BTS When You Call Them Handsome:
BTS when you call them handsome:
Lmao this guy. Jin loves compliments, especially from you, and while they make him immensely happy, he tries to play it off as cool as possible, playfully agreeing with you when you mumble 'handsome' before BTS' performance, your eyes wide with awe at his princely looks, dressed in a beautiful silver suit, his long black hair parted, revealing his strong forehead and sharp eyebrows. Seokjin loves it when you giggle at his shameless response, and he also answers that way to hide the blush creeping to his neck and ears, revealing his true feelings at your affectionate remark.
"I look stunning, I know. Don't worry, this handsome face is all yours."

Do you hear something? Yoongi will probably pretend he doesn't hear you when you whisper the word 'handsome' unconsciously, watching your boyfriend get ready for his photoshoot, his dark hair falling over his forehead in pretty waves and his slim body covered in a black silk shirt and black leather pants. He has no idea how to respond to these compliments, especially because he doesn't necessarily think they're true, and he's dying to say something, anything to express his gratitude, but he's too shy to. So he purses his lips instead, continuing to scroll through his phone, but you can see the small smile raising his cheeks slightly and the pretty blush painting his creamy skin.
*shy silence*

J-hope is the type of guy to not make a big deal out of a compliment, but that doesn't make him any less thankful of happy to hear you flatter his looks, clapping your hands excitedly when he exits the changing room in the store, the wide jeans and the blue jumper matching your boyfriend so perfectly you couldn't help but feel excited. Hoseok simply chuckles when he hears you compliment him over and over again, talking about how good his red hair matches the colorful outfit, a large smile gracing his lips as he looks at you with sparkling eyes. He finds your behaviour adorable and lovable, and thanks you sincerely.
"Aww, does it really look that good? Thank you~"

The cutest baby omg. Namjoon will get so shy and awkward when you compliment him and his new purple hair, and he won't be able to stop himself from smiling shyly, his eyes avoiding yours as he lowers his head to the ground, hiding those dimples you love so much. He can't stop letting out these cute giggles whenever you run your fingers through his thick hair, gushing over and over again about how prettily it blends with his tanned skin. He appreciates your compliments of course, and it motivates him to be better, and even if he tries to change the topic away from his handsomeness, it's just because he's a shy bean uwu.
"Ah, thank you!" *cute laughter sounds*

Jimin is the sweetest and most humble human being uwu. This cutie can't help but smile widely when you pet his messy blonde hair and say "handsome" softly, your eyes loving and gentle as you admire your boyfriend's baby face, slightly puffy from sleep, wearing a simple t-shirt and sweats, yet still looking ethereal. Your boyfriend will send you his infamous eye smile, and won't hesitate to compliment you right back, wanting you to know that you're the prettiest in his eyes. He loves and cherishes every good word you say about him, but he loves making you smile even more, silently adoring the soft blush painting your cheeks at the unexpected compliment.
"And you're the most beautiful woman I've ever seen."

Taehyungie can't hide his happiness whenever you compliment his looks, the beautiful boxy smile creeping on his face in record time as he hides his face behind his long fingers. He shakes his head slightly when you click another picture of him, continuing to praise his looks, awed at how handsome he can look just sitting on the soft grass of the park you were taking a stroll at, his soft caramel hair fluttering in the wind and his long eyelashes fanning over his cheeks. Your boyfriend feels all soft inside at the sound of you gushing over him, but he still disagrees, whining about how you're making him blush as you coo, unable to stand in front of Taehyung's adorable behaviour.
"Aish, seriously, you're making me blush~"

The main baby is here uwu. Jungkook will smile so bright when you compliment him, his lips pulling into that wide bunny smile you learned to cherish and his pretty doe eyes crinkling. He couldn't help but look at you lovingly when you compliment his looks in the latest BTS music video, your cute cheers for him ("Jungkookie, you're so handsome") and your interested expression making his heart melt in his chest. He doesn't really want to dwell on the compliments too much, feeling like he isn't worthy of them, but he still expresses his gratitude to you, the sweet grin and the fluttering feeling in his chest staying with him even after the song finishes.
“Thank you~” *bunny smile intensifies*

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More Posts from Avmisworld
BTS when you act cute:
Kim Seokjin:
Although you and Jin might seem like a very elegant, collected couple on the outside, the people who knew you understood that you were nothing short of two crackheads just waiting for the right time to go crazy.
You cackle loudly, clutching your stomach when Seokjin nearly slips on the wet floor, his silver silk slippers making skidding sounds on the light marble tiles.
Your boyfriend shrieks, grabbing the counter of the kitchen to steady himself as you continue to laugh, tears springing in your eyes at the chaotic situation you were in.
Jin was wearing a gray robe, now covered with wet patches, with the initials of his name, KS, stitched into the front of the robe in white. His black hair was wet from the random water-fight the two of you had started while washing the dishes, the jet black strands sticking to his forehead like a curtain, and drops of water were clinging to him, glistening like crystals against the fair skin.
You were wet as well, covered with bubbles from the soap the two of you were using, and your dark hair was pulled into a messy bun. Your wine colored satin shorts and sleeveless top were damp as well, PJ's Jin had gifted to you, but you couldn't care less right now.
Wheezing, you topple over to your boyfriend, gathering some more bubbles from the overflowing sink, the dishes completely invisible by now, covered with a mass of sparkly fuzz, and cover Jin's chin, making it look like he grew a curly beard.
The sight only makes you laugh even harder, especially seeing your boyfriend's unimpressed look, and you throw your head back, giggling to yourself.
Jin lets you add some more bubbles to his nose, a small smile growing on his face when you laugh every few seconds, clearly amused by your childish behaviour.
"Aish, you're such a baby", he mumbles, but his eyes are fond when he wipes the soap off his face, "Look what a mess you made", he scolds, gesturing to the water on the floor, the unwashed dishes, and the soap covering every surface close by.
"I'm sorry", you pout, but your eyes are glistening with mischief, enjoying the game you made out of the annoying chore, even if it's going to be a bitch to clean.
Jin rolls his eyes, not buying your fake antics at all, but he can't stop himself from smiling, reaching out to boop your soap covered nose. "You're lucky you're cute, Kim Y/N".

Min Yoongi:
Min Yoongi was a savage person, and unfortunately, dating him didn't give you an exception.
You were currently at the practice room, where your boyfriend was practicing the choreo for BTS' newest song. It always amazes you how they manage to top themselves every comeback, the dances only getting more and more difficult.
You lean against the white wall of the room, watching as Suga stood in front of the mirror covering the wall, his expression serious as he tried to fix his mistakes.
He looks annoyingly cute, like he always does, with his striped black and white t-shirt and his simple black slacks, his black sneakers making squeaking sounds against the polished floor as he repeats the moves over and over again.
His black hair, falling loosely over his forehead, moves to the beat of the song, his dark eyes focused like a predator on his prey, piercing his reflection on the wide mirror.
"Can I join you?", you ask timidly when Yoongi stops to take a gulp of water, wiping the sweat dripping down his chin with the back of his hand as he downs the water down, still trying to regain his breath.
Your boyfriend raises a dark eyebrow, a small smile forming on his face when you get up, pulling slightly on your ripped jeans. "Are you sure?", he asks, a teasing tilt to his voice when you walk towards him.
"Why not?", you ask, crossing your arms in front of your chest, a habit whenever you get defensive, and you can't help but pout when your boyfriend's smile grows even more, almost sinister looking.
"I just don't want to have to carry you to the apartment after you sprain your leg or something", your boyfriend says nonchalantly, watching with amusement when your mouth drops at his blatant response.
"Yah!", you say angrily, walking away from Suga when he starts laughing evily, his gummy smile on full power and his eyes squinted while you huff, not enjoying the roasts being directed towards you.
"I'm just kidding, baby", Yoongi says, walking towards you and placing a warm kiss on your head as an apology, his eyes still glittering with humor. "I can't help it, you're so cute when you're mad".

