Writing Humour - Tumblr Posts
i hear a good lyric and start mentally holding up blorbos like im in the home depot paint aisle comparing swatches
when fanfic authors say that they don’t decide what happens in the story that the characters make the decisions i imagine it like this:
writer: *sitting down* type type type type *squinting at the screen* type type type
writer: *gasp* WHY WOULD YOU DO THAT…… type type type
‘don’t you want your favourite character to be happy???’ no? i want my favourite character to be interesting. i want me to be happy. which sometimes involves my favourite character being in exquisite agony
what people think writing is: worldbuilding, churning out entire chapters in one sitting, metaphors, character building, finishing novels, flawless plotlines
what writing actually is: random 1 am thoughts, zoning out into fictional worlds, associating songs with characters, writer’s block for six weeks at a time, coming up with plot twists at the most inconvenient times

I made this callout meme for me and me specifically
Characters are like piñatas. The real fun begins when you break them
Problems only writers understand
Having very chaotic notes on your phone
Having secret files that you will NEVER let anyone ever see
Why cant I think of a name?
Writing 10k words in a day then never again
I love my little fictional characters!
violently tortures them
The two types of fantasy writers
1. Feverishly calculating the body mass of your dragon species, spent 5 hours last night researching the origins of steel, losing sleep over horseshoes, 20 tabs open, should a cockatrice be warm-blooded?, will die if they don’t immediately figure out when honeybees were first domesticated

“how did you get into writing” girl nobody gets into writing. writing shows up one day at your door and gets into you