Oc Fun Fact - Tumblr Posts
I definitely should of seen this coming- especially from a simp-
🔥 FunFact! Despite her cold, rough and mean exterior, Sh normally hesitates before hurting someone (physically, mentally, or emotionally). She always used to accidentally hurt people in the past, and even though she says she doesn't care of act like it, she can't help but hesitate. And she hates herself so much for it. She's supposed to be cruel, sadistic, evil, everything bad. But the pleading and scared eyes always get her. Cursed people aren't supposed to feel bad. That's what she's been told at least...
Man. Am I tempted to talk about my OC's. Oh well. I ain't that confident about them-
fun inuy fact they really fw medusa, got a sternum tatt to prove it. could recite you her lore off the top of their head and not bat an eye.
OC Fun Facts Tag!
Thanks for tagging me, @thecomfywriter (here)!!!
Let's go with Aelia and Emrin from The Crystal of Ash, and Tarah & Kye from Supernova Initiative for this one!
Aelia 🍂
She is the daughter of a man who once was the most successful thief and the most wanted man on the continent across the sea. Once he amassed wealth to rival that of most, he changed his identity and moved to the main kingdom of the story, where he posed as a powerful merchant and became a very influential man. Thus, Aelia both has thief skills and knows upper-class etiquette - as she was raised in both environments.
She is a wild spirit at heart, spending most of her time sparring in the chateau's courtyard, riding horses, exploring the woods, studying secret magic, and trying to learn more about the other kingdom, where she was born.
She thinks that Declan is endearing, though at first when they met he used to be concerned, a bit creeped out by the fact that she could sneak like a spider anywhere without being noticed.
She has a flying cat (those creatures are called Gryphers in their world), who is just as much a menace to society as her, and who adores stealing tarts from the kitchen because he knows he'll get away with it.
She has shown some talent for magic, though hers is a bit foreign to the local scholars when compared to the usual magic in Callonor.
Emrin 🏹
Emrin is considered an aberration both by the humans of the continent and the Levaethia, the draconic elves from beyond the mountains because she is of half-human, half-Levaethia blood.
She was taken in by a young Levaethian outcast, who had been banished by his tribe for disagreeing with their people's Way - since he believed maintaining peace with those invading their land would only lead to their people's death. He was a leader of a rebel movement, and along with his friends - became like siblings to the young Emrin, who was an outcast too, and taught her to be a ferocious assassin to any humans who invaded their land.
She's a talented archer, who rarely - if ever - misses her mark, and has a strong tie to earth/nature sorcerer, being considered a very powerful and dangerous Caster.
When she was around twelve years old, she saved a dragon pup from a trap. Much like her, dragons were seen as murderous monsters by humans and Levaethians alike, and so, after she saved the young dragonling, they developed a close bond and friendship based on that understanding.
Emrin loves wildberry juice and has quite a sweet tooth.
She blames her human blood for her being considered an outcast, which makes her alliance with the main cast very fickle, born out more of necessity than trust.

