apottovan - AP Ottovan
AP Ottovan

Doing better, love

524 posts

TV Static

TV Static

Love, Affection,

What do I need?

Love, “I don’t mean platonically.”

My brain is just TV static, Horrible white noise.

“I feel a certain way about you.”

I’m a bit broken.

Today, Of all days.

There’s just something about hearing it out loud.

TV static.

“I know it’s not the same from you, But that’s okay.”

What do I even say?

More Posts from Apottovan

5 years ago

1. Bildgewater by Brown Bird 2. Angel of Small Death by Hozier  3. Sleeping on the Blacktop by Colter Wall 4. Broken Bones by Kaleo 5. 7000x by Juda & the Lion 6. Chelsea Dagger by the Fratellis 7. The Thief and the Moon by Shawn James 8. Stupidass by Watsky 9. Pink Nightmares by Infected Mushroom 10. When the Party’s Over (Viga Remix) by Billie Eilish I only have one person to tag, sorry if it’s cheating.  @raiven-raine

Rules: list 10 songs you can’t stop listening to and tey to tag at least 10 others

@cadet-lea-05 tagged me so here we go bro

1) Resonance by Home

2) Hurt Incantation from the Tangled series

3) Radio Gaga by Queen

4) Feel Good Inc by Gorillaz

5) Sunflower from Into The Spider-verse

6) Change Your Mind from Steven Universe

7) Obsidian’s theme from Steven Universe

8) Damaged Coda from Rick and Morty

9) Claire de Lune by Debussy

10) Welcome to the Jungle by Guns'n'Roses

@phoenixenshadow @apottovan @lollipopgum99 @aconfusedwriter @sweethoneybee1995 @sepulchritude @mickeymousehands @nim-the-kitchen-cottage-witch @solarpunkvince @kekmetic @minikiabzurdah

5 years ago

Haven’t shared a poem in a while...

You know when a song Hits you so hard, It makes you weep?

You know when a tune, Just hits that raw nerve, And makes you sob?

It wracks your soul With tender memories. Memories I thought I had forgotten.

Looking Through Glass Reminds me of that tired night When I wanted you to come home so badly

I wept at your desk for hours, Tears in my eyes and looking out the window, Waiting for you to come home.

Lean On Me Reminds me of that first blush-worthy moment we shared, Standing on squeaky bleachers, stealing glances from two feet apart.

When I miss you deeply, And it comes on the radio, I cry until there are no tears left to share.

Good Riddance Reminds me of that conversation, “I want this to play at my funeral.”

I get so scared of when you’ll be gone I weep whenever it comes on, Until my mind is so numbed I can’t remember why I was crying at all.

Those songs remind me of such deep memories, Memories I’d never choose to forget, Even if it brings tears to my eyes whenever I remember.

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