P.o.v Camera Skibidi - Tumblr Posts
There’s rustling as frantic clicks, chirps and purring of the Alliance members are heard as the recording screen flickers on focusing on a group of Large Speakers and Camera men circling around some entities before Large TVman comes into view. He nudges the other Large entities out of the way, allowing the recording entity to focus on the shrunken Titan Trio who are huddled together from being encircled by the Larges. A small text flickers in the corner of the recording screen; “Documentation in process, please send in questions for us! - P.O.V & Crew”
Aren't the titans supposed to be.. uh. bigger? What happened?
"Yup, They're supposed to be their typical Titan size but unfortunately from video feed from my uh... broadcasters, show that the Skibidi created some kind of device that shrunk these three down. They're barely half the size of a Normal Cameraman." P.O.V replies a bit frustrated due to this development. He watches Titan Speaker trying to keep the other Speakers away as they keep trying to pick him up. "We're trying to piece everything together due to the broadcasters being destroyed in the fight along with the device"
hello there! with whom am i speaking to? :)
P.O.V tilts slightly before answering, watching the chaos unfold in front of him. "Oh how rude of me to not introduce myself. I'm P.O.V, also known as Point of View! I'm the main broadcaster of the Alliance which I'm in charge of recording, writing and documenting everything that happens in this war between the Alliance and the Skibidis. Admittedly, I'm a bit on edge with the trio being... shrunken down"
nice to meet you, pov! say.. how long has it been since the titans, uh... shrunk... and how are they taking it? alright, hopefully?
"It's been less than an hour since this occurred and we had to do a full scale retreat to get them back to our base... They're..." P.O.V refocuses on the Trio who has been picked up by respective Alliance members at this point. Titan Camera is leaning back into the Large Camera's chest, Titan TV is emoting with a mixed expression which can be described as embarrassed and frustrated, Titan Speaker is angrily beating his fists against Large Speaker's shoulders due to this problem. "It's a mixed bag at the moment, they're having a bit of a hard time moving around due to their center of gravity being drastically altered."
well.. on the bright side, they dont seem injured, at least? minor weight unbalance is preferable to something like... i dunno, mind control, for a random example.
have the skibidis tried anything yet? i. i hope not, for everyones sake.
"There hasn't been activity from the Skibidis but we're all on edge as we need to check the Titans over to avoid any infections as they were fighting Skibidis off when the device was used" P.O.V turns his direction to the Scientist Cameras and TVs who have just arrived. He gently shakes his head as he watches the Science crew check over the shrunken Titan Trio. "We're... hoping that there is a break from them because it would really suck to have to up and move bases if they find us and the Titans"
Hellooooo 👋 First time asking and I wanted to ask how are things going for you guys? How are the titans doing? Must feel overwhelming for the sudden size change :T And how are you doing yourself, POV? You okay? Must be stressful to have be the one mostly record all of this. Please take care of yourself, alright? ^^
"Well, besides having to do a full scale retreat while wrangling three shrunken titans back to our base. Things have been mostly okay!" P.O.V clicks quietly as the Titan Trio is set down to see how they're handling a different center of gravity. Titan Camera stumbles but grabs onto Large Camera's leg to balance himself, he makes an annoyed chirp noise as his wings shift around trying to find an ideal position. "This is... awkward" Titan Camera mumbles quietly as the other two Titans nod and manage to stay up standing, well mostly with Titan Speaker grabbing onto the Large Speaker's leg. "It's hard to stand and everything is... so much bigger than I am used to, I'm used to looking down!" Titan Speaker grumbles.
hey titans do any of you.. know how this happened, i guess? maybe there's a solution to fix this within the way it occurred? dunno im just.. throwin out guesses, really
(ps, pov, dont tell them i said this, but the titans *do* look rather cute like this :] say, are they smaller than even the average camera/speaker/tvman? we cant really tell from here.)
"Well, We were fighting the Giant Skibidis and other annoying ones before seeing this weird light of sorts, It's blurry after that but... I found myself barely holding onto the Neck of the Skibidi I was trying to flush, eugh. I ran for the cover of my members..." Titan Camera replies tiredly before sheepishly sitting down from the exhaustion of battling and retreating. "Similar experience but I felt myself getting smaller and I panicked badly taking out the skibidi in the chaos before fleeing to my Large speakers. I didn't really notice the light, it was more of a heat to me." Titan Speaker mumbles and relaxes in the Anonymous Speaker's arms. "I was trying to assist in the fight and got in the crossfire, I teleported away but ended up getting snagged by Monitors, my Large TV unit member when I nearly got taken out by mutant Skibidi." Titan TV sighs and emotes an embarrassed face before doing a sleepy emote.
'Heh, I won't tell the Titans you said that. They're half the size of an average height of a Camera/Speaker/TVmen, though Titan Speaker is a bit smaller then the other two' P.O.V displays a text message in his recording screen to avoid any chaos from the shrunken Titans.
How is the Titan Tvman doing? And the rest of the Titans? Can I give them a hug?
"He's doing pretty well all things considered that he just rejoined the battle and this occurred. Titan Speaker and Titan Camera... You know I'm just going to let them tell you guys their code names" P.O.V shrugs slightly before refocusing on the Trio who nods at the request for giving them Hugs.
"My code name is Film" Titan Camera smiles slightly as he gets his hug. "Mine is DJ!" Titan Speaker purrs as he gets more hugs. "Code name is Cinema" Titan TV hums softly and allows for the hugs.
*sighs in short*
Welcome to the crew guys…
P.O.V clicks amused as the shrunken Titans are brought to their bunk corners before the scientists members asks if it would be better to keep them closer to the main alliance units to ensure nothing gets to the shrunken trio.
Skiii, skibidi. Dop dop skibidi dop. >:P
[A translation has been provided:]
["Aww, bummer. You guys are no fun. >:P"]
"How are you still even in the system?! Get out of here! We don't need you toilets getting information that is frankly not your business even if you monsters caused this whole damn thing to occur!" P.O.V shakes his head frustrated trying to get the Skibidi out of his recording system.

