avmisworld - BRookie

This is just k-pop lmao

77 posts

BTS When Theyre Jealous:

BTS when they’re jealous:

Kim Seokjin:

You run a hand down the material of your dress, inspecting your reflection in the mirror of your bedroom with concentration.

You had to admit you looked good, despite not being one to ever be satisfied with how you look. The apricot colored satin skirt clung to your thighs just right, the matching black shoulder less crop top showing just a sliver of your tanned skin, and your hair is cascading down your back in dark waves, shining underneath the white lights of your bedroom.

Usually, you didn't dress like this for a club, but today your best friend was celebrating her birthday, and you felt the need to look nice for this occasion.

"Love, have you seen my-", the soft voice you knew all too well ceases abruptly, and you turn around to face your boyfriend who's standing in the entrance to your room, his eyes wide and mouth slack.

"You good, Jinnie?", You ask gently, your voice slightly amused when Jin gulps, eyeing your body nervously before looking away, a pink blush dusting his cheeks cutely.

"Uh, yeah. You're going to Y/B/F/N's birthday, right? Remind me who's going to attend, I forgot.", Jin asks in a casual tone, moving around the room in search of whatever he came looking for.

You smirk to yourself, not even bothering to mention that you never told Seokjin who was coming to the party, but you find it cute that he's getting jealous, considering he's a pretty chill boyfriend most of the time.

"It's just a few friends, not anything big", you say with a dismissive wave, biting your lip to keep from smiling when your lover raises his head from where it was stuck in your shared closet, a dissatisfied expression on his handsome face at the sound of your answer.

"Like, girl friends, or friends from the male kind?", Jin continues with his questions, and you choke slightly at his not-so subtle wording, unable to stop yourself from chuckling now, covering your gloss-covered lips with the back of your hand as you laugh.

"Mostly girl friends, but there might be a few males as well", you answer, still giggling as you stare at the black-haired man's growing pout.

Seokjin sighs at that, getting up from his crouching position on the furry carpet covering the floor of the room, and walks towards you with his arms crossed in front of his chest protectively.

"Just- Be careful, okay? Text me when you're there so I know you're fine.", Seokjin requests gently, his hands coming to your shoulders, squeezing them gently as he stares at you with a hopeful expression.

You feel yourself soften a bit at the worry in your boyfriend's eyes, bringing your own hands up to cup his cheeks gently. "You have nothing to worry about, Jin. The guys all know I'm in a relationship, and they would never make a move on me, okay? I'll be fine."

Jin nods, looking a bit more relieved as he presses a lingering kiss to your forehead, causing you to close your eyes as you stay there for a few seconds, enjoying the warmth of your boyfriend's plump lips against your skin.

"You're really cute when you're jealous", you say teasingly when Seokjin pulls back, wiggling your eyebrows when he rolls his eyes at you. "I should do this more often".

Seokjin shakes his head at your teasing, pretending to be serious when he glares at you playfully, "The cuteness wears off after the first time, so I wouldn't recommend it", he says seriously.

You laugh, leaning in to kiss your boyfriend on the lips, when your phone rings, causing you to lean back and look at the screen, where the name of one of your friends was written, signaling you he's here to pick up.

"I have to go", you mumble, kissing Jin's cheek sweetly before grabbing your black leather purse, and walking out the door with your boyfriend following you close behind, seeing you to the door.

"Have fun, sweetie, but not too much. And I love you!", Jin calls after you, causing you to snort and shake your head, turning around to wave one last time at your lover. "I love you, too."


Min Yoongi:

You're staring at your phone, scrolling through Instagram mindlessly, when someone in front of you clears his throat rather loudly.

Raising your head up in confusion, you're met with unfamiliar brown eyes and a tuft of raven hair, attached to a tanned face with a blinding smile. You definitely didn't know the young man in front of you, and you can feel uneasiness seep through your bones when the other doesn't make any move to walk away from you, smiling even brighter towards you.

"Um, hello?", you say awkwardly, breaking the stifling silence with a hesitant greeting and a small smile, hoping the guy would say what he wanted to say and leave.

"Hello", the guy replies in a cheery voice, his own smile not disappearing for a second as he gestures towards the wooden chair in front of you, his aura screaming confidence. "Can I sit here?"

You're dumbfounded, staring at the other man with your mouth slightly open. You were still hoping you were wrong, but the growing fear inside of you is telling you that this guy is flirting with you, and the timing literally couldn't be worse.

You tuck a strand of your dark hair behind your ear, like you always do when you're nervous, and feel your cheeks turn bright red when you drop your hands back to your lap, fiddling with your fingers awkwardly.

"Actually-", "I just couldn't help but notice how beautiful you are", the guy doesn't even wait for your reply, and you choke slightly at the blatant comment, the absurdity of the situation taking you off guard.

Sure, you've been flirted with before, but none of them were quite as confident and honest as this young man, standing in front of you nonchalantly with his hands tucked into the pockets of his dark blue slacks, his brown shirt fitting the warm atmosphere of the coffee shop.

Who flirts with people at a coffee shop these days, anyway? You weren't even dressed that nicely, opting for a simple white shirt tucked into black skinny jeans, and an old denim jacket.

You don't want to do this, since this guy didn't look harmful in the least, despite having a self esteem high enough to reach the clouds, but you didn't really have a choice, since Yoongi was nowhere to be seen, probably still waiting for your coffee orders to come out.

“Listen, I'm really sorry, but I have a-", "Jagiya, what's going on?", you turn around with surprise and relief, letting out an almost inaudible sigh at the sight of your boyfriend, holding two large cups in his arms, his eyes calm but undeniably cold.

There's a blank look on Yoongi's pale face, the look that got you slightly intimidated before you started dating and understood Min Yoongi was a huge ball of fluff in disguise. It was here now, but it wasn't directed towards you, your boyfriend's dark eyes locked on the stranger by your table.

Yoongi's looking cute as always, in a black-and-white knit sweater and blue jeans ripped at the knees. His chestnut brown hair is falling over his forehead messily, reflecting the warm lights in the cafe, and his pink lips are set into a thin line as he places your beverages on the round wooden table in front of you.

But despite his adorable looks, there's nothing adorable in the way Suga slips into his seat in front of you, sipping his black coffee slowly before looking up at the shocked guy.

"Did you need something?", your lover asks offhandedly, turning to the young man, and his voice doesn't reveal any emotion, but you can see the way his hands tighten just slightly around his cup, his delicate hands clenching.

"Uh…", the younger man stutters, his eyes flying between the two of you for a few seconds before he bows lightly, "I was just leaving, actually", he says with an awkward smile, before turning around and walking out of the shop stiffly.

You can't help but laugh, amazed by your boyfriend, who managed to render the young man who was so shamelessly flirting with you a few moments ago, into a stuttering mess without even trying.

Yoongi doesn't even address the situation, simply going back to sipping his coffee, but you know he's still jealous because he's avoiding your eyes, looking outside the glass windows of the cafe instead.

"I was just going to tell him I have a boyfriend", you say honestly, staring at your boyfriend so he can see how genuine you were, "But he didn't let me say a word, and I didn't want to make a scene."

Yoongi finally raises his eyes to look at you, and there's hidden warmth in them, the kind that tells you he's not really mad, not at you anyway. "It's not your fault", he says simply.

You breathe out in relief, knowing how closed off Suga can be sometimes when he's jealous, and reach your hands forward to intertwine them with Yoongi's, admiring the contrast in your skin colors. "Thank you for saving me from that dude."

"It's nothing", your boyfriend shrugs, playing it cool, but he's clearly enjoying the affectionate gesture, his thumbs stroking your knuckles fondly, and his cheeks sporting a pretty blush, your favorite gummy smile coming to view when you say, "My hero."


Jung Hoseok:

Knocking on the wooden door of the practice room, you stick your phone in the back pocket of your ripped boyfriend jeans as you wait for your boyfriend to come open the door.

"Coming!", an unconscious smile surfaces your face at the sound of the cheery voice you love so much, and you wait impatiently as the door is being unlocked, feet tapping on the marble ground.

"Y/Nieee~~", Hoseok is leaping on you in a second, wrapping his strong arms around you tightly as he lifts you up and swings you around, not even letting you enter the room before initiating his enthusiastic greeting.

You can't help but laugh, wrapping your own thin arms around your lover's neck and clinging to him tightly, not minding the sweat dripping down his skin when you bury your face in his neck, inhaling the familiar smell of hard-work and dedication.

"Hey, baby", you mutter with a smile when J-hope finally lowers you down, pushing the other's wet black bangs from his eyes gently, and pressing a sweet kiss to his lips, which he responds to with an appreciating hum.

"I missed you so much, jagi.", J-hope mumbles, a pout on his full lips, and you feel your heart clench painfully in your chest, because despite your boyfriend's eyes that were always gleaming with happiness, you knew that every comeback took a heavy toll on him, even if he didn't show it.

"Me too, Hobi", you reply sincerely, thumbing at the creases between your lover's eyebrows in an attempt to soothe him. "I thought I'd come by today to say hi, we didn't spend time together in a while".

Your boyfriend nods in agreement, seemingly lost in thought before his eyes brighten and he grabs your shoulders tightly, pulling you closer to him. "How about we go on a date today? Grab some dinner or go to some bar in the city?"

Your heart clenches even more, because there's nothing that you wouldn't want more, nothing you wouldn't do to keep that bright smile on your boyfriend's face, but…

"I'm so sorry babe, I sort of already planned to go to dinner with Y/B/F/N… I didn't think you'd be free today because of the comeback", you say sorrowfully, feeling even worse when J-hope's excited grin disappears, replaced with a look of disappointment.

"Oh", he says, crossing his arms in front of his chest and looking away from you, a frown on his face, and you immediately know your boyfriend's jealous, capable of reading him like an open book after dating for so long.

