Freddie Moore - Tumblr Posts
Character Question 34
What is their password? (Or the pattern they use to choose passwords)
Zach: he has named every single one of his stuffed animals. They are his passwords. If it needs a number and it's a plush from a birthday, he uses that number. (If that makes sense)
Freddie: he uses science facts. He'll abbreviate it or he'll use the first letters. Sometimes he uses obscure scientists that he admires!
Bella: you know the passwords Google suggests? She uses those. But she memorizes them. None of them are saved on any computer - she's too worried about hackers since she's made a few online enemies in her time. No one has ever kept her out of somewhere she wants to be, especially if it's hurting society.
freddie and number 6!!
6. Alpine skiing, cross-country skiing, downhill tobogganing/sledding, or ice skating?
(No. Outdoors and cold are not nice and he'd rather stay inside) He'd probably like downhill tobogganing - minimal effort, and the adrenaline rush is cool. Also! If he calculates the angle and speed of the ride, he'd be able to get airtime and feel like a superhero.
hi! could you answer 7, 12, and 16 for all your characters? ♡♡
7. Their 2020s AU quarantine craft of choice?
Bella's routine would be mostly unchanged (not sure if that's a good or bad thing) She has heaps of projects to work on, so I guess programming is the answer to that.
Freddie would experiment as usual. His routine wouldn't change much either. At the encouragement of his foster parents (or adoptive parents, depending on the universe) he might try tie-dyeing. He'd get super cool effects (because I'm sure chemistry is involved in there somewhere) and would probably try to sell them eventually. Too bright and cheery to add to his wardrobe
Zach, on the other hand, would be bored out of his mind. He'd try tons of different things, like paint by number, bead kits (that are kinda like paint by number), crochet, puzzles. None of those would stick because, though he can sit down for a while, the thought of doing any of those things for months on end would scare him a little. Eventually, baking would stick. Not everything was good, and he only poisoned him and his dad once, but he liked it at least.
16. Kitchen catastrophe or gourmet home cook?
Bella is a whiz in the kitchen. At least compared to the others. She likes picking up different hobbies, especially those with a practical purpose.
Freddie might be able to cook if he tried. But laziness is too convincing to get him to help out.
Zach. Ohohoho Zach. Do NOT let him near the kitchen. It is a disaster waiting to happen. There will be fire, whether it's deliberate or accidental, no one knows, and anything he makes may or may not kill you
18. What do other people often notice first in them?
Bella's stance is very relaxed, and she seems confidant in herself. She has a graceful ease to the way she moves and talks. She's charismatic and seems to have an opinion and information about anything anyone brings up. She never stammers and never seems to hesitate. There's an air of practiced perfection that surrounds her. And her pep and bounce are unrivaled in length and enthusiasm.
Freddie is very articulate about any and all of his opinions. Despite being shorter than almost everyone, he somehow manages to look down on most people. He has scalding glares ready for anyone who doesn't quite keep up with his lightning fast thoughts. He carries himself with confidence and will let his eyes drift around the room, barely lingering on the person speaking unless they have something truly momentous to say. Unfortunately, his physical characteristics pale in comparison to his mind. He's a little slow (something he's endlessly bitter about) and has almost no stamina. It doesn't take a lot of activity to tire him out.
He's a bite sized package of sass, smarts and temper. Don't take him on a walk.
Zach also has a practiced ease. He laughs easily and is almost constantly smiling. No one seems to dislike him at all. He has only a little more grace than most teenage boys his age. Looking closer, he's quite toned and lasts longer than almost everyone in physical activity.
And some picked apart details on Zach and Bella in the read more!
if you spend a LOT of time with Bella, or are particularly observant, you may notice that some movements seem forced. Her eyes are constantly shifting around the room and she stays silent longer than other people. Unless she's a little more relaxed or is forced to, she leaves gatherings first. Her only signs of tiredness are when her gaze lingers and her eyes almost cross, and it seems like she's staring at nothing. When she returns to the room again, she's briefly apologetic, but mixed negativity lingers in her eyes - annoyance, doubt, self hatred, guilt.
Zach's smile falters around certain people, but it's mostly unnoticeable. He avoids personal question and often changes subjects that encroach on room details, collection and parents. Fortunately for him, his charisma is barely forced; most of the cracks in his facade are from his defensiveness and secrecy.
Fera and Nala are sitting in the middle and are taking up 1 1/2 of the two seats they have since Fera is sitting on Nala's lap with her legs stretched out. They're sharing earbuds and enjoying the sun while listening to Willow (a black wlw singer) Fera is fiddling with some clay because the teachers on this bus are suffering greatly.
