angel-babycakes - 🍓Angel♡Luvvmail🍓

💌🍰Hi, I’m Angel! I’m a writer, editor and I absolutely adore Doppio with my heart and love JJBA! I’m 24, she/they, bi and poly🍰💌🍰🍓♡Strawberry Gang♡🍓🍰💌

881 posts

Big Scary Hucow! Risotto Breeds You Full

big scary hucow! risotto breeds you full <3

Imagine being folded in half because that's what'll happen

His ears will be pressed back and his nostrils flaring as he pins you down

His cock doesn't fit all the way in you (because monster cock) so he just makes due

He is so rough with you, you really are just a fuck toy for him

But you don't care when your insides are being so deliciously rearranged

His cock reaches every spot in you

At some point he just sits down with you in his lap and just hauls you up and down his cock

When he cums he cums buckets (them breeder balls)

Your stomach not only shows his cock but his cum as well

When he's finally satisfied you are positively gaping and his cum floods out of you

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More Posts from Angel-babycakes

2 years ago

so I got into grad school today with my shitty 2.8 gpa and the moral of the story is reblog those good luck posts for the love of god

2 years ago

Pretty Little Slave (Kars x F!Reader)

I’ve read too many of @jotaros-massive-tiddies Kars stuff to not be horny over this Pillar Man…

Warning: There is a heavy use of breeding kink here and Kars grows a knot due to my horny brain… If this isn’t your thing, then don’t read it.


“You called for me, Lord Kars?” you ask softly, stepping into the dark room your Lord is lounging in. The bells and coins of your front-tie shirt and wrap-around skirt clink and ring with each step you make, creating soft “music” as you run around, completing tasks for your Lords in exchange to keep your life.

“Indeed,” your Lord Kars rumbles, snapping the book he’s reading closed. You jump nervously at the sound, blinking rapidly as the door slams behind you, leaving you in the dark. You hear the sound of fabric and the occasional foot step, before calloused fingers touch your cheek. You squeak at the touch, only to yelp when a hand grabs your hip and pulls you into the chest of your lord. Warm breath blows against your ear as Lord Kars purrs, “After all, don’t I own all of you, little slave?”

Keep reading

2 years ago

Yandere Risotto Nero headcanons part 2 (read part 1 first)

I honestly live for soft yandere Riso ❤️

Yandere Risotto Nero Headcanons Part 2 (read Part 1 First)

Tw: kidnapping, NSFW (all consentual)

You wake up on the couch about 5 minutes after passing out. He's waiting there with a glass of water and a snack. He didn't drug you, just used his stand to knock you out.

He's completely upfront and honest with you. He tells you he's a gangster, and that he's in love with you, and that he brought you here because it wouldn't be safe to court you normally. (the only thing he doesn't disclose is that he broke into your house a few times to sniff your underwear)

He makes you a deal. If you give him a chance, he'll let you go if you genuinely aren't interested. You just have to stay with him for a while. (At least a year and a half)

You get your own room, with an ensuite bathroom. He wants to share a bed with you, but he also appreciates you need your privacy (and he doesn't want you to have to hear him jerking off and moaning your name)

You're allowed to contact your family and friends (with supervision) in order to let them know that you're not dead.

He'll try to make you happy in any way he can. He'll bring you whatever gifts you want. He'll let you have internet access (as long as you don't use it to try to escape)

If you want to be held, he'll hold you in his lap and run his fingers through your hair.

He'll make sure you know that he'd never hurt you. And won't accept sexual favors in exchange for anything. He makes it very clear that he won't have sex with you until you genuinely want him. But when you do...

NSFW headcanons

The first time you tell him that you really, truly want him, it's almost too good to be true. He asks you at least three times if you're sure, before he takes every bit of affection he feels for you and translates it into the best sex you've ever had.

He will do anything you want in bed, no longer hiding his absolute lust for you.

Kiss your insecurities goodbye. There's no way you'll still be insecure after he absolutely worships you every night.

