Day 27: Nothing
Day 27: Nothing
She knew that it wasn’t real, that none of it was real, because it smelt like nothing. She had thought after the fields, after the camps, that anything would smell better, and it would, but there was nothing.
The hair on the back of her neck rose as she heard a sound by the door, and every muscle tensed, her animal brain screaming of the wrongness of this place. It she was lucky; it was all a dream.
Then again, she had never been lucky.
boopedbyanangel liked this · 1 year ago
More Posts from Anneswritingnook
Day 28: Sweat
The smell of sweat was always there, hers, Joanne’s, Carl’s, all of them reeking after days without showering, and long hours in the fields planting the crops.
There was no water for something as frivolous as bathing, not more than once a fortnight, and it was almost worth it to sneak off to the lake for a dip. Someone might get eaten by a kelpie, but at least they would be clean when they did.
She looked at their small pile of fruit and flinched. They were behind, and The One Who Wears Many Faces did not accept excuses.
Day 23: Copper
Just once, Louise thought, I would like to step into a house that smells of copper and find that the owner had an antique penny collection.
Alas, there were no pennies, just the entire blood volume of a family of four in the bathtub, and the disturbing realisation that this sicko might have bathed in it.
She would have it sent to the lab, for the DNA equivalent of a needle in a haystack and add this to the pile of similar cases on her desk.
Why did she always get the weird ones?
Out of Balance
Hello hello and welcome to this week’s six sentence story based on the word BALANCE. I missed last week’s trying to do too many things in too little time, but I am back this week, working on NaNoWriMo, and that includes writing ALL the words! Follow out narrator as they have a bad day serving breakfast. There is a balance to everything, except for her, she was entirely unbalanced, or clumsy,…
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Day 31: Trick-or-Treat
It was night of the final harvest, and they were three bags short of the offering promised to The One Who Wears Many Faces.
First it would eat what was given, then it would take what was due from them. It would start with their best, then continue until it was satiated.
She watched as it devoured the apples, and she was stopped from pointing out the mould on them.
It stopped, choking, retching, and fell limp to the ground.
She walked towards it hesitant, barking out a laugh as she read the text on the bag of apples.
So this is the end, and for the last day, you may noticed I included none of the senses, because I am gearing up for rebel mode, AKA NaNoWriMo Rebel, because I am going to spend the next 30 days writing anything but 50K of a new novel!!!
Day 26: Rain
She dropped to her knees in thanks for the prayer that was soon to be answered. She could smell the rain on the air, not yet there, but so close that she could almost taste it. The crops would get water, they wouldn’t starve, not this year.
The undead hordes could still break through their defences and kill them all, but it wouldn’t be because they were too weak from hunger to fight the legions off. Finally, after weeks of waiting, it was going to rain, and she hoped those dead bastards all drowned in it.