atelierforyou - Atelier For You
Atelier For You

this is just a collection of things I like...that's it...

154 posts

Mustve Been The Wind

Must’ve been the wind


These three boys were trapped in a cabin due to the violent snowstorm that had just blown through moments ago. Now looking like a colossal pile of snow, it would have been hard to realize that underneath all of the cold and white mass was actually a quaint and cozy cabin. 

“NNH,” One of the boys slammed his shoulder into the door, trying desperately to get it to budge so they could make it outside. As many times as he pushed into the door, he found himself being pushed away from the door, feet sliding along the hardwood at the entrance of the house. “There’s no way this thing is going to open, man! We’re fucked! Absolutely, positively fucked!” he protested with a firm swat at the door with his fist.

A second boy chimed in, “Chill out, Jack. Look, yes we’re trapped but it’s not like we’re going to be dying any time soon. There’s still food, it’s still warm and even if it starts to get colder, we have tons of blankets and pillows, even all of our extra clothing we can put wear,” Standing further away from the door, this second boy watched Jack’s attempts to open it while knowing with certainty that he wasn’t going to be able to open it even a crack. With how much snow apparently piled up against that thing, they had to be monsters to swing it open.

From across the room, another voice arose. “Are we really going to die, Thomas? I don’t want to die while stranded in here! I want to go home!” The third boy’s voice was noticeably more shaky, clearly scared of the situation the three found themselves in.

Staring down the door in defeat, the first boy was out of breath, hand trembling “Yeah, ain’t nobody here going to come help us at this point. We gotta figure this out on our own…” He muttered this without turning, punching the door had hurt more than he thought, and he surely didn’t want anyone to catch that actually it hurt.

“Can you be quiet and listen to me? Will you, Jack? There’s no need to scare Alex more about the situation,” Thomas turned towards Alex, who was slinking in the corner of the room. “We’ll be fine, Alex. People will come get us for sure.”

Jack tutted, “Yeah, right…” Causing a fearful look from Alex, and an annoyed look from Thomas.

“Forget this, I’m going to the other room.” Thomas turned with a huff and started off to the back of the house, winding through the hallway and into the bedroom. Plopping himself down on their soft bed, he laid back and stared at the wall. 

How did this snowstorm happen so fast?


The three of them met at a summer camp not too long ago, and after getting to know each other more, they decided to take another trip out to the snow. Thomas and Jack were always hanging with each other and going on adventures. They both met Alex who was much more meek and afraid, but enjoyed the company of the two and tried his best to keep up. They quickly became a trio. A family member of Alex offered the cabin outing, and they couldn’t say no to an entire cabin, even if it was way out in the middle of nowhere. While the long drive there had some snow that was more slush than snow, they were expecting it to resume snowing throughout the night. It was forecasted to be a light snow, and they were excited to frolic around after they woke up to a winter wonderland.

Little did they know, the snow began to pick up earlier than expected. By the time they got to the house, there was already a fairly strong downpour of snowflakes. After parking their car in the side lot of the cabin, they made their way into the cobblestone entrance and began to bring all their luggage in. The three boys gaped at the luxurious wooden interior, with all the typical amenities that they expected to be in a top notch cabin. The entire back of the front door was covered in a huge mirror, they noticed. Jack would make faces at himself in it between luggage trips.

As soon as their luggage was all in, the three of them kicked off their boots. Jack and Alex got comfy on the huge couches, and Thomas decided to peruse the place. Turning into the hall, he felt the floor’s fluffy carpet along his feet. He saw that the hall split off in two directions, bathroom on the right, and bedroom on the left. Thomas gently swung open the bathroom door and saw that it was, well, a bathroom. Pretty small, all things considered. Door opened up to a square room with a toilet on the opposite side of the door, shower on the right, and sink to the left. 

‘Functional’ Thomas thought to himself.

A big mirror was once again found on the back of the door, and Thomas didn’t particularly enjoy that he would be staring at his reflection if he were to take a dump in there; the toilet was directly facing the door. Leaving the bathroom behind after one last eyeball, he turned to inspect the bedroom. It seemed that it was a master bedroom, as he could tell it was quite spacious even before entering. As soon as he crossed the threshold, Thomas heard a humming noise. 

‘Where’s that coming from?’ He thought to himself as he brought his hand to his ear and glanced around. Thomas put his ear to the hallway wall, and he could hear it. He put his ear to the floor, and he could hear it. Strangely, it seemed that the mystery noise had no origin that he could find. It was almost like i-

In an instant, they all felt a wave of sleepiness hit them as if a switch was flipped,  and they all opted to take a quick nap. Thomas stumbled to the bed where drifted to sleep, while Alex and Jack had still been on the couch. 

They didn’t wake up until Alex’s scream blew through the whole house. Jolted awake, Thomas quickly got up and ran down the hall to the main room where he met the other two boys. Had he fallen asleep? This was no time to be thinking of things, as he turned out of the hall and met with his friends. They were looking at the front window, but something was wrong. The entire window was white! Turning around to the window behind him in the kitchen, Thomas noticed that its fate was in a similar state.

In the time that they all fell asleep, they somehow were completely snowed in. It looked as if someone covered the outside of their windows with white paint, there was not even a hint of the scenery that was typically seen from the windows.

“What the fuck?!”

“Guys what do we do? I’m scared!”

“Just how long were we asleep for?”

Jack tore his eyes away from the kitchen and searched for a clock. No clocks on the walls that they could find. The clock on the microwave screen was blank. The oven? Blank.

Thomas furiously patted down his pockets in search of his phone, but no dice.

“Dudes, I think the power is out!” Jack immediately looked toward Thomas, who met his eyes in the same shocked expression.

Alex began to sniffle, and then burst into tears. He was clearly overwhelmed by the sudden dilemma they found themselves in.

“Hey, come on, it’s ok Alex!” Thomas, ever the guardian, comforted Alex while Jack ran around the house looking for anything that could help them out in this predicament. He found more windows similarly blinded by snow. After what felt like an eternity of running around the house looking for anything helpful, Jack noticed a door on the ceiling above the hallway.


Jack hopped up to grab the string and attempted to pull it down…with no success. His fingers had scraped against the scratchy string and left a stinging sensation. With a sneer, he shook out his hand and readied himself again to pull it down, this time with all his strength. Once again, nothing budged. Jack huffed in frustration at the fact that he couldn’t pull it open. He began to hear that same humming in his ears.

At the same time, Thomas rounded the corner, spotting Jack.

“Hey, did you find anything, man?” Shortly after asking, Thomas noticed that Jack had indeed found something of interest. “Alright! We got something! Do you need any help opening it?” Thomas walked closer, offering his hand to help Jack out before being shrugged off by him.

“More like I got something. You were busy babysitting over there or something.” Jack barked at Thomas. “Besides, I can open it myself.”

“What? Now isn’t the time for your little tantrums, man. What even is your deal with Alex? He just gets a little scared sometimes,” Thomas was clearly losing his patience with Jack already, this wasn’t uncommon to say the least, but he certainly hoped Jack would have been more mature in a situation like this.

Both Thomas and Jack have pretty similar builds. Thomas being 5’8 while Jack was a smidge taller at 5’10. Both were skinny, but Thomas had some more meat on his bones due to helping his dad with moving some client’s desks around at his office. Jack on the other hand, was skinnier yet much more scrappy. He always had a bit of a short temper, but he’d been working on it as best as he could. Thomas knew, though, that his temper always shined through when he was stressed out, like their current situation. Thomas had medium length brown hair that was always in a middle part, a lot of girls at his school seemed to enjoy it fluttering in the wind during gym classes. Jack’s hair is of a similar length, but black in color and brushed back on his head. His didn’t flow nearly as luxuriously as Thomas’ though. Jack’s hair often flew right into his eyes, causing him to form a habit of wiping his forehead upwards to get the hair out of his face.

The two glared at each other for a moment before Jack broke away and tried one more time at the string. Third time, third fail, and Jack fell to the ground with an “oof”.

Thomas grabbed his arm and helped him up and then helped him open the door, with Jack’s reluctant compliance. With a pop and both the boys stumbling back a bit, the door was opened! It appeared to be a cozy, albeit dusty, little attic loaded with equipment of some kind.

“Look, Jack. Just let me help you out sometimes, alright? It doesn’t hurt to ask for help when you need it,” Thomas was used to this, Jack always wanted to do things on his own terms.

“Whatever, man. I could’ve done it myself, just go back to Alex.” Jack didn’t make eye contact, just brushed Thomas off and inspected what was inside the attic. It seemed that it was a lot of household supplies and things like extra blankets and bedding.

Walking back over to Alex, Thomas noticed that he had shifted positions to be in the corner of the room huddled together.

“You alright?” Thomas was quick to ask how he was doing. 

“Yeah…” He replied meekly. “Sorry for not being much help,” Alex was always like this since the other two have known him. With his much shorter stature of 5’4 and his short brown hair, he definitely fit the bill of a shy and quiet kid. After meeting Jack and Thomas, he realized that he wanted to change himself for the better, and it was obvious to the two bigger guys that Alex looked up to them.


It stings.

Jack’s hand was trembling from punching the door, his shoulder still aching from his tackles. Why couldn’t he just open it? Why did he have to be-

He didn’t want to say it, but it was true. Jack looked at his reflection. His red knuckles on his shaking hand. He glared into his reflection’s eyes. Why did he have to be so weak?

Instantly, the humming returned within his ears. It began soft, before growing louder and louder until his head throbbed. ‘Why? Why am I so damn weak?’ He felt his entire body heat up, before he stepped forward and punched the mirror in front of him.


The sound of glass crackling startled Alex, and he looked over at Jack from his position on the other side of the room. He saw Jack hunched over against the front door and it looked like he was shaking.

“Jack? Are you alright?” Alex walked up to him, and rested his hand on Jack’s back. It was hot, really hot. And his whole body was shaking as well. Before Alex could let out a peep, he felt something shift in Jack. Pulling his hand away he stared at Jack as he remained in his hunched position. After a moment of silence and suspense that felt like it lasted forever, Jack keeled onto the floor with a yell as what looked like a wave passed over his back.

“Jack! What’s going on?” Despite wanting to help, Alex didn’t even realize that he had taken a step back. Jack was on the floor moaning, his back arched towards the ceiling. It looked like something was inside of him that was trying desperately to get out. Pulse after pulse, his back kept pushing outwards, the creases of his shirt soon were a thing of the past. Jack was growing bigger.

Jack’s back jolted harder, a huge burst of mass expanding out of his. He continued to moan, and Alex couldn’t tell if it was in agony or in bliss. Jack’s shirt was looking pretty tight already, and out of nowhere two masses lunged to the sides of his body, ripping the long sleeve right down the middle. With Jack’s back now exposed to the air of the cabin, Alex got a solid look at what was happening. He was growing muscles! The masses that flew to the sides continued their journey, pushing his shoulders out with them until they looked like airplane wings. The smooth back Jack once had inflated and grew mountain like ridges as it grew as hard as stone.

Jack’s mind was blank, all he could pay attention to was the seething heat of his body and the floor in front of him. He subconsciously noticed that his arms were being pulled further away from him as his back was widening, but couldn’t pay any mind to it. All of a sudden, he felt his hand spasm. He turned his eyes to his right hand as he saw his lean fingers puff up and widen with mass and size. His palm blew up with a crunch, and it inflated to match the size of his new grabbers. He noticed that the skin itself looked different as well, much more weathered and beat up, veins growing visible on the back of his hand. He felt a similar sensation in his other hand, but was too busy looking at the progress his right side was already making,

Jack’s wrist snapped and widened, his arm shooting out in length and pushing him away before beginning to fill with muscle of its own like water being poured into a balloon. Instantly his sleeves began to rip and tear from the strain. His twigs for arms blew up until Jack couldn’t even tell if they were humanly possible to be that big, his now beefy forearms looked about as wide as his thighs with corded muscle and veins painted a landscape on the canvas that was his body. His arms jiggled into view until he flexed them and they solidified into huge instruments of destruction, the watermelons attached to his now anchor arms accentuated only by a few veins the size of steel cables. His arms weren’t being filled with water, these babies were cement! His shoulder blew up into a pumpkin sized mass, and even just flexing his arm he could tell that these things were rock hard. 

