Hiccup Horrendous Haddock Iii - Tumblr Posts
Again beautiful and emotional. Stoick is one of my favorite characters in the httyd universe too. I love most about him his complex relationship with his son. It was so well done in every single aspect of the trilogy and the shows. The two scenes he has with little Hiccup in httyd3 just make me more emotional because of how cruel his death was and He sacrificed himself for saving his son and his best friend. We see in this two flashbacks how he was when Hiccup was a little boy. He was more affectionate because he could protect him easier.
I can’t find words to the wonderful, pure feeling this Story gives me and your posts remind me of this feeling very much.

A chief protects his own
„May the valkyries welcome you and lead you through Odin’s great battlefield. May they sing your name with love and fury so that we might hear it rise from the depths of valhalla and know that you have take your rightful place at the table of kings. For a great man has fallen. A warrior, a chief, a father, a friend.”
The scene always makes me cry and gives me goosebumps. I love stoick and his death rips me apart every time I see that scene. He was an amazing character. And cause I’ve watched the movies recently, I wanted to honor him with a fanart. Let me know what you think!
Idk why but the moment when Valka says: A mother never forgets. Always hits me.

Haddock Family 💓
One of my favorite things about the Httyd-franchise is the element of Family. Be it in the show or Movies it was always done very well. The Relationship between Hiccup and his dad is definitely one of the hearts of this franchise. It was so heartwarming to see how their relationship involve in Riders/Defender/Rtte through the second movie. And it was also very touching to see how they’re Releationship was when Hiccup was still a child. How lovingly Stoick was when Hiccup was much younger, I also think this is why Hiccup is so emphatic. I think it was easier to protect Hiccup when he was much younger, as we see in the first flashback when he says that he finds Night Furies scary. Stoick always wanted the best for his son and it just got more complicate to protect him when he got older. But they’re was always love between these two and it always will, even if Stoick is no longer with him, he will always watch his son from Valhalla. He would be so proud of Hiccup, if he could witness of what an amazing Chief he became, that he has now a little family with the love of his life.
I think if Stoick was still alive in the third film, he would support Hiccups decisions as Astrid, Valka, Gobber and the other dragon riders do. They may all Not agree with Hiccup sometimes but they will always support him because he would do the same for them. They are all a Big Family.
I recently stumbled a upon some Hiccstrid Smut and to be honest it’s actually sometimes really cute. That just works with Hiccstrid. Like this for example. That’s adorable 🥰

Credits goes to @softdragon for this very cute and sexy Picture Story
As same as we got THAT from a lanky Viking Man with a twig of a neck and fluffy hair, who got a bit buffed with 31 or maybe it’s just his armor 🤔