Jung Hoseok:
You don't really know how Hoseok managed to convince you to sleep over yet again, but apparently no matter how much time you've been together, your boyfriend's cursed puppy eyes and whining still works like a charm.
"Hobi, I need clothes", you shout to your lover from your spot on the comfortable couch, too tired to get up and fetch it yourself from J-hope's closet.
"'Kay, I'm bringing you", your boyfriend shouts back, while you start taking off your current clothes, peeling the tight faded jeans off your body and tight black tank top, throwing both of them to the side.
You shiver slightly when the cold air hits your bare skin, cuddling yourself and wrapping the thick fur blanket a bit closer to your body as you wait for your boyfriend to come back.
"Here you go-", your boyfriend says cheerfully, entering the living room before stopping mid-sentence, his eyes widening before a smile forms on his lips at the sight of your clothless body.
He looks ready to sleep, his black hair tied in a small ponytail, wearing blue flannel pyjamas and soft cotton slippers. His face is covered with a thin white layer of face cream, and he's holding a small bundle in his arms.
"Huh, you're really tired, aren't you?", He says with a giggle, looking amused when you yawn, your eyes watering from the force of it, too tired to even respond.
Your boyfriend keeps giggling, walking over to you with a smile, the chosen clothes in his hands, and taking the blanket off of you gently, his smile growing at the sound of your whines of protest.
"Let me help you, baby", J-hope says softly, helping you stand up from the couch and then pulling the dark blue hoodie over your head carefully, taking your hair out from where it's stuck inside the shirt.
The hoodie is huge on you, obviously, going past your mid-thigh, and it makes J-hope laugh even more, throwing the gray sweatpants in his hands to the side. "I guess we won't be needing this anymore", he says jokingly, leaning forward to peck your lips.
"You're so cute, Y/N, and so small", Hoseok says when he leans back, his eyes sparkling with love, and he leans forward to pick you in his arms easily, starting to walk towards the bedroom slowly, pressing another kiss to your forehead as your eyes begin to close. "Let's get you to sleep, baby."

Kim Namjoon:
You groan when you miss the peanut butter again, jumping helplessly in the air as you glare at the small plastic jar of the brown spreading, which seems to be laughing silently at your failures.
You were hungry and in desperate need of a late night snack, and it shouldn't be so hard to put some freaking peanut butter on a piece of bread, yet here you are.
Any other time, you would call Namjoon, your boyfriend, to help you, but he was working right now in his mini studio in your shared apartment, finishing some last minute writing, and you didn't want to disturb him because of peanut butter.
Although, you have to admit that this was technically your boyfriend's fault, who was always forgetting how much taller he is than you. You were positive he was the one who placed the peanut butter on the top shelf, since it was not you for sure.
Just as you are about to take one of the leather chairs in the kitchen, you hear an amused voice behind you. "Need some help?"
You turn around, meeting RM's twinkling brown eyes. His brown hair is messy, like it always is after hours of work, falling over his forehead cutely. He's wearing a simple purple shirt and matching checkered purple-black pants, and he's barefoot, explaining why you didn't hear him at all.
You sigh, wondering once again why the hell were you born to the two shortest parents around, before nodding dejectedly, "Yes, please".
Your boyfriend laughs, walking towards where you were standing and plucking the spread off the shelf easily, handing it over to you with a fond smile.
"Thank you", you mumble, still a bit pissed at your height, and Namjoon continues to smile sweetly, leaning against the counter with a hum. "Of course".
"What?", you ask after a few moments, Namjoon's gaze burning holes in the side of your face as you make yourself a sandwich, covering the peanut butter covered bread with another piece before turning to face your lover.
"Nothing", Namjoon shrugs, reaching forward to open the refrigerator and take out a bottle of water. "I just came to drink. And also I was thinking about how I should put things high up more often".
You stare at your boyfriend in confusion, your eyebrows knitted as you watch him drink his water, the muscles of his arms flexing when he raises the cup to his mouth. "Why the hell would you do that?"
Your boyfriend chuckles and steps forward, winding his arms around your waist and leaning down to leave a wet, cold, peck on your mouth. "Because you're cute".

Park Jimin:
You were in Jimin's arms, cuddling close to him under the covers of your twin bed, your legs tangled with his and your foreheads pressed together.
You liked being like this, liked the warmth radiating from your boyfriend's body in waves as you hugged, breathing in the smell of pine wood and flowers coming from him.
Jimin's hair brushes yours, the blonde locks mixing beautifully with your dark ones, and you open your eyes to look at him, his own eyes closed gently, the lines of his face relaxed, a slight pout on his pink plump lips.
"Jimin", you mumble, craving the others touch, and you gasp slightly when your lover opens his soft brown eyes, smiling at you gently. "Yes, baby?"
You hesitate for a second, feeling embarrassed for being so desperate to touch the other, to feel his lips on yours, and you look down, your eyes flitting to Jimin's black t-shirt.
"Y/N?", Jimin's fingers wrap around your chin, lifting your head up to look into his soft, slightly worried eyes. "What is it?", He asks, his voice careful as he scans you for any discomfort.
"Can you kiss me?", You blurt out, feeling a blush cover your cheeks, coloring them bright red, and you avoid Jimin's eyes again, only to have the older tug you even closer to him, so you won't be able to avoid him, a wide smile on his face.
"Y/N, you are my girlfriend, you shouldn't be embarrassed to ask me to kiss you", Jimin says, a smile still smeared all over his face, his eyes turning into crescents when you whine, burying your face in the crook of his neck.
Jimin grabs you, easily pulling you out of your hiding spot before attaching his lips to yours quickly, a sigh escaping the two of you when your lips finally meet, warm and loving.
Jimin's hand goes to run through your hair, tugging it to pull you even closer, his other hand sliding up your thin white shirt to touch your burning skin as you continue to kiss, Jimin pulling away to whisper against your already swollen lips, "You're adorable, princess."

Kim Taehyung:
You're playing with Yeontan, rolling on the fuzzy cream colored carpet on the floor while the small dog prances on you, licking you enthusiastically as you giggle, laughter being ripped out of your mouth.
You just got back home from your work at one of the business companies in Seoul, and your boyfriend's dog missed you much more than you thought.
You are still in your work clothes, a white lace top tucked into beige dress pants, matched with nude heels, lying on the floor as the crazy pomeranian attacks you with kisses.
You stop laughing when you hear the shutter of the camera, and you turn your head to see your boyfriend, Taehyung, standing at the entrance to the living room, a small smile on his face.
He's wearing a dark green sweatshirt, his long legs tucked into his brown slacks and his black hair falling over his forehead, looking extremely soft under the soft light of the chandelier hanging above you. He's holding his camera, looking at the picture he just took, before raising his head to look at you.
"Hey, babe", you get up from the ground, momentarily leaving the excited dog to greet your boyfriend, pressing your lips to his when you reach him, your arms wrapping around his strong torso.
Tae hums against your lips, one of his hands grabbing your waist on its own accord as he hugs you to him, letting you sneak a glance to the camera in his other hand.
"It's a cute picture", you admit, admiring the large smile your boyfriend had caught you in, the way you can practically see the excitement in Yeontan's body, who was caught mid-jump, even the sunlight streaming through the window, catching on the dog's golden fur and your dark hair.
Taehyung smiles, enamored by the picture himself, and leans forward to kiss your hair sweetly. "It includes the two cutest people, so what did you expect?"

Jeon Jungkook:
Your eyes are squinted, breathing ragged as you move the controller in your hand, dodging another zombie who was about to eat your liver.
Jungkook's video games were hard, and beating his high score was nearly impossible, but you had to do it. For the sake of your dignity.
"Baby, do you want water? You look like you need it.", Jungkook's soft, amused voice next to you. You can feel him looking at the side of your face, but you don't give in to the temptation to look back, keeping your gaze locked on the flat screen in front of you.
You ignore your boyfriend, shooting another zombie square in the gut before continuing to run towards the destination, only for a zombie to jump at you from the bushes, killing you and startling you enough to make you let out a shriek, the small black controller falling from your hand to the soft leather sofa.
You huff in defeat, cursing under your breath when the best score remains Jungkook's, your current score only a few points under him, and pick up the remote again.
"You're really cute when you're competitive, did you know?", You finally turn to look at Jungkook, who's eyes are soft like melted chocolate when he looks at you, despite the teasing tone he's speaking with.
Jungkook is dressed for light night gaming, just like you, the two of you sporting oversized black t-shirts and matching sweatpants, yours gray while Jungkook's is black. Your boyfriend's dark brown hair is pulled into a tight man bun, courtesy of you, and he's got his own remote in his hand, although he isn't using it.
"You mean I'm cute when I'm losing", you say with annoyance, glaring at your boyfriend before turning back to the TV, pulling your hair into a ponytail to avoid any disturbances while you try to ignore Jungkook's growing bunny smile next to you.
"See? Adorable", Jungkook says matter of factly, leaning forward to kiss your cheek tenderly while you blush, hoping your boyfriend can't see it in the dim light of the TV. "Whatever."