Tarah 🪻
She loves making woven bracelets with her best friend, it's their little tradition.
She's the daughter of a genius Junction scientist who had his life's work stolen from him and then found out the corruption the Director was involved in - and made the mistake of threatening to expose it. Which got him killed.
Tarah has anxiety and does not know how to properly interact with people she doesn't know, gravitating between a people-pleasing personality and a skittish one.
She has a love and a talent for learning languages.
She likes to gift people unique gifts on their birthday but often forgets her own. Not because of any self-esteem issue. Just because she is forgetful.
Tarah loves music but hates loud noises.
She has a big dog who follows her everywhere and looks like an alien version of a pitbull.
She is actually pretty good at baking.
Kye 🐍
Kye's "weapon of choice" against his enemies is poison, and he is an expert on lethal chemicals and the deadliest poisons in the galaxy. The reason why he chooses to use poison for his enemies is that poison was the cause of the death of his Dad (something that traumatized Kye deeply) - so it's kind of a way for Kye to make his enemies "suffer like his Dad did."
Kye is incredibly sarcastic and is capable of being a sassy lil' shit when he wants to.
When he was a teenager, Kye met Artemis Zreeth and they temporarily became best friends, but after an unfortunate string of terrible circumstances and misunderstandings, they went their separate ways and became rivals.
Kye hates the smell of roses - especially the artificial ones - and one of his triggers is the sound of platform heels (because his abusive mother, Eldora, used to wear rose perfume and platform heels)
Kye loves animals, especially weird ones, but also puppies and kittens. He really has a soft spot for cuteness.
One of his hobbies is embroidering, and his favorite designs to embroider are flowers
He starts out as incredibly morally grey and ruthless, but through his friendship with the main cast, slowly learns how to be kind and honorable again, while not losing his dangerous side towards his enemies.
Tagging (gently): @sleepy-night-child, @kaylinalexanderbooks, @smol-feralgremlin, @oh-no-another-idea, @littleladymab,
@winterandwords, @eccaiia, @sarahlizziewrites, @illarian-rambling
@agirlandherquill, @anoelleart, @ray-writes-n-shit
@writernopal, @anyablackwood, @unstablewifiaccess, @forthesanityofstorytellers, @finickyfelix
@i-can-even-burn-salad, @cakeinthevoid,
@lassiesandiego, @thepeculiarbird, @clairelsonao3, @memento-morri-writes, @starlit-hopes-and-dreams and OPEN TAG
OC Fun Facts Tag
A belated thanks for the tag, @mysticstarlightduck! I'll be using _.
Rules: "Make a list of fun facts about your OCs. Like a headcanon list, if you will! Except it's actually canon!"
Luna is double-jointed in her arms.
Iris is demiromantic.
Claire aspires to be tall. (And a bog witch)
Felix is immune to most poisons.
Alexander has a soft spot for rabbits.
Claire is ambidextrous.
Fenris is still scared of the dark.
Luna is left-handed.
Iris used to have a bee sting allergy.
None of Emperor Silas' eight children share a mother.
Felix can speak four languages (with varying fluency).
Meg has a pet wolpertinger.
Adrasteia hates ballroom dancing.
Aven's mother is a Northern Marsh fairy.
Nina's great-grandmother Asteria is the one who initially founded the town of Asteria Heights, hence the name.
That was fun! I initially wrote it out without numbering it, so I didn't even realize I'd listed that many!
Gently tagging: @fayeiswriting, @the-down-upside-finch, @nailamoonsi, and anyone else who's interested! I'd love to hear more about everyone's WIPs/OCs!
OC fun facts tag~! feat. Blue Horizon.
I rambled at points! Read if curious.
Thank you @anyablackwood for the tag!!! Somehow while I was writing up half these fun facts a few days ago, I got inspired to write more of book 2! I wound up figuring out a lot of long-term plot points, so that was fun.
Rules: "Make a list of fun facts about your OCs. Like a headcanon list, if you will! Except it's actually canon!"
Added the rules late. I wound up doing 15 facts too...but there is some paragraphs in mine, whoops.
As noted prior, as far as I've counted thus far, there are 15 sets of Blue Horizon twin and triplet characters! But from what I remember, there are only 2 sets of triplet characters.
Here's the main triplet babes:

2. There are alien animal people who are very humanoid, including their skin (so like...nekomimi people). Their key capability is transforming into the animal they're linked to! Particularly of focus are the cat people, who can transform into both felis catus and big cats! There are 7 main characters who are either wholly or partially so. 1 is a lion form, 2 are leopard forms, 1 is "bird form," 1 is a jaguar form, 1 is a wolf form, and 1 is a surprise!
(There are two female animal people I stopped focusing on years ago due to changing Blue Horizon a lot... I want to revise so I can bring them back since about 6 are male now.)

