[Skibidi Camera/Speakers/TVs + Others blog!] Hello! I'm AsktheSmolTitans, You can call me P.O.V or Smols! 21 years old, Artist & Writer
285 posts
It Is I, The One And Only Menace. Despite Everything Going On, You Might Meet Someone New Heh.
It is I, the one and only menace. Despite everything going on, you might meet someone new heh.
Somewhere on. The way the sound of a saw can be heard followed by the sounds of an angry skibidi. Next thing you know the noises stop, it was alarming. You then quietly make your way over and see quite an interesting sight.
A fellow hardware head standing over a beaten skibidi making more revving noises, but wait, revving noises?. Oh my, they had a power saw for a head, now the sight was odd but seeing them tear off the saws from the now beaten toilet was odder. Was it a friend or a foe? Do you dare to get closer, I do not know.
The real question is. . . How come you've never seen one before. .
"A Saw-man...? I thought they were just legends passed between members, I guess those who did see them in action weren't lying..." Crew clicks as he focuses on the entity, trying to decide if it's worth risking the interaction. He looks at the others who seem also surprised at the Saw entity which Woofer shakes his head no as they need to bunk for the night. It's already getting dark and getting colder. "Get them inside and warm up, I... will decide on if I'm going to attempt to speak with the Saw-man"
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Reconnecting to Cr3w_C4m…
“We need to get on the move before any Skibidies get to us or the Titans… Just where did we exactly get transported to Monitors?” Woofer rumbles as he looks around at the quiet roadway that they’re standing in.
“Admittedly… Near [their] old college campus, it’s surprisingly empty despite it being a temporary safe haven, it got wiped out quickly from what I was told by [them]. I believe we can bunk here for a few days, recharge and plan out how to reunite with the Alliance.” Monitors answers as he takes the lead of the group, going down the central road before arriving at the campus. Glancing to one of the campus buildings that seems to be largely undamaged, appearing to be a Gymnasium.
“[They] said that the gym would best suit us and well, with the Titans being more… human sized, they can go into the dorms and gather any materials that may be useful as it’s going to get cold tonight as we’re much further north than we typically are.”
What were to happen if someone… idk….. purposely caused tiny titan speakerman to run rampant??
Monitors get defensive as this question flicks across one of his mini screens. Swerving his upper right unit to focus on the smol trio as they sleep peacefully next to Woofer. "Why are you asking this? What are YOU planning?"
"Everything will be okay, I promise you that we'll return victorious. We promise you that, We promise the Alliance that"
Who's they?
"[They] are a survivor, just something is incredibly off about [them]. As [they] haven't told us much about [their] life before or during this hellish war. Admittedly, [they've] been helpful bringing up the morale of the Alliance and are somewhat a menace when with the Speakers as [they] have provided a much wider range of music for the Speakers to use and enjoy." Monitors hum quietly before glancing at the sleeping smol trio and his two other large units that are in the building while he's outside. "[They're] not a proper human, don't mistake them to be a Skibidi as [they] are not a Skibidi. [They] won't tell us what caused their appearance to be so drastically different from typical humans"
Kisses for the good mimic that is Pal <3

He appreciates the affection!! :DD