Star Wars Original Trilogy - Tumblr Posts

3 years ago

There are few things that disturb me as much as animated Han Solo in Star Wars: The Story of the Faithful Wookiee (1978)

There Are Few Things That Disturb Me As Much As Animated Han Solo In Star Wars: The Story Of The Faithful
There Are Few Things That Disturb Me As Much As Animated Han Solo In Star Wars: The Story Of The Faithful
There Are Few Things That Disturb Me As Much As Animated Han Solo In Star Wars: The Story Of The Faithful
There Are Few Things That Disturb Me As Much As Animated Han Solo In Star Wars: The Story Of The Faithful

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3 years ago

Rex hadn’t connected the dots when he had learned of the infamous Dark Lord of the Sith, Vader, serving the Emperor. He hadn’t connected the dots when Ezra returned from Malachor without his blaster-saber, guiding his then blind master, with Ahsoka nowhere in sight. He hadn’t connected the dots upon seeing the blond haired, blue eyed Jedi named Skywalker wielding his former general’s blue-bladed lightsaber.

It wasn’t until after the Battle of Endor, when the Darth Star II had been destroyed, fireworks lit the sky with resonating booms, the remaining Rebels cheered and celebrated with their Ewok allies, the Empire was as good as gone, and Skywalker had returned in an Imperial ship, carrying Darth Vader’s body with tears in his eyes, did Rex connect the dots.

Darth Vader was his beloved former Jedi General of the 501st Clone Battalion, Anakin Skywalker.

For 25 years, Rex had believed that Anakin had been killed by the blasters of his brothers upon the declaration of Order 66. Perhaps he had survived long enough to have been struck down by the Emperor or Inquisitors he had heard so much about from his newer Jedi leadership. He had never imagined that his general and friend was capable of such terrible things.

Despite his disbelief, nothing would change. His general was dead and Rex would never fight beside him again.

Remembering the countless battles and near-death experiences they had shared, Rex watched from afar as Anakin’s body burned on the pyre. Luke sensed his presence and caught the salute Rex threw his way, only to realize it wasn’t for him, but for his father.

After he had reunited with his friends and celebrated their victory, Luke still couldn’t shake the older clone trooper from his thoughts. Curiously, Luke had asked Obi-wan who the old clone trooper was and how he knew his father. His mentor’s brief explanation prompted him to greet the soldier and introduce himself.

They talked long into the night. Luke had asked Rex about what his father was like during the war. Rex had told him about the Battle of Christophsis and how Anakin became a master to Ahsoka Tano, the liberation of the Togruta from Zygerrian slavers, the countless planets spared from the cruelty of the Separatist’s droid army and influence, and how he would cover for Anakin’s comms to Padmé. He told Luke about his mother and his father, how much they had loved one another, and how far they went to protect one another.

Luke finally felt at peace upon hearing about his parents. He had been reassured that his father was a good person, beyond the expectations the Jedi order demanded from him. He had sensed the good in his father while he still held the name Vader, but hearing it from his father’s old friend was the proof he needed. Rex had told him the things Obi-wan wouldn’t, but it was exactly what he needed to hear, and for that he was grateful.

I am literally bawling my eyes out right now imagining Rex joining the rebellion before A New Hope.

Does he instantly see Padmé in Luke’s kind eyes? Or perhaps in Leia’s strength and leadership, Rex sees echos of Anakin.

Does he tell them who he is? Or was he too afraid? Afraid he’s wrong, afraid he’s just seeing ghosts. Or perhaps he’s afraid he’s right.

And Leia and Luke sit next to each other at briefings, and Rex swears he’s on Coruscant again, playing lookout for Padmé and Anakin. And maybe Leia laughs at one of Luke’s corny farm boy jokes, and she calls him Skyguy-

And suddenly the room is full of smoke and he’s on the battlefield for the Republic again, listening to Anakin and Ahsoka argue.

