Pandemic - Tumblr Posts

3 years ago

Ninth Classroom...

I bounced from school-to-school for a while before landing…

I was placed in a pull-out position where I would work with English Language Learners…

They were new to the country and new to the school…

A lot of the students were true beginners unable to associate phoneme to letter…

It was a lot of work, considering I only see them twice a week for half an hour at most…

Hybrid classes…come to school two days…go virtual three…

Except they don’t show up and do no work…

Fortunately, I’m not a ‘real’ teacher yet…

They only get some additional language support from me…completely homework free.

Of if they needed to talk…I was always willing to listen.

The Pandemic is hard on all of us…

Forget your standards and your deadlines…

Let children be children…

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3 years ago

I hope he’s lying...

I sometimes wonder what parents are thinking when they shroud their children in ignorance…

Are they protecting themselves from having to explain the virus?

Are they bamboozled into thinking that there is no pandemic?

They vaccinate their son against the flu yet he has no idea what ‘corona’ or ‘covid-19’ is…

What does he think of these masks then?  A sudden fashion trend?

At least he wasn’t told it was all an elaborate hoax…

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"sick days taken have risen drastically in the last three years"

...okay... It's not like we had a global pandemic or anything where going out with even a sniffle is considered a crime

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1 year ago

Podcasts are the real pandemic babies.

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5 months ago
Photograph of a zine called “What’s Up With COVID and How to Protect Yourself: 2024 Edition.”
“Feat. ADVANCED COVID safety tips!”
word balloon: “Have you heard the bad news?”
By Hazel Newlevant

Back cover text:
“Every chain of transmission that is broken is VALUABLE. Every person that doesn’t GET SICK, that doesn’t lose that WEEK OF WORK, that doesn’t become DISABLED or DIE, from the minorest of inconveniences, to the GREATEST of losses: every single one of those things is VALUABLE.” -Becca on DEATH PANEL podcast 2/16/23.

Print and distribute this zine yourself!
Download a PDF here.


New zine that's free for anyone to print and distribute! Read the whole thing at or in the rest of this post.

COVID zine page 1

Unless you make it a hobby to follow COVID news and studies, you're probably going off old info.
[stack of word balloons coming from different directions]
"COVID is mild now"
"The pandemic is over"
"'Pandemic of the unvaccinated'"
"COVID is like the flu"
"Only 'high risk' people need to worry about it."
"There's nothing you can do."

Businesses have a clear interest in YOU not worrying about COVID, and governments want to claim "victory" by hiding the problem. 

They want you at work, shopping, traveling, and going to events just like you did in 2019--NOT demanding sick pay, clean air infrastructure upgrades, etc.

The CDC didn't want to admit COVID is airborne because it would open employers up to workplace safety lawsuits.

Masks are a visual reminder of the ongoing danger.

In a 2020 study, people who complied with mask mandates spent *25% less time shopping.*

In 2021, the CDC shortened their COVID isolation the request of Delta Airlines' CEO.
COVID zine p2

Here's the real tea:
[handwritten, bold text] COVID is airborne & movies like smoke.
Because the virus is transmitted by respiratory aerosols--the fog that you can see exhaled on a cold day.

Could you smell if someone was smoking? Then you could inhale their COVID virus.
[Cartoon of a person standing near 2 cigarette smokers, surrounded by smoke.]
This is why airflow, filtration, and limiting contacts are key to stopping infections.
[handwritten, bold text] Six feet apart /= safe
That's old news, from when scientists *hoped* COVID was mainly spread by large droplets.

Turns out, it can hang out in the air for hours.
COVID zine page 3

[Bold, handwritten text] COVID is still everywhere.

At least half of COVID spread is from people who don't (yet) have symptoms.

With no paid sick leave and too-short isolation guidelines, people are regularly forced to work while infectious.

[Cartoon of a waitress, unmasked, looking abashed, surrounded by an infectious cloud, saying "may I take your order?" Many jobs now disallow masks!]

The CDC stopped tracking COVID tests, so now the best way we have to estimate how many people have COVID: wastewater testing. Virus levels in sewage closely follow actual cases.

