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Advice For Your North And South Node

advice for your north and south node

the north and south node are points where the moon intercepts the earth’s orbit around the sun. your north node sign and house represent your karmic path and the lessons we came to learn or experience for further growth. your south node reveals the challenges and habits we bring from past lifetimes. it also provides us with information on the talents carried with you. this is valuable for finding true life purpose.

aries north node / libra south node, love yourself. start something. take a stand. be independent. stay confident. embrace new beginnings. use you initiative. be a leader. put your needs first. figure out who you are and be confident with them. handle your anger in a healthy manner. strive for inner peace.

taurus north node / scorpio south node, establish your values and stand by them. create security. ground yourself. live in the moment. tell it as you see it. allow yourself to be creative. sing more. work hard. learn to rely on yourself more. accept simplicity. 

gemini north node / sagittarius south node, allow yourself to be wild. express your creativity. write more. learn other people’s way of communicating. stay in the present. do one thing at a time. consider joining community activities. forget greed. volunteer at charities. accept that you do not need to be the best at everything.

cancer north node / capricorn south node, nurture your relationships. open yourself to your light side. try to understand your emotions. join cooking classes. surround yourself with people you love and protect them. find importance in self-care. be inclusive. embrace your maternal energy. go on days out with family. it’s ok to be vulnerable. 

leo north node / aquarius south node, lead by example. spoil yourself. it is ok to display affection openly. be joyful. allow yourself to entertain. express your inner child. inspire others. be romantic. work with children. don’t allow yourself to be consumed with needing to be liked. be sensual.

virgo north node / pisces south node, learn how to say no. stay healthy. be a leader. find structure and grounding routines. stand up for yourself. take up a sport. clearly define your boundaries. organise your room/house/office. pick up technical hobbies. take responsibility for yourself. 

libra north node / aries south node, allow yourself to put other people’s needs first. carefully consider your decisions. find peace within yourself. practice compromise, co-operation and commitment. sort through your wardrobe and donate old clothes to charities. be patient. 

scorpio north node / taurus south node, embrace your spirituality. it is ok if other people help you. live minimalist. open yourself up to other peoples opinions and values. research other religions/cultures. let other’s provide. become more passive.

sagittarius north node / gemini south node, focus on the bigger picture. spend more time with nature. volunteer at animal shelters. speak your truth. believe in yourself. find solitude. reject the norm and take risks. text your friends first. teach others your knowledge.

capricorn north node / cancer south node, empower others. be pro-active. start to manage your money. go into a business-like profession. focus on being emotionally stable. let others depend on you and depend on others too. be fiercely loyal and proud. try not to be an enabler. volunteer with children.

aquarius north node / leo south node, be weird. focus on other people but avoid drama. be rational. join a club. socialise and spend more time with your friends. channel your energy into an invention that benefits all. be fair. seek out like minded individuals and expand your network. 

pisces north node / virgo south node, stay the healer. listen more. dance. learn to trust. do not over analyze and embrace spontaneity. avoid addiction. follow your imagination. paint more. find a connection to your faith and psychic abilities. be empathetic and embracing. 


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More Posts from Augustnotes

10 months ago

Asteroid Glo (3267) and How you Shine🐚

Asteroid Glo (3267) And How You Shine

This asteroid and its placements point towards the ways in which an individual naturally shines. By taking awareness of this, one can level up their life in a more naturally-occurring way, tending to their innate strengths. With dedication, it can even lead to fame ⭐️

I'm finally back with a new post! Thank you for both your patience and your kindness on this platform. I'm so glad to have joined such a kind and accepting community on here 🫶🏽

As always, do share your own placements and how you believe it has played out in your life thus far! Of course, asteroids are not as important as the natal chart itself, though it can be fun to explore, because why not? Enough chatter, more about the content:

Asteroid Glo (3267) And How You Shine



You shine for your authenticity, your natural beauty and personality. This kind of person reminds me of someone who simply wakes and is considered to be radiant. All face. Great skin.


Your personal possessions are something of interest of others, perhaps being literally shiny and even of great quality. You are perceived to be of high status as a result.


Your mind is highlighted with this placement. There is something so magnetic about the way you think and communicate with others. Perhaps your learning style is innovative and an emphasis on your early education days.


