Yandere Jojo - Tumblr Posts

9 months ago
Joseph Seems To Be The Type That Enjoys Playing Cat And Mouse With You, Always Letting You Escape, Giving
Joseph Seems To Be The Type That Enjoys Playing Cat And Mouse With You, Always Letting You Escape, Giving

Joseph seems to be the type that enjoys playing cat and mouse with you, always letting you escape, giving you hope and then he cruses it right in front of you.

I have more thoughts about him but I'm too lazy to write right now xd

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3 years ago

Is it okay if I can ask for the prompts "If they ever become a problem, let me know. Okay, love?" and "The next time they touch you, I'll cut their wretched limbs off." with Jotaro?

Only Salvation

Yandere Jotaro x Reader

Is It Okay If I Can Ask For The Prompts "If They Ever Become A Problem, Let Me Know. Okay, Love?" And

“If they every become a problem, let me know. Okay, love?”

“The next time they touch you, I’ll cut their wretched limbs off.”

You fell in love with Jotaro freshman year. Yes you were one of those fangirls who would ‘walk’ with him to school and try to initiate convo. Although after a while you gave up due to his mistreatment of women. He would never notice you amongst the crowd of fangirls and even if he did, he probably wouldn’t have treated you the best.

During sophomore year, you took a trip with your family to Greece. Your mother, who was an art historian, brought you and your father along to the beautiful place. That was when you awakened a spirit like being that not even your family could see. Your parents didn’t believe you countless times of exclaiming that it was right in front of them, so you gave up.

When you came back to Japan you continued life like it always was, although you had the aid of your friendly spirit. She would always help you do daily chores, make food, and even cheat on the tests you had a hard time passing. Your spirit Angel Dust, helped you with practically everything. Even pranking people.

Your best friend, who had a crush on the infamous Jotaro Kujo, was heartbroken when he called her a ‘whore’ and a ‘big-titted slut’. You used Angel Dust to make Jotaro's life a wreck. There were moments where you called it close with him almost beating you up, but it was worth it because of his sour behavior. He knew it was you somehow, but he had no idea at the time what you were doing.

Not only were you enjoying missing Jotaro, you met a new friend. He went by the name Kakyoin Noriaki. Kakyoin was a very reserved artsy guy. You complimented his art and saw that he also possessed a spirit. The two of you became friends and you learnt that what you had was a stand. You learnt different abilities of your stand, but realized it was a mirage kind of thing. You would be lying if you said you didn’t envy Hierophant Green’s ability.

By the time junior year rolled around, your best friend Kakyoin came back from his trip to Egypt with his parents. He acted strange which led towards a bombarding of questions on his end. When he started to act violently, you were suspicious of what really happened in Egypt.

You began to follow him and noticed he was following Jotaro. Witnessing him using his own stand to kill Jotaro made you even step back in shock. Sure he was a little rude and all, but that didn’t give you an excuse to kill someone. When you made it into the infirmary, you saw Kakyoin incapacitated with Jotaro hovering above him. That was when you learned that Jotaro had a stand ability.

You saved the questions for later following Jotaro back to his house. That was where you met his kind relatives. Jotaro’s grandfather explained that there was a threat to the Joestar bloodline with one of the family's rivals still being alive. You helped nurse Kakyoin back to recovery while Jotaro asked you about your past year shenanigans.

You never would have thought that your average slice of life highschool experience would end in heartbreak and bloodshed. The 50 days to Egypt were probably the best 50 days of your life. You grew close to all the crusaders and they all felt like family to you, even Jotaro who you came to love again.

The defeat of Dio left you in shambles, you lost your best friend and your other close companions. Sure you were happy that Dio was out of the way and Holly could live to see another day, but you somehow felt a bit empty inside.

It was the last night before you would fly back to Japan. You had locked yourself in your hotel room, wrapped in the hotel's blankets. A cup of warm tea was situated in your hands as you mindlessly stared at the wall in front of you. Everything had sunk into you. You would never be able to see your best friend again, converse with him, nothing. Not to mention, life was going to go back to the same old boring state it once was. A knock on the door was heard and all you did was sit there continuing to stare at the wall.

Jotaro opened the door, revealing his broad muscular form. His eyebrows were furrowed as a frown was worn on his usual stoic face. He sat down next to you on the bed and pulled your form against his. The tea you had in hand, sloshing inside the cheaply plastic made cup. You felt yourself easing into his warmth as it was the only thing you wanted after everything that happened. You never thought that Jotaro would ever be this nice and affectionate, nevertheless be this close to him.

That night he confessed his feelings to you and apologized for his past behavior. Your fragile mindset easily accepted his feelings and the two of you became an item.

When you both returned to Japan, you grew to rely on him and only him. You felt that he was the only thing you could trust and cling to. He was your beacon of hope through your hard times, and he knew that. The two two of you were never seen far apart from each other unless it was for school duties. When you were without Jotaro, you lost your will to keep going most of the time. Your mental state is still reflecting from last year's Egypt trip as Jotaro had to take care of you. Your parents were so grateful to have Jotaro who could help you with life, you ‘ran away’ and came back so different from the daughter they knew.

Jotaro was the only one who could bring out the old you, and he wanted to keep it that way.

It was mid-afternoon as school just finished. Jotaro had been forced to attend detention or he would be forced to repeat senior year. While he was in detention, you were on cleaning duty in the gym. It was Thursday which was when you were assigned cleaning duty.

Stacking the excess boxes on top of each other and placing the gym equipment back into its respective area, you failed to notice a group of girls make their way into the room. Turning around you recognized some of them being from Jotaro’s fan group. You had a bad feeling pooling in the pit of your stomach as you stood there anxiously waiting for them to make a move.

“You think you could just take Jotaro-Kun like that? Ugh what does he even see you honestly?” Girl A scoffed as played with her fingernails, eyes averted away as a look of pure disgust was projected on her delicate facial features.

“Yeah you're just a skank! You look like someone ran over you with a roadrollar or something.” Girl B added on.

“Your dumb to think that you could just get away with stealing Jotaro-Senpai like that! When we get done with you, you’ll finally realize what a dumb useless whore you are!”

The next moment flashed before your eyes. You laid there curled up on the floor as the girls kicked and smacked you with full force. They called others as they came in multiplying in numbers. You tried calling Angel Dust, but there was only so much she could do when there was a large group like this. Hit after hit, you just laid there trying to process what you did to deserve this. Maybe you were holding Jotaro back.

By the time the girls were finished, you were bruised and bloodied up. Your right eye was swollen shut as the it’s left counterpart was red from the broken blood vessels in the eye itself. Your lip was split open and burning from the harsh air that made contact with it as your cheekbone was split open as well. Multiple bruises adorned your body, dark spots just like Star Platinum’s skin all over various places you could think of. You had no more energy left in you as you sat there wounded and bleeding.

A click of the door brought you to shakily look up at who it was. Your vision was hazy from the previous assault that was done to that region. Your feeble bruised hand trembled towards the tall dark figure trying to convey you needed help. You were scooped up in a familiar pair of arms and let all the tension you had in your body go. Jotaro’s enraged face was the last thing you saw before you blacked out.