3. Noticeably, Blue Horizon's verse has a multi-colored eye system, with 6 that are relevant to the characters--Bright Days, Sad Days comic 4 will reveal further, but each eye color is tied to a psychic power! Unfortunately there are caste-like issues from this--Antonio, who is red-eyed and has the magic of empaths, is in the supposed 'lowest caste' in their modern day, while his identical twin Fernando with golden eyes that can see into the past is in the 'highest.'
4. Mario Herrera, Antonio Chandrani-Rivera's cousin, was originally based on my idea of Mercutio from Romeo and Juliet. He's gone through some interesting changes! I created him around 2005 to 2010 (unsure when exactly but pretty early, as I was interested in snarky "rogue" characters back then and considered him one). Since around 2012 he became one of the first trans main characters (he's a trans boy). He had a boyfriend who was originally based on Tybalt, and for a long time Tybalt!BF was just kind of...dry, instead of a troublesome guy, but at some point that boyfriend became too toxic/bitter for my taste, so I wholly revised the boyfriend. Now his boyfriend is uber-cuddly, but I plan to more-carefully add some wilder character arc stuff for them.
5. While I've noticeably shown off the Focal Gen achillean and sapphic love/relationship charts, I recently wrote in further representation--a man named Kamal is demisexual representation, his friend Hamza is aro representation, and a character unrelated to either of them named Eryk is aro-ace representation.
6. While there are technically 3 generations of OCs in Blue Horizon, the "first generation" is from thousands of years ago and a majority of those characters are reborn within the [edit] second and third generation.
7. Nasir, Antonio Chandrani-Rivera's past life, is fantasy-counterpart Blasian.
8. Not quite 'fun,' (I forgot it was supposed to be 'fun' while writing this oops), but my characters are meant to be super flawed. Antonio + Layla + Alejandro have a bucket load of issues, at one point Antonio finds it hilarious Alejandro hasn't managed to land a date, at another point Rayan calls Layla 'sexless,' and many characters fret or obsess over 'propriety' and even call things 'queer' in that old-school (if usually passé) way, though it's majorly over how one of their magic systems (akin to Iron Widow's but different) functions, NOT due to homosexuality or gender themselves.
This is despite my being pretty firmly a nonbinary demisexual lesbian.
It's hugely due to wanting to reflect some of 2000's zeitgeist. Interestingly, their past lives don't reflect certain flawed/messy habits due to their society functioning differently.
9. The ancient generation was once able to travel through space! Their planet was once connected to the rest of the galaxy and part of a large multi-planetary system.
10. I didn't drop the image of it here, but comic 4 will show off how their system once had a Dyson Sphere.
(Below is an in-progress panel. The Antonio is copy-pasted from his character chart so that I can draw a similar pouty expression.)

11. The main characters of Blue Horizon are 100,000 years in the future, but their society is obsessed with the ancient Earth, AKA our era. They tend to make up their own ideas of how they think Earth was like, so they'll note things like dial-up internet tone terrifying them, and assume that Europeans are "Roman" no matter the era.
12. Certain OCs now canonically have browner tone to their sclera. It's because this is common for a lot of dark-skinned to brown-skinned people, but due to media being pretty European-idealism-centric, people ignore that it's normal for some amount of people. So just representing that! I don't even notice this in Picrews, so thought to bring it up again.

13. I disliked saying it out loud prior, but Antonio being covered in blood tends to represent his self-sacrificial tendencies around loved ones. There's more to it, but the "fun" is already dying with this.

14. Red-eyed Spectral people heighten the color of their red eyes to fuchsia to understand people and/or the situation around them better. Other Spectrals also heighten their main eye color to something brighter to better understand with their powers.
15. While there is bi representation and WLM-type couples and close pairs, I hyperfocus a lot on MLM and WLW, and since I created Blue Horizon in the 2000's to 2010's, at some point I realized that for me it'd be the bee's knees to do '80's to '90's love triangle media with huge focus on MLM and WLW pairs. So that's what Blue Horizon has a lot of.
HOWEVER... As far as I understand, it doesn't count as a straight-up romantasy. I see it as an epic science fantasy with a ton of romances or implied romances.
I’ll tag @darthnell @scorpiothesaint @frostedlemonwriter @alnaperera @motthepaladin +
@ellisnyeland @magscrane @halfbit @angelofthemornings !

SHIRO TAKAHASHI ↳ Lore #1 ↳ Little Fun Facts
I tried a different brush than usual and I really like it :)
Polaris and mittens actually came from the same character named (in the beginning) Mr. Mittens, mittens of course got the name and their colours and their godhood, while Polaris got primarily their appearance (but not colour) and personality, though they are now closer to just a dimension hopper and are functionally immortal even if their species already ages really slowly.
Their design is subject to change but I really like it at the moment.

Fun fact: Mittens and Polaris have met as a result of them both being able to move from dimension to dimension, Mittens then experienced a polaris-induced existential crisis upon learning that they are technically not real. Polaris came to terms with that fact a while ago.
Have a good day or night or whatever it is for you!
Love ya all🌟
Otherwise known as the twin sister of Polaris, she is way more energetic and extroverted than they are.
While hypatia has also inherited the dimension hopping abilities that Polaris has, she does not realise it yet, and because dimension hoppers are not allowed to tell any that they are dimension hoppers, she has to figure that out on her own.
Hypatia Celestine (She/Her)