Not hesitating for a second, you cup your boyfriend's soft cheeks gently, forcing him to look at you in the eye. "You know that I love you the most, right? And if Y/F/B/N didn't reserve spots already, I'd be cancelling in a second."

You're relieved to see J-hope's smile come back as he rubs your noses together softly, chuckling under his breath. "I love you too, jagi. It's okay, we can go get dinner tomorrow. Just the two of us.", He says with a determined expression, and you laugh, standing on your tiptoes to press kisses all over his face, your heart beating with overwhelming adoration. "Deal."


Kim Namjoon:

You shut the door after entering your apartment, hugging the black jacket hanging off your shoulders even tighter around your torso as you shiver uncontrollably, the chill outside still running through your bones.

"Joon, I'm home", you say into the empty living room, sighing in relief at the warmth of your home which was slowly, yet surely, melting your frozen limbs.

"Coming, babe", you hear your boyfriend say, then the sound of water shutting off, hinting he probably just got out of the shower, and then your boyfriend's exiting the hallway leading to your bedroom in all his wet glory.

Namjoon's dirty blonde hair is wet, his bangs clinging to his forehead like glue, and his soft brown eyes are twinkling at the sight of you, the air around you getting even hotter at the sight of the man you love so dearly. Your lover's chest is shirtless, his defined pecs and biceps shining with crystal clear drops of water, and his gray sweatpants sit low on his hips.

"Hey, love", the toothy grin on your boyfriend's mouth is adorable, to say the least, but you're slightly confused when the sweet smile changes into a confused frown, RM's dark eyes staring at a particular spot around your upper body.

You're confused, staring down at your clothes in search of a stain or a rip, anything that would justify the searching gaze in Namjoon's eyes, but your ripped black denim jeans and big white turtleneck look exactly the same since you left the house.

"Is that sweater yours?", Namjoon asks, his tone casual, but you can hear the slight urgency in his voice and, oh, everything makes sense now.

"Oh, actually... Y/F/N gave me it before we left because he thought it was gonna rain. I'll probably give it back to him tomorrow", you say carefully, already knowing Namjoon isn't liking the kind gesture from your male friend.

Namjoon nods absentmindedly at your answer, and you frown slightly before walking forward and cupping his warm cheeks in your hands. "There's nothing to be jealous of, he was just trying to take care of me."

Your boyfriend frowns even more at that, his strong hands coming to wrap around your waist at their own accord, pressing his forehead to yours. "I should be the only one taking care of you", he protests, his deep voice and sweet words sending an involuntary shiver down your spine.

"You take care of me the best", you promise with a small smile, leaning forward to kiss the frown of your boyfriend's lips, leaving gentle pecks against his mouth until he smiles with defeat, pulling you closer to kiss you properly, his mouth warm and soft against yours.

The innocent kiss turns rather heated rather quickly, and you let Namjoon take off the thick jacket hugging your body, throwing it to the side without care as you laugh at the obvious intent in his actions, the immature side of him surfacing, and it's rather cute. And hot.

"Let me take care of you, then", Namjoon mumbles as he pulls back slightly, one hand cupping your nape gently while the other strokes your ribs, and the hidden meaning in his words sends your heart into a frenzy, you can't help but pull him even closer to kiss him again, desperate and loving. "Okay."


Park Jimin:

You're running your hand through Jimin's hair, whose head is in your lap, his eyes almost half-closed already as he enjoys the feeling of your fingers against your scalp, soothing him to a peaceful slumber.

"Who are you talking to?", your boyfriend mumbles, his voice hoarse from lack of use and tiredness, and you almost don't hear him, looking away from your phone to Jimin's soft face, his eyes now more open as he stares at you expectantly.

"Huh?", you ask, slightly distracted when the device in your hand lets out another ping, signaling the arrival of a new message, and you can't help but smile at the sight of the text, writing back quickly before shutting off the screen and looking down at Jimin once more.

"What were you saying, baby?", you ask, brushing the older's black hair away from his forehead gently so you can see his eyes better, which are currently trained at you with curiosity, his full lips set into a small pout.

"I asked who you were texting", Jimin says with his soft voice, sighing contentedly when you rub the space between his eyebrows gently. "You've been messaging each other for the last half hour", his tone isn't accusing in any way, but the jealousy is evident, if the puppy eyes and pout weren't obvious enough.

"Oh, it's just some guy from high school. We saw each other today by chance and exchanged numbers, we want to do this huge reunion with the whole grade.", you explain, your smile growing at the face Jimin makes when he hears it's a guy.

"Can I see?", Jimin asks, pushing himself up to a sitting position and wrapping his arms around your shoulders loosely, placing his chin in the crook of your neck as he peers down at your phone, his warm breath tickling the side of your face.

You roll your eyes playfully, but hand the phone over to Jimin anyway after muttering a fond 'brat', letting the older hold the device in his hands as he scrolls through the messages slowly, his eyes searching.

He sits there for a while, in his oversized white t-shirt and red sweats, his hair falling over his face messily after you played with it for so long, before finally raising his head to look at you worriedly. "Are you sure he's not flirting with you?"

You snort at that, shaking your head before snatching the phone away from Jimin. "Pretty sure, unless he's decided to give up on his wife and kid for a girl he hasn't seen in nearly eight years", you say sarcastically, crossing your arms when Jimin smiles sheepishly, not even trying to hide his relief at the news.

"Sorry, babe", he says with a wide grin, not sounding remotely sorry, and you huff, trying to hide your own smile when Jimin leaps at you, tugging you down and into his chest, his arms holding you close as he kisses your head sweetly. "But I can't help it. Can't have somebody steal my princess."


Kim Taehyung:

"Let's go there!", you say excitedly, pulling on Taehyung's arm which is locked with yours as you notice another clothing store you definitely have to check.

Your boyfriend doesn't resist at all, simply chuckling under his breath as you tug him through the crowd of people swarming the shopping center, and towards the fancy entrance to the store, where a nicely dressed bodyguard is standing.

The guard takes one look at you and Taehyung and lets you in, bowing his head slightly when your boyfriend enters, and you're once again thankful for Taehyung's well-kept looks that guarantee him an easy entrance almost anywhere.

Your boyfriend is dressed today rather casually, with a wine-colored button up shirt tucked neatly into a pair of black slacks, but he somehow managed to stay the center of attention, drawing everyone's eyes like a magnet.

You don't really mind, not when you are the one Taehyung's arm is wrapped around, the only one who he smiles at so brightly, his lips stretching into a boxy grin before pressing the softest of kisses to your nose.

You enter the small yet luxurious space, letting your boyfriend, a fashion enthusiastic himself, wander through the men section while you rush to the women section, carding through heaps of colorful clothes and taking out the ones that catch your eye.

Just as you take out a soft satin baby-blue dress, you turn around happily, dying to go over to Taehyung and show him the lot you found, and you crash into another body in your rush.

You can feel your cheeks burn bright red when you retract yourself from the body holding you loosely around the wrist, preventing your fall, and raise your head to apologise when-

"Y/N?", the shocked voice of the man is undeniably familiar, your head snapping up to look in the wide brown eyes of the guy in front of you, who breaks into a wide grin at the sight of you.

"Y/F/N?", you're just as shocked, you're own smile surfacing at the sight of your friend, who you haven't seen in several months after he moved from Seoul. "What are the chances?"

You were currently in Daegu with Taehyung, staying at his family home, and as far as you know, your guy friend lived all the way in Busan, so the chances of you meeting in the particular store are indeed very small.

Y/F/N shrugs carelessly, and pulls you in once again to hug you, your own arms coming up to pat him on the back lightly, enjoying the unexpected reunion with your long-time friend.

Just as you're about to pull away and continue asking Y/F/N about his business in Daegu, there's a confused voice behind you, the deep timber of it all too recognizable to you. "Y/N?"

You turn around, meeting the lost puppy glance of your lover, whose hands are filled with an assortment of outfits, each one stranger than the other, although you're sure he can pull all of them off easily.

"Tae!", you wave your boyfriend over, watching him trudge over reluctantly before saying, "This is Y/F/N. My friend from uni.", you explain, having told Taehyung plenty of times about Y/F/N, who you always got in trouble with at the university.

"Oh", Taehyung says simply, his eyes glittering with slight distaste as he hands over his arm to your friend, a fake smile on his face. Taehyung was a good actor, but not good enough to fool you.

You intertwine your fingers with Taehyung, squeezing them lightly to try to calm him down and also remind him to behave and not scare away your friend, who looked increasingly uncomfortable in the situation.

"What are you doing here, anyway?", you ask in hopes of easing the tension, referring to your friend, your own fake smile spread on your face, although you're sure it's not half as good as Taehyung's.

"Oh, I just came to buy a present for my boyfriend.", the dark-haired guy answers with a soft smile, "It's our two year anniversary tomorrow", he explains as you hum, enjoying the awkward noise Taehyung lets out from his spot beside you.

You can practically feel the embarrassment oozing off of Taehyung, and although you think he deserves it, you can't help but help your boyfriend out, nudging him gently with your shoulder. "Our anniversary is next month as well, right Tae?"

Taehyung nods so fast next to you, it's almost comical, and you put a hand over your mouth to try to conceal your laughter when Taehyung coughs loudly before saying, "Yeah, and congratulations man.", in a timid voice, his cold exterior gone entirely.

Your friend looks relieved, and a bit confused at the sudden change your boyfriend went through, but doesn't question it, instead smiling brightly towards the older, gesturing to the pile of clothes in his hands. "Maybe you should give me some advice on what to buy my boyfriend".

You can see Taehyung's eyes light up at the sound of the offer, and he's already whisking away your friend in a second, talking loudly about patterns and textures as Y/F/N listens intently, and you sigh in relief. They'll be best friends by the end of the day.


Jeon Jungkook:

"You should do it like this.", Taehyung explains once again, his tone slightly exasperated when takes your hand in his, placing it on black and white keys of the piano carefully.

