Tw Death Mention - Tumblr Posts

1 year ago

Last Line Tag Game

Thanks @theunboundwriter for the tag!

Last line I wrote, from my WIP Crown of Blood (working title):

"I would’ve worried that it would hurt, but after getting hit by a car, I’d died too soon to really feel anything."

(Gently) Tagging: @anoelleart, @amaiguri, and @fayeiswriting

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6 months ago

hey guys :)

Updates guys!! ^^

tw: for pet d3ath :( (words will be uncensored under the cut, please be warned)

Hey guys, so recently I lost two of my pets. I came home Sunday afternoon to find my kitten, Millie, dead in the yard. We think some sort of animal killed her. This morning, the bus driver ran over my German Shepherd, Bear. I think I cried all the way to school. My dad confirmed he was dead and said that we would be returning our pitbull, Mabel, to my brother this Saturday to prevent this sort of thing from happening again.

So, the point is, I’m going through a lot at the moment, and I’m just in mourning right now. This post, to be honest, is more of a vent than an update. But this is just to let you guys know that I’m gonna take some time to process this all before I get back into writing. Updates will take a while, and your patience is extremely appreciated. Thank you guys all so much for your support, especially on my Melissa Schemmenti headcanons. I’m so glad you all enjoyed them.

Another thing I wanted to add was that I will be refraining from accepting KinitoPET requests after I release my next KinitoPET work, which is being written at the moment. It’s not that I’ll never accept KinitoPET requests ever again, I’m just taking a break from it because I want to be known for more than my KinitoPET works. Once I start accepting those requests again, I will let you all know. Although at the moment, requests are closed entirely, but asks are welcome and encouraged.

Again, thank you all for your patience and your support. I love you all so much! Have a great day, you wonderful people <3

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It's Butch Appreciation Day. Appreciate me or die /silly

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They're not letting me have my phone except for class can someone fucking kill me??? Please

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5 months ago

i wonder who will sit at my grave and talk to me for hours

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2 years ago

Hey tell me abt your ocs they look cool

I'm happy to provide!!!

Hey Tell Me Abt Your Ocs They Look Cool

This is Johnathan Garman and Eduard Corvey

They are the librarian's of the big ol' labyrinth of a library in their city!

Johnathan came from a small town and is a high believer in the paranormal and such, due to a traumatic experience that caused the death of his twin sister, Hailey, at age 10.

as well as granted him that lovely scar on his arm as well.

He is a selective mute and only talks when close to the specific individual. Eduard is not one of those specific individuals yet so it's hard to explain when he sees some paranormal things and Eduard doesn't really want to listen.

Eduard on the other hand,

is long time worker at the library and moved to the city to get away from family and the issues that came with it. He in the beginning, in contrast to Johnathan, is a strict non-believer in anything strange or paranormal.

However he will start to come around to the idea with the meeting of Johnathan and all the crazy that seems to follow him. (it's always been there, he only just started noticing because Johnathan brought attention to it)

These are only two of the main cast of my main Ocs but they are the two mentioned within the artwork so they are who I'm talking about!!

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11 months ago

How small must the world be for both Bruce and Tim to witness John and Mary Grayson's deaths

Or for 10-year-old Duke to crack the Riddler's puzzle before Batman swoops in and saves the day, long before his powers came into play

Or for Sheila Haywood to leave her son only to end up assisting his killer a decade and a half later

Not to mention the popular fanon concept of Jason knowing baby Damian in the League of Assassins

Now imagine how many other invisible strings could've tied them together

Like what if Tim and Jason went to the same school when Jason was Robin but all they shared was the occasional bump and "excuse me" in the busy halls

Or what if Babs was a tutor and helped an elementary-aged Steph finally understand her homework only for the Browns to cancel after a couple sessions because they couldn't afford it

What if the first person to buy Cass a hot meal was Kate on one of her travels

What if Alfred witnessed young Selina shoplifting groceries but chose to turn a blind eye

What if Jason lived on the same streets as the Row siblings and gave little Harper tips on how to use tools and defend her brother

What if Steph and Duke shared the same school bus, only he sat in the front while she was toward the back

What if the first person to teach Tim how to tie his shoes was Bruce at a gala because Jack and Janet were busy talking to someone important

What if Bette did a DNA test for fun and found a connection in Nanda Parbat but just assumed the results was faulty because she knew her whole family, right?

What if 8-year-old Dick, the day before his parents died, stayed at a cheap hotel near Crime Alley and found 4-year-old Jason wandering alone and said, "I'll be your big brother for tonight"

What if the universe knew they were made for each other and wouldn't rest until they realized it too

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5 months ago

She affirmed to herself, putting one hand on her chest, and switching the other to a sword to protect herself. "I... I'm brave... I'm brave... I..." the Aussie voice was small yet distinct, she slowly stood up on her disassembly drone legs. She breathed in and out to calm herself. She pointed the sword at Cyn out of instinct after helping the drone up. She composed herself.... or, at least tried to, stammering in a panicked tone, "H-HOW?! How did you live?! I...."

