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5 months ago

To clarify an interview answer, Amir said he couldn't reveal who Alastor would go above and beyond for out of love. Separately, he also said that the answer would be too big of a reveal and that it would cause an argument which is an intriguing bit of information.

I have a feeling that the reason why that is is because it's someone he has romantic feelings for which is partially why it would be considered a reveal that could unleash arguments.

Let that knowledge guide your answer I guess.

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11 months ago


hi!! i know people talk about how having lilith in the 7th house can indicate the reoccurring themes of unhealthy or deceptive partnerships (toxic relationships, third party situations, betrayal and etc) OR and indication of being a toxic partner yourself OR being attracted to partners who aren't good for you. i've seen a blog share their experience about how having said placement has made dating hard for them due to various reasons but one is never feeling like you could measure up like other people in romance, which led to a stagnation in the dating department for them growing up.

however, i wonder if there are those with the placements that share the experience of constantly having the mean girl narrative being pushed onto you. those who have barely gotten to know you are constantly looking for confirmation bias in your looks or mannerism of being the mean girl. this can lead to unhealthy or deceptive partnerships you form without realising which can end up in betrayal or isolation.

obviously depending on the sign, degree and aspects but im curious to know if there are people who have similar placement share that experience. if not, what is your lilith in the 7th house experience? please do share, i'd love to read about them!

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11 months ago

"But I feel Lilith's compulsion is often to reject the realms of her house and sign"

YOU ARE SPOT ON WITH THAT!! and I think that's so apparent to those with lilith in 7th house where partnership is often denied or avoided entirely because there is that need to convince yourself you don't need anyone (which leads to the hyper-independence problem).

ugh i love what u said so much. we so often assume lilith is smth we subconsciously indulge in but more often than not, it's a part of us we always reject which is why it's always emphasised to heal and channel that energy healthily!!

Hi there! I just happened across your 7th house Lilith post asking people about their experiences with this placement! I’m writing you here because I see the replies are restricted. I love that you asked about this, because I could say so much about my experiences with having a 7th house Libra Lilith. First off, I just wanna note I found it very interesting you asked if people with this placement get people trying to put the “mean girl” narrative on them. I do find pretty often that people do not read my energy as warm and inviting (not sure if they see it as “mean” per se, but I think I can seem intimidating or unfriendly). I’ve attributed that to other things in my chart, but maybe Lilith is involved too!

Anyway, for me, my 7th house Lilith in Libra has been a double edged sword in my life that has protected me from getting involved with actually toxic people, while it’s also caused me to sabotage positive relations in the past. I associate Lilith, along with my 8th house Pluto squaring my Venus and Mars, for why I’ve feared dependence with someone, and have actually been hyper-independent, living alone now for all of my adulthood. But the South Node in Libra currently transiting my Lilith seems to be helping do away with my instincts to sabotage my relationship (I’m in a committed one now, for the first time in years) whenever my partner expresses a grievance. You see, I used to believe I could only ever bring bad things to another person’s life, so a simple expression of someone not being happy with one little thing in our relationship could activate my trauma response to sabotage the entire relationship.

So for me, Lilith in 7th house and Libra has had a definite connection to my hyper-independence, my beliefs I am starting to overcome that I could only be toxic for a partner, and also the fact that I have been able to walk out on problematic people without feeling conflicted about it!

Thanks for asking! I love this topic, and I find so much different info on Lilith, so I have found that watching how the transits interact with my Lilith has definitely been the best way to understand how she manifests for me personally! 🖤

hello!! omg this was so insightful, thank you so much for sharing!!

the impression of being intimidating and unfriendly does seem to make sense when you bring up your aspects. especially bringing up that pluto falling in the 8th house squaring that venus in mars. People I've met who has almost similar aspects, i would have to say you probably definitely give a rather cut-throat vibes in a competitive way especially in areas that youre passionate about. thanks to this, now i can see how the impression within that 7th house lilith is definitely strongly attributed to personal aspects.

hyper-independence is such a common theme I see in lilith in the 7th house, yet its also so contradictory to how the individual could be in a relationship which is absolutely dependent on their partner without realising. i guess personally for me, that's how I interpret your fear of only capable of being toxic to your partner. as an individual, you feel almost kind of invincible that you could do anything on your own and you are completely content with it. however, there's also that little desire in wanting a partnership but its knowing damn well of the insecurity and your worse traits coming out as a partner out of your control.

i also definitely agree with the blessing in disguise of being able to walk out on problematic relationship without hesitation. from a personal experience, i never found it hard to completely cut people out when i decide im done with them. it's to a point where i remove any traces of them in my life and as if they had never existed. this strong sense of self control and boundaries has definitely helped me in many ways than others.

i absolutely love how you brought up the way the transit affected you! im happy to hear you working through it!! i hope you always remember that your existence itself can be a blessing to someone else's life. it could be the reason someone anticipates for the sun to shine the next day. i wish you well and of the best in your current relationship!!

this was an amazing take!! thank you so much for sharing your experiences!! i think this has helped to see the effect being more concrete :)

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6 months ago

Must admit that one thing that changed the way I see fandom discourse is realizing that a lot of fandom is just… playing with dolls. We're playing with dolls. Shipping? Playing with dolls. AUs? Dolls. Darkfic? Dolls.

Lotta people very agitated about the other kids playing with dolls wrong.

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8 months ago

There's a point where 'modernity has benefits but it means a lot of us have never seen a seed grow into a tree and we're missing out on a lot of beauty because of it' (a true, be it somewhat simplistic statement).

warps into 'modernity has made us spoiled and weak and our lives would be more meaningful if we needed to do rough work with our hands to survive' (bullshit and a building block of fascism)

and left wing post-apocalyptic thought has a tendency to go back and forth between the two without really noticing where they're at.

Comfort and stable access to food are good actually. We may lose these things in the future (and some have never had them) and it is good to prepare for the future, but let's be clear that losing this stable basis of survival would be a tragedy and would not make us happier or more virtuous.

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8 months ago

The significance of Haymitch's Games as the initial spark for the rebellion cannot be overstated. Katniss, unburdened by the propaganda that likely followed after Haymitch's play with the forcefield, saw right through this as an act of rebellion.

Haymitch is the starting point, the sunrise, for the plotting behind the scenes. Plutarch must have seen the Games in some shape or form as an impressionable young adult. The arena is, despite what the Capitol itself believes, a place lacking control. Aired live, a tribute can act in ways that the Capitol finds undesirable, with only minimal chances to interfere.

Haymitch's Games are the starting and reference point for Plutarch's plan. It is no surprise that he had been searching for another tribute to lead his campaign in an attempt to repeat Haymitch's efforts under better conditions—conditions he, no longer a young professional, had the power to control.

Perhaps most evident of this parallel is Plutarch's usage of the forcefield as the final act of destruction. Hovercrafts can pass through at any time. Even if the passing through was controlled elsewhere, Head Gamemaker Heavensbee entering and exiting the arena at a moment of crisis is an innocuous action. This begs the question on whether the destruction of the forcefield was truly necessary, or if it had been a signal for all of Panem that the arena was no more, and a symbol for where it all had started—a boy that had used the forcefield against the Capitol.

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