Burning Vengeance
Burning Vengeance
Hello hello and welcome to this week’s six sentence story based on the word TEXT. I know I am late, and I DON’T know what’s going on here with this, because it’s a little odd… Okay it’s a lot odd, and a little experimental with a style choice I tried, but I hope you enjoy. She re-read the text for the third time, and wondered if she was reading more into it than was actually there, because it…
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More Posts from Anneswritingnook
Day 4: Pumpkin
She stomped through the orchard, taking a second sip of the disgusting beverage, recoiling at the taste of pumpkin spice. It was an apple orchard, and yet there was no cider to be seen, no market for it anymore.
“I wish that people who liked pumpkin spice would just die,” she muttered, after another terrible sip.
“Granted.” The voice came from nowhere, and everywhere.
Screams rang out from all around her. “OMG, they're dead, they're all dead!”
She froze, willing herself awake. It had to be a dream, right?
More screams broke the silence.
What had she done?
Third Time's the Charm1
Hello hello and welcome to this week’s six-sentence story based on the word of the week combination. My first thought was traits, then good and bad, then skin types, pizza flavours, and finally I settled on the combination to the vault. Follow our narrator as she makes and executes her plans in threes… If you liked it, tell me what you think. If you didn’t like it, tell me what rubbed you the…
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Day 8: Hot
She woke up because she needed to pee. When she grabbed the doorknob, it was hot beneath her fingers, too hot.
She flipped on the light, and the room was hazy with smoke. The house was on fire.
She couldn’t understand how she couldn’t smell it, why the fire alarm wasn’t going off, but she knew she had to get out.
She tripped on her way out the window, landing headfirst, neck snapping on impact.
She didn’t get hear the giggles turn to screams, as the pranksters realised what had they had done.
There is something wrong with Tumblr, but it's so entertaining
Having a bruise is great it’s like a second clitoris but it only does masochism
Day 10: Sharp
You always heard about fight or flight, but in the alley behind the club she froze when she saw his teeth.
They felt as sharp as they looked, stabbing into her neck, and she felt paralyzed by fear.
By the time fight and flight kicked in, it felt like she was moving through jello, growing weaker the more she tried.
She’d known Jared for six years, and she wondered, would she one day say she’d known him six centuries, or would it be over in six minutes?
She closed her eyes, not knowing if they would ever open again.