Victor-Hecate is pressed against the window sharing a seat with Tora. They're stressed being so close to Many People and also TORA GET YOUR HEAD BACK INSIDE! WE'RE GOING THROUGH A TUNNEL!! They are the only reason behind the lulls in chaos from Tora and Zach, but they don't have the heart to stop it most of the time; it's very entertaining and they love seeing their partner so happy.
Character Scenario
Part 1/?
All aboard! Your characters are excited to be leaving their classrooms to go on a class field trip together. Before you get to the location…
Who’s sitting next to who? Where are they sitting, the front, middle, or back of the bus?
What are your characters doing to keep themselves busy while on the ride there?
Is there anyone breaking rules, like sticking their head out the bus window or standing up?
Is there anyone trying to strike a convo with their teacher?
Do they have any guesses on where they’re going?
hi! <3 for the writeblr ask game, could you do 7, 21, and 23?
7. Which OC wasn’t supposed to exist but captured your heart immediately?
I don't think I've accidentally created an OC for a story, but I think the closest one that comes to it is VH. I came up with the concept of Vee's powers randomly, because I often try to dream up unique powers with prominent drawbacks. I had no plan for them, but as an alternate universe with characters I love was created around them, they really took my heart
21. Which of your OCs could greatly benefit from therapy?
All of them! I have destroyed them all 😁 Fera probably needs it least, since she's very in touch with her thoughts in emotions so she doesn't lose control and hurt people.
Freddie probably needs it a lot, because of things that happen in A New Infection, and since his biological parents didn't give him as much love as they should have
23. Your MC frantically writes out a detailed note for your other characters to read. How legible is the note?
No one is supposed to be more main than any others, so I'll do it for everyone
Bella: it's perfect. She wouldn't be able to deal with it any other way
Freddie: are you supposed to be a doctor later in life?
I want to write, but motivation is alluding me, so...
Send me at least one of these and one of my characters
March Prompts 🍀
Word prompts to use for doodling or writing
grass green
cherry blossom
four leaf clover
flower crown
nature walk
brick house
April Prompts Day 4 - easter egg
Featuring: Bella and Freddie
Freddie heard a faint whistling from the stairs, matched with a rhythmic tap of someone coming. He groaned, recognising the footsteps. Replacing a vial in its stand he wheeled back on his sleek office chair. To call it an office chair was an understatement. After establishing himself enough resources to be relatively independent he started putting funds to what someone affectionately called his supervillain chair. It had wide armrests for coffee, and a luxuriously tall back for dramatic reveals. It curved at the top, making half an egg and simultaneously a good place to hide when jammed against a wall.
The melody peaked with the footsteps and a slight figure stood shadowed in the doorway.
"So," the voice was melodic, dusty, and feminine, but the word was commanding and perfectly articulated, almost cocky. The lurker had power and they knew it. "You're still working today."
He scoffed, "Of course. Why wouldn't I be?"
"Because it's a holiday for most people, pipsqueak," they drawled.
"Don't call me that," he squawked. "And I don't need holidays. I have work to do. Villainous projects."
"You know, you're not as intimidating as you think you are," they teased.
"Neither are you," he shot back, "Scarlet Maiden."
Scarlet Maiden, also known as Anabella, frowned and stepped into the light. She wore a white graphic tee, embellished with a small galaxy on it and chunky black jeans, armed with at least half a dozen pockets. She made a small noise of disapproval, "Not with that name I'm not, pipsqueak." She ignored his protests. "The Crimson Programmer however, holds more power. Doesn't it make you shiver?"
He shrugged nonchalantly, "I think you're just a dork."
She swept an arm over his area cluttered with beakers, vials and containers. "Look who's talking! I could shut off 73% of your equipment right now," she threatened.
"And lose such a valuable flow of cash?"
"Please. I've been doing this for years, you're not my only client."
"Maybe, but I have to-"
"Look," Bella interrupted, "we could do this all day. But we both have things to attend to. So here, take this and I'll relieve you of my presence." She walked forward and placed something thumb-sized wrapped in cerulean foil.
"What is it?" He turned it over in his hand and held it up to the light.
Her eyes widened, "Are you serious? Did you even have a childhood?"
Freddie leveled a glare at her. She rolled her eyes in response.
"It's an Easter egg. Considering that's what the Christian world is celebrating up there. It's chocolate."
He wrinkled his nose, "Really? And the purpose of this is…"
"Fun," Bella shrugged. "Kids look for them and then gorge themselves on them. Just enjoy it and don't think too hard about it." She ruffled his hair and strode out, once again ignoring his indignation.