Jack swiveled his eyes to the other side and saw that the process had steadily progressed on his other half as well, pumpkin sized delts, arms the size of his head, and triceps that provided the grip strength to crush a brick, all capped by the biggest mitt of a hand he had ever laid eyes on. The heat in his body seemed to be more bearable now, as if the energy was dispersing through his body as he changed.

As his arms finished up their growth, one last snap of his back widened him even further until the simple task of walking through doors would prove to be a challenge, and putting his shirt out of commission for good. Jack didn’t even realize, but his feet had begun their growth, his shoes already screaming for mercy. From his average size 8, his feet snapped out of their confines and stretched out to a mighty and meaty size 12, shoe canvas fluttering about. As if his new dogs could breathe, as soon as they touched the outside air his legs shot out in length before mass trickled onto them. To support a body as big as his he would need pistons for legs, and it appeared he was going to get exactly that.

Jack looked up at his own reflection, glaring at himself again. He hated it. He couldn’t stand to look at himself when he was that weak. Jack pushed himself off of the floor, slowly rising to his new height of 6’3. His legs continued to spread out as he rose, thighs and calves blowing up like bread in the oven, his ass evolving from being flat as plank to something more akin to a couch pillows. His pants never stood a chance, and as soon as Jack stood straight, his waist widened with a snap. 

Peering into his own eyes, he braced himself against the mirror. He wanted to change from this weakling. He needed to become stronger. The only way he can better himself here and now is to become stronger!

“UNH!” With a boom not unsimilar to a crack of lightning, Jack’s chest exploded outwards into a much more barrel-like shape, shoving his body into the mirror.  His breaths were raggedy, the hot air fogging the mirror in front of him as he could feel his pecs begin to grow. From nothing came something, and then those somethings blossomed into huge iron plates flowing out of his chest. His now incredible chest showed no signs of stopping, pecs growing bigger and bigger with each fervent desire of their owner to become stronger. A six pack crunched itself into existence along his stomach, pushing out towards the mirror with their mass. Jack could no longer see himself in the mirror with how fogged up it was.

“Jack! What the hell is happening to you?!” In the back of Jack’s mind, he heard Alex’s cry. Who he was, on the other hand, was beginning to blur in and out of his head. Jack began to turn around, showing off his incredible body to the tiny individual in front of him. He looked dully into Alex’s eyes, not processing what was happening at all. It was strange seeing Jack’s young head on top of such a mountain of virility, but that was about to change.

“Hrck!” Jack stumbled back, his large body slamming against the door with a heavy and deep  thud that shook the house. He felt his throat begin to constrict before it thickened like a wrestler’s, his head now even smaller looking atop this body. He brought his beefy hands up to his face, almost palming his entire head.

“T…Thomas? Thomas!” Alex could hardly snap out of his daze to call out for his friend, and he certainly couldn’t pull his eyes away from what was occurring in front of him. Jack let out another moan as he felt his entire head expand, immediately changing his look to a more mature one. A large and straight nose overtook his button; big square jaw looking just like a superhero’s would. His eyes opened, changing to a deep green. As if it were a catalyst, a multitude of changes happened all over. Worry lines forming along his face, placing his age closer to late 30’s early 40’s, 5 o’clock shadow smearing itself onto his chin and similar hair growing on the rest of his body to accentuate the newfound curves and bumps. Even his hair grew more wavy as it lightened from black to a dark brown.

A few curls fell over his face, and the new man slowly brushed it upwards out of the way before letting out a grunt. That small moment of noise was enough to tell Alex how much his voice had changed. It was almost like he could feel the rumble in his own chest with how deep it was. Now in front of Alex stood what looked like SuperDad, towering over him with all of his mass, and the only noise in the room being the deep breaths necessary to maintain his large figure. Despite the situation and how scared shitless he was, he could at the very least respect how good looking this guy was.

“Did you find a way to get out? What’s going on, Alex-” Thomas turned out of the hall to see a huge mountain of a man in his underwear standing inside of their cabin. He and Alex saw movement, and shifted their eyes lower to the python that was slowly growing within the confines of said underwear. It was slow, but it was indeed growing. Pushing the briefs to their limits ever so slowly as the room was silent apart from Jack's breaths and the groaning of the underwear. Even covered up, they could tell that it was huge, the weight of the bulge pushing further downwards the longer the two stared at it.

They were speechless. The three of them staring down at the appendage hiding away behind this thin bit of fabric. The situation and silence of it all was almost comical, almost.

Alex eventually turned to look at Thomas in search of words to speak. Thomas shifted his eyes to acknowledge Alex, before scanning the room and then returning his sight to the man. Where was Jack? The man was now investigating his body; staring at his hands, groping at his pecs and rubbing his stomach. He drifted over his package before he stopped and looked up to greet Thomas’ eyes. Something about his expression changed. It already looked stern given his deep brows, but even Thomas could see the miniscule lowering of them and his lips. This guy was not happy with him. 

Sensing something was about to go down, Thomas lunged forward and reached for Alex. At the same moment, the colossus began to move. By the time Thomas grabbed Alex’s arm and they were both turning towards the hallway, they realized just how big of a stride this man had. He had just covered so much distance in one step!

With their heart in their throats, they slammed their feet into the ground and forced themselves to sprint towards the bathroom. Sure, Thomas reasoned that this monster could tear a door off of its hinges if he so pleased, but within the confines of the cabin a door that was close was all that they could afford, so bathroom it was. 

The thudding footfalls of the man were right behind them as they swiped around the corner and nearly fell over each other to get into the tiny bathroom.

“CLOSE IT, CLOSE IT,” Alex shrieked at Thomas who was flipping around to grab the door. Thomas threw the door closed, and in the brief moment that it was closing, he looked upwards to see the man’s mass blocking out all sight of the hallway behind him. Thomas met his angry eye right before the door shut and he locked it.

Thomas braced the door with all his might. 

“Oh god, oh god, oh GOD,” Alex was pushing himself into the corner.

“Alex! Where’s Jack,” Even now, Thomas was trying to get a grip of the situation before him, as unbelievable as it was. 

“That IS Jack!”

“WHAT?” Thomas couldn’t even process whatever that meant. That was Jack? What do you mean that’s Jack?? Jack’s a twig, not some angry bulging behemoth-

“Hey!” The voice outside of the door was deep. Incredibly so. That singular word boomed so loud that the two of them froze in place. There was a real man behind this door? People’s voices can get this deep??

An equally loud thud shook the door and pulled the two of them out of their reverie.

“Alex! Help me out here!” Thomas continued to push as hard as he could, his hands white from the force he was pushing into them to keep the door shut.

Alex was frozen with fear in the corner.

“Come on, Alex! Help me out!” Thomas didn’t turn around, he didn’t want to put any focus off of the door in front of him, as it was the only thing protecting the two of them.

More bangs shot through their ears, and the vibrations they gave the door were numbing Thomas’ hands. He couldn’t bear this. He shut his eyes and pushed. Just push just push just keep pushing.

Apparently, this was nowhere near as strong as the Was-Jack could go, as his next hit was so strong and loud that it felt as if the door itself buckled and warped.

Feeling that was all that Thomas needed to know for sure that there was nothing he could do to stop his advance. He was simply too strong. Is this guy for real Jack? How could this be Jack? What on earth did Alex mean by saying that this is Jack? He certainly didn’t see Jack anywhere else when he checked on them, but for him to turn…to transform into someone else?

It didn’t matter if it made no sense, the only positives at this moment was that this thing could get into the bathroom, and there was nothing that they could do to stop it. 

“Jack!” It was desperate. It was so desperate but it was all Thomas could think to do. On the off chance that somehow a christmas miracle happened in this literal cabin in the woods and Jack turned into that man, he had to try.

“Jack, please! Please, please, please, please stop, ok? Alex is terrified, I’m terrified, ok? Just- let’s just stop with the slamming on the door and you go back to normal and we go back to how things were, yeah?” Thomas was sweating bullets, the banging and bashing not relenting.

The hum returned. Thomas tried to close his eyes, but the humming grew louder. He looked up at his reflection, the banging on the door and the humming in his ears becoming too much to handle. Thomas began to hyperventilate, unsure of what was going to become of both him and Alex.

“Jack! Whoever you are,” Thomas took one more glimpse at Alex who was still huddled in the corner. “...whoever you are. Goddammit! Just listen to me, please! Just listen to me for once!”

At that moment, Thomas froze up. It felt like he just had a mini heart attack for just an instance before everything went back to normal. He almost forgot about the bashing of the door and the danger of the situation.

Before he could fully grapple his thoughts again, he felt his right shoulder launch outwards towards the wall. Thomas had no idea what just happened, but Alex had seen this once already.

“No, no, NO! Please, Thomas, not you!” Alex pleaded, his voice was shaky. But Thomas didn’t know what he was talking about. Not him? What did he mean?

He felt pressure in his left leg and looked down at it. In an instant, he witnessed his foot stretching his shoe, and watched as it shredded through the front, growing larger and wider until it broke through all sides of the shoe. He couldn’t even process his new meaty feet before his leg cramped and shot out in length. He was thrown off balance, having to lean on the bathroom sink to his right to hold himself up. He changed his position to mak sure he was still bracing the door while he inspected his leg. It was throbbing, and it was hot. He saw his thigh bubbling up like water in a cauldron, but this wasn’t water. It was…muscle? Fat? He didn’t know what it was, but his leg was becoming huge! His calf grew big and heavy, but thighs bulging and heaving outwards even moreso. With a struggle and a pop, his pant leg burst off all at once. His left hand cramped and he couldn’t even look at it before hit arm shot out just like his right arm did. What was happening to him?

Thomas switched hand positions on the door, and that was when he noticed his hand looked puffy. It was only like that for a second before the palm expanded in all directions, stretching out across the door and taking his average fingers and morphing them into huge sausages. His knuckles popped, each as big as quarters, creases and crags appeared all over his hand, veins crawling out from nowhere. He felt another bang against the door, and put his left hand up against it to brace again, and he noticed that his left was in a similar state. He has gorilla hands! And on top of looking like some worn and torn man hands, they were growing hair. Thick and wiry brown hands were cropping up on the backs of his fingers all the way up to the wrist.

Thomas had no idea what was happening to his body, but if this was happening to him, maybe that really was Jack out there. He heard whimpering from Alex behind him. Wait, he can still think straight! Jack out there clearly has something going on up in the brain, but he can still differentiate things, he still knows what’s what.

“It’s ok, Alex! I’m not slipping! I don’t know what the he- what the heck is going on with me right now, but it’s still me!” Thomas didn’t turn around as he said this, he was too busy watching his arms inflate and bulk up, his sleeves quickly filling and groaning from the size.

Alex didn’t seem to be buying it, as he kept whimpering.

“It’s alright, Alex. I’ll…I’ll protect you, ok?” Thomas hoped he was speaking some truth. He seemed to be gaining some size, but was it enough to protect Alex? Enough to get through to Jack behind this door?

