Livin Like We Arent Gonna Make It Till Tomorrow

Livin like we aren’t gonna make it till tomorrow
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i always really adored OFF's sprite style cuz turning pencil drawings into pixels gives off some great uneasy vibes. so i thought why not try that on Bon, and then a couple of other guys as well
Theres this one animation and the end depicts Jack in front of the Bunny Farm game and Felix freaks out; I love the idea of Jack lowkey haunting Felixs ass- Im pretty sure Felix knows Jacks ghost is at unrest one way or another (see: hes most likely the shadow person who saw Bon kill Rose to some extent, if not Felix then its Sophie.)
Ive seen people speculate that maybe Felix killed Jack, but I dont think Felix has the balls to do that on purpose. Maybe he pushed Jack down the well if they were fighting? Maybe Sophie was there and saw? (bc Ive also seen people imply Felix is the one giving Sophie the pills but I aint sure ab that; if he is and she Did see Jack die (by Felix’s hands?) I could see why he would encourage her to take them though) Given that the well was prominent she probably does know more ab whatever happened to Jack but cant remember yet
Not to mention Felix locked up the fucking animatronics (In the same forest he buried Molly and Ed in by the way.) after 3 people (Jack, Rose, and Susan) went missing (not even counting Ed and Molly)- Susan also mentioned Felix opened the restaurant only weeks after Jack went missing.) so he was well aware that things were dangerous obviously, is probably aware its Jack, and is consumed by guilt because this is all his fault that people are going missing and dying
Also wanna take this time to point out that Cyberfun Tech or whatever its called, the company who made the animatronics, is probably involved more than we’re shown
theory time
So I was rewatching the Walten Files and came to a few different conclusions. Everyone in the fandom seems to think Bon is Jack, form what I see, but it wasnt clicking to me. After all, Bon killed Rosie, and it wouldnt make sense for Jack to kill his wife if he loved her- I get the whole “Jack lost it after losing his kids” but something really just wasnt clicking for me, so I did some deducting.
For a bit I assumed Jack was actually ShowBear for the above reason plus; He guided Sophie towards the truth, he seems much more of a “passive” presence, and idk he kinda fucking looks like Jack:

Like. Same fucking face shape and everything; if this was the case I assumed that maybe Bon was someone we havent met yet who was involved with Jack and Felix in some way.
And then I noticed some things:
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hey what the fuck. how do i have negative likes

You ever just hate yourself so much that it eats you from the inside out?
I can’t believe I’m back from the dead just to upload a fucking Homestuck sketch drawing. Actually, I can, but that’s besides the point.
I also have an arasol wip in the works right now. Feel free to send in requests, I might sketch out a few if I find the motivation to do so.