Conservative Gun-advocate Christians Are Absolutely Hilarious. I'm Rewatching Daily Show Videos On My
conservative gun-advocate christians are absolutely hilarious. i'm rewatching daily show videos on my sick day, and listening to this person, with 100% certainty and sincerity, saying that the best solution is to bring back Jesus into schools, and not you know, BANNING GUNS!
nillawafez liked this · 1 year ago
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"That boy is our last hope."
"No there is another."
Funniest fucking exchange between these two. seriously, i rewatched ESB and these two were fucking killing me. Absolutely hilarious. i'm dying. first of all, way to disregard the other actual force sensitive you met personally, who is literally his sister. also, didn't you dumb fucks just say that you needed to leave these two to die? and how it was a trap and luke could get hurt? you should be encouraging him to save his replacement. why are you just letting your backup plan get killed? i mean, you should be trying to get him to go. this is really shitty planning, and honestly, george lucas can say that obi and yoda were right all he wants, but he's the one who created the narrative that obi-wan and yoda were willing to fuck up their backup plan. there are losing their other potential replacement by not letting him help. what a load of bullshit.
i'd like it to be remembered that this is the conversation we got AFTER luke left. this was their reaction: 'whelp, he's going to die or turn, guess we'll rely on this other girl who we discouraged him to save.'
it's even worse knowing that obi-wan is aware of leia's existence, and has a preexisting relationship. you'd think that he of all people would understand what leia is capable of. he's just willing to let this kid, the kid that he is fully aware of in terms of potential and strength, the kid that is literally their other hope, die and is just like 'welp, she'll die. maybe we can resurrect her in case luke dies and we run of pinball chances.' idiots, these two. i love them.
“Disproven”? LoL. Sure Jan.
i don't what exactly it is you want to accomplish with this. we both fundamentally disagree about this. please don't send me anymore messages. thank you.
“good god, i make one post about my liberal views and i'm suddenly getting conservative anons about how guns are good and how guns totally aren't the problem.” Welcome to the internet, opinions have consequences. Don’t like it? Don’t post stupid shit.
lovely respected compatriot, kindly refrain from sending meandering insults that have been consistently disproven.
i've never heard of the KOTOR2 track. i should go and listen to that.
The Luke vs. Vader theme is actually pretty good though it's not a favorite for me. Anakin's Dark Deeds/I'm So Sorry is my favorite piece of Str Wars score, and Across the Stars is godly.
what are all your guys' heretic star wars music opinions? of course, we love and respect john williams, but what are the real meaty, gets-you-excommunicated-from-fandom opinions? i have LOTS of opinions, particularly ones that will probably get my ass kicked.
Ik in canon Rex was endlessly loyal to Anakin and the same was with Cody and Obiwan, but I have the hc that Rex was loyal in a hesitant way. That he has more critiques about Anakin and that he kept pushing down his frustration because it was his duty to serve and follow anakin.
my hc that Rex has a lot of critiques about anakin that he keeps quiet about also extends to ahsoka. Ahsoka is learning most from anakin--and in the beginning, she's a wreck bc she's inexperienced but the toll her inexperience is taking on the 501st is something rex hates. anakins recklessness and impulsivity comes with at least a few more years' life experience. his daring battle plans come with more thought. ahsoka's insecure and trying to be like him, so she mimics him a lot (we see this in canon). but she keeps getting soldiers killed and rex doesn't feel like anakins "be patient please think" or her Temple punishments for disobeying orders are enough to really drive home the fact that people are dying.
this doesn't mean he's hard on her, he's conflicted bc of rank and what would potentially be crossing the line regarding trying to help her himself without stunting the necessary growth she needs to become a better war leader