As if to respond to Thomas, his shoulders snapped outwards again, making him wider than the door, then immediately his torso lengthened along with his right leg. He was slowly becoming balanced again, he could feel mass pouring into not only his right leg, but his left leg still as well. Every so often he would feel them mash against each other, and he would have to stand a little further apart. 

He was getting pretty tall by now, he noticed. Thomas’ eyeline continued to rise ever so slowly up the door as the process continued. Was he as tall as Jack? He didn’t remember how he looked, he couldn’t really tell. His shoulders widened once more, this time taking his neck with it. Beefy lats flew out to his sides, huge traps rising to wrap around his now beefier neck. His shirt ripping to shreds over all of the size he was putting on here, and baring his skin to the cool air of the bathroom. His back was now a bloated mass of muscle, it was absurdly huge. To match this, his arms grew to become absurdly big as well. 

With a snap, his wrists grew in width, and then the muscle wrapped itself around it this way and that. Huge cannonballs replacing his biceps and triceps, a Christmas ham replacing his forearms. His arms were unbelievable. Even from the short amount of time he saw Jack, he could tell that his own arms were bigger, albeit less defined. The hair from his hands spread upwards like a fuse, covering his forearms and shoulders, then fluffing out under his arms. He felt tickles on his back  and could tell that his back was growing hairy as well.

Out of curiosity, Thomas peeked at his legs. They had become like redwood trunks, muscle and fat coming together to create huge monsters that he was afraid to call legs. He saw hair grow on his feet before it too spread upwards, leaving no space behind as his legs covered themselves in hair. Once again, he could feel the hair growing on his ass before he felt each cheek explode with mass. First the left, then the right, his ass becoming something of legends. It didn’t plan on stopping there, though. Thomas’ hips widened with a snap, and his ass then grew from legendary to impossible, the cheeks jiggling with growth as Thomas yet again spread his legs apart to accommodate. By now, his pants were long forgotten, the underwear hanging on for dear life.

“D-don’t worry, Alex! It’s still me in here! I just look a little different, is all,” Thomas was now taking up most of the space in the bathroom, Alex trying to escape so much he may as well have pushed himself through the wall, but Thomas could feel something else happening, something deep in his gut. 

“Ooohh,” Thomas’ knees suddenly buckled as he felt pleasure flood his nether regions. He looked down once more at the flat front of his crotch, but it wasn’t so flat anymore. His cock was growing not only longer, but thicker as well. It was making him unbelievably horny. Thomas was trying to push against the door while also holding himself up from the sheer pleasure he was feeling. He was rock hard, his beer can thick cock pushing outward against the fabric, making the waistband stretch out along with it. It stretched to 7 inches, then 8, then 9, and came to a crawl at a devastating 10 inches, the fabric having run so tight over the mass it was almost see through. 

Just when Thomas thought it was over, he felt another gut punch, and he knew his balls were growing. They inflated quickly within their confines, growing to match the size of large eggs, and creating enough testosterone to fuel two college football teams. He couldn’t take the pressure anymore. Thomas let out a lewd moan, his voice cracking and lowering into a baritone. His cock stretched to 11 inches.

Another throb of his balls and Thomas kicked out his monster ass as his knees buckled once more. He just barely caught himself from falling as his cock stretched out one last time to a jaw dropping 13 inches, finally snapping his underwear. 

“Uuunng-hhhhh,” Thomas couldn’t stop moaning and grunting, his voice catching in his thick throat and lowering over and over. His cock trembled in the air, still rock hard as his voluptuous balls swung and swayed in the air. 

“I’m…o-oughh,” Once more Thomas’ voice dropped. Deeper than Jack’s. Deeper than a well, or a ravine, or the mariana trench. His voice was now so deep and gritty that it would be impossible to whisper in any capacity, only capable of letting out a rumble that would frighten a lion.

“I’m sorry you had to see that,” Thomas could feel another rumbling somewhere in his gut. “I’m sorry you…have to see Daddy like this,” Thomas didn’t understand the words that came out of his mouth. He couldn’t believe any of this! But he was so, so horny, and couldn’t think straight.

Who was Daddy? Was it him? He certainly looked big enough to be one. Big and strong. Really big and strong.

He chuckled to himself, the rumble reverberating throughout the increasingly tighter bathroom. Then he felt the rumbling again. Thomas looked at his stomach, and saw it push outwards with a groan. It was nothing big, hardly even noticeably, but it was something. Before Thomas could react, his chest heaved forward. Thomas’ ribcage similarly pushed itself against the door with thud. He shifted himself backwards to give his body space, cock still smattering all over the door. 

He felt a push, and saw that his nipple looked bigger than he thought they had been. Another push and they for sure just grew. A mighty push stretched his nipples to the size of gumdrops, and drew out a groan from Thomas. With no time to think, his pecs began to plump up. 

Jack’s body grew with hard, corded muscle. Thomas’ body was growing with both muscle and fat purely for the sake of size. His pecs were no different. Capped by his now large nipples, his pecs fanned out in all directions, and in all directions big. Already big enough to put any bodybuilder or powerlifter to shame, with a grunt they heaved outwards another two inches. It wasn’t enough. Thomas pushed his chest out and with another grunt, his titties stretched and jiggled out even further until it looked as if they were each defying gravity.

Thomas got distracted by their enormity, and cupped his giant mitts to his giant pecs. Even with his new hand size, there was still ample man titty overflowing. Thomas brushed over his nipples with his fingers, and immediately let out a mighty groan. They were very sensitive, it seemed. With every squeeze of his chest, hair began to sprout atop it until hit chest was covered in wiry brown fur.

The rumble returned, but Thomas was too enraptured by his chest to notice. His stomach began to grumble, huge abs forming on top of his slightly bloated stomach, then his stomach swelled outwards into a belly.

“Mmmhhh,” Thomas was completely in his own world at this point, taking in his new body.

“Thomas! Thomas! The door!” Alex tried to warn Thomas to keep the door shut again, but it was too late. 

Jack began to open the door from the other side. With another grumble and groan, Thomas grimaced for a moment, before his belly swelled at once into a fully sized muscle gut, pushing the door shut again. Thomas patted his gut with a grin on his face.

Alex couldn’t believe his eyes. Thomas was huge. He was bigger than huge! How much does he even weigh now? Maybe he was safe with Thomas, even now!

Jack, on the other hand, was not having it. “Thomas, you better get out of that damn bathroom so I can give you a piece of my mind,” In the heat of recent events, Alex had forgotten just how deep Jack’s voice was. “I’m sick and tired of waiting around here! I’ve been trying to find us a way to get out of here and I get NO respect for anything that I have done today!”

Thomas’ grin dropped. Alex could see his expression through the mirror, and he didn’t want to think about what was going to happen next.

“Now you better get your fatass out here,” Jack continued berating Thomas, but Thomas was not having it. It looked like his frown drooped more, his brows getting more angry. But in reality, his head was expanding. To fit his huge body, Thomas’ face expanded in all directions, his jaw becoming almost brutish, his nose growing huge and cragged, chin expanding into a ball. It was bizarre how smooth his face transitioned as compared to the abruptness of his body’s transformation. His hairline shifted further back, creases and crags appeared on his face as he aged considerably. Thomas’ green eyes were now shaded under the canopy that was his brow, and despite how brutal his features were, the somehow retained a paternal feel to them. 

He scrunched his nose, and with a poof a big bushy mustache exploded out from underneath it, he groaned as he scratched at his jaw, bristled growing out into a beard that somehow made his jaw look even bigger than it already was. It was almost majestic, his new beard.

Thomas closed his eyes and stroked his beard, taking a deep breath.

“And quit babying that damn kid! He’s a grown up, for god’s sake!” Jack continued his tirade, and Thomas wasn’t having it. Alex knew Jack was talking about him, and felt embarrassed. He wondered if it was him that did this to his friends.

“Now you listen here, son,” Thomas’ voice was deeper than Jacks, and he was talking different too. Thomas reached a beefy paw to the door knob and backed his massive form up, bumping into Alex. “Scuse me, bud.” he looked at Alex for a moment before returning his attention to the door. Alex wanted to protest, but that tiny interaction left him speechless.

The door swung open and Alex’s heart stopped in anticipation.

Thomas was bigger than Jack. He had at least two inches on Jack. He was wider, he was bigger, he was more muscular. Alex couldn’t believe it. He also couldn’t believe that Jack didn’t even glance down once, as Thomas’ tool was still waving around like mad down there. 

“I don’t know what you’re babbling on about, but you better cut all that shit, y’hear me?” Thomas was so assertive against Jack, and though he knew that Thomas was on his side, he wasn’t sure anymore if it was really him in there. “What’rya trying to achieve here, huh? Trying to prove that you’re the big dog around here won’t get you anywhere so long as I’m here, I hope you know. And besides, can you quit it with all the yelling? You’re scaring the boy here, son!” Thomas  waved his mitt toward Alex, and Jack looked him dead in the eye. Alex felt like he was going to pass out.

 Jack began to fight back, jabbing his fingers into Thomas’ pec only for them to bounce off completely. “Alright, alright! I fuckin-” 

“Language, son,” Thomas interrupted him, and Jack grew angrier but stayed quiet. “Look, you’ve helped plenty already, but what do you mean you were trying to find a way out of here? You forget there was a front door, son?” He ended his statement with a deep chuckle.

“We’re snowed in you geezer, don’t you remember that much?” Jack was already becoming fed up with Thomas

It was bizarre for Alex to listen to them bicker. It was as if even with these new personas, they have known each other for a lifetime.

“You think about using those big muscles of yours for something other than flexing? Can you not just push the door open? It’s gonna be embarrassin’ for you if I take a shot at it and open it like nothing, I’ll tell you that much,” Thomas let out a hearty guffaw

“Yeah, yeah…look, if you’re that confident in yourself just be my guest, alright? Give it a shot, why don’tcha,”

These two, even now, have known each other forever. And even with these new personas, Alex was still being coddled, being babied like always. Everything changed, but had anything here really changed for Alex?

The two large men started walking towards the front door, though it looked more like waddles for them considering how thick their thighs were. They continued to bicker with one another on the trip towards that door. That front door with seemingly an impossible amount of snow behind it.

Jack now had an impossible amount of strength in him. Not only that, Thomas looked even stronger. Alex dreaded that if they opened that front door right there, then this hellish dream would be over. If they opened that door, then that would be the end of everything. No more being trapped in the cabin. No more Thomas and Jack. No more chances for Alex to catch up to his friends.

A hum began to ring out.

“It’s always like this!” Alex shouted out from behind. Thomas and Jack stopped in their places and turned to look back at him. 

“Y’alright, son?” Thomas inquired after a palpable moment of silence. 

“No. No, no, no! Nothing here is alright! The both of you just changed right before my very eyes and you ask me if everything is alright?” Alex was furious. His face was red, blood boiling. Thomas and Jack were both surprised that Alex was lashing out like that, it was so uncharacteristic of him to be so vocal. But something about it didn’t feel correct either. They knew who Alex was, but he seemed different in some unidentifiable way. “Ever since I have known the two of you, I have always been the one behind, always the one following in the shadow of your footsteps,” The humming grew louder within Alex’s ears, his head throbbing with anger. “You wanted to be stronger, Jack? I can hardly stand up for my goddamn self in any remotely stressful situation! You wanted Jack to listen to you, Thomas? I just hope that anybody would actually listen to me! All I ever am is a dead weight, dragging the two of you down. All I ever am is below you two, and for once in my life I want to stand beside the two of you as equals! Is that so much for me to ask of this world?” The humming reached an apex as Alex’s body heated up all at once.

