angelicsoul16 - RandomBlog!

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705 posts

That's Some Amazing Math But It's Wasted As Many People Will Join The Skeletons And Many People Will

That's some amazing math but it's wasted as many people will join the skeletons and many people will have to fight not just the skeletons you would have fought but you as well so everyone would be fighting at least 29 skeletons,they won't win.

the total number of humans ever to have lived is around 108 billion. the total number of people alive today is around 7.8 billion. that means there’s almost 14 skeletons per every living human.

do you think you can destroy 14 skeletons? what about your grandpa can HE destroy 14 skeletons? what about an INFANT CHILD? what kind of BABY can take on


what im saying here is that when the skeleton war happens some poor fool is gonna be fighting 15 skeletons because i’m stripping off my flesh onesie and joining the winning side.

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More Posts from Angelicsoul16

5 years ago

Ok thanks tumblr I'm going to bed now,Night!

There seems to be some confusion surrounding the universe sanders sides takes place in. So I would like to suggest some theories:

The sides are completely imaginary. Thomas just passes out on his couch and vividly daydreams for anywhere between 8-40 minutes.

The sides are imaginary but Thomas only passes out on his couch when they go somewhere, and spends most of his time talking to an empty living room.

The sides are so imaginary that Thomas doesn’t just pretend to talk to them, he just hops around from spot to spot impersonating them. Like filming sanders sides but much more tedious.

The sides are real, can be seen by others, and can interact with the world around them. This can be great, cuz thomas has like 5x the amount of people to help out with chores, but can also be terrible because oh god oh no Patton’s gotten into the kitchen again and he’s already used all the flour to make cookies

The sides are real but they can’t interact with anything. This is probably for the best.

The sides are real but can’t be seen by anyone other than Thomas for some strange reason. They can still interact with objects and Joan is convinced Thomas’ house is haunted

The sides are imaginary, except on the full moon when Thomas’ curse is at its most powerful. This is why Logan has the full moon circled in his calendar

The sides are real and have all the powers of an imaginary being, including summoning objects. Thomas is op. Please nerf.

The sides are real because Thomas is a god of mischief and can do what he wants, and what he wants is to summon the aspects of his personality and occasionally, his aunt patty

The sides are only real enough to steal pizza from Thomas’ fridge. Where the food goes we will never know

The sides are real. Thomas is the imaginary one

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5 years ago

I wasn't tagged but ima do this any way

Patton and roman-

I Wasn't Tagged But Ima Do This Any Way
I Wasn't Tagged But Ima Do This Any Way

Virgil and Logan-

I Wasn't Tagged But Ima Do This Any Way
I Wasn't Tagged But Ima Do This Any Way

Imma tag @tobashiarg-blog-archive @sky-high-au @seasonal-shifts-au-fanartfunart @blood-guts-and-gore-au @lefaystrent @logicality-vs-prinxiety

New game

Describe the Sides using only pictures you can find in your phone then tag five more people to do it. I’ll go first


New Game


New Game


New Game


New Game


New Game

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5 years ago

10/10 theory

What’s in a name? (Virgil and Deceit Theory)

These two lines in Selfishness vs. Selflessness got a lot of people thinking….


And I’d like to give my own two cents.

I think a side’s actual name signifies that it has functions other than its main function.

If you think about it, this makes a lot of sense: calling a side by its function reduces it to only that function, and we all know this is far from true. Giving a side a name gives birth to a three-dimensional, complex facet of Thomas’ personality.

It was pretty obvious from the beginning that Logan, Roman and Patton had functions other than Logic, Morality, and Creativity. But to be more specific,

Logan got his name reveal in the episode where it was highlighted that he is also the planning, keeping schedule function- a function considered as important as logical thought especially in more recent videos. (Losing My Motivation)

In fact, Logan used his main function- logical thought- for deduction throughout the whole episode. Only at the conclusion part did he realize that his other function, planning, was being neglected. Logan obviously has multiple functions.

Roman got his name reveal in the episode where it was highlighted that he is also Thomas’ ego and confidence. (Am I Original?)

Roman used his main function of creativity throughout the whole video, but at the end Roman’s uncertainty of himself and the dejection he feels because of how the others treat him turns out the be part of the problem. Roman also has multiple functions.

Patton’s name reveal episode doesn’t even have anything to do with morality- again, he has a LOT of functions. (Growing Up)

What about Virgil? Well, as far as we know his only function is Anxiety.

(Or is it? I’m tending to lead towards this brilliant theory…. but I digress.)

We do know, however, that he was very defensive of his name for a while.