She realized Cyn's question, she owed the little drone that at least. She moved the sword that came out from her gauntlet back a little, giving the frail drone some more breathing room. "I... I didn't exactly, no... I haunted part of you... I screamed and begged and cried, and, when your vessel fell apart, J found the piece I was stored in..." her sword retracted, her hand returned as she got more comfortable as she talked about the drone whom she adored so much, "She built me a new body, and... she's been caring for me..."

She then felt anger, she responded in a voice alike her dead mother's, "BUT YOU USED MY JAYBIRD, AND YOU USED ME!" she covered her mouth at the sound of her voice. She started to apologize profusely upon seeing Cyn flinch. "I'm so sorry, I'm sorry... It's not right... " she reached her hand out to Cyn, "Mother used to hurt you too.... I'm so sorry..."

Tessa couldn't believe herself, she was actually SORRY to the one who killed her and then skinned her like a rabbit.

(Starter for xXRoboTessaXx) The incomplete-disassembly drone's blue dress fluttered in the wind outside the cavern. She headed down to where J's landing pod was before they moved. The ebony haired robot girl knelt down in the snow, humming a song to herself as she picked up bone fragments. She soothed to herself outloud, "I shouldn't have made J bury those bones, they meant a lot to her... but... I wanted to let go of then." She continued to hum Eternal Dream to herself, thinking about the cute silver-haired disassembly drone who would be waiting for her back home with a tea cup full of cinnamon-scented oil.

Cyn at least attempted to make sure she was alone, not being followed by 'over-looming' drones. Making her way to the landing pod's cavern as well. Standing at the entrance, made her digital heart feel like it skipped a beat as the anxiety washed over her. What little remained of Tessa... The only human who ever cared about her was there. She slowly shuffled further in and began digging around in the asbestos to search for whatever remained of them. "C-Come on. There should be, at least something." Her voice glitched a bit as she dug around a tad more aggressively.

Her head turned, spotting another ....Drone...? It couldn't have been a worker drone out here by this point... She squinted her eyes to try and get the visor to focus on whoever was in the distance. "Harsh squint."


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5 months ago

"I promised her that she'd be safe, and have friends, and a big sister... well, me, to keep her safe."

The drone's pale blue eyes looked down, filling with tears as she admitted, "It lasted for a little while, and then... Mother demanded I keep you... her... locked up," she rubbed her gauntlets, remembering the shackles on her wrist when she wasn't allowed out of her room.

"I didn't want to, but, I too was caged... it doesn't make it right. And... I disobeyed the order to stay away from the gala... The last thing I saw was blood everywhere... Jaybird hesitating, and I heard screaming... I was calling out for my parents, and then I felt..." she touched her neck... she hiccuped sadly, "I heard a snapping sound and then it went dark."

[SYS//: direct_message_request ("Fractal")]

I appreciate your cooperation

Here are the coordinates

You may bring a friend or weapon if you feel threatened

Simply follow the music :3


The coordinates seemed to lead to a long abandoned foundry, above ground and near the Cabin Fever labs, if you truly wish to investigate...

She loaded up her messenger bag with a couple vials of flavoured oil, a drone first aid kit, and brought some welding goggles, JUST in case of sentinels before she flew off to where the pine trees were, just beyond the ridge. She landed near the foundry and listened.

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5 months ago

Tessa continued to hug the drone that, once again, she saw as a younger sister to her. "I am thankful you did... yes it was a little scary to see them perish, but... Father stopped caring, and Mother was a monster." Suddenly it hit Tessa like a freaking truck, ".... All the other kids on Earth... who were also being treated poorly by their families... they died too," she sighed sadly, "Their pain ended but... at what cost..."

"I'm sorry the Solver used you too, Cyn" Tessa soothed, pulling herself back from those sad thoughts.

"Trying to interact with other worker drones... Has become difficult. They don't trust me." Cyn frowned.

"Trying To Interact With Other Worker Drones... Has Become Difficult. They Don't Trust Me." Cyn Frowned.

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5 months ago

yeah... I sent this one. I just wanted to hear you say you'd put Mother in a wooden nightgown for me <3 Sorry Jaybird, luv

Time for the cousin of Kiss Marry Kill, this game is called: Maim, Kill, Cuddle!

Your options are: Tessa's Mom, Tessa's Dad, and RoboTessa

=] have fun

Time For The Cousin Of Kiss Marry Kill, This Game Is Called: Maim, Kill, Cuddle!

A no brainer.

Maim: James (the alcohol might as well finish him off)

Kill: Louisa

Cuddle: Tessa

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2 years ago

Another Destiny Dream… and this one was a nightmare


The dream focused around FotL and how the Cabal deal with the deaths of their warriors. I was a civvie tasked with working with a Psion to recover the bodies of Warbeasts across the system- Two from the Red Legion, two from Calus’ Loyalists, and one from Caital’s Ascendancy.