He huffed and stuck out his tongue at her retreating combat boots. Curious, he unwrapped the foiled egg, depositing the foil scraps in a small waste basket. He popped it in his mouth. Average. It was nothing compared to the chocolate his mother used to buy on rare occasions. But then again, German chocolate was a hard standard to match. Still, it was a sweet gesture. He cringed at the unintentional pun, but let a smile grace his lips as he turned back to his work.
April Prompts Day 10 - kitchen table
A/N: Yes I did skip days. And this is probably the last day I'm doing this. School got the jump on me so I had no time to write. I'll probably try again in June when summer holidays start
Featuring: Bella, Zach and Freddie
“We need a place to eat.” Anabella cast a disgusted look at the rickety metal bench the boys were sitting on.
“What’s wrong with this?” Zach’s words were garbled as his mouth was stuffed with a bagel.
Freddie stood, making the bench sway dangerously. Zach almost dropped his breakfast.
“You’re gross,” Bella remarked snidely. “Remind me why I let you join us?”
Zach shrugged, struggling to work down his overfull mouthful of food. “Protection?” he managed to say.
“Sure, strong man,” Bella said patronizingly. “How about you make yourself useful and help me make a new place to eat.”
“Seriously, what’s wrong with this thing?” He swallowed the last of his food and shifted. The bench shrieked in protest.
Bella rolled her eyes and kicked one of the legs. It flew off completely, making Zach and the seat clang to the ground. He groaned and glared up at her. “See? Now it’s broken. Help me find a new one.”
Zach moaned petulantly, “Because you broke it. And now I’ll be too sore to be useful.”
Roughly grabbing his hand, Bella yanked Zach up with enough force to nearly pop his shoulder out of his socket. She dragged him bouncing to the door and up the stairs.
The sky was slate gray above as the pair wandered the ghostly streets, searching for a kitchen table. It took serious convincing to get Zach to go into the houses, but Bella wasn’t on the debate team for nothing. They broke the first table trying to get it through the door, and the second one they found was too fragile - glass. The third table was from a storage room - a foldable table.
And that was how, three hours later, Freddie almost crashed into the grimy white table when leaving his room for a snack.
🍂 What is your oc’s favourite colour? (PLEASE i love tiny little lore)
Thank you, Rose!! I'll do everyone since it's pretty simple Bella: Black - not because it's dark or angsty, it's just a classy colour that goes with everything. Zach: Magenta and navy blue, like his first plushy and his dad's uniform, respectively Freddie: Favourite colours are for people of lower intelligence (red and gold like Iron Man's suit) Fera: Purple - there's something complex, deep and soft about it that she really likes Nala: Green - any shade really, but mostly darker greens. It's just a nice colour and one that she's kind of adopted over the years. You don't want to know how many green flannels she has
Victor-Hecate: Burgundy - it’s just a nice cozy colour. Plus, her brother has fifty pajama shirts that are burgundy/maroon, so the colour reminds him of all the nights he spent comforting them.
Planty OC Ask Game
🌷🍀🏵️ for the spring ask game?
Hii Len!!
🌷 Does your oc have any collections? What of? Any reason why?
I have for some reason decided to make this question the master list of collections
Bella: Jars of tiny screws. Explained here
Zach: Stuffed animals. He's carrying on his mother's collection
Freddie: comics Superhero graphic novels. He's just a fan understatement
Fera: tiny, handmade clay sculptures. She grounds herself from others' feelings by having something to fiddle with. Also, all the things she makes are too adorable to scrap
Nala: pens. you know those tacky, not very good pens business give away? those, and green flannel. She's gay and likes green, what do you expect
VH: beanies. it began as a way to better protect them from contact and then it spiraled out of control
🍀 Who has the best luck of your ocs? The worst?
VH probably has the worst luck, considering the powers they got stuck with. And I'll give Fera the best luck (disregarding her own bad deal with powers) so she now finds pennies pretty much everywhere, and will almost never miss a bus
💮 What are your oc’s best skills?
VH is incredible at gymnastics. They go all out at their gym and are probably in the top five of their age group state-wide. They love being able to physically spend themselves, balancing out the hours they spend at home hiding from people
Fera can bring a garden back from the dead, and she's done it before. I'd say she works magic on it, but that's not her power. She's just great with plants.
