)

Nyx is being careful with them. Not in like he would felt in danger around them, but more like ... he´s scared he would step on their tails or accidentaly hurt them
your animals loves him! Birds are chilling in his hair or his shoulders, cats and dogs are sleeping on him, ... you probably get the image
he will definively take them for a walks or to veterinary

“Woah, you have a big animal family there!”
Will probably at first be like he doesn´t like them or indiferent, but he actualy adores them. Libertus also talks to them, but with that baby talk (He can´t helps it, okay? They are precious beings)
will bring you injured animals or just one he found on the street (”Well, they need love too, you know?”)

He´s indifferent to it, they are yours and he will respect that
lowkey is really enjoying their company and shennaningas (his face always softens so much)
Titus will also intruduce you to his helldog, who likes only him
Random FFXV headcanons, because I need more informations and the stress from work is killing me.
- Ulrics are fighters, they don´t make any empty promises. They may be reckless ( read as self-sacrificing) and cocky, but they protect what is theirs. Their clan fight as they love: with passion and devotion.
- Lazaruses are duty bound to their land and people. Rational, methodical and on the outside cold individuals. But you will never met someone who loves so truly and without judgement as them.
- Arras nurture the land. They take care for it and all the living beings that inhabit it. Many of them are farmers.
- Regis bought Clarus for his birthday a set of wigs. Clarus was NOT amused.
- Luche steals your fries even though you ask him, if he´s hungry. And has that boyish grin on his face.
- Axis enjoys country and metal music.
- Nyx doesn´t wear socks in his shoes.(same with Libertus) In Galahd they usually wore flipflops, or people went barefoot. Only if somebody went to the jungle, people took more sturdier shoes.
- every summer Tredd has a major “problem” ... his freckles shows instantly on all his body.
- Luche sometimes smokes cigarettes. Usually when he´s abnormaly stressed.
- Crowe loves plushies. Any kind of plushies. Her bed is full of them.( guys, usually buy her at least one ... she more like pester them into it XD)
- Sonitus doesn´t like a sweet snacks that much. He just preffers salty snacks (chips, nuts, etc.)
- Libertus is actually really strong! And when he´s angry it looks like his strenght doubles. He once made a hole in the war table, when he didnt agree with the assignment.
- Axis is the dad who will go without shame with his kids on Barbie movie.(or any animated movies)
- Pelna has a piercing. He´s got it as a dare from his friends, but unironically loves it.
- Titus has the most frightening resting bitch face. He can talk to you without showing emotions, and you will question it in your head if you will survive this.