Can we all just agree that Ben from Jurassic World/Park Franchise is the true descendant of our lovely, dorky, handsome Viking Chief who has a Goddess of a Wife and two beautiful children with her. Ben deserves the same love, Hiccstrid has. I hope he will someday find his true love and we will meet his girlfriend if it’s true that he has one.
To Paradise and back-chapter 3
Twins, a boy and a girl with long blonde hair, discussing something irrelevant, a short, stocky, black-haired man doing something on his cell phone, and a tall, chubby man who seemed extremely sweet and gentle were sitting at the table. “Hello, ladies,” Dagur greeted the two as they sat down at the table. “One more thing is missing and then we’ll be complete. In the meantime, these are Ruffnut and Tuffnut," he pointed to the twins who broke away from their conversation and greeted the two. “Snotlout and Fishlegs,” Eret added. The two men were also friendly towards them and the twins. “Who else is missing?” Heather asked. Snotlout briefly looked up from his cell phone. “My cousin, he forgot his notebook in the room.” Just then, a young man with emerald green eyes walked into the café, a notebook tucked under his arm. Astrid couldn't believe it when she recognized the young man from before. She blushed slightly and the young man smiled warmly when he recognized her. Heather elbowed her friend. “What else did you just say?”
To Paradise and back - chapter 4
"Astrid, Heather if I may introduce, this is Hayden Haddock, a colleague of mine in the engineering industry," Eret introduced the young man who had sat down at the table directly across from Astrid so they could look in each other’s eyes. "I'm very pleased," Hayden said with a shy smile, Astrid noticed that he couldn't take his eyes off her. A mischievous grin appeared on Snotlout's face when he noticed the two's looks. He put his cousin in a headlock and ruffled his hair and then gave him a strong slap on the back. “Or whatever my cousin likes to be called, Hiccup. His nickname since he was a little baby.” Hiccup grinned. “A great name, I know.” “Hey guys, how about we move all this getting-to-know-you fun outside, I'm dying of heat and would like to try out this infinity pool. “Who’s there?” Ruff asked the group. Everyone immediately agreed with her and immediately made their way to the large infinity pool, which looked like it flowed into the deep blue of the sea. Astrid watched as they sat at the edge of the pool with Heather and Ruffnut that Hiccup had made himself comfortable on a lounger with a book next to his cousin, while Eret, Dagur and Tuffnut were playing with the beach ball that Eret had brought with him. "Why don't you just go up to him and ask him if he wants to do something with you?" Heather asked, briefly breaking away from the conversation with Ruffnut. “Okay, if you leave the topic alone,” Astrid finally gave in.
To Paradise and back - chapter 5
Hiccup looked up as Astrid approached him, he smiled and admired the swing of her beautiful hips, perfectly accentuated by her blue bottoms. From the corner of his eye, Hiccup saw that his cousin had also briefly looked up from his endless Tinder search and observed Astrid's elegant walk. He grinned evilly and turned to Hiccup. "You like that one, cousin?" Hiccup's mouth twisted in embarrassment. “Maybe a little.” “Then go and ask her if she would like to go out with you,” suggested Snotlout. Embarrassment bubbled over Hiccup, he had desired this young woman from the first moment and would like to get to know her better. But it was worth a try, so he got up and went to meet her. “Hi, Astrid,” he greeted her shyly, he suddenly felt completely naked even though he was only exposed to his upper body. He watched as she tucked a long strand of blonde hair behind her ear, her eyes sparkling along with the sparkling ocean waters as she returned his hello. “I have a question for you,” she began. "Funny! I wanted to ask you something too.” They both smiled awkwardly at each other. “You say it first,” she demanded. “No, you ladies first,” he tried to convince her. Why was it suddenly so difficult, it was just a simple question. “No, please,” she said suddenly very shyly, which surprised him a bit because she had seemed very spirited and self-confident with her friends. So he gathered up all his courage and just spouted off with it. “I'm being honest, Astrid. I would like to go out with you…if you want of course.” Suddenly a smile appeared on her beautiful lips. “I'd love to. I wanted to ask you exactly the same thing.” His heart beat faster at that moment. He was excited and overwhelmed at the same time, it had been a very long time since he had felt the feeling of butterflies in his stomach. She suddenly nudged him in the arm with her elbow, although she seemed a little more relaxed again. "If you want to go on a date with me, do you want to go to the pool with me?" He smiled. "Very gladly. On the condition that I can invite you for a drink today.”
Astrid Headcanon:
Astrid might not be the best cook or singer but she’s definitely good at cutting hair, this why Hiccups beard looks so epic, because Astrid trims it, because she doesn’t want her husband to look like a opossum died on his face. Also Hiccup really enjoys it when his wife is doing this to him, it’s aside from cuddling, kissing and sex some of their bonding time activities. As a Warrior mum Astrid is also really good at treat wounds, she makes neat bandages and always cleans the wounds thoroughly. This knowledge she got from her mother.

Astrid Headcanon
The very first time Hiccstrid had sex with each other, Astrid was, even if she wouldn’t admit it very nervous and a bit unsure of herself, because she puts herself with her whole naked body in a vulnerable position. For her Sex has always to do with trust, admiration, respect and love, it was not easy for her to be completely exposed in front of her boyfriend, even if he says he finds her beautiful. She is not the person who easily trusts someone, so it’s for her a huge step that she takes her clothes off in front of her boyfriend, its also an advice how much she truly trusts and loves him. Her protective warrior side overcomes her for just a moment as she lies beneath Hiccup, but somehow she feels also safe, loved and comfortable. And as they kissed and made love for the first time, it hurts Astrid a little bit but after a pause they continue to make love to each other and all self doubts disappear from her mind as she really could feel the beauty and sensation of sex. After their first love making session they lay together under the stars on the lonely island and Astrid tells him how she felt earlier and to her surprise, Hiccup had felt the same way. Astrid is a fierce warrior queen but I think if it comes to her body and being intimate with someone, she’s very shy because of her many scars. But Hiccup adores all of them, as she adores all of him. And he uses every chance when they get intimate with each other, how much he loves all of her scars and her beautiful body. I also think they are very gentle with each other when they make love. Especially Hiccup always very gentle and tender with Astrid.
What do you think, there first time was?

