averwonders - wow i'm here
wow i'm here

impulsive decisions, might overthink later

876 posts

Honestly Why Do People Think "roasting" Others Is Very Cool And They Are So "fuNnY And BEtteR THaN OthErS"

Honestly why do people think "roasting" others is very cool and they are so "fuNnY and bEtteR tHaN OthErS" ?

More Posts from Averwonders

2 years ago

Does your mind ever goes "Namjoon *with his warm and beautiful shy smile*" and you're suddenly feeling some sort of warm comfort and ease like you said a feel good spell?

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2 years ago

amazed at how there's always a BTS song/lyrics for every emotion I've ever felt, for every conflict I've ever had in my mind, for every thought I've ever pondered upon, for every damn thing that ever came to my mind be it questions, doubts, love, pain, nostalgia, rage, disappointment, happiness, euphoria, EVERY DAMN THING

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2 years ago

if you’re reading this, it’s too late

I already sent good vibes your way… they’re coming. there’s nothing you can do to stop them

2 years ago

In AOUAD when the surviving students were all waiting for rescue, slowly losing hopes and finally realising no one was coming to save them so they decided to save themselves, I couldn't help but think about the students in the Sewol Ferry Tragedy who kept following the orders and kept waiting for rescue but no one came.

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