[Cartoon of a toilet with viruses getting flushed]

[Graph of Biobot COVID wastewater levels from jan 2020 to Feb 2024, showing 929 copies per mL on Feb 17]

[Cartoon of me, looking at the graph, saying "More cases than ANY TIME in 2020. Not great."]
COVID zine p4

[Conversion chart of Biobot wastewater levels measured in copies/mL to what percentage of the population is infectious. They are from and @michael_hoerger on twitter.]

Using the national measurements from Feb 2024, approx. 1 in 36 people were infectious with COVID.

[How Does Risk Increase with More Social Contacts? conversion chart]

[Cartoon of me, looking tired, wearing a respirator, pointing up at the chart. I'm in a crowd of people, drawn in silhouette, and clouds of COVID.]

You can see how the risk skyrockets with crowds.

U.S. residents can estimate how many people are infectious with COVID in YOUR area NOW with data from your nearest wastewater testing facility: [QR code]
COVID zine p5

[Bold, handwritten text] COVID is really dangerous.

[Cartoon of a person's circulatory system]

COVID isn't just a respiratory illness. It injurs the blood vessels and can damage nearly any organ, all over your body.

Even mild infections cause brain shrinkage equivalent to aging 1 to 10 years.

Each infection has a ~1 in 10 chance of causing new, lasting symptoms, aka Long COVID. This is true for kids AND adults.

Long COVID can present in all kinds of ways. Even cases that start mild can become debilitating.

[Cartoon of a person lying down and wearing an eyemask, surrounded by handwritten descriptions of potential Long COVID outcomes]
Can't read, watch TV, look at phone, listen to music.
Brain fog, hard to even think.
In pain, feel like you have the flu for months on end.
Have to lay in the dark and quiet.

See for an extensive list of Long COVID and Post-COVID Conditions: [QR code]
COVID zine page 6

[Graph labeled "Excess Deaths and COVID Deaths in Young Adults (age 18-49)". The "excess deaths [all cause]" number is at about double "COVID-19 deaths".] 

So far in 2024, at least 1,000 people are OFFICIALLY dying of COVID in the U.S. every week. Chances of having a heart attack or stroke go WAY UP after a COVID infection, so it contributes to many more deaths than the official count.

[Bold, handwritten text] Repeat infections are hurting us.
The chances of bad shit happening get higher each time you get infected.

Viral fragments have been found in tissue samples even 12 months post-diagnosis. Viral persistence is a likely mechanism of Long COVID.

COVID disregulates the immune system, even in recovered patients. We're seeing outbreaks of RSV, monkeypox, polio, TB and more--possible signs of widespread immune dysfunction.

[Chart labeled: "Fig. 5: Cumulative risk and burden of sequelae in people with one, two, and three or more SARS-CoV-2 infections compared to noninfected controls."
It lists the following bad health outcomes, showing that each is more likely after 1 infection, more likely after 2 infections, and even MORE likely after 3 infections: 
at least one sequela
coagulation and hematological
Mental health
COVID zine page 7

[Bold, handwritten text] Vaccines and "hybrid immunity" are not enough.

COVID vaccines create antibodies that fight infection. They've greatly reduced hospitalization and death from acute infection. But antibody levels quickly decline over the following months. Vaccines aren't stopping people from getting infected, spreading COVID, and long-term damage

[diagram of SARS-CoV-2 infection. The virus is covered in spike proteins, and there are circulating antibodies, some of which bind to the spike proteins. There's a human cell covered in ACE2 receptors. When a spike protein binds to an ACE2 receptor, that's cell infection. When an antibody binds to the spike protein, it can't infect!]

COVID keeps mutating, with new shapes in the spike protein that evade old antibodies. You can get reinfected with a different variant, even in weeks.

[Bold, handwritten text] COVID vaccines are like an airbag. Avoiding exposure is like keeping your hands on the steering wheel.
COVID zine page 8

[Bold, handwritten text] Rapid tests give a lot of false negatives.

Taking a single rapid test only successfully detects ~60% of early symptomatic infections and ~12% of asymptomatic infections. The FDA now recommends repeat testing after a negative result.

Positive: You have COVID.
Negative: You MIGHT have COVID. Try again in 48 hours, or get a PCR test, especially if you have symptoms or known COVID exposure.

Improve test accuracy by collecting a combined nose and throat sample!