I really like it and really enjoy the dialogue between Hiccup and Astrid. Your are a great Artist 💖🥰 Reminds me a bit of your fanfic idea where Hiccstrid gets Zephyr early in Rtte, which I am still curious about. Wish you luck and a lot of fun and inspiration with your Art and Stories❣️
What about Hiccstrid with their first child one year after their wedding or Hiccstrid being cuddly in their big bed while Astrid is pregnant with Zephyr🥰 or both you are the Artist, you decide.

Something like this?? Maybe 😭 idk I kinda mixed the two requests together so I hope you like it. Shoot me with a semi-automatic shotgun if you want something more specific tbh
Also, I have TONS of request drawings brewing!! 😈I’m trying to get a stock pile of em done so I can get one out a day. So stay with me my children.
Adrenaline Rush
Hiccstrid nsfw content.
Astrid enjoyed the feel of Hiccup's soft lips on her mouth, her neck, under her ear, while his still gloved hands slid over her shiny dragon armor, caressing her soft curves. “I think we should get rid of these clothes,” she smiled with a small undertone. “What a good idea, m’lady,” Hiccup agreed. He grabbed her by her backside and hoisted her onto his work table in the back of Gobbers forge. Astrid watched, legs already spread and eyes hungry with lust, as Hiccup took off his gloves, but before he could go to his belt, Astrid beat him to it. She could already feel the bulge that had formed in his pants as she unbuckled his belt. "It's a good thing we designed these two suits of armor together, otherwise it would take me forever to get what I want," Astrid whispered in his ear as her hand slipped under his waistband. She heard a soft moan from her boyfriend as she stroked his shaft, then slowly began to close it in her fist and go up and down. He held onto her waist, pressing his erection between her hips, kissing her neck as he did so. "May I return this kind gesture," Hiccup groaned as Astrid removed her hand from his cock. "Then, show me what you can do."
Astrid shuddered as Hiccup's beautifully shaped hands moved up her thigh, to the waistband of her pants that lay under her skirt. With just a few skillful moves, he unzipped her pants and pulled them down to her boots in one fell swoop. The warm summer air kissed her thighs, which Hiccup traced with his fingers, his green eyes dark with lust and desire as he slowly leaned down and kissed her inner thigh. "Have I told you how beautiful you are again today?" He grinned mischievously as Astrid let out a soft whimper as his warm lips caressed her clit. “A hundred times, babe, a hundred times.” After she said those words, she felt Hiccup's tongue wrap around the sensitive pearl of nerves. She moaned loudly, sinking her fingers into his brown hair, pushing against his tongue. "Be patient, m'lady, I want you to be ready for what's coming," she heard Hiccup whisper briefly before he turned back to her womanhood. It didn't take a minute until Astrid was wet in her most intimate area.
Proud of his work, he stood up and finally dropped his pants. Astrid bit to her lower lip. He spread her legs again and slid gently into her. A sigh of relief ripped through them both at the same time. Hiccup began moving his hips rhythmically, going in and out of her faster and faster, so that drops of sweat soon formed on her temple. He came harder and faster with every movement, just the way Astrid liked it. She held onto his shoulders for support as a firework of colors exploded within her. She was close and she could definitely feel that Hiccup was close too, from the way his hands were cupping her breasts under her breastplate, playing with her hard nipples. “Take me down, babe,” she moaned as she came and immediately felt him unloading inside her. He was finished too. He carefully pulled out of her, their eyes met at the same moment and, breathing heavily, he placed his hand on her thigh. “Are you satisfied now?” he asked. Astrid nodded, leaning her forehead against his. “Yes,” she replied. "But now I'm hungry." "If you want another round later, just come to me and I'll give you everything I have," he whispered in her ear. Astrid smiled to herself. She loved it when Hiccup was so dominant, mysterious but also loving and tender when it came to sex. As the saying goes, still waters run deep. "I'll keep your offer in mind, Chief."

Inspired by this art from @martabm90
LOL Rtte and it’s memes 😂 legendary! But where is Hiccups scrap metal…o right it’s on Astrid’s breasts to deliver. My favorite meme from all of httyd. I hope it’s in the next video.
so anyway enjoy this scrapped rtte meme video that i'll never get around to finishing ever

Let’s cry for a while 😢
Hiccup and Darius had both dads, who loved their boys to the end of the world. But both had to go, one sacrificed himself for his son, the other had no choice but to leave, otherwise he would never recover.