And he says nothing. He can’t. How would he even begin to explain? What words could even begin to describe how much it all hurts.

And he’s older now. And he’s tired.

But he swore to himself he would look after the 501st. But the boys are gone. And Ahsoka is gone. And Anakin is gone.

But his shadow remains. Two shadows.

And that’s enough to hold onto.

So quietly. He looks after the twins.

Every mission. He signs up first. Every briefing, he finds a seat somewhere behind the Twins. From Hoth to Endor he follows. Never accepting a mission too far away from wherever they are.

But he can never find the courage to talk to them.

Because Leias big brown eyes look a little too much like Padmé’s. And Luke has his fathers blue blade at his side, and he wears it with pride.

But I like to think, as the sun sets on Endor, and the Ewoks sing songs and dance,

Luke sits himself near the lonely soldier who lingers far from the crowd and says

“I’m Luke. Ben said you knew my father.”

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3 years ago

(IB: @momentsthatwestole and reposted from a reblog)

Rex hadn’t connected the dots when he had learned of the infamous Dark Lord of the Sith, Vader, serving the Emperor. He hadn’t connected the dots when Ezra returned from Malachor without his blaster-saber, guiding his then blind master, with Ahsoka nowhere in sight. He hadn’t connected the dots upon seeing the blond haired, blue eyed Jedi named Skywalker wielding his former general’s blue-bladed lightsaber.

It wasn’t until after the Battle of Endor, when the Darth Star II had been destroyed, fireworks lit the sky with resonating booms, the remaining Rebels cheered and celebrated with their Ewok allies, the Empire was as good as gone, and Skywalker had returned in an Imperial ship, carrying Darth Vader’s body with tears in his eyes, did Rex connect the dots.

Darth Vader was his beloved former Jedi General of the 501st Clone Battalion, Anakin Skywalker.

For 25 years, Rex had believed that Anakin had been killed by the blasters of his brothers upon the declaration of Order 66. Perhaps he had survived long enough to have been struck down by the Emperor or Inquisitors he had heard so much about from his newer Jedi leadership. He had never imagined that his general and friend was capable of such terrible things.

Despite his disbelief, nothing would change. His general was dead and Rex would never fight beside him again.

Remembering the countless battles and near-death experiences they had shared, Rex watched from afar as Anakin’s body burned on the pyre. Luke sensed his presence and caught the salute Rex threw his way, only to realize it wasn’t for him, but for his father.

After he had reunited with his friends and celebrated their victory, Luke still couldn’t shake the older clone trooper from his thoughts. Curiously, Luke had asked Obi-wan who the old clone trooper was and how he knew his father. His mentor’s brief explanation prompted him to greet the soldier and introduce himself.

They talked long into the night. Luke had asked Rex about what his father was like during the war. Rex had told him about the Battle of Christophsis and how Anakin became a master to Ahsoka Tano, the liberation of the Togruta from Zygerrian slavers, the countless planets spared from the cruelty of the Separatist’s droid army and influence, and how he would cover for Anakin’s comms to Padmé. He told Luke about his mother and his father, how much they had loved one another, and how far they went to protect one another.

Luke finally felt at peace upon hearing about his parents. He had been reassured that his father was a good person, beyond the expectations the Jedi order demanded from him. He had sensed the good in his father while he still held the name Vader, but hearing it from his father’s old friend was the proof he needed. Rex had told him the things Obi-wan wouldn’t, but it was exactly what he needed to hear, and for that he was grateful.

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3 years ago

I agree, but I think for storytelling purposes, it was meant to be that way. It was meant to show the audience that the republic was failing and becoming corrupt, which lead to its demise.

Everything from Palpatine’s extended term limit, corrupt senators, the creation and use of the clone army, countless war crimes, the death of innocent civilians and creatures, and the Jedi order losing their way and choosing to fight in the Clone War was to help aid this narrative.