Planty OC Ask Game
Summary: The world finds out about Victor-Hecate's relatively tame powers, and things go wrong when they discover a much more destructive side of their formerly self harming powers
Warnings: pain. Like lots of pain, unconsciousness, mentions of death (of course, it's Vee), and let me know if there's anything I missed
A/N: Consider this my triumphant and apologetic return. I come back from weeks of catching up with work and hours of exams bearing gifts of angst. Watch out for more rambling apologies in the tags. Also, the dialogue is a little clunky since this is my first short story based on a song (Control, by Halsey) and I tried to incorporate some lyrics. Not entirely happy with it, but here is this melting pile of angst and not so happy endings
The worst thing happened. Their greatest fear came true. The world found out about their powers. They were pursued everywhere they went - they were called a freak, demon, death personified. People shied away from them, afraid of what they could do to them. Rumors flew, blowing their relatively harmless powers out of proportion. They pushed away everyone who cared about them; their fears being articulated by the masses was too much. They spent night after night, day after day locked in their room, trapped in their emotions. Finally, their mom had enough - she sent them out for a walk, to clear their head, to get a breath of fresh air. She worried about them. Their hair was limp and gathered in clumps - they’d been pulling at it. Their pallor was even worse than before, grey and washed out.
Walking in the young morning light, they found some sort of peace. They were numb in the crisp air, walking robotically along paths they’d taken months before with their friends, their partner. A tear traced down their face, wiped away before it landed on their shirt collar. Suddenly, someone grabbed their hand. Phantom bullets riddled their torso, and they wheeled around, squeezing the wrist of the stranger. Surely he recognised them, going out of his way to ensure skin to skin contact. Animosity twisted his face as he loomed over them, wilting where they stood, lightheaded in pain. Rage turned the invisible holes in their chest to pinpricks of pain. For the first time, they wrenched control of their power, turning it against the inflictor. His sneer snapped off his face, replaced with agony. He collapsed onto the path, clutching his chest, feeling the pain they did moments before. They stood over him for a few moments, holding his hand aloft, relishing in the panic, the ache that someone else felt instead of them.
The single word choked out, pitiful, but it was enough. They dropped his wrist, appalled with themself. What had they done? Everyone was right to be afraid of them. They stepped back, tripping over an unseen root. Gravel ripped their palms raw, but the stinging was unnoticed as they scrambled up. Tears blurring their vision, they raced home. They were right, they were right. Everyone was right.
Their mother’s voice broke through their haze halfway up the stairs. They halted in their progress, taking a heaving breath before turning around and cocking their head.
“Are you okay?”
They nodded, afraid of letting out a sound, lest the truth spill out. Satisfied but skeptical with their response, their mother turned away, leaving them to face their demons. Quietly, they shut their door. The doors of their closet slid open, hiding the mirror on one of the panels. A leotard was laid on the bed. It had never been touched before; it was white with silky material cutting off at their knees and elbows, too much skin exposed for them to be comfortable. They slipped into the one-piece, binding their feet with gymnastics wraps. The window opened. The roof tiles whispered as they slid down them. Creaking, the gutter bent under their weight as they dropped to the ground, quiet as a cat.
They had to leave. Authorities would have heard about what they’d done by now. How could they face their family after they found out what they’d done?
Red and blue flashed behind them. Feet pounding, air rushing, arms pumping, they fought to outrun the pursuing vehicles. They couldn't get caught, they knew what happened to vigilantes and elementals that endangered the general public.
A calloused hand found the middle of their back, the only hole in the suit. An invisible blade sliced their thigh, making them falter in their relentless pace. They whipped around, placing a hand on the uniformed woman’s scarred arm. She fell to the floor, limp from the surge of pain. Freed from the agony again, they turned and ran. Guiltily, they relished in the euphoria of finally mastering their power. It would never control them again.
“Victor-Hecate, stop it. Get back here!” Tora’s voice rang out from across the road, 70 feet above the public. She hovered on the roof of the building, surrounded by her friends.
Violetta echoed her sentiment, “You’re better than this. Come back to us.”
The white-clad figure smirked cruelly down on them, perched on the top of a parking garage. “You don’t know what I’ve done.” They got to their feet, graceful and lithe. Taking eight steps backward, they set off at a run. Launching themself off the edge, they flew towards the group. The wind whistled past their ears. Closing their eyes, they relished in the bliss of free falling. With a sickening crunch, they landed on the apartment block, most likely having broken their feet. They felt nothing. Rising to stand before their once chosen family, their mouth twisted into a cruel imitation of a sad smile. Carefully stepping forward, their insides roiled as the group skittered away. “You see? You’re afraid.” Bella’s eyes went cold, darting around the group, assessing the layout of the roof. Nyx moved in front of Juni, expression steely as her girlfriend’s visage was etched with determination. Lynn’s mouth quivered as her hands lit up with icy blue light. Zach was the most controlled, standing stoically, one hand on a sheathed sword at his waist. His shirt partially concealed the tell-tale bulge of a gun. Shoulder to shoulder, with matching tense expressions, Aster and Violetta stood, united as a single front. Tora hovered at the front of the group, choppily cut hair whipping around her face, her arms sparking with barely restrained power.