There you laid in Jotaro’s comfy futon. The crinkly duvet was sparkled out on your form as an ice pack wason your right eye. A splitting headache stopped you from being able to sit up, so you continued to lay there waiting for your lover to come in.

A moment later Jotaro had entered carrying fresh bandages and a new ice pack to replace the melting one. He silently tended to all of your wounds as you continued to lay there pondering in your thoughts. His gentle touch was much enjoyed as he treated you as if you were a porcelain doll about to shatter. The silence in the room felt stifling to you, not sure what Jotaro was going to do after cleaning your mess.

“Am I good enough for you Jotaro? I feel as though I’m dragging you down in some way…I don’t want to be something you're obligated to take care of.”

A pause in Jotaro’s movements made you tilt your head in his direction. The overcast of his signature torn hat was blocking you from getting a good look at his face. Scared that your words were right, you turned away tearing up. You couldn’t help but let out little sniffles as you felt like the last thing you had didn’t want you anymore. A small nudge brought you out of your depressive spiral. Looking back over towards Jotaro, your tears came to a halt.

“Who did this to you?”

Taking a small gulp you sat there in silence, lips puckered in shock.

“I said who did this to you?!”

The sudden raise in his voice made you jump and flinch in fear. Your arms scrunched up together trying to create a barrier of safety from the sudden fright. Jotaro picked up on your distress and calmed down once he saw your frightened state.

“Why would you ask a question like that? You wouldn’t be here if I didn’t want you in my life. We made a promise, remember? A promise I would never break. Now please, come here…let me change your bandages.” Jotaro uttered, trying to keep his booming voice to a minimum.

Soaking in the truth of his words, you teared up once again. The dams in your eye bursting as you let all the tears go. Your head hurting from the sudden blood rush to your head and pressure in your eyes. Jumping into Jotaro’s arms, your body ached from the sharp movements.

Scooping you up in his arms, he held you as you continued crying. He began to rub small circles in your back trying to avoid the tender areas from the earlier beating. The scent of his cologne and the hint of cigarette smoke began to put you at ease. This went on for a couple of moments before he decided to speak again. Trying not to startle you, he placed a hand on your shoulder and tilted your body towards his face.

“Now tell me who did this to you.”

“It was those girls…you know the ones who are always hanging around you.” You timidly replied awaiting a reaction from Jotaro.

Jotaro shifted his body and used his arms to lay you back upon the futon. He wordlessly reached for the spare medical wrappings and continued to work at your injured wounds.

“The next time they touch you, I’ll cut their wretched limbs off. If they ever become a problem, let me know. Okay, love? We don’t want another repeat of what happened today. I don’t want to walk in on you ever like this again, you hear me?”

All you could do was willingly nod.

Why would you ever say no to your only salvation?

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3 years ago

Hi, I love your writing! Could I request for ‘Staring, watching, fantasizing’ from the prompt list for yandere Abbacchio? Thanks! 😊

i am so sorry for the hold up on fics! it was finals week and i was trying to balance the fine line of passing and writing away!! i hope you enjoy some good ol’ abbacchio cuz u sure know i do 💜✨

Yandere Abbacchio x Reader

Hi, I Love Your Writing! Could I Request For Staring, Watching, Fantasizing From The Prompt List For

🌌Staring, Watching, Fantasizing

It took just a simple encounter, maybe he does have worth after all.

Abbacchio had a secret, a secret he would never admit even to the almighty Capo of his gang. He looked up to him, yet couldn’t bear the dark secret and guilt he carried with him every step he took around Naples. 

When he joined Passione, he thought he lost everything. He had nothing left, Leone Abbacchio dying along with his partner who gave up his life for a piece of scum like him. His life didn’t mean as much as Bucciarati, a man who took others in and gave hope to everyone. Even Narancia had more worth if he thought about it, a young boy who had yet to learn and live life. Abbacchio already did and life consumed everything that was of him. He somewhat pitied Passione for having to work with such a worthless pathetic shell of a man. 

Although some of that changed, changed when he met the kind grocery worker who worked at the outlet Bucciarati would frequent. On the day he met you, Bucciarati was busy on a mission as well as Narancia was too preoccupied with Fugo beating the hell out of him after he also failed his literacy lessons. Mista was god knows where leaving Abbacchio to be the errand boy of the week. 

He remembered being pissed at the fact he was stuck with the responsibility of buying everyone their necessary items. All he wanted to do was spend the free time that he had in his room listening to his opera music that Narancia complained about. 

When he walked into the store, he immediately tried to hurry and quickly grab the needed items that were on the list. What he didn’t expect was smacking right into someone falling back against a shelf. The shelf's contents dropped onto him as all he could feel was the pricking pain of the box's corners hitting his skin. As soon as the last box fell, he stood right up going back to grab the groceries that fell out of his handbasket. Bringing his attention to the ground, was when he first saw you. Instantly trying to profile you, he came to the conclusion that you were probably about his age or even younger. You paid no attention to him as you were focused on cleaning up his strewn-about items. Rolling his eyes, he just stared at you expecting you to hurry up with her sorrowful babble. 

By the time you were done, you grabbed the basket and got up to bow at him. Your pathetic apologies rang through his ears as he continued to stare at you. Your voice sounded genuine and the bowing caught him off guard as well. The more he stared at you, the more he was somewhat entranced by the attention you gave him. When you offered to help him out for the rest of the visit, he initially declined yet you continued to bother him by following him around. 

Sooner or later he finished his shopping experience with you still hot on his trail apologizing about the accident earlier. Before he had the chance to yell at you to leave him alone, you cut him off by offering him a glass of wine of his choice. Immediately he rethought his next actions and reluctantly agreed. The others could wait, they didn’t really need these items at the very second? Plus he was offered practically a free glass of wine, it benefits both sides. 

While sitting down with you, silently sipping on his free wine. He got a load of mindless chatter. You tried being charismatic and friendly by telling him your name and who exactly you were. Apparently, you didn’t get the social cues he was sending you about not wanting to talk. 

Although the more time that went on, he started to get intrigued by you. You treated him as if he meant something, just like in the old days when he was Leone Abbacchio. He didn’t know if it was the alcohol hindering his thoughts or just the actual fact that you were just happy to be in his presence. The one-sided conversation later turned into a mutually enjoyed one from both sides. 

That night when he left the table, he couldn’t help but yearn for another conversation with you. You didn’t know him as the broken murderer he was, but someone who was just as normal as everyone else. He wanted to talk to you again… 

So he did.

When the hand-turned midnight, Abbacchio silently got out of his bed and made his way out of the house the gang currently resided in. Arriving back at a familiar outdoor restaurant which was now closed from it being so late, he sat down at the same chair he was six hours ago. Summoning his stand, it transformed into the person he wanted to see the most. You. 