☆ of the family vibes? Either way, your family is a very important factor in your life and even moreso, when it comes to your mother.


Your mind is highlighted, this time in terms of your creativity. Your children, pets and romantic relationships can be a source of light for your life. Also, there is an emphasis on talent.


Your work ethic is likely the talk of the town, perhaps for your disciplined nature. Also, the way in which you tend to your body (diet, exercise, hygiene) can be admired.


Your long-term relationships (marriage) are something that naturally draw attention. On the other hand, careful with open enemies and envy on others behalf.


Your ability to transform and resilience throughout your life are truly one of a kind. Perhaps your spiritual practices draw a lot of attention.


This placement points towards a life plentiful in travel experiences, upper education opportunities (college, university) and overall incessant learning in life, particular language learning and of other cultures. These qualities do not go unseen by others.


Your career and your status draw in attention naturally, regardless of what it is that you do. You can be admired for your authority-like presence.


Friend magnet position. You also can be a hopeful and wishful person, thus attracting even more abundance, which makes you glow even further.


Your energy is unforgettable. Despite this placement being more reclusive and desiring time alone, your spiritual practices are often highlighted. Also, some of your secrets and fears may to more apparent due to the illuminating nature of this asteroid

Asteroid Glo (3267) And How You Shine


How can you express and optimize your natural gifts?


Through your shameless and enthusiastic nature


Through your patient and artistic nature


Through your inquisitive, communicative and adaptable nature


Through your emotional, nurturing nature


Through your creative and fun-loving nature


Through your attention to detail, precision and helpful nature


Through your peace-loving, diplomatic and charming nature


Through your magnetic, persevering and passionate nature


Through your optimistic and honest nature


Through your ambitious and efficient nature


Through your independent, unique nature


Through your empathetic, responsive, escapist nature

Asteroid Glo (3267) And How You Shine


Glo-Sun benefic aspects (conjunction, sextile, trine)

You shine in your self-expression and identity. You know that you shine though it isn't an ego show, you know how to acknowledge the confidence you have in yourself

Glo-Sun malefic aspects (opposition, square)

Surplus of ego, cockiness that may not be well-received. On the other hand, this may manifest as insecurity and lack of sense of self and esteem.

Glo-Moon benefic aspects (conjunction, sextile, trine)

You have a knack for expressing your feelings that others resonate with, people can feel understood when you open up (youtubers who share their intimate mental health struggles come to mind).

Glo-Moon malefic aspects (opposition, square)

May manifest as emotional outbursts if not careful (breakdowns, surges of anger) that are not well-received but are perceivable to the public eye.

Glo-Mercury benefic aspects (conjunction, sextile, trine)

Your communication style, whether that be through writing or speaking draw people in.

Glo-Mercury malefic aspects (opposition, square)

You may be prone to overthinking and communicating in a way that is difficult to follow as a result. On the other hand, this can point towards a fast speaker that engages their audience (a rapper perhaps).

Glo-Venus benefic aspects (conjunction, sextile, trine)

You have a natural beauty that you too know how to accentuate. Whether it be through clothes, makeup, art or all the above, you capture others attention as a result.

Glo-Venus malefic aspects (opposition, square)

You may not see your beauty as easily as others, which may lead others to think you're searching for validation. On the other hand, this placement may lead to vanity, constant appearance checks and being unable to stop thinking about how one looks (overindulgence).

Glo-Saturn benefic aspects (conjunction, sextile, trine)

You are a naturally hard-working person ("started from the bottom now we here" vibes) and your discipline does not go uncelebrated by the masses.

Glo-Saturn malefic aspects (opposition, square)

Despite well intent, you may be prone to overworking, something that generates concern for your well-being. On the other hand, perhaps you do not see the point of hard work and lack discipline.

Glo-Mars benefic aspects (conjunction, sextile, trine)

You are likely a trailblazer in whichever career you choose. What comes to mind is a fitness instructor for example, who creates new exercises that can be done from the comfort of one's home. This creates competition in the best possible way.

Glo-Mars malefic aspects (opposition, square)

Despite your potential trailblazing capabilities, perhaps it wasn't always in the best interest of others. Remember not to step on others just to reach the top, not only is it not well-received, it also will not go unpunished (the fiery mars energy). Remember, competitiveness is healthy, in small doses.