"N-no GET AWAY!" <All Alliance members be on guard, Skibidi has invaded the Base. All Alliance members be on Guard and Armed>
okay. this is okay. lets stay calm here. everyone protecting the titans, if you dont know, skibidis just got in and are presumably approaching fast.
are the titans still asleep? if so, we need to keep them that way and *get out of here*. if not, tell them whats happening, and then also *get out of here*. im sure someone's going to send some sort of transportation anytime soon, so lets get to a helipad or hanger or.. something!
"God- Ack... Get the Titans out of here!- Skibidiskibidiskibidi-" P.O.V shouts at the retreating Alliance members and Scientists before crashing onto the ground gurgling the godforsaken song. Monitors teleports away from the breach and quickly makes his way down to the bunks which has been quickly cleared out of any belongings, supplies and members.
"P.O.V is down and infected, he won't be able to jump bodies until we can get the parasite out. Are the Titans awake?" Monitors rumbles quietly as he finds Woofer and Crew carrying the Titans. "DJ and Cinema are still asleep, Film is up and kicking up a... hissy fit that he can't fight while shrunken." Crew groans as he has a firm grip on Film's jacket to avoid him running off to fight while vulnerable. "Let's get out of here, Shall we go Monitors?" Woofer asks quietly while holding DJ and Cinema. "We Shall" Monitors nods and the group is engulfed in the familiar black mist.
Skiii, skibi skibidi dop skib. Skikiki- XD
[A translation has been provided:]
["Wooow, you guys get scared easily. Hahaha- XD"]
"Skibidiskibidiskibidiskibidi-" P.O.V's feed plays constantly as he looks up at the Skibidis that have taken over the base, many angrily shouting in their language that they failed to capture the now weaken Alliance. Even with the few dozen they infected, they didn't get what they wanted. 'Hah, We may get scared easily but the main Alliance is away from you Toilets. You may have my body, but You'll regret trying to attack a base with a preda-' "SkibidiSkibidiSKIBIDI-!"
Is there a way we can free P.O.V.? Also is there anything we can do to help?
'Yes, There is a way to free me... Just this isn't the most ideal time to do it, Ugh. It's running my recording and energy down, it just won't let go! Sorry for you all having to hear me complain about this stupid Parasite' P.O.V grumbles while the parasite keeps plowing through the base looking for anything to salvage but it grunts frustrated as the base has been cleared out. From the limited view he can look out, he's searching for a particular entity which it is quietly stalking in the shadows.
'Perhaps, a little distraction would be helpful. After all I need my back turned away ;)'
First time asking a question woo!
Anyway, can we see a high chart or drawing of the small titans sizes next to the normal camera,speaker and tvmen?
"This is what we were able to measure before the base got hit by the Skibidis. Stereo and Home are our main Speakerman and TVman that usually act as our messengers between bases of each respective Alliance group. I'll show the typical height for each group as well." Monitors hums softly as he displays the height charts. He quietly laughs at the nicknames given to the Shrunken trio on the charts.

Happy Early Halloween! We'll be doing a small event w/ everyone. So get ready for some fun w/ the Alliance! Come and join us starting at 3 PM EST Today (Oct 30th) to Midnight of Nov. 1st!
*Shakes head but sits down on the edge* I'm just here to watch this go down Titan!
He'll catch you now

*throws something in the opposite direction to distract the parasite.*
hope that this helps P.O.V.
The parasite turns P.O.V's body around trying to figure out what the hell fell down as it was looking around for any hiding Alliance members who couldn't get out of the base during the raid. There's a loud thump and P.O.V grunts as there's a crunching noise as he regains control of his body. His view screen clears up from the darkened edges of parasite control and focuses on an unusually big Camera Scientist. "Good job, Why didn't you flee when the base got raided?" "I was getting [them] out of the base, had one of the TV scientists take [them] to the safe haven... Here, take this as I was modifying this." The scientist Cam hands over a modified Skibidi remover gun as he stands up at full height. "Right... Disinfect the others and blow this base up without any of the other Skibidies escaping"
All right, who opened an interdimensional portal to another world of tiny titans?
"There's more smols like us!" "Yea' Webb! We would like to talk to the other shrunken Titans!"