Titan Speakerman - Tumblr Posts

strong male handshake (๑•̀д•́๑) let's f goooooo!!!!

First art in a while
Shut up about quality, I couldn’t figure out how to download to my phone. This is the best you’re gonna get from this for now
OUGH, I feel like it would take a moment or two (Maybe a few weeks depending?) for Titan Speaker to realize that and may go seek for confirmation from the Alliance.
Thought of something and hit myself in the feels
Does Titan Speaker know how hard the Alliance strived to bring them back??
Assuming they weren't conscious during their possession (given their reaction to the destroyed landscape immediately upon being freed), they might not have been aware of how many times the Alliance fired ever-larger possession-disabling cannons upon them. If the Alliance had believed Titan Speaker to be a lost cause, they would have simply destroyed them to prevent the Skibidis continuing to use them (Titan Camera was probably powerful enough to do that by episode 57). But the Alliance never stopped trying to rescue their Titan! Does Titan Speaker know how loved they were and are??
Premise of Blog!
The basics is that the Skibidi try to take down the Titans without Infecting them because they saw how far the Alliance went to save Titan Speaker. So they tried a different tactic, shrinking the Titans down to barely half the size of a Regular Cameraman. Everything comes to a screeching halt on the Alliance side because oh god their Titans are TINY now and barely can function without stumbling over themselves due to the center of gravity being radically different now. A lot of the Alliances are panicking but keep pushing back the Skibidis, while the Titans are left to their own devices in one of the bases which chaos goes down as the Human or one of the alliance members starts a blog to document the Smol Titans.
nice to meet you, pov! say.. how long has it been since the titans, uh... shrunk... and how are they taking it? alright, hopefully?
"It's been less than an hour since this occurred and we had to do a full scale retreat to get them back to our base... They're..." P.O.V refocuses on the Trio who has been picked up by respective Alliance members at this point. Titan Camera is leaning back into the Large Camera's chest, Titan TV is emoting with a mixed expression which can be described as embarrassed and frustrated, Titan Speaker is angrily beating his fists against Large Speaker's shoulders due to this problem. "It's a mixed bag at the moment, they're having a bit of a hard time moving around due to their center of gravity being drastically altered."
*picks up Titan speakerman and cuddles them because there SO CUTE!!!!*
"W-What! Hey! No put me down!" Titan Speaker flails his arms around trying to get out of the cuddle of the Anonymous entity. Despite his flailing around, he is purring at the cuddles. "Where did you even come from?!"
Anon speaker: *Keeps holding Titan speakerman not letting go anytime soon*
"They are MY child now."
"I'm not a child! J-just set me down..." DJ yawns before eventually falling into recharge in your arms. The Large Speaker gently nudges you to hand Titan Speaker over to him.
*Speaker anon watches over the smol titans also giving them all 3 pets on the head*
The purring intensifies and DJ nuzzles at pets before relaxing back into the Titan Trio pile.
is everyone okay now??
Are the smol titans safe??
Have yall found a way to change them back yet??
*bombards you with questions*
"Woah, Woah, Woah! We need to recollect ourselves and... Yeah, We need to regroup with the Alliance. Wherever they are now." Woofer's voice trails off as the other two shrunken Titans wake up a bit dazed from the sudden transport. "They're fine, Film is just restless and it appears that DJ and Cinema are trying to get their bearings together" Crew clicks softly at Film who thrills frustrated at being smol and not being allowed to battle.
Speaker Anon: *Picks up DJ in a piggyback ride so DJ can be taller then his allies for a moment xd*
/also SpeakerAnon is Very stronk so they were able to pick up cinema easily//
"I-i'm not a Child!... Thank you... This does feel nice to be slightly taller than the others for a moment." DJ mumbles quietly as he's used to being feared from post infection and having trouble with his expressions to others.
Does DJ every have any episodes from his control? Like freaking out and throwing static at others?
Monitors glance at DJ who is recharging peacefully with Film in his grasp before speaking. "He... had some freaks out whenever someone touches him without warning him but he's doing much better now since he has gotten used to Security constantly jumping onto him to check up his vials and conditions. DJ will sometimes do random bursts of shock waves from his speakers to ensure that no parasites are on him whenever he's outside, even with others around providing coverage." "He apologized to me multiple times when we finally met face to face, I... was stand offish with him as when we first saw each other, he was infected and I was trying to tip the balance in favor for the Alliance. We're on better terms as I do sync up to his speakers to amplify my attacks" Cinema butts into the question as he has been trying to help DJ recover easier.
For the '50 random character asks': 3, 8, 12. Assign one to each of the three Titans (by choice or by random selection).
3: Obscure Headcanon (Cinema/Titan TVman) Cinema is an oddly hyperactive Titan despite his mysterious origins, no one knows why he’s so energetic but it helps that he’s more frequently on the battlefields. He stims while idle which caused a bit of issues when he was being upgraded/repaired. 8: Unpopular opinion about them (DJ/Titan Speakerman) He needs his shy and introverted nature to come back out, he’s probably the most tired out of all of the Titans. Give him a blanket, Hot Choco and some Minecraft OST to listen to too. (I can’t think of anything, I adore him) 12: Crack Headcanon (Film/Titan Cameraman) He is the gremlin of the Titan Trio and he will stupidly climb buildings due to the nature of cameras always being up high on buildings or other high locations. In addition, Cameras (as a whole group) are cat-coded, they will chirp in distress because they can’t get down from a high spot. DJ had to “save” Film from being stuck on top of a skyscraper (Film forgot he had wings for a solid three hours).
What were to happen if someone… idk….. purposely caused tiny titan speakerman to run rampant??
Monitors get defensive as this question flicks across one of his mini screens. Swerving his upper right unit to focus on the smol trio as they sleep peacefully next to Woofer. "Why are you asking this? What are YOU planning?"
The Titans are now small