Buckling under the crescendo of heat within, Alex stumbled and fell against the wall. Already his body was beginning to change, his clothes were beginning to rub all over. While Thomas and Jack had quite erratic changes, Alex’s was smooth in every way. Like some kind of weird CGI effect, Thomas and Jack watched in awe as The boy sprouted further in the air. Not only reaching towards the sky, but also towards the walls, his shoulders gurgling outwards at a steady crawl, torso deepening as it widened giving his body a strong looking form. 

Strong was a good way to describe how he was looking. His face had already hardened up a considerable amount, his youthful face still young, but a stronger young of much different genes and lineage. His legs were large, arms were large, and he looked like the definition of a male model. 

Alex was grinning. A grin so wide it was almost creepy. He felt so happy that he was finally undergoing a change. Would he finally find his place with these two? Something nagged at the back of his mind, though.

What was his relation with these two?


His shirt had torn over his toned arms and chest, his back about to follow in the same footsteps. He touched his larger palm to his stomach and felt abs appear from nothing, the heat of his skin almost hurting him. Alex knew these two for a very long time, he was sure of it. Going camping with these two, celebrating birthdays, going for a swim, they even showed up for his high school graduation. Not only his high school graduation, but all the graduations before that.

That didn’t make any sense. Hadn’t he met Thomas and Jack not too long ago? No, no, he specifically remembers them being at his middle school graduation. Even before that, he remembers his elementary school graduation. The further back he reminisced, the more memories he saw of Thomas and Jack. That didn’t sound right to him, though. Their names weren’t Thomas and Jack, he knew that, he just couldn’t place what their names really were. Was his name really Alex?

The more he remembered, the bigger he grew in size. He caught up to Jack in terms of height, and while he wasn’t as big as him, Alex’s size was now nothing to scoff at. His body continued to swell, pants shredding off, shoes snapping apart, he was on his way to only having his underwear on, like his father, Jack. His father?

Yes, of course. Jack was his dad. Alex remembered birthday parties with him when he was young, sitting in his lap and resting against his large chest. He remembered the banners, the decorations. 

‘Happy Birthday, —--’ 

He couldn’t make out what the text said, but he could hear the comments around him.

“Happy 8th, little man!”

“Hey, hope you have lots of cake, dude! Celebratin’ time!”

“I can tell he’s going to grow up to be quite the looker, Bill. Course, his looker of a dad certainly is to thank for that, eh?”

Bill. He heard someone say Bill, but that wasn’t his name.

A deep laugh rang out from above him. “Well, well, I do appreciate the compliments. Yes, I’m certain that he’ll grow up to be quite the man. Just like his Pops,”

He tried to remember who that was. In his memory, he looked up, searching for the origin of that voice, of that name. There he was, his father. And there he was again, right before his eyes in front of that cabin door. Jack.

Alex gasped for air as his body surged once again. He remembered now. It wasn’t Jack, it was Bill. Alex’s hair fluttered in the air before it appeared to lighten up. It bleached itself a few shades lighter while lengthening to just shy of what would attract comments of having such long hair.

He looked up at his dad’s face, Bill’s stern eyes expressing worry as they maintained eye contact, or at least as much worry as a masculine face like that could make. How could he forget his own dad? With that mystery solved, he shifted his gaze to Thomas.

How did he know Thomas? He searched back, diving through his mind to try and remember just who he was, but couldn’t place him.

“Do you…know who I am?” Alex caught his breath and asked his dad, hoping to bring any sort of recollection of what was happening to the surface.

“What kind of question is that?” Bill’s mouth shifted upwards into a hint of a smile. He spoke in a much calmer tone than before, the warmth of his voice naturally soothing to Alex’s ears. “Course I know you, you’re my son.”

Yes, that was correct. Alex stood up further, his change having slowed down by now. “And do you- do you know as well?” He shifted his attention again to Thomas, who proceeded to step forward and slap a paw on Bill’s shoulder.

“Well, I don’t know what kind’a man I would be if I’d forget,” His voice, although much more gruff than his dad’s, had a similar effect of calming Alex down. “You’re my grandson, of course!”

Alex’s eyes widened as soon as those words passed through his ears. Memories came flooding into his brain. His grandpa’s house, his grandpa picking him up from school in his beat up truck, garnering attention from everyone around to see, his grandpa treating him to fast food while his dad was still at work. He remembered going up to Bill whenever grandpa would leave, asking over and over “When can I see grampa Bruce again, dad?”

“Don’t you worry, he’ll be back before you know it, Jacob.”

Reality felt like it snapped in two, and all three of them lost balance as their ears were filled with a shrieking ringing. A new story had unfolded in the world, a new life filled with new experiences. Everything changed to fit their new lives into it, and their bodies were no exception.

With a yelp, Jacob surged in size yet again, his face aging a bit more and placed him at a youthful 23. His dick shot out at once, becoming a sizeable 8 inches. Jacob couldn’t handle all the pleasure that was thrusted upon him, and came into his underwear. His body was slightly smaller and leaner than his dad’s.

With a twinge of competitiveness, Bill fell against the couch as his body swelled as well. He groaned as he easily gained another 20 pounds of muscle all over his burgeoning body, and clenched his teeth as his face hardened with age, skin growing weather beaten and gray hairs appearing along his temples. He batted at his dick inside his briefs, and flooded them with his cum before gasping for air.

Bruce was likewise hit by the changes, but it seemed he was hit harder than the other two. He stumbled backwards towards the door, slamming into it like a solid brick wall. With a grunt and a moan, he thrusted his hips forward as his fur grew more concentrated, his already massive size swelling with one last hoorah. Thighs once again smashing against each other, ass reaching for the door, arms coiling with strength. Even his muscle gut inflated outwards another inch before his jugs stretched outwards as if to overtake his belly. Bruce stared downwards in shock , watching the titanium rod that was his dick disappear from view under his monumental muscle tits as they grew once more. It looked as if he had bowling balls implanted into his chest. Hot, juicy bowling balls right on his body. A rumble caught in his throat before he turned his head to the ceiling and moaned. One hand grabbing at his dick, the other squeezing his pec, Bruce’s beard fluttered outward further before the color drained out of it. His beard was a stark white, and the color spread upwards to his eyebrows and hair. Clenching his huge jaw, Bruce’s face became weighed down by age and life, the creases and folds deepening, hairline receding just a bit further. With a titanic roar that would make any beast cower in fear, the kaiju grandpa thrusted his hips and shot load after load of piping hot cum. 


Bruce’s load was so powerful, he had pushed himself into the door and broke it off of the hinges. Still lost in his pleasure delirium, he kept pushing until the snow gave way. Bruce lost his balance and fell backwards out the door and onto the ground with an “Oof!”

The other two looked at his naked body on the ground, hardly even realizing that the door was just opened. The frigid, snowy wind blew right in through the new opening, surrounding the three men in what could only be described as a tornado of snow.

Out of the snow, clothes began to take shape, flowing around the men before wrapping tight against their swarthy bodies.

Jacob swatted at the wind as a trendy T-shirt was thrown onto his body, big blue jeans covering his legs.

Bill shut his eyes as a leather watch wrapped around his wrist. He opened his eyes at the unfamiliar weight and stared at it. It looked as if the color of the watch was melting down the length of his forearm, overtaking his body and leaving him with a brown V-neck longsleeve. Light gray chinos surrounded his big legs, and he saw that the watch was now a similar shade of gray.

Having fallen naked out the front door, snow was quick to gather on top of the valleys of Bruce’s body before melting into a lilac button up shirt that did nothing to hide his brutal form underneath. The top three buttons were left unbuttoned to accommodate for his enormous chest, his chest fair fluffing about in the wind. A massive pair of black jeans swarmed his legs, only being able to cover those monsters by a miracle.

The wind died down, and the three of them remained where they were, panting and wondering what had just happened.

A shrill ringing sounded off somewhere in the house, startling the three of them. After a moment, they realized that it was a phone ringing in the kitchen, one that had certainly not been there just a few minutes prior.

Not one to let a phone go to voicemail, Bill forced himself to walk his way into the kitchen and answer it, slapping Jacob’s shoulder on the way. “I got it, help your grandpa out, would you?”

“Oh, yeah, sure thing.” Jacob hardly knew how to react, everything about their current situation felt so strange but he couldn’t tell what. He jogged over to the door to help up his grandpa as best he could, but it was considerably difficult considering how much he weighed.

“Thanks, son,” Bruce huffed as he was helped onto his feet. “Don’t know what got into this old man to go down like that.”

Bill picked up the phone to what sounded like a very young voice. “Hello, thank you for picking up, we were beginning to get worried that we lost your connection in this snowstorm,” Bill supposed it was the police station checking in on them after all the sudden snowfall they got, but this boy sure sounded young. Workers sure do get younger with every passing day, that’s for certain. 

“Apologies for worrying anyone down there, we are quite alright where we are. Got snowed in a bit, but it was nothing for the three strong men we got in here.” Bill glanced at his father and son, smiling warmly.

“Great to hear. Just to keep things safe and sound, we sent someone to go and investigate your area just to be absolutely sure that no damage was done or anything of that sort.” His words were very concise and matter-of-fact, Bill could tell that it was a human, but it almost felt robotic the way he said it. He mentioned that they had sent someone out for them, but he hadn’t given them his location. They were quite a ways out in the boonies, after all.

“You sent somebody out here? Hey, do I know you? We are way out of the way of any other residence, how did you get our location-” He could barely get out the sentence before the call was dropped. Bill held the phone to his ear for a moment longer, taking in the strange conversation, while the phone emitted a droning hum in his ear.

Bill looked back at Jacob and Bruce, the two of them chatting it up while pushing the snow on the floor back outside. Bill put the phone back on its stand with a quiet “Ga-chnk!”

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More Posts from Atelierforyou

4 years ago

The Bear Cap: Jonathan

This is dedicated to my friend @amysticbearperson​! He also convinced me to get on Twitter. Give me a follow, friends?

To support my writing, please buy me a protein shake on Ko-fi. My muscles will thank you.

Jonathan didn’t even want to go to the dinner in the first place. His parents kept telling him that the Hills’ son Tyshawn would be there, and that was why he needed to go, so that he and Tyshawn could catch up - plus, the Hills wanted to see how Jonathan had grown up.

Jonathan remembered the Hills - they’d lived next door when he was really little - and he’d played with Tyshawn a few times in the backyard, but that was the extent of their relationship. He knew it would be like most boring dinners with adults, talking about work and the stock market or whatever. And the Hills had gotten reservations at Charme, the fanciest restaurant in town, which excited Jonathan’s parents, but not Jonathan. He wasn’t a food guy by a long shot, and Charme was the kind of place that didn’t even have a menu - or at least not one you ordered off of. Whatever you were served, you ate, and Jonathan wasn’t yet old enough to have the option of washing it all down with wine. He’d asked his dad if Charme would have cheeseburgers or anything a picky eater would like, and his dad had laughed. Not a great sign.

“You need to dress nice,” Jonathan was told, and his first choice of a polo and jeans was vetoed as not formal enough. Charme required jackets. So, grumbling, he went back to his closet to cobble together an outfit from whatever stuff he hadn’t outgrown over high school. He’d never attempted to organize it, which resulted in a mishmash of clothes he liked, clothes he hated, clothes that didn’t fit, and clothes he didn’t even recognize. The black cap - found buried under a pile of forgotten sweatshirts and jeans - belonged in the latter group. It had the word “BEAR” on the front in tall white letters, which probably stood for some dumb anti-drug thing at school. He plopped the hat on his head while he continued rummaging for acceptable clothes. Most of the clothes were chucked into piles deep enough for Jonathan to bury his entire arm in, so the search became a game, as Jonathan tried to guess what forgotten item of clothing he’d produce from the heaps next.

