Smol Titan Camera - Tumblr Posts
There’s rustling as frantic clicks, chirps and purring of the Alliance members are heard as the recording screen flickers on focusing on a group of Large Speakers and Camera men circling around some entities before Large TVman comes into view. He nudges the other Large entities out of the way, allowing the recording entity to focus on the shrunken Titan Trio who are huddled together from being encircled by the Larges. A small text flickers in the corner of the recording screen; “Documentation in process, please send in questions for us! - P.O.V & Crew”
nice to meet you, pov! say.. how long has it been since the titans, uh... shrunk... and how are they taking it? alright, hopefully?
"It's been less than an hour since this occurred and we had to do a full scale retreat to get them back to our base... They're..." P.O.V refocuses on the Trio who has been picked up by respective Alliance members at this point. Titan Camera is leaning back into the Large Camera's chest, Titan TV is emoting with a mixed expression which can be described as embarrassed and frustrated, Titan Speaker is angrily beating his fists against Large Speaker's shoulders due to this problem. "It's a mixed bag at the moment, they're having a bit of a hard time moving around due to their center of gravity being drastically altered."
Hellooooo 👋 First time asking and I wanted to ask how are things going for you guys? How are the titans doing? Must feel overwhelming for the sudden size change :T And how are you doing yourself, POV? You okay? Must be stressful to have be the one mostly record all of this. Please take care of yourself, alright? ^^
"Well, besides having to do a full scale retreat while wrangling three shrunken titans back to our base. Things have been mostly okay!" P.O.V clicks quietly as the Titan Trio is set down to see how they're handling a different center of gravity. Titan Camera stumbles but grabs onto Large Camera's leg to balance himself, he makes an annoyed chirp noise as his wings shift around trying to find an ideal position. "This is... awkward" Titan Camera mumbles quietly as the other two Titans nod and manage to stay up standing, well mostly with Titan Speaker grabbing onto the Large Speaker's leg. "It's hard to stand and everything is... so much bigger than I am used to, I'm used to looking down!" Titan Speaker grumbles.
hey titans do any of you.. know how this happened, i guess? maybe there's a solution to fix this within the way it occurred? dunno im just.. throwin out guesses, really
(ps, pov, dont tell them i said this, but the titans *do* look rather cute like this :] say, are they smaller than even the average camera/speaker/tvman? we cant really tell from here.)
"Well, We were fighting the Giant Skibidis and other annoying ones before seeing this weird light of sorts, It's blurry after that but... I found myself barely holding onto the Neck of the Skibidi I was trying to flush, eugh. I ran for the cover of my members..." Titan Camera replies tiredly before sheepishly sitting down from the exhaustion of battling and retreating. "Similar experience but I felt myself getting smaller and I panicked badly taking out the skibidi in the chaos before fleeing to my Large speakers. I didn't really notice the light, it was more of a heat to me." Titan Speaker mumbles and relaxes in the Anonymous Speaker's arms. "I was trying to assist in the fight and got in the crossfire, I teleported away but ended up getting snagged by Monitors, my Large TV unit member when I nearly got taken out by mutant Skibidi." Titan TV sighs and emotes an embarrassed face before doing a sleepy emote.
'Heh, I won't tell the Titans you said that. They're half the size of an average height of a Camera/Speaker/TVmen, though Titan Speaker is a bit smaller then the other two' P.O.V displays a text message in his recording screen to avoid any chaos from the shrunken Titans.
How is the Titan Tvman doing? And the rest of the Titans? Can I give them a hug?
"He's doing pretty well all things considered that he just rejoined the battle and this occurred. Titan Speaker and Titan Camera... You know I'm just going to let them tell you guys their code names" P.O.V shrugs slightly before refocusing on the Trio who nods at the request for giving them Hugs.
"My code name is Film" Titan Camera smiles slightly as he gets his hug. "Mine is DJ!" Titan Speaker purrs as he gets more hugs. "Code name is Cinema" Titan TV hums softly and allows for the hugs.
