Random Girl from Europe who loves and adores the httyd-trilogy very much. But also adores to read books, mostly Fantasy like Six of crows (all time favorite) or books from SJM. Also obsessed with Orcas and Jurassic Park/World.
227 posts
Still Cant Believe This Really Happend.

Still can’t believe this really happend.
I like Avatar (the first One will always be Favorite) but fuck Yeah praise Puss in Boots the Last Wish✨🫶🏻
Sadly the Golden Days of Barbenheimer, Avatar-the Way of Water & Puss in Boots: the Last wish Are over and Cinema is dead again. Let’s hope Kung Fu Panda 4 brings these days Back.
jennytherainbow liked this · 1 year ago
sweet-p-l liked this · 1 year ago
More Posts from Astridhoff03
Siege & Storms - chapter 2 Astrid & Hiccup
-However, before Astrid could close the door behind her, Valka raised her voice. “Astrid, if you want to talk. I’m always here.” Astrid smiled, brushing a strand of her long hair out of her face. "Thanks, Valka."
The stone was cold and wet beneath her bare feet, icy rain wet her heated skin and let the thin fabric of the tunic stick to her skin, exposing her nipples. Her gaze slid to the sky, which was covered in thick black clouds. The raindrops flowed down her chin like a small torrent. "Oh, Hiccup, where are you?" Raindrops continually rolled off her glowing skin, she closed her eyes, her hands clenched into steel fists. Her heart burned with desire and longing. He was alive, he was alive, she continued to tell herself in her mind, fighting the urge to burst into tears. Astrid saw something blue come into her field of vision out of the corner of her eye and suddenly the rain above her stopped. Stormfly's golden gaze collided with hers, a faint smile playing on Astrid's lips as she stroked her nadder's lower jaw. "Thank you." Her pulse calmed again and the tears in her eyes dried up. She was a warrior, a general for Thor's sake. Hiccup was alive, she knew it, deep in her heart. It was enough for her. She would look for him alone and not rest until she found him. "Come on, Stormfly, let's go." Astrid ran back into the house, threw on her clothes and grabbed her axe. She also packed a bag with water, provisions, bandages and fresh clothes. She left a note at the dinner table for Valka. Saddled up, Stormfly was already waiting impatiently for them in the pouring rain when Astrid closed the door behind her. With quick movements, Astrid secured her ax and bag to the saddle before she sat down. Cold wind mixed with icy raindrops fell on her face as they took off and flew away from Berk.
The waves surged like high mountains over the sunken city, lightning broke through the night. The massive shadow of the Phantomfin glided majestically like a great cloud of black smoke over a hidden grotto in the ruins. Toothless grumbled and snuggled against the legs of his best friend, the person who had never given up on him despite the unforgivable act he had committed. Hiccup gently stroked his dragon's smooth scales on his head, which glowed silver in the light of each lightning strike. His chest rose and fell with every heartbeat. He heard the blood rushing in his veins with every wave that surged, with every drop that fell from the onyx-colored rocks of the cave, with every heavy step that echoed off the cave walls. He was there immediately. It could only be a matter of seconds. Hiccup looked into his best friend's big green eyes, which reflected his own fear. “Don’t worry, Toothless, we won’t die today. We won't die today. We will fight for our people, for our friends, my mother, my father." He paused briefly at the painful memory of his father's dead body, who had sacrificed himself for him and Toothless. Hiccup gritted his teeth, trying to push away the memory, the thought that he was about to come face to face with the man who was the real reason his father had to die. "Hiccup, you're much stronger than you think," he suddenly heard a very familiar voice in his head. The memory of his father instantly blurred with the sound of love in Astrid's voice. She stood in front of him, her delicate, soft fingers sliding over his chest. Her long blonde hair was tied back in a loose braid that evening, Berk was still in ice and destruction, his childhood home was one of the few that had been spared. He looked down at her, how could she stay so strong while the house she grew up in was in ruins again and her own father had only escaped death with serious injuries. He took her hand and kissed her palm. "Astrid, how do you manage to stay so strong all the damn time?" A sad smile played on her beautiful lips. "Hiccup, I'm not always strong either and you know that. Should I tell you a secret, sometimes I scream inside because I don't allow myself to cry, I don't allow myself to deviate from the ideal that I'm supposed to represent in my clan, my family . I am strong Yes, but I am not invulnerable. And do you know what has kept me alive in every single battle we have fought so far?” Tears gathered in her fathomless eyes. "You. Hiccup, you are my gravity, the driving force that drives me forward in every battle. Never in my life did I think that I would love someone as much as I love you. I love you, Hiccup Horrendous Haddock the third, with all your flaws and the qualities that make you so special. I love you." "I love you too, very much," he whispered back, his finger wiping the one tear from her cheek. “And I thank you for always being there for me, my rock, my partner not only in battle but also in my life, for choosing me of all. And I promise you, you can cry at me, scream at me, kick as much as you want. I will never love you less because of it.” “We stay strong for each other,” Astrid finished, her voice broken. He would fight to get back home to the woman he loved and desired more than anything. Hiccup looked down into Toothless' green eyes and he would fight for his best friend. A deep voice snapped Hiccup out of this wondrous memory, he jumped when the shadow of Drago Bludvist appeared on the cave wall. "Hiccup, come out and finally fight like a real man."