Glo-Jupiter benefic aspects (conjunction, sextile, trine)

You are perceived as a lucky person, particularly when it comes to all your life experiences. This is someone who likely finds luck through their travels and emerging themself in new cultures. Not to mention, higher education opportunities are abundant, something that does not go unnoticed. These blessings strengthen the individual.

Glo-Jupiter malefic aspects (opposition, square)

This can lead to either a blockage in opportunities, causing despair to the person or a surplus of opportunities, leading the individual to feel overwhelmed and unable to choose. In particular, this makes me think of someone who wants to do many things with their life though is unable to choose one venture. In the public eye, this person can be perceived as scattered or restless as a result.

Glo-Uranus benefic aspects (conjunction, sextile, trine)

You shine through your uniqueness, your ability to tap into your original ideas. In particular, unconventional YouTube videos come to mind like storytimes with several plot twists or even "Staying in My Freezer for 24 Hours", idk. You have a great ability to entertain.

Glo-Uranus malefic aspects (opposition, square)

This can manifest as sudden, undesired changes. Using the previous YouTube example, perhaps things go wrong seemingly out of nowhere or that you venture into more dangerous video ideas.

Glo-Chiron benefic aspects (conjunction, sextile, trine)

When you are aware of your natural ability to shine and you own it, this placement in turn shines again for their ability to share their teachings and past hurt to others.

Glo-Chiron malefic aspects (opposition, square)

This placement indicates a person who is not able to work through their shame associated with their natural shine, who shies away from what they know they are good at, in the guise of humility. They dwell on the undesired parts of themself rather than foster and nurture their strengths.

Glo-Neptune benefic aspects (conjunction, sextile, trine)

Your imagination, and artistic ability take you far in life. Sharing these gifts with others provides both parties with a healthy escape from the daily routine of life.

Glo-Neptune malefic aspects (opposition, square)

This placement may lead to an excess in escapist tendencies, and mental sensitivity, thus leading the person to retreat more into themself and not share their gift.

Glo-Pluto benefic aspects (conjunction, sextile, trine)

This persons' transformative nature is incredible. This can be perceived as having many different "phases" (emo, edgy, girly, hairstyles, clothing, etc) depending on what it is that they've gone through in their life. This is admired by many.

Glo-Pluto malefic aspects (opposition, square)

This may manifest as someone who is in the spotlight for their inability to adjust to the constant changes in their life, who is famous for unfavourable transformations as a result.

Asteroid Glo (3267) And How You Shine


Forgive me for not mentioning the exact source but I've been a person on TikTok hypothesize that when we feel insecure, we tend to embody the negative traits of the sister sign of the placement in question when we feel lesser than.

Let's use myself as an example. Natally I have asteroid Glo in Libra 1H. According to this, I shine for simply being myself. In times of insecurity, it can be said that may appear self-centered and arrogant (negative aries traits) and perhaps seek external validation through romantic relationships in attempt to remedy this (7H). With this awareness, I can learn to pour more into myself and become more attuned to my needs.

Asteroid Glo (3267) And How You Shine


This year (2023-july 2024), I have Glo in Cancer 11H trine saturn and squaring neptune. I've found myself slowly opening up more and literally crying (cancer) to my friends (11H) and noticing that it does help with the emotional burden, as someone who usually doesn't. Also, I find that those closest to me occasional make remarks about how hard-working I am (saturn) and this in turn has led me to in more into their perspective of me (8H) and lean more into discipline (capricorn) daily routine, diet and healthy regiment (6H). On the other hand, I have been trying to balance my mental sensitivity (neptune) through my formal education alongside more spiritual practices such as tarot, crystals and astrology (9H). As a result, this year has led me to take a more caring and gentle approach (pisces) to my mental health and explore the inner workings of my mind through guides such as tarot and astrology (8H) though I do require more alone time.