We learn that the reason for this is that, apart from being reserved in general, he was afraid the others will laugh at his name. I thought that was all there is to it until….


This scene came around.

D: Oh, so you’ve never been reluctant to share anything with the group, then?

V: Don’t.

D: What? I just meant your name.

V: Don’t!

It is obvious that Virgil is hiding something, something that Deceit knows but the others don’t. And judging by his reaction, this is a secret he desperately wants to keep. What could that be?

When Deceit mockingly says that he just meant his name, Virgil reacts even more defensively. Maybe he is just fed up and afraid of Deceit’s comments bordering on threats, but what if… there is actually something more to Virgil’s name? Maybe Virgil’s secret actually is his name. Not what his name is, but what it signifies.

If Virgil has other, probably “darker” functions that he wants to hide, his reaction here makes a lot of sense. When Virgil first revealed his name, he indirectly admitted that he is not “Anxiety”- he is “Virgil”, and this name suggests functions other than anxiety. (cough cough) And if you think about it it just makes sense. All our main sides have a wide range of functions, and only Virgil is just….anxiety. Why the drastic imbalance?

Now, I wouldn’t have come up with this theory if it hadn’t been for Deceit.


D: I don’t want Thomas to be disadvantaged in a world where you can die for not following the rules made in the name of a lie.

The more I rewatch the episode the more I’m convinced that Deceit’s function is not just lies/deception. In fact, Deceit’s whole goal in the most recent ep is making Thomas be honest to himself, and that is not something you’d expect a side named solely deceit would do.

If I had to guess, he is also self-preservation. 


(or maybe it’s more than a guess.)

Virgil even says that,

V: You literally know him as Deceit!

Emphasis on know him. Why didn’t Virgil say “He is literally called Deceit” or “His name is literally Deceit”?

The wording…. sounds as if Virgil knows that Deceit’s name isn’t Deceit. As if he knows that Deceit is more than just deceit.


We already knew at this point that Deceit is a liar. Then why this line? What does Deceit mean by “what he is”? This whole interaction between Deceit and Virgil makes perfect sense if they know each other’s 1)real name, and 2)actual range of functions.

Other bits of evidence that could be read with this theory:

CLBG- D: Who’s she? Never heard of her. (This may be Deceit being Deceit, but what if he’s hinting at the fact that it’s not entirely accurate to call him deceit?)

CLBG- Virgil is the only one who never calls Deceit “Deceit” in this episode. Go check.

CLBG- Deceit knows Virgil’s real name.

SvS- Virgil avoids answering when asked by Deceit if he is in control of Thomas’ fears.

SVS- The only time in the entire episode where Virgil calls Deceit “Deceit” is “Are you seriously siding with Deceit?” said to Roman. This line necessitates him to say “Deceit” because he’s emphasizing that Deceit is a liar and should not be trusted. He means less the actual side Deceit and more the act of lying.

Apart from this and the one time in the Phases video endcard, Virgil never calls Deceit “Deceit”. This is actually pretty jarring because the the others call Deceit Deceit multiple times, and Deceit calls Virgil by name multiple times as well.

SVS- V: Do not allow him, or any of….his friends, to stick around that long ever again. (He’s saying “him” very pointedly. Deceit is not in the room, why call him “him”?)


1. Actual names symbolize a side having a wide range of functions, not just its main one.

2. Virgil didn’t want to reveal his name because it suggests that he has functions other than anxiety- this is the secret Deceit mocked him for.

3. Deceit also has a wide range of functions, and it is my guess that once the other sides finally realize that he isn’t just a big fat liar with no valuable input, his actual name will be revealed, finalizing him as an actual multi-faceted side.

4. Virgil and Deceit knew each other’s real names and functions from the beginning.

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5 years ago

As a hufflepuff all I have to say is,Mood.

You Can Rip Hufflepuff Virgil Out Of My Cold Dead Hands
You Can Rip Hufflepuff Virgil Out Of My Cold Dead Hands
You Can Rip Hufflepuff Virgil Out Of My Cold Dead Hands
You Can Rip Hufflepuff Virgil Out Of My Cold Dead Hands
You Can Rip Hufflepuff Virgil Out Of My Cold Dead Hands
You Can Rip Hufflepuff Virgil Out Of My Cold Dead Hands
You Can Rip Hufflepuff Virgil Out Of My Cold Dead Hands
You Can Rip Hufflepuff Virgil Out Of My Cold Dead Hands
You Can Rip Hufflepuff Virgil Out Of My Cold Dead Hands

you can rip hufflepuff virgil out of my cold dead hands

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5 years ago


(Going with first and last!)

spell your username without using the letters in your name

mine is ptipi