Keep reading

5 years ago
- Codename: Bear_mkr - Case 3 -

- Codename: Bear_mkr - Case 3 -

Ethan just arrived at his new apartment.

He’s just came from working at the farmer’s market for the first time with his mother. It seemed to have gone well… but it would have gone so much better if he hadn’t met the guy at the next stand. The guy was tall, at least half a foot taller than his 5’8 height and very good looking. Jason or Jack (he couldn’t remember the guy’s name) looked like he attended the gym daily and he showed off the goods wearing a tight tank top. This ‘opponent’ had a chiseled jaw that adorned well the nicely trimmed beard he ruled like a pro. Oh! Fuck, he envied him.

Flustered at remembering how so many people swooned and complimented this hunk of a man, Ethan went for his bedroom next to the entrance. It was small and lacked in furniture. There was his old single bed, the same he’s had for the past 15 years of his 21 years old self, in the corner and the laptop computer sitting still on the old wooden desk. A few drawers here under the nightstand were the only room available for his clothes, except from the small closet where he hung pants and some shirts.

He made sure to always show his prides or vacation souvenirs, put on displayed shelves he’s put up the wall above his bed. They were a testament to his personal accomplishment, to his own personal growth. Sure, he still had a long way to go before he achieves the luxury home and the well-paid job he dreamed of, but he was glad that he’s achieved so much already.

The young man sat comfortably on his old computer chair, a used one he’s bought for a cheap price on Craigslist. He thought about the man from the market and he could help but look back down at himself. He was small, unfit, not depicting manliness. Since high school, he’s put on a few too many pounds which made his clothes a bit tighter than they were. He was not fat per se, but those small love handles and little chub made the polo shirt to mold the faint curve of his belly.

With the laptop turning on, Ethan looked down at his watch. It was nearing 5 PM and a friend of his had asked him if he wanted to hang out tonight by the billiards lounge. While not a big socializer, Ethan thought it’d be a good thing to go out and put his mind on other things than thinking about that handsome man. Still, he wanted to avoid seeing other guys that would make him just feel miserable and small. With the computer on, Ethan pondered about bringing it with him on the bed, much more comfortable than this old cheap chair. However, the battery was nearly drained and he had to plug it on the sole room electric outlet, which was behind the desk.

Sitting peacefully, Ethan noticed notification popping on his screen. His Skype browser had opened up automatically and a friend request had just popped opened.

‘Huh? Bear_mkr? Who the hell is that?’ He thought. ‘This is probably some kind of bot.’

However, he felt hesitant about declining the request. After all, it wasn’t some kind of obvious slutty or girl nickname like the usual bots. Plus, his own nickname ‘Featherw0lf’ had a kind of animal in it.

Featherw0lf: Hey, who are you?

Bear_mkr: Hey man. Glad you added me.

Featherw0lf: Who are you?

Bear_mkr: Just a man looking to have some fun.

‘Great. It REALLY is a bot after all.’ Ethan sighed.

Bear_mkr: Your nickname intrigues me. What’s it supposed to mean?

Featherw0lf: I’ve always had it on the net. Feather’s my pet name and I like wolves.

Bear_mkr: Interesting. So you’re a furry?

For a moment, Ethan wasn’t really sure if it were a bot or not as usually the bot didn’t behave that way.

Featherw0lf: And what about yours?

Bear_mkr: Just a fan of bears. The man-kind. But I don’t have anything against furries. Just a preference of sorts.

Ethan blushed for a moment.

Featherw0lf: So… how did you get my ID?

Bear_mkr: I have my ways. I’m bored. Talk to me about yourself a little bit.

With an irritated groan, Ethan rolled his eyes. What kind of weirdo was this guy?

Featherw0lf: I’m sorry, but I’ll have to go. I have things to attend to

And suddenly, a Skype call was sent to him from that stranger. Ethan felt compelled to close the call, but somehow, Skype wouldn’t let him. The ‘close call’ button was hatched, tinted, preventing him to either respond or to hear the edgy tone ringing forever. After the first dozen of rings, Ethan proceeded to answer. However, he was surprised to see himself on the screen, projected from his laptop integrated camera. He had accepted for an audio call, not a video call, did he? And oddly, no sound came from the other end like the mic was broken. Plus, the stranger didn’t even share his cam with him. He was fully exposed to that weirdo!

Bear_mkr: Sorry, my sound is off so you’ll have to write down.

Featherw0lf: What the heck do you want from me?

Bear_mkr: Now, now, don’t act all angsty against me, little guy.

Ethan grew red with embarrassment at being called of the sort.

Bear_mkr: What’s making you so mad anyway? Did you lose your job or something?

Ethan looked for closing the call or simply closing Skype overall, but the commands were tinted, preventing him to do anything. In submission, Ethan answered.

Featherw0lf: No, I just feel miserable

Bear_mkr: Oh. Sorry… How come?

The reasons were personal, but talking to a complete stranger seemed to somehow gradually soften the mood.

Featherw0lf: I went with my mom at the farmer market but there was that guy. You know: tall, fit, handsome… unlike me…

Bear_mkr: Well, I think you’re handsome if your own way

Featherw0lf: Thanks, but that’s not helping

Bear_mkr: How big are you?

Featherw0lf: 5’8, around 150 lbs and you?

Bear_mkr: Really? Cause I thought you’d be at least 6’0.

Ethan couldn’t help but smile at that. The guy seemed to try giving him some confidence, but it wouldn’t change much of anything. Deep down, he knew he still looked short. Then, all of a sudden, a simple warmth spread through his limbs. Like being close to a fire on a chilly night of summer, Ethan felt a soft but pleasing tingle at this sudden feeling. Ethan gawked for an instant as he felt like being pulled away. Was he… growing? His hands over the keyboard were suddenly feeling a bit heavier and the watch around his wrist felt a notch too tight.

Looking down, Ethan noticed that his clothes, albeit being tighter earlier, felt different, like they clung differently to him now.

Bear_mkr: Perhaps, you look like one of those late bloomers who gets a rush of testosterone when they finish college

With a gasp, Ethan repositioned himself on the chair. The once longish pants slipped slightly up on the elongating legs, uncovering the top of his shoes before slowing down. The white polo shirt moved itself on the slightly longer torso of the young man, some of the pudge around his waist melting away in the process, but not all of it. Just when everything felt like it stopped, Ethan winced and grunted as what felt like a kick in the groin caught him up. In fact, the pair of balls in his underwear tightened up and swelled like they were breathing. And in a matter of seconds, the predicted rush of testosterone spread through his body with speed-record rates. On the screen, Ethan could practically make out the contrast of thick stubble darkening on his face. The once wispy mustache thickened in tandem with the stubble on the cheeks and soon both had conjoined together. Shaking, of nervousness and of sheer awe, Ethan went to type back, but soon he considered the fingers had indeed grown longer while retaining their litheness.

Featherw0lf: What on earth was that? How did you do that?

Bear_mkr: What are you talking about?

Featherw0lf: Don’t play dumb with me. You’re having superpowers or something, dude? That’s freaking awesome!

No answer came back from this odd stranger. Ethan look back down at his hands. They had definitely grown, not drastically though, but the fingers had almost one more inch in length. Ethan looked at the watch around his wrist, stinging him up, like it was cutting some of the blood flow in his hands. With awkward dexterity, he moved the pin two notches farther, relieving his hand from the pressure.

He checked himself out, looking all over for the sudden changes. The previously snug-but-fitting clothes were looking less snug, probably due to a better fat distribution over his taller self. Ethan felt a little like choking, as if his chest had suddenly spread out larger in this small growth spurt. He undid the first button of his polo over his chest. Sadly, he didn’t notice any new muscles, but the sheer gain in size was and felt amazing.

Featherw0lf: Look… I’m sorry if I freaked out on you earlier. I was just mad thinking of that guy making me feel small and pathetic… you know, the kind of muscle jerk-douchebag

For a moment, Ethan felt a bit sad that the guy didn’t respond anymore, like he’s got pissed with Ethan’s bitter attitude at first. Or maybe it was his curiosity that made him shy away? Still the call was left on and this simple fact gave Ethan the slightest glimpse of hope.

Bear_mkr: Well, you too you can be a gym jerk when you want to be

‘Yes! He’s still there!’ Ethan thought with a gleamful smile like a kid on Christmas Day. ‘Wait what? Did he just call me a gym jerk?’

Bear_mkr: Maybe you spend a little too much time with those jocks and they rub off on you. Perhaps calling you a jerk is a bit far-fetched. You just seem to love showing off your fit muscles and be the centre of attention

Ethan gulped as fiery knives cut into his muscles then pulled them in every directions. His face flushed red with embarrassment at the comment, but soon the red intensified as the exertion of rapidly growing and stretching muscles were put in overdrive. Even unfocused, Ethan couldn’t miss the growth of his pectorals, pushing further away like two hard stones. If he hadn’t unbuttoned the first button earlier, surely it would have bursted off (he cursed at himself as he would have loved to see that happening).

With a retained animalistic growl escaping his lips, Ethan spasmed in his chair. His hands tightly gripped on the armrests as in quick sudden feats, his shoulders spread larger, his back surging with size. And all too soon, the widening of his lats slowed down and Ethan braced himself with not only the growth traveling up in his arms, but snaking down toward his legs. What little fat he had around the waist melt down and hardened to give him a trim waist although with no apparent abdominals.

While the polo shirt grew tight with his bulging shoulders pushing on either sides, the sleeves slowly filled up with growing biceps, counterbalanced by triceps. His soft thighs in his pants firmed up, quads building on the once fleshy legs until the seat of his elegant pants was nicely filled. Then, calves followed with the growth along with the forearms. The pin that tightened the watch in place stressed then broke, making the watch hang loosely around the enlarging wrist of the young man.

All too abruptly, the changes stopped, leaving Ethan sprawled in his chair, panting, trying to catch his breath. The clothes were feeling tight just like they did before, but the tightness was so very different now. Instead of being slightly chubby, he was now fit with his new height and muscles. And that alone made him spot the biggest hardon he’s ever had. Ethan looked down at the pitching tent in his pants, fearing his dick might have grown along.

Featherw0lf: Man that was awesome!

No reply. Shrugging, Ethan lounged carefully on his chair, his now thicker hand drifting down toward his bulging crotch. He let out a loud gasp. What previously was a very average six incher had definitely grown. The notification sound popped on the laptop and Ethan was so happy he had to look on.

Bear_mkr: Enjoying yourself, Ethan?

Suddenly, Ethan didn’t remember telling the guy his name, but he was too clouded with hormones and lust at the moment to bother checking up in the conversation if he did. Fondling his dick with a hand, he used his other to type back.

Featherw0lf: Hell yea I am. You?

Bear_mkr: Definitely. So how many times do you hit the gym?

A small short-circuit came in conflict on Ethan’s mind, like another reality trying to assert itself. But he didn’t want it.

Featherw0lf: Don’t do that

Bear_mkr: Do what?

Featherw0lf: If I’m gonna be this new me, I want to remember who I was before

It was a commitment to who Ethan was at his very core. He always kept close to himself every object making a difference in his life, may it be travel souvenir or diplomas. They were proofs of his way to who he was.

Bear_mkr: Interesting… You’re the first one to ever tell me that.

The conflict on Ethan’s mind dulled out a little, but not completely.

Bear_mkr: Then if you were to guess, how many times would you think you’d need to go to the gym to maintain yourself in shape like that?

Ethan had an idea of about going daily, probably a remnant of the dying second reality the stranger freed him from.

Featherw0lf: Idk… maybe twice or 3 times a week?

Bear_mkr: Funny, I would have said you go at least 5 times a week, Nathan

Nathan gasped as the burning of his muscles resumed, this time growing even stronger than before.