As for this upcoming year (july 2024-2025), I'll have Glo in Virgo 12H sextile the moon and venus, as well as trine uranus and opposing chiron (wow). I foresee myself taking a more analytical view (virgo) when it comes to the inner workings of my mind, analyzing my spiritual beliefs, sleeping routine and hidden fears (12H). With this placement sextile moon, I suspect that emotional expression may come with more ease (moon) and that freeing myself from emotional turmoil may lead me to more career opportunities, and a greater reputation (10H). With a venus sextile as well, this placement is indicative of an improved fashion sense and general understanding of what natural suits me through an intuitive and emotional connected approach, nurturing my needs (cancer), in particular when it comes to finding success in career and social standing (10H), which mirrors my exact natal placement. With a uranus trine, embracing my innovative ideas (uranus) will allow me to flourish in matters related to fear as a general concept, conquering it and transform for the greater good as a result, becoming more spiritually attuned to myself perhaps (8H). This success should be approached in a patient, practical way as lasting success is not immediate (taurus). Now, with Glo opposing chiron, this upcoming year may be one where I must actively fight against my limiting beliefs, perhaps even those that others project onto me (chiron). In particular, challenges associated with potential romantic pursuits are at the forefront, if I do not acknowledge my strengths and hide away instead (7H). I must not waver in my faith and tap into the true courageous, leader-like energy that I know I have inside (aries). This last part shouldn't be as daunting seeing as I have Glo square chiron natally, both in cardinal signs.

Dividers from source!

Asteroid Glo (3267) And How You Shine
7 months ago

Juno persona chart

the moon in the house

Juno Persona Chart
Juno Persona Chart

what is a juno persona chart? looking into juno persona chart gives more detailed insight of how the relationship and marriage overall of you and your spouse will be like. it also describes them in a sense as well. The Greek Goddess Juno is described to rule over love and marriage and hence why the asteroid is looked into for that theme.

the moon rules over emotions, comfort and your most inner feelings. in the juno persona chart, the moon represents emotional connections, intimacy and the nurturing qualities within the marriage.

Juno Persona Chart

reminder: this is my interpretation from observations and first hand experiences, so don't take this to heart.

Juno Persona Chart

moon in 1st house: this placement gives the impression of needing and having the urge to help and nurture their partner. this placement tends to give their other half a very self aware approach to their emotions, this may cause them to share and express it openly in the relationship. they are conscious about their emotions and this is the type to show how they feel on their face- their facial expressions are very strong. deep down this placement takes pride in their ways of dealing with their emotions and how they show it to their partner. since they have very expressive facials they may expect others to know what they are feeling without the need to talk about them. marriage will be full of affirmations about each others pride and existence.

spouse can have natal moon in aries, 1st house, fire sign.

moon in 2nd house: emotional connections are very common with this placement. seeking for financial security withing the relationships can be a priority here. this placement can definitely cause a couple to have good careers and just overall very career focused and determined- very hardworking. this placement calls for attaching themselves very easily to their partner so be careful not to become possessive over each other. another thing with this placement is that they usually feel that they need to work hard in order to allow themselves to rest and have their comfort, and these individuals love their comfort so they will thrive for it. in marriage as a whole, can be good with nurturing each others emotional states and good at making each other feel better. for example if your partner is having a bad day, you will be the first person they'll come to reassure themselves. both parties love to eat and have a good hearty meal together. i feel like it can bring nostalgia when you have food with your other person and it becomes a staple in your every day routine. it can be a simple snack that changes the days mood for this placement. speaking of moods, the mood of the marriage can fluctuate and can sometimes feel out of the blue when the change does happen without any context.

spouse can have their natal moon in taurus, 2nd house, earth sign.

moon in 3rd house: the moon here give attentive tendencies towards the way the couple communicates with each other. they feel each others sudden moves and are sensitive about the comments the other has to say. i feel like talking can be comforting and just sharing how each others day went and what little errands they did that day and overall making one another think about a question can make the other feel better. this placement may like to vary their way of communicating and sharing their interests. talking about each others trips that they took or about school when they were younger can make one another feel excited and comforted and it can be something one another can relate and ask questions about. like why did you do that, how did that happen? and so on. there can be emotions shared when talked about each others life when you were younger and the neighbourhood that you lived at that time, it may hold some emotional memories from that time.

spouse can have their natal moon in gemini, 3rd house, air sign.