He replayed it back to the moment you sat down beside him and tried to start up a friendly convo. Abbacchio regretted not listening to you in the beginning, but now he had another chance to. His hardened purple hues softened at the sight of you as you awkwardly fidgeted around with a small red hue on your cheeks. Leaning over, he brought his face just a few inches away from your look-alike's face. He tried to imagine the timer that was displayed on your forehead was not there. He just wanted to burn the image of you into his mind. His eyes focused deeply into yours as you continued to rant speaking towards his defined chest region. 

He wished he could see you again, wished he could sit down next to you and talk again like this with you. Not sitting here desperately using his stand just to feel and experience an ounce of you.

That was when things started to spiral. 

Being in the mafia did have its benefits, he easily found out where you lived and worked in one file on Bucciarati’s laptop. Making up some dumb makeshift white lie, it was no hassle in bringing up any citizens who currently resided in Italy. Foreign or not. 

It started out with wandering around Naples looking for you. He luckily ran into you at the grocery store, yet without you knowing. He followed you around as you just picked up some candy. He lurked behind you all day as you relaxed at the park later ending up at the peer enjoying the sparkling hues of the ocean. Although he couldn’t be with you every second of the day due to his occupation, he would just keep tabs on you with the little habits he picked up on you about. 

Immediately upon gaining the information of where you lived, he snuck his way over. Abbacchio wanted to deny the small tiggles he felt each step of the way towards your home. He saw your small empty apartment and grew a sense of comfort from the area that obviously looked like it would be from you. 

He noticed you weren’t present so he made himself at home. It smelled of you and he enjoyed every moment of it. Inspecting each and every little piece of furniture you had, a small smile grew on his face. 

By the time he made it into your bedroom, he felt like he was a kid on Christmas. Letting out a deep chuckle he made his way towards your bed. Abbacchio sat down on it just gazing around your room. His eyes landed on your hairbrush that laid messily on the countertop where some of your clothes were sticking out from. 

Abbacchio got up and walked over towards the counter. Slowly reaching down, he picked up the light item and eyeballed it. The strands of your colored hair rested upon the surface underneath all the little bristles. Using his left hand, he took his pointer finger and thumb jamming them between the little bristles. 

Getting a good grip on some strands of hair, he tugged them out. The other miny hairs clumped over the certain patch he had, giving some resistance. After they were separate from the brush, he brought them up to his eye level and gapped at them. A sudden urge to bring the small patch up to his nostrils took over. 

Bringing it up, all he could do was think of you and your untroubled smile. So naïve and innocent of the sinful world that surrounded you every day. The scent of the hair products you used flooded into his brain. Letting out a shallow groan, he closed his eyes and let out a shutter. Slowly he looked towards the door that he assumed was your washroom. 

He sauntered over towards the wooden frame and opened it. Your pristine bathroom stared back at him with your cosmetics and other hair or body supplies on the counter by the sink. Peering into your washtub, he caught sight of the hair products that you used. Mentally noting them down, he turned towards your hand soap and made sure to remember that as well. 

Abbacchio loved being a part of your life. Even though a part of him chastised him for being selfish for wanting that, he knew that you believed he had rights. You believed he had the right to be happy and accept the ghosts that haunted him in the past. 

The sound of keys being inserted brought him out of his mid daydream. Quickly stuffing the lock of hair in his pocket, he also pocketed your hazel-colored hairbrush. Jumping out of the window onto the fire escape, he shut your window and made an escape. 

Once arriving back to the shared home, he was greeted by the other members who were discussing plans about an upcoming infiltration. Bucciarati began to bombard him with questions on why he wasn’t there as Narancia commented on his disheveled form.  Grumbling in response, he went back to his current room and slammed the door. 

The mirror that was propped up by the door reflected his current appearance. His usual purple lipstick was smudged as if someone had tried to wipe it off with the bare minimum effort. The ties that kept his coat together were loosely tangled and knotted as a small glint of hazel shone out from underneath the humongous coat he wore. 

Letting out another groan, he stripped himself of his coat. The heavy piece of fabric lay on his bed leaving Abbacchio shirtless. His defined muscles overshadowed some parts of his body from the poorly lit room. He tumbled on his bed putting his orange headphones on as he started up his disc man. The relaxing blues soothed his nerves from his previous infiltration. 

His coat sat next to him, your fragrance seeping off of it. Averting his eyes towards his coat, he brought it to his chest and draped it over his relaxed form. The brush that was in his pocket was now in his hands as he thought about the many times this lucky item was able to sift through your glorious locks. Everything you owned was lucky, so lucky that they got to be a part of your everyday life. 

He mindlessly laid here thinking about all the scenarios of just you and him. You and him at a day in a café, or the movies. Maybe the new cinema that was added down a few blocks? Better yet, re-visiting the restaurant that became one of the best days of his life. At this point he couldn’t think about a day without you in his life, you were a hook that kept him grappled down to this measly world. You were something that gave him hope throughout this shitty place of a beautiful city that tourists nicknamed without knowing its true mannerisms.

He couldn’t lose you to it, or anyone. Just the thought of you with another man, blessing him with your smile infuriated him. You were made for him as he was a perfect match for you. Without you he would be nothing, so why should he share you with anyone else?

Turning his attention to the tablet that sat beside his bed, he looked at the crumpled photo of you taken in a vineyard. He remembered that day, you went out there to take some pictures of the scenery and just have a nice relaxing day off. There were countless nights where he would envision himself standing right next to you as you stared up into his eyes with love, the same love he had for you. 

When the album ended, he was left in silence to ponder his own thoughts. He hated when this happened as his subconscious would begin to eat him whole. Taking one more glance at your photo, he rose up from the bed. The setting sun peeked behind his curtains. 

Surely if you loved him as much as he loved you, you wouldn’t mind if he could seal the deal?

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3 years ago

Let the Dead be Dead


(ʏᴀɴ!ʙᴜᴄᴄɪᴀʀᴀᴛɪ x ʀᴇᴀᴅᴇʀ)

Let The Dead Be Dead

After the events of Vento Aureo, you are left to cope. Yet after an encounter you are left with another chance, yet was it really a chance to take?

The crinkle of blankets and small wisps of air that blew through the curtains letting in the rising sun woke you up from your peaceful slumber. Sleep was the only thing nowadays that seemed to be able to take your mind off the current present. It was easier to forget about the pain of the past by sleeping all your troubles away. That’s why sleep became such a luxury for you.

Even for a busy mafioso of high ranking, you made sure you were able to slip in time for a quick rest to make you feel as if nothing was wrong. Sometimes you would think about the times when you did take a brief catnap, shutting your eyes wanting to sleep after a long day of work. Just to open your eyes to see the entirety of your gang smiling back at you. Not all of them would smile, but you would like to think so. Even when they smacked and yelled at you to wake up, or grip onto you begging you to listen to the western rap with him, they were all still precious memories.

Slipping out of bed felt like a chore. You had to put on your finest material to make sure it radiated high status so you weren’t mistreated by the new recruits after the downfall of the last boss. Along with your makeup, applying some on to be noticeable yet not caking it on to where it looked like you were going to a low rent strip club. The last thing being a golden zip earring on your left ear.