It was genius on Palpatine’s part. When you think about it, Pong Krell, Maul, the Zygerrian Queen, Barriss Offee, Trace and Rafa, Ventress, Slick, and Fives were absolutely right about the Republic’s corruptness and it’s imminent downfall. The Republic was evil, and that’s why it became the Empire. The Empire had to rise from something, and this was what George Lucas chose.

I am so frustrated rn with the people that try and make it seem like Jedi loved the clones, with maybe the exception of Plo, and maybe Shaak. The Jedi cared about the WAR, NOT their MEN. Men that trusted them, had feelings, emotions. Men that, like slick, even ended up betraying the order because hey! This life is fucked and why should we be slaves??? They may be programmed and a clone of another man, but that doesn't make them less of a person! Less of a breathing creature that deserves to make their own decisions.

You can say what you want, but they were enslaved. You saw from jedi as bad as Pong Krell, to as mild as Yoda, Anakin, or even Obi-Wan that they didn't care. Ping-Pong-Dong turned them against each other, ignoring the mission on umbara just to destroy the clones.

Anakin, as @nibeul mentioned in an absolute stellar post, fucking let a whole group of men die for a fucking R2 unit. Who tf does that? I get it, he's had R2 forever, but he killed those men! And people still stand up for him.

Obi-Wan and Yoda?? Fucking JOKES. They didn't even try to spare them. They slaughtered those men with zero remorse even if they couldn't control themselves! They were in a trance, they had a fucking chip for gods sake! How are they going to fight that? I know some could, like Rex, but not all can.

Plo was the only one that actually just let it all go .down and happen, sparing his men, his bros, even if they were in "the wrong." (Because is there really a right and a wrong in this war?? both sides suck ass in their own ways.) He was said to be the best pilot ever, right below anakin even, I think. And he didn't even attempt to fly off or fight back. He didn't want to be the reason his men died, blood on his hands. Or at least that’s how I see it.

I know this is random but FUCK, Jedi puss me off. They aren't right at all, the clones deserved better tbfh. Like honestly, if it weren't for the fact slick got some of his brothers killed, I wouldn't have blamed the guy. I would have tried to leave the order and free my brothers if I was in that situation. I would have left, because you know what, with all those men you could overthrow them. Get new fucking soldiers, not men that don't even know what happiness outside of the war is.

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1 year ago

one of those time travel AUs where Vader goes back into his body as Anakin before he fell to the dark side and fixes everything. Palpatine is dead, the Jedi are alive, and everyone's happy. He never found out who Luke's twin sister was, but that's fine because this time around he'll get to know both of them from birth. The twins are born and Padmé says she wants to name their daughter Leia! :) And Anakin thinks, Hmm. Looking back I can see that Princess Leia was a good person, and we were only enemies because I went and became a Sith. Okay we can name our daughter Leia :)

Years pass and Leia starts growing older. The Organas adopt a completely different girl. Anakin's looking at his daughter like no, it can't be. No way. Do NOT tell me that Princess Leia was Luke's twin all along, but time keeps passing and it becomes increasingly apparent that this is indeed the case, and now he's having a Crisis

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9 months ago

Titty pasta dish😂😭

The Star Wars Original Trilogy Characters according to my boyfriend (theyve never seen the shows or movies):

-Luke: Daddy issues

-Leia: Daddy Issues

-Chewbacca: Grrrggreguggh

-Han Solo: Gun pose png

-Darth Vader: Root of daddy issues or sumn

-r2d2: Robot :]

-Yoda: What the fuck are you?