moon in 4th house: family dynamics may play a significant role in shaping the individual's approach to relationships. This placement understands and respects their family values and traditions, and may prioritize building a family of their own. Conversely, this placement may also indicate that the individual themselves are nurturing and caring towards their partner. They may naturally take on the role of providing emotional support and creating a comforting environment within the relationship. security within the marriage is important. this placement is very supporting and empathetic for their other half. if their partner is hurt, they are hurt, they feel what they feel very easily and it can be quite consuming.

spouse can have their natal moon in cancer, 4th house, water sign.

moon in 5th house: Individuals with this placement may express their emotions most strongly within romantic relationships. They may seek partners who appreciate their romantic gestures and who provide them with emotional warmth and affection in return. There is often a strong connection between emotional expression and creativity in relationships. These individuals may find fulfillment in creative pursuits with their partners, such as artistic projects or hobbies they enjoy together. The 5th house also relates to children, so individuals with this placement may have a nurturing and protective instinct toward their own children or those of their partner. They may prioritize creating a loving and supportive environment for their family.

spouse can have their natal moon in leo, 5th house, fire sign.

moon in 6th house: Their sense of emotional well-being may be closely tied to the environment in which they work and the people they interact with on a daily basis. This placement also suggests that the individual may seek partners who share similar values regarding work ethic, service, and daily routines. Additionally, the Moon in the 6th house of the Juno persona chart may indicate that the individual's emotional state can be influenced by their health and overall well-being. They may need to maintain a balanced and healthy lifestyle in order to feel emotionally stable and fulfilled. this placement is a healer, their doings are a work of art and the couple instantly heal each others vibe. this placement has lots of compassion, devotion and empathy.

spouse can have their natal moon in virgo, 6th house, earth sign.

moon in 7th house: emotional balance is important to this placement, the couples emotions can be a projection of one another. this can lead to often getting on each others nerves. like the dramatic arguments that married couples have but make up like after 5 minutes that you see in rom coms. there may be lots of reactions and feedback from your partner when you show your emotional side to them. this placement reminds me of when one person starts crying the other starts crying as well, so you feel and experience the same thing together. there is also lots of freedom on expressing your inner feelings to your partner. overall this is a beautiful placement as your partner is the one to find your emotions beautiful and can just find your flaws mesmerising.

spouse can have their natal moon in libra, 7th house, air sign.

moon in 8th house: this placements duty is to keep the stability of the relationship strong. they may feel like there needs to be certain rules and regulations when it comes to emotions between the marriage. however, feelings and emotions are DEEP and STRONG for one another. so big that it can lead to control. both parties can become a therapist for one another, giving advice on problems, listening very attentively and most importantly giving great advice. talking about the occult and eery topics can cause some sort of comfort to each other. also trauma dumping is big for this placement. like sharing the deepest and most secretive occurrences can occur due to each other trusting one another very well and feeling the need to tell the other what they had been storing forever.

spouse can have their natal moon in scorpio, 8th house, water sign.

moon in 9th house: for this placement, travelling and taking time off from society is very healing for this relationship. constantly learning each others way of dealing with emotions and exploring each others ways of dealing with them is something common here. humour can be something that connects both parties especially when one is feeling down, making each other laugh is healing. comedy and mass media can bring comfort to both parties, being goofy and joking around is common for this placement. spirituality and mindfulness can connect the couple and can bring comfort in the relationship. perhaps its a belief or daily ritual that connects both parties.

spouse can have their natal moon in sagittarius, 9th house, fire sign.

moon in 10th house: this placement like to lead when dealing with their partners emotions. they like to control how the other is feeling and how they feel as well, this may manifest one to not express their emotions for no one which creates this poker face persona. this placement can get very stressed and constantly worry about the financial situations in the relationship however, will most likely keep it to themselves and hardly address the situation and figure it by themselves. emotions within the marriage is controlled when in public. however, your other half's achievements and success can make you feel very happy and it may feel like you succeeded as well.

spouse can have their natal moon in capricorn, 10th house, earth sign.