Speaker Anon: *gibes pets to titan cameraman but gives the most pets to titan speakerman because I love dem so much*
Film thrills a bit annoyed but accepts the pets before trying to see if any of his equipment still works which he clicks angrily at his jetpack not working nor his core flame thrower. "Ah... whatever happened also shut off your flight and fire abilities, We'll have to inform the Scientists as well as the rest of the Alliance. DJ, Cinema can you attempt to access or use your specific abilities?" Monitors ask the other two which they both mumble that they tested their equipment earlier in the base without anyone noticing and it's also deactivated. DJ purrs at the pets but seems more dejected than anything else due to his sound waves being ineffective.
First time asking a question woo!
Anyway, can we see a high chart or drawing of the small titans sizes next to the normal camera,speaker and tvmen?
"This is what we were able to measure before the base got hit by the Skibidis. Stereo and Home are our main Speakerman and TVman that usually act as our messengers between bases of each respective Alliance group. I'll show the typical height for each group as well." Monitors hums softly as he displays the height charts. He quietly laughs at the nicknames given to the Shrunken trio on the charts.

Reconnecting to Cr3w_C4m…
“We need to get on the move before any Skibidies get to us or the Titans… Just where did we exactly get transported to Monitors?” Woofer rumbles as he looks around at the quiet roadway that they’re standing in.
“Admittedly… Near [their] old college campus, it’s surprisingly empty despite it being a temporary safe haven, it got wiped out quickly from what I was told by [them]. I believe we can bunk here for a few days, recharge and plan out how to reunite with the Alliance.” Monitors answers as he takes the lead of the group, going down the central road before arriving at the campus. Glancing to one of the campus buildings that seems to be largely undamaged, appearing to be a Gymnasium.
“[They] said that the gym would best suit us and well, with the Titans being more… human sized, they can go into the dorms and gather any materials that may be useful as it’s going to get cold tonight as we’re much further north than we typically are.”
/Are the mini titans ok??/
SpeakerAnon: *picks up titan Tvman even if he is like half their size xd* /he stronk/
"Yeah, We're holding on okay!" Film chirps as he follows the SpeakerAnon. Cinema freezes up before relaxing again and nuzzles closer, it's cold out
It is I, the one and only menace. Despite everything going on, you might meet someone new heh.
Somewhere on. The way the sound of a saw can be heard followed by the sounds of an angry skibidi. Next thing you know the noises stop, it was alarming. You then quietly make your way over and see quite an interesting sight.
A fellow hardware head standing over a beaten skibidi making more revving noises, but wait, revving noises?. Oh my, they had a power saw for a head, now the sight was odd but seeing them tear off the saws from the now beaten toilet was odder. Was it a friend or a foe? Do you dare to get closer, I do not know.
The real question is. . . How come you've never seen one before. .
"A Saw-man...? I thought they were just legends passed between members, I guess those who did see them in action weren't lying..." Crew clicks as he focuses on the entity, trying to decide if it's worth risking the interaction. He looks at the others who seem also surprised at the Saw entity which Woofer shakes his head no as they need to bunk for the night. It's already getting dark and getting colder. "Get them inside and warm up, I... will decide on if I'm going to attempt to speak with the Saw-man"
/i shall protect these Mini Titans with my Life :3/
SpeakerAnon: "I wonder when this Effect wears off?" *Judging to The mini titans and when they might become titans again*
"We're not exactly sure but... the Science Department doesn't think it will wear off on its own. Most likely having to reverse engineer whatever was used on them and maybe use it against the Skibidies as a revenge attack for what they did."
“The Sawman took off when I approached him… I know they’re skittish when interacting with others” Crew sighs softly as he regroups with the others. Glancing at the now night sky, he settles down and checks over the Titan Trio to see any of them got injured during the chaotic retreat, DJ being the only one hurt as some debris fell onto him. Woofer rumbles slightly concerned as Crew mends the few cuts on DJ. “It’s getting late and most of us are low on charge, we’ll rest until we have enough energy as well as figure out where the next base is. We didn’t exactly… plan out where the Alliance would all meet up if a Skibidi Raid occurred.” Monitors sighs softly and is resting against the Gym walls, Cinema mimicking what Monitors is doing. Film is resting against Woofer as a source of warmth and safety, DJ relaxes and purrs as he rests against Woofer’s other side. Crew shakes head but chirps relieved that no one else got hurt as he lies down to recharge.