Moving forward again, they placed a hand on Lynn’s shoulder, a finger brushing her neck. Stifling a panicked gasp that came as the air whooshed out of their lungs, they watched her crumple to the ground, unable to bear even a fraction of the pain from their broken feet. The group tensed, shifting forward, not daring to strike the image of the one they perceived to be their lost friend. Expression turning tender, they shot an apologetic look at Lynn. Was it sincere? They didn’t know anymore. A tiny part of them hoped it was. Gliding forward to stand in front of Tora, they gazed into her intense expression, admiring her courage. Taking her hand, they squeezed it gently. She drifted to the floor, her eyes softening, somehow believing their guise of peace. Their insides twisted, torn between guilt and triumph. Should they follow through? Follow through with which path. Stilling their stormy insides, enjoying the emptiness for one more moment, they decided. They crushed her hand, turning the tide of numbness against their once beloved. Tora crumpled to the ground, comatose.
"Stop it! You're scaring her!" Nyx's voice thundered, commanding as Juni's hand was white-nuckled in her comforting grip.
Letting out a manic laugh, they cried out, “I can’t help it! This power, this energy is me. However awful it is, this is me now.” Watching the hope wink out in most of their eyes, they snarled, desperate, conflicted, "Damn right, you should be scared of me!”
Gaze fixing on the only one who still stood tall, they watched Bella raise a hand. Cool metal suddenly pressed against their neck as an unusually messy mop of near-black hair peeked out from behind a fan. Her gaze grew distant, robotic. Blue sparks flew across Victor-Hecate’s view of the roof as she spoke coolly “There is no need for fear when something is tame. Who is in control?” Her piercing gaze shattered their toxic thoughts. Unsure and stunned, their legs gave out, and they fell to the floor. Black slid inward from the corners of their eyes, like curtains closing a show, as the last of their consciousness slipped from their grasp.
Oh my goodness!! I love them all so much!
Here are my children:
My only couple, Fera and Nala, from the Fusion AU

Slytherin x Hufflepuff is the best romantic pairing and no one can convince me otherwise
And the two angry idiots, Zach and Freddie

With a callback to Zach punching a mirror in the main novel
Tagging: @wannabeauthorzofija @pagesofcursive @tildeathdo-i-write @pretend-im-normal (no pressure of course)
Dynamic Duo Picrew

Your Honor, I love them
Note: Their clothing colors signify which colony they come from. Blue and green for Earth and oange and red for Mars.
How about I make this a chain game? :D
Tagging: @writing-is-a-martial-art @wannabeauthorzofija @47crayons and anyone else who wants to participate!
Number 3 for Zach and Freddie? 🙃
You know exactly what you're doing, stirring the water like that with those two. Thank you
3. what do X and Y do when they hang out?
When they're not fighting (which is most of the time) they're geeking out over DC and Marvel. After Freddie introduced Zach here, it became their one common interest. They spend hours rereading comics, acting out battles with Freddie's attempts at weapons and powers the characters have. It may be a problem, but the people who care about them don't mind, since it means less screaming, but not necessarily less bruises
OC Morality Game
Rules: describe OC by morally [color] but monochromes are banned. You may offer an explanation if you feel that it's needed.
I was tagged by the incredible @writing-is-a-martial-art , inventor of this game, so here! Everyone I've introduced (not quite sure I did this right
I'm going to do everyone I've introduced so far (and draft some I haven't. For later)
A New Infection Trio
Any shade lighter than royal Blue
Zach (A stickler for rules with leniencies of course, but steadfast and believing that everyone deserves good in life for the most part)
Dark green
Bella and Freddie (it's a little murky, not quite to be trusted to put anyone's worth above their own, but if they can save you and themselves, they will)
Fusion crew
Nala and Victor-Hecate (mischievous and tinged with pain and selfishness. They'll do their best to be good, but chaos calls)
Fera (good and pure, but a little resentful of helping too much, whether it's her choice or not)
I'll leave this as an open tag! Please do it!! It's a lot of fun, and I don't want to restrict it in any way
Day 1 - ruffled hair
Goodness I should have mentioned this on the last post, but all these prompts are from the incredible @creativepromptsforwriting
Featuring Freddie and mentions of Bella
Summary: Freddie finally completes a long term project, but something is missing
Freddie didn’t like it at first. Every time she passed him after warming up to each other, Bella mussed his hair. As someone who took pride in his put-together appearance, saying it irked him to have it ruined by displays of affection and ruining his hair was an understatement.