Instructions (from Ontario Health):
Do NOT eat, drink, chew gum, smoke, or vape for at least 30 minutes before collecting the sample.

Blow your nose first. Wash your hands and only hold the swab opposite the soft swab tip.

1. Swab between the inner cheek and lower gum, on both sides. Then, swab your tongue, as far back as you can go. OR, look in a mirror and swab your tonsils.

2. Swab the nasal wall. Tilt your head back and insert the swab straight back (not up) until you hit resistance. Rotate several times. Then do the other nostril.

Order free COVID tests (if covered by insurance): [QR code]

Find free testing locations: [QR code]

[Diagram drawing of a combined nose and throat swab, with the swab placed on the tonsils labeled "1" and the swab in the nose labeled "2", to indicate the correct order to swab in.]
COVID zine page 9

[bold handwritten text] What we can do:
[Cartoon of me, looking peaceful, wearing a Flo Mask, surrounded by a light cloud of virus.]

Don't breath COVID in. It's all about MASKS and AIRFLOW.

Wear a mask with N95 or better filtration (aka a respirator) and make sure there are no gaps. A mask is only as good as its seal!

N95+ filters trap particles with an electrostatic charge, which is why they're much better than cloth or surgical masks.

Head-straps give a better seal than ear-loops, and are more comfortable!

Elastomeric masks (reusable face piece, replaceable filters) give the BEST seal, assuming the model fits your face!

[Graphic of a CDC MMWR report, :
People who reported always wearing a mask in indoor public settings were less likely to test positive for COVID-19 than people who didn't
Among 534 participants reporting mask type
Cloth mask: 56% lower odds
Surgical mask: 66% lower odds
Respirator (N95/KN95): 83% lower odds ]
COVID zine page 10

Seal check: Cover the surface with your hands. Can you feel the mask going IN when you inhale and OUT when you exhale? That's good. 

[Cartoon of me with my hands over my mask]

If you feel any air leaking around the edges, the mask doesn't fit properly.

To better know if a particular mask fits you, try a DIY fit test. [arrow pointing to a QR code that goes to the DIY fit test instructional video linked in the tweet]

Source control is BETTER at stopping transmission than just the uninfected person wearing a mask! But both people masking is safest.

[Cartoon of me getting checked out by a cashier. I'm wearing a mask that has virus in it, demo-ing source control]

3M Aura is a good disposable respirator. (buy from a hardware store or, Amazon is full of fakes!)

EnvoMask Pro and FloMask Pro are good elastomerics.

[Drawings of the masks]

Laianzhi HYX1002 is currently the best mask that comes in black.

Fit test results: [QR code]
COVID zine page 11

Go outside for more airflow to disperse the virus!

Outdoor COVID transmission is still possible, but it's much safer than an enclosed space.

[Cartoon of me and a friend, both wearing masks. A leaf is blowing between us; evidently we're outside]

Failing that, open windows, run fans to pull in fresh air, and use HEPA air purifiers. Get a cross-breeze going!

[Cartoon diagram of two open windows with a box fan in between, pulling clean air in from one window and blowing indoor air out the other window.]

You can make a DIY air purifier by taping a furnace filter to a box fan.

Instructions: [QR code]

Mini DIY purifier with a PC fan and a round HEPA filter!

[Cartoons of furnace filter taped to a box fan, and a round filter with a PC fan on top.]

Purifiers also help with pet allergies and wildfire smoke!
COVID zine page 12

[bold, handwritten text] Extra precautions:
SARS-CoV-2 primarily infects in the upper respiratory tract, so it makes sense to target treatment there. Some nasal sprays have been shown to reduce the risk of getting COVID!

XYLITOL nasal spray reduced healthcare workers' risk of infection by 62% in one randomized controlled trial.

IOTA-CARRAGEENAN nasal spray reduced HCW's risk of infection by 80% when dosed 4x daily in one RCT.

NITRIC OXIDE nasal spray reduced infection risk by 75% when taken 4x daily after COVID exposure for 10 days, in a preliminary study.

Povidone-iodine mouthwash reduces viral load in the mouth, though how well this prevents infection is unknown.

S. salivarius k12 probiotic losenges reduced upper respiratory tract infections by 65% among HCWs in one RTC.

[bold, handwritten text] NOT A SUBSTITUTE FOR MASKS AND CLEAN AIR!!

