52 posts
Asktheangiriscouncil - Ask The Angiris Council - Tumblr Blog
Hey, are you okay? You haven’t posted anything in a long time, and I thought I would check in to see if you’re alright.
Hi! Thanks for checking in, I’m doing fine. :) I run this blog beside a full time 3d anim job, so free time for drawing is a little tricky for me.
I do have a few pages/asks sketched up in forward, I just didn’t have the time to render them. Actually, one is almost done atm, just gotta skim over lettering and bg. Plus the additional editing/fixing.

Continued from >HERE<. Transcript for mobile users:
@fishyfiash said - Have any notelings of Justice been born since Tyrael yote himself outta Heaven?
PANEL 1 - Angiris Council scribe, Selathiel, and a Sicarai officer discuss notelings. Selathiel - Yes and no. Selathiel - By administration a fifth of the newly sang should be. Selathiel - After the siege, we barely had any time to reorganise defunct Flights. Let alone delegate new notelings to them. Major ?? - Lord Selathiel, I know a few veterans who would want to rejoin Tyrael's side. And they wouldn't mind taking pupils.
PANEL 2 - Selathiel continues his explanation. Selathiel - As much as I criticise Lord Tyrael, he does the job of two Archangels right now. There is something more frail about some of these fresh medleys*. Selathiel - Just remember Gaelith, Major. Major ?? - ... Selathiel - I'm sorry...
PANEL 3 - Back at the other Council our Auriel makes a discovery. Auriel - I know it sounds farfetched- fem!Itherael - No! We have actually heard about the Nexus! Auriel - How???
PANEL 4 - fem!Imperius jumps at the opportunity. fem!Itherael and fem!Tyrael react in the background. fem!Imperius - That is not important! Can you reopen your portal?! Auriel - I can try?

A question answered! Continued from >HERE<. Transcript for mobile users:
Question - @cyberlights said: Hello Dear Council, I noticed the uniforms of the Valor students in a couple of the responses, and was wondering, what are the uniforms for the other aspects? Are they primarily the same or are they diffrent for each aspect?
PANEL 1 - Karpiel, Balthasar and Calandra watch Ira's stunt by the railing. Moni and Migi are occupied in the background. Rest of the class either watch it too, or occupy themselves otherwise. Karpiel - Argh! Balthasar - We have to do something..! Calandra - We have to stay put on our asses Balthasar. Calandra - Miguel.
PANEL 2 - Calandra turns back to Miguel. Calandra's fate insignia glows. Miguel - Calandra? Calandra - *whispering* Sheri had contraband on her.
PANEL 3 - Miguel hold's up Ira's phone, behind him Moniqa coyly snickers. Their hope insignias glint. Moniqa - Ku-huhuhu. Miguel - When?
PANEL 4 - Scene change, possibly Pandemonium Fortress. Mephisto is drawing an alchemist circle on the floor with his blood. The ritual's focus is a justice insignia. In the background his shade is blasted off screen by Adria. Narrator Auriel - Diablo was aware of his and our realm's downfall at the very end of the prophecy. Or at least he told us so. He sought to change the Fate of our realm. He even deemed he got the blessing of Archangel Itherael to do so. And so the sum totals of the Prime Evil Tathamet battled it's very self to waste most of it's power and reach out to the Nexus. Mephisto - Hrrrrrgh. Wrong realm. Bad Adria. Narrator Auriel - To get help.

Continued from HERE
Transcript for mobile users (tried to crunch file size as much as possible, hope it loads faster and doesn't stay blurry. Comments?) -
PANEL 1 - Ira's gray wing streak starts fuming. [Narrator Auriel] - Our relations with the Nephalem, while rocky at times, have been fruitful. With Tyrael's aid we have garnered a new perspective, that is much needed in these changing times. [Narrator fem!Imperius] - Ever the optimist. And what about the demons? [Ira] - I'm not just the fickle light of a candle!
PANEL 2 - Ira zips through the newly arrived Sicarai thanks to her smoke. She ignites. [Patrolling Sicarai #1] - koff koff [Patrolling Sicarai #2] - HAH! [VFX] - KBWOOM [Ira] - I'm a RAGING FIRE!
PANEL 3 - Ira's frame is swallowed in flames, wing tendrils mottled black and blazing. She is ready to punch. [Ira] - EGO SUM IRA!!!
PANEL 4 - Brielfy back at the other realm the other Council is listening on. Malthael is taken away. [fem!Imperius] - Lock her up for now. [Auriel] - ...The Three and the rest of the Evils are free. It is not an ideal situation. But as I have said earlier, they are bound by the new Deal.
PANEL 5 - The window bends. The fighters inside are illuminated by the impact's blast. [VFX] - KPLUuNK [Teleportation VFX] - ZOOP ZOOP ZOOP [Narrator Auriel] - It would be dishonest of me if I didn't acknowledge their contribution... to our realm's new arrangements... They prevented Talus'ar's prophecy pertaining the Silvercity's fall. [Narrator fem!Itherael] - But that's... Had they never encroached the Diamond Gates?
PANEL 6 - Imperius is facing the window. [Narrator Auriel] - They did. And the Siege of the Crystal Arch still happened. The danger of our fall was still very real. And you Imperius, still suffered your grave wound at the hands of Diablo. [Imperius] - ?
This week we are doing some lore. Click read more for frantic letters between Tyrael and Imperius. Did the imps survive?
Next week a longer comic dropping.
🎯 Mortal Tyrael isn't sure about the having children part of mortality. It seems so odd to him, coming from a species that reproduces at the Arch. (And if you don't that's such a rebel thing! That's how you get Nephalem!)
Untrue. Ask!Tyrael would have kids. He has observed younglings before his mortality (from a distance), and even before Sanctuary and has always found some captivating humour in their honest klutzyness.
If there was something he ever felt unsure in the topic it’s the how to make ‘em. He does agree on the rebel part though, he wouldn’t mingle with a demon. Also most angels swear abstinency.