"Sorry", you mumble sheepishly, sending your friend a small smile as he rolls his eyes playfully, tapping your back gently. "Scoot aside, I'll show you how it's done", he says with a jokingly prideful tone, sitting on the small black bench, his side pressed to you completely as he plays the keys gracefully, explaining the different sounds and purposes of the keys as you listen intently.

"Why didn't you ask me to teach you?", the voice comes from behind you, and you turn your head halfway, not surprised at all to see the maknae of BTS standing behind you with his arms crossed over his chest, his eyebrows furrowed and a small pout painting his lips.

His hair is still styled perfectly from the photoshoot, the thick layer of makeup making his skin seem terrifyingly white under the harsh lights, but he still looks gorgeous, the tight black turtleneck he's wearing accentuating his strong pecs and abs, the leather pants hugging his thick thighs perfectly.

You huff dramatically, meeting Jungkook's doe eyes with your own. "Maybe 'cause you were doing a photoshoot? Not to mention you don't know the first thing about playing a piano", you say sarcastically, but there's hidden fondness in your tone, all too used to Jungkook's jealousy after dating him for so long.

Taehyung laughs besides you, understanding the situation perfectly and standing up, brushing his black dress pants before ruffling your hair gently. "I got to head to the photoshoot. Catch you guys later.", he says simply, flicking Jungkook's chin with a chuckle before disappearing down the hall.

'How can someone look so manly and act like such a baby at the same time?', you wonder, unconsciously smiling at the sight of a frowning Jungkook, his arms crossed defiantly across his chest.

"Come here, Gukkie", you say gently, sending your lover your best puppy eyes as you pat the now empty spot next to you, watching with satisfaction when Jungkook hesitates for a mere second, before coming to sit next to you.

"You know that Taehyung is like a brother to me, right?", you say gently, kissing Jungkook's soft cheek just to see him blush cutely, before adding teasingly, "Who happens to be better than you at playing the piano".

As if waiting for you to challenge him, your boyfriend's soft eyes grow hard, jealousy and embarrassment long forgotten as he shoots you a confident smirk. "You're on.”

You end up making half of the staff run away at the inhumane noises you play on the piano, the whole room begging the two of you to stop, but when Jungkook laughs so hard tears come out of his eyes, his hands intertwining with yours as if on their own accord, and shooting a look so loving your heart feels like it's going to burst, you think it's worth it.

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More Posts from Avmisworld

4 years ago

BTS when you annoy them:


You and Jin were known as the couple who were constantly annoying each other, always going for each other's throats and pulling pranks.

You were like an old married couple, so fond and loving with sweet gazes and careful touches, but you were also constantly bickering and fighting, and to be honest, you loved it that way the most.

You shift a bit on your space on the comfortable couch, a small frown painted on your lips. Your arms were crossed in front of your t-shirt clad chest, socked feet tapping against the carpeted floor, your whole posture screaming tension.

You glare a bit more when your boyfriend enters the living room, carrying a simple plastic tray with a different assortment of foods on it, from kimchi to fried rice, the smell so delicious you barely stop yourself from jumping in your boyfriend's arms, which were definitely blessed with the talent of cooking.

Unfortunately, you have to pretend to be mad at what happened earlier, and if you didn't love your boyfriend so much and were far too used to his shenanigans, you wouldn't even have to pretend.

As if reading your mind, Seokjin raises a perfect eyebrow at you. "Are you still grumpy?", he asks teasingly, a wide smile making its way to his lips, and you simply ignore him, focusing instead on the colorful screen in front you, currently showing an episode of "Friends".

If there was one thing that got on Jin's nerves, with all his collected and fairly calm manner, it was when people didn't talk back to him and ignored him. And that was exactly what you were planning to do.

Your boyfriend seems to understand the situation, his smile faltering slightly, setting the tray on the small wooden table in front of you before taking a seat on the gray leather couch, facing you with a slightly worried expression.

"Does it hurt? It didn't look bad when you fell, and you were laughing", he says with a frown, reaching his hand to touch the soft skin of your knee, which got hit when you slipped on a piece of paper earlier this morning.

Jin had obviously found the whole situation hilarious, and you had to admit it was pretty funny, especially since you didn't exactly fall, rather slid into a lunge position with your knee hitting the floor.

You had whined and grabbed your knee while your amazing lover rolled on the floor with laughter, and you eventually joined him, unable to stop yourself at the sight of Jin's tomato face and crinkled eyes. But now it was time for revenge.

You almost turn your head to look at Seokjin, who's still rubbing your knee gently, his pink lower lip slightly jutting out and his dark hair falling over his forehead in long bangs, almost covering his worried eyes, but you manage to contain yourself, staring blankly at the TV.

"Yah, Y/N, talk to me!", Seokjin exclaims when you don't answer any of his concerned questions, his hands placed on his hips and an annoyed look on his face when you don't even flinch, picking up a rice cake and popping it in your mouth shamelessly.

"Look, I'm sorry for laughing at you, but I didn't think you'd take it this seriously. We always laugh at each other.", Seokjin goes back to speaking gently again, placing a gentle hand on your thigh in an attempt to get your attention, a frustrated groan escaping his mouth when none of his antics work.

"Fine", your boyfriend says with an exasperated expression, "You asked for this". There's a mischievous tone in your boyfriend's voice that tells you that he means trouble, but you don't even have time to run away before Jin's tackling you, pressing your back into the couch as he runs his hands up and down your sides mercilessly, ignoring your begs and choked pleas.

You can't really appreciate your boyfriend's beautifully bare face so close to you, the soft shining skin of his face, the cotton-candy hair, his plump lips and his broad chest, easily noticeable even with his loose light blue pyjama top, not when he's pinning you down and taking your breath away with his nimble fingers, but you still think that he's lovely, so lovely, and maybe that's why you can never really stay mad at him.

"Okay, I'm not mad, just please stop", you beg, stray tears dripping down your cheeks from laughing so hard, and you're pretty sure you have abs when Jin finally leans back, a satisfied smile on his face. 

"You're so mean", you say through gasps, hitting your boyfriend's arm lightly as you try to go back to your regular breathing, wiping the tears tracks on your cheeks with the back of your hand.

"And you're so annoying", Seokjin retorts half-heartedly, sticking out his tongue to you before leaning down to press his lips against yours with a sigh, so gentle it almost feels like the touch of a butterfly against you, and you arch upward slightly, carding your fingers through the fluffy hair as you kiss lazily, the food slowly getting cold and you couldn't care less, every part of your body filled with warmth, erasing the sense of hunger completely. And if this is what you get for being annoying, then you're never going to stop.

BTS When You Annoy Them:

Min Yoongi:

You run a hand through your tangled hair, jumping on the balls of your feet slightly as you watch Yoongi through the reflection of your mirror, who's watching you with an expression somewhere between amused and exasperated.

The two of you are getting ready to go to bed, Yoongi with his toothbrush between his lips, white hair brushed away from his forehead offhandedly, wearing one of his oversized t-shirts and a pair of blue basketball shorts.

You on the other hand, feel way too energetic for this late hour, not able to keep still as you quickly change from brushing your dark hair to gurgling mint mouthwash to washing your face, your hurried pace nothing like Yoongi's lazy state of mind.

"What's up with you?", Yoongi mumbles when he finally spits out the white foam to the sink, his dark eyes already half-closed as he runs his hand blindly over the counter, searching for the small white towel to wipe his face.

You shrug, not really knowing yourself, and wrap your arms around your boyfriend's waist, letting him drag his feet to the bed with you attached to his back, the older too tired to even protest.

When you're finally laying on the bed, you cling to Suga like a koala, placing your head on top of his chest and wiggling around some more until your legs, Yoongi's legs, and the blue blanket laying on your bed are completely tangled together.

Yoongi grunts, surprised by the sudden skinship, but doesn't say anything. Usually you and him slept rather far apart, since you both needed your space while sleeping and got hot easily, so for the most part your lover would throw a possessive hand around your waist, as if to make sure you're there, but not much more than that.

"Goodnight", your boyfriend yawns silently, breaking the calming silence between the two of you and pressing a soft kiss to your forehead before closing his eyes, his chest almost immediately falling into a rather slow pace, his body always ready for much needed sleep, but you don't feel quite tired enough yet, so you reach your finger to poke Yoongi's chest lightly. "Babe?"

Suga opens one eye slowly, staring down at you with tired eyes, and you feel bad for doing this to him, especially since he cherished his sleep and enjoys it so much, but you still bite your lip, looking up at your boyfriend with your infamous puppy eyes. "I'm not tired".

Yoongi groans, his hold around your waist tightening as if that can make you sleepier, and he shuts his eyes once again, his voice holding finality when he says: "You are. Go to sleep and you'll see".

Your pout only grows at that, but you know better than to talk to Suga again, who would probably only ignore you or maybe kick you out of the room, so you try your best to find a comfortable position that'll hopefully help you fall asleep faster, wiggling all over your boyfriend's body until you feel the arms around your waist tighten once more.

"Y/N.", Yoongi deadpans, the frustration in his voice now completely visible, and you sigh, burying your face in the other's neck. 

"Sorry", you mumble in a small voice, pressing the softest of kisses to the smooth white skin, and you feel more than hear Yoongi's deep sigh, almost like he's suffering but also enjoying this at the same time. 

"Sleep", the voice above you commands, firm yet soft at the same time, and then there's lips pressed to your hair, just above your forehead, and one of Yoongi's hands comes up to stroke your hair softly, the other hand drawing circles on your hip bone carefully, and you feel your heart burst with love when your boyfriend sings you a lullaby quietly, voice hoarse from lack of sleep and hours of staying up late with only microwaved ramen and energy drinks to keep him company. It's the best thing you've heard in a while, you think, just as your eyes close, your boyfriend's voice still engraved in your mind.