Siege & Storms - Chapter 1 Astrid
Post Fire Tides-Story. Nightmares haunt Astrid while Hiccup and Toothless try to escape from the underwater City.
A scream tore through her throat as he fell. "Hiccup!" Her fingers wrapped tightly around the metal rings of her saddle as she leaned forward. “Come on, Stormfly. Get down! Get down!” The blood roared in her ears as the Nadder plunged into a dive, away from the ashen sky and down to the deep black sea that spread out beneath them like a rolling velvet carpet. Below her she saw the frightened eyes of her boyfriend, desperately trying to hoist himself onto the back of his night fury, whose dark scales seemed to almost merge with the darkness of the sea surface. She reached out, tried to reach for him, but he was so far away. So far away. It was as if time stood still as their bodies split the surface of the ocean, like a black mirror breaking into a hundred thousand small pieces. "No. Nooooooo! Hiccup!” she shouted against the roar of the waves. No Answer. Not a brown head in the waves. No wing flapping. The ocean had swallowed them. She sat up, with a clear conscience that this too could be her end. But to hell with her life when the man she loved more than anything was in grave danger. And she jumped. Cold water stabbed her soft skin like hundreds of knives, she opened her eyes and there was the deepest blackness around her. She suddenly flash something in the endless black. A body. Hiccup, she thought. She continued to dive, the pressure on her ears reinforced with every meter she swam. Hiccup's pale, thin body appeared in her mind's eye, his limbs hanging limply in the water, his otherwise beautifully bright emerald eyes staring into space. She reached for him, but couldn't get hold of him. Like a sack full of stones, his body sank deeper and deeper towards the seabed. And there was nothing she could do about it. She was powerless. No matter how hard she tried to move forward, an invisible force had a firm hold on her. She kicked around wildly, screaming at the top of her lungs, so that the salty sea water flooded her throat and sent air bubbles to the surface. The darkness became more and more impenetrable, more and more merciless. Slowly she saw in depth how the body of the person she loved above all else, who she had known since childhood, who had shown her the beauty of the world, had enriched her own life with his good heart and his deep love for her was drawn.
Astrid woke up with a scream. The endless darkness around her, hit her, she gasped, clutching at her sweat-soaked chest where her fearful heart was pounding as if it would shatter her ribs at any moment. With trembling fingers, she reached for a candle that was on the nightstand next to the bed and lit it. Her eyes wandered around the room, past the various prosthetic tails that Hiccup had made for Toothless over the years, to the large map of the archipelago that Hiccup had drawn on his explorations of the barbaric land. Her shaky hand slid over the empty side next to her where her fiancé should be lying. The blood ran from her fingertips, her stomach cramped as her eyes remained on the mattress. She didn't know if Hiccup was still alive or if he was injured and dying. She convulsively choked down the lump in her throat, trying to smother the tears that began to roll down her cheeks faster and faster. To calm herself, she took the green fabric of his tunic, which she had worn every night since his departure, between her hands and breathed in its remaining scent of leather and forge that had not yet been singed by her sweat. He was alive. He wasn't dead. He was alive. He wasn't dead... She pulled her legs up to her chest and began rocking back and forth, more tears gathering in her eyes. She had to stay strong, for the village, for Valka, for Hiccup. Hiccup. She squirmed internally. "He's alive, he's alive, he's alive...",she kept telling herself, fighting the emptiness that was rapidly spreading in her heart. The dark, cold emptiness swallowed her soul, dragging her down into a bottomless abyss of loneliness and ruin. Everything went quiet in her head; she could only hear the steady beating of her heart. She jumped when something warm and scaly suddenly snuggled up to her. Stormfly. Astrid wrapped her arms around the Nadder lady's head, heard her breathing, felt the warmth emanating from her body. A small smile crept across Astrid's lips as Stormfly rubbed her head against hers. “Thank you, my girl. I love you too.” Stormfly squealed and looked at her rider with concern in her round golden eyes. She gently nudged Astrid with her nose. Astrid sighed and wiped her tears as she stroked her best friend's shiny scale dress. She sniffled: "You