The evidence base is much smaller and they won't stop you from spreading COVID if you DO get infected. But it's good to have many layers of protection!
COVID zine page 13

[bold] I have COVID, now what??

What I'm planning to do if/when I get COVID again. Not medical advice. I am not a doctor.

People's CDC has a detailed "What to Do if You Have COVID" guide. Gather supplies BEFORE you get sick!

[bold] There's still a chance to stop the spread!

Reduce the chances of infecting others in your household by isolating ASAP, ventilation, and everybody wearing masks. People stay infectious for at least 10 days! After that, test to find out if you're negative.

[drawing of bottle] "CPC or iodine mouthwash to kill virus in mouth" 

Don't go out if you can help it. If it's an emergency that can't be delegated or postponed, WEAR A RESPIRATOR!!!

(In a catch-22, you may need results from an in-person PCR test to get disability benefits or Long COVID care down the road)

[bold] REST.

[drawing of mug] Dehydration is ALSO linked to Long COVID, so drink up!

Inadequate rest can WORSEN or potentially even CAUSE Long COVID. Don't work out!! Avoid exertion as much as possible, during infection and in the weeks after. Rest and pacing are also crucial for dealing with chronic fatigue syndrome, a common Long COVID condition.
COVID zine page 14

[bold] Early Treatment

Paxlovid is an anti-viral medication and lowers Long COVID risk by ~25%. It's prescribed for those at increased risk of severe illness...which is 75% of U.S. adults. It must be started within 5 days of symptoms.

Ideally, you can get a Paxlovid prescription from home with a telehealth doctor visit. More options:

Find a Test to Treat site (free prescriber visit) and/or a Paxlovid Patient Assistance Program site (free Pax for eligible people). [QR code]

In New York State, you can get assessed through Virtual ExpressCare or by calling 212-COVID-19 . [QR code]

[smaller] (outrageously insufficient, i'm sorry!!)

Here are the non-prescription meds and supplements that RTHM, a Long COVID clinic, recommends to reduce symptoms and risk of developing Long COVID:

H1 blockers 
H2 blockers 
Low-dose aspirin
colloidal silver nasal spray and gargle
N-Acetyl-L-Cystein (NAC)
Curcumin (turmeric)
Multivitamin with Vitamin D3
Alpha Lipoic Acid (if noticing increased heart rate)

Read why: [QR code]

UPDATE 4/11/2023:

I swapped out the colloidal silver nasal spray info for xylitol nasal spray info. I originally included colloidal silver spray because of the linked study and recommendation from RTHM, but I don't want to be pointing people toward something with notable health risks. Xylitol spray (Xlear) is also cheaper and more widely available!

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3 years ago

“Those years weren’t lost. They simply weren’t the way I’d planned them.”

— Kurt Vonnegut

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4 years ago
Today's Video Upload How Should Christians Respond To Crisis | LINK TO VIDEO ---> Https://

Today's video upload How Should Christians Respond To Crisis | LINK TO VIDEO ---> Please check out today's upload. Leave any questions, comments, or suggestions you have. Subscribe, like, and share. Click the link above #CORONAVIRUS #COVID19 #ChinaVirus #WUHANVirus #CORONAVIRUSOUTBREAK

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My district, like many others around the country, is deciding to open up back up to full-time, in-person schooling. The administration sent out a survey of the student opinion on returning full-time, and this way my response.

I’m not concerned about waking up early, or the workload. This about public health. 

To all of those who are facing the same situation, FIGHT IT. COVID cases may be on the decline, but jam-packing thousands of students into one building, especially with the spread of new variants, with no vaccines or social distancing, will simply assist the spread of the virus.

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5 months ago

Shittiest covid symptom you got

Fever 9.5% (4,152)

Cough 7% (3,084)

Difficulty breathing 11.1% (4,864)

Sore throat 8.6% (3,796)

Congestion/runny nose 6.8% (2,966)

Loss of taste or smell 12.4% (5,457)

Body aches 22.3% (9,786)

Headaches 5.7% (2,491)

Nausea/vomiting 3.9% (1,720)

Diarrhea 1.8% (771)

Other 10.9% (4,804)

26% of people are bald or have never had covid.