Opening the door to your shared villa with the rest of the remaining familia, you walked towards the upper floors to the office of your boss and dear friend. It was early morning which meant the staff was busying either preparing food or doing the daily chores for the day. An occasional maid was there every now and then, vacuuming the expensive Persian rugs or dusting the antique wooden shelves.

Just as soon as you stood outside the thick wooden door which radiated secrecy from anyone besides you or your close companions, you opened the door. There was Giorno, already sitting in his chair reading over some documents and signing them if needed. He always looked so graceful, as if nothing bothered him in the world. His face was always calm as his emerald eyes always held unknown emotions. He made sure his appearance was perfect which you initially thought was because he was so young that he didn’t want anybody to underestimate him for his age.

There sat at the edge of his desk was a bottle of Silent wine, a datura flower in a clear cylinder vase, and a golden zipper hanging off of a black stand. Quickly averting your attention away, you began to greet Giorno.

“Morning Giorno.”

“Good morning to you as well y/n.”

The conversation ended at that. You picked up the envelope that lay on the desk with your name boldly written on it. Next to your envelope was a piece of paper formally addressed to Giorno. You slowly leaned over to pick it up, the almost weightless object in your hand sloshing back and forth from the opening windows in the room.

“That piece of paper is from an unknown associated party. We don’t have much of an idea about their whereabouts and I don’t want to continue out that way. I’m sending you to the address that is at the bottom. Be careful, we never know what to expect from anyone nowadays.” Giorno briefed you before turning his attention back to the contract in front of him.

Letting out a small sigh you turned around and left the room. Mista walking by you with his head in his arms whistling a tune. He gave a small wave and wiggle of eyebrows as hello when you walked past him. He always was a happy-go-lucky type guy and it irked you that you were placed on this mission instead of him…maybe Giorno was right about sending you actually.


With a fast pace, you walked towards the destination marked on your little sticky note in the palm of your hand. Occasionally the locals would recognize you and wave, even inviting you for a mid-morning appetizer. Being there for business you had to respectfully decline.

Although what hurt you the most was the two older ladies that sat in foldable chairs under a fruit stall. You could recognize their face from anywhere. They were once close acquaintances towards your formal Capo or first love.

Bruno Bucciarati was a name you held in high regards and would never ever forget. Not only did he save you from your eternity of loneliness and poverty, but he gave you another chance in life. It was not long until you harbored romantic feelings for the male, yet he never knew anything of it. It seemed better to keep it that way as you didn’t want to add more onto the already busy and stressed workplate he already had.

The night when you all were driving towards the colosseum and he had told you of his condition, you broke down. You remembered the exact moment when his ocean blue eyes gazed at you through the rearview mirror. A small melancholy smile upon his ‘dead’ lips trying to find some sort of way to comfort you. When he departed from the body he inhabited, you sobbed all that morning with the crushing reality of never being able to be with him ever again.

That moment continued to haunt you.

Cursing to yourself, you made a beeline past the stall trying not to look at their expectant gaze. How you wished you could lay in your bed and forget about ever doing this.

By the time you made it to the location, it was an abandoned run-down building on the rural outskirts of the town. Just looking at it made your face scrunch in disgust. You decided to summon your stand for safety measures in case anyone decided to attack you.

The clicking of your shoes echoed down the hallway. Duel doors waited in front of you, one of them creaked open just enough to know that someone was there. Taking a deep breath, you opened the doors with a harsh push expecting someone to be waiting for you. All that was there was a massive dark moldy room. A record player in the center that seemed to not have worked in a long time.

Hesitantly stepping closer to the old machine, you finally stood in front of it. The wooden table it rested upon looked as if it suffered through years of abuse from insects of various kinds. Grimacing at what lay in front of you, you reached your hand out touching the vinyl. A casing looked to be stuck underneath the needle of the machine.

Mentally sighing you tried to pry the vanilla envelope from the needle yet it wouldn’t budge. After a few more attempts, you put your gaze onto the needle that was stuck in place. The needle appeared odd-looking as it didn’t really look like a needle but a sharp object that was substituted for the original broken one.

Meanwhile, you were focusing your attention on the particular piece you failed to notice the lurking figure behind. A sharp pain erupted from your neck as you fell to the floor. Your immediate response was holding the side of your neck that was pouring and gushing out with your own blood. The pain making it was to your throat as you failed to let out noise for help.

Dropping to the floor from the sudden blood loss, you began to lose consciousness with the last thing you saw being a golden zipper dropping onto the floor.

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3 years ago

Alexandrite, opal, and moonstone with. Giorno?

𝔾𝕖𝕞𝕤𝕥𝕠𝕟𝕖 ℙ𝕣𝕠𝕞𝕡𝕥𝕤: 𝔾𝕚𝕠𝕣𝕟𝕠 𝔾𝕚𝕠𝕧𝕒𝕟𝕟𝕒

Alexandrite, Opal, & Moonstone

Alexandrite, Opal, And Moonstone With. Giorno?

Alexandrite: What brings the yandere the most joy?

He loves being touched by you and reassured by you saying that you will always be by his side. Due to his rough past, this is what he needs in order to let his subconscious take a rest and know that the person he loves so much cares about him and will never leave him in general.

Opal: What makes the yandere tick?

Giorno keeps the thought of you two basically being star-crossed lovers which fuels him in the paranoia of keeping you chained close to him. He came from nothing and all he has left are the remains that people have taken from him. Everyone he really cared about and looked up to has all left his life in a tragic-like way, he can’t have that happen with you. This causes to him behave the way he does wanting to take you away from the cruel world that the two of you live in every day.

Moonstone: Are there things that the yandere will hide from darling at all costs?

Overall Giorno would censor the majority of your life by letting you know what he wants you to know. He doesn’t want you to see the crimes he and the others around him commit every day. He wants to shut out the vile world and have your attention on the good things he wants you to see.

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3 years ago

I saw the gemstone prompts and I was wondering if you could do Bruno Bucciarati with emerald, garnet and moonstone?💎

𝔾𝕖𝕞𝕤𝕥𝕠𝕟𝕖 ℙ𝕣𝕠𝕞𝕡𝕥𝕤: 𝔹𝕣𝕦𝕟𝕠 𝔹𝕦𝕔𝕔𝕚𝕒𝕣𝕒𝕥𝕚

Emerald, Garnet, & Moonstone

I Saw The Gemstone Prompts And I Was Wondering If You Could Do Bruno Bucciarati With Emerald, Garnet

Emerald: How does the yandere show their love?

Bucciarati shows his love in countless ways ranging from showering you with gifts or affection. He wants you to know that he loves you and will go through any means to prove it to you.

Garnet: What is the yandere’s ideal future with darling?

His ideal future with you is having a prosperous family living in the quaint countryside of Naples where the two of you and your children can live unbothered by the harsh society around you. You only have him and turn to while you two raise your children together harmoniously. The quaintness of the home being away from the populus urban areas also calms his fear of what happened between his mother and father at such a young age.

Moonstone: Are there things that the yandere will hide from darling at all costs?