‘Holy fuck!’ His brain repeated on constant loop.

His chest pushed out further away while the shoulders resumed their expansion. Breathing became a struggle. The sensations were too strong. Nathan’s torso practically grew out larger.


The second polo button popped away in the air as the pecs kept on pushing. The shoulders, which were already defined before this newly resumed growth, spread out even more, trapped in the confines of the too small shirt… until the seams behind the armpits started to split little by little.

Arms resumed their swelling. They had grown to firm and defined 16’’ guns just before this new round, but now they were pushing to 17’’ around, then 18’’… More ripping were starting to echo as they grew shy of 19’’ around…

The chair groaned a little under Nathan as his weight piled on, way past 200 pounds of himself by now. His hands gripping tight on the armrests grew a little calloused as if they’ve worked on weights for countless hours, only to, ironically, have never even touched a single weight in his life.

His flat stomach grew ridges, abs slowly forming themselves. Nathan gasped as he felt being pushed higher again on his chair, but with a relieved sigh he realized it was not due to a height increase. His thighs were swelling so thick with muscles they threatened the seat of his pants to split. The tent due to his confined erection grew even tighter as the garments looked like they were shrinking on the six foot tall gym rat.

Bear_mkr: Don’t mind pulling your dick out in front of me. I believe you must be quite horny

Damn right he was. Still a bit prude, Nathan hesitated at pulling his cock out in front of this anonymous person, but some part of him didn’t care much anymore about it. Still, as much as he wanted to pull out his aching boner, he boldly typed back:

Featherw0lf: You’d like that, would you?

Bear_mkr: Don’t make me.

Featherw0lf: I dare you

Bear_mkr: I know you’re packing a big dick, but that’s no reason to act like one

Nathan smirked, closed his eyes and basked his head backward. He let out a moan as the pouch of his crotch grew tighter and tighter. Like an unending erection, his cock slipped further and further, bigger, longer… until it started to hurt.

Bear_mkr: C’mon, don’t be a prude, pull your dick out

Nathan waited for the button of his pants and the zipper to break under the pressure of his growing member. In one quick thrust and flex, the button popped away under the desk and the zipper broke under the sheer force of the massive erection. Free-balling, Nathan slipped his hard dick through the broken crotch of his pants and gasped at its sheer size. His previous six incher had turned out into a big fat eleven incher, so thick around so that it didn’t fit even in his bigger hand. He was pulled out of his reverie when the notification buzz popped off again.

Bear_mkr: Who am I kidding, you must be going at the gym every day! Anytime you can!

Nathan let out a whimper as the crushing feeling of muscles growing kept on and on, the fire in his limbs even hotter, almost like burning his old self to sprout back from the ashes. The chest resumed its ascension, swelling up into two thick mounds of firm flesh.



The slight opening of his polo started to tear down further as not only the chest grew in size, but his whole torso followed suit. Ripping threads were heard and gradually, Nathan felt his shoulders tear apart the back of his shirt, outgrowing it and opening wide every tear. The seat of his pants started to tear as well, unable to contain the two globe-sized sphere growing in them.

Bear_mkr: Well, with all that new weight, you surely aren’t as light as a feather, huh, Nathan?

Then suddenly, the Nathan felt something was off. Had the guy alter reality somehow? The more he pondered about it, the more the chair under him groaned under his increasing muscle density.

Bear_mkr: Those big feet of yours must make a hell lot of noise when you stomp around, big guy

Nathan moaned as the tight shoes around his feet grew increasingly tighter. The old sneakers he’s worn for years were getting very constricting around the changing size of the feet.

Bear_mkr: You know what they say about guys with big feet, right Natan?

The hardon in his hand twitched at the thought. Playfully, Natan… ‘Wait… that’s not my name… is it?’ But the thought was ebbed away as he started to fondle his big dick. More stitches popped around his thunder thighs and he forcefully stretched his legs outward to make the pants split in the middle to also free his growing balls. The new junk pushed past eleven inches long and thickened bigger than his new wrists. With his hand wrapped around the thing, he was almost lost to go on a masturbation spree when his eyes noticed again the way the stranger had misspelled his name.

Stonew0lf: That’s not my name

‘Wait… How did my username change?’

Bear_mkr: That must be hard to find shoes that fit those big boys

Snapping sounds coming from the leather echoed into the room as the sides of the shoes started to give way to the thick, large, growing feet. Natan looked down and gasped looking at them. The shoes, the one thing he’s never dreamed of outgrowing since puberty was over, were being torn apart by the humongous feet.

Stonew0lf: They’re getting too big!

Bear_mkr: Huh? What do you mean? They’re bigger than the size 15s I thought they were? Guess, they’re even bigger then

The pain of his growing but confined feet forced Natan to bend over and reach for them. Doing so, a very loud RRRRRRRIP echoed in the room as his too bulky shoulders and back forced an immense tear bigger and bigger down the upper part of his back. The changing man heard it with a twist in his guts, struggled between excitement and fear of what he was becoming.

With his too big hands, he didn’t have the same dexterity as before and removing the scraps of his old leather shoes was difficult. The chest protruded so far in front of him he couldn’t even bend down and see properly what he was doing, but fright took over him as he noticed the enormity that where becoming his feet.

Stonew0lf: I look like a freak with those! If I were bigger, maybe it’d look better, but I’m only six foot tall!

Bear_mkr: Huh?  What are you talking about? Size 18s aren’t THAT kind of freaky on someone who’s six foot eight, Nate

Colours drained out of Nate’s face upon reading the message. His body started to twitch and tremble. Hands shaking Nate glanced down at them with a mix of lust and scare. Being bigger at first seemed like a good thing, but… six foot eight… that was a hell of a lot bigger! The young man cried aloud as bones and tendons stretched and grew in spurts. His clenched fists hit the desk as the sensations caught him by surprise and the tabletop broke down.

Watching the furniture crumble down in front of him, Nate simply felt nauseous with vertigo as his head reached higher and higher in sudden, short, and oddly pleasurable spurts. He looked down and licked his lips watching his knees reach out further away from him, his bobbing dick looking more fitting on his increasing height. The instant he was about to grasp on his cock, the chair under him could not stand the growth anymore and it clattered to the ground with a last metallic complain.

Seated on the floor, it took a moment for Nate to understand what was going on. Growth had stopped and even just sitting on the floor, everything felt and looked shorter than he was used to. He looked down at the computer on top of the broken desk, only to notice that Skype was still going on. He let out a relieved sigh. At least, he wouldn’t need to buy a new computer. Nate went for the computer and noticed that stranger had written something.

Bear_mkr: That was quite a drop, big guy! Are you all right?

Stonew0lf: Yea I guess

Nate noticed the battery was partly charged on the laptop, so instead of staying there, he opted to go on the bed. His first ordeal was to stand. Tall, large and heavy with muscle, Nate had difficulty bringing the tower he now was back on the large feet he sported. A large tear went down the front of his shirt and the shoulders had simply torn out the sleeves from the main cloth body. Tatters hung loosely on his arms and shoulders and that was it.

The pants, on the other hand, had split all the way at the inseams, exposing the bulky inner thighs, the bobbing baseball bat and the dangling fat pendulous balls. Standing up, half of the cloth tatters that still clung to him slipped and fell to the ground. He decided to peel off the half remaining, standing now tall and naked into his suddenly small room. He looked for his watch, but he didn’t find it anymore around his wrist. The watch had since long fallen to the floor, the pin sticking it in place having broken under the constant expansion of Nate’s wrist. The big guy shrugged away and, unawarely, crushed it under his gigantic yet strong foot as he walked over to his bed with the laptop.

The old bed cringed under the new massive frame of its occupant. Never had it ever support such a sheer weight, even when Nat slept with a date twice on it. The big guy sank more than usual into it, his heavy weight making itself felt by the crying furniture. The metallic springs gave threatening sounds of breaking, but he didn’t care. Big dick in hand, with his firm asscheeks heavily planted on his bed, Nate leaned his large shoulders on the old metallic headboard, showing himself off for the man who gave him this awesome body. The coolness of the scoured metallic paint felt like a relief to the previous overheat that coursed his growing muscles.

Bear_mkr: Enjoying yourself, Nat?

The young man shivered. Something felt off, but he shrugged it off.

Stonew0lf: Hell yea

Bear_mkr: Well, you sure look like a wolf of a man with those piercing eyes and all that man fur

Nat smirked. A quick shiver coursed Nat’s body as his averagely hairy muscles grew a nice and thick coating of body hair, mainly on top of his pecs and his arms, with a wide treasure trail snaking downward to his groin.

Bear_mkr: You are one hell of a wolf when it comes to bed, huh? A big beast, huh? One hell of a BIG wolf

Onew0lf: Fuck yea

Nat’s masturbation pace quickened. The muscles on his frame resumed their swelling. Nat moaned in realization he was growing yet again. There was no more hesitation nor fear. He simply craved it. He thought about the guy at the market earlier, how pathetic he used to be next to this man. But now tables had turned. Now that bearded hunk was pathetic next to him. He was not only a wolf of a man. He was an ALPHA male. The growth felt even more pleasurable now that he welcomed it. He craved more.

Onew0lf: Fuck yea. Bigger

Bear_mkr: You really are a greedy one, aren’t you?

Onew0lf: I don’t care. Bigger

Bear_mkr: Well, I don’t think that’s gonna happen anytime soon

A primal rage expanded within Nat. Who the fuck was he to now stop giving him what he wanted? What he needed? He was the alpha! He was the…

Bear_mkr: It takes time to grow. Perhaps, a couple years?

Nat’s lips curled into a wide ‘O’ as his mind turned viscous like honey. His hands grew further more weatherbeaten, as tough as leather. Hair fell down his scalp as his hairline receded, albeit nothing too drastic. But most importantly, his muscles grew. Larger and larger, his back surged bigger, soon eclipsing the whole headboard. Arms grew way past the 20 inches mark, making them look so bloated and big with muscles they didn’t look even real. Moreover, tattoos appeared on the bulging muscles as if he had acquired them a few years ago.

Pecs pushed further outward, making almost a shelf onto which his growing beard could rest on. The ass grew large and heavy, sinking furthermore in the bed with mass. Springs clattered and broke under his bigger weight. New memories flew Nat’s mind as years passed by. Memories of the gym, of getting tattooed, of fucking and, to another level, experience. He remembered working at the market for years now. Knowing other merchants and customers to a more personal level. He even remembered fooling in bed with some of them. People looked up at him, striving for his dominance, for his commands, for their ALPHA male.

Bear_mkr: You look close, Nat

Onew0lf: Fuck yea. Bigger. Taller

Bear_mkr: You sure you want to be taller than six-ten?

Nat exploded with a booming laugh. He sank further into his bed, the long legs reaching further away, the huge feet almost touching the metallic footboard. The orgasmic feeling of growth almost got him over the edge, but he suppressed it. Not yet…

Onew0lf: Again

Bear_mkr: Well, you won’t look more like a ‘wolf’ if you keep it on

Onew0lf: Idc. More

Bear_mkr: You sure, big bear?

Oneb3ar: Fuck yea. Give me all you got

Bear_mkr: Well, I think you’ll have to buy new clothes and furniture, big bear, cause at seven-three, with all that muscle mass and that taut muscle gut, you’re definitely too big for anything at this point

Nat growled welcoming the changes. His spine and legs stretched further more, making him feel like he was sitting in a baby’s bed. His feet kept pushing at the opposite metal frame while his increasing weight made the springs under the bed break one by one. Sinking further in the breaking bed, Nat urged the changes to make him massive, desperate for size more than anything.

