This is ChenanaArts' Ask Blog! Here, you can ask me a few things regarding my projects and other things. Not only that, this is also where I'll be keeping an archive of RP blogs I had running if any of you are interested. With that said, enjoy the blog!
280 posts
Why? Your Work Is Amazing!
Why? Your work is amazing!
.: No, they’re not. :.

.: I’m not gonna pretend and say that my art or hell, my writing, is really great when in reality that isn’t true. :.
.: I know it’s a very bad thing for an artist to not have confidence in their work but…it’s very difficult for me to stop thinking “something is off” and after I try fixing it think “Great, now I made it worse.” :.
.: I constantly keep comparing myself to other artists and acknowledge time and time again that I can’t be as good as them. :.
.: I don’t like having this kind of mentality because I know it’s not healthy, but after my past experiences, it’s been very hard for me to get out of it. I’ve always been very hard on myself, especially on my work, and I can’t help it. After all, you are your own harsh critic. I always worry about the quality of my work that I keep over thinking on little “insignificant” details and stress myself out for probably no reason. :.
.: Yeah, I have gotten better over the years and I will admit it and I am happy about it too, but even now, I still don’t see my artwork all that impressive like some people do. :.
.: It’s why, rather than getting likes or reblogs, all I wanted is feedbacks; hear other peoples opinions on my work because… I don’t trust my own judgment. :.

.: It’s upsetting really. I USED to be confident in my work. I used to think positively about them and create them without too much worry. But… After some personal events that happened to me, it’s no longer the case anymore. I don’t want to go into any details, but let’s just say that those events had taken their toll on my creative side. :.
.: Now, I still do appreciate all the likes, complements, and, less often, reblogs. I always will, but I refuse to view my work as anything but average or just…decent, I guess. :.

.: If you want to see some really amazing artists, I highly recommend the likes of @i-junketsu, @destinyblue, @kyleehenke, and @alexysgh just to name a few from off top of my head. :.
.: They are totally worth your time and I love almost every piece of work they’ve made thus far. :.
.: That’s all I have to say. Sorry for rambling. :.
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Get them seen, give them encouragement, help give artists a creative drive and keep them aspiring to improve
Roughly back in June, 2014, I’ve grabbed the free 30-day trial of Mixcraft 5 and made this song with the program. I pretty much winged it as I have no talent for composing music (as far as I know). It was still fun to make regardless though and I even made a short version of it to use for my youtube channel. I also made some remixes with this program too. I will try posting them on here soon.