Yes and no. Bucciarati, of course, would want to shelter you away from seeing the impurities and dirtiness of the world, but will not refrain from lashing out if you refuse him countless times. Remember he is a mafioso and acts like it too. He won’t be afraid to act a certain way or even use Stick Fingers to do morbid things to you to prove his point.

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3 years ago

Can I request Rhodonite, Angelite, and Alexandrite for Yoshikage Kira? Btw you’re becoming one of my favorite blogs! I love your work so much!

omg thankies sm!! i so happy to hear that you enjoy my work. you made my morning istg! i luv u sm kith kith 🥺💖

𝔾𝕖𝕞𝕤𝕥𝕠𝕟𝕖 ℙ𝕣𝕠𝕞𝕡𝕥𝕤: 𝕐𝕠𝕤𝕙𝕚𝕜𝕒𝕘𝕖 𝕂𝕚𝕣𝕒

Alexandrite, Angelite, & Rhodonite

Can I Request Rhodonite, Angelite, And Alexandrite For Yoshikage Kira? Btw Youre Becoming One Of My Favorite

Alexandrite: What brings the yandere the most joy?

Small sessions of occasionally having a cup of coffee or tea (whatever you prefer) really makes him happy. We all know that he does get off on your hands, but that is a dead give away but that is not the only thing he just enjoys. Being in your company is very pleasing and having a simple conversation with him is just enough than blowing you up trying to attain your hands.

Angelite: How calm is the yandere and what aggravates them?

Kira is a very calm yandere with not much changing his usual calm stoic attitude. Being a literal killer helps with this as he doesn’t show when he gets worked up unless it really is a threat like what happened with Shigechi and all. When you are loud and wild of course trying to escape or just threatening him in general, the willpower to not just kill you and take you for your hands starts diminishing. He will never do it but there have been close calls.

Rhodonite: Does the yandere want kids and would they force darling into having them?

I see Yoshikage Kira most likely only living with you. I can’t see him as a family man or someone like Josuke or Bucciarati who actively wants children. All he really wants is to live a simple life, not having your attention and touch on someone else even if it was his own flesh and blood.

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3 years ago

Let the Dead be Dead

𝙲𝚑𝚊𝚙𝚝𝚎𝚛 𝙸

(ʏᴀɴ!ʙᴜᴄᴄɪᴀʀᴀᴛɪ x ʀᴇᴀᴅᴇʀ)

Let The Dead Be Dead

Waking up from the unexpected attack, you are also give an unexpected ability to good to be true.

┊┊┊┊ ➶ ❁۪ 。˚ ✧

Groggily opening your eyes, you squint trying to shield your eyes from the attack of bright light. Blinking several more times you remembered the events that happened prior to your sudden blackout. Frantically sitting up, you brought your hand to your neck to feel around for the fatal wound that was inflicted on you beforehand. Feeling nothing you let out a sigh of relief, slumping over to look at the cracked concrete ground beneath you.

You were utterly exhausted, but you had another problem to look out for. You wondered where the attacker’s whereabouts were, they could be anywhere waiting for you to get back up and fight. Yet you were also confused due to how sure you were stabbed and flew to the ground from it. You even remembered the awful feeling of gargling on your own blood as you desperately cried out for air. Trying to summon your stand you saw nothing. No matter how many times you called out its name, it wouldn’t appear by your side.

Fear began to tear away in you, like an unwinding thread about ready to break. The large room suddenly felt hot, stifling almost. Tearing off your jacket you continued to look around for the perpetrator. The broken vinyl still sitting a countless few feet away from you, mocking you as you sat there clueless and afraid.

A few more moments of silence went by to soon be broken by a faint chuckle behind you. Whipping your head around at the speed of light, you saw a figure you thought you would never see again. A figure you’d last seen before being planted in the ground to be one with life underneath.

Bruno Bucciarati.

Your stare of disbelief caused another eruption of chuckles from the ‘dead’ man. The blue eyes you loved gazing into and led you to where you were today, was staring at you once again just like they did a few months ago. Confused, you continued to stare back, eyebrows furrowed as you began to rule that this was a sudden hallucination from actually dying when you were attacked.

“I know what you are thinking…your not dead y/n. Although I must say your expression is quite humorous right now.”

Bucciarati let out a chuckle again before leaning down to get a closer look at your shaken bewildered form. Reaching your hand out, you took a clump of his white fabricated suit into your hand. Squeezing it a few times in reassurance, you brought your attention back to his expecting gaze.

“What is the m-meaning of this? Y-You’re dead, I saw you die-I saw you be buried!”

“I’m am dead, but I am here because of you.”

Reeling back in shock, you sat there stiff as a board from the bewilderment of your dead companion. Averting your gaze from his, you looked around trying to focus on the overall aspect of it all. You took notice of the splatters of blood that now adorned your clothing from the stab wound to the neck. Heavy amounts of dried-up blood lay there becoming even more proof of the laceration that was on your neck.

“I still don’t understand Bucciarati, how did I do this? The last thing I remember was walking in this abandoned place and-and…being stabbed. Now I’ve woken up to find my dead capo staring at me and no injury to be seen.”

Bucciarati sat there for a remaining second, pondering on what he was going to say next. His tongue hit the side of his cheek while his lips puckered up thinking of the right words.

“I am not too sure myself. I remember abruptly manifesting here as if someone pulled me here. You were on the ground lying in a puddle of blood with no wound to be seen. Although there was someone above you, staring at you as you convulsed from the trauma that was inflicted upon you. I guess my sudden appearance scared him off, but I was far too worried to leave you on your own to chase after the man.”

“Is that all…?”

“Not quite. While I waited for you to wake, there was a glow emitting from you like you were using your stand. By the time I looked up, behind me was your stand although it looked different from what I remembered. There in its bare transparent chest, was one of my golden zippers that belonged to one of my trademark suits. It was as if it was using it to manifest me, feeding off of it or something…”

Drawing your attention from Bucciarati’s worried look, you peered behind him to see in fact he was correct. Your stand stood there, motionless awaiting for your next command. She looked different with how her eyes were shaped, her armor changing in various ways over her body, then there was her now transparent torso that rested the golden zipper you took with you every time. A faint glow radiated from the small object as if Bucciarati was right using it for greater means.

“I think to believe that zipper is the reason why I am here. It may be using it to keep me here tethered to the living world as we both know I no longer exist in this world.”

Biting your lip, your face scrunched up in frustration from the mystery behind his presence here. You believed Bucciarati was onto something, but you decided it would be best if you could discuss this later. Not lingering in a place you were surely attacked in and have no idea where the perpetrator went.

Standing up, you wordlessly reached down to pick up your bloodied jacket. You then began to make your way to the door of the massive room, stopping and turning around waiting for Bucciarait to follow.

Bucciarati remained there for a brief second, his eyes fluttering back and forth taking in the full view of your form. Letting a warm smile crawl across his face, he stood up and made his way to you. Walking was almost like a foreign concept remembering the good days when life wasn’t so stressful when he could simply enjoy a nice sunny day with his father.

A smile appeared on your face at the warm gesture. It felt as if it was just yesterday when you sealed your fate as you took one step on the boat and he reassured you with that same smile.