I can’t remember the name of the Psion, but it was something like Ifrit so that’s what I’m gonna call him.


The first body was the Ascendancy Warbeast, lost in a jungle on Venus. Ifrit and I had to track signs of it through the dense jungle, all the while recording what we saw for Caital to study later. I remember distinctly that I had to hold my video recorder in my bra for some reason lol

As we went through the jungle, it started to shift. The plants became tentacle-like and neon blue, the sky darkened, and I regularly lost sight of Ifrit. I stumbled upon a facility alone, sent Ifrit my coords, and went inside.

It was a fucking shitshow inside. Legionaire corpses and blood everywhere; sharp, blade-like shrapnel hanging from the ceiling; but no sign of the Warbeast. My connection to Ifrit started to fluctuate, as did my camera’s recording. This place was fucking haunted- ghosts with a lowercase “g” kind of haunted


I never did find the Warbeast, or reunite with Ifrit. I woke up in a cold sweat while being chased by some kind of Centurion-looking amalgamation of flesh and metal…

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2 years ago

Had a Destiny/ULTRAKILL crossover dream…

Clovis Bray turned to the side of the Witness, and captured my player character Bitrik. I started out as my Warlock, dashing across the Ascendant Plane, accompanied by my Titan.

Together, the two of them (us?) tracked down a hole where Clovis was sending Taken(?) Vex drones in and out of the Plane to commune with the Witness.

However, my Warlock was cornered by a unique Taken Knight and executed, the game went to the title screen and then feigned my PS4 and TV turning off. It reopened in Bitrik’s POV, who was being held captive by Clovis.

Clovis was experimenting on him (me?), scanning him and trying to kill him in multiple different ways. None of them worked… until he tried radiation poisoning. Over and over, Bitrik’s body began to become less salvageable for his Ghost, until he was nothing but a fragile lump of flesh barely clinging to life. He still had all of his paracausality within him, but no way to channel it

Clovis was after something called the Raven Staff (which I think was just the Nightmare Harvester but Dreaming City themed), demanding that Bitrik give it over. Bitrik, being an irradiated blob of Awoken meat, couldn’t really do that.

Eventually, Clovis tried summoning something(?) to take it by force, but that backfired, since the Raven Staff was apparently modified to only be usable by Guardians. A massive hand crashed through the ceiling, announced that fact, and crushed everyone in the room.


For a moment, I saw through the thing’s eye(s?) as it plucked a BrayTech chip from deep inside Clovis’ Exo brain.

The view cut to a cinematic of Bitrik standing on some pale Vex architecture, being interrogated by the Exo Stranger. His armor was slightly different- more Hive-like, less gold- and his eyes were visible through his mask.

Elsie played a clip of someone talking about the Raven Staff- it sounded like Mara, but Bitrik admitted with a robotic voice that it was him. The camera zoomed in on his face there, revealing two golden Exo eyes beneath his helmet.


Back in the lab, Bitrik’s soul was being torn apart. Every time he was shot with radiation, he lost a chunk of himself. Eventually, he managed to slip from his body and into some kind of afterlife.

The dream quality took on the appearance of ULTRAKILL’s graphic style as Bitrik descended down a tunnel of… something red. From here, Bitrik and V1 kinda merged. The zones that it went through was a desert-like version of Limbo and a new forested place called Natura.

I can’t really remember much about this section of the dream, except that there were creatures that had to be dealt with in priority before they enraged. Never figured out if it was a proximity, timed, or line-of-sight thing for that mechanic…

There was also some kind of puzzle aspect to go “deeper” into Bitrik’s escape. Word puzzles spelled out nonsensical sentences, which felt like they had meaning at the time but are completely incomprehensible looking back. Each secret level had some version of the Taken Knight (from the start of the dream) chasing Bitrik/V1, acting as a timer for the level since it corrupted everything around it.

I never reached the end before I woke up… but the whole time I was slowly coming to consciousness, I was assailed by a feeling of dread. Something felt wrong.

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5 years ago

The Hidden Purpose || Armitage Hux x Reader


Summary: You're member of Resistance that was caught and transported to First Order's ship. You're interrogated by General Hux himself but he isn't able to break you. At first opportunity you run away but are caught once again and this time Hux does whatever he can to assure you he's a good man and wants nothing but your freedom. Unfortunately, you believe him, which results in a rough sex in his chamber few days later. Little do you know that he has a plan for you, not necessarily with a happy ending.

Warnings: Physical abuse, smut, death

Words: 3768

Request by: @huxshoe

Authors: Cass & Rouge


Hux was happy like never before, not everyday he was able to put hand on the mind of resistance.

Interrogation didn't go well, you were stubborn but oh, how delighted he was seeing your facade crumbling more and more with every electrical shock the interrogation chair was sending through your body. Hux knew you will break, everyone did at some point, and you weren't any different than all previous unbreakable people he welcomed in this chair.