BTS When You Annoy Them:

Jung Hoseok:

You were always known as a rather clumsy person, always losing stuff and tripping over air. Your friends usually found it hilarious that you're such a mess, constantly comparing you to Namjoon, but your boyfriend always found it adorable, even though he himself was the definition of organized and agile, and he always stood up for you, insisting the two of you complete each other perfectly.

But sometimes being a couple was hard, your differences getting in the way occasionally, especially now, after you moved in together, and your messy lifestyle seemed to clash with Hoseok's perfectionist one more often than not.

You curse under your breath, shooting another panicked glance towards the large black clock hanging on the wall, seemingly taunting you with his consistent movement as you throw one of your pillows to the floor, patting the white mattress frantically.

Your phone was nowhere to be seen, although you had been holding it a few minutes ago, and you were going to be late for work if you didn't get out of the house right now, which you couldn't do without your phone.

The room looks like a whirlwind passed through it, your blankets and pillows strewn on the floor, your pink checkered pyjamas thrown on the now bare bed, from when you changed your clothes hurriedly, trying to get ready for work.

The alarm on your phone is blaring loudly, alerting you that you have to get out of the apartment right now, as if you didn't know that, and makeup and more beauty products were covering the floor of your room like snow, a result of your quick changing.

"Y/N? What's going on?", you turn around at the sound of your boyfriend's worried voice, meeting J-hope's slowly widening eyes at the sight of the horrible mess in your bedroom. 

He's standing in the entrance to the room, wearing oversized black sweatpants and a loose dark green t-shirt, holding a mug of his usual hot black coffee, the mug still letting out steam. His eyes are still slightly sleepy, not completely awake just yet, his curly black hair falling over his forehead in cute waves, and his mouth is slightly open in disbelief at the sight of your shared bedroom.

Usually you would feel guilty for making this sort of chaos in your apartment, because there is literally nothing that annoys Hoseok more than disorganization, but you're too lost and freaked out to feel bad right now, so you shoot your lover a frantic look. "I can't find my phone, I need to go to work, and I can't find my phone-"

"Okay, okay", the confused look in Hoseok's eyes changes back to the look of J-hope, the lead dancer of BTS, someone who leads and supports when everyone else is in panic, and he motions you to calm down with hands, placing his coffee beside the door before entering the room. "Calm down, we'll find it, just keep looking."

You go back to searching the room, flipping over the fuzzy gray carpet on the floor and searching under it, throwing the cushions off the small leather sofa in the side of the room, while Hoseok helps you, looking under the bed and inside the closet.

You can practically feel Hoseok's grimaces of discomfort whenever another thing in your room goes flying out of place, and you're just about to start crying from frustration when you hear your boyfriend's flat voice.

"Y/N.", you turn to meet J-hope's unimpressed look, not quite understanding the meaning of the blank face on your boyfriend's usually smiling one until you notice the phone in his hand, the familiar device making you breath out in relief, your stiff body sagging slightly.

"Where did you find it?", you yell with excitement, running over to your phone and grabbing it from your boyfriend's hand, who doesn't even answer, simply pointing at your pyjama pants, still laying on the floor pathetically. Your phone was in your stupid back pocket the whole time.

"Oh.", you mumble with slight embarrassment, raising your eyes up to meet your boyfriend's soft brown ones, still staring at you with an expression that seems so done you feel you can't help but blush, playing with your fingers. "Sorry for messing up the room, I'll come back from work and clean up everything, I promise-"

Hoseok rolls his eyes, but you know he's not truly mad when he sighs heavily, already used to your antics. "Do you really think I'm going to leave the room like this for so long?", he asks sarcastically, raising a thick eyebrow at you. 

You smile sheepishly, rocking back on your heels. "No?", you answer, your voice coming out sounding more like a question than a statement, and your boyfriend's lips twitch slightly as he tries not to smile. "Exactly."

"Thank you, baby", you say with gratitude, leaning forward to press a sweet kiss to your boyfriend's nose, because how the hell did you get such a sweet boyfriend that always cleans up your messes for you, who always lets you get away with everything.

J-hope hums in confirmation, wrapping a gentle hand around your jaw to tilt your head up, pressing a fleeting kiss against your lips. "You're lucky I love you. Now run off to work, you're late."

BTS When You Annoy Them:

Kim Namjoon:

One of the things you love the most about Kim Namjoon is the fact that he's such a hard-working guy. He always puts his most into everything he does, no matter how small or seemingly meaningless it is, and that gives you an immense sense of pride.

But sometimes it gets too much, when Namjoon loses track of time and gets so into whatever project he's working on, that he forgets that you can be rather clingy and need a minimal amount of physical affection.

Sighing, you stare at the door to your boyfriend's room, where he is currently working on some paperwork regarding the boys' next comeback.

You were excited for the upcoming album, of course you were, but a new album meant less time with your lover, and you felt it the past week more than you did during your whole relationship.

Tapping your foot against the wooden floor, you wonder how the hell you can get RM's attention without burning down the apartment. 

Honestly, there weren't a lot of options. Begging didn't work, as you've already checked, and will only earn you a dimpled smile and a fond pat on your head. Yelling wasn't good either, since this whole situation was really Joon's fault. 

You roll your head back in frustration, eyes pointing to the ceiling and locking on the speakers you and Namjoon had installed in the living room. They were mostly used when you wanted to see a movie on the big TV screen or when you just wanted to vibe to some songs, but now they were giving you a wicked idea.

A small smirk started to form on your face, your mind running a mile a minute. The idea that was slowly manifesting in your brain was nothing short of evil, but you conclude that tough times call for tough decisions. You have to do this before Namjoon will die from lack of sleep and you from lack of cuddles.

Walking over to the speaker set determinantly, you press the home button on your phone, quickly switching on the "Bluetooth", which automatically connects to the sound device. 

You needed something good, good and loud, so you scroll through the downloaded songs on your phone, clicking on the first one you saw with an evil giggle. 'Dwaechita', by Agust D. This will be epic.

You raise the volume to the highest level, before plopping down on the sofa and waiting for your boyfriend to exit his room. You assume it won't take long.

Just like you thought, mere seconds after the chorus starts, Namjoon's already stumbling out of the bedroom, his hair a mess and his eyes wide like saucers. 

You're pretty sure he's wearing the same crumpled mustard button-up he was wearing two days ago, with the same black trousers. His caramel hair is brushed back from his eyes, which have dark circles underlining them, and his usually smooth, tanned skin is looking uncharacteristically blotchy. 

"What the hell, Y/N?", RM exclaims, almost tripping on his own feet as he grabs the wall for support, his eyes searching for you wildly before falling on your smug figure, sitting cross-legged on the sofa.

"Don't you wanna listen to some music right now?", you ask, yelling to overcome the loud sound of Suga's rap. "This artist is pretty dope", you add innocently, biting back a smile when realization dawns on the older's face.

"Is this because we haven't been spending much time together the last few days?", Namjoon asks gently, his voice just a little impatient, but understanding nonetheless.

"Not really. It's actually because I haven't seen you in our own apartment in the last few weeks.", you say sarcastically, crossing your arms over your chest defiantly while you glare at your boyfriend, your chill facade slowly wearing off.

Namjoon groans, pinching the bridge of his nose slightly as he inhales deeply, his eyes closed and mouth pursed into a thin line. "Look, I'm sorry, I'll take more time off, but I'm really busy right now, so can you please lower the volume?"

You shake your head, getting up from the couch and padding over to where Namjoon is standing, looking at you with an expectant gaze. 

"I'll stop the music", you say simply, straightening one of the many wrinkles in the sleeves of your lover's shirt, before raising your eyes up from his chest to meet his own dark orbs. "If you take a break right now and come eat with me a normal lunch".

There's annoyance flickering in Namjoon's eyes, but it doesn't really matter right now, because your boyfriend needed this just as much as you did, if not more. 

It takes five more seconds of Suga's rapping thundering through the house for your boyfriend to sigh defeatedly, throwing his hands up in the air helplessly before running them through his locks, making them stick out in different directions. 

"Okay, fine, just please shut this off, my brain is going to explode", Namjoon says pleadingly, and you send him a sweet smile before pressing the mute button on your phone, the music ceasing immediately and your house filling once again with it's comfortable, calming atmosphere.

"Thank God", your boyfriend mutters, almost to himself, and you wrap your arms around his waist without another word, leaning your head over his strong chest to listen to the steady beating of his heart, reminding you he's right here with you, where he belongs.

"I missed you", you whisper into the silence, enjoying the way Namjoon's hands automatically encircle around your waist, his chin placed on the top of your head gently, and he lets out another sigh, this one more of content, the soft sound sending tingles through your body.

"Me too, babe", he answers, pressing a soft kiss to your hair, like he always does before the two of you fall asleep, and you close your eyes, imaging the two of you cuddled against each other in bed, just enjoying the other's presence. It seems so far away now.

"But you're insufferable sometimes, you know that?", he adds, and you can't help but giggle at the frustrated tone of his voice, burying your face in his neck as laughter wracks your body. Yes, you missed this more than words can explain.

BTS When You Annoy Them:

Park Jimin:

Park Jimin was a cute person, no one could deny. Something about his pretty eye smile, his delicate features, and naturally lovely personality was heart-fluttering. He was also super hot, but that's a different discussion.

You love to annoy your boyfriend, mostly because he can't possibly say no to you, even when you do everything in your power to piss him off. And today was one of these days.

Maybe it's because Jimin just looks so fluffy right now, with his pretty brown hair tied into a small ponytail, his eyes slightly droopy from sleep and his plump lips stretched into a small pout. 

His head is in your lap, shiny hair spread over your thighs like a halo, and he's wearing his thick winter pyjamas: a furry gray hoodie, the hat pulled low over his head, wide black sweatpants and blue socks.