Ateez when you sit on their lap:
I don't think that Seonghwa will do much, to be honest. He won't look too surprised either, but he'll be a little taken aback by your sudden burst of confidence, his heart beating quicker when you plop on top of him. His cheeks will turn a rosy pink and he'll wind his hands around your slim waist automatically, placing his chin on your shoulder as he nuzzles his face in your hair to hide his blush. He won't do much more than that though, feeling like he has to show maturity in front of the younger members as the oldest of the group.

He can't help but clear his throat awkwardly when you crawl into his lap during movie night with the rest of the guys. His hands automatically fly to your hands, holding them gently as he leaves a soft kiss on your exposed shoulder. "Baby, you should sit here instead of me.", he gives up his space willingly for you, but if you'll send him those infamous puppy eyes of yours he'll cave in immediately, settling back into the sofa with you in his strong arms. He loves the affection, even if it makes him self-conscious when he's next to the members.

"Y/N, what are you doing?", your boyfriend chuckles when you clamber into his lap, straddling him with your legs on either side of him and burying your cold nose in the crook of his neck, causing him to pull away automatically at the uncomfortable feeling. This cutie will become undeniably flustered when you shamelessly jump on to his lap, but he still lets you stick your arms into his fluffy coat, hugging you to him when you shiver cutely and trying to warm you up.

Yeosang doesn't really strike me as the type to like PDA, so when you walk over to him during game night with the rest of the members, sitting on his lap wordlessly, he's slightly uncomfortable. But because he loves you and doesn't want to hurt your feelings, he'll let you sit on him, winding an arm around your waist nonchalantly as well, mostly to keep you from moving too much. If you'll block his eyesight too much though, or shift too much on top of him, he'll ask you to stop gently. "If you're going to use me as your personal couch, at least pretend I'm a comfortable one."

This cutie will smile so sweetly when you come over to him with a pout, wordlessly climbing into his lap and letting his hands fall to your waist, stroking the soft skin above your hip-bones. San doesn't really mind PDA, as long as you aren't sucking each other's faces off, so he'll let you stay on him for as long as you like, occasionally tickling you or pinching you lightly just to see you squirm and try to get off of him, only for him to pull you back down, that irresistible grin on his face, his pretty dimples popping out. "I'm kidding baby, don't go~"

This giant baby uwu. He'd be so shy and giggly when you walk over to him, sitting on the empty spot beside him before changing your mind and swinging your legs over him, resting your head on his shoulder. He'll freeze for a second, his hands clenching and unclenching before he breaks into a wide smile, burying his face in your nape to hide his own excitement for you and from the smirking members. He'll play with your hair and stroke your thigh absentmindedly, occasionally smiling to himself because of how stupidly happy you make him.

If you're not sitting in his lap, he's probably sitting in yours lol. He'll sigh happily when your warm body leans on him, wrapping his hands around your stomach and squeezing tightly, his cheek pressing to your back as he enjoys the feeling of your body falling up and down with every breath you take. He ignores the amused looks of the members, pressing small kisses to your cheek and shoulders every few minutes. He'll probably become sleepy as well the longer you stay on top of him, ignoring the conversation going on and closing his eyes as he enjoys the affection.

I feel like he'll probably pretend that it annoys him when you walk over to him with a pout after one of the members teased you, trying to slide into his lap. He'll tease you at the start, moving aside and not letting you land on him, but when you shoot him a dirty look, ready to walk away, he'll grab your arm with his strong one, making you fall on top of him as he laughs, leaving a kiss on your forehead as an apology. He won't do much more than that in terms of affectionate gestures though, feeling like he needs to be respectful next to his older hyungs, so he'll settle for holding your hand, occasionally running his thumbs over your knuckles absentmindedly.

BTS when they’re jealous:
Kim Seokjin:
You run a hand down the material of your dress, inspecting your reflection in the mirror of your bedroom with concentration.
You had to admit you looked good, despite not being one to ever be satisfied with how you look. The apricot colored satin skirt clung to your thighs just right, the matching black shoulder less crop top showing just a sliver of your tanned skin, and your hair is cascading down your back in dark waves, shining underneath the white lights of your bedroom.
Usually, you didn't dress like this for a club, but today your best friend was celebrating her birthday, and you felt the need to look nice for this occasion.
"Love, have you seen my-", the soft voice you knew all too well ceases abruptly, and you turn around to face your boyfriend who's standing in the entrance to your room, his eyes wide and mouth slack.
"You good, Jinnie?", You ask gently, your voice slightly amused when Jin gulps, eyeing your body nervously before looking away, a pink blush dusting his cheeks cutely.
"Uh, yeah. You're going to Y/B/F/N's birthday, right? Remind me who's going to attend, I forgot.", Jin asks in a casual tone, moving around the room in search of whatever he came looking for.
You smirk to yourself, not even bothering to mention that you never told Seokjin who was coming to the party, but you find it cute that he's getting jealous, considering he's a pretty chill boyfriend most of the time.
"It's just a few friends, not anything big", you say with a dismissive wave, biting your lip to keep from smiling when your lover raises his head from where it was stuck in your shared closet, a dissatisfied expression on his handsome face at the sound of your answer.
"Like, girl friends, or friends from the male kind?", Jin continues with his questions, and you choke slightly at his not-so subtle wording, unable to stop yourself from chuckling now, covering your gloss-covered lips with the back of your hand as you laugh.
"Mostly girl friends, but there might be a few males as well", you answer, still giggling as you stare at the black-haired man's growing pout.
Seokjin sighs at that, getting up from his crouching position on the furry carpet covering the floor of the room, and walks towards you with his arms crossed in front of his chest protectively.
"Just- Be careful, okay? Text me when you're there so I know you're fine.", Seokjin requests gently, his hands coming to your shoulders, squeezing them gently as he stares at you with a hopeful expression.
You feel yourself soften a bit at the worry in your boyfriend's eyes, bringing your own hands up to cup his cheeks gently. "You have nothing to worry about, Jin. The guys all know I'm in a relationship, and they would never make a move on me, okay? I'll be fine."
Jin nods, looking a bit more relieved as he presses a lingering kiss to your forehead, causing you to close your eyes as you stay there for a few seconds, enjoying the warmth of your boyfriend's plump lips against your skin.
"You're really cute when you're jealous", you say teasingly when Seokjin pulls back, wiggling your eyebrows when he rolls his eyes at you. "I should do this more often".
Seokjin shakes his head at your teasing, pretending to be serious when he glares at you playfully, "The cuteness wears off after the first time, so I wouldn't recommend it", he says seriously.
You laugh, leaning in to kiss your boyfriend on the lips, when your phone rings, causing you to lean back and look at the screen, where the name of one of your friends was written, signaling you he's here to pick up.
"I have to go", you mumble, kissing Jin's cheek sweetly before grabbing your black leather purse, and walking out the door with your boyfriend following you close behind, seeing you to the door.
"Have fun, sweetie, but not too much. And I love you!", Jin calls after you, causing you to snort and shake your head, turning around to wave one last time at your lover. "I love you, too."