know, it's hard sometimes to always have to be strong." The Nadder lady snorted in understanding. Astrid leisurely lifted her legs out of bed, Hiccup's tunic barely reaching enough to carefully cover her intimate area. She grabbed the candle that was on the bedside table and walked out of the room, her heavy steps making the floorboards creak on the way to Hiccup's late father's old room. Astrid hesitated, then knocked on the door. “Come in,” she heard Valka’s tired voice from the other side. She entered the large bedchamber, Valka was sitting up in bed, a bag full of ice pressed to her forehead. “Is something Astrid? Can I help you in any way?” Astrid shook her head as she closed the door behind her and sat on the edge of the bed next to her future mother-in-law. “Yes, everything is fine,” she lied as she smoothed the fabric of the tunic. "I just wanted to see how you were doing." Valka smiled gently. "That's kind of you. But you don’t have to worry about me.” A loud rumble of thunder shook the night, shortly followed by a pelting rain that hit the wooden roof. Astrid's fingers dug into the fabric of the tunic and she gritted her teeth. The fine hairs on her neck stood up against her sweat-heated skin. She hated thunderstorms ever since a lightning strike left her blind several years ago. Although she was now able to cope better with thunderstorms and the darkness, she still felt the hairs on the back of her neck stand up every time a storm came. “I'm just going to go outside to see what's going on,” she said shortly without looking at Valka. Out of the corner of her eye, however, she saw her nod in confirmation. -
Next Chapter follows soon…
Toeghter from Afar
Bonus Story to the Epilouge. Hope you enjoy it, Guys☺️🫶🏻
A carpet of hundreds of stars sprinkled the onyx-colored night sky over New Berk in all its silvery beauty. The village had gradually become quiet except for the Haddocks' residence where there was an after party after an extensive party in the Great Hall with the family introducing their youngest member to the people. To celebrate the evening, Astrid's father had made his famous tuna rolls with a bowl of salad, which he now served on the terrace of the house. “Who wants a roll?” he asked his son-in-law, who was sitting opposite his friends Snotlout, Fishlegs and Tuffnut. Hiccup smiled kindly at his tall father-in-law and took a roll from the tray. “Say, how do you pronounce your little one’s name again?” Snotlout asked with a raised eyebrow as he grabbed three rolls from Magnus’ tray. „Linka," Hiccup repeated for the hundred thousandth time tonight. Tuffnut grinned amusedly over at Fishlegs as he petted his chicken. “Speaking of Links, dear Mr. Ingermann still owes me ten galleons.” Fishlegs rolled his eyes in annoyance and handed Tuff the money, which he immediately counted happily. “You bet what name our baby will have?” Astrid, who was sitting next to Hiccup with her little daughter in her arms, interrupted. Ruffnut, who was playing with the fingers of her most beloved Throk, who was in the middle of a conversation with Mala and Dagur, shrugged her shoulders with a large mug of beer in her hand. “We’ve been doing it since the first one.” Astrid and Hiccup looked at each other in shock, then they could only smile. Hiccup lovingly placed his hand on his wife's thigh, a smile playing on her lips as he touched the soft skin of her cheek with his delicate lips. Astrid placed her hand over Hiccup's and squeezed it tightly. The little baby in her arms reached out to reach out to her father. “Well little mouse, do you want to go to your daddy?” Little Linka chuckled as her mother passed her into her father's arms, who rocked her gently in his arms and gave her a little kiss on the forehead. Suddenly Zephyr and Nuffink, who had just been playing with Dagur and Mala's children, came running and ran into their parents' arms, while the two of them let the little toy dragon figures slide over their little sister again. “Here comes the Flightmare,” Nuffink announced. “Look Linka, how beautifully blue he is.” “And here comes the Hideous Zippelback, he has two heads, one spews gas and the other ignites it with sparks,” Zephyr explained to her little sister while she let the figure dance in the air. From the corner of their eyes, Hiccup and Astrid saw Ruff and Tuff exchanging cheeky but sad grins. "Long live Barf and Belch." Astrid leaned on Hiccup's shoulder, watching her children interact with each other and her numerous friends chatting with each other. She enjoyed the gentle caresses Hiccup gave her back as she watched the steady movements of the flames. Still, she had the feeling that something was missing, that someone specific was missing.
