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Character Question 29
Character Question 29
What do they think is the worst thing that can be done to a person?
Freddie: Destroying someone's reputation. He believes strongly in people's legacies. He would be heartbroken if his own was tampered with or damaged. He knows people literally spend their lives cultivating their stance in society. All it takes is one slip of the tongue and it's over.
Zach: Torture and/or death. He's very materialistic. The physical wellbeing of people is incredibly important to him. Especially considering his dad's line of work, being crippled would ruin him. It's a fear Zach has - losing his physical capabilities since he wants to follow in his father's footsteps.
Zach is very aware of his physical limitations. He is still reckless, but he trains hard to make sure he can afford to be. He had weights in his shoes for a long time to strengthen his leg muscles for more risky jumps. He's stupidly flexible in case he gets stuck or lands badly. He knows basic self-defense and can fall properly.
Bella: Ruining someone's education. Reputations and physical detriments aside, knowledge is incredibly important to her. It allows someone to rebuild their reputation and live a full life despite physical ailments. Her heart breaks for those who don't have the resources available for education. Losing knowledge is losing opportunities.
This will either distract her or use her success from programming. (She will pause her programming to follow this path or will use her fortune to fund it) She will invest a lot of money into building schools in third world countries. She'd love visiting the kids and would be super awkward with it for sure. She'd learn their language before going and would gravitate toward the quieter kids and talk to them about overcoming their shyness. She'd teach math lessons and would bring stuff for a homemade projector and would show them pictures of all the places around the world she'd been. (Because she'd also use the money left after donating to go on a world tour. European road trip!)
pagesofcursive liked this · 4 years ago
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More Posts from Apocalypsewriters
Character Question 26
How is their current mental health?
Bella: It's okay. Not amazing since she has her social life to stress about. Since the apocalypse, it's taken a downhill turn since she's the eldest in the group and feels obligated to take on all the responsibilities. She's worried about a lot of stuff.
Freddie: He's recovered from his depression a few years ago, but his high standards don't keep him healthy. He pushes through exhaustion, which leaves him in a bad physical and mental place. The birthday surprise wasn't the first time he was drugged by loved ones.
Zach: He also holds himself to too high standards. But, he's better than the other two at accepting personal mistakes. Not a lot of his confidence is faked, oddly enough, allowing him to be more comfortable with himself. However, he also takes a turn for the worse with the apocalypse; he also feels he has to fix it, to be the hero and his fear of being abandoned is developed.
Character Question 28
What is their perception of redemption?
Zach: there is a tipping point for him (intentional, maliciously intended killing), but other than that, he will help anyone fight their way back into the good graces of society. If he cares for the supposedly "irredeemable" person he will drag his name through the mud to help their life improve.
Freddie: maybe people can be redeemed. Ruining a person and not making an effort to improve themselves will completely tarnish themselves in his eyes. Just, show respect and he'll be cool with you.
Bella: She famously gives people second and third chances when they make mistakes. (Can this be toxic? Yes. Will she keep going? Yes. Is this because she doesn't want to ruin her carefully crafted reputation if someone speaks badly about her even if she feels like she deserves it? Also yes) But if you take advantage of her and her patience runs out? You're dead to her. She'll tolerate you, but you will never regain her good graces.
Character Question 25
What do people notice first?
Bella: Her stance is very relaxed, and she seems confident in herself. She has a graceful ease to the way she moves and talks. She's charismatic and seems to have an opinion and information about anything anyone brings up. She never stammers and never seems to hesitate. There's an air of practiced perfection that surrounds her.
But if you spend a LOT of time with her, or are particularly observant, you may notice that some movements seem forced. Her eyes are constantly shifting around the room and she stays silent longer than other people. Unless she's a little more relaxed or is forced to, she leaves gatherings first. Her only signs of tiredness are when her gaze lingers and her eyes almost cross, and it seems like she's staring at nothing. When she returns to the room again, she's briefly apologetic, but mixed negativity lingers in her eyes - annoyance, doubt, self-hatred, guilt. Otherwise, her pep and bounce are unrivaled in length and enthusiasm.
Freddie: He is very articulate about any and all of his opinions. Despite being shorter than almost everyone, he somehow manages to look down on most people. He has scalding glares ready for anyone who doesn't quite keep up with his lightning-fast thoughts. He carries himself with confidence and will let his eyes drift around the room, barely lingering on the person speaking unless they have something truly momentous to say. Unfortunately, his physical characteristics pale in comparison to his mind. He's a little slow (something he's endlessly bitter about) and has almost no stamina. It doesn't take a lot of activity to tire him out.