Min Yoongi:
You're staring at your phone, scrolling through Instagram mindlessly, when someone in front of you clears his throat rather loudly.
Raising your head up in confusion, you're met with unfamiliar brown eyes and a tuft of raven hair, attached to a tanned face with a blinding smile. You definitely didn't know the young man in front of you, and you can feel uneasiness seep through your bones when the other doesn't make any move to walk away from you, smiling even brighter towards you.
"Um, hello?", you say awkwardly, breaking the stifling silence with a hesitant greeting and a small smile, hoping the guy would say what he wanted to say and leave.
"Hello", the guy replies in a cheery voice, his own smile not disappearing for a second as he gestures towards the wooden chair in front of you, his aura screaming confidence. "Can I sit here?"
You're dumbfounded, staring at the other man with your mouth slightly open. You were still hoping you were wrong, but the growing fear inside of you is telling you that this guy is flirting with you, and the timing literally couldn't be worse.
You tuck a strand of your dark hair behind your ear, like you always do when you're nervous, and feel your cheeks turn bright red when you drop your hands back to your lap, fiddling with your fingers awkwardly.
"Actually-", "I just couldn't help but notice how beautiful you are", the guy doesn't even wait for your reply, and you choke slightly at the blatant comment, the absurdity of the situation taking you off guard.
Sure, you've been flirted with before, but none of them were quite as confident and honest as this young man, standing in front of you nonchalantly with his hands tucked into the pockets of his dark blue slacks, his brown shirt fitting the warm atmosphere of the coffee shop.
Who flirts with people at a coffee shop these days, anyway? You weren't even dressed that nicely, opting for a simple white shirt tucked into black skinny jeans, and an old denim jacket.
You don't want to do this, since this guy didn't look harmful in the least, despite having a self esteem high enough to reach the clouds, but you didn't really have a choice, since Yoongi was nowhere to be seen, probably still waiting for your coffee orders to come out.
“Listen, I'm really sorry, but I have a-", "Jagiya, what's going on?", you turn around with surprise and relief, letting out an almost inaudible sigh at the sight of your boyfriend, holding two large cups in his arms, his eyes calm but undeniably cold.
There's a blank look on Yoongi's pale face, the look that got you slightly intimidated before you started dating and understood Min Yoongi was a huge ball of fluff in disguise. It was here now, but it wasn't directed towards you, your boyfriend's dark eyes locked on the stranger by your table.
Yoongi's looking cute as always, in a black-and-white knit sweater and blue jeans ripped at the knees. His chestnut brown hair is falling over his forehead messily, reflecting the warm lights in the cafe, and his pink lips are set into a thin line as he places your beverages on the round wooden table in front of you.
But despite his adorable looks, there's nothing adorable in the way Suga slips into his seat in front of you, sipping his black coffee slowly before looking up at the shocked guy.
"Did you need something?", your lover asks offhandedly, turning to the young man, and his voice doesn't reveal any emotion, but you can see the way his hands tighten just slightly around his cup, his delicate hands clenching.
"Uh…", the younger man stutters, his eyes flying between the two of you for a few seconds before he bows lightly, "I was just leaving, actually", he says with an awkward smile, before turning around and walking out of the shop stiffly.
You can't help but laugh, amazed by your boyfriend, who managed to render the young man who was so shamelessly flirting with you a few moments ago, into a stuttering mess without even trying.
Yoongi doesn't even address the situation, simply going back to sipping his coffee, but you know he's still jealous because he's avoiding your eyes, looking outside the glass windows of the cafe instead.
"I was just going to tell him I have a boyfriend", you say honestly, staring at your boyfriend so he can see how genuine you were, "But he didn't let me say a word, and I didn't want to make a scene."
Yoongi finally raises his eyes to look at you, and there's hidden warmth in them, the kind that tells you he's not really mad, not at you anyway. "It's not your fault", he says simply.
You breathe out in relief, knowing how closed off Suga can be sometimes when he's jealous, and reach your hands forward to intertwine them with Yoongi's, admiring the contrast in your skin colors. "Thank you for saving me from that dude."
"It's nothing", your boyfriend shrugs, playing it cool, but he's clearly enjoying the affectionate gesture, his thumbs stroking your knuckles fondly, and his cheeks sporting a pretty blush, your favorite gummy smile coming to view when you say, "My hero."

Jung Hoseok:
Knocking on the wooden door of the practice room, you stick your phone in the back pocket of your ripped boyfriend jeans as you wait for your boyfriend to come open the door.
"Coming!", an unconscious smile surfaces your face at the sound of the cheery voice you love so much, and you wait impatiently as the door is being unlocked, feet tapping on the marble ground.
"Y/Nieee~~", Hoseok is leaping on you in a second, wrapping his strong arms around you tightly as he lifts you up and swings you around, not even letting you enter the room before initiating his enthusiastic greeting.
You can't help but laugh, wrapping your own thin arms around your lover's neck and clinging to him tightly, not minding the sweat dripping down his skin when you bury your face in his neck, inhaling the familiar smell of hard-work and dedication.
"Hey, baby", you mutter with a smile when J-hope finally lowers you down, pushing the other's wet black bangs from his eyes gently, and pressing a sweet kiss to his lips, which he responds to with an appreciating hum.
"I missed you so much, jagi.", J-hope mumbles, a pout on his full lips, and you feel your heart clench painfully in your chest, because despite your boyfriend's eyes that were always gleaming with happiness, you knew that every comeback took a heavy toll on him, even if he didn't show it.
"Me too, Hobi", you reply sincerely, thumbing at the creases between your lover's eyebrows in an attempt to soothe him. "I thought I'd come by today to say hi, we didn't spend time together in a while".
Your boyfriend nods in agreement, seemingly lost in thought before his eyes brighten and he grabs your shoulders tightly, pulling you closer to him. "How about we go on a date today? Grab some dinner or go to some bar in the city?"
Your heart clenches even more, because there's nothing that you wouldn't want more, nothing you wouldn't do to keep that bright smile on your boyfriend's face, but…
"I'm so sorry babe, I sort of already planned to go to dinner with Y/B/F/N… I didn't think you'd be free today because of the comeback", you say sorrowfully, feeling even worse when J-hope's excited grin disappears, replaced with a look of disappointment.
"Oh", he says, crossing his arms in front of his chest and looking away from you, a frown on his face, and you immediately know your boyfriend's jealous, capable of reading him like an open book after dating for so long.
Not hesitating for a second, you cup your boyfriend's soft cheeks gently, forcing him to look at you in the eye. "You know that I love you the most, right? And if Y/F/B/N didn't reserve spots already, I'd be cancelling in a second."
You're relieved to see J-hope's smile come back as he rubs your noses together softly, chuckling under his breath. "I love you too, jagi. It's okay, we can go get dinner tomorrow. Just the two of us.", He says with a determined expression, and you laugh, standing on your tiptoes to press kisses all over his face, your heart beating with overwhelming adoration. "Deal."

Kim Namjoon:
You shut the door after entering your apartment, hugging the black jacket hanging off your shoulders even tighter around your torso as you shiver uncontrollably, the chill outside still running through your bones.
"Joon, I'm home", you say into the empty living room, sighing in relief at the warmth of your home which was slowly, yet surely, melting your frozen limbs.
"Coming, babe", you hear your boyfriend say, then the sound of water shutting off, hinting he probably just got out of the shower, and then your boyfriend's exiting the hallway leading to your bedroom in all his wet glory.
Namjoon's dirty blonde hair is wet, his bangs clinging to his forehead like glue, and his soft brown eyes are twinkling at the sight of you, the air around you getting even hotter at the sight of the man you love so dearly. Your lover's chest is shirtless, his defined pecs and biceps shining with crystal clear drops of water, and his gray sweatpants sit low on his hips.
"Hey, love", the toothy grin on your boyfriend's mouth is adorable, to say the least, but you're slightly confused when the sweet smile changes into a confused frown, RM's dark eyes staring at a particular spot around your upper body.
You're confused, staring down at your clothes in search of a stain or a rip, anything that would justify the searching gaze in Namjoon's eyes, but your ripped black denim jeans and big white turtleneck look exactly the same since you left the house.
"Is that sweater yours?", Namjoon asks, his tone casual, but you can hear the slight urgency in his voice and, oh, everything makes sense now.
"Oh, actually... Y/F/N gave me it before we left because he thought it was gonna rain. I'll probably give it back to him tomorrow", you say carefully, already knowing Namjoon isn't liking the kind gesture from your male friend.
Namjoon nods absentmindedly at your answer, and you frown slightly before walking forward and cupping his warm cheeks in your hands. "There's nothing to be jealous of, he was just trying to take care of me."
Your boyfriend frowns even more at that, his strong hands coming to wrap around your waist at their own accord, pressing his forehead to yours. "I should be the only one taking care of you", he protests, his deep voice and sweet words sending an involuntary shiver down your spine.
"You take care of me the best", you promise with a small smile, leaning forward to kiss the frown of your boyfriend's lips, leaving gentle pecks against his mouth until he smiles with defeat, pulling you closer to kiss you properly, his mouth warm and soft against yours.
The innocent kiss turns rather heated rather quickly, and you let Namjoon take off the thick jacket hugging your body, throwing it to the side without care as you laugh at the obvious intent in his actions, the immature side of him surfacing, and it's rather cute. And hot.
"Let me take care of you, then", Namjoon mumbles as he pulls back slightly, one hand cupping your nape gently while the other strokes your ribs, and the hidden meaning in his words sends your heart into a frenzy, you can't help but pull him even closer to kiss him again, desperate and loving. "Okay."