You're in front of the television, the two of you watching some disgustingly sweet rom-com, and you're munching happily on some peperos when Jimin tilts his head up to you, opening his mouth silently.

You raise an eyebrow down at your boyfriend, smiling a bit when you notice the adorable gesture and outfits he's wearing, and pop another chocolate-covered stick in your mouth, humming purposely loud.

"These are so good", you say with an exaggerated groan, smirking slightly when you see Jimin's mouth close, eyebrows furrowed in slight confusion. "You want some?", you ask innocently, taking out another one of the snacks and waving it in front of your boyfriend, who nods his head enthusiastically.

"Then show me some aegyo", you request with a shit-eating grin. "Something amazing though", you add, enjoying the way Jimin started frowning immediately, not satisfied by your request.

"Yah, Y/N, don't be tough", he whines, "You know I hate acting cute.", he says, crossing his arms in front of his chest, and you can't help but coo at his unintentional cute behaviour, reaching your arm out to pinch his chubby cheek gently. "I can't help it, you're too adorable."

Jimin lets another groan of distress, but you don't miss the light pink blush high on his cheeks, even with the lack of light in the dark room. Despite your lover being genuinely annoyed by your continuous requests for aegyo, you know he likes it when you compliment his personality and baby him every now and then.

"Fine.", he says with a deep sigh, already so done with you, and you smile sweetly, looking at your boyfriend expectantly while he gets ready, clenching his fists and inhaling deeply.

"Jagiya, please give me some of that yummy snack!", Jimin says with a small voice, sending you his best puppy eyes and cupping his face in his delicate hands, waiting for your response.

You giggle at the act, clapping your hands excitedly before taking one of the sweet snacks from the small aluminum bag, and sticking it between your boyfriend's pouty lips. "Yay, thank you baby", you say with a wide grin, pressing a soft kiss on one of Jimin's red cheeks.

Your boyfriend rolls his eyes, but there's a tiny smile playing on his lips as he gets comfortable on your lap once again, placing his cheek on your legs and turning back to look at the flat screen in front of you.

You get lost once again in the plot of the movie, a smug smile still showing on your face from your previous victory, when Jimin nudges your stomach slightly with his nose. 

"Baby, can you pass me the fuzzy blanket from there? It's getting cold.", Jimin requests, already half-asleep once again, and you can't help but tease him, lifting your hand from where it's sifting through his soft locks, and grabbing the baby blue blanket from the edge of the couch.

"You know what you need to do, Jiminie", you say slyly, lifting the blanket slightly out of your boyfriend's reach when his arm raises up to grab it, and his face turns into a scowl, annoyed by your continuous teasing.

"Y/N, stop it, seriously", he says, stretching out his hand even higher, but you don't let him reach the blanket, laughing evilly when his glare turns even darker, your smile practically splitting your face in half.

You let out a surprised gasp when you suddenly find yourself on your back, Jimin hovering above you with dark eyes and a dangerous smirk. You gulp, your boyfriend suddenly not as cute as he was two seconds ago, and feel something curl in your stomach. 

"You think I'm cute, huh? I'll show you how cute I am", Jimin says with a growl, and you can only manage out an embarrassing squeak before Jimin is kissing you hard, his grip on your waist almost bruising, and you arch into him, gasping against his mouth.

Okay, so maybe Jimin wasn't really cute right now, but that didn't really matter when you love every side of him.

BTS When You Annoy Them:

Kim Taehyung:

Having an idol boyfriend was definitely a pain in the ass sometimes, especially when comeback season came around.

You haven't seen Taehyung in your shared apartment for a full week, only seeing him on the times you came to visit him at Bighit's building or when the two of you grabbed a quick coffee during his breaks from work, and considering the fact he's literally in the same city as you, it was pretty damn ridiculous. You knew he was sleeping at the dorm with the rest of the members, making it easier for him to arrive to practice and recordings, and all the other things he's dealing with right now, but it didn't make you any happier.

You had talked with Jungkook, the maknae of BTS and your close friend, and checked with him when Taehyung was free enough to jump over. Of course, you know your boyfriend and his perfectionist ass, and know that he would never agree to come back to your apartment before their comeback, so you had to take more drastic measures.

What you're going to do is pretty mean, you know that, but sitting in your cold, empty living room, it's obvious that this has to be done. 

You cuddle a bit closer into the warm brown blanket slung across your shoulders, and press the quick dial on your phone, the first suggestion already showing up as 'Taehyungie💞'. Giving yourself another mental pat on the back, you exhale shakily before pressing on the contact. Time to get your acting talents to use.

Pressing the small device to your ear, you clear your throat as you listen to the loud ringing, waiting for your lover to pick up the phone impatiently. According to Jungkook, Taehyung was supposed to be at the dorm right now, getting some well-deserved rest which he is probably wasting on even more practicing.

"Hey, babe", Tae's deep voice rings through the phone, and you smile unconsciously at the sound of him, pressing the phone even closer to your ear as if that'll help you reach him. 

"Tae…", you say in a raspy, worn-out voice, your heart clenching slightly when you hear the sound of moving, probably Taehyung going to his room to talk to you more privately. 

"Y/N????", Taehyung's voice is worried, and you can imagine his face right now, thick eyebrows furrowed over dark eyes in concern, pretty lips pursed into a thin line and hands clenching around his phone nervously. "Are you ok? You don't sound good."

"Yeah, I'm sick", you mumble, surprised yourself by how genuinely shitty you sound, and you can already hear Taehyung mumbling a curse, and then the sound of a door opening and keys rattling. 

"I'm on my way", your boyfriend announces into the phone, and your mouth drops slightly at the unexpected saying. You thought you would have to do a lot more to get him to come, but it only took a little fake-coughing and a tired voice to get him out of the dorm.

"You don't have to", you say, the guilt starting to claw in your chest, the heaviness in your heart only growing when your boyfriend makes a dismissive sound. "Of course I do. I'm your boyfriend, I need to take care of you. Now rest for a bit until I arrive."

You stare at your phone dumbly after Taehyung says goodbye, regretting your decision to prank your lover, even if it came from good intentions. He was clearly worried sick, and now he'll be super pissed when he sees you're perfectly fine, except for a lack of quality time with your boyfriend.

You don't even get to rethink your decisions before the door is opening, revealing a disheveled Taehyung, his curly black hair falling over his forehead, covering his eyes almost completely, wearing one of his doodled T-shirts and a pair of his favorite wide black pants. His face is bare, showing off his small mustache and the dark circles under his eyes, and he's clearly exhausted. 

"Baby? I'm sorry I-", Taehyung freezes in the middle of his sentence, his panicked expression slowly morphing into confusion as he stares at you, looking perfectly healthy, a guilty expression on your face as you bite your lip, avoiding his eyes. "What's going on?"

"I… might have pranked you into coming here.", You start, wincing when your boyfriend's eyes darken and he crosses his arms in front of his chest, a clear sign he was annoyed. "I just missed you and I knew you were supposed to rest anyway… So I pretended to be sick."

Taehyung doesn't say anything, but you know that's how he always reacts when he's annoyed, and there's this disappointed look in his eyes, which is even worse than just anger.

"I'm sorry, what I did was wrong", you admit after another minute of silence. "But I'm worried about you Tae, even before I miss you. Have you even seen yourself in the last few days?", you ask, scanning your boyfriend's face once again with worry. 

Taehyung sighs, slipping into the spot on the couch next to you, and you know he's still mad, but you won't let that get in the way right now. 

"Taehyung. Just please, please stay here tonight? Don't talk with me, be mad at me, I deserve it. But if you care about me, please sleep here. I need to know you're taking care of yourself.", you beg, biting your lip like you always do when you're anxious, staring at your Taehyung's profile, who's stubbornly looking forward, not meeting your eyes.

You place your hand on Taehyung's shoulder, and he finally looks at you, his eyes softening slightly when he sees your desperate eyes, and he sighs once again, sending you a small smile. 

"Okay", he whispers, and you can't help but laugh happily, wrapping your arms around Taehyung and placing your head on his shoulder as you finally, finally get what you really want: a healthy Taehyung. Nothing else matters right now.

And when Taehyung wraps his own arms around your waist gently, placing a fleeting kiss on your hair, you know you're already forgiven.

BTS When You Annoy Them:

Jeon Jungkook:

If you were being honest, you didn't really like gaming. Rather, you didn't like your boyfriend gaming. Jungkook was probably the most attentive guy a girl could ask for, except when he was playing Overwatch, or whatever video game he's into at the moment.

"Jungkook", you whine again, glaring at your boyfriend when he hums unconvincingly, his dark eyes focused on the screen unblinkingly, occasional profanities leaving his mouth when another player almost kills him.

The two of you were supposed to be on date night today, and what Jungkook said would be a "quick round", turned out to be a seven, and you really need to stop giving in to your boyfriend's stupid puppy eyes.

"Jungkook, I want to cuddle", you demand, sending another glance to the clock on the wall in front of you. It was late, and you hated going to sleep without Jungkook's soft hugs and sweet singing in your ear, the occasional shy kiss pressed to your nape or cheeks.

"Just a second, babe", Jungkook says for the twentieth time, and you huff, not believing your boyfriend's behaviour. 

You stare for another second at Jungkook hunched up form, letting yourself admire the way his simple black hoodie does nothing to disguise his thick biceps and wide shoulders, the matching black sweatpants accentuating his strong thighs and his long dark hair, parted and pushed away from his forehead to allow him to see better, revealing sharp black eyebrows and piercing black eyes.

"Fuck it", you mumble to yourself after five more minutes pass, walking over to the television and standing next to it, staring at Jungkook with a firm expression. "You asked for this".

Not giving Jungkook time to react, you take out the cable of the television, and the screen goes black immediately, Jungkook's mouth dropping open when his game suddenly stops, not quite realizing what happened.