-Ewoks: gremlin teddy

-Boba Fett: The other guy

-Lando: YOURE BLACK?? & "every franchise has the token black"

The Prequels | Bonus:

The Star Wars Original Trilogy Characters According To My Boyfriend (theyve Never Seen The Shows Or Movies):
The Star Wars Original Trilogy Characters According To My Boyfriend (theyve Never Seen The Shows Or Movies):
The Star Wars Original Trilogy Characters According To My Boyfriend (theyve Never Seen The Shows Or Movies):

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10 months ago
5/15/2024 | #Bible - Verse Of The Day | John 15:12

5/15/2024 | #Bible - Verse of the Day | John 15:12

May 15 is International Family Day

No matter by blood, adopted, chosen, friends, religion happy family day :)

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2 years ago

During Vader's funeral be like

Luke being Sad and Grieving: I wish you well

Leia just being Leia: I wish you well, in hell

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2 years ago

thrawn becomes so much more annoying when you realize he’s the personification of the fucking British Museum of Art.

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2 years ago

what are all your guys' heretic star wars music opinions? of course, we love and respect john williams, but what are the real meaty, gets-you-excommunicated-from-fandom opinions? i have LOTS of opinions, particularly ones that will probably get my ass kicked.

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1 year ago

"That boy is our last hope."

"No there is another."

Funniest fucking exchange between these two. seriously, i rewatched ESB and these two were fucking killing me. Absolutely hilarious. i'm dying. first of all, way to disregard the other actual force sensitive you met personally, who is literally his sister. also, didn't you dumb fucks just say that you needed to leave these two to die? and how it was a trap and luke could get hurt? you should be encouraging him to save his replacement. why are you just letting your backup plan get killed? i mean, you should be trying to get him to go. this is really shitty planning, and honestly, george lucas can say that obi and yoda were right all he wants, but he's the one who created the narrative that obi-wan and yoda were willing to fuck up their backup plan. there are losing their other potential replacement by not letting him help. what a load of bullshit.

i'd like it to be remembered that this is the conversation we got AFTER luke left. this was their reaction: 'whelp, he's going to die or turn, guess we'll rely on this other girl who we discouraged him to save.'

it's even worse knowing that obi-wan is aware of leia's existence, and has a preexisting relationship. you'd think that he of all people would understand what leia is capable of. he's just willing to let this kid, the kid that he is fully aware of in terms of potential and strength, the kid that is literally their other hope, die and is just like 'welp, she'll die. maybe we can resurrect her in case luke dies and we run of pinball chances.' idiots, these two. i love them.

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1 year ago

i forgot to add this to the original post, but what was obi-wan and yoda's plan if luke didn't save leia? like, assuming he died, and leia was taken prisoner or died, what would they do? would they run jedi boot camp in leia's prison cell? would they perform some ancient jedi resurrection ritual to try to bring them back? was force ghost corpse possession on the table?

what was the plan?

"That boy is our last hope."

"No there is another."

Funniest fucking exchange between these two. seriously, i rewatched ESB and these two were fucking killing me. Absolutely hilarious. i'm dying. first of all, way to disregard the other actual force sensitive you met personally, who is literally his sister. also, didn't you dumb fucks just say that you needed to leave these two to die? and how it was a trap and luke could get hurt? you should be encouraging him to save his replacement. why are you just letting your backup plan get killed? i mean, you should be trying to get him to go. this is really shitty planning, and honestly, george lucas can say that obi and yoda were right all he wants, but he's the one who created the narrative that obi-wan and yoda were willing to fuck up their backup plan. there are losing their other potential replacement by not letting him help. what a load of bullshit.

i'd like it to be remembered that this is the conversation we got AFTER luke left. this was their reaction: 'whelp, he's going to die or turn, guess we'll rely on this other girl who we discouraged him to save.'

it's even worse knowing that obi-wan is aware of leia's existence, and has a preexisting relationship. you'd think that he of all people would understand what leia is capable of. he's just willing to let this kid, the kid that he is fully aware of in terms of potential and strength, the kid that is literally their other hope, and is just like 'welp, she'll die. maybe we can resurrect her in case luke dies and we run of pinball chances.' idiots, these two. i love them.

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1 year ago

sometimes, despite the clear eastern influences, the jedi and star wars are so painfully christian. they might as well be wearing crosses.

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