He's really gentle at first. He knows he's large, and the last thing he'd want to do is hurt you.

He's a bit reluctant to let you go down on him unless you're really enthusiastic. He only wants to do things that make you feel good.

The aftercare is always superb. He loves to fall asleep with you in his arms.

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2 years ago

Alright yandere submissive Risotto when the reader bites, claws and hits him in an attempt to escape. Nsfw cuz why not? Thank you!!!

This is a short one, but god I'd love to ruin this man. Me being me, I'd have to be sure he's actually okay with this, but that's just my personal thing.

TWs: Yandere, implied kidnapping, physical abuse, cumming untouched?, degrading, breeding mention, Risotto being unhinged, unhealthy dom/sub dynamic.

He would relish in it, because all he wants is your attention no matter how harsh or degrading your words are. You'll make an absolute monster out of him if you draw blood in your fury- Risotto won't be able to stop grinding into you and whining pathetically. By all means, keep calling him "disgusting" or "the worst", because all you're doing is turning him on.

He knows this is bad, and that you only see him as some degenerate. Thing is, he gets off on your words of vitriol and anger, and getting physical with him only makes him want you to make him your little bitch. "Yes, please use me, let out all your anger on me! I want nothing more than for you to hurt me and let me feel your hatred! I'll let you suffocate me in your thighs if you want!"

Risotto is going to put Melone to shame at this rate. Just make him your personal breeding stud, or crush him under your weight as you ride his face, and he'll let you do whatever else you please. Hell, even if you don't, he might just get off on you hurting him. There's no shame about it, either...degrade him all you want, he's just satisfied with your attention.

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2 years ago

Hi could you please do prompt 100 from the yandere list for risotto?

Yes! Thank you for requesting Risotto, I haven´t written anything for him yet!

Hope you like it ^^

100.” I will kiss you until your lips bleed. Just let me have this, I wanted to do this for so long. “


Yandere! Risotto with prompt 100

“….And finally, Pesci and me will handle the situation with that politician. That was all.”, Prosciutto finished his announcement. It had been time to inform everyone in La Squadra of their new missions for the coming week, so everyone had gathered in the meeting room.

“Are you sure that´s everything? You didn´t miss anything on accident?”, you asked him. It couldn´t happen again. Surely, this time there was a mistake. But Prosciutto only shook his head, throwing a quick glance at the paper in his hands before affirming your fears: “No, y/n, I didn´t make a mistake. That´s all that´s written here.”

As everyone slowly left the room, you were still staying seated, not believing that it had happened again. You once again didn´t get assigned a mission by your capo, Risotto. You just blamed it on coincidence the first few times it had happened, maybe your stand wasn´t suitable for any of your missions. But this was getting ridiculous. For the past 5 times now, you had to stay at the base while everyone else to go on their missions. Well everyone except Risotto, he only rarely went himself, spending most of his time doing mundane paperwork. This just had to end. You didn´t know why he wouldn´t let you go on missions anymore, so you decided to confront him in his office this time.

Standing in front of his door, your swallowed down your nervousness before knocking on the door, asking for a low “Come in” before entering. Your boss was once again sitting at his desk, a mountain of paperwork sitting on it. He looked up when he heard the door open and his face morphed into something that could almost be seen as a smile, at last by his standards. You swear you could never read his face. Before he could open his mouth to ask you what you wanted, you decided to let your frustration take over for your lacking confidence in his presence.

“Capo, I came to talk to you about something important. This is the fifth time in a row that I wasn´t send on any kind of mission. This is ridiculous. Do you think I´m weak, that I´m incapable of taking care of myself?! Please just assign me a mission already, I want to do something!”

“No.” That was all he said. Just a simple “no” without any explanation at all. Of course you weren´t satisfied with his response so you kept pressing on.

“Why not? If you don´t think I´m weak then why won´t you just let me do my job?!”. There was a short moment of silence between the two of you. Enough time to let you calm down from your angry state and realize that you just yelled at your boss. Looking at Risotto now, it seemed like he was internally contemplating something until he caught your gaze.