moon in 11th house: this placement may seek independence in their relationship. this placement feels deeply and is empathetic for those around them, this just reminds me of someone attentively and actively listening to you when you share your emotions to them. this is quite a social attached placement so bonding over friends, acquaintances, social media is common with this placement. they feel like they need to have a social life outside their marriage to find balance between the two. each party sees the beauty in each others emotional state and can make them love them even more or be attracted to them mor after seeing their emotional side. sharing aspirations to one another is a positive aspect to this placement as it can lighten up the mood of each other by feeling proud of each other and overall hyping one another up.

spouse can have their natal moon in aquarius, 11th house, air sign.

moon in 12th house: the relationship may strengthen whenever the couple gives one another space and time to themselves. (i see lots of marriages that each has their own rooms in order to give each other enough space to allow themselves to function properly). however, this placement can cause addictions due to being in a negative state while being in the relationship. nevertheless, couples bond better when they are alone and in peace. mentally, it can feel like your partner is not even there at times (they can isolate or just keep their distance from you) and it may keep you second guessing. there is also high expectations that this placement may have of their partner which can cause disappointments.

spouse can have their natal moon in pisces, 12th house, water sign.

Juno Persona Chart
Juno Persona Chart

thank you for your time, have a lovely day.

7 months ago



ᰔᩚ જ⁀➴ Juno in the 1h

good looking spouse, important life lessons surrounding marriage and commitment, marriage is a focal point in your life, spouse will approach you first, spouse will help you discover more about yourself, spouse will change your life direction, marriage will cause you to have new outlooks on life, passionate marriage, dominant spouse, masculine spouse, confident spouse, spouse makes you feel like you’re fully yourself, love at first sight/upon first impression when meeting your spouse, being committed to yourself

ᰔᩚ જ⁀➴ Juno in the 2h

spouse spoils you, stable and peaceful marriage, shares similar values with spouse, laid-back/chill/easy going spouse, financially stable spouse, trauma bonding with spouse, spouse is your emotional security in life, spouse improves your self worth, very protective or possessive spouse, needs a safe space to wanna be with someone long term, needs someone who protects them, being committed to your finances

ᰔᩚ જ⁀➴ Juno in the 3h

healthy communication with your spouse, shares a lot of similar interests with spouse, similar opinions to your spouse, charming spouse that has a way with words, outgoing spouse, possibility of spouse living in your neighborhood, meeting your spouse on social media, going to school with your spouse, aren’t afraid to speak your mind to your spouse, sharing the same political views as your spouse, needs a spouse that’s constantly showing them love through words of affirmation, being committed to your siblings or literature

ᰔᩚ જ⁀➴ Juno in the 4h

spouse is your comfort zone, spouse feels like home, shy spouse, immediate sense of comfort when meeting your spouse, spouse is sensitive to your emotions, having the desire to feel emotionally secure with your partner, spouse helps you heal your inner child, having a lot of similar childhood experiences to your spouse, growing up with your spouse, sensitive to your partners emotions, being committed to your family

ᰔᩚ જ⁀➴ Juno in the 5h

popular spouse, talented spouse, spouse that brings out the most creative side of you, flirtatious spouse, playing video games together a lot with your spouse, being interested in similar hobbies to your spouse, spouse with a fun and positive child-like energy, really pleasurable sex with your spouse, going on lots of vacations with your spouse, losing your virginity to your spouse, generous spouse, meeting your spouse through a hookup, being committed to romance or your children

ᰔᩚ જ⁀➴ Juno in the 6h

fit and healthy spouse, marrying a close friend, marrying a coworker, spouse loves animals, spouse is constantly working on improving themself and marriage, trustworthy spouse, needs consistency in a relationship to be happy, being clingy/wanting to go everywhere with the people you’re in relationships or marriages with/wanting to always be with your spouse, innocent spouse, spouse shows love through acts of service, being committed to your hygiene and health

ᰔᩚ જ⁀➴ Juno in the 7h

happy marriage, attractive spouse, charming spouse, hopeless romantic spouse, loyal in relationships/marriage, marrying your best friend, will have important life lessons involving relationships/marriage/commitment, thrives in relationships with loyalty, spouse will protect them and have lots of concern for their well being, may meet their spouse while their in a relationship or their spouse is in a relationship with someone, possible enemies to lovers dynamic with spouse, doesn’t like being in flings/situationships or having one night stands, has multiple very long term relationships, spouse is your business partner, becoming attached to lovers very easily, being committed to long term partners or your spouse

