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"what's Your Favourite Music Genre" Horrible Histories Songs

"what's your favourite music genre" Horrible Histories songs

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More Posts from Apocalypsewriters

2 years ago

Anyway if you see this you have to reblog and tag with a delight from ur day -- even the littlest thing counts

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2 years ago

Hey yeah I’d love to help!!!

And here are some more of my writeblr friends that might be interested too: @pagesofcursive @did-i-do-this-write

This Blog Is Dedicated To Reblogging Others Original Writing.Please Feel Free To Tag This Blog In Anything

This blog is dedicated to reblogging others original writing. Please feel free to tag this blog in anything you write and we will reblog it. I highly suggest adding this blog to any and all of your taglists so it’s easy for us to reblog your work. This blog is for original writing and spreading awareness for all these folks who get drowned out by the tumblr algorithm. 

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We’ll reblog your writing, tagging it with the appropriate genres and even offering some feedback.

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This blog is run by @writingforevren but if you’d like to help out you’re welcome to dm me and you can also help promote other people’s original works! 

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2 years ago

12 days of writer self care day 5: flower

This is just so cute!! Maggie and Stella’s families are very involved in flowers, so i felt it would be perfect to write about them. this was such a joy to write and explore more character backstory

Stella’s papa knelt down and held a closed fist in front of her. “Open it,” he said.

Her tiny eyebrows knit together as she pulled at his fingers. They didn’t budge. She grunted and pulled harder, tongue poking out from between her teeth. His pinky budged, then his hand opened all-of-a-sudden. Cheering, Stella seized the small, thin, wooden box.

“‘Tis it?” she asked, struggling with the clasp on the lid.

Taking the box from her, opening it, the handing it back, Stella’s papa asked, “You know how I grow pretty things in the garden?”

Stella bounced on her toes, the contents of the box rattling. “Yeah!” she said. “With Maggie’s mummy and daddy.”

“That’s right. So I took some of the flowers and I mixed them with water,” he explained.

“Like I make potions!”

He grimaced, but continued, “Exactly. And I let them dry. So now if you take this magic wand-” he placed a paintbrush into her hand “- and you add water to the paints, you can make pretty pictures.”

Stella’s eyes widened. She dashed to the kitchen and dunked the box in the bucket of water. Stella’s papa raced behind her and fished the paints out. 

“How about I show you how to do it,” he said, shaking the water off.


That’s how they spent their afternoon. He started Stella on paper, and when she seemed trustworthy enough to leave, he went back to the gardens to work. This was a mistake. When he and his husband came home, the walls were covered in paint up to their knees. As was Stella. The paint palette was empty, and she was in love.

A few years later, Stella was knee-deep in flowers. Dirt was caked under her fingernails, and laughter bubbled within her. Maggie sat beside her, gathering flowers too. Finally satisfied with her haul, she brought the bouquet back inside.

“Just these please,” Stella piped up, setting the flowers on the counter.

Maggie’s mama smiled and said, “Of course.”

She wrapped the flowers up with paper and handed them to Stella, who struggled to make eye contact, hindered by the bundle. “Thank you!” she said.

“Do you want me,” Maggie asked, blushing, “to walk you home.”

Stella’s cheeks went hot too. “Only if you want to.”

“I do.”

Their hands swung together as they walked back to Stella’s home where she would make her first batch of paints; Stella dropped some flowers without an extra hand to secure the bundle, but with Maggie picking them up she didn’t mind.

More years passed. Stella planned an outing with her lifelong best friend and longtime crush. She invited Maggie to go material gathering — she collected all her own art supplies and regularly ran out of paint. Ensuring she had express permission from her parents given Maggie’s delicate state, Stella was delighted when Maggie agreed to the invitation.

She took her to her favorite meadow an hour before sunset. Softly rolling hills were covered in a sea of green and orange and gold, swaying in the breeze. It was almost hypnotic. Bouncing on her toes to get a better look at the field, Stella finally tugged Maggie down to sit. She ran her hands through her hair, disrupting the carefully manicured state she’d put it in before the outing. Her hands twitched on her leg. 

Reaching out to run her thumb along the back of Stella’s hand, Maggie’s brow creased. “Are you okay?” she asked.

Stella melted. “I’m fine,” she said, lingering in Maggie’s grip. Jerking her chin towards the flowers, she said, “Well? Let’s get picking.”