His orgasm was approaching and he couldn’t keep it suppressed any longer. It was going to come full force. His abs bulged out in a slight curve, but they lost none of their hardness as Nat grew into a giant muscle bear. The bed finally collapsed under his impossible weight. The moment he felt the floor, the whole house shook and Nat wouldn’t be surprised if some dusty plaster had fallen on the floor below.

A thick spray of cum hit him in the face, soaking in his bushy beard. Nat growled menacingly as more cum spewed out into the room, hitting his ornaments on the shelves up high, hitting the lamp on the night stand so hard it slipped and shattered to the ground. It just came out and out, the large bull balls between his legs emptying themselves slowly as he coated himself and the room in his own musky seed.

When Nat finally came to, he realized he must have dozed off after the intense orgasm. He looked for his laptop, but its battery had died out by the time he fell asleep. The musclebear pried himself out of the remains of the bed, completely sticky with the drying cum. Standing, he feared he might hit the ceiling, but there were still a few inches for that. Moving felt so slow, like he had to move the entire Earth with every movement.

He looked around in disbelief at what happened. He noticed an old photo of him, oddly unaltered, on his ‘achievement shelf’. Many new items adorned the shelf, most of them covered in the sticky cum he blasted all over the place. Still, he remembered the old life he’s had and the fact he’s been bestowed this new body felt like the biggest ‘achievement’ he’s ever had in his life. And thus, the unaltered pic didn’t feel that odd anymore; it was the very proof of how much he’s changed since then. He walked over to the door, hearing and feeling the whole apartment shaking with every steps.

He had to actually duck quite a lot and squeeze himself to get through the now so short and narrow door. He waddled to the bathroom and repeated the same process to get through the small opening. He looked at himself in the mirror, the hairy muscle beast of a man he had become. He reeked of cum, and he would have been ready to go at it again, but he remembered that he had to get ready for the market. Not that he was going to work tonight, but he had a date with that puny bearded twerp that had been drooling at him all day. Perhaps, if the date goes pretty well tonight, he’d slip him his number as he definitely never went for a guy under six foot. After all, his fourteen inches erection wouldn’t fit into such short guys.

4 years ago

The Romans, and the Greeks

Words by Aardvark and AgingTime

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It wasn’t that the trip to the art museum was entirely boring. There was some really cool stuff in here, Roman and Max agreed. They were super into the room that had the sculptures that looked like balloon animals. The issue was that seeing all the interesting stuff took roughly fifteen minutes, which left them five hours to kill.

“Five…hours…” Roman grumbled dramatically, dragging his feet behind him like he was on invisible crutches. “I’m not gonna make it, man. Tell…tell Livi…I always thought she was hot as hell.”

“Man, I would, but I’m definitely gonna die of boredom too,” Max replied. “At least there’s food right?”

“I guess. Mmm yum, museum food,” Roman snorted. He pushed the mushroom fringe of his bangs out to the side even though he was fully aware it would flop right back over his eyes, which it did. “When do we have to meet the group? Like 40, 45 minutes from now?”

“Yeah, for the tour.”

“I can’t believe they’re letting us run wild here. Someone’s gonna break something.”

Max looked witheringly at Roman, who was grinning from ear to ear. “You mean YOU’RE going to try to break something.”

“I never try, it’s not my fault that I’m clumsy.” It was a running joke at school that Roman’s hands and feet didn’t match the rest of his body, at least not yet. He and Max were the same average height, yet Roman’s feet were four sizes bigger, and he tripped over them constantly.

Roman and Max were best buddies. Equals. Instead of a leader/follower dynamic, they were competitors; willful young men who didn’t take anything seriously except for their own opinions. They’d been friends since middle school, after a knockdown, dragout fight over a loose basketball, quite counterproductive since they were on the same team. But they both thought it was hilarious, and after that, they were almost always together, picking the same classes and ensuring they had the same lunchtime.

Their first jaunt was through a textiles exhibition, which they thought might be cool because it could be about texting, like some kind of digital art. It turned out textiles were fabrics, which was intensely uninteresting. “It’s…rugs,” Roman deadpanned, looking around the room. “Rugs and blankets. Dope.”

“Dude, you know who’d like this stuff? My mom,” Max said, which was the most damning assessment possible, and made them both laugh until a massive security guard glared at them. That was their cue to go, and as they headed out of the exhibition, Max’s phone vibrated. “Miller says he’s hiding out in some movie room. I think I’ll pass.”

“Nah, if I watch something I will definitely fall asleep, and then you’d both leave me there and I’d wake up seven hours later, and the museum would be closed, and I’d never be able to leave and that would be my life.”

“That makes complete sense, you’re exactly right,” Max said. “Hey look, Greek stuff.”

“I prefer Roman stuff.”

“God, shut UP,” Max groaned, giving Roman a shove that roused a “Hey!” from another huge guard nearby.

“Ah man, we gotta go in here,” Roman said, pointing to an exhibit entrance framed by multicolor stripes painted elegantly on the walls. “Rainbow Rebellion: Queer Coding Throughout the Ages,” he read out loud before turning serious. “I think this will be really good for you, to see the art of your people.”

Keep reading

4 years ago


Howdy howdy! This is my first decently sized story that I’ve made. Preeeetty bare-bones and rough but I thought it was fun. Hope you enjoy it a bit!

"Gah, why is this so hard to latch together?"

Dylan mumbled to himself as he tried to put on his keyblade necklace. The small metal clasp poked into his thumb as he held it open. After a few 'ow's and 'ugh's he managed to get it right, a small imprint still on his thumb from the poking.

Spinning back around in his desk chair, he grabbed his phone and slid it into his Jean pockets, only for it to vibrate once it was in.

After a slight pause and momentary groan, he pulled it back out and clicked the power button to check what the notification was.

A text from his friend!

“Yo were waiting for u here man u better get here fast”

Dylan sighed after reading this, Jes ALWAYS got to places way before the planned time. Oh well, at least she doesn’t show up way after the planned times. Sometimes she was the only thing to remind Dylan of where he had to be...ok, most of the time. That wasn’t the point though! He had to get over to the convention center to meet his friend.

 Dylan stumbled a bit trying to get his shoes on, when he thought he should check his clothes first and headed for the bathroom mirror. He had a pair of average looking blue jeans on, but he recently bought a new shirt that he was going to wear to the con. Good excuse to flex his new fit, right? The shirt was white with long red sleeves, his keyblade necklace dangling in front of it. He was hoping he’d grow more, so he got a bigger shirt size too. Everything looked pretty for the copious amount of cat hair on the shirt.

“Yeah, that’s a negative on that. Jeez, why does my cat have to have black fur. Why can’t she just shed outside or that even how that works?” 

Dylan mumbled that last part, opening the drawer to grab the lint roller. After groping around the drawer for a few seconds, he found it at last, and peeled off the used sheet. He did his best to get every last bit of fur off of his new shirt. He was really trying to keep it nice and much for that. His phone vibrated once again,and he ignored it until it kept vibrating. This time it was a phone call from Jes.

“Hey hey what’s u-” 

His sentence was cut off by a short coughing fit. Rubbing his throat, he cleared it and tried to continue the conversation.

“Man, I think I got some cat hair stuck in my throat. Anyway, what’s up? I’m just about to head out.”

“Oh! Sorry, I assumed that you still needed some convincing to get yourself outta bed hehe”

“Yeah, yeah...suuuuper funny. How could I just sit in bed when there’s a convention to go to??!”

Jes hung up after that. A bit abrupt, as usual. Grabbing the keys for his car, Dylan began to head out. Well, ok, it was his mom’s car still. He had just recently gotten his license to drive. Jes really wanted him to drive her, but Since he juuuust got the darn thing, he wasn’t allowed to have other minors in the car with him. 

Dylan headed down towards the convention center, the amount of funky hair colors and costumes started spiking as he got closer and closer. 

“Gotta love cosplayers, man. How do they even make those outfits?” 

Dylan wondered to himself as he pulled into what he hoped was free parking. 

Unfortunately, it was not. Dylan reluctantly brought up the cash to the little meter by his spot. These machines really have authority over us, don’t they? He then proceeded to cough his guts out.

“Hey hey, come on, man. This stupid cat hair has been stuck in my throat this whole time?” Dylan’s voice sounded scratchier and a bit lower than normal.

“Jeez that’s definitely a negative.” He moped.

Regaining his composure with a quick clearing of his throat, he made his way through the doors of the convention center, amazed at all the fans, cosplayers, and fans of cosplayers milling about inside. He made his way to the front and paid his way in, they slapped a stamp onto the back of his hand so he could access convention panels and such.

“Yo! Dylan! Over here!” Jes’ bright voice stuck out among the sound of light chatter and shuffling.

“ Hey hey! There ya’ are, Jes!” Dylan’s face lit up once he saw his friend walking towards him.

They began chatting as they made their way through the convention center, looking at the little brochure map multiple times to remember exactly where they were.

Dylan continuously would rub his throat and cough a bit, the “cat hair” never leaving. 

Entering the giant vendor’s hall, they made their rounds, looking at all the merch. Shirts, posters, little doo-dads, even some premade cosplays for people to buy. Jes wanted to go and get an autograph from a voice actor for her favorite show, and she made a point of reminding Dylan every few minutes so they wouldn’t forget. Once the time came for said autographs, they started heading their way out of the maze of merch, Dylan coughing all the while. Jes stopped abruptly to tie her shoes and left Dylan to either stand and watch her, or stand and look around. He opted to just look around.

Dylan noticed a booth that sold cosplay wigs, but there was no attendant to be seen. He had noticed all the mannequin heads with their multicolored and multi styled wigs atop them, but there were maybe 3 or 4 heads that were barren. Dylan laughed to himself a little.

“They’re bald!” Dylan exclaimed to nobody in particular,

“They’re...huh?” Jes overheard him and stood up, having just finished tying her shoe.

Dylan pointed at the wigs and simply repeated what he’d said.

“I mean, yeah I guess, probably just because they were bought or something.” She replied in a dry tone, notably losing a bit of her patience with Dylan’s coughing fits.

Once Jes got tired of hearing him cough everywhere, she took him over to the built in starbucks in the building. Dylan has never really gotten much here, and he asked Jes what she suggests. To his surprise, she doesn’t know anything about the stuff here either. Dylan always assumed she was the type of girl to get drinks here.

They both bought whatever cheap drink looked most interesting to them and then took a hearty swig of it once it arrived.

“I think that might have done the tRiCK-” Dylan croaked.

His voice was back to normal for a moment before it cracked. He hit his chest a few times and then tried again

“Man I thought it- WOAh what’s up with that??” Dylan’s voice was notably deeper. Not by a whole lot, but you could definitely tell. He held his throat for a few seconds before putting his hand back down after seeing that Jes was looking at him.

Jes looked at him suspiciously, talking in between sips of whatever drink she had ordered.

“What’s up with you now?” She had meant it more as a joke, but Dylan didn’t catch that.

“Sorry, sorry I was just...testing to see if it worked, y’know?” he ended that incredibly awkward sentence with an equally awkward laugh, Dylan still wondering why his voice was like that.

Was it the cat hair? Could cat hair even do something like that?? He was mulling through the possibilities. But...things like this didn’t just happen to people-in real life, at least.

He was surprised that Jes didn’t notice it, unless she actually did and she was just not bringing it up to make him feel better. There’s no way she DIDN’T notice how self conscious he was feeling about coughing left and right.

They returned to their drinks and made a few failed attempts at small talk, and once Dylan sucked up the last drops of his, a feeling washed over him almost instantly. He had to piss. REAL bad.

Dylan jolted up out of his seat and looked around frantically. Jes jumped a bit at the sudden action and was about to ask him what was up again when Dylan interrupted.