ᰔᩚ જ⁀➴ Juno in the 8h

wealthy spouse/marrying wealth, mysterious spouse, seductive spouse, really good and intimate sex with your spouse, spouse bringing major transformations to your life, quickly forming a deep connection with your spouse when meeting, loving the people you’re in relationships with more even after knowing the dark parts of them, keeping your love life and marriage very private, spouse helps heal trauma, becoming attached to lovers really easily, being committed to people you have close connections with

ᰔᩚ જ⁀➴ Juno in the 9h

marrying someone that’s very intelligent and wise, adventurous spouse, optimistic spouse, meeting your spouse while traveling, meeting your spouse in school (usually college), having similar beliefs to your spouse, foreign spouse, sharing similar viewpoints to your spouses, lucky spouse, spouse will bring lots of luck to your life/positive abundance, would never enjoy being with someone that’s close minded, being committed to college/school

ᰔᩚ જ⁀➴ Juno in the 10h

successful spouse, marrying a celebrity, meeting your spouse through your career, spouse is possibly your boss, dominant spouse, spouse helps you gain many achievements, responsible spouse, career-oriented spouse, spouse will remind you of your father figure, ambitious spouse, never settles for less, marrying someone of higher status, marrying someone that helps you achieve your long term goals, being committed to your career

ᰔᩚ જ⁀➴ Juno in the 11h

marrying someone who isn’t your ideal partner or someone you would have never expected to marry, unique spouse, marrying your soulmate, wealthy spouse, same hopes/wishes as your spouse, marrying a friend, meeting your spouse through social media or friends, spouse that parties hard, deep desire for marriage, manifesting your dream spouse, spouse is a humanitarian, friendly spouse, intellectual spouse, being very committed to friends

ᰔᩚ જ⁀➴ Juno in the 12h

marrying someone who is interested in astrology/the afterlife/the unknown, shy spouse, spouse and marriage will heal you and your traumas, spiritual spouse, selfless/self sacrificing spouse, psychic spouse, marrying someone you have lots of karma with (can be good or challenging karma) and have known in multiple past lives, spouse that helps you fulfill your karmic debt, hidden enemies/secretly hating each other before marriage, good sex with your spouse (the 12th house rules over bed pleasures), secretly having a crush on your spouse for a while before pursuing them (or vice versa), immediate fascination with one another when meeting your spouse, being committed to spirituality


© 𝗅𝗂𝗅𝗂𝗍𝗁𝗀𝗋𝖾𝗒𝖾

11 months ago

"But I feel Lilith's compulsion is often to reject the realms of her house and sign"

YOU ARE SPOT ON WITH THAT!! and I think that's so apparent to those with lilith in 7th house where partnership is often denied or avoided entirely because there is that need to convince yourself you don't need anyone (which leads to the hyper-independence problem).

ugh i love what u said so much. we so often assume lilith is smth we subconsciously indulge in but more often than not, it's a part of us we always reject which is why it's always emphasised to heal and channel that energy healthily!!

Hi there! I just happened across your 7th house Lilith post asking people about their experiences with this placement! I’m writing you here because I see the replies are restricted. I love that you asked about this, because I could say so much about my experiences with having a 7th house Libra Lilith. First off, I just wanna note I found it very interesting you asked if people with this placement get people trying to put the “mean girl” narrative on them. I do find pretty often that people do not read my energy as warm and inviting (not sure if they see it as “mean” per se, but I think I can seem intimidating or unfriendly). I’ve attributed that to other things in my chart, but maybe Lilith is involved too!

Anyway, for me, my 7th house Lilith in Libra has been a double edged sword in my life that has protected me from getting involved with actually toxic people, while it’s also caused me to sabotage positive relations in the past. I associate Lilith, along with my 8th house Pluto squaring my Venus and Mars, for why I’ve feared dependence with someone, and have actually been hyper-independent, living alone now for all of my adulthood. But the South Node in Libra currently transiting my Lilith seems to be helping do away with my instincts to sabotage my relationship (I’m in a committed one now, for the first time in years) whenever my partner expresses a grievance. You see, I used to believe I could only ever bring bad things to another person’s life, so a simple expression of someone not being happy with one little thing in our relationship could activate my trauma response to sabotage the entire relationship.