"Y/N, what the hell?", Jungkook stares at you, his eyes somewhere between mad and helpless, and he throws his controller aside with disbelief painted on his face. "Why are you so impatient?"

You stare at your boyfriend with disbelief, shaking your head. "Are you serious right now? I've been waiting for you to finish for ages now. You know I can't fall asleep alone.", you answer with clenched teeth, not even bothering to hide your annoyance.

"Whatever", Jungkook mumbles, shooting you another glare before getting up from the couch, heading towards the bathroom, and you sigh, cursing under your breath as you continue standing there for another second, before walking towards your shared bathroom.

Jungkook doesn't say a word when he exits the bathroom, and you're already lying on your side of the bed with your back to your boyfriend, trying to hide the hurt expression on your face as you cuddle closer into the blanket in an attempt to warm yourself without Jungkook's body as your personal furnace.

You can feel the bed dip when your boyfriend slips into bed silently, and you hate the emptiness, missing Jungkook's strong arms around you, pressing you into his broad chest.

You lie there for God knows how long, debating between yourself before mumbling a soft "I'm sorry" into other air between you, not even checking if the other is sleeping or not.

Your answer comes in the form of Jungkook's familiar arms, snaking around your lower stomach, and then there's lips pressed to your nape, kissing it so sweetly you can't help but melt, your own hands coming to cover Jungkook's. 

"I'm sorry, too", he mumbles, and you smile to yourself, turning in his hold and pressing a gentle kiss to Jungkook's lips, and then to his cheek. "It's okay.", you whisper, pressing your forehead to the older's and staring into his doe eyes. "Goodnight, Jungkookie." "Goodnight, baby".

BTS When You Annoy Them:

Tags :
4 years ago

NCT when a member catches you making out:



The two of you are probably sitting on the bed in his room, just kissing slowly and sweetly, when Haechan barges into the room, most likely going to ask for cuddles from the oldest member, catching the two of you red-handed. Taeil will probably be pretty straightforward despite his embarrassment, pulling away from you before sending the awkward member a smile that doesn't seem to match the situation, asking him to leave the room. After Haechan leaves, he'll probably laugh it off and the two of you will resume the make out session, but he'll be more alert, keeping his eyes slightly open in case another youngster walks into the wrong room. 

"Can you please leave? And close the door behind you."



The two of you are probably on the couch in the living room of the dorm, kissing lazily, when Mark walks through. "Yo, Johnny, you won't believe-", Mark's excited speech gets cut off in the middle when he sees the two of you making out, and he coughs violently before turning around, mumbling apologies on his way out. Johnny on the other hand, doesn't care less, continuing to kiss you without hesitation, tightening his hold on your waist and pulling you closer when you try to push him away, your face bright red from the embarrassment, promising that nobody else will catch you, saying anything just to keep kissing you.

"Mark Lee isn't going to distract me from 'dem lips."



Oh no, this baby. When Doyoung walks in the bedroom, where you and Taeyong are lying on the bed, you on top of him and his hands around your waist, holding you close, Taeyong practically leaps off the bed at the sight of his friend, pushing you off of him in the process. "I'm so sorry, sorry-", your boyfriend says frantically, trying his hardest to smooth down his messy hair while walking towards Doyoung, who looks like he regrets everything lmao. "It's okay, hyung. I'll just-", Doyoung points to the door awkwardly before rushing out the room, leaving you and your red-faced boyfriend alone. You sigh playfully, reaching forward to hug your boyfriend, placing your head in the crook of his neck. "Well, that sort of killed the mood." Your boyfriend apologizes to you, and he'll be extra careful from now on, always locking the door or making sure the dorm is empty when you want some time to yourselves.

"Are you okay? I think I yeeted you off of me."



When Taeyong enters the kitchen to grab a cup of water, it's already the middle of the night, the only reason you'd ever agree to making out with your boyfriend at such a public place. Taeyong lets out a strange giggle when he sees your compromising situation, with you perched on the marble counter and Yuta between your legs, his large hands on your thighs as you kiss passionately. The two of you break apart at the high pitched sound, and you turn red immediately when your eyes catch the leader's embarrassed face. Yuta doesn't seem to share your thoughts, smiling cockily at his member, almost like he wanted to be seen, his hands not moving an inch from your smooth skin. It probably motivates him to kiss you even more intensely after the older leaves.

"Are you going to keep standing here and watch the show?"



When Jungwoo skips into Doyoung's bedroom, saying something about going out to eat, he doesn't expect to see the two of you sitting on the edge of the bed, kissing languidly, your boyfriend cupping your face gently. "Oopsie", the tall man says with a smile, and Doyoung sighs before the younger can start teasing him, shooting the gleeful guy a glare. "Please leave.", he says, pointing at the door, and Jungwoo swings around, walking out the room with a light-hearted laugh and a not so sincere apology. After that the two of you will probably go back to making out, but Doyoung would probably be a bit out of it, murmuring complaints between kisses about rude members who barge into rooms without knocking and how Jungwoo will never let him live this down. 

"Is my room a free estate or something? These kids, seriously."

NCT When A Member Catches You Making Out:


Kun's bedroom door opens slowly, and you pull away from your boyfriend, who you were making out with for the last few minutes, soft, playful kisses that left butterflies in your stomach. Kun doesn't look too bothered by Winwin, standing awkwardly at the entrance to the room. He apologizes to the younger and asks him what he needs, to which the other responds by pointing at his black backpack leaning by the door, grabbing it before scurrying out the room quickly. After he gets out, your boyfriend shrugs, a slight blush on his cheeks before he goes back to kissing you slowly. It probably doesn't affect him too much, he's rational, he lives with twenty other grown guys and knows that these things are bound to happen.

"Is it really that weird that couples kiss?"



Ten is kissing you gently, hands on your waist, and you're too lost in the feeling of his lips, moving so gracefully against yours, to notice the maknae of WayV entering the room, probably to annoy his older member. Yangyang stops walking when he sees the two of you, but doesn't move just yet, obviously wanting to tease your boyfriend, who still doesn't move from you, ignoring the younger boy. When the brown-haired boy still stays in his spot, your lover pulls away, glaring at the younger and telling him to get out of the room in the most straightforward way possible. The member leaves then, giggling to himself slightly, and Ten simply sighs before going back to kissing you, even more passionately now, as if he already managed to miss you during this short time. 

"Get out. We're in the middle of something here."



You're in Jaehyun's lap, your thighs splayed on either side of him, his hands on your waist and his lips on yours, kissing you passionately, when Johnny jogs into his room, skidding to a stop when he sees the scene in front of him. Your boyfriend doesn't even notice, too in the moment to realize the presence in the room, and he furrows his eyebrows in confusion when you detach your lips from his, following your gaze to his friend, who has a small smirk playing on his lips. He would probably be a bit annoyed, not to the point of actual anger, but he'd throw a snarky remark, watching as Johnny leaves the room before going back to kiss you, rougher this time, making sure you forget about the distraction.

"Do people not knock on doors nowadays?"



You're sitting in the living room of WayV's dorm, cuddled into Sicheng, who's hands are wrapped around you, holding you close to him. His lips are on yours, moving gently, almost shyly, and you tilt your head up to kiss him better, your boyfriend letting out a soft noise at your sudden neediness. "How cute~~", Win-win pulls away from you at the sound of the fond voice, face changing color to red rapidly at the sight of Ten, who seems to think it's not such a big deal, crossing the living room and heading to the kitchen while your boyfriend splutters, explaining himself to no one in particular. After that he'll probably still be super embarrassed, and you'll have to tell him you love him and cuddle him to calm him down uwu.

"I didn't think he'd come back from recording so fast…"



You don't know how the two of you went from a pillow fight to a make out session, but you're now propped on your side with your boyfriend doing the same in front of you, kissing you messily, his hands running over your sides before tangling in your hair. The sound of a door opening knocks the two of your out of your daze, Jungwoo releasing you immediately with a squeak of surprise, letting out a nervous laugh when he sees Yuta standing at the doorway to his room, his eyebrows cocked and a teasing glint in his eyes. Before Jungwoo can start talking, Yuta is already leaving the room, yelling behind his back a teasing, "Just be safe!", and your boyfriend turns red, burying his face in your neck. You won't continue making out after that, but Jungwoo would be very concerned about you, continuously apologizing for what happened and acting sweeter than usual the whole day.

"I'll lock the door next time, I'm sorry!"



Your boyfriend is kissing you hungrily, hovering over you on his bed, his hands on either side of your head and his long legs tangled with yours. The two of you are too caught up in the moment to notice anyone or anything, Lucas' kisses leaving you a breathless mess while he devotes his attention to you, moving his lips almost fiercely. "Lucas, let the girl breathe", a teasing voice says from the entrance to the room, and Lucas pulls away from you, turning his head to look at a cocky-looking Hendery, his eyes glinting with mischief. Your boyfriend blushes immediately, pulling away from you with a shy smile, and Hendery winks slyly before grabbing a white towel hanging on the doorknob and walking out of the room, yelling behind him a teasing 'Have fun!' Lucas starts laughing after his friend is gone, the tips of his ears now completely red and a shy expression on his face, and you laugh as well, placing one last kiss on his now-swollen lips before pulling away, understanding that he is too shy to continue your session.

"He just walked in on us!" *giggles*



Mark's going to panic for sure lmao. This dude will never dare to kiss you in front of the members, always saving the affection and skinship for when you're alone, so when Jaehyun walks into his room, calling him to come eat dinner, only to find the younger and you sitting on the bed, holding hands and kissing passionately, your boyfriend is very flustered, pulling away immediately and stumbling over his words. Jaehyun doesn't seem too fazed, smiling teasingly as he watches Mark stutter, his face bright red as he promises to be there in a second, trying his best to act like nothing happened. When Jaehyun finally leaves the room, taking pity on the younger, Mark collapses against you, too paranoid to continue your session.