Careful to guide their direction, Stella began filling the basket Maggie had woven for her last birthday. Maggie helped, though slower as she checked each flower met Stella’s approval. This was why she was doing this. 

Finally, the pair stepped into a flattened part of the meadow. The flowers were bent in the shape of a heart. At the top of the heart, between the bows, a large piece of paper rested. It was decorated with intricately painted flowers surrounding words in a curling script. It read “Will you be my beau?”

“I- you- for me?” Maggie stammered.

Stella stared pointedly at the raked earth beneath her feet. She nodded.

“Of course! I’d love to be!”

Maggie launched herself at Stella. They tumbled down the hillside, laughing until their sides ached. The flowers danced around them, bouncing in the warming light of a setting sun.

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2 years ago

Ahhh! This is so cool!

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2 years ago

12 days of writers self love day 6: clothing

This serves two purposes: I am getting to sleep at a decent time, and I’m promoting these two cuties. I love their dynamic to pieces, and it’s nice to look back and reflect on what I’d do differently now.

April Prompts Day 3 - pastel

Featuring: Nala, Fera and Vera (@pagesofcursive character)

"I just don't know what to get." Nala paced nervously in the open plaza.

"I'm sure you can think of something," Vera's voice was tinny over the phone.

Nala groaned and sat down on a plastic bench facing a pathetic fountain, "I'm sure I could, but it's just… I don't know. Pressure? I want to impress her. It's just our anniversary, and I'm sure she has something amazing and-"

Vera interrupted with a chuckle, "I'm sure she definitely does. Hey, Fae!" she yelled away from the phone. A distant "yeah?" was heard in the background. Vera continued, "Have you got something for your and Nala's anniversary tomorrow?"

Nala heard stomping approach the phone and her heart fluttered in anticipation. "Not yet," she melted at Fera's severe tone. She was super cute most of the time, but when she was ticked she had had a lot of steam to blow off. "But I'm coming up with something. Besides," Nala could almost hear her glare at her twin, "why is it your business? I appreciate the concern, but you have your own relationship."

"Oh, no reason," humor was obvious in Vera's voice. "You see? Nothing to worry about, Nala."

"Wait, you're on the phone with Nala?" Fera's voice softened, but grew louder as she approached the phone. Nala let out an uncharacteristic squeak and hung up the phone, not ready to be confronted by a potentially judgemental girlfriend. She was probably overreacting, probably overthinking, and probably blowing it out of proportion. She took a breath. Calm. Steady. Rational. Ready to make a choice. Well, maybe not that far.

She heaved herself off the tacky green bench and meandered towards the shopping centre. A pair of basketball shoes caught her eye in a sports store window, but she stayed strong and kept moving. Maybe she could get Fera clothes? Was that too simple? She always did well with bright colours and pastels, right? That seemed too easy. But it was still better than nothing. Sighing heavily, she turned into the shop.

Half an hour later, she drooped out, empty handed. She had a dozen photos of ideas she came up with inside, but none of them seemed right. A tie dye shirt, lavender overalls, a pack of rainbow socks that would've been absolutely adorable, a baby blue circle skirt and a couple of other options for good measure. They all seemed too simple alone, but too busy together.

They twisted their mouth as they wracked their brain for more ideas. Wait. An orchid! Fera has been telling her about them for weeks. Her flower garden was flourishing, but she was missing an orchid from her patch. She beelined to the hardware store at the edge of the mall, which had a greenhouse next to it. She fought through hoards of people before squeezing into the shop. Five minutes later, she triumphantly strode out, a thigh high orchid in arm. It was gorgeous, even for someone who wasn't well versed in flowers. The centre petals had pale purple streaks, and the backing petals were a precious pastel pink. She did end up with something pastel after all. Should she get the socks? Would that go with the flowers? She decided to consult Vera again. She walked to her car and delicately placed the flowers on the bonnet and snapped a photo.

Nala: what do you think

Vera: really? You couldn't think of anything else

Nala: nice to know how much you think of me

Vera: it's my baby sister, what do you expect?

Vera: but it's a cute gift. i think she'll love it.

Nala: thabks

Nala: *thanks

Nala opened the passenger door and put the flower on the seat. Briefly contemplating, she pulled the seatbelt down to secure it. It might be silly, and possibly ineffective, but on the off chance it worked, it was worth the slight degredation. Nala slid over the bonnet to the other side and flung herself into the driver's seat. The pale petals caught the corner of her eye and she grinned giddily, imagining the look on her girlfriend's face when she'd see them.

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