Fun fact: members of polaris' and hypatia's species tend to have preferences on how they style their face fur, some like hypatia like to have it out of the way while others like Polaris prefer to have their fur covering their mouth.
This can be for many reasons, but Polaris has somewhat crooked teeth and is pretty insecure.
Glow up of the century right here ⬇️
I decided to change some stuff from their first design, like changing their skin tone(MC was pale as hell before) and making their hair naturally curly instead of straight.
Small (?) mention of death below
MC is a character of mine I haven't thought about very much recently but they have such a cool story that could very much be explored.
For those not aware, MC is long dead in this drawing, having died in a post apocalyptic scenario and they looked ROUGH at their time of death.
The only reason they look somewhat cute here is because you can still change your appearance to a degree in the afterlife even if you keep any scars.
MC also uses any pronouns without a preference but that is not really connected to any gender, just a personal preference, so I only included the Ace flag :)

OC fun fact: MC actually had/still has an older brother named Robin who is still alive and is about 9 years older than them, so in his mid twenties. Robin is their adoptive brother.
OC not-so-fun fact: MC never really learned to read in any language. This was a problem in life and has continued on into their afterlife, but an effort is being made to try and teach them.
If enough people are interested (and probably even if you aren't) I'll post some more lore about them and such.
Have a good day/evening/night or whatever it is for you 💛🧡💛🧡 and happy pride!!
Vincenzo’s Fun Facts!
(While I’m making more stuff for this blog, I will be revealing fun facts about my main oc for the time being!)
Vincenzo Fun Fact #1:
Vincenzo’s favorite (music) artist is PinkPanthress, so if he doesn’t have headphones- you may hear him playing his favorite songs from her like ‘Take Me Home’, ‘Do you miss me?’ Or ‘Last Valentines’. No matter the day (or night), he might be playing those songs..24/7.


Meet Ceylon’s sibling, Chamomile (Any pronouns)! Chamomile is a joyous ball of yellow, with a love for flora! Taking upon the family-given alias “The Golden Siren” for their love for yellow. Yellow. YELLOW! (Yeah..you might get it now-) Chamomile loves a good garden, but takes a dislike to the ‘pretty but deadly’ type of flowers. Chamomile has often been mistaken for a puppy a lot, so they got used to it- thinking it fits them! Chamomile takes upon a height of 6’2! Their sibling, Ceylon- is similar to them, because of their familial distinction- a neck accessory (scarf, collar, choker, etc) with two pieces of fabric that went around the shoulders to the front and back of the neck accessories. Chamomile’s relationship with Ceylon is slightly distant- they used to play and be best friends, but when they were registered into the organization of teenage assassins, Ceylon slowly started to focus more on the success of his assassinations, but with every attempt that Chamomile made to spend time with Ceylon, it failed with him being on a mission.
(Random Fact! Chamomile is based off the Chamomile flower - which is why they have flowers on their pants and on their “ears”!)
Vincenzo Fun Fact! #2
If Vincenzo was ever to have a theme/main/animatic debut song, it would most likely be Brazil by Declan McKenna.
Vincenzo’s backstory is still being made - but it will have mementos referencing to Vincent [Vincenzo BEFORE he was revamped]’s backstory, but his backstory will have a lot of ‘Why do they look so similar?’ So this may be a wild ride!
Fun fact about Olivier’s power that you may or may not know about:

When cloning Chr’ell, eventually changed her name to Olivier, Bishop made sure she inherited some of her Krang power like:
-Mind reading
-Organic manipulation/krangified: As a child, she’ll use it as part of her training. As a teen, she’ll never use it. In the bad future she’ll use it occasionally to help the resistance and later as the Queen of Krang. In the good future, she only used it was to create a portal to other dimension so they can participate in her battle nexus. The other time was to make Shelldon into a cyborg.
-Sonic scream: it still gives off a powerful scream however it doesn’t strip away mystic power. I haven’t made content of this yet. Btw Bishop found it disappointing.
-Tentacles: Only her bad future will develop, thanks to Bishop pretty much super mutating her.
She’ll later develop her own power that are inspired by two characters. These power will help her blend in as a demon yokai, when in reality she a Krang clone:

-Pyrokinesis/Hellfire: its a magenta pink flames that can cause critical damage both herself and others and healing.
When I redesign Olivier to look more like a demon/oni, her magenta pyrokinesis is inspired by Nezuko blood demon art from Demon Slayer.

-Blazing hair: she can turn partial of her black hair magenta and still cause burns and heat.
After a few content post of Olivier current design, I saw this TikTok video of Drolta transformation from Castlevania. I really love her hair burning, so I was like yup Olivier will now do that too.
Originally her whole hair was going to be magenta fire but scrapped cause her skin color is pinkish red. It didn’t look good on her. I think there’re at least one or two content of her hair like that before I change to the blazing hair we all know.
Going to start writing some fun facts about Olivier, Mona, Leatherhead, Frida, Miwa, and Tang Shen.