 The most unexpected thing came when he got a message about your failed attempt of escaping the ship in one of the fighters.

 Armitage had to admit you were really brave and very stupid at the same time.

After receiving the message about you being captured once again, he ordered the troopers to bring you to an empty cell.

It was time for you to learn that disobeying First Order and him was a bad idea.

A cold floor of the cell wasn't the only inconvenience you've experienced lately.

 Sitting on the polished flooring with your back pressed to equally cold wall wasn't something you were dreaming about, yet you were thankful to the Force to be still alive, with your rebellious heart beating hardly within your chest.

 General Hux walked into the cell in the company of two troopers.

He was dressed as always, black uniform, heavy boots and a black coat dropped over his shoulders.

"So? Was it worth it? Running away again, you didn't get too far anyway," Hux said almost giggling but he did his best to keep the tone of his voice serious and cold like it used to be always.

 You threw him a cold glance without replying to his words, you found it pointless to even talk to the man who was simply responsible for death of many innocent people.

 He walked to you and grabbed your chin to make you look at him.

"Oh? This time nothing to say? That's odd, all of you always have mouth full of rebel shit to spread around."

Hux took a good look on you.

"Such a shame. Pretty face, pretty body and it's going to waste so easily," Armitage muttered.

 "Fuck off, bastard," you hissed and grabbed his hand to pull it off your chin. "Don't touch me or I'll snap your fucking neck, traitor," hissing you crawled away.

 Your leg was injured and it was hard for you to stay nor move.

 Armitage looked at you and shook his head, then he moved glance at the troopers.

"Bring me a med kit. I will need it," Hux ordered and stormtroopers immediately followed his words.

 Few minutes have passed and one of soldiers returned with med kit. Armitage took it and sent soldier away.

"Anyway, I bet it must be really uncomfortable with this big gash on your leg, love."

 You frowned hearing him calling you love.

"Who do you think you are?," Growling, you got up slowly and supported yourself against the wall. "Stop talking to me, you ginger scum."

 Armitage saw your internal struggle to keep yourself on your feets.

"Well, I am a general. That's who I am, love," he explained walking closer to you. "Come on, sit down now and no need to be rude. Be respectful, get the respect," Hux shrugged.

 When he somehow got you to sit down and show him your leg without kicking him right in the face, he felt disgusted.

It's not that he was scared of blood or something, he couldn't believe that it was your blood. Him, the general of First Order, playing a fucking doctor with a rebel scum only to get some informations which taking your rank won't be too useful.

Thanks to the force for the gloves, he thought to himself.

 "You see, I guess I am not that bad. I help enemy in need," Hux joked dryly before pressing a cotton pad dipped in the antiseptic to your wound.

 Despite angst you felt in your soul and despite the disgust you felt towards this man, you let him treat your wound.

"Why the hell are you doing this? Wouldn't it be easier to kill me?," You asked rapidly.

 He looked at you and raised his eyebrow. Oh, how much he wanted to wrap both of his hands around your throat and squeeze the life out of you.

 "Well, as you see, it's not easier, love. If it would, I wouldn't be stopping myself from taking your life away," Hux explained and gave you a cold, clearly fake smile.

 Despite the lack of knowledge when it comes to wounds, he was a general, not a fucking nurse after all, Armitage did a neat job with taking care of your wound.

"So? I think I did a nice job, huh?"

 You looked at him and moved glance to your wound. Indeed, he treated it pretty well.

"Not bad as for the general," you shrugged and checked if the bandage was wrapped not too tightly so the blood could easily circulates in your leg. "What you want me to do in return? Come on, we both know you didn't do this without a reason, I'm not an idiot," informing him, you looked into his green eyes.

 Hux chuckled and shook his head.

"Am I really that bad? How come when I tell you I did all of this just because you are beautiful, young woman and I couldn't look at the suffering you put yourself trough?"

 You couldn't believe what you heard. Tilting your head aside a little, you blinked few times.

"I don't know what kind of shit they're giving you and your people but you sound delusional," you snorted. "Since when one of the most important members of the First Order compliments some rebel scum, huh, general Hux?"

 "I don't know what your beloved princess taught you but for sure this weren't good manners, love. Such a pretty face but such a dirty mouth," Hux rolled his eyes. "I do this since that rebel scum has a very pretty face," Armitage answered.

 Not being sure how to behave, you simply smiled his words away.

"If you're being so kind and sweet on me, let's make a deal. You'll let me go and I won't tell anyone that you got soft around me."

 General simply laughed.

"You are a cute one but I am not afraid of such a rumors," he said with a shrug.

"Too many of female and male part of First Order tried to use them. Soon people stopped believe, love," Armitage shrugged off the coat and put it around your shoulders. He knew the cells were mostly cold so prisoners could be hold in them for a longer time and looking at your half-torn clothes he knew you were cold in there.