Park Jimin:
You're running your hand through Jimin's hair, whose head is in your lap, his eyes almost half-closed already as he enjoys the feeling of your fingers against your scalp, soothing him to a peaceful slumber.
"Who are you talking to?", your boyfriend mumbles, his voice hoarse from lack of use and tiredness, and you almost don't hear him, looking away from your phone to Jimin's soft face, his eyes now more open as he stares at you expectantly.
"Huh?", you ask, slightly distracted when the device in your hand lets out another ping, signaling the arrival of a new message, and you can't help but smile at the sight of the text, writing back quickly before shutting off the screen and looking down at Jimin once more.
"What were you saying, baby?", you ask, brushing the older's black hair away from his forehead gently so you can see his eyes better, which are currently trained at you with curiosity, his full lips set into a small pout.
"I asked who you were texting", Jimin says with his soft voice, sighing contentedly when you rub the space between his eyebrows gently. "You've been messaging each other for the last half hour", his tone isn't accusing in any way, but the jealousy is evident, if the puppy eyes and pout weren't obvious enough.
"Oh, it's just some guy from high school. We saw each other today by chance and exchanged numbers, we want to do this huge reunion with the whole grade.", you explain, your smile growing at the face Jimin makes when he hears it's a guy.
"Can I see?", Jimin asks, pushing himself up to a sitting position and wrapping his arms around your shoulders loosely, placing his chin in the crook of your neck as he peers down at your phone, his warm breath tickling the side of your face.
You roll your eyes playfully, but hand the phone over to Jimin anyway after muttering a fond 'brat', letting the older hold the device in his hands as he scrolls through the messages slowly, his eyes searching.
He sits there for a while, in his oversized white t-shirt and red sweats, his hair falling over his face messily after you played with it for so long, before finally raising his head to look at you worriedly. "Are you sure he's not flirting with you?"
You snort at that, shaking your head before snatching the phone away from Jimin. "Pretty sure, unless he's decided to give up on his wife and kid for a girl he hasn't seen in nearly eight years", you say sarcastically, crossing your arms when Jimin smiles sheepishly, not even trying to hide his relief at the news.
"Sorry, babe", he says with a wide grin, not sounding remotely sorry, and you huff, trying to hide your own smile when Jimin leaps at you, tugging you down and into his chest, his arms holding you close as he kisses your head sweetly. "But I can't help it. Can't have somebody steal my princess."

Kim Taehyung:
"Let's go there!", you say excitedly, pulling on Taehyung's arm which is locked with yours as you notice another clothing store you definitely have to check.
Your boyfriend doesn't resist at all, simply chuckling under his breath as you tug him through the crowd of people swarming the shopping center, and towards the fancy entrance to the store, where a nicely dressed bodyguard is standing.
The guard takes one look at you and Taehyung and lets you in, bowing his head slightly when your boyfriend enters, and you're once again thankful for Taehyung's well-kept looks that guarantee him an easy entrance almost anywhere.
Your boyfriend is dressed today rather casually, with a wine-colored button up shirt tucked neatly into a pair of black slacks, but he somehow managed to stay the center of attention, drawing everyone's eyes like a magnet.
You don't really mind, not when you are the one Taehyung's arm is wrapped around, the only one who he smiles at so brightly, his lips stretching into a boxy grin before pressing the softest of kisses to your nose.
You enter the small yet luxurious space, letting your boyfriend, a fashion enthusiastic himself, wander through the men section while you rush to the women section, carding through heaps of colorful clothes and taking out the ones that catch your eye.
Just as you take out a soft satin baby-blue dress, you turn around happily, dying to go over to Taehyung and show him the lot you found, and you crash into another body in your rush.
You can feel your cheeks burn bright red when you retract yourself from the body holding you loosely around the wrist, preventing your fall, and raise your head to apologise when-
"Y/N?", the shocked voice of the man is undeniably familiar, your head snapping up to look in the wide brown eyes of the guy in front of you, who breaks into a wide grin at the sight of you.
"Y/F/N?", you're just as shocked, you're own smile surfacing at the sight of your friend, who you haven't seen in several months after he moved from Seoul. "What are the chances?"
You were currently in Daegu with Taehyung, staying at his family home, and as far as you know, your guy friend lived all the way in Busan, so the chances of you meeting in the particular store are indeed very small.
Y/F/N shrugs carelessly, and pulls you in once again to hug you, your own arms coming up to pat him on the back lightly, enjoying the unexpected reunion with your long-time friend.
Just as you're about to pull away and continue asking Y/F/N about his business in Daegu, there's a confused voice behind you, the deep timber of it all too recognizable to you. "Y/N?"
You turn around, meeting the lost puppy glance of your lover, whose hands are filled with an assortment of outfits, each one stranger than the other, although you're sure he can pull all of them off easily.
"Tae!", you wave your boyfriend over, watching him trudge over reluctantly before saying, "This is Y/F/N. My friend from uni.", you explain, having told Taehyung plenty of times about Y/F/N, who you always got in trouble with at the university.
"Oh", Taehyung says simply, his eyes glittering with slight distaste as he hands over his arm to your friend, a fake smile on his face. Taehyung was a good actor, but not good enough to fool you.
You intertwine your fingers with Taehyung, squeezing them lightly to try to calm him down and also remind him to behave and not scare away your friend, who looked increasingly uncomfortable in the situation.
"What are you doing here, anyway?", you ask in hopes of easing the tension, referring to your friend, your own fake smile spread on your face, although you're sure it's not half as good as Taehyung's.
"Oh, I just came to buy a present for my boyfriend.", the dark-haired guy answers with a soft smile, "It's our two year anniversary tomorrow", he explains as you hum, enjoying the awkward noise Taehyung lets out from his spot beside you.
You can practically feel the embarrassment oozing off of Taehyung, and although you think he deserves it, you can't help but help your boyfriend out, nudging him gently with your shoulder. "Our anniversary is next month as well, right Tae?"
Taehyung nods so fast next to you, it's almost comical, and you put a hand over your mouth to try to conceal your laughter when Taehyung coughs loudly before saying, "Yeah, and congratulations man.", in a timid voice, his cold exterior gone entirely.
Your friend looks relieved, and a bit confused at the sudden change your boyfriend went through, but doesn't question it, instead smiling brightly towards the older, gesturing to the pile of clothes in his hands. "Maybe you should give me some advice on what to buy my boyfriend".
You can see Taehyung's eyes light up at the sound of the offer, and he's already whisking away your friend in a second, talking loudly about patterns and textures as Y/F/N listens intently, and you sigh in relief. They'll be best friends by the end of the day.

Jeon Jungkook:
"You should do it like this.", Taehyung explains once again, his tone slightly exasperated when takes your hand in his, placing it on black and white keys of the piano carefully.
"Sorry", you mumble sheepishly, sending your friend a small smile as he rolls his eyes playfully, tapping your back gently. "Scoot aside, I'll show you how it's done", he says with a jokingly prideful tone, sitting on the small black bench, his side pressed to you completely as he plays the keys gracefully, explaining the different sounds and purposes of the keys as you listen intently.
"Why didn't you ask me to teach you?", the voice comes from behind you, and you turn your head halfway, not surprised at all to see the maknae of BTS standing behind you with his arms crossed over his chest, his eyebrows furrowed and a small pout painting his lips.
His hair is still styled perfectly from the photoshoot, the thick layer of makeup making his skin seem terrifyingly white under the harsh lights, but he still looks gorgeous, the tight black turtleneck he's wearing accentuating his strong pecs and abs, the leather pants hugging his thick thighs perfectly.
You huff dramatically, meeting Jungkook's doe eyes with your own. "Maybe 'cause you were doing a photoshoot? Not to mention you don't know the first thing about playing a piano", you say sarcastically, but there's hidden fondness in your tone, all too used to Jungkook's jealousy after dating him for so long.
Taehyung laughs besides you, understanding the situation perfectly and standing up, brushing his black dress pants before ruffling your hair gently. "I got to head to the photoshoot. Catch you guys later.", he says simply, flicking Jungkook's chin with a chuckle before disappearing down the hall.
'How can someone look so manly and act like such a baby at the same time?', you wonder, unconsciously smiling at the sight of a frowning Jungkook, his arms crossed defiantly across his chest.
"Come here, Gukkie", you say gently, sending your lover your best puppy eyes as you pat the now empty spot next to you, watching with satisfaction when Jungkook hesitates for a mere second, before coming to sit next to you.
"You know that Taehyung is like a brother to me, right?", you say gently, kissing Jungkook's soft cheek just to see him blush cutely, before adding teasingly, "Who happens to be better than you at playing the piano".
As if waiting for you to challenge him, your boyfriend's soft eyes grow hard, jealousy and embarrassment long forgotten as he shoots you a confident smirk. "You're on.”
You end up making half of the staff run away at the inhumane noises you play on the piano, the whole room begging the two of you to stop, but when Jungkook laughs so hard tears come out of his eyes, his hands intertwining with yours as if on their own accord, and shooting a look so loving your heart feels like it's going to burst, you think it's worth it.

