[Skibidi Camera/Speakers/TVs + Others blog!] Hello! I'm AsktheSmolTitans, You can call me P.O.V or Smols! 21 years old, Artist & Writer
285 posts
Do You Ever Just Wanna B?
Do you ever just wanna BŴØŐÔÆÆĂŴ?
"Depending on the context and I don't know who this is directed too. But for me? Let me just go feral lol"
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"Here to be Heard & Loved"
"Here to be Seen & Loved"
Official Timeline;
February 14th, 2015; First Official Unit (TV-WEBB) is Built by NASA Scientist/Engineer Dr. Peregrine Hans Seymour as an Exo-Planet explorer following the non-A.I developed Robonauts being successful.
March 15th, 2015; First Camera Unit is Built (CAM-042) for recording and documentation purposes for experiments. WEBB is undergoing extensive testing for Exo-Planets such as Mars, Titan and Europa; Signs of higher intelligence from WEBB as it’s seen doing small experiments [Further research needed] [WEBB begins his documentation of mistreatment somewhere in April which Dr. Seymour is made aware of and takes action but little is able to be done as Dr. Seymour is on the lowest level of seniority of the higher ups] July 4th, 2015; First Speaker Unit Built (WOOFER-074) for experimental Exo-Planet colonization as a Laborer and source of comfort for colonizers. U.S Military approaches Dr. Seymour for blueprints of the Units that have been built, ongoing conversation. August 29th, 2015; Dr. Seymour approves Units to be built for Military, Recording/Filming and Public Resources purposes, He’s placed in charge of ensuring that there’s no major changes to Units’ design. Smaller Speaker Units are designed along with Large Units for the Cameras and possibly TVs.
August 30th, 2015; Dr. Seymour confirms that WEBB is a sentient A.I within its body, refuses to comment on how it occurred but WEBB is appointed and approved to do own experiments with the watchful eye of other Scientists. October 31st & November 1st, 2015; Titans (TITAN-CAM_1101.01 & TITAN-TV_1031.02) start date for being built on as NATO takes over command for the Military Units. December 2015; Units become more common, still not public usage despite the ultra wealthy begging for their own units, Dr. Seymour’s blueprints surfaced onto the internet due to a hacking group [Group gets discovered a few months before the Infection becomes widespread… Skibidi Skibidi Skibi-]
January 2016; Trade networks begin using Camera and Speaker Units for transportation of cargo, which they’re easily fixable and if needed replaceable instead of risking human lives in dangerous ocean travels. TVs are exclusive for Space and Earth Research as they’re able to traverse difficult terrain and get out of bad positions in a near instant.
June 14th, 2016; Some units become sentient like WEBB, they’re taken in by NASA to be studied and eventually reassigned as Scientists or Laborers for NASA and NATO. [Confirmed sentient Units are WEBB, WOOFER-074, CAM-042 and CAM-01] May 9th, 2016; TITAN-CAM_1101.01 Becomes Sentient in server room, [Seems to be a very energetic entity, will have to monitor more closely as it appears to be a squeaker at the moment. Cute little War Cries]
June 20th, 2016; TITAN-TV_1031.02 becomes Sentient [Very much a memer but can be serious if asked questions, very curious about being outside of the server room and very much adores attention on it]
November 11, 2016; Talks of data breach of Dr. Seymour’s blueprints are making rounds on the internet as leaks are unearthed by deep divers of the internet, these deep divers are fined and silenced with NDAs by Government & other organizations. December 2016; Dr. Seymour begins WEBB’s departure from Earth for Mars despite many Scientists and Himself not wanting WEBB to leave the planet. [WEBB starts getting threats of being decommission if it fails to do all tasks and experiments in a “timely” fashion, Higher Seniority of Higher Ups do not care for WEBB]
Early 2017; NASA, NATO and other governments are hit by numerous hacker groups for the blueprints of the Camera, Speaker and TV units, all fail as there’s no digital copies available due to Dr. Seymour’s insistence that the Blueprints remain on paper and not uploaded after the first leak. [Dr. Seymour approves for other Unit types to be created but these are secretive and a set of Blueprints travels with a group to Canada; Project Sugar Maple Begins]
May 19th, 2017; Development of TITAN-SPEAKER_0829.03 begins and an entire team is specifically set aside for said Titan. Dr. Seymour is bracing to say Goodbye to WEBB as launch date is fast approaching. WEBB finishes up its last on earth experiments and is preparing to launch to Mars.
June 15th, 2017; Launch date of WEBB gets postponed due to numerous cyberattacks on NASA’s server systems and tampering of the Rocket. Unknown when the new Launch date will be due to the severity of cyberattacks. WEBB is given incomplete experiments and more training to maintain its purposes and skills.
September 9th 2017; Project [REDACTED] resumed, Dr. Seymour’s oldest Project is reactivated by him for unknown reasons. [Inherited from Family, Tick Tock]
December 31st, 2017; WEBB and CAM-042 are now assigned as lab partners and given permission to free roam within the various NASA Labs.