He's a bite-sized package of sass, smarts, and temper. Don't take him on a walk.
Zach: He also has a practiced ease. He laughs easily and is almost constantly smiling. No one seems to dislike him at all. He has only a little more grace than most teenage boys his age.
Looking closer, he's quite toned and lasts longer than almost everyone in physical activity. His smile falters around certain people, but it's mostly unnoticeable. He avoids personal questions and often changes subjects that encroach on room details, collections, and parents. Fortunately for him, his charisma is barely forced; most of the cracks in his facade are from his defensiveness and secrecy.
My Characters! A masterlist
Anabella Silvette (A New Infection)
Freddie Moore (A New Infection)
Zachary Williamson (A New Infection)
Fera (Fusion AU)
Nala (Fusion AU)
Victor-Hecate (Fusion AU)
They all link to basic descriptions and picrews
Joy Under the Stars
Summary: A super cute date between Nala and Fera, where they discover a surprising new aspect of Fera's powers.
The day had been fantastic. The plan had been to have a picnic in the park, but naturally, since it was a sapphic date, it didn't stop there. Fera had worn in her favorite dress - a featherweight white dress with delicate vine embroidery on the hem cinched with a red belt that matched her mushroom necklace. Nala's hair was tamed in a ponytail, tight ringlets spilling every direction. She wore a dark green flannel over a white t-shirt and black slacks. Luckily, they both had the foresight to pack the food into a cooler since they ended up talking about nothing and everything for an hour, before finally setting up and starting to eat.
Nala was a reliable source of reassurance, used to her girlfriend's almost constant second-hand anxiety. They talked about Fera's garden, Nala listening intently and bringing up Fera's favorite flowers, warming her heart with her acute memory. In turn, they talked about the upcoming finals for Nala's team. Watching her girlfriend's eyes light up, Fera almost lost the sensation of passerby's stress. Almost. Nala's enthusiasm was infectious, evident in how Fera now followed her favorite teams and went to every single one of her girlfriend's games. But for now, she just enjoyed the fiery passion in Nala's intense chocolate eyes as she rested in her lap, Nala's fingers running absentmindedly through her hair. She sighed contentedly, picking at a curl, trying to dispel someone else's anger while remaining in the moment.
"Hey," Nala's voice was tender, a sharp contrast from her enthusiastic monologue moments before. "Are you okay?"
Fera found her concern touching. She reassured her, "'m fine. It's just the usual."
"Okay. Do you want me to get you a drink? Maybe a snack? It's getting late," Nala commented, glancing at the reddening sky.
"Only if you're hungry too," Fera insisted. "Do you want me to come with?"
She chuckled, "That's very sweet of you. Stay put. Try to relax. I'll be back before you know it." With that, Nala bent down and kissed her forehead making Fera squeak as her cheeks almost matched the sky. Gently moving her girlfriend's head to the picnic blanket, Nala jumped to her feet and stretched, before heading to the café they'd passed on the way over. Letting out another happy sigh and simultaneously trying to expel more of the second-hand negativity, Fera realized something. During the past few minutes watching Nala gush and listen to her own interests, she had barely felt any stress. Odd. Other than being completely isolated, she hadn't come that close to peace since before turning ten. Smiling fondly, Fera watched the sunset as she waited for her beloved to return.
The last of the sun's rays were peeking over the horizon as Nala returned with two hot drinks and a giant muffin. Fera attempted to work the creases from her brow; there was a lot of tension, anger, and melancholy from the 9 to 5 workers that passed through the park. She knew her girlfriend wouldn't mind, but it was always nicer to return to a smile, or at the very least, not a frown.
"Thank you, sprite!" She called, as Nala approached the edge of the blanket.
Nala handed the hot drink over with a peck, "Anything for you, cutie."
Fera took a sip of the drink. Rich chocolate surged over her tongue, not quite hot enough to skald her mouth. A puff of whipped cream escaped the small opening, its sweetness making her sigh in contentment. She broke a chunk off the muffin, revealing a cream-colored inside, punctuated by clusters of blueberries. Feeding it to Nala, she gave her a questioning look. "Any good?"
Nala nodded enthusiastically before swallowing, "Of course! I only get the best for you."
Fera blushed, barely registering the anxious presence that passed beside the pair as she ate her own piece of the muffin.