 In first moment you wanted to throw the coat off your shoulders but as soon as you felt a nice warmth of it, you accepted it. Apparently the coat was still warm from his warmth.

"Thanks," you mumbled quietly and wrapped flaps of the clothing around your figure. "Answer me, am I going to die here?"

 "Well. Without protection for sure," he hummed without much of thinking, Armitage looked at you.

 He had to admit you were a pretty one. Almost as pretty as the girls he often ordered to his room but this didn't matter.

 "But you are lucky today, love. You can be under my protection and be completely free from any side of conflict," general said.

 You frowned at his words yet got interested in the opportunity of being freed soon.

"Tell me more," you asked simply and inhaled the strong scent of his fragrance from the coat. He was using a nice cologne, you had to admit.

 Ginger general smiled to himself mentally. You caught the bait, his little trick was working. Women were easy after all.

 Hux smiled at you.

"You know my rank is high, love. I know many people, even the ones that live outside the war hell," he dared to get closer to you and gently cup your cheek, his thumb moved across the soft skin.

"I can easily find a shelter for you, love. Everything to make you safe."

 "What in return?," You asked openly.

 It would be too simple to trick First Order with a help of their general. Entire thing stank but you were helpless and willing to hear him out.

 Hux shrugged, opening his arms.

"Nothing, love. Some love and affection that everyone needs. Do I like it or not I fell for you."

Armitage cringed inside, love wasn't the feeling he wanted or needed. He hated the whole situation taking fact to whom he was speaking. General confessing to a rebel, what a joke.

 You slowly cocked brows.

"No way," you told him and got up to get into his level. "No fucking way," you repeated and slowly went to door, supporting yourself against the wall. You pounded them few times and tried to open them but you didn't succeed. "Open this fucking door."

 Armitage walked to the door and punched in the code. The door slid open and man bowed his head.

"Here you go, Y/N. No need to be rude."

 This got you off the guard.

You looked at the empty corridor, then back at him. The freedom was ahead, you only had to reach your hand out...

 Instead of getting out of the chamber, you took step back and shivered all over your body.

 In the back of your head you saw yourself trying to run away with that injured leg and being shot with a blaster at nearest corner. It was too risky in your state. You weren't ready and it was more than sure you wouldn't make it through their base. Not alone. But with him... With him it might work.

 "Okay," you swallowed hardly and looked at him. "I agree."

 Armitage simply offered you his hand.

"Come on, don't shiver."

 General took you to his quarter.

The room was really nice, big and filled with needed stuff. Nice desk, big bed, small coffee table, couch and many other things.

"I hope you will like it here."

 Hux couldn't believe himself, what he had to do for the First Order. To let scum into his own room was a huge commitment from his side and he never knew he was capable to do something like this.

 Armitage giggled, he couldn't believe in your words.

"I am the general. I know what you think about us but like you see, First Order takes a good care of people working for them."

 Armitage took your hand and placed a kiss on your palm, much to his disgust.

"And I can take care of you.”

 You didn't reply and deep inside you were screaming. Disgust almost made you vomit but you pretended to cough a little.

 It was warm enough in the chamber so you took the coat off and handed it back to its owner.


 Hux nodded and took the coat to hide it into the wardrobe.

"Kitten's name is Millicent," he added quickly.

 You walked to his bed and knelt down, you started stroking cat's ear what caused a symphony of purring.

 "Am I still a monster?," Hux asked.

He was getting tired of his whole play, he needed information now. Few more minutes and he will probably shoot you himself.

 "So. What exactly do you need?," You asked still petting his cat. "You took me out of the cell so I owe you something."

 Millicent laid herself on the back, exposing her belly to you in a hope to get some rubs yet you got up and walked to back to general.

 Hux shrugged.

"As I said, all I need is some love and affection."


 It took Hux whole painful and annoying week to make you see a good man in him. There was so many times that he wanted to shoot or simply stab you and watch you bleed out but he controlled himself.

 Although the information you held might be useless, there still was a tiny shadow of hope that you knew more, after all you have been often seen around Leia or other important figure.

 Finally one day, he had you sitting on his desk.

Face all red, breath heavy and eyes clouded with arousal.

 Armitage was proud of himself.

He was always taught he was nothing, that he was useless and now here he was, with woman he seduced completely by his own.

 With legs parted by his hips, you were playing with buttons of his black, satin shirt.

"I can't believe what I'm doing," you told him as you unbuttoned two last buttons and opened his shirt, revealing the pale skin of his.

 Hux smiled at you and easily unbuttoned your white shirt he provided by himself as gift to soften you.

"If I can be fully honest, I am happy you finally accepted my feeling, love," Hux purred grabbing your hand. "You're the one that will shed the clothes. I have meeting in half an hour and I don't want to look improperly," Armitage announced before kissing you deeply, his tongue was pushed into your mouth as his hands worked on taking your shirt off.

 You helped him with your shirt and soon dropped it to the floor, revealing your half-naked body to the ginger general. Looking up at him you slipped off the counter of his desk to strip off your pants as well.