“Come here.”

Okay now you knew you were in trouble. Why would he ask you to come closer without meaning to punish you in some way? Was he going to use Metallica on you for misbehaving? You couldn´t tell at all from the look on his face, it just looked neutral, emotionless. Not wanting to anger your capo further you took a hesitant stop forward but still kept a respectable amount of distance between the both of you. Risotto now visibly looked a bit annoyed and let out a low sigh. “Closer.”, he just said while waving you over.

Even closer? Now you definitely had a bad feeling about this. You couldn’t deny your boss so you decided to do as he said, now standing directly in front of his desk, almost touching the wooden material as Risotto sat on the other side, carefully eying you. After looking at you some more with his haunting eyes, he raised his arm over the desk, reaching for your hand. A bit confused you just went along with it for now and met his hand in the middle. Letting out a pleased sigh as he claps your outstretched hand with his own, he uses his unoccupied hand to slowly trace over the back of your hand; then sliding it further up your arm with gentle brushes before suddenly tightening his grip on your arm.

“Risotto?”. You couldn´t help but call out his name in confusion and light pain. What was he doing? Why the gentle stroking if he wanted to punish you? What was your boss trying to do? Before you could contemplate his reasoning some more though, he just as suddenly pulled on your arm with great force, causing you to lose your balance and fall forward, now basically laying on top of his desk. You looked up into his eyes, still kind of dazed by what just happened and lightly grunting in pain. Ouch. As you try to gather your thoughts again, your boss leans down, shifting his head so his mouth is positioned right next to your ear, letting out an amused chuckle while still holding on tight to your arm. He then decided to finally speak up.

“The reason I´m not sending you out on missions, amore, is that I don´t want you out there where I can´t see you. I hate it whenever you must leave. You´re very capable, I´m aware of that fact. Otherwise I wouldn´t have chosen you for my team in the first place. But you´re also kind; too kind. I don´t want your kindness to be abused and used against you. I´m the only one that should see this side of you. I´m the only one that deserves to see it. I don´t want you to ever leave my side.”

“Boss, what are you saying? You´re not making any sense..”, you said as you tried to get up but he held you down with overwhelming force.

“Don´t defy me like this y/n. I don´t want to have to hurt you. You don´t want to make me use Metallica on you, do you now? Please make this easier for the both of us and don´t struggle.” Letting his voice drop even lower he proceeded to whisper into your ear.

“I´ve always wanted to see you like this, so close to me…Bending over for me like that. Of course preferably in a different setting.”, He let out a low chuckle.

You of course knew what he was implying and you felt your face flush red in embarrassment.

“You´re so cute amore. You´d like that, wouldn´t you? I´m sure you would. You´ve pledged your eternal loyalty to me, haven´t you? When you joined the hitman team, you pledged to do whatever your capo ordered you to. So now I order you not to run when I lessen my grip. Instead you will simply lift your head and not do anything else. Is that understood? You would do that for me, wouldn´t you darling?”

You were positively shaking now. Was this really happening? What was he planning to do to you?

“What are you going to do to me?”, you dared to ask.

Letting out another chuckle, Risotto answered your question by moving his face dangerously close to yours.

“I will kiss you until your lips bleed. Just let me have this, I wanted to do this for so long.” And then he leaned in fully, capturing your lips with his own, deeply and passionately kissing you. You didn´t know if you wanted this. But as you tried to break off the kiss you felt a sinking pain in your right leg. Glancing down, you saw a nail protruding from your skin and you let out a cry of pain as you saw blood slowly pooling out of the wound.

“Don´t”, Risotto hissed into the kiss, harshly biting into your lower lip to remind you of who was in charge. You understood what he was trying to say so you accepted your fate and hesitantly reciprocated the kiss while Risotto let his hand caress your cheek approvingly.

You probably wouldn´t leave his office anytime soon.

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