Vengeance - Tumblr Posts
I've been reading a bit about the themes of justice and retribution in fairy tales lately, and I keep finding excerpts that sound like they were ghostwritten by Rafal, haha.
"Most parents today shield their children from the violent imagery found in Grimm’s fairy tales. But if you’ve had enough conversations with young children, you’ll find that they already think a good deal about violence and death and what it all means, so sanitizing fairy tales will not stop children from thinking what they naturally think. If children are nursed on fairy tales that have been sanitized to appease the sentiments of adults and not left alone to nurture their own spiritual development, it will damage their ability to develop a sense of justice, [...]"
"The thirst for justice is strong in children. To deny them drink is to deny them redemption. The next time my daughter pronounces a death sentence on a wicked sinner, I won’t talk her out of it. I’ll agree: they do need to die. [...]"
“For children are innocent and love justice, while most of us are wicked and naturally prefer mercy.” ― G.K. Chesterton
"Modern crime fiction has nothing on the ingenuity, brutality and sheer bizarreness of the offenses committed in classic fairy tales. Moreover, fairy tales are ruthless. Our contemporary crime novels have the monopoly on moral ambiguity, true, but fairy tales take no prisoners and often offer no redemption. Mercy is not a hallmark of the genre and even the kindest, most benevolent maid-turned-princess isn’t afraid to take out her wicked stepmother."
"[...] revenge tends to break out whenever legal remedies are blocked, as when the evildoer controls the legal machinery or is otherwise above the law, or when public law enforcement is very lax."
Ce soir,
son mail dit qu’il m’aime et qu’il vient —
Ma fierté crie vengeance.
— Mat Fauve

The Duck knows what you did. You thought you were unseen, that you got away with your crime. You are wrong. She knows, and she will extract payment for it in the currency most dear to you. Be prepared, for she is relentless in pursuit and long of memory; you may travel far and fast but she will always find your guilt. She smells it on you, the reek of wrongdoing, and no perfumed soap can hide it.
Ready yourself, for your reckoning is at hand.
![I Don't Know Where This Came From But First Post!! Yay :]](
I don't know where this came from but first post!! yay :]
(total time: 1 hr 38 mins)
Hello hello and welcome to this week’s response to the Girlontheedge’s prompt CONCEQUENCES. There are consequences to our actions and this week’s narrator was willing to face what was coming to them, and got quite the surprise. Follow our non-gender specific narrator, as they explain how they go to where they are today, and why they made the decisions that they did. You may want to check the tags…
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Burning Vengeance
Hello hello and welcome to this week’s six sentence story based on the word TEXT. I know I am late, and I DON’T know what’s going on here with this, because it’s a little odd… Okay it’s a lot odd, and a little experimental with a style choice I tried, but I hope you enjoy. She re-read the text for the third time, and wondered if she was reading more into it than was actually there, because it…
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Vengeance seeking, forever raging.
Goodnight, it's time to be batman..