"Did I make things awkward?"



You were listening to Xiaojun play on his guitar, his soft voice seeping through your bones, before you couldn't take it anymore, leaning in to press a kiss to his tempting pink lips. Your boyfriend doesn't seem too surprised, kissing you back immediately, so romantic it seems like you're in some sort of K-drama, his lips enveloping yours perfectly. You've been doing this for a few minutes now, but a sudden noise causes you to pull away from each other, turning to the bedroom door where Lucas was trying to creep out, walking on his tiptoes to not disturb you, but he accidentally caused a charger to fall off the desk, and he was now smiling at the two of you sheepishly, a nervous giggle leaving his lips. Your boyfriend glares at the older member, pointing at the door in a silent command to leave the room, and the taller man mumbles an apology before closing the door behind him quietly. Sighing to himself, Xiaojun turns back to kiss you, a bit harder now that he was pissed off by the interruption.

"Basic manners, is that too much to ask for?"



You're lying on top of Hendery, cupping his face gently as you make out, Hendery kissing you excitedly, moving from sloppy kisses to tickling pecks that leave you with a smile on your face. The two of you hear the door to the bed room opening, but your boyfriend doesn't seem to care at all, reaching a hand up to move your face back to face him when you try to sneak a peek at the intruder. The door closes soon after, and you pull away from your lover momentarily, asking him who came in, and he says it was Win-win, laughing slightly when he thinks about how embarrassed the older must have been. The two of you laugh for a bit before going back to kissing, not thinking too much about the incident. 

"At least he knows you're mine now."



Renjun is kissing you slowly, his hands cupping your cheeks gently, thumbs running over the soft skin, when Chenle barges into the room, racing frantically, probably running away from one of the older members who he managed to piss off. Your boyfriend pulls away, coughing loudly to get the younger boy's attention, who's still giggling into his hand, not noticing that he intruded something. "Oh", Chenle raises his head, finally noticing his hyung's glare and your blush. "Sorry." Renjun groans in annoyance as his fellow member leaves the room, mumbling something under his breath before going back to kiss you, but his kisses are probably harder now, conveying his concealed anger, and so are the hands on your waist.

"Do I have to go back to China to have a second of privacy?"



When Renjun enters the bedroom, Jeno has you on your back, his broad body pressing you deep into the soft mattress, your lips connected as you kiss gently, a result of you trying to tackle your boyfriend, and failing, obviously. You try to push your boyfriend off of you, your now open eyes catching a glimpse of Renjun's slowly reddening ears and obvious wince of regret, but Jeno leans even more into you, mumbling against your lips a soft "pretend he's not here", and you let out a breathy laugh, wrapping your hands around your boyfriend's neck and watching as Renjun leaves the room, saying under his breath: "Who needs shoes anyway. I'll just walk barefoot to the practice room." When the door closes behind him, Jeno laughs into your mouth, and the two of you keep kissing, while making sure not to take it farther.

"It'll be even more awkward if we stop now."



When Taeil walks into your boyfriend's bedroom, he can't help but smile at the sight of you and Haechan, sitting on the floor of his bedroom where you were previously gaming, your crossed legs touching and the younger's hands tangled in your dark hair. You know your boyfriend noticed the intruder, his lips stopping their movement momentarily, but he doesn't pull away, keeping his mouth on yours until you hear the door closing, signaling Taeil left the room. The second he leaves, Haechan snorts against your lips, his face flushed red as he pulls back from you, giving away his embarrassment despite him trying to act unbothered in front of you. The two of you are probably too busy laughing to continue your make out session, but it's okay.

"Ohmygod, I didn't know what to do!"



You were playing with Jaemin's hair, his head in your lap, when he suddenly sits up, kissing you gently on your lips, his hands pulling you closer by your small waist. The cute kiss somehow turned heated, and now you were practically making out, your legs thrown on either side of your boyfriend's body, fingers tangled in his blonde locks. "Jaemin, do you know where my comb is?" Jeno asks as he flings the door open, and Jaemin doesn't even try to answer, continuing to kiss you as if nothing happened before pulling away and shooting his frozen friend a mischievous smile. "What was that, Jeno?", he asks nonchalantly as you laugh at the older's disgusted face, burying your head in your boyfriend's shoulder. After the older leaves, your boyfriend would go back to kissing you, softer this time, leaving little pecks all over your face and mumbling compliments against your lips in a soft voice, the sexy mood now gone.

"My Jagiya~~"



"Yangyang!", Xiaojun bursts into the room, making your boyfriend pull away from your lips, stopping the passionate make out you were having, your legs thrown over Yanyang's lap and his hands on the small of your back, pressing you closer to him. Your boyfriend isn't too fazed, but he's impatient, asking the older what he wants but still holding you to him, his hands not leaving you for a second. Understanding the maknae isn't in the mood to talk right now, Xiaojun leaves the room, and your boyfriend doesn't even wait for the door to close entirely before he's back to kissing you, desperate and and even more passionate than before.

"This better be a life-or-death situation."



You and Shotaro are in the practice room, sitting on the shiny floor and kissing softly after you watched your boyfriend work on the choreo to NCT's newest song, admiring his amazing dance talent. Shotaro is timid in his movements, almost innocent, giggling against your lips cutely and holding your hands. You pull away from each other when the door opens suddenly, Sungchan walking in. "Oh… I thought Haechan hyung was here", the younger says with an apologetic tone, turning around swiftly and walking out the room, leaving you and your shy boyfriend behind. Shotaro apologizes to you for not being careful enough, asking if you want to continue, but his face is red and he lets out little giggles out of embarrassment, so you don't resume your actions from before, choosing to coddle him instead, laughing fondly at your boyfriend's adorable behavior.

"This is so embarrassing! I'm sorry~"



You're trapped between the wall and your boyfriend, one of his hands cupping your cheek, while the other strokes your hipbone. Sungchan kisses confidently, like he does everything else, his lips moving naturally against yours like they were meant to be there. The two of you pull away when you hear the door opening, Shotaro's head sticking into the room carefully, before seeing your position and blushing slightly. Sungchan isn't too embarrassed by being caught, greeting the other nonchalantly, but he moves away from you, playing with his fingers in slight awkwardness. "Taeyong hyung told me to ask you if you want him to make you lunch?", the older member asks shyly, and Sungchan smiles, nodding in thanks as he watches the other leave the room. He probably won't continue the make out session after that, waiting for a more private time.

"Oh, hyung, do you need something?"



Chenle leaves another kiss on your mouth, giggling into the kiss as you laugh as well, curling even more into his warm body and pulling the soft blanket around you even more. The two of you were supposed to be watching a movie, but you've been spending more time kissing each other and laughing at nothing. You pull away from your boyfriend's lips when the light in the living room suddenly comes on, blinding the two of you and making Chenle pull away with a confused noise, eyes blinking rapidly as he tries to see the person who disturbed you. Jisung is standing in the entrance to the room, his hand still on the switch and his face bright red as he understands the situation he caught his best friend in. "Yah, can't you see we're on a date here?", Chenle scolds him, and Jisung seems to snap out of his trance, mumbling apologies as he backs up, almost crashing into the wall. After that you don't go back to making out, settling for cuddles on the couch until you fall asleep.

"Jisung, you’re lucky you’re cute."



Jisung wraps an arm around you, pulling you closer to him while you wrap your own thin arms around his neck, burying your fingers in your hair. After not seeing your boyfriend for a long time due to the previous comeback, a good make out session is exactly what you needed. "Oh, sexy~", the two of you jump away from each other at the sound of the deep voice, turning your head to meet a grinning Jaemin, his arms clasped in front of his chest and fondness evident in his eyes. Jisung turns red when he sees his member, immediately stuttering and stumbling over his words as he tries to explain the situation, before understanding it's hopeless and staring at the ground until his hyung goes away, still cooing and talking about 'young love'. He'll probably be shy for the rest of the day afterwards, and he'll need lots of affection from you to get over his embarrassment. 

"H-hyung! Me and Y/N were j-just-"


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4 years ago




“Pancakes and Lazy Mornings”- Na Jaemin

“Before I go to sleep, I imagine you’re by my side”- Lee Haechan

“All you are is all I’ll ever need”- Lee Mark

“Love is like a roller-coaster”- Park Jisung


Haechan as your boyfriend

NCT Dream as your BFF’s

Lucas as your boyfriend

Wayv as your classmates


NCT 127- Reaction to your aeygo

NCT Dream- Reaction to you wanting to cuddle

NCT- Reaction to you being small

NCT- Reaction to a member catching you making out

WayV- Reaction to you being insecure about your body

NCT Dream- Reaction to you being clumsy

NCT 127- Reaction to you jamming to their songs

NCT Dream reaction to you calling them petnames

NCT Dream reaction to you wearing a sexy outfit

WayV when you wear their clothes


9:54 P.M.- Park Jisung

10:03 P.M.- Lee Haechan



7:19 A.M.- Jeon Jungkook

1:41 A.M.- Jeon Jungkook


Reaction to you being drunk

Reaction to you crying

Reaction to you calling them “oppa”

Reaction to you hurting yourself by accident

When they say “I love you” first 

Reaction to you acting cute

Reaction to your first meeting

When they’re jealous

When you annoy them

When you’re pregnant

BTS on your first date

BTS when you prank them

BTS when you initiate skinship

BTS when you call them handsome

BTS when they meet your parents

BTS when you catch them staring at you

BTS when you argue/fight

BTS when you're lonely

BTS when they miss you during tour

BTS when you work out together


As your older brothers

Their favorite places to kiss you

During “locking arms with strangers” prank

Pick-up lines

Jungkook as your boyfriend


“My Mafia Girlfriend”- Kim Taehyung

“Love at first sight (sign)”- Jeon Jungkook

"In sickness and health, let me be yours"- Taekook

Stray Kids:


Reaction to you wearing their hoodie

Reaction to you falling asleep on them

Reaction to you accidentally cursing

Reaction to you back-hugging them

Reaction to you crying



ATEEZ when you have a nightmare

ATEEZ when you sit on their lap

ATEEZ when you're on your period

ATEEZ when you wear their clothes

ATEEZ when you flinch during an argument


Reaction to you cursing

Got7 when they're missing you on tour

Reaction to you flinching during a fight

GOT7 when they are jealous

Tomorrow X Together:


TXT when you’re sick

TXT when you're short

TXT when you're a clingy, whiny drunk

TXT when you kiss for the first time

TXT when they meet your ex



Superm when you're scared of horror movies

Superm reaction to you kissing them out of nowhere

Monsta X:


Monsta X when you fight



Enhypen when they have a crush on you

Enhypen when you're having trouble sleeping

Enhypen reaction to your bad eating habits



Seventeen reaction to you being shy

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4 years ago

Love at first sight (sign)- Jeon Jungkook

You shouldn't be so nervous to be at a fansign, but judging by the loud beating of your heart and the slight shake of your hands, you are.

