auranova26 - AuraNova26

I am a character artist who you can call Aura. Hello there fellow Tumblrs! Hsien-Ko and Mei-Ling are my favorite characters of all time and mean everything to me. :) He/Him/They/Them Creator of Cryas Darkstalkers and Cryas Chronicles. Pursuing to dedicate this blog to all lore and images relating to both this elseworld and OC mythos that I am crafting. If you wish to just see reblogs, my thoughts, and art check me out here:

45 posts

The Power Of The Spirit Compels You!

The power of the spirit compels you!

One thing that has always been a constant for me is how those who can use the aura elemental are immune to the corrupting effects of Coriyami. With the fact that I now am going forward with the idea of aura being spiritual energy manipulated from the caster's own soul, how does this provide protection from one of the most feared substances in the Cryas Chronicles mythos?

Corriyami evolved alongside lifeforms on Umbralus and Illumalus. As time passed over aeons, Corriyami evolved to specifically hijack the cells of specific lifeforms, fauna-based lifeforms to be exact. It never evolved to consume spiritual energy. In the simplest way, when one has the ability to use the aura elemental, their body effectively can use their spiritual energy to basically trick the Corriyami. While this doesn't destroy the Corriyami, it does allow the individual's own body and immune system to fight back against the Corriyami. The Corriyami is basically unaware of what is going on and is destroyed by the immune system or eventually passed through the body.

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More Posts from Auranova26

10 months ago

" HEY-HO ! "

" HEY-HO ! "

HEY-HO!!! 🥹💙💙💙

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1 year ago

Happy Birthday!!

In Cryas Darkstalkers, Hsien-Ko and Mei-Ling were both born on February 17th, 1730. Today now marks their 294th birthday! Wish both of these wonderful women a Happy Birthday!🥹🥳💙💛

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6 months ago

If you'll pardon me for asking, regarding your Darkstalkers AU, why make Felicia a wrestler instead of a pop star? Is there any special reason why, or was it just for fun?

Oh no worries, I am happy to answer. 😄 In Cryas Darkstalkers, Felicia is fully intended to be Mexican: both her biological parents being of Mexican descent, but importantly her adopted mother, Ramona Rose, is a Mexican living in America. Thus, Felicia grew up with such a culture. As she grew up, she was an avid fan of the luchador, El Santo.

El Santo - Wikipedia

Collecting comics when she could afford to buy them with allowance and watching any film she could of him. He was basically her idol and hero, as he was for basically the country of Mexico. Dude was crazy famous. Through him, she gained a love for acting and the sport of lucha libre.

If You'll Pardon Me For Asking, Regarding Your Darkstalkers AU, Why Make Felicia A Wrestler Instead Of

(Art by Mastermaindd) While she hoped to maybe one day meet the legendary luchador, he would pass away before she could reach adulthood. Into adulthood, she is primarily an actress. Not only for her passion to entertain, but as a way to eventually catch the hearts of all to show how the unity of humans and non-humans was possible considering the loving mother she has and the people of Taos, New Mexico that grew to accept her. However, her love for lucha libre still burned fiercely in her. Once she built the foundation of her career as an actress, she would also pursue her passion of lucha libre on the side for fun. That would catch the eyes of people in Mexico in time. As a luchadora, she goes by the name of La Santa, in honor of El Santo.

If You'll Pardon Me For Asking, Regarding Your Darkstalkers AU, Why Make Felicia A Wrestler Instead Of

(Art by Alm) In the end, just wanted to give some further depth to my interpretation of her. Considering I myself am Mexican American, wanted to do a bit more for her other than just saying she is Mexican in my mythos. So, the luchador angle was a fun one to give to her. Plus, like wrestlers, they entertain. And actors/actresses entertain, so why not have El Santo, one of the most famous individuals in Mexican history, be the reason she was inspired to go down the path she went. I hope this answers your question. 🫡 Have this bonus art advertising a charity match between La Santa and a fellow luchdor from the motherland:

If You'll Pardon Me For Asking, Regarding Your Darkstalkers AU, Why Make Felicia A Wrestler Instead Of

Art is made by my friend Tori.

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1 year ago

Magic of the Spirit

This lore blog is to make an addendum towards this blog as after a rousing discussion with a great friend, I have completely considered a new clear-cut idea of what is aura magic.

In the Cryas Chronicles reality, magic is a phenomenon that is known by many civilizations throughout the different realms. While many had t

The idea I have had with magic is the concept of manipulating energy or forces in the universe to lead to varying effects. Everything else was relatively clear, but aura felt a bit vague. In discussions with a friend, ze had asked me about the idea of soul magic in regard to Jedah since he has a big thing for it in the original Darkstalkers. And well, Jedah does play a big role in Cryas Darkstalkers. First of all, that had me consider the idea of what is a 'soul'. For both Cryas Darkstalkers and Cryas Chronicles, a soul is a cluster of energy that has tightly bonded in a bizarre, unknown manner that can lead to the ability for what we interpret as 'consciousness'. As an analogy, think of atoms: within an atom are particles that help create the atom and make up all different kinds of substances in the universe. Also within them is the potential for an immense amount of energy. Of course, playing recklessly with such stuff can lead to disastrous results.

Magic that uses this spiritual energy involves users weaving carefully through these bonds and siphoning the energy within the soul to use for varying purposes. What I've had as a spark of imagination is this idea: Soul and Aura magic use the same source of energy for their discipline of use. The difference is how they get this spiritual energy. Soul magic involves using the souls of others while Aura is the use of one's own soul. This plays on the idea I already had when it comes to Fire and Ice magic. Those forms of magic both use heat but involve moving heat in different manners to get the desired result. The precedent is there, and I don't like the idea of basically conjuring a new form of energy and just have that magic be the use of this made-up energy with no explanation. Make use of what exists and interpret it based on what I believe.