“I-I’m so sorry Jes, I…” Dylan stumbled back, hunching over a bit from trying not to piss himself. His hands hovered awkwardly in front of his crotch before he pulled them to his sides, realizing that this was not the place to be doing that.

Before Jes could even respond, let alone process the situation, Dylan did an about face and bolted towards the nearest bathroom. Turning a corner, he spotted the destination, but there was a huge line curving around the hall. About ready to burst, he pushed people out of his way to get to the nearest urinal, stall, whatever he could possibly get into first. One stall opened and someone else was about to head in but Dylan grasped their shoulder before they disappeared behind the door and pulled them back. He made it inside and slammed the stall door behind him, the man he had just denied was slapping the door, yelling at him.

Despite how bad he had to piss, Dylan took a moment and closed his eyes, apologizing under his breath so quietly that even he couldn’t hear it. 

“UUNNH!!” Dylan was pulled out of his head by a sudden jolt of pain in his crotch. His knees buckled and he tilted his head up. Shuffling forwards toward the toilet a bit, he frantically scratched at his pants, his shaky hands having a hard time catching onto the zipper. Finally he caught it right and unzipped. He pulled the waistband down and used his other hand to swiftly whip it out.

“W-what the…” Dylan gazed in horror at his member in front of him. He had always been a little small down there, not too bad but not too amazing either. This, however, was  much bigger than what he was used to. Suddenly he was looking at a 6 inch rod being cradled in his hand.

“The hell is going on…?” His breaths were heavy, but he was quickly pulled out of his thoughts once more by another jolt in his crotch. He shut his eyes hard as he doubled over. His nuts suddenly grew from the size of kumquats to the size of large eggs in an instant. The now much heavier balls dropped and slapped against the inside of his thighs. Without skipping a beat, his cock released all over the wall in front of him with his own spunk.

“GaaAAh!” Dylan fell forward and braced onto the wall, not paying any mind to his voice cracking and trickling down another few notes. He felt his cock quiver, and Dylan hesitantly glanced down at the member. Right before his eyes, it propped up slightly, before lengthening and growing thicker, an intoxicating feeling of pleasure overtaking his mind. Now drooping down slightly due to its own weight, his cock remained still. Dylan snapped out of his momentary reverie and reached his hand down to grasp his meat, almost scared at how long and thick it was now. He had to guess it was maybe a solid foot long, maybe more. As he held himself for a bit, a subtle warmth spread throughout his body, like warm honey coating him. 

Dylan brought his hand back up to the wall to let himself calm down and breathe, but he then noticed his hands. Resting against the wall were big, burly, hairy hands that had no place on his thin arms. Giant sausage-like fingers connected to his brawny palm with large knuckles. As soon as he made this realization, his forearms began to pulsate and lengthen. Soft pops and cracks filled the air as his arms became longer and longer. Dylan balled his new fists against the tiled bathroom wall and turned his head to the door behind him. 

People have been rapping on the small stall door this whole time, and Dylan had tuned it out due to these transformations. Now more anxious and scared than ever, he darted his head back around and saw hair crawling up his arms before they began to bloat.  Stick thin arms started to look more like hairy bowling pins, many small veins snaking up towards his upper arms.Dylan’s biceps gurgled as they began to inflate like a balloon, soon becoming as solid and large as watermelons.

All Dylan could do here was watch as his arms morph into gigantic instruments of strength and groan. He saw those same veins take a stroll up his biceps, but this time they were thick as power cords, and he inadvertently flexed them in shock. This action made his triceps blow out on the backs of his arms, making the sheer size of his arms unbelievable.

“Haahh...haahhh…” Dylan was breathless, but this growth did not stop. He leaned towards the wall and shut his eyes, not wanting to look anymore. Despite trying to block out the transformation, the tickling sensation of hair growing on his shoulders came and went before his deltoids blew out of his t shirt, cat hair flinging into the air. Guess he couldn’t get all of it off with that lint roller.

The straw was being twirled in the cup, making the liquid inside spin around. Jes sighed as she stood up from her seat and went to throw the cup away.

“He sure is taking his sweet time in there.” Jes murmured to herself. “I’ll just go back to the vendor’s hall for now. He can text me when he’s all done in there.”

Jes checked her phone as she tottered on her heels, noticing that it’s only been about 3 minutes since he made it into the bathroom. Must’ve been the longest piss ever...or maybe it just didn’t agree with his stomach, she reasoned. Walking up to the entrance of the vendor’s hall, she raised her wrist to the employee showing that she was an attendee, and was let inside.

“This is not happening, this is not happening, this is not happening,” Dylan’s head was pressed against the wall looking down, if his eyes were open he would have had quite the view of his massive rod and bull balls down below. His back muscles tensed up a bit, Dylan taking a sharp breath in preparation for the worst, and his shoulders began extending towards the walls in bursts. This was the cue for his back muscles to start up, wide lats shooting out under his arms, back rounding out like a turtle shell. His traps puffed up immensely, pulling his neck out and giving him a stout tree trunk connecting his head to his body. The keyblade necklace he had put on that morning snapped off, his neck put too much strain on it.

Within just a few seconds, his chest puffed up, the ribcage expanding, and his shoulders shot out once more to even wider proportions. Dylan was beginning to fill up the small stall with his mass, shoulders hitting against the walls no matter what he did. There was a pressure in his spine as he gained height at an incredible rate. Growing a solid foot, Dylan lifted up his head towards the ceiling, and he could now see over the stall doors, briefly noticing the same crowds in his peripheral vision.

“Oooooohhh….” A low, rough rumble escaped his lips, his voice as deep and gritty as one could get. Down below, he tilted his hips forward as the pelvis snapped and readjusted for a much wider waist.

Everything felt so thick to him. All of his body was covered in such big muscles, he could barely grasp onto what was happening anymore. It felt so wrong, this body felt so wrong, but...did it really? Was this wrong? What was right??  What was his name? Dylan let out a gruff grunt, trying his best to get his thoughts under control.

“My...m’ name…” Dylman relished the sound of his own voice. His shoes began to creak, before bursting open due to the large feet he now had. His butt went from being as flat as a plank to something akin to a couch cushion, the size of it shaking growth into his thighs and calves, which were starting to look like redwood trunks.

“I know who I ahm,” Dalmon’s voice filled the stall with its rumblings, followed by another grunt as his chest puffed out. 2 mounds began to grow on his chest, and grow they did. Dalmon’s pecs were rounding out, starting to resemble bowling balls themselves. He started slowly bouncing his enormous muscle tits and growling, his small tic tac nipples being replaced by 2 thick corks. 

Bristly hair grew out all over his burly chest, and moved down towards his stomach, which gurgled as a 6 pack grew out over it. The sight didn’t last long though, as Dalmon felt pressure building up behind said abs, before bursting out into a major gut before him. All the new size  excited him, and boned him up again, snaking up against the underside of his rotund stomach.

Standing 6’6 and now squished between the space in the stall, Dalmon was a large man with the head of a child. He was thinking hard about why he was there in the first place, and reached up to scratch his head.

Dalmon’s hair had more give than what he expected. He grunted before slowly and carefully grasping onto his hair and simply pulling it right off his head.He held what used to be his hair in front of him, head now as bald as Mr. Clean.

“Thats...thats…” Finally, like a beam of light in the darkness, Dalmon gained a sense of clarity of his surroundings.

“Ah know who ahm. Ah ain’t no dense fucker who can’t eve-yn 'member his own damn name.  Mah name is Damon!” Damon exclaimed this to himself, but prompted the people still waiting outside to respond.

“I don’t care what your name is! You took my spot in line and now everybody is waiting on you! Get the hell out of there!!” the man was clearly fuming from having his spot in line usurped from him like that, but Damon didn’t care.

Damon needed to take a break from the vendor’s hall. Yes, that’s right. He runs the wig stand at this convention. He needed to clean this one in particular because he had forgotten to do so beforehand.

Damon began to turn around, which was a struggle given his mass. Reaching for the stall door, he realized that he was butt naked. He glanced over the stall doors, which required nothing more than a turn of the head at his height, at the crowds waiting for him to leave. Out of nowhere, Damon began to get a migraine. He growled a bit before grasping his head with his paw. Unbeknownst to him,the ripped fabric began to swirl in the air, forming new clothes for him. Leather boots adorned his new feet, which led into thick blue Levi jeans which were heavily strained by his ass, legs, and bulge. A simple grey t-shirt donned his magnificent form, and an apron flowed down the front of his body, the strings tying themselves behind the small of his back.

This all happened bottom to top, and once it reached his neck, Damon’s head finally began to feel the effects. The small boyish jaw cracked to the side before reforming as a giant wide slab, the rest of his head expanding to match his stout neck. Cheekbones and brow snapped outwards, and his small nose grew into a solid, masculine one with a ridge in the middle, making it dip downwards slightly. Teeth rearranged perfectly as his lips thinned and mouth widened, creases appearing beside his mouth, eyes, and forehead. Damon moved his mitt to rub his new jaw, and found it rough and gritty like sandpaper. Above his mouth grew a large bushy mustache that reached just past his lip.

Damon opened the stall door and looked down upon the man that was criticising him as he eased his way out. The man wasn’t short, but compared to Damon he only reached about chest height. He eyed him and the rest of the crowd, who stared back at this immense man who was wildly different from the boy that entered not so long ago. The feeling of power satisfied Damon, his cock hardening and snaking down his left thigh. He was a man with a dominating presence, because of his stature, and also his experience.

Dylan didn’t have the experience he was thinking about, but Damon did. The folds on Damon’s face got heavier, skin became thicker and more weatherbeaten. silver strands of hair were speckled around his body, making sweet accentuations to his dark brown body hair. As everyone eyed him, Damon’s chest raised and lowered with each of his deep breaths. The awkward silence filled the room.

“Ah would appreciate it ifin' ya moved so ah can finish uhp mah business” His booming voice sliced through the atmosphere, and everyone started fidgeting around like they were beforehand. The man in front of Damon was too shocked to move, so Damon slapped his large mitt onto his shoulder and moved him aside. Once Damon could pass, he made a sly smile at the man and patted his back. Damon has been gone too long from his booth. Making his way back into the vendor’s hall, he raised his mighty arm to show the stamp on his hand, and then proceeded towards his booth. There he saw a young girl looking around at the wigs he had on display.

“Howdy thair young lady, how can ah help ya today?” Damon eased his mass into the small metal chair that was given to him at the start of the con. With how much the chair creaked under his weight, it's a miracle that i didn’t collapse.

Jes was shocked to see such a large man working at something like a wig booth. The air around him smelt of pine trees.

“O-oh yeah! Yeah, no I was just- I was just looking around. I was waiting for someone but I think he left early so I’m just here now y’know?” Her nervousness was apparent in her voice, but Damon didn’t want to frighten her at all, even if he happened to scare quite a few people away.

“Hey Hey alraahyt ah git it.” Damon gave a hearty chuckle, “Well look for as long as ya’ld like, no pressure at alll young miss. Didn’t mean t' scare ya, I swear. So ya think ya were ditched by that partner awf yours? Well that dudn make a convention too fun now does it? I’m here all day so ya can always come here eend chat with ole damon ifin' ya’d like!”

“Oh! Well, thank you for the offer! I still have some money left over so I’ll probably just walk around some more. I’ll make sure to stop by before I leave, though!.” Jes found this man oddly familiar, though she didn’t understand why. She had never met this man, or anyone like this man either.” she turned away, and with a quick wave goodbye, she walked off deeper into the convention halls, glancing back at the giant man at the wig stand one last time.

He said "hey hey", didn't he?

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5 years ago
Big Ramy Little Shirt

Big ramy little shirt