 Hux stepped back and watched happily.

He imagined you as one of the working girls, there was no other way for him to accept you - the rebel scum getting that close to him, the general.

 "Very nice," Armitage purred as he looked at your completely naked form right in front of him.

He grabbed your sides and surprisingly easily sat you back on the desk. "You won't regret it, love."

 Soon Hux was opened a fly in his pants and freed his cock.

To his own surprise the probably idiotic idea of imagining you as whore helped him get hard.

 You parted your legs for him and took a hold onto his stiffened length to give it few long strokes, clenching palm from time to time.

 You felt disgust towards yourself. Being so close to the most important figure in First Order, in such a situation. You felt dirty, like a real whore whom you partly became only to get your freedom back.

 Armitage smiled and kissed you deeply removing your hand from his memeber.

He slowly guided himself inside you, making sure to be really gentle.

 You laid your back on the desk and wrapped legs around his hips.

It's been a longer while since you were having sex for the very last time and you felt like it would be the first time for you, you walls were clenched so tightly that Hux had to work a little before slipping his shaft fully in.

 Hux didn't had time for this, pulling out he spat on his hand and pumped his cock to make his shaft slick. Then, he pushed right back in, without even trying to be gentle this time.

 You let out a quiet whimper and rubbed your clit few times, just to make yourself slick.

"Hux!," You whimpered and looked up at his dignified figure.

 "What is it, love?," He asked, hovering over you, his hips moved like a pistons. Armitage was pushing deep inside you with every thrust.

 Moaning loudly you let him taking you as much as he wanted. In the way he wanted.

His cock was slamming in and out of your tight pussy, making you vulnerable at his every touch.

 "Look at you, such a good girl. You will be mine now," he purred bending down to kiss your neck and then moved lower to your breasts.

 You were moaning through clenched teeth, your arms wrapped around his neck as you kissed his temples, rolling hips to meet each of his thrusts.

 Hux's lips wrapped around your nipple, sucking and biting the sensitive flesh.

Somehow he was able to pick up his pace.

His hand cupped your cheek.

"Are you a good girl, love?," General asked with a soft, quiet purr in his voice.

 You nodded taking a hold onto his hand like it would be the only thing on which your life depended.

"I am!"

Oh, how happy he was to see your reaction. After all his efforts was worth something.

Hux focused on hitting that one particular sweet spot to force the answer out of you.

"So, will you tell me where the rest of resistance is, love?," Ginger man gasped.

"Planet of Crait!," You screamed and wrapped legs tighter around his hips to deepen his moves.

Hux's cock was sliding easily in your pussy, sending a huge waves of pleasure to every nerve of your body, in the result of this you weren't able to control yourself any longer.

"How many of you?," He asked simply pushing harder in your pussy, your walls were clenching nicely around his shaft, hugging it tightly.

"I... Don't... Fuck! I don't know!"

He smiled giving you few harder thrusts, his hands moved between your bodies to aggressively rub your clit.

"What is your princess planning?"

"She wants.... Ah!," You couldn't focus when he was teasing your spot with the tip of his throbbing cock. "She wants to reunite with rest of Republic but till now no one responded to her call!"

That was it.

This was all he needed, finally he could quit this game.

Armitage pulled his dick away and grabbed your hair tightly, tugging on them to throw you off the table to the floor.

"Finally!," He growled and kicked you right in the stomach with his combat boot while shifting his cock back into pants and improving them.

Hux laughed maniacally and rubbed his hands together.

You gasped at the sudden emptiness but as soon as he threw you off the desk and you hit your back against the marble floor, you let out a loud, short scream and rolled into a ball.

Hux smiled and kicked you few more times just for simple fun. After that he ordered Phasma to pay him a visit.

After few minutes Captain walked into the room.

"General," woman said and looked at you. "I see the plan worked. Where are we heading?"

Armitage looked at your hopeless body on the floor.

"Planet of Crait. There shouldn't be much of them, poor Princess got no answer for her useless cry for help," he explained and Phasma nodded.

"I will prepare the troops, shall I send someone here as well?,"" Woman asked.

"Yes. I can't look at her anymore. And make sure to send in troops that really can shoot. I don't want them to miss," Hux ordered.

After Phasma left he walked up to you and pulled your hair once again forcing you to look at him.

”Look at yourself, poor, tiny rebel and where is your wonderful princess now? I used you and got what I wanted, just like I always do, and you? Beaten up and used, left to die by people who claimed to fight for the good side," he chuckled darkly. "No one came, no one cared. This is how good your people and princess are."

You shivered hardly when tears rolled down your cheeks.

Deep inside you were reconciled with the fact they'll kill you one day. But you happened to trust that guy. He claimed to help you and it was all a lie.

Naked, beaten, you looked into his eyes, trying to keep your facade unshaken.

"Please, don't!," You screamed grabbing him by sleeve.

He pushed you away and kicked you again, harder than before.

