Anya, She/Her. Writing blog! Snippets, moodboards, etc. I dump everything in here. Not a minor, but please keep asks safe and friendly! Would love some writing friends!
354 posts
Meme Tag
Meme Tag
The only goal of this one is to make memes of your work. I got tagged by @pluttskutt so thank you! I'm not much of memelord but I got:

And a blank one, if you like this

Ty ty for hitting me up!
Tagging @reaperofcrows and @theprissythumbelina and @winterandwords and @anyablackwood to throw this one together ;)

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"Most Likely To" Tag
Bit late to the party, but thanks for the tag, @pandoras-comment-box!!!
The rules are pretty self-explanatory. Answer the prompts with which OCs are most likely to do them!
Most likely to get lost
Probably Claire, at least in the beginning. That girl can't find her way out of a paper bag. Eventually she'll gain a shred of sense. Eventually.
Most likely to adopt a stray
Meg. Honestly, most of my protags would probably at least try. But Meg would be the one that actually knows what the fuck she's doing when she takes an animal in, lmao. It helps that she can speak with them.
Most likely to earn a punch in the face
Pretty much all of my characters say and do stupid shit worth punching them for, lmao. I guess I'll go with most punchable on average, which would have to be Alexander. In a way, I love him, but he really ain't shit.
He's got the kind of oblivious, arrogant audacity that makes his (admittedly conventionally attractive) face suddenly look alluringly punchable. It's like he's begging you to rearrange his features.
Okay, that was fun! Your turn!
Prompts for you:
Most likely to drive on the wrong side of the road
Most likely to accidentally offend someone
Most likely to win the lottery
(Gently) tagging: @mysticstarlightduck, @kaylinalexanderbooks, @nemaliwrites, and anyone else who wants in!
OC Fun Facts Tag
A belated thanks for the tag, @mysticstarlightduck! I'll be using _.
Rules: "Make a list of fun facts about your OCs. Like a headcanon list, if you will! Except it's actually canon!"
Luna is double-jointed in her arms.
Iris is demiromantic.
Claire aspires to be tall. (And a bog witch)
Felix is immune to most poisons.
Alexander has a soft spot for rabbits.
Claire is ambidextrous.
Fenris is still scared of the dark.
Luna is left-handed.
Iris used to have a bee sting allergy.
None of Emperor Silas' eight children share a mother.
Felix can speak four languages (with varying fluency).
Meg has a pet wolpertinger.
Adrasteia hates ballroom dancing.
Aven's mother is a Northern Marsh fairy.
Nina's great-grandmother Asteria is the one who initially founded the town of Asteria Heights, hence the name.
That was fun! I initially wrote it out without numbering it, so I didn't even realize I'd listed that many!
Gently tagging: @fayeiswriting, @the-down-upside-finch, @nailamoonsi, and anyone else who's interested! I'd love to hear more about everyone's WIPs/OCs!
Writing Log 9
Finally got my shit together and finished chapter 3. It took way too long considering how long it was just sitting untouched in front of me, but I'm trying not to beat myself up too much about it.
For whatever reason, I just couldn't get myself to get around to writing the final scene. It wasn't even a hard scene, nor was it very long. But I guess it just wasn't the vibes, lol.
On to chapter 4 tomorrow. I think I'll treat myself first, though. A nice long video game session. I've gotten back into Cozy Grove lately, so I'll just do some redecorating and feed my spectral animal companions.
Nine Lines, Nine People Tag!
Thanks for the tag, @thecomfywriter (here)! I'll go with a snippet from Scrapyard Boys for this one! <3
Rules: Post 9 lines of your WIP, then tag 9 people to do the same.
"I'll fucking kill you when I get out of here," Valen rasped through bloodied teeth, before laughing bitterly, "If it wasn't for these stupid cuffs," He tugged against the metal digging into his skin, though knowing it was in vain, "I'd have fried your ass to a crisp by now, fucker."
Jake looked down at him with a cocky smirk, shaking off his closed fist a couple of times, "I'll give it to you, kid, you've got some moxie," He chuckled, before grabbing a handful of the other's long, curly hair, and pulling him upwards.
Valen groaned, biting down on his own lip to hold back a yelp of pain, gasping but still glaring up at the man.
"Your little gang took something from me, last night, when I caught you sneaking around" The older man purred, "I want it back. It's a simple trade - you tell me where the asset you stole from me is, and maybe," He gave Valen's hair a sharp tug, drawing an whimper out of him "I can consider taking it easy on you and your delinquent friends."
Jake paused, waiting for an answer from the young mutant with a cocked eyebrow. "What do you say?"
Instead of answering, Valen wasted no time spitting on the man's face, saliva and blood hitting the man's cheek, close to his eye.
Tagging (gently): @sleepy-night-child, @kaylinalexanderbooks, @anyablackwood, @oh-no-another-idea, @littleladymab,
@winterandwords, @eccaiia,, @illarian-rambling, @finickyfelix and OPEN TAG
Heads Up Seven Up
Thanks for the tag @the-golden-comet!!! I'll go with a snippet I wrote for one of the future chapters of Supernova Initiative that I've been working on!
Artemis stammers, trudging up to the other quickly and stopping right in front of the other, arms crossed, “I know you heard what I said, you dipshit.” He said, glaring venomously at the other, who simply stood there, a placid, mock-innocent smile on his lips as if he had no idea what the other was talking about, but Artemis knew he did, he knew him. He took a deep breath, “I’m gonna ask again, and you’re going to answer, or I’m gonna throw you right into that hail storm - can you just use your damn wrist computer to map out a path?”
He punctuated each of those words, being as painfully clear as he could get. For a moment, Kye said nothing in response, just smiled, standing there - and at that precise moment of silence, Artemis wanted nothing more than to deck him. Thankfully, for Kye’s sake, the other decided to speak.
“Maybe I can…” His voice was cheeky, with a pseudo-sweetness to it that told Artemis that Kye was simply toying with him. The alien tilted his head to the side like a stray cat, “If you ask nicely.”
Supernova Initiative Taglist (-/+): @ray-writes-n-shit, @sarandipitywrites, @lassiesandiego, @smol-feralgremlin, @kaylinalexanderbooks,
@diabolical-blue @oh-no-another-idea
@cakeinthevoid, @clairelsonao3, @sleepy-night-child
@the-golden-comet, @urnumber1star, @ominous-feychild, @anyablackwood
Let me know if you'd like to be added!