Now that he was ‘back’ you could relish in the small moments before fate decided to strike again just like it did long ago.

Tags :
2 years ago

Joot with 55? Male reader if you don't mind. Thanks

*slides $5 to anon* for you, dear anon.

you promised (jotaro x male!reader)

Joot With 55? Male Reader If You Don't Mind. Thanks

[Sequel to I Promise]

warnings: yandere, unhealthy/toxic relationship, reader is male/amab

55. “I can’t bear the thought of you being with anyone else.”

Available on AO3 here.

⚠ by clicking/tapping "keep reading", you have consented to view dark content. ⚠


He's a strange one, some could call him bizarre, others say he is perfect, but to you...he's psychotic.

It's been days since the lights have been knocked out of you, barely gotten a single answer from why or what has been going through his head ever since he left. Sure it wasn't your business as it was only for him, his mother, and anyone related to know what it was, but you couldn't help but be concerned for what made him act like this. No matter how many times you ask him, he would either ignore you or dodge the question without a word. Any attempt to get any answer out of him would be granted with a scowl or a deadly grip on your arm.

Tonight was different as this time he decides to crack from all of this, but what you expect wasn't pretty.

It was bedtime, everyone was finished eating dinner and heading their separate ways and head to sleep. Jotaro pulls out both of the mats as you were focusing on the moon and stars, hearing nothing but the soft cry of cicadas.

This annoyed Jotaro greatly. "(Y/N)." He clutches his hand on one of the blankets. His patience has already grown thin ever since he took you in, pretending as if nothing happened and only wanted you to be with him, promising to be by his side no matter what.

You ignored his call and continue to look outside, but that moment isn't bound to be long. As Jotaro finishes setting the mats and blankets down, he quickly grabs a book from the nearby shelf and slams it against the wall, breaking the moment between you and the outside world.

Finally he's got your attention.

"Sorry, JoJo" You scratch your head out of embarrassment. "I was just staring at the moon. It sure looks full today, huh?"

Jotaro scowls and shrugs your excuse as nonsense. He knows that was bullshit, and so did you. Even after taking you away from your home and into his own just so he can be by your side-- it was.

And it still is.

You shuffle yourself into your mat, trying your best to ignore Jotaro keeping up with his little charade of being close to you. The soft shuffles of Jotaro comes behind you as you lie down on your side, trying to sleep and let the cycle continue tomorrow.

He finally breaks his silence. "You promised."

You squeeze your fist to resist the urge to punch him. It's not even worth fighting him at all, given his appearance. "I know...it's just..." The words are trailed off from your mouth. How can you address this without Jotaro ignoring this again?

Fuck it. You're just gotta be blunt with him this time. "Maybe things would be better if you didn't take me away from my friends and family, you know? We'll forget all of this happened."

"You know I won't let you. I can't bare the thought of you being with anyone else. I can't stand anyone else in this world but you, and you're the only one that truly loves me."

He's doing it again, and only this time he's guilt tripping you. Ignorant bastard, too stubborn to know all of this is wrong. But it's too late to think about anything right now. This may not be the last straw, but it's about time you create an escape plan earlier than you thought...

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2 years ago

Hi could you please do prompt 100 from the yandere list for risotto?

Yes! Thank you for requesting Risotto, I haven´t written anything for him yet!

Hope you like it ^^

100.” I will kiss you until your lips bleed. Just let me have this, I wanted to do this for so long. “


Yandere! Risotto with prompt 100

“….And finally, Pesci and me will handle the situation with that politician. That was all.”, Prosciutto finished his announcement. It had been time to inform everyone in La Squadra of their new missions for the coming week, so everyone had gathered in the meeting room.

“Are you sure that´s everything? You didn´t miss anything on accident?”, you asked him. It couldn´t happen again. Surely, this time there was a mistake. But Prosciutto only shook his head, throwing a quick glance at the paper in his hands before affirming your fears: “No, y/n, I didn´t make a mistake. That´s all that´s written here.”

As everyone slowly left the room, you were still staying seated, not believing that it had happened again. You once again didn´t get assigned a mission by your capo, Risotto. You just blamed it on coincidence the first few times it had happened, maybe your stand wasn´t suitable for any of your missions. But this was getting ridiculous. For the past 5 times now, you had to stay at the base while everyone else to go on their missions. Well everyone except Risotto, he only rarely went himself, spending most of his time doing mundane paperwork. This just had to end. You didn´t know why he wouldn´t let you go on missions anymore, so you decided to confront him in his office this time.

Standing in front of his door, your swallowed down your nervousness before knocking on the door, asking for a low “Come in” before entering. Your boss was once again sitting at his desk, a mountain of paperwork sitting on it. He looked up when he heard the door open and his face morphed into something that could almost be seen as a smile, at last by his standards. You swear you could never read his face. Before he could open his mouth to ask you what you wanted, you decided to let your frustration take over for your lacking confidence in his presence.

“Capo, I came to talk to you about something important. This is the fifth time in a row that I wasn´t send on any kind of mission. This is ridiculous. Do you think I´m weak, that I´m incapable of taking care of myself?! Please just assign me a mission already, I want to do something!”

“No.” That was all he said. Just a simple “no” without any explanation at all. Of course you weren´t satisfied with his response so you kept pressing on.

“Why not? If you don´t think I´m weak then why won´t you just let me do my job?!”. There was a short moment of silence between the two of you. Enough time to let you calm down from your angry state and realize that you just yelled at your boss. Looking at Risotto now, it seemed like he was internally contemplating something until he caught your gaze.

“Come here.”

Okay now you knew you were in trouble. Why would he ask you to come closer without meaning to punish you in some way? Was he going to use Metallica on you for misbehaving? You couldn´t tell at all from the look on his face, it just looked neutral, emotionless. Not wanting to anger your capo further you took a hesitant stop forward but still kept a respectable amount of distance between the both of you. Risotto now visibly looked a bit annoyed and let out a low sigh. “Closer.”, he just said while waving you over.

Even closer? Now you definitely had a bad feeling about this. You couldn’t deny your boss so you decided to do as he said, now standing directly in front of his desk, almost touching the wooden material as Risotto sat on the other side, carefully eying you. After looking at you some more with his haunting eyes, he raised his arm over the desk, reaching for your hand. A bit confused you just went along with it for now and met his hand in the middle. Letting out a pleased sigh as he claps your outstretched hand with his own, he uses his unoccupied hand to slowly trace over the back of your hand; then sliding it further up your arm with gentle brushes before suddenly tightening his grip on your arm.

“Risotto?”. You couldn´t help but call out his name in confusion and light pain. What was he doing? Why the gentle stroking if he wanted to punish you? What was your boss trying to do? Before you could contemplate his reasoning some more though, he just as suddenly pulled on your arm with great force, causing you to lose your balance and fall forward, now basically laying on top of his desk. You looked up into his eyes, still kind of dazed by what just happened and lightly grunting in pain. Ouch. As you try to gather your thoughts again, your boss leans down, shifting his head so his mouth is positioned right next to your ear, letting out an amused chuckle while still holding on tight to your arm. He then decided to finally speak up.