When BTS meet you for the first time:
Kim Seokjin:
Jin runs a pale hand through his short black hair, nodding absentmindedly to the staff he sees on his way down the hallway, his familiar polite smile spread across his face.
He has a long and intense day of dance practice ahead of him, a day he couldn't start properly without his daily cup of coffee and a sweet pastry from the company's coffee shop.
Pushing the simple glass door with the palm of his hand, Jin steps into the small, cozy restaurant, the small golden bell above his head signaling his arrival with a tinkle.
"Good morning", Jin says, bowing lightly at the different staff members and workers sitting around the round oak tables filling the shop, the space soon filled with various greetings towards him.
The room is filled with a strong smell of coffee beans and melted chocolate and sweet baked treats, and the young man breaths in the delicious scent with satisfaction, looking around the softly lit room, with the dangling yellow lights shining like stars in the sky and the colorful pictures and motivational quotes hanging on the walls.
Seokjin had always found this place calming and homey, with the soft piano music playing in the background and the wide glass windows showing off the busy street mere metres away from the shop, adding to the other-wordly atmosphere.
Sitting down at his usual spot in the edge of the cafe, Seokjin slips off his black jacket, revealing the simple white t-shirt under it as he carelessly flings the piece of clothing across the empty chair beside him.
It was hot inside the coffee shop, nothing like the weather outside, with the winter starting and the winds blowing, causing the people on the street to cuddle even closer into their thin coats and sweaters.
"Hello and welcome to our coffee shop. How can I help you?", Jin is surprised at the sound of the soft, feminine voice coming from in front of him, his head snapping upwards to stare at the young waitress in front of him with wide eyes.
Jin was a hundred percent sure that this waitress was working here for less than a week, since he hasn't since her before, and everyone here knew who Jin was and what he orders by heart thanks to his frequent visits.
Also, judging by her skin color and slight accent, the girl in front of him was a foreigner. Seokjin couldn't help but let his eyes linger one second too long on the girl's shiny, long hair, twinkling dark orbs, and plump pink lips, before clearing his throat loudly and smiling slightly.
"Hello", he replies, trying to stay calm despite the increasing race of his heart the longer he looked at the beautiful young woman. "I'd like an Americano and a purple sweet potato cake, please".
The younger girl nods, bowing her head slightly before turning to walk back to the kitchen, Seokjin's eyes following her lithe figure until it disappears behind the simple white door.
Staring outside, Seokjin stares at the people rushing past the window, their eyes trained on the ground underneath them or locked on their phone screen. The image of the girl doesn't fade from Jin's mind, unfortunately, and he wonders why he can't stop repeating the image of the foreigner's stunning smile.
"Here you go, sir", Seokjin's startled out of his thoughts at the sound of the soft, quiet voice, a steaming mug of brown liquid placed in front of him, the froth on top drawn carefully into the shape of a heart, and a pretty porcelain plate, holding a small, bright purple muffin, wisps of steam still coming out of it.
"Thank you", the dark-haired man says, eyeing the petite girl for another second, before clearing his throat nervously, causing the girl to stop just as she was about to leave the table.
"I'm sorry, do you want anything else?", the girl's pretty face is sporting a soft pink blush now, and she's fiddling with her fingers nervously, placing them on top of her simple turquoise dress shirt.
Before he can think it over, Jin is shaking his head quickly, making sure to send the girl a genuine smile to calm her down, before saying: "No, no, I was just wondering… Are you new here?"
The young woman seems to blush even harder at that, laughing sweetly in something akin to relief, and Seokjin can feel his own smile widen at the sound of the twinkling giggle. "Is it that obvious?", she mumbles, tucking a strand of dark hair that managed to escape her tight ponytail.
"It is for someone who's here nearly every single day", Seokjin says with amusement, finally catching the waitress' gaze when she lifts her head up to meet his eyes.
"I'm Kim Seokjin", he introduces himself, reaching out one of his long hands to the other, watching as she sends one of her own tanned ones to shake his, her smile now looking shy and bashful, yet just as beautiful.
"I'm Y/L/N Y/N", she introduces herself, and Seokjin can't help but smile even wider at the other's name, happy to get one step closer to knowing more about the mystery girl.
"Nice to meet you, Y/N", Seokjin says, trying to ignore the warmth seeping through the girl's hand, tightening the hold on her hand just a little bit more. "I think we'll be seeing each other a lot more from now on".

Min Yoongi:
Yoongi enters the music bar, pulling his black snapback even lower on his head as he shuffles through the bustling entrance, trying to draw as least attention to himself as possible.
Going to a packed bar by yourself as an idol was in no means a good idea, but Suga was having a serious writer's block that was killing him, and sometimes the best way to deal with that is to just be a normal person.
Nobody should be able to recognize him, not with the hat covering his shiny silver hair, the mask drawn up to his nose, and the simple black clothes, yet the young man could still feel the buzz of anxiety in his body, mixed with an unexplainable excitement.
Honestly, Suga could already feel some of his inspiration coming back to him just by entering the small bar, his eyes immediately scanning the dark space, the colorful lights hanging above the drinking bar, the assortment of chattering men and women sitting around long black counters and smooth round tables, or swaying lightly to the jazz music playing on the large black speakers.
Walking over to the ginger-haired barista, Yoongi asks for a bottle of soju, bowing in thanks when the woman hands over the ice-cold green bottle with a smile, and heads for one of the empty tables at the back of the bar, facing the small stage built for amateur karaoke singers and the occasional guest artist.
Sitting on the hard wooden chair, Yoongi takes a long sip of his drink, sighing with satisfaction at the burn of the alcohol in his throat, filling his stomach with the familiar warmth he was seeking.
He examines the groups of friends, probably university students celebrating the start of the weekend, talking loudly and laughing boisterously. He watches lone people like himself, nursuring glasses of alcohol to their chest, and imagines why they are here, their story. He stares at sweet couples with envy, admiring the way the man tightens his hold around his girlfriend's waist possessively, proudly telling the world who she belongs to.
The sound of a sweet, honey-like voice snaps Yoongi out of his thoughts, and he thinks he never turned his head as fast as he did right now, his eyes catching the girl standing on the stage immediately.
She's beautiful, magnificent even, and the bar seems to quiet down significantly when she starts to sing, as if the world itself was holding its breath. She's wearing a simple black mini dress, the sleeves hanging off her shoulders, and her hair is cascading down her shoulder like a waterfall of darkness, swallowing Yoongi whole.
Her stage presence is incredible, even the way she holds the small black microphone radiating some sort of silent power, and Suga can't help but stare with awe, letting the girl's soft voice sweep him away like the wind.
It feels like everything and nothing at all, and even though the song is English and he can't understand half of the words, the melodic voice of the mystery singer is enough to make Yoongi shake with emotion, his hands grabbing the bottom of the table to steady himself.
It seems like hours, or maybe seconds, before the girl is done, her sentimental expression changing into a beautiful smile as she bows to the cheering crowd bashfully, her aura nothing like the powerful, heartbroken one from seconds before.
Yoongi can't even stop himself from getting out of his seat, his feet unconsciously making their way after the young woman, his thoughts jumbled and he doesn't even know what he's going to say to her, for God's sakes. (Maybe, "you're my muse?")
Either way, he's walking, grabbing the other's hand before he can even think of the consequences, and she's turning around, even more bright up close, like a star in a sky full of clouds, and then he's saying: "I'm Min Yoongi".
The girl is smiling now once again, and it's a kind smile, even though it seems a bit confused, and she nods her head, Yoongi's eyes following her as if in trance. "Umm… Nice to meet you, Min Yoongi. I'm Y/L/N Y/N".
Somehow, even her name inspires him, and Suga can't help but break into a smile, pulling down his face mask to reveal the gummies peaking through his pink lips. "Y/L/N Y/N. It's nice to meet you, too".

