[Skibidi Camera/Speakers/TVs + Others blog!] Hello! I'm AsktheSmolTitans, You can call me P.O.V or Smols! 21 years old, Artist & Writer
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More Posts from Askthesmoltitans
What were to happen if someone… idk….. purposely caused tiny titan speakerman to run rampant??
Monitors get defensive as this question flicks across one of his mini screens. Swerving his upper right unit to focus on the smol trio as they sleep peacefully next to Woofer. "Why are you asking this? What are YOU planning?"

Here's Security!
Who's they?
"[They] are a survivor, just something is incredibly off about [them]. As [they] haven't told us much about [their] life before or during this hellish war. Admittedly, [they've] been helpful bringing up the morale of the Alliance and are somewhat a menace when with the Speakers as [they] have provided a much wider range of music for the Speakers to use and enjoy." Monitors hum quietly before glancing at the sleeping smol trio and his two other large units that are in the building while he's outside. "[They're] not a proper human, don't mistake them to be a Skibidi as [they] are not a Skibidi. [They] won't tell us what caused their appearance to be so drastically different from typical humans"
(*Slaps a sticky note with an emoji onto Monitors main screen*) "There! Now you can express yourself!' :D 👍
Monitors let out a startled hiss at the sticky note suddenly being smacked onto his main screen, his other screens displays multiple annoyed "-_-" emojis.
"Not exactly helpful... but thank you"
For the '50 random character asks': 3, 8, 12. Assign one to each of the three Titans (by choice or by random selection).
3: Obscure Headcanon (Cinema/Titan TVman) Cinema is an oddly hyperactive Titan despite his mysterious origins, no one knows why he’s so energetic but it helps that he’s more frequently on the battlefields. He stims while idle which caused a bit of issues when he was being upgraded/repaired. 8: Unpopular opinion about them (DJ/Titan Speakerman) He needs his shy and introverted nature to come back out, he’s probably the most tired out of all of the Titans. Give him a blanket, Hot Choco and some Minecraft OST to listen to too. (I can’t think of anything, I adore him) 12: Crack Headcanon (Film/Titan Cameraman) He is the gremlin of the Titan Trio and he will stupidly climb buildings due to the nature of cameras always being up high on buildings or other high locations. In addition, Cameras (as a whole group) are cat-coded, they will chirp in distress because they can’t get down from a high spot. DJ had to “save” Film from being stuck on top of a skyscraper (Film forgot he had wings for a solid three hours).