The httyd-live action
I know Dean DeBlois will do again a good job as Director, as he did with the original animated trilogy. But I think I will not watch it, maybe I could change my mind but I don’t think so. I just didn’t need it in the first place and I still don’t understand why it’s necessary. It feels for me personally as Universal just wants to milk out such a fantastic franchise, that didn’t need a Remake to begin with. I rather watch JW: Chaos Theory, Flow or the Wild Robot again. I don’t know something about the thought that httyd will get a remake doesn’t stick with me that much. Maybe because httyd has already really good animation, so good, it even looks in some scenes like live action.
I know some people like the idea of a series setting within in the second and third movie. I personally also don’t need that either. I kind of like the idea but I think it has to be written and directed by the two guys who produced Chaos Theory and Camp Cretaceous. We have to give them credit, they brought back the Jurassic Park feeling in Jurassic World something Colin Treverrow failed to do, even if it his trilogy is good. And really scored with it in Chaos Theory. I honestly would really enjoy a series that would fit more to the tone of chaos theory, I would even say it would be better than Rtte and Riders/Defenders together.
Little cuddly session with Hiccup & Astrid
Set between Rtte & httyd2.
The Northern Lights passed over the village of Berk like pastel-colored veils and reflected in the freshly fallen snow like thousands of gemstones. The annual Snoggeltog was celebrated magnificently in the large hall with beer and yakcotlette and gifts were already being distributed and unpacked. The entire village was guests, except for two who had already retired to personally present their own gifts.
Hiccup stroked the silky blonde hair of his fiancée Astrid, who had snuggled up with him in his soft bed, until he ran his fingertips over the golden comb with the shiny blue scales that fanned out into a small flower. He felt her smile against his bare chest as his fingers slid over her cheek to her bare, round breasts whose nipples nestled against his skin. Hiccup grinned mischievously when he heard Astrid gasp next to him as he brushed his fingers over a nipple. When he wanted to try it again, this time with the other nipple, she sat up and wrapped the blanket over her naked torso. “No more breasts for you, Haddock, if you’re so greedy,” she smirked. But Hiccup just looked at her dreamily, the love of his life, fiery, strong in all her beauty in the same bed with him. He gently stroked her back, which had a large tattoo of her Nadder Stormfly, and directly above it was the tattoo with his name. He heard her exhale in a relaxed manner and watched as she flashed at him over her shoulder with her blue eyes that could awaken even the northern lights with their fiery glow that sometimes reminded him of blue fire. "Someone can't get enough of me." Hiccup smiled and sat up so he could wrap his arms around her, Astrid immediately pushed herself closer to him again. “I can never get enough of you, M’Lady,” he whispered to her as he kissed the top of her head, where the comb had already slipped a little. “You know, Hiccup, this is the best Snoggeltog I've ever had. You and me together," she took his hand in hers and laced their fingers together, "no battles to fight or the twins or Snotlout to stop them from blowing themselves up." Hiccup had to laugh a little at that remark, he knew that Astrid also had a sensitive, vulnerable side that she didn't want to reveal to everyone except those to whom she gave her heart, like him. Especially in the moments when the two of them were intimate with each other, it was particularly important to him that she felt particularly comfortable and loved. She had done so much for him in all the years they had worked together not only as lovers but also as best friends and equal leaders. He never knew how to thank her for having such an extraordinary woman in his life. Yes, a life without his Astrid would be a death sentence for him. That's why he always wanted to make the moments when the two of them had time alone as nice as possible because he knew how much that was important to her. He kissed her cheek teasingly and she giggled softly. “I know, my darling, I’m also glad that I finally have you with me again.” He gently hugged her closer to him. “I just wish we had more time for each other again.” “Me too,” she admitted. “I missed you.” Lost in thought, she braided two braids into his shaggy hair. Suddenly her eyes brightened and he looked at her questioningly. “Maybe we can find time. We could just try to make time for each other every other evening to start with." "I think that's a good idea, but you have to promise me that if things get a little hotter one evening again ", he pointed to their two naked bodies that were hidden under the blanket, "that you are a little quieter, we don't want to let the whole village or our parents know that you are no longer a virgin." She grinned cheekily and leaned her forehead against his. “Of course not, that’s our little secret.”

Inspired by this beautiful piece of art. ☺️