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This isn’t OK

There hasn’t been nearly enough awareness on this, but there has been a huge spike in hate crimes against the Asian community during the pandemic, and that’s seriously messed up. Never under any circumstance is it alright to hate someone for their race, and Asians are NOT responsible for the pandemic. 

Even if one of the conspiracy theories somehow came out to be true and the pandemic was somehow purposefully engineered, that would be the fault of those few select persons- definitely not their entire race. We’re all suffering through this pandemic TOGETHER, and we need to support one another, NOT go around looking for someone to point a finger at. It’s horrific that anyone could reason that these kinds of acts are in any way justifiable, and it’s not okay that this has been going on.

Lot’s of love to any of you folks reading this. Stay strong and keep trooping, you amazing humans!

Pixar has also released two of their short films on YouTube to show support, and I’d definitely recommend checking them out if you haven’t seen them(maybe bring a few tissues, though)! If anyone’s curious, their titles are “Float” and “Wind”. 

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5 months ago

What are your intentions for this month?

I've bend having h the most intense years lately. It's true that 's pretty much the same for the rest of humanity since we've been living in a pandemic. It has been more than 2 years since everyone started to get sick, but I just got sick.

So I guess my intention is to survive. No, I don't feel in my body like dying, but my mind is a whole other thing. There is something weird in being sick of the same disease that killed so many people, that killed someone that you loved. My mind wonders weird questions like: 'did she felt the same thing that I'm feeling now?', 'it's now that I'm gonna lose my breath?' or even 'are those really my last days?'.

I like to think that I have a good health and being vaccinated my chances of being just fine in a few days are high but... The ghosts of imagining that I have another sickness keeps hunting me. And besides that we don't live forever. One day will be the last someday.

So, I think my intention for the month and for life really is to be ready. To take better care of myself. To envoy the little and big moments just the same. To trust and follow God above all things. And to be brave. I would just love to be brave.

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5 months ago

What are your intentions for this month?

I've bend having h the most intense years lately. It's true that 's pretty much the same for the rest of humanity since we've been living in a pandemic. It has been more than 2 years since everyone started to get sick, but I just got sick.

So I guess my intention is to survive. No, I don't feel in my body like dying, but my mind is a whole other thing. There is something weird in being sick of the same disease that killed so many people, that killed someone that you loved. My mind wonders weird questions like: 'did she felt the same thing that I'm feeling now?', 'it's now that I'm gonna lose my breath?' or even 'are those really my last days?'.

I like to think that I have a good health and being vaccinated my chances of being just fine in a few days are high but... The ghosts of imagining that I have another sickness keeps hunting me. And besides that we don't live forever. One day will be the last someday.

So, I think my intention for the month and for life really is to be ready. To take better care of myself. To envoy the little and big moments just the same. To trust and follow God above all things. And to be brave. I would just love to be brave.

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5 months ago

What are your intentions for this month?

I've bend having h the most intense years lately. It's true that 's pretty much the same for the rest of humanity since we've been living in a pandemic. It has been more than 2 years since everyone started to get sick, but I just got sick.

So I guess my intention is to survive. No, I don't feel in my body like dying, but my mind is a whole other thing. There is something weird in being sick of the same disease that killed so many people, that killed someone that you loved. My mind wonders weird questions like: 'did she felt the same thing that I'm feeling now?', 'it's now that I'm gonna lose my breath?' or even 'are those really my last days?'.

I like to think that I have a good health and being vaccinated my chances of being just fine in a few days are high but... The ghosts of imagining that I have another sickness keeps hunting me. And besides that we don't live forever. One day will be the last someday.

So, I think my intention for the month and for life really is to be ready. To take better care of myself. To envoy the little and big moments just the same. To trust and follow God above all things. And to be brave. I would just love to be brave.

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5 months ago

What are your intentions for this month?

I've bend having h the most intense years lately. It's true that 's pretty much the same for the rest of humanity since we've been living in a pandemic. It has been more than 2 years since everyone started to get sick, but I just got sick.

So I guess my intention is to survive. No, I don't feel in my body like dying, but my mind is a whole other thing. There is something weird in being sick of the same disease that killed so many people, that killed someone that you loved. My mind wonders weird questions like: 'did she felt the same thing that I'm feeling now?', 'it's now that I'm gonna lose my breath?' or even 'are those really my last days?'.