[Cinema & Monitors are available for asks. Everyone is asleep]
//I accidentally sent a ask that was originally gonna be for you to someone else a I feel embarrassed//
SpeakerAnon: "I made sweaters for the 3 tiny titans!"
*red for Titan speakerman*
*Cyan with a Mix of blue for Titan Cameraman*
*purple for Tv Titan*
*I hope they like dem :>*
"Thank you!" Cinema nuzzles into the sweater as Monitors help him get it on. Monitors gently wake up the other two and show them the sweaters which they eagerly pull on, saying thank you to Speaker-Anon as they yawn and goes back to sleep, it's about 2 in the morning at this point. Cinema is starting to drift to sleep at this point.
*The Large Sawman gave a nod. He then looked behind him, making a low rumble that seemed to echo into silence. . . Only for a few more rumbles to respond back followed by a pair of glowing eyes in the seemingly enternal darkness of the night. It seemed he was not alone, there had been others watching the whole time.*
*The Sawman then looked to the large tvman once more, tilting his head to the side as he rumbled in a low and deep rev. He made many hand signs, signing almost in a way that would seem cryptic to some*
[Do you wish to leave now? The others will guide you through the smoke. Close your eyes and listen to their rumbling, soon a safe place you'll be. Open your eyes and you soon be lost in the sea]
Monitors glance at the sleeping group and quietly wakes Crew and Woofer up, making sure that they are holding Film, Cinema and DJ as he doesn't want anyone to be separated from each other. "Hold onto my hand Crew and Woofer hold onto Crew's hand. Are the Titans' securely snugged in the... slings?" Monitors ask quietly as he dims his TV unit lights to near total blackouts. "They are snugged and on my front, I have them and they're still asleep... I'm ready to follow" Woofer purrs softly as he closes off his visual viewing. "So am I" Crew shuts his visuals off and changes the recording process to audio only.
All right, who opened an interdimensional portal to another world of tiny titans?
"There's more smols like us!" "Yea' Webb! We would like to talk to the other shrunken Titans!"
[Good. Now follow the rumbles of my kind, you must listen carefully so keep it in mind]
*The Sawman rumbled, pleased that the alliance members were continuing to follow instructions. He then turned on the heel of his boot, proceeding to start making his way through the thick fog. It seems this would be a treacherous way for those who weren't aware. . But soon they will be safe. Safe from the toilets and any dangers that lurk around*
*The outline of his figure disappearing instantly like a ghost in the wind. The only thing our dear group could here was the ominous hums and rumbles of the watchers Ahead. Trust your hearing, stick to the path if you're keen. Open your eyes and a road of woe to be seen.*
The larges hold each other’s hands while holding onto the shrunken titans, following close with each other with each rumble of the sawmen watchers that are hidden within the frigid environment, leaving the abandoned college town and entering into the frost covered wilderness. They keep their visual receptors off while keeping their audio on high to follow safely through the land with the rumbles of the saws. It’s better to escape from patrolling Skibidies and any other dangers that could or wants to take the shrunken titans.
Updated the PFP!

(Muahaha I reveal myself. Now then)
*After leaving the city, the group goes into an area with very little visibility. The fog is so thick that you can't even see a foot infront of you. But, they are nearly there. . Soon they will be through the narrow path and in the safety of the hidden base. . Question is, what will they expect?*
The group keeps closer to each other while following the rumbles of the other Sawmen, nearing the pathway to the hidden base. Film softly chirping, Cinema purring with DJ as they're still in a deep recharge in their slings. Monitors hum softly to the other larges as they approach the pathway to the base's entrance, Woofer rumbles back quietly to Saws in a thankful tone. Crew is nervous as he holds Film closer to him, he trusts the saws but still feels vulnerable without being able to see.