March 19 - 23, 2018; Dr. Seymour takes WEBB and CAM-042 to Science conference in Woodlands, Texas and the duo become an internet sensation over the following few days with WEBB presenting his research as his own entity. May 30th, 2018; TITAN-SPEAKER_0829.03 becomes Sentient [Shy, quiet, but very much interested in various Knife and Dagger Blades, adores 80’s music]
October 5th, 2018; Patient Zero is infected; S̴͓̄k̸̮̂ì̷ͅḅ̷̓ì̸̬d̶̮͝i̷̧̕ ̵͍́S̸̠͋k̶̝͝i̵̬̔b̷̥̑i̶̾͜d̷̙̓i̴̦̍ ̸͖̐Š̷͚k̸̳̾ị̶̍b̵͔͒i̶̟͝d̸̬̍ĩ̵͍ ̸̯̈:̶͙̽)̴͉͗
October 15th, 2018; Patient Zero checks into a Hospital after reporting unusual symptoms after listening to a newly released song, Doctors don’t think much but monitor the Patient.
November 2018; Patient Zero infects more people unknowingly, transformation has not occurred yet. There’s a noticeable regression in speech and only sings the song at this point. Doctors are getting concerned of Patient’s mental state, a doctor checks himself in due to him noticing his speech regressing similarly to Patient Zero. December 2018; Hospital is locked down, no personnel, patients or visitors are allowed in or out, Patient Zero has transformed and has been idle for a few days. Doctors are in contact with the CDC at this point, only those within the hospital are either uninfected, infected or transformed. [Those whose family or friends are in the hospital are asked to quarantine for an unknown amount of time]
February 2019; WEBB, CAM-042 and WOOFER-074 celebrate WEBB’s creation with star gazing with Dr. Seymour. Dr. Seymour adores his creations, which he begins withdrawing from public due to death threats and sabotage over the success of his creations and designs April 2019; State of Emergency declared in [REDACTED], New Jersey after Patient Zero and a few dozen other Transformed Infected escapes Hospital. The CDC are arguing how the transmission of the virus works, all entities within the Hospital are considered 100% infected and most are believed to be transformed.
September 13th, 2019; Entire State of New Jersey is shut down after a failed containment of what is being dubbed the “Skibidi” Infection, Bridges and Roadways are shut down and military blockways are placed to prevent further infection spreading. September 20th, 2019; Riots begin in New Jersey and surrounding States as families, friends and daily life are broken due to the tight shutdown of New Jersey. Infections skyrocket due to riots and early attacks from Transformed Infected that were provoked by riots.
October 2019; Patient Zero is located by CDC and numerous failed attempts to contain Patient Zero, Military blockades are weakened due to riots. CDC can’t figure out the transmission of the infection, the Government is informed about the current situation, and the President doesn’t think much of it and plays it down. Infection begins to appear in other countries as infected a few sneaky few managed to escape New Jersey. November 2019; Dr. Seymour has completely withdrawn from the public eye and is monitoring this new infection, WEBB is stationed in NYC’s Laboratory with CAM-042 and WOOFER-074. Canada and U.K declares National emergency December 2019; Military Blockade is heavily weakened at this point, infection is tearing through Military and Police personnel, 63% of New Jersey’s population is infected while the remaining population fully breaches barriers to escape the infection.
January 2020; Surrounding States go into State of Emergency, sending frantic messages to Gov’t Congress for additional military support. New Jersey is 100% infected and infection is spreading like WildFire. Dr. Seymour makes his last video call with WEBB and loses connection as Power Grid is hit by Skibidies. He is Stationed in Houston, Texas.
February 2020; National emergency is declared in the U.S, the rest of the world is seeing cases skyrocket and in vain, attempts to shutdown to slow the spread.
March 13th, 2020; World descends into chaos as infection tears through the population, Militaries are falling apart as the Infected are transforming within hours of being exposed. NATO and other Military Organizations begin mass mobilization of Cameramen, eventually speakermen.
May ??, 2020; Dr. Seymour is Infected and Transformed. Hiding within the Labs, trying to find a cure.
"Do... Do you think this is a wise idea, Galaxy? They are after all waking up after that horrible yet successful raid on that Skibidi Base" "I would rather have them be comfortable with their original appearance... Well a smol version before having them stumble in their new forms for a bit, Brownie" "Wha..?" "Missed you two~ You're both Smol for a short bit"

"Not an issue! Hehe, I won't make them any smaller because they'll definitely cause more destruction with their even more smol size. Pretty sure DJ is trying to see if he can get flung across the bas- OH GOD"
The Titans are not smol enough. I want to be able to pick them up and squeeze them like stress balls.
Not a serious RP prompt; just being silly.
"Hehe! Of course, They may be smol now but make them even smoller? Yeah, I can do that! Here we go~!"