But she kept doing it. Day after day, moment after moment, breezing past him and leaving his hair ruffled. She did it when pacing around the house, wrought with anxiousness and anticipation, restless and roiling. It was a simple gesture, reminding him she was there, leaving a temporary mark. It became strangely comforting.
She did it after he accomplished something. An odd congratulations, you did good, kid. He’d finish a project, find a useful trinket, make an observation, and she’d reach over and ruffle his hair. He wouldn’t enjoy it, but he didn’t stiffen or pull away as he used to.
He imagined it was a habit since she had mentioned younger siblings in passing. He didn’t know any details, as he knew it was painful to talk about lost loved ones, so it was probably similar for her. So he tolerated it. The consistent attention was strange, and the unspoken praise was welcome but unfamiliar. And he began to enjoy it, almost look forward to it. The strange ritual of ruffle, playful roll of his eyes, and chuckle from her.
He missed it. Hunkered in his hideout, finally completed his months-long project. He felt strangely hollow. It was finally successful, finally finished, finally useful. And there was nothing. His hair stayed pristine, as it had for the past few days. But the isolation was necessary. He needed to be alone to save his parents. It was the only way - shutting himself off from his fellow survivors. No more ruffled hair, no more fond snickers, no contact. It would only distract him from what was most important. His unaffectionate, biological parents.

It’s finally here!! An intro for A New Infection
I’ve been dying to introduce this for so long, but my procrastinating ways always trip me up. I hope you enjoy finally having context for my characters

@flashfictionfridayofficial This weeks prompt was fun! It reminded me of the beginning of A New Infection, so enjoy this not so creepy, angst with a fluffy ending, exposition type piece
WC: 988
Freddie emerged alone. He’d hidden in the storage closet as the world changed irreparably outside. He’d come out of the bunker to save the world, to finally get the credit his intellect deserved. It may have been a selfish act, but he still left safety to help. Those studying the gases before they were released were surely missing something he could add to the conversation. But his plans fell through as he ran out of time.
Now he had to survive alone. He didn’t have the first clue as to how to do so. His expertise lay in the lab, in the classroom; he could master any equation, concoct any solution, solve any mathematical or scientific problem - within reason, of course. After all, he was only nine years old.
Since he was young, Freddie didn’t have the first clue as to how to survive. He couldn’t build a reliable shelter. He couldn’t even find more food, let alone make it edible.
By some miracle, he found shelter within the first two days. An abandoned bunker underneath a vacated home of some likely sickly sweet and domestic family. There were, unfortunately, no can openers that Freddie could find, though he didn’t look very hard in the trashed kitchen. His supply of granola bars was running low, and, though he wasn’t as actively fighting for survival anymore, he was now likely going to die a slow death of starvation.
Hope was not found in the bunker but was instead found elsewhere.
The spark of hope lit tentatively when he heard movement echoing upstairs. From his own brief, half-hearted surveillance, Freddie knew the doors upstairs were closed. Though not much sound reached the underground bunker, he’d heard crashes at the front door that sent his heart racing with panic before. A person was upstairs. He was not alone anymore.
Bella left people behind. She made a lonely figure as she walked away toward a city she didn’t know the situation of. Lying to her sisters made her feel bad - she’d told them she was going to look for their mother, though she didn’t think she’d be successful. The twins had food to last them, a place to stay, a door to lock.
They would be okay. They had to be.
When she returned, Bella could bring them help, or a solution, or more supplies. If she returned.
But any hopes of finding survivors or of finding a livable city were dashed as soon as she walked past the suburban areas. The city was in shambles, buildings crumbling, streets cracked, lamp posts knocked over. Her parents told her it would be bad, but it was worse than Bella could ever imagine.
She was alone on these streets, in this city. The flashes of news she had caught over her mother’s shoulder left little room for hope of many surviving beyond her sisters.
Bella crisscrossed the city, going from dilapidated shops to closets in highly populated buildings, trying in vain to find any good shelter. She was lucky to find what she could.
But luck didn’t begin to cover what happened next. Against logic, she held onto some hope that there were survivors. And then she found a bunker, and a small boy who had survived somehow. She was not alone.
Zach found himself alone when he burst out of the cupboard. His father was gone. On some level, he knew that was how it would turn out, but it didn’t make the confirmation any less devastating. He began wandering the streets, searching desperately for company.