"And why shall I not, huh, rebel scum?"

"Please, don't do this! You ain't like them, I see this!," You cried and wiped your lips from blood after his kick.

Hux's face softened, he walked to you and really gently helped you to get up back on your feet.

He cradled you in his arms and kissed your cheek, moving closer to your ear.

"You are right, love. I am not like them," you could feel him smiling against your ear. "I am worse."

Just in the same moment two soldiers walked inside the room. They looked confused.

"Ah! Here are our guests, love. Come on be a good girl!," Ginger general frowned, forcing you to kneel. "Any last word, sweetheart?"

You sobbed loudly, it was pointless to control any of your emotions.

Your knees hurt of kneeling on the polished, cold floor, the injured leg was hurting the most.

You raised your head and looked at the ginger man.

"Yes, actually," you snapped and when tear rolled down your cheek, you gasped. "I have the last thing to add."

"Spit it out, woman," Hux ordered looking at you.

You smiled at him like you'd be overwhelmed by pure bliss.

"You cannot be sure if I said the truth."

Hux wasn't going to fall for such a play.

"Very well, I will send your body on the planet you told me about. Your friends will neither receive it and bury your with honours or your corps will rote on the forsaken planet, not like I'd care. You've chosen your grave. Fire," Hux yelled.

Soon the floor was painted red.

Hux stood there, not moving by the whole execution. It wasn't first nor last time he was witnessing something like this.

"You idiots! I got blood on my new shoes!," He growled at troopers and sighed deeply, rubbing bridge of his nose. "Just send someone to take her away. Make sure the corps will be sent on her planet and get someone to fucking clean this mess."

Millicent jumped off the bed she was napping at and walked to Hux. She rubbed her side against his combat boot and ran happily towards your dead body. She licked your pale cheek and laid next to your head, purring.

Hux looked at you, he kinda felt bad for you.

You were a really young woman, maybe in your early twenties and yet you ended up like this, just because you wanted to do something you thought was good for people that didn't care.

Even if Armitage felt guilt building up deep in his guts, he had to shake it off.

This was a war and there were only two sides: winners and losers.

First Order was going to be a winner at all costs and he had to make sure of it.


Pandies🐼: @imidarogerson @grossograsso @thewildgardensstuff @leven-and-ashley @la-verdura @bearded-steve-rogers @sebbystan-plantlover @atuckyismylife @krispyjellyfishzombie @personality-within @haseki-huricihan  @choppedgardenwhispers @vroobelek @lattimelka @chris-beamz @hidden-secrets69 @purepearls @volcanoxxx @kastrup-sofie @mikkal-akasaki @withoutashadowofhope @radbluebirdeagle @marvel-fan-site @smutloversblog @buquete @super-psycho-love69 @tanglesss @peter-sommer @baysidewest @vegemania @philip-stan @chodiusmmm @subwaystunnel @tykorclint @dagger-dragger @kurant @nothing-can-least-forever @oxfordkipem @deliciousbouquet90 @tuptuptup @hellenna80 @karina-marina9 @latimeriaaa @bratko @wurld89 @scott-evans @kiss-me-rouge @ovonel-espaniol @dancing-tacco @ratugadhi @white-tiger-shangrila  @axn69 @eternal-life-awaits @mrs-laura-harmon @artsy-inside @gleeeeees  @darkllaama @jatut @agawux @fuzzy-tigrrr @jrjohnsson2 @maaargoshaaa @dontgetmewrongman @einexx @nwmtagsb @anini71 @secretlygrantaire @kyloren-supreme-ben @infinity-stones-seeker @thehappyspider @wings4life @huxyluxy @dontbeafraidchild @misafiryanki @electronicpatrolcollective @thisismysecrethappyplace @aulika @hidden-secrets69 @a-happy-wolf @creative-seahorse @biologyforliving @fanofgeneralhux​

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1 year ago

I keep seeing posts about people "needing" to cleanse before approaching the Greek gods and while those posts mean well I just want to remind everyone that:

Hygiene is VERY hard to keep up with when you're very depressed or having a very hard mental health day but that's when you need your gods the most!

And I know it's because a lot of ancient priests insisted people needed to cleanse themselves before visiting the temples and communing with the gods (they even banned people on their periods, or those who were about to have a baby or those who just had a baby or were just dealing with a dead body, or had blood on them, etc.) but, as the keepers of the temples, that's because the priests themselves would have to clean up after temple visitors so it makes sense they'd want to ban the ones they thought could potentially make a mess and make extra work for them.

The Iliad shows us the gods were in the battlefield! They fought right next to soldiers being slaughtered and killed. They were next to bodies that have involuntarily released feces and urine! They've been around soldiers who hadn't properly bathed in months, possibly even years!

You're allowed to seek the gods when you're not clean.

You're allowed to seek the gods when you haven't gotten out of bed in weeks.

You're allowed to see the gods when you don't remember the last time you showered or brushed your teeth.