Jung Hoseok:
Jung Hoseok strolls through the wide expanses of bright green grass, the white bucket hat on his head not doing much to hide the sunlight streaming through the tall oak trees in the park.
It's a nice day outside, the perfect day to take a walk around the lovely park next to the Bighit company building, and J-hope was enjoying the chirping of the birds and the warmth of the sun as he walks, letting his mind wander off his idol life and different responsibilities.
BTS was very busy lately, and being one of the writers and choreographers of their newest album, and an important member, J-hope could practically feel Bang PD breathing down his neck these days.
Humming softly to the song playing on the white airpods in his ears, "Make it Mine" by Jason Mraz, the brown-haired man matches his light steps to the upbeat tune, letting his eyes flutter shut when a refreshing wind brushes past him, ruffling his thin white t-shirt and loose gray knee-long pants.
A soft brush against his leg makes J-hope let out a shriek of surprise, his eyes opening at once as he jumps back, the hat on his head almost falling to the ground beneath him.
There's a small creature at the spot where Hoseok was a few moments ago, a cute white Pomeranian, tiny enough to fit in Hoseok's arms easily, looking like a female version of Yeontan.
The dog is looking at J-hope with interest, an almost confused expression on its face, like he can't imagine why the human in front of him would ever be scared of him, and J-hope lets out a sigh of relief, crouching down to the furry animal's height.
"Hey, buddy", he says with a gentle smile, running a warm hand through the dog's soft white coat, "Did I scare you? You scared me, too", he chuckles, examining the dog's well-kept appearance and light pink leather collar with a golden clasp. This dog obviously has an owner, and a good one at that.
"Where's your owner? Hmm?", Hoseok asks, raising his head to look around the mostly empty park and then back to the dog, who was still looking at him with intelligent black eyes, answering by licking the palm of J-hope's hand with his small pink tongue.
Before J-hope can check the collar, maybe look for a name or a phone number on the other side, there are footsteps approaching him quickly, and then a girl is crouching on the ground next to him, gathering the dog into her hands with mumbled apologies to J-hope and frantic kisses to her pet.
She's young, maybe a few years younger than J-hope, and a foreigner, if her appearance and accent were anything to go by. She was wearing a simple beige shirt tucked into faded mom jeans and mustard-colored sneakers, and her hair streamed down her back in dark waves, strands of it covering her face from her run a few moments ago.
"I'm so sorry", she repeats again, finally releasing the dog in her arms and turning to J-hope, her dark eyes wide with sincerity and a dark blush high on her cheeks as she bows her head multiple times, avoiding eye contact with the man in front of her.
"It's fine, really", Hoseok says with a laugh of reassurance, waving his hand to signal that he wasn't annoyed in any way. "Your dog is adorable. What's his name?"
The girl looks relieved, a deep sigh escaping her pink lips after seeing J-hope's gentle smile, and she smiles back, the shy gesture sending the young man's heart into a frenzy.
"It's a girl, actually.", she says with a grin, running a small hand through the dog's long fur, the pet purring in content at the feeling. "Her name is Bella".
"Nice name", J-hope says, blushing slightly before raising his head once again to look at the girl. "And what's yours?"
The girl seems flustered for a second, her eyes widening slightly before she smiles again, reaching her hand out towards J-hope's jittering figure. "I'm Y/L/N Y/N".
Breaking into a large grin at the sound of the answer, Hoseok doesn't hesitate to shake her hand back, feeling his body buzz with uncontained excitement at the feeling of girl's skin against his own. "Your name is even prettier. I'm J-hope."

Kim Namjoon:
Namjoon firmly believed that the best way to reduce stress was going book shopping, no matter how much teasing it earned him from the rest of the members.
Pushing his golden-rimmed glasses up his nose, RM runs his hand across the shelf of books, enjoying the feeling of the different covers against his skin, from old leather to fresh paper, the pages making a satisfying sound when they catch on his fingers.
Namjoon loves this. The smell of the wood shelves, the soft lamps washing the room in warm lighting, the flowery armchairs waiting to be sat on, the calming silence, the centuries of history and dreams this place is filled with.
He doesn't know what he's looking for, he never does, but he always finds it in the end, and right now his body is leading him deeper and deeper into the long aisles, where the books are older and thicker, the colorful book-covers fading into hues of black and brown.
As if on their own, his eyes are drawn to a particular book, bound in a thick leather cover, the words "Candide" engraved in the material in cursive writing, barely understood from RM's spot just a few metres away.
It didn't look any different from most of the novels in this section, yet Namjoon still finds himself fastening the pace of his walk, his hand reaching out to grab the worn out book before another hand appears in front of his own, a feminine hand with long, thin fingers and manicured nails colored a soft apricot.
Namjoon retracts his hand immediately from the warm touch before looking up, his eyes wide when he sees the pretty girl in front of him, smiling sheepishly.
Her hair is dark and long, falling over her shoulder in a simple braid. She's shorter than Namjoon, petite, with a small waist and baby face, and she's wearing a simple mint t-shirt with buttons, tucked into classy white dress pants and white sneakers.
"I'm sorry", she apologies with a kind smile, bowing at Namjoon quickly, "Take it. You were here first."
Namjoon is too fascinated by the girl to even answer, and he feels his face heat up when he realizes he's been staring at her dumbly for the past few seconds.
Laughing awkwardly, the tall man runs a hand through his chocolate brown hair, not even caring if he was messing it up, before gesturing towards the young woman. "No, no, it's fine. You can have it, I was just looking."
The young woman seems confused and slightly uncomfortable, staring at Namjoon with dark calculating eyes. "Are you sure? I've read this book already, so it's not a big deal."
'She's smart, too', Namjoon thinks, his heart racing even faster with the growing feeling that this girl was special.
"Me, too", he says with a dimpled smile, "But I get you. Masterpieces need to be read more than once", he jokes, enjoying the girl's gentle laughter in the quiet space.
"Exactly", she agrees, a comfortable silence falling between them before Namjoon clears his throat, rubbing the back of his neck awkwardly.
"Can I ask… What's your name?", he questions hesitantly, hoping the girl can't see the blush on his cheeks in the dim light of the room.
The young woman smiles, and maybe it's just his imagination, but Namjoon swears the library seems less dusty and old, as if the girl revived the tired room with her joy. "Y/L/N Y/N. And you?".
"Kim Namjoon", the older man says, reaching his hand out to shake the girl's delicate one, the electricity he felt the first time he touched her changing into something warmer, like a pool of fire in his stomach, yet just as powerful. "It's nice to meet you."

Park Jimin:
Jimin stares at the mirror of the changing room, trying to resist the urge to run a hand through his currently pink hair, already set to perfection by his hair stylist, who would very much not appreciate her hard work being ruined.
He's already wearing the clothes for their "Boy with Love" performance on the BBMA's: an elegant black suit jacket with a metal flower attached to the dash, matching dress pants, a simple white shirt, an assortment of silver jewelry on his ears and hands, and a pair of pink-tinted sunglasses to top it all off.
The only thing that was missing was his makeup, which was usually done as close as possible to the actual show, to avoid smudges and so on. In fact, the makeup artist should be here any minute now.
Jimin turns away from the mirror when he hears the sound of conversation outside his room, looking at the door curiously just as it opens and foreign girl enters the changing room, a small smile on her face.
She's pretty, Jimin notices immediately, with her petite yet curvy frame, the glossy, dark hair tied into a tight ponytail on the top of her head, the subtle makeup on her face, highlighting her delicate facial features, and her tanned skin.
She's wearing a simple black t-shirt, the kind you can find in any closet basically, tucked into ripped skinny jeans, and worn out white sneakers, yet she still looks better than Jimin feels.
"Hello, you must be Jimin-ssi.", she says in perfect Korean, bowing respectfully at the coral-haired man, who was still shocked at the fact that this beautiful foreigner is here, and knows Korean.
"I'm your new makeup artist, Y/L/N Y/N", the young woman continues, seemingly not noticing the idol's flustered state. "Should we get started?"
Jimin finally seems to get back to his senses, bowing his head lightly back at the makeup artist. His heart was still racing a hundred miles an hour, and he can't believe this girl will be mere centimeters away from his face in a few seconds.
"Nice to meet you, Y/N-ssi. Feel free to start whenever you're ready.", he says softly, smiling at the girl sweetly and feeling a small smirk form on his lips when Y/N blushes lightly, her gaze flitting to the floor when Jimin stares at her for a second too long.
Y/N nods, letting Jimin sit down at the black leather chair, in front of the mirror where bright lights are facing the young man, illuminating his skin and making it easier for her to see what she is doing.
Jimin can't help but shiver when Y/N crouches beside him, her head almost touching his own, and he resists the urge to scream because her dark, warm eyes are staring at him with so much focus, and he feels as if she can see straight into his soul.
He decides not to talk to the beautiful makeup artist right now, not wanting to distract her from her work, but he's relieved at the thought that she'll be working with them the rest of the time they're in the USA, guaranteeing plenty of opportunities to talk with the girl.
Y/L/N Y/N. Jimin knows he won't forget that name.