Minutes turned into hours, and those hours turned to days. Zach’s legs were covered in scratches and bruises, the cut in his hand not improving. He wasn’t a good judge of wounds, but it didn’t look infected, although it sure wasn’t healthy. Knowing he could last longer didn’t make him feel any better. He picked up basic skills at boy scouts, though they were hard to apply in the city. He could even pick locks, a skill his father found questionable but useful.
He hid from the people he passed, slipping into nooks and crannies of the city. It hurt to see them hurting; they were driven out of their minds by the gases. Zach was helpless to watch, out of his depth, lost in the world. Physically, he had very few limits, but when it came to what seemed to be biology, it was far beyond his expertise.
Zach did so much alone, for so long. Running alone, hiding alone, hurting alone, fixing himself back up alone. He began talking to himself, just to hear another voice. It had been ages since he heard someone else talk. Sometimes displays in shops flashed enticingly, a somehow intact recording promising company. Somehow, it felt like cheating. He knew he’d cave at some point, but he’d hold out for now, his waxing candle of hope flickering.
On a particularly dire evening, as his thoughts took a turn for the worse, Zach bleakly wondered what it would be like if he had help. In his experience, beyond a select few individuals, people were selfish and coldhearted. They shunned those they perceived as weak, cutting them down, ridiculing softer individuals until they were nothing or they grew a tough outer shell. So it was probably better that he was alone, not having to morally curb anyone else into staying focused on a goal that was more achievable with help. It was better to just survive, leaving the responsibility to find or make normalcy in the world to someone else.
Zach never learned to stop sticking his hands in places, whether accidental or on purpose, despite the advice and many hard lessons learned. He’d gotten stuck bending down and panicked. Movement echoed upstairs and around the kitchen, as it had before when no-longer-people stormed the school. This time it was different. This time he was freed. This time, Zach was not alone.
for the ask game, could you do #4 for the new infection crew and #7 for fera, nala, and vh? <3
Thank you briar!!
4. How do you mainly show trust or friendship towards someone? Are you touchy and like cuddling, talkative, showy, or do you just like quietly being near them?
Bella: I definitely ramble when I trust someone. I didn’t talk much when I was younger, but my best friend got an earful every time I found out something new. I get worried about boring people. Or we’ll just sit in silence. I’m not a touch driven person.
Freddie: If I like someone, I’ll offer feedback on their ideas instead of insulting them. Oh, and I’ll face them when I’m in the same room as them, maybe ask what they’re doing. I’m not great at small talk, but I’d at least try if I like you, or trust you not to make fun of me.
Zach: I like everyone! Well, there are certain people I don’t like, but it’s still mostly true. If I trust someone? I guess I’d not smile as much. It’s a little exhausting to be upbeat all the time. And I’d let them do their own thing, trusting that they can take care of themself. I don’t like losing people that are nice to me.
7. What’s your favourite pastime on a rainy day? How would you share this rainy day with a friend?
Fera: I love crafting on rainy days! Those days are also perfect for me to do indoor plant maintenance - I’m trying to keep a bonsai tree, and there are some colorful succulents I keep on my desk. Oh oh! If there are ducks outside I join them, but Vera, my twin, always tells me off when I get inside. She says I’ll catch a cold. And board games! I love playing board games with rain pounding on the roof and lightning flashing outside.
Nala: Honestly, if I’m on my own, I generally catch up on homework. If I’m with someone, it’s really nice to cuddle under some blankets on the couch to watch something together.
Victor-Hecate: I play video games when it’s raining for sure. There’s something about it that makes doing anything else feel really draining, even stuff I love, like beam. And I like multiplayer games, so if someone is over, I’d ask them to join me. Or they can just watch. It’s fine by me
October Prompt Day 16 - flying kites
Wow, would you look at that, another short story inspired by the amazing @creativepromptsforwriting . This one was too sweet to share. It’s set in the family au, where half of @pagesofcursive and my characters are adults, and the other half are kids fostered by said adults. Enjoy the fluff!
wc: 890
Summary: Kite shenanigans on a beautiful afternoon
“Just reel it out,” Juni coached, one of her hands holding the edge of the kite controls, the other hovering over Violetta’s as the kid slowly unspooled the rope. “That’s it, you’ve got it!” The words of encouragement drew out a joyful smile from Violetta, and the pair grinned up at the bedazzled purple kite together.
A few paces away, another duo was having a little more trouble. “Not quite,” Bella corrected, her voice strained as she corrected Tora’s grip and the angle of the kite control. “Remember, you need to take the wind speed and angle into account.”
Tora shuffled, unable to remain still. She looked bored to tears, but she still hung on to the kite.