In essence the use of spiritual energy for magic exists in both realities, but the difference is generally more prevalent. Soul magic is without a doubt the most common form of spiritual manipulation in the Cryas Darkstalkers mythos, while Aura is prevalent in the Cryas Chronicles mythos. But both forms are capable in each.

With this epiphany, I do need to consider some ideas for Cryas Chronicles with this new knowledge. Soul magic is possible in it, but... the idea of souls is not a very prevailing concept that is widely accepted. That mythos is not as supernaturally crazy as what can go down in the Cryas Darkstalkers mythos. If Soul magic exists, and perhaps there are those who can use it, it would likely have a different name and such. Just differences in ideas and culture. Oooo, this is quite exciting! 😆

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10 months ago

Hsien-Ko and Mei-Ling Lore Bits 3: Rewrite Edition

During the research for a video essay I am working on, I have come across information that has shaken the foundation of what I have thought about Hsien-Ko and Mei-Ling. While my AU is free to do what I want, I would like my interpretations of Shao Hsien-Ko and Shao Mei-Ling to be based on the foundation of what was established and either expand, change, recontextualize, or add ideas to make them feel like the best they can be. With some additional flavor text that works for the mythos they are in.

With that established, I feel I need to look back at the last 'Lore Bits' I made for them and change information. Rather than edit what was there, I'll instead grab information from each one that must be changed and say how it will be changed here for this Lore Bits on them. A time capsule of what I wrote before with the information I had back then. If I don't bring anything up, then the information on Lore Bits 1 and 2 are still canon to Cryas Darkstalkers.

To begin, Lore Bits 1:

Hsien-Ko and Mei-Ling Lore Bits
Want to give some scattered bits of lore information regarding the Shao sisters in Cryas Darkstalkers. Help to give you a bit more insight i

Due to the incident that made the sisters aware of what happens when a jiangshi tastes blood, Hsien-Ko and Mei-Ling refuse to eat any meat-based food if it wasn't prepared by them or a very trusted individual.

Blood is no longer an issue as that idea was based on misinterpretations from the Darkstalkers Wiki based on a panel from a manga. They are free to eat whatever they want! That includes the mentioned Blood Sausages in Lore Bits 1.

Oh... turns out that is the only thing as looking back at my 2 Lore Bits, that was the only thing. 😅 However, I did make other things not under the banner of Lore Bits. So let us look at those and see what must be changed. First of all:

Dark Embrace/ Xié è De Yōngbào(邪恶的拥抱)
During the 'Hunters of the Dark Saga' (around the late 1900s), events lead to Hsien-Ko and Mei-Ling coming across an unusual disturbance in

No longer will this Burst going forward be referred to as Dark Embrace/ Xié è De Yōngbào(邪恶的拥抱). Instead, it shall be known as:

腐敗的拥抱 (Fǔbài de Yōngbào)/Corrupt Embrace

It makes better sense in terms of naming as the Burst was obtained via the Corriyami and the Qi of the sisters effectively corrupting one another in a mixture. While yes, the idea of the name of Corriyami is 'Dark Corruption', I already have a character who has a Burst that can basically mean 'Dark Embrace'. Plus... Corrupt Embrace sounds very cool to me.

Another thing to bring up since it is mentioned in the post: Afflicted with nightmares and even being taunted by her inner darkness, it all comes to a critical point during a battle with a large group of Corrupted, beings who fall victim to Corruption.

Without going into too much detail, the whole 'inner darkness/jiangshi' bit with Hsien-Ko is no longer part of the mythos as that has no bearing at all in the original lore. Just a fabrication. While I liked the idea... I decided to ultimately scrap it as there are other ways Hsien-Ko can deal with the consequences of becoming a jiangshi without the idea of some sentient inner demon in her mind.

Also, Hsien-Ko actually can't sleep proper without the help of Mei-Ling. I'll explain in another Lore Bit.

Onward to the next thing to edit:

On 1730 AD, February 17th, fraternal twin sisters were born to Shào Míngxiá (邵明霞) in the village of Xiān Mén Cūn (仙门村). Before the sisters w

After a scuffle with some xianshushi and talking with one of the shifu closest to their mother, they were banished from Xianmencun for their own safety.

Reading the official source I found, I actually want to tweak things. So here it seems to imply there being more shifus. Nah, only Mingxia was a shifu. The lore makes a clear statement that the only practitioners of the sorcery that is on display was only her and the Shao sisters. While I am gonna go with this idea of scarcity in Xian Men Cun, I want to have it to where Mingxia did at least have some other woman that she vetted and saw their potential to utilize magic. A small school of xianshushi of varying levels.

Another thing is that in the lore, it makes clear how their village was basically razed to the ground during the raid. I will go with that idea so there is no real sneaking out and stuff. No banishment.


These are official ref sheets I have made for Hsien-Ko Shao and Mei-Ling Shao of Cryas Darkstalkers. Very proud to detail not only their ful

On both sheets, the term 'ofuda' will no longer be used. While that is the official term in the og lore, that is a term with ties to Japanese Shintoism. Not sure if you noticed, but the sisters are Chinese and no mention of practicing Shintoism. Instead, I will be going forward using the following terms: talisman or 護身符 (hùshēnfú).

To reiterate, the inner jiangshi entity is no longer going to be part of Cryas Darkstalkers. So that Xienian, ignore it. However, her eyes going red is still a thing when she does go berserk.

Overall, in time do need to update these sheets with more accurate aspects, like Hsien-Ko's body frame, an update I want to make to the keyhole on her qipao, and edit the text.

Hmmm, kinda about it. I'll be making a Lore Bits 4 for them to go over some new aspects about them I do wish to share. Look out for it in due time. :)

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