After an hour the afterparty was over. Hiccup and Astrid had put Zephyr and Nuffink to bed and had retreated to their room with little Linka. Little Feyre was nuzzling her mother's nipple when Hiccup came out of the bathroom next door, his hair wet and only a towel wrapped around his waist. He put on a pair of long, loose trousers before he went to Astrid, gave her a kiss on the forehead and then took her little daughter, who had fallen asleep on her mother's bosom. He gently stroked her back while holding her to his bare chest. Astrid, who was holding his hand, looked up at him and smiled. She watched as Hiccup rocked her little daughter back and forth in his arms, constantly kissing her on her head and on her cheeks, and whispering to her. Astrid got out of bed, everything felt so perfect, but still an unfathomable emptiness spread in her heart that she hadn't felt in several years. Lost in thought, she strolled around the room, looking up at the map of the barbaric archipelago. Her fingers glided over the small wooden figures that represented Stormfly and Toothless. Stormfly. Astrid's heart became heavy at the thought that her beloved dragon could not be with her on this special day. She missed the Nadder's friendly nature so much, her playfulness, the morning flights, training together... She opened the large window to the balcony, a warm breeze ran through her hair and stirred up some strands that fell onto her face. She only noticed in passing how Hiccup put Linka in her crib before putting on a shirt. Her gaze was focused solely on the endless starry sky. She jumped for a brief moment as Hiccup put his arm around her, holding her tightly to him. "You miss her, don't you?" Astrid nodded, tears soaking her vision as she finally let them flow. Hiccup gave her a kiss on the forehead. “I know how you feel, Honey, I miss Toothless terribly too. But don't worry, they'll be fine." Astrid nodded weakly, tried to blink away the tears, but they kept coming. "It is good. Let it all out,” Hiccup whispered to her. Astrid looked out to the sea, towards the hidden world that lay hidden far out in the endless expanse of the ocean. And she wondered if she missed Stormfly as much as she missed her. She couldn't have known that Stormfly, who was flying over a lake in the hidden world with her three children, but kept glancing towards the entrance, was wondering exactly the same thing. Even though it hurt both of their hearts, they knew that they were connected to each other forever. Even if they were separated by endless miles.

I had a Little Idea 💡
A rough Rewirte Idea I have, that I want to Share with you.
The First thing I would do is, outwrite the disrespectful Connection to the Trilogy. Then I would give all the characters emotional backgrounds. (Jun & D’Angelo wouldn’t exist in My rewirte Universe, because I don‘t know what to do with These two.) Tom has no Connection to Hiccup and Astrid and his Dad is ahead of a research station That Researches Old civilisations. His Mum is ahead of a archilogy Team there. Because his parents Are divorced but still forced to work with each other, the releationship between them is Not the best because they Part ways on bad terms. The bad releationship between his parents affects Tom, because they Are always fighting and hating at each other. One day it all becomes too much for him and he runs away. He hides in an Old Ruin where he finds an old Journal with Stories about Hiccup and his Family and their life on New Berk. (There you could put Flashbacks in a respectful way where we See for example the Wedding Party from Hiccstrid, Pregnant Astrid, Zephyr and Nuffink as babys, their first steps,…). Then he could find Alex and Eugene who also hide in there. Alex because she needs some alone time and Eugene because he had a terrible fight with his Mum. (The Background-Stories of These two were: Alex was bullied in School because she has two Mums and also because she‘s very shy and different than the others. Eugene on the other Hand loses his Dad on Cancer and he and his Mum Haven’t the best releationship after his dead, they also weren‘t on the best terms before.) In one of the Old Ruins they found the old Dragon Book and Stoicks Notes about the hidden World. The three decide to search for this secret world, because they wanted to Go on a Adventure to forget which Troubles they have. They three Happen to find the Hidden World After a Long Journey. First they Are very afraid of this gigantic World and the Dragons they first encounter with. But soon they became Friends. For the three their Dragon-Friends became a Escape from the Reality of Life. The Kids thinking about to stay in the Hidden World But have to relealize that its untamble for humans. So they have to Go Back to face their demons. But they decide they will come back to their new found Friends to Visit them. However, the more often they visit the dragons, the more skeptical their parents become. And not just them, some scientists too. One day, one scientis follow Them and Discover the Dragons. He/She kills one and brought it back to the Research Station, where other scientist want to find More Dragons. Now the Kids most Protect the Dragons from the Scientist, to keep Hiccup and Toothless‘ Legacy but also most learn to face their issuse they have in their lifes.
The whole massage would stick true to the Trilogys ending But the overarching theme for this would be the importance of Family, Friendship, to face your Troubles and that you can‘t run away from your Problems.
I still wish someday we get something good out of this Spin-off Show because I want so badly Httyd in modern day. It would be so cool and interesting.
Second Favorite Trilogy After Httyd 😊
The Second KFP will always be my all time Favorite in the Series and also Not the fourth one is the best its definitly the Second One. That's not even up for debate.
And Man I‘m happy KFP is my second Favorite Trilogy because all my fears about the fourth Movie were true. Idk if I should still Go to the Movies and watch it, just for the hell of it, like I have done it with the Meg2. But I Will do it because I‘m curious how the end product turned out and what my opinions are on this.