I guess they are
Hi Dr Seymour! I hope you (and smols) are doing well!
Do you remember anything from being a toilet? If so, what was it like?
I hope you have a nice day/night/3:00-AM!
"A-ah I'm not surprised that you were to ask-ibidi about being the S-skibidi Scientist... Admittedly when I was cured it was hazy but I knew I-i've done horrible-bidi things. Now I remember all of it and I regret it all, I was to bluntly put it manipulated into the state of instability and revenge seeking monster that I was, I wish to bring down Gray." Dr. Seymour glances away for a moment before looking back at the Camera, he is fiddling with the edge of the blanket he's under. "Most units have forgiven-ibidi me for what I did while as a Skibidi but at the same time their older members are still on edge with me which is understandable Dopdop... Titan Speaker is still a working progress nee.., they're okay with me being around but they won't let me upgrade him directly. He's going forward with a project that I proposed to him which is a good step for both of us."
AH COSMOS- I’m going to be predictable and say Brownie/Simp Camera, Rave/Dark Speaker and Titan Speaker! (I would throw in Multiverse but I’m assuming you’re referring to the Original Series).
Reason for Brownie/Simp Cam is because of his unusual appearance of his yellow/purple tie, brown coat and overall being an interesting Camera. Along with theories that floats around him possibly being held as a hostage, dead or him going on a Villian Arc are all neat but honestly I think he’s alive and was found by other units since we don’t have an exact timeframe of how much time goes on between the videos even if most of the recent videos have been back to back.
Rave/Dark Speaker because of his character development from when he first appeared with the Speakermen to him becoming a more unique and outstanding member of the speakermen, personally I believe he’ll return hopefully, with upgrades but I’ll grieve if he does come back but without Yin/Dual/Plunger Camera. I adore his noises as well lmao, even if it’s hard to hear sometimes.
Titan Speaker is my fucking gremlin of a bastard Titan who has seen, battle and gone through more trauma than any of the other Titans as he was sent onto the field with little to no understanding but knew to fight. He got infected, was a menace while being puppeted by a Parasite, got forcibly upgraded by the Skibidies, did a shit ton of damage, got Uninfected and went on a rampage right afterwards. He hasn’t been off of the Battlefields forever and he really really needs an non-skibidi upgrade as we don’t know what the hell the Skibidies did to him to upgrade him. He’s a sweetheart that needs to heal with others and give a whole lot of freedom and of Pleasure~! :)
Skibidi dom dom dom yes yes Skibidi dabudi dip dip

I had never understood children for their fanaticism for Skibidi Toilet and I thought it was something absurd, however, a few days ago I saw a video of one of my favorite YouTubers, in context, he analyzed and commented on this very strange series, motivated by curiosity , I quickly went to see all the canonical chapters of Skibidi Toilet, the first chapter is too much XDD (I think it's up to the 20th), but then it was cinema! I got hooked on the lore and plot of it all, I love the TV man, the cameraman and all the good guys in general (Who was the idiot who came up with such a fucking good idea???). Anyway, unfortunately I don't feel that proud to be a fan of Skibidi Toilet because of their fandom, they are literally pure kids 11 years old and under (most of these kids are from Latam), but I still love all the content and I hope May it continue this well.