The sun continued to sink below the horizon, the darkening sky it left behind highlighting the moon that peeked above the treeline. The abandoned take away cups lay on the edge of the blanket with the muffin wrapper folded beneath them. Excusing herself momentarily from the conversation, Fera rummaged in the picnic basket and pulled out four paper lanterns, with electric tea lights to match. She placed them on the corners of the rug before lying down, grass prickling against her back as her phone lay as a last-minute security plan on her abdomen. Stretching out her arm, she feebly tugged at her girlfriend's shirt, whining softly. Nala let out a chuckle before falling backward to lie beside Fera and intertwining their hands between them. Smiling contentedly as the low ambient negativity from nearby apartments faded into nothing, Fera tucked her legs up, resting her bare feet on Nala's legs. Spotting a constellation, Fera eagerly pointed it out and started rambling about its discovery and meaning. She felt Nala's lips curl up as she lined up her face against her arm to see the stars Fera was talking about. In turn, Nala pointed out a constellation she recognized, resulting in Fera immediately explaining all the symbolism. The conversation quickly spiraled into one of zodiac signs, international sky views, and the deep expanse of space.
Nala propped herself up on her elbow, stars brightening her chocolatey eyes. Dimly, Fera wondered if her eyes looked similar. The moon was bright enough to cast shadows, she noticed, as miniature circles wiggled at the top of her girlfriend's brow. A giddy grin spread across her face as she grabbed the darker girl and pulled her in for a kiss. It was slow and sweet, and tasted vaguely of chocolate, distinctly like the truffles Nala had brought.
Fera relinquished her grasp first, falling against the blanket once more, Nala's hands cushioning her fall.
"Wow," Nala breathed. Fera giggled in return. A warmth had spread in her chest, different from what she'd felt before. Being so well versed in emotion, she knew her own joy. It was delicate, like wind chimes in a light breeze, or butterfly wings, and easily overshadowed by others’ negativity. But this, this was different. She knew her feelings towards the incredible girl above her. She smirked and sat up, pushing Nala down. The darker girl obliged, sinking as slowly as she could. With a self-satisfied sigh, Fera put her head on Nala's chest, imagining her girlfriend could feel her smile through her clothes as honey brown fingers ran through her curls. Her love for Nala felt like spring sunshine, bright and cheery, illuminating new buds of flowers aplenty. It felt like a refreshing breeze, blowing through flowy skirts and ruffling hair, cutting through the heat. What she felt now was different. Her love and joy were there, but there was more. It felt like smoldering embers, one breath away from becoming a roaring fire. It felt like a warm summer beach day, with waves roughly caressing the shore. Intuition leading her down a path, Fera decided to follow it. Moving slowly, gently, she kissed Nala's jaw, from her chin to below her ear. The fire ignited, the sun scorched. Fera's jaw dropped, her thoughts freezing in awe.
"Hey, sunshine?" Her question was quiet, still floored by the revelation.
Nala's voice was tender as she answered, "yes, Bee?"
"I think I get how much you love me," she wasn't sure why she kept whispering, but it felt right for the moment.
"Oh," Nala whispered back, "how so?"
"I feel," Fera struggled to find the words. "I feel your joy." She laughed giddily, the situation somehow becoming more real as she declared it. "I feel it here." She placed Nala's free hand on her heart. "Thank you."
"I hope you believe me now when I say I'd give the world to you," she could hear Nala's smile in the words. "I'm so happy for you. Though I do wonder, now you have both sides of the story, who loves who more?"
"Oh!" Her giggles died down as she tried to gain enough composure to respond. "I always believed you. But the way we love feels different. Though I might be compelled to say," she turned to rest her chin in the nook of Nala's neck. "That I love you more," she breathed.
Nala laughed heartily, sitting up and gathering the smaller girl in her lap. "And how do I know you're not lying?" She demanded playfully, gently poking Fera's stomach.
"Then I guess it's your turn to believe me," Fera replied cockily, half-heartedly pushing Nala's hand away.
"No, I don't think I will," Nala said contrarily. This time she leaned in to whisper into Fera's ear, her breath tickling, "I definitely love you most." Before she leaned away, she pulled gently at Fera's ear with her teeth, making her shriek. In protest, Fera awkwardly reached an arm down and scratched at Nala's foot, making her squirm in protest as she fruitlessly tried to stifle her laughter. A brutal tickle war broke out as the moon continued to glide across the sky, ending with the girls panting, lying down together once more, gazing into the other's starry eyes.
"I love you. Your happiness means the world to me."