Kim Taehyung:
Taehyung was tired, even though no one would ever notice it. Although he usually enjoyed fansigns, their latest comeback, "ON", left him more exhausted than usual, and he hated himself for hardly being able to keep his eyes open.
Another fan passes by in a blink of an eye, squeezing his hands in her own tightly while shouting 'I love you' as she leaves, and Taehyung responds with his own wink and finger heart, making the young girl squeal, and for a second the young man forgets the exhaustion seeping through his bones, the immense love he feels for his fans overcoming all the other emotions, yet the guilt doesn't disappear.
He puts a cute flower crown on his hair, made out of an assortment of white and pink daisies, the colorful accessory looking even brighter against his curly black locks and black leather jacket.
Taehyung smiles when he hears his fans yell various compliments at the sight of him with the cute accessory, waving them hello and causing the screams to strengthen even more.
He's so busy with entertaining the fans, he doesn't even notice the girl in front of him until she's letting out a quiet 'hello', causing Taehyung to turn his head and face the young woman in front of him.
She's pretty, with a petite body tucked into a thin, tight white long-sleeved shirt and a short denim skirt, showcasing toned legs and a small waist.
Her hair is long and dark, falling to her waist in luscious waves, but the shiny curls don't look styled, as if this was her natural hair. Her eyes are big and dark, her face small and cute-looking, with a button nose and plump lips, and she's hugging BTS' newest album to her chest tightly, as if treasuring it.
It wasn't the first time Taehyung saw a beautiful fan at one of their fansigns. In fact, all of their fans looked gorgeous to him, but even when one catches his eye more than the rest, he was usually really good at hiding it, making sure to give everyone his equal attention.
But this girl, something about the look in her eyes, the way she tucks a dark strand behind her ear, the pink blush on her round cheeks, the way her hands shake when she hands the album over to Taehyung, eyes widening slightly when their fingers brush.
Taehyung was a professional, yet he finds himself smiling warmly at the girl, reaching out to her and intertwining their fingers, a feeling of euphoria rushing through his body when he feels the fan's soft skin against his own.
"Hello", he finally answers, tilting his head down slightly to try and catch the girl's eyes, which were continuously fleeting away from him. "Why are you hiding from me?"
The girl seems bewildered at the question, and Taehyung can't help but thinks it's adorable, the way her doe eyes widen slightly, pink lips opening in surprise to reveal a row of perfect white teeth, but he resists the urge to smile towards the girl, instead keeping a small pout on his face, pretending to be disappointed.
"I'm sorry, I'm just shy", the girl mumbles then, lifting her eyes up almost forcefully to meet Taehyung's, before they fall back to their locked hands after a second, making Taehyung finally let out a deep chuckle, his acting long forgotten.
"You'll regret it later if you won't look at me now. Plus, I want to see your face, too", Taehyung explains, smiling in satisfaction when the fangirl lifts her head once again after a moment of hesitation, keeping her eyes on the idol's determinantly, despite the darkening blush on her cheeks.
"Woo-hoo", Taehyung cheers, releasing their joined hands to clap them together loudly, and the young woman laughs, covering her mouth with the back of her hand, but V can still hear the giggles escaping her mouth, sweet and melodic, and he thinks how much he'd love to hear it again.
"Now that I can see your pretty face, I should probably ask for your name.", Taehyung says with a grin, and the girl bows her head respectfully before saying, "I'm Y/L/N Y/N".
Taehyung still doesn't quite know what he's going to do, but knowing the fan's name, knowing she loves him, lights a spark of hope in his chest. "To, Y/L/N Y/N…"

Jeon Jungkook:
Jungkook likes practicing at 5 a.m in the morning, even if it means waking up before the sun is awake, when it's still dark outside, stumbling into the elevator of Bighit and pressing blindly on all the buttons until he reaches the right floor.
But there is also some good in working out so early in the morning. On days like this, when Jungkook was practicing for BTS' upcoming album until 3 in the morning, it's pretty pointless going back to his apartment, only to come back a few hours later. It's a lot easier to stay in the building, sleep on the comfortable blue sofa, and wake up two hours later to do his daily workout, without any disturbances.
Pushing open the opaque glass door with the palm of his hand, Jungkook muffles another yawn in the sleeve of his oversized black t-shirt. He's still wearing his sweat-filled clothes from practice, with the black Nike sneakers and gray sweatpants, but it doesn't really matter if he's going to sweat again.
His eyesight is still blurry and filled with tears of sleep-loss when he hops on the treadmill, but after a few minutes of jogging with his mind in haze, Jungkook starts to come back to his senses, the familiar adrenaline pumping in his veins.
It's when Jungkook is doing his deadlift workout routine, the muscles in his arms and thighs straining and his black long hair matted to his forehead with sweat, that the door to the gym opens suddenly, and Jungkook almost drops the weights he was holding from the surprise.
Standing in the entrance is a young woman, around Jungkook's age or maybe even younger. Judging by the black leggings she's wearing, the white crop top and the matching white sneakers, all Nike, the girl came to workout, just like the maknae of BTS.
Her dark hair is pulled into a messy bun on the top of her head, strands of it framing her small face, and her eyes are wide with shock at the sight of the young, sweaty man in front of her.
"Oh my God, I'm sorry, I didn't mean to interrupt you", she says quickly, before Jungkook can even think what to say, the dark-haired man too busy admiring the girl's obvious curves and now, the honey-like sound of her voice.
"I thought the gym would be empty at this hour… I'll go now, sir.", the girl exclaims, bowing to Jungkook deeply before she's turning around, and that's when Jungkook comes back to reality, placing the weights on the ground and ignoring the screaming pain in his whole body.
"Wait, don't go.", He shouts just as the girl steps outside of the gym, and she turns around, her eyebrows raised slightly in confusion when Jungkook blushes, scratching the back of his sheepishly.
"You work here, don't you?", he inquires, relief seeping through his veins when the young woman nods, responding: "I'm actually new here. I work as one of the producers for BTS."
"Well, lucky for you, I'm Jungkook from BTS", Jungkook says, a small smile appearing at his face at the display of horror on the girl's face, "And this gym is for the use of the staff too, so…", he gestures to the vast space around vaguely, hoping he doesn't sound too hopeful when he waits for the producer to answer.
To his slight surprise, the woman steps into the room after a moment of hesitation, shouldering off her black Nike duffle bag and letting it fall to the ground. "Thank you, Jungkook-ssi", she says politely, bowing once again, a cute blush covering her cheeks like fairy dust.
Jungkook can feel himself blushing as well, the need to turn his head when he sees the young woman start to stretch overwhelming, so he clears his throat, taking a long gulp of water before saying. "It's no problem, Producer…?", his voice trails off slightly, and the woman smiles at him through the mirrors lining the walls, her bright grin and sparkly eyes forcing Jungkook to look away, his ears burning.
"Y/L/N Y/N, sir", she responds, and Jungkook hums in understanding, putting the cap back on the water bottle and examining the slight shake in his hand in distaste. So much for being a worldwide famous idol, when he couldn't even talk to a girl.
"Well… Welcome to Bighit, Y/L/N Y/N. I hope we'll be together for a long time.", Jungkook congratulates with a sincere smile. 'In more ways than one', he thinks.

BTS pick up lines:)
Kim Seokjin: Well, here I am. What are your other two wishes?
Min Yoongi: Aside from being sexy, what do you do for a living?
Jung Hoseok: Did the sun come out or did you just smile at me?
Kim Namjoon: I'm learning about important dates in history. Want to be one of them?
Park Jimin: Somebody better call God, because he's missing an angel.
Kim Taehyung: I must be in a museum, because you truly are a work of art.
Jeon Jungkook: I'm no photographer, but I can picture us together.