Noticing their plight, Juni called over, “Don’t forget what we talked about, Bella.”
Bella furrowed her eyebrows for a moment before a look of understanding crossed her face. She took a deep breath, recalculating her approach. She twisted around to meet Tora’s gaze and asked, “You do want to be the best, right?”
The bored expression on Tora’s face immediately switched to one of excitement, her eyes sparking like lightning. She bounced on the spot, losing her grip on the poorly decorated kite as she cheered animatedly, “Of course!”
Bella lunged to catch the brightly decorated blue and white kite before the wind swept it away, breathing a sigh of relief as she secured her grip on the kite once more. “Then do exactly as I say,” she commanded.
Tora tightened her grip on the returned kite and nodded seriously, her focus revitalized by the new inspiration. “Okay!”
The pair sitting on the porch had no such troubles. Freddie’s kite glided in the middle of the pack. He and Dawn had picked out the kite together, but Violetta had been the one who insisted that it had to be decorated, generously donating one of her glittery stickers to their cause, though Freddie and Dawn accepted it reluctantly. Their kite flew well enough, keeping steady in the breeze.
“Are you enjoying yourself?” Dawn asked, her voice a murmur so the others wouldn’t hear. Her hand rested on his shoulder, just causal enough to seem accidental to anyone watching them.
Freddie shrugged, leaning back against her knee, keeping his gaze on their kite. Many would think that he was bored or apathetic, but Dawn could tell that he was having fun and taking in the moment.
She chuckled, a fond smirk on her face. “Me too.”
A sudden commotion rose up from the front yard as Zach broke free from Lynn’s grip, sprinting across the front yard with his kite string in hand. “No, no, no, no!” Lynn called desperately, chasing after him, but she was too late to stop Zach from accidentally crossing kite strings with Aster. “Sorry!”
The black and silver kite that belonged to Aster and Nyx had tangled and crash-landed with the obnoxiously glittery, electric blue kite that Zach had picked out. Lynn scooped up Zach to prevent him from causing further mischief, and Nyx just laughed. “It’s all good,” she said, attempting to untangle their kites. “I know you have a handful there. It was inevitable.”
“Yes, but that’s the fourth time this has happened,” Lynn complained. She lowered Zach to the ground, and Nyx handed him his kite, smiling as she returned to Aster. Lynn crossed her arms, exasperated. “Zach, don’t you want your kite to fly higher than Tora’s?”
“Not really,” Zach replied cheerily, waving the kite around in front of his face. “I just want it to fly!”
“But you can’t do that when you keep running it into other kites!” Lynn explained, trying to find his logic, if he had any to begin with.
He watched as Aster’s kite returned to the air. “But half the fun is getting it up there!” Zach pointed up at the sky, and then grunted as he locked his gaze on the sun. He fell backward onto the warm grass.
Lynn chuckled fondly as she helped him back up. “Okay, well I don’t think I’m as good as Bella at maneuvering kites, but I can help you with that.”
His brow wrinkled at the big word, and he tried to sound it out. “Manu- moo-vring?”
She smiled. “We can even run along the street to get it moving,” she said, knowing that Zach would love that idea.
And, indeed, his face lit up, and he bounced up and down at the mention of running. “Really?” he exclaimed.
“Really,” Lynn confirmed. “Just on the path, though, not on the road.”
“Yay!” Zach cheered, and he took off running, making a beeline towards the road. Unfortunately for both of them, he seemed to be on the perfect trajectory to crash into a parked car, and his eyes were fixed on the kite.
“Hang on!” she yelled, dashing after him. “Zach, wait!”
The entire group laughed as she desperately chased after the small boy, steering him away from any obstacles. As the day went on, the kites soared through the air, dipping and twisting against the bright blue sky. When the breeze finally died, the kids tucked their kites beneath their arms, and everyone trooped inside for food as rumbling bellies and complaining mouths grew in volume. Another perfect afternoon was over, but there would be more fun and laughter over dinner.
and then 10, 20, and 36 for freddie, pls? take your time! - 🔮⛈
you're really spoiling me with asks <3 thanks for letting me rant about my children 10. What's their favourite food or drink? stir fry with peanut sauce or semmelknödel (german bread dumplings). they're one of the few things his parents took the time to cook, so they're major comfort food for him. not that anyone around him can cook it
20. Glass half full, or glass half empty? he is realistically pessimistic. glass half empty. depending on his mood, he may try and convince optimists that it's half empty until he goes blue or just shoot them a dirty look
36. Are they a competitive person, even for fun? he would never stoop so low as to compete with others yes he's very competitive but wouldn't be caught dead saying so
you can find the ask game here!