Continued from HERE
Transcript for Mobile Users, because page could get blurry (sorry, it's a big file size, tumblr dumbs it down to load it @_@, thank you for the help @cyberlights!)
PANEL 1 - Auriel narrates in fem!Council AU, while back home the Silvercity inhabitants witness the escalating fight between the Angiris Council. They don't realise there is a mix up. [Narrator Auriel] By chance, we have been given a renewed reprieve from the Eternal Conflict. We have been using our time to repair our city and actively restore the harmony that has been lost to our Council. Something you have been undoubtfully experiencing as well, as I am lead to believe by what I stumbled upon. [Concerned Angel #1] The whole council is in strife! What has befallen us?! [Concerned Angel #2] Where is Lord Tyrael?! We need him! [Concerned Angel #3] What if he was the start of it?! [Sicarai #1] Calm down everyone! [VFX] KLINK! KLOK! T-KLANKK! PANEL 2 - Two angel students are peeking through willow branches and discuss the events. [Balthasar] Jiminey. Lady Auriel finally lost it. [Karpiel] And here I thought we were actually gonna be Sicarai.* [Balthasar] More like janitors in the Fist* now... PANEL 3 - Angel students turn back. Second speaker, Karpiel, jabs at Sheragail/Ira, who sits next to them. [Karpiel] At least Sheragail’s gonna feel right at home. Hey Stripes, what’cha say at that? [Balthasar] Hey! That’s rude. PANEL 4 - Sheragail/Ira jumps up in middle of class and declares her ultimatum. Her class has varied reaction. [Ira] I’m going to be the Council’s SAVIOR! [Karpiel] No! [Balthasar] Wah?? [Moni] Yeah! [Donatello] Uh, Yay? [Migi] Woo! [Teach/Plotonius] Oh, no you don’t young lady! PANEL 5 - Sheragail/Ira zoomes past the guards. Her homeroom teacher, Plotonius, is caught by the guards. [Sicarai #1] Sir! No! Wait! [Teach/Plotonius] SHERAGAIL! COME BACK! [Slow Luminerai] SHIT. [Ira] NO! [Footnote] *Sicarai - Elite Warriors of the Valour Host. *Fist - the prison facility of the Silver City

Author's Note: Poor Wine Decisions - Part 1 - 2 - ?? @mal-likes-biscuits Ira hides the evidence. Quick thinking is not always her kin's strong suit. The teacher's(Plotonius) explanation was borrowed from this site: https://www.codecogs.com/library/engineering/aerodynamics/basic-aerodynamics-theory.php (This is happening parallel to the fem!council asks atm. I wanna explore somethign w these goobs.)

Author's Note: The ASL on Imperius' part might be wonky. The general idea is that he is trying to position his hand so that Itherael can see at least the start of the signing clearly.

Rendered answer to @mal-likes-biscuits reply :D - http://oyeedraw.tumblr.com/post/184119275133
She wrote a really awesome fic centered around Malthael who also answers asks on the blog IC! Go and read it! :D

Author's Note: @fishyfiash ;) Continuing from the previous one. Next page in a week. :)

Author's Note: The lost comic of 2017. There's gonna be some quality/style yo-yo here for a moment and a format change later on.

Author’s Note: Already working on an answer comic. In the meantime you get more of Ira’s reaction on @macabrecabra‘s fic. Go read it!
On chapter 11 Ira is okay, she enjoyed the action packed parts, but she is easily distracted. I wanted to post this before chapter 12 got out, but then my body noped out. (I prolly shouldn’t overwork :'D)

Author's note: I have a few sketches in the work, but I know myself enough not to promise anything atm. Here is a fic rec in the meantime with an Imperius centric modern AU you didn’t know you needed! The Archangel of Valor is still as grumpy as ever, but a battle turned sour strands him in a Hell dominated future Sanctuary with nary an ally in sight! Has Heaven fallen? Is he truly alone? What could upset our trouble-maker?
Author’s Note: As you have notice the blog had kind of been in a slumber mode since summer. The blog is still around the mod is in her senior year on animation. A post or two might drop, but it’s unlikely till graduation film is finished. I love you all for the continued reblogs, likes and follows! Please have this silly old thing and have a splendid day!
which person of ur otp furiously does push-ups while the other sits on their back and reads a magazine

A.N.: The crest was based on and traced from a scanned page of Book of Cain, from page 40. Have been planning to do this bugger for a long time. I’d also like to thank you guys for your continued support! Let’s hope I’ll think of something finally for a banner! <3


A.N.: Have a guy!Auriel too <3 (sorry about the typo in 1st panel)

A.N.: Summer is here, let’s spark up this blog.