You're allowed to see the gods when you really need help.

You're allowed to see the gods when you need them.

Athena and Ares are in the battlefield surrounded by dying soldiers.

Artemis hunts

Aphrodite also has a war aspect.

Hermes picks up souls from literal dead bodies.

Apollo has an aspect that prepares dead bodies for funerary rights.

The gods are surrounded by the unclean all the time!

Please don't let the rules of disgruntled priests stop you from seeking help when you need it the most!

The gods won't be offended if you haven't bathed in weeks because of your terrible mental state! That's ableism! They just want to help you through it!

Please reach out to them regardless of your condition!

I Keep Seeing Posts About People "needing" To Cleanse Before Approaching The Greek Gods And While Those

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6 months ago

where do we draw the line at whos queer and who isnt. that trans hetero person is queer ? "but theyre not queer enough, theyre not gay !!" wouldnt make sense cause theyre trans, right ? that gay man ? "but hes cis, thats not queer enough !!" wouldnt make sense at all, would it ? so where is the logic in drawing fine barriers at what is and isnt queer. queerness isnt just for one person, queerness is the joy, sadness, anger, fear, and all emotions for us to experience and share together as a community. remember, the government doesnt care whether or not "polyamory is queer" or "kink is queer", because queer people are DYING EITHER WAY.

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1 year ago

My new subcon/ahit OC (ocs?), Polka and waltz!

They were conjoined twins in life, and, after dying, became this :}

My New Subcon/ahit OC (ocs?), Polka And Waltz!

I made em for fun, but I might draw them again later :>

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7 months ago

˙ ˖ ✶ Marcus

"You definitely should but then put a slutty picture as your icon so you'll get more traction. What do they call that? Thirst trapping?" Kit giggled, the idea of this sweet man thirst trapping people on twitter seemed so far fetched to him. "Your DM's would be flooded, and I can't even repeat some of the things they'd be saying to you, well I could but you'd probably lock me up somewhere because they're that unhinged," he mused. "Young vulnerable, very demure and very modest world renowned best selling author Kit Santos, caught in a risky adventure with would be hottest muscle baker in New York city. Is their passion just as decadent and sweet as their desserts or is it a spicy," Kit said dramatically as if he was reading the gossip blogs. "Not that any of it matters, I'd just rather not get you involved in any of my craziness, you're far too sweet and good for that," Kit could not find a single flaw in Marcus Thompson, try as he might there wasn't a single blemish in his personality. The man was a walking green flag, and whilst love was quite tricky and complicated given both their pasts, he was sure there were many around the city completely in love with his friend. "Hey, parents do love me! Plus Kit Thompson has a ring to it, but Marcus Santos sounds better or maybe we should hyphenate. I'm not signing a prenup by the way." Things were so easy like this with Marcus, Kit could always just relax and find the flow of words with such ease. Jokes, laughs, warm hugs, he was like the kindest fire that would always draw you in. He was safe, he was the safest place.

Kit was quick to bury himself in Marcus' embrace, his words completely muffled against the man's chest. If he could freeze time and just stay like this forever, he would. "It's just that the anniversary of my time in that place is coming up and I can't help but remember all my friends. To everybody else in the world they're just characters in a book series, but..they were my family when I was sick. I remember all the laughs and stories we would share when we were all in that home, how even through all the laughs we could see how each of us was terrified," Sifting through all the memories of his youth a tear found its way down his cheek as he looked up at Marcus. "I don't understand why I got a second chance, and I just hope I'm actually doing something meaningful with the memory of them." he sighed. "Sorry, I know this isn't the usual fun and happy Kit you're used to seeing."

Marcus Chuckled Softly. Wise Wasn't A Word He Thought Most People Would Label Him With And When They

Marcus chuckled softly. Wise wasn't a word he thought most people would label him with and when they did, it was likely because he just repeated sage advice his grandma gave him at one point. "I'll have to put that in my Twitter bio or something." He joked. The next comment from his friend pulled a louder laugh from him. "Okay, okay, you can ask me to bake you whatever at a more reasonable time then so the rumors don't get too out of hand. That'd be like, anti-wingmaning for you." The small moments in life where he could joke around with a friend like this were easily some of his very favorite. To him, those moments were what life was all about. "I think I have an aunt that would believe the tabloids and then the next thing I know, I'd be in the middle of a family meeting." Eloping itself wouldn't be the problem, his family would just be a little concerned if he actually did it within less than a year after his failed engagement. "I like to think no two people are quite alike." A small smile rested on his face. "Keeps things interesting and lets you learn a lot more from different people."

When the conversation turned a little more serious, Marcus reacted appropriately, offering all his attention to Kit. "You know I always have one of those for you." His arms stretched out to offer the other a hug. "I'm also always willing to listen if you ever need it, but I get it if that's also not what you need right now." He knew it was exhausting to talk about certain subjects if they felt too mentally or emotionally draining in that very moment.

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