“The reason I´m not sending you out on missions, amore, is that I don´t want you out there where I can´t see you. I hate it whenever you must leave. You´re very capable, I´m aware of that fact. Otherwise I wouldn´t have chosen you for my team in the first place. But you´re also kind; too kind. I don´t want your kindness to be abused and used against you. I´m the only one that should see this side of you. I´m the only one that deserves to see it. I don´t want you to ever leave my side.”

“Boss, what are you saying? You´re not making any sense..”, you said as you tried to get up but he held you down with overwhelming force.

“Don´t defy me like this y/n. I don´t want to have to hurt you. You don´t want to make me use Metallica on you, do you now? Please make this easier for the both of us and don´t struggle.” Letting his voice drop even lower he proceeded to whisper into your ear.

“I´ve always wanted to see you like this, so close to me…Bending over for me like that. Of course preferably in a different setting.”, He let out a low chuckle.

You of course knew what he was implying and you felt your face flush red in embarrassment.

“You´re so cute amore. You´d like that, wouldn´t you? I´m sure you would. You´ve pledged your eternal loyalty to me, haven´t you? When you joined the hitman team, you pledged to do whatever your capo ordered you to. So now I order you not to run when I lessen my grip. Instead you will simply lift your head and not do anything else. Is that understood? You would do that for me, wouldn´t you darling?”

You were positively shaking now. Was this really happening? What was he planning to do to you?

“What are you going to do to me?”, you dared to ask.

Letting out another chuckle, Risotto answered your question by moving his face dangerously close to yours.

“I will kiss you until your lips bleed. Just let me have this, I wanted to do this for so long.” And then he leaned in fully, capturing your lips with his own, deeply and passionately kissing you. You didn´t know if you wanted this. But as you tried to break off the kiss you felt a sinking pain in your right leg. Glancing down, you saw a nail protruding from your skin and you let out a cry of pain as you saw blood slowly pooling out of the wound.

“Don´t”, Risotto hissed into the kiss, harshly biting into your lower lip to remind you of who was in charge. You understood what he was trying to say so you accepted your fate and hesitantly reciprocated the kiss while Risotto let his hand caress your cheek approvingly.

You probably wouldn´t leave his office anytime soon.

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2 years ago

YANDERE rissoto Nero doll peompt

Sure! Love me some goth capo!

Doll - "You're my doll, my toy to play with...and I don't intend to share you with anyone else.”

(Warnings: General yan scariness, mild gore, blood drinking, possessive behavior)

YANDERE Rissoto Nero Doll Peompt

Porcelain (Yandere! Risotto Nero x Reader)

“Stop moving…Don’t make me hurt you...” A low, smooth voice growled almost gutturally in your ear as your capo pinned you down against his desk. His black and red eyes peered down into yours with a look so intense, one could mistake it for murderous intent. Gripping your much smaller hands in his own, he pinned them above your head as he trapped you against the desk you had been sitting at not too long ago.

You stared up at him with wide eyes and ever so slightly parted lips, both showing shock for your normally even-tempered, detached capo’s sudden explosion of emotion. 

‘How did a situation like this arise?’ one might wonder. What would make such a normally calm man snap like this and shove his subordinate down on a table?

Let’s go back to when it started, first of all. You were a member of the La Squadra Di Esecuzioni, AKA the Hitman Team. Because of your useful stand, used for gathering info on hits, you had been assigned to work under the capo, Risotto Nero...but you didn’t think you would actually be under him like this...

His broad and muscular chest pressed down on your own, causing you to lose your breath just a bit...He was so heavy and you could barely even move to struggle against him, not that you could otherwise. His stand was absolutely brutal, and you knew from his earlier threat he had no problems utilizing it to keep you compliant.

“Capo…” You whined breathlessly, causing his body to tense a bit as he gazed down at you, “Please get off...You’re really heavy…”

He aggressively tightened his hands on your wrists, causing you to whimper softly. He cut off your circulation easily with just his fists alone. “No…” He said huskily, his eyes narrowing slightly as he saw you squirm just a bit underneath him...

“Why are you doing this…?” You asked him quietly, feeling more scared than you had ever been. As much as you had grown to trust your capo, you had never been at the mercy of someone that could so easily kill you if he so chose to.

"Every single day, it's the same thing…" He snarled a bit, his voice a growl that reverberated through his chest, "You're out there, my men flirting and throwing themselves at you...And you eat it up, don't you? You love the attention…" He continued with the same look of anger on his face.

"Flirting…?" You awkwardly said. They had only really been moderately nice to you...Bantering with you, asking for you to help them out with jobs..but you had never noticed them flirting with you intentionally as Risotto was putting it (other than Melone but that was to he expected of him).

Very hesitantly, you shook your head, a small frown appearing on your lips. "No…" You murmured, "They've just been nice to me and I've just been nice to them...That's all…"

"Don't be." Risotto snapped, his words harsh and eyes not much better in terms of their scathing look, "They don't deserve your kindness…"

You hesitantly tried to shake your head, "They're my teammates...and I have a support stand...It's my job to help them and-" you attempted to protest, but Risotto removed one of his hands from your wrists, easily retraining your arms with one hand, and gripped your chin between his thumb and forefinger.

"No. I don't care how big and bad you think you are, but those men are killing machines," He said lowly, his eyes still locked on to yours, "You're too fragile for me to even dream of letting them near you. All of them could break you, (Name). Easily. But I won't let them…" 

His grip on your chin slowly lightened, becoming less harsh and more like one a person would expect from a passionate lover. "You need to save your kindness, Amore. Save it for me. The only person you need to worry about is me," He said, expression slowly calming. His fit of anger seemed to be coming to a close.

You blinked slowly at him and his grip slowly began to go lax...He stood up and sat down in his chair again, yanking you into his lap and resting his head on top of yours. 

"You're mine. My doll, no one else's. Don't look at them. Don't speak to them. Don't even breathe a syllable of their names. Am I understood?" He asked, hands gripping your hips hard enough to leave bruises.

"But...capo...I still work with them. I need to-" You tried to reason, but before you could even get the words out, you felt a sharp prick in your thigh…

You winced, holding back a pained cry as you looked down at your thigh- A sharp needle piercing through the sensitive skin gruesomely. Blood began to pool around the needle, beginning to drip down the skin.

Glaring down at you, he let out a low growl that made your heart jump into your throat, "I said, am I understood?" He asked again, scowling at your attempt at defiance. 

"Y...yes, capo…" You said in a stammered whimper, eyes watering as you struggled not to cry and look weak in front of him. You slowly looked down, holding back a whine as the needle retracted, dissolving back into your blood. The gash was still open however and blood began to dribble down from the open wound and on to Risotto’s striped pants below.

 Seeing this, he reached down, brushing it away with his thumb and licking it off. You stared at him in silence for a moment, your eyes clearly reading with discomfort and fear as you watched him drink down those drops of your blood like spilled wine. He sighed blissfully, his dark eyes fluttering closed as he relished in your taste…

As he finished, he let out a small hum of approval and opened his eyes, staring down at you with a look of adoration. He wrapped his arms around you, resting a hand on the back of your head.

