[Skibidi Camera/Speakers/TVs + Others blog!] Hello! I'm AsktheSmolTitans, You can call me P.O.V or Smols! 21 years old, Artist & Writer
285 posts
Here's Security!

Here's Security!
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More Posts from Askthesmoltitans
(It's me again muahaha)
*While the others are answering questions, a rather large figure creeps around by the temporary makeshift base. Why who is it? I do not know, they keep themselves well hidden and quiet*
*What I can say though . . It has the outline of a large variant, one that has a chainsaw for a head. Must be a large Sawman just quietly keeping an eye on the group till dawn*
The TVs remain unaware of the new presence by the temporary base. Though, they appear to relax a bit as they feel safe enough to not constantly be on guard for any Skibidies. Monitors is lazily swaying his other TV units in a more loose manner than the usual looking around for threats swerving fashion while Cinema is fidgeting with his coat.
It is I, the one and only menace. Despite everything going on, you might meet someone new heh.
Somewhere on. The way the sound of a saw can be heard followed by the sounds of an angry skibidi. Next thing you know the noises stop, it was alarming. You then quietly make your way over and see quite an interesting sight.
A fellow hardware head standing over a beaten skibidi making more revving noises, but wait, revving noises?. Oh my, they had a power saw for a head, now the sight was odd but seeing them tear off the saws from the now beaten toilet was odder. Was it a friend or a foe? Do you dare to get closer, I do not know.
The real question is. . . How come you've never seen one before. .
"A Saw-man...? I thought they were just legends passed between members, I guess those who did see them in action weren't lying..." Crew clicks as he focuses on the entity, trying to decide if it's worth risking the interaction. He looks at the others who seem also surprised at the Saw entity which Woofer shakes his head no as they need to bunk for the night. It's already getting dark and getting colder. "Get them inside and warm up, I... will decide on if I'm going to attempt to speak with the Saw-man"
/Are the mini titans ok??/
SpeakerAnon: *picks up titan Tvman even if he is like half their size xd* /he stronk/
"Yeah, We're holding on okay!" Film chirps as he follows the SpeakerAnon. Cinema freezes up before relaxing again and nuzzles closer, it's cold out
*The Large figure continues to watch the group. Eventually it makes its way close, sitting down on a car with a faint creak while making a low rumble from what seemed to be its motor. It tilted its head curiously to the side, but remained quite as it watched*
(The real question is, will the group notice this said figure, or will ot be too late once it reaches early light)
Monitors huffs softly as he focuses one of his mini tv units on the resting group while another one scanned around for anything that has come out or is nearby. The second mini TV unit briefly passes the Large Saw figure before refocusing on it as it catches him off guard. Monitors hum confused, how long has this entity been here? Why is it here, is this entity protecting him and the others? Is this another Sawman that happened to be nearby when Crew went to speak with the previous one?
[Monitors wishes to speak with this entity]