So for me, Lilith in 7th house and Libra has had a definite connection to my hyper-independence, my beliefs I am starting to overcome that I could only be toxic for a partner, and also the fact that I have been able to walk out on problematic people without feeling conflicted about it!

Thanks for asking! I love this topic, and I find so much different info on Lilith, so I have found that watching how the transits interact with my Lilith has definitely been the best way to understand how she manifests for me personally! 🖤

hello!! omg this was so insightful, thank you so much for sharing!!

the impression of being intimidating and unfriendly does seem to make sense when you bring up your aspects. especially bringing up that pluto falling in the 8th house squaring that venus in mars. People I've met who has almost similar aspects, i would have to say you probably definitely give a rather cut-throat vibes in a competitive way especially in areas that youre passionate about. thanks to this, now i can see how the impression within that 7th house lilith is definitely strongly attributed to personal aspects.

hyper-independence is such a common theme I see in lilith in the 7th house, yet its also so contradictory to how the individual could be in a relationship which is absolutely dependent on their partner without realising. i guess personally for me, that's how I interpret your fear of only capable of being toxic to your partner. as an individual, you feel almost kind of invincible that you could do anything on your own and you are completely content with it. however, there's also that little desire in wanting a partnership but its knowing damn well of the insecurity and your worse traits coming out as a partner out of your control.

i also definitely agree with the blessing in disguise of being able to walk out on problematic relationship without hesitation. from a personal experience, i never found it hard to completely cut people out when i decide im done with them. it's to a point where i remove any traces of them in my life and as if they had never existed. this strong sense of self control and boundaries has definitely helped me in many ways than others.

i absolutely love how you brought up the way the transit affected you! im happy to hear you working through it!! i hope you always remember that your existence itself can be a blessing to someone else's life. it could be the reason someone anticipates for the sun to shine the next day. i wish you well and of the best in your current relationship!!

this was an amazing take!! thank you so much for sharing your experiences!! i think this has helped to see the effect being more concrete :)

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8 months ago

Body Astrology 🧠🫀🫁

Body Astrology


Sun: eye sight, the right eye, heart, spine, belly, overall health

Moon: breasts, face, body fluid, bodily tissue, mucous membrane, the left eye, uterus, digestive & lymphatic system, menstrual cycle

Mercury: limbs, hands, skin, nose, lungs, nervous system

Venus: hips, waist, face, sexual organs, semen, reproductive fluid, urinary system, genitals

Mars: blood, muscles, genitals, neck, veins, overall energy

Jupiter: thighs, fat tissue, flesh, liver, kidneys, memory, glands, ears

Saturn: teeth, bones, knees, joints, hair, nails

Rahu: legs, lungs, breathing, asthma, diseases

Ketu: abdomen, feet, pineal gland, weak immunity, wounds


Aries: head, brain, cranium

Taurus: neck, throat, voice, mouth

Gemini: lungs, arms, shoulders, hands

Cancer: chest, breasts, stomach

Leo: heart, spine

Virgo: intestines, digestive system

Libra: kidneys, groin, liver

Scorpio: genitals

Sagittarius: hips, thighs

Capricorn: knees, bones, teeth

Aquarius: calves, shins, ankles

Pisces: feet


1st house: head, brain, hair, appearance, skin

2nd house: face, eyes, right eye, teeth, tongue, mouth, nose, vocal cords

3rd house: ears, throat, neck ,shoulders, arms, wind pipe

4th house: chest, breast, lungs, heart, blood vessels, diaphragm

5th house: heart, stomach, spine, upper back, pregnancy

6th house: kidney, small intestine, digestive system, injury/wounds

7th house: uterus, ovaries, testes, prostate gland, groins, semen

8th house: genitalia, anus, sex, mensuration, diseases

9th house: hips, thighs

10th house: joints, knees, knee caps, posture

11th house: legs, left ear

12th house: feet, left eye, subconscious mind, astral body, mental imbalance, crippled limbs

Body Astrology

Citations: Gaurav. “D9-Chart.” Divisional Charts | The D-9 Chart (Navamsa), The D-10 Chart (Dasamsa), and More,