Risotto pressed your face into his shoulder and then began to run his fingers through your soft hair. "I can taste it in your very blood that you’re too weak to fight against me…” He murmured and pulled you even closer to his chest, crushing you against him like one might a teddy bear, “See? You're so soft and fragile...Like a little porcelain doll…" He said in an uncharacteristic and rather creepy, crooning tone, breathing out a sigh as he held you.

You shuddered and limply laid in his arms, trying not to make him angry again and just letting him hold you and stroke your hair gently, like he was patting the head of his favorite toy.

“Look at how easily I subdued you...You’re so tiny and weak, so easily overpowered by me...I barely had to do anything and look at you, sniveling and whimpering like a kicked puppy…” He sighed as he ran his hands over your trembling form, admiring how tiny you were against his muscular frame.

Sniffling softly and wiping your face in your sleeve, you quietly asked, “Why are you doing this, capo…?” You didn’t understand why he was acting this way towards you of all people. You were simply a subordinate, a person on his team who didn't even go on missions. You were a simply a support peice, a tiny cog in the machine. Why was he acting so...possessive? He was acting as if he somehow had some sort of claim over you and it was sickening, to say the very least...

“Why am I doing this?” He said as if reasking the question to you, "I thought it was apparent…" he leaned down closer, gripping your chin in his fingers again.

He moved closer and closer, until his nose was pressed up against yours and your lips were just barely separated, "I love you…"

You paused, staring at him in surprise for a moment...He...loved you? But...he was being so rough and aggressive, it was alarming…

 "I told you already...You are mine...You're my doll…" He leaned in closer and whispered into your ear, "And I won't share you with anyone else…"

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2 years ago

Good evening!! Can I request number 6 with hunter risotto and his hucow s/o? Preferably a fem so but really I’m fine with whatever!!

Yup! Here it is! I always wondered how a sadist like Risotto would ever deal with a darling with stockholm. Sure, shes devoted- more or less- but is that really what a terrifying man like him wants? And even if she makes slip ups, whats more important: Blind fear, or utter obedience? Risottos little cow has a contradictory life to lead for master....


You never lost hope that's for sure. Hope wouldn’t be the right word... But whatever it was, you were like a bitch with a bone: did not let go. You knew your master would come back for you- Risotto always came back. One thing you should believe is that you should trust your master. He knows what's best for you, he knows how to teach you, train you, and you should always trust him to know what he’s doing. And that includes coming home to you. Sometimes, you’d worry about him. You knew you shouldn’t, but you couldn’t help it! You’d pace around your stall, pick at your hooves, fiddle with your nose ring, bite the hell out of your lip as you pondered all the things that could have happened to him... What if he got in an accident? What if he was stuck somewhere under flaming debris and couldn’t leave? What if he was being hurt by some vicious monster?! But as frightening as all these thoughts that whizzed by in your head were, you quickly found yourself calm. Your master would never be in trouble. Nothing scary could happen to him! Because he had already taught you: never be afraid of anything more than him. And that includes anything that could happen to him- Risotto would come out on top!

The sound of his truck pulling into the gravel driveway made you stand-up. You were right! Or rather, Master was right! He did come back! You paced around your stall again, this time with excitement rather than anxiety. You could hear his worn boots stomp around the gravel, his steps slow. He was probably doing some lifting. Once he was done he’d come visit you! You waited patiently, occasionally sticking your head out of the stall to catch of glimpse of your handsome masters sculpted shoulders (though his work-shirt), and  envy the marks of sweat you could just barely spot. You missed him, and couldn’t wait to wrap your arms around master! It seemed like he was taking forever...

“Master!” you cheer, running towards the hunter to bury yourself in his thick scent. You collide with his chest, but he doesn’t take a step back, his muscular build barely budging. That’s your master for you! He’s just so strong! Especially when his strong hands grab your cheeks and rip you away from his chest. Risottos fingers dig into your skin, forcing your lips into a slight pout, as he checks you over. His pitch-black eyes and red irises scrutinise your features, lightly sticking up your nose and thumb grazing over your irritated piercing... You suddenly remember this pit of dread you feel with him. You got used to it at times. But you never liked having Risottos pale, ghoul like features stare coldly at you when you’re powerless to stop him. Of course you have powerful hooves, and had horns once... But you don’t anymore. And no matter how you refused Risotto, you had no chance of winning- and absolutely no right to. He was your master, as cruel as he was sometimes. A hunter. A man of standard... Have you done something wrong? You don’t know what it is, but you’ll fix it right away! You don’t want to get punished again...

“Were you a good girl?” He asked. You wanted to please your master, and you stayed right in the stall, and waited patiently for him- even when you got worried about him, or fearful, you never wavered! So: “Yes!”. Risotto-... Master disagreed, shaking his head as he released his rough squeeze on your cheeks, his other hand rooting itself in your hair to make you look at him. “That’s not true, you lying cow. You’ve bit a hole though your lip, and you’ve messed up your piercing from fiddling the skin around it red and raw- there’s even a blister forming... Were you anxious again?” he asked, but you had a feeling he already knew the answer. He was just wondering if his stupid cow knew the correct one. “Yes... I’m sorry master...” you whine. You can hear your master chide you: “I had a present lined up for my good girl, for finally learning all her lessons.” your ears twitch at the prospect of a reward- pleasing your master so hard you were worthy of something! His stern expression extinguishes your joy. “But it seems I was wrong. You’ve forgotten the most important lesson, even after you’ve had it a thousand times. That’s too bad... because naughty girls don’t get gifts. They take what they’ve given, and they take it with grace.” Master undoes his belt, black and red staring at you as you assume your submissive position.

This is where you’d get punished. Where Risotto would tie you up and chain you to a rafter and remind you to never be afraid of anything more than him. Submitting to your master, you spread yourself into a defenceless position, arms apart so you don't try to protect anything vital during your beating. But it doesn’t come. There is no beating you senseless, no crackling of a cattle prod, no understandably deserved punishment. Instead, you feel his belt slip around your neck, thick leather fitting flush with your jawline and collarbone, but rather loose (for a punishment, anyway) around the circumference of your neck. Risottos memorable metal R buckle is surrounded by two leather bands as he tucks the belt into a loose make-shift collar. His tugs on the ‘lead’ of the belt usher you to follow him. And though you curse yourself for your eagerness, you do. Though you’re confused as to why the hunter is guiding you outside your stall and into the house, reserved only for true humans. And why he sits you down on the floor while he gets takes out your nose piercing and rubs nasty smelling medicinal cream in the hole and over the blister. But you don’t flinch away from the surprisingly gentle care. And when he holds his palm out with a blank expression, you don’t refuse to lie your chin down and let his rough, pallid hands hold and caress you. Even though its new, you don’t try and move away. Because he was reminding you the most important lesson: trust your master, no matter what.  

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2 years ago
(Request From My Friend)

(Request from my friend)

But he’s not afraid to use Metallica on you if you try to run away : )

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