I like to think that I have a good health and being vaccinated my chances of being just fine in a few days are high but... The ghosts of imagining that I have another sickness keeps hunting me. And besides that we don't live forever. One day will be the last someday.

So, I think my intention for the month and for life really is to be ready. To take better care of myself. To envoy the little and big moments just the same. To trust and follow God above all things. And to be brave. I would just love to be brave.

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3 years ago

Yesterday, I send my mom a link to something I thought about applying for and asked for some advice and she left me on read.

Today, I texted her that the stores in my city are open for shopping again and she texts back immediately to ask when she can come visit me to go shopping.

Glaf to know where your priorities lie, mom

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2 years ago
1st Pic 23 October 2021 75,20 Kg (165lbs)
1st Pic 23 October 2021 75,20 Kg (165lbs)
1st Pic 23 October 2021 75,20 Kg (165lbs)
1st Pic 23 October 2021 75,20 Kg (165lbs)
1st Pic 23 October 2021 75,20 Kg (165lbs)

1st pic 23 October 2021 75,20 kg (165lbs)

Last pic yesterday 27 February 2022 108,79 kg (238lbs)

Pretty fat my entire life, but during the last lockdown I just say fuck it and went crazy on eating, smoking weed and playing all day. Next goal 130 kg here I come…

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4 years ago

I had a thought today about life after the pandemic and how our two dogs that live with my parents, the two neighborhood cats we inherited, the two stray cats we've been taking care of, and my brother's fish tank I've been maintaining will all react when I go back to living at my apartment regularly... Actually... They will probably take it better than my family...

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why am I starting this blog?

hello, I’m C. - no of course it isn’t my name, but just call me C ‘cause I’ve always thought of me as a “C”. 

to answer my own question (lol) I’m starting a blog just because I need a place to write out what I feel, what I’m interested in ecc. - to sum up, I need a place for my stuff.

but why on tumblr? well, I’ve been on Tumblr since 2015 I think and I’ve never been truly using it. Yes, I found a lot of interesting stuff, thing I loved and thing I didn’t even know I could like but here we are. 

I think this world can give me more and I can give my contribution to it too: one thing I’ve been missing is the chat, the interaction with others - this long quarantine period we are still experiencing made me realize just how much I need others. we are not only selfmade but, as much as someone think of this a negative side, also made by the relation, the interaction with others.

“I’m a mikrokosmos made for sharing and learning from others.”

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4 years ago
Back In The Day, An Epidemic Brought Forth Style Icons, Today I Just Cant Buy Pasta, Sigh #timesarechanging

Back in the day, an epidemic brought forth style icons, today I just can’t buy pasta, sigh #timesarechanging #corona #epidemic #pandemic #plague #plaguedoctor #mask #drawing #sketch #sketchbook #blackandwhite #pencil #pen

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4 years ago
Masks Of Mindfulness (April 27, 2020)

Masks Of Mindfulness (April 27, 2020)

by ©️ sophiE D. S. wright - alias MâOphélie

Digital mixed media

Composed on iPadPro

With Procreate & PSExpress

Original 7000x9500px


I composed this piece as a graphic novel where the narration is conveyed through recurrent symbols and figures, sometimes mirrored.

It all started with the obsessive thought that the trendy cliché ‘We are all in this together’ reveals its full accuracy during the worldwide pandemic we are currently undergoing. In this situation, the simple truth that we are much more alike than different is striking. I tried to express this through the many close faces in my composition. Isolated, framed, and yet connected on a deeper level, mindfully, soulfully. The eyes look within as isolation enhances the tendency for introspection, but they look also beyond. They look to the past, they stare at the present and this is why the color scheme talks about the melancholy of times. Those eyes also express the hope for healing, as does the faint tender smiles, the presence of masks, the two slogans - Masks of Mindfulness & Passion for Life -, the passion flowers, the butterflies and the ladybug. We all know that a page will be turned as the left side of this composition suggests, rolling onto itself, fading in greyish blue.

Masks of Mindfulness Artwork
Saatchi Art
Saatchi Art is pleased to offer the artwork, "Masks of Mindfulness," by MaOphelie - sophia D S wright. Original Digital: Digital, painting,

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