It was pathetic really, especially since you didn't even stan the idols this fansign was for, but the shorter the line got, taking you one step closer to your destination, the more jittery you became. It must be the dozens of squealing, crying fans around you.

The reason you were here was because you recently moved to South Korea, more specifically to Seoul, to study at the University of Seoul, one of the best universities in Asia. Your sister happened to be a major fan of BTS, some boy group, and although you had no idea who they were, you did know she loved them too much for her own good.

So you thought that a good present for her 16th birthday would be a signed album from her favorite band, with personally-written messages inside. If only you knew that it would cost this much, you maybe would have changed your mind, but what's done is done.

You get ripped out of your thoughts when someone taps you on the shoulder, and you turn around, coming face to face with a young Korean girl, her black eyes filled with confusion. "Umm… it's your turn", she says, pointing toward the long wooden table in front of you, where the members of BTS were sitting by.

You blush, mumbling a quick apology before stepping forward, your legs leading you on their own to the first member, a pale man with mint hair, slightly parted on his forehead.

Although you don't know any of them, or even listen to their music, you know that BTS is huge, in South Korea and in the world in general. And judging by their looks alone, you can definitely see why.

"Hello", the man sends you a small smile, his sharp dark eyes noticing immediately that you were a foreigner, your eyes and tanned skin giving it away.

You smile back, trying not to look as flustered as you feel, bowing to the other man as you place your sister's album in front of him. "Hello", you say back, a year living in Seoul and studying beforehand giving you enough skills to successfully communicate.

"Ah, you know Korean, what a relief!", the man laughs slightly, his mouth stretching to reveal the most adorable gummy smile, the hesitance previously shown on his face gone.

You laugh at the other's reaction, introducing yourself quickly before explaining about your sister, and making small talk with Yoongi, who is a lot less intimidating than you had thought.

After you move on from Suga, who waves at you cutely as you move on, you pass the rest of the members one by one, not forgetting your sister's bias, Jimin, who's eyes turn into cute crescents when you tell him about your sister's immense love for him.

Before you know it, you've reached the last one, and the idea is surprisingly saddening. The guys of BTS are so much more humble and easy-going than you expected, and you must admit that Jimin is a charmer, just like your sister said.

"Hello", the soft, manly voice makes you raise your head, and you feel your heart drop to your underwear when you meet the dark doe eyes of the guy. "It's nice to meet you, I'm Jungkook".

The young man in front of you is gorgeous, and annoyingly, looks exactly like your type. Chocolate brown hair, pushed away from his small face to reveal dark eyebrows and piercing black eyes with a jawline that could kill. His mouth was stretched into a sweet smile, like a bunny, his upper teeth showing cutely, but he still looked ridiculously manly, with the piercings in his ears and the assortment of colorful tattoos on his hand.

You feel your face heat up, looking to the ground when you realize you've been staring blankly at the other, too caught up in his beauty. When you bring your eyes back, you're surprised to see there is a dark blush high on Jungkook's cheeks, his eyes swimming with an unknown emotion when he looks at you fiddling with the belt on your jeans, embarrassed.

"Nice to meet you. I'm Y/N.", you finally answer, handing the now almost fully signed album to the older, trying to ignore the electricity you feel when your fingers brush, even when you see Jungkook's own eyes widen at the feeling.

"You're not from Korea, are you? Although you know Korean very well…", Jungkook asks, his face adorably confused as he looks at you, his eyes scanning your dark skin and wavy hair, clearly not Korean.

"No, I'm a foreigner but I study in Seoul. I'm here because of my younger sister, she's a huge fan of you guys.", you explain, the conversation with Jungkook flowing even easier than with the other members.

There's a look in Jungkook's eyes, almost as if he was just as flustered as you are, and maybe you just imagined it, but it seems like when you giggle at something he says, his eyes lock on you, burning into your skin when you laugh into the palm of your hand, pushing your dark locks behind your ear.

When the guard tells you to move along it almost makes you want to scream, because something about you and Jungkook feels so eeringly right, like you were meant to be.

Jungkook takes your hands in his, intertwining your fingers as he rocks them back and forth, staring into your eyes, and you feel yourself falling, so deep you can't get out.

He must have done it to countless girls and boys before you, but for some reason you let yourself believe that the look in Jungkook's eyes means something different, that he found you just like you found him.

"I'll see you around?"

Love At First Sight (sign)- Jeon Jungkook

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4 years ago

BTS when they meet your parents:


Your boyfriend will be super nervous, but he'll try not to show it, not in front of you and definitely not in front of your parents. (But you'll catch him practicing his lines in front of the mirror in your bedroom more than once when he thinks you don't see him uwu). When you enter your parents house, Jin is quick to suggest your mother to help with the cooking (she loves him since that moment lmao), and he seems to knows exactly what your father wants to talk about (somehow he became a politic expert overnight). He also cracks a few dads jokes that are surprisingly funny and don't make you want to face palm aggressively (in such perfect timing, it seems like he planned the whole night beforehand.) Basically, he's helpful, funny, handsome and intelligent, and your parents make sure to text you after you go back home, warning you that they won't accept any other man in your house. Luckily, you don't plan on ever leaving the man of your dreams uwu<3

BTS When They Meet Your Parents:


Yoongi will also be nervous, knowing how important it is to you that your boyfriend and parents get along well, even if you try to assure him that there's nothing to worry about. He'll want to impress them so bad, that instead of being himself, he'll be stiffer and almost awkwardly polite at the start, afraid that he'll slip up somehow. It'll take a while, but after you smile at him encouragingly and hold his hand under the table, and he sees how nice and understanding your folks are, he'll slowly come out of his shell, talking more and expressing his own opinions (which is great because he's smart af). You'll actually be surprised by how much fun your boyfriend is having by the end of the night, his adorable gummy smile on full display, making private jokes with your dad and complimenting your mom's food enthusiastically. You'll probably find yourself dragging him out of the house after it gets really late, a smile on your face when you understand that everything went even better than you thought.

BTS When They Meet Your Parents:


Hobi will straight up be shaking the whole ride to your parents' house, he's so nervous and he can't even hide it, holding your hand the whole way and asking if he looks 'classy but not too flashy' uwu. When he finally meets your folks he won't be too quiet, rather he'll be a bit awkward, smiling and laughing at every single word said, even when it's not exactly amusing. Luckily, your parents won't judge him to harshly, actually finding your jittery and sweaty boyfriend adorable, and reassure him that they won't bite lmao. After that, he becomes much more relaxed, engaging in the conversation rather than just reacting to it, and impressing your mom and dad when he talks about his music career with passion and love that never ceases to amaze you. He'll still laugh a lot , though, but it's natural now hehe. In the end, Hobi exits your parents' house with that smile that you love so much, and you know that he and your parents had a great time.

BTS When They Meet Your Parents:


To you, it looks like Namjoon prepared his whole life for this moment, even if he's secretly nervous at the thought of meeting your parents. His leader mode is on the second he enters your parents' house, a classic black suit fitting his model-like figure perfectly, a bouquet of colorful flowers in his hand and a bottle of expensive wine in the other. He seems to know exactly what your mom and dad want to hear, easily starting a conversation about economics with your father, and then pointing out the perfect combinations of spices in your mother's food (you're pretty sure yesterday he didn't even know how to use black pepper). Your parents also admire what a perfect gentleman he is, automatically pulling out a chair for you, looking at you lovingly whenever you're speaking and even suggesting to help your mother in the kitchen (luckily, she declines his suggestion). By the time you leave the house, both of your parents have heart eyes for Namjoon, falling in love with his cute dimples and sexy brain;)

BTS When They Meet Your Parents:


Jimin will be scared even though he has no reason to be, being the pure soul that he is uwu. He'll overthink, imagining every possible situation which your parents will think badly of him, and he'll spend days choosing what to wear, no matter how much you tell him that anything will look good on him. When you'll reach your childhood house, he'll hold your hand tightly in his own, only letting you go to shake your father's hand and embrace your mother politely, his eyes crinkling cutely when she compliments his look profusely, making him blush sweetly. Despite his fears, Jimin will overcome his nerves in a shockingly amazing way, asking your parents all the right questions, holding eye contact, and activating his irresistible charms in a way that makes your mom and dad fall for him easily. His soft voice, his princely looks, caring behaviour towards you and your parents, and his undeniable love and dedication for his career, leaves no room for hesitation. He is the perfect man for you!

BTS When They Meet Your Parents:


This guy is so chill lmao. In fact, he's probably calming YOU down during the drive to your parents' house. When you finally get there, Taehyung wraps his arm around your waist, leading you to the dimly lit door, his other hand holding a small box of strawberry covered chocolates you told him your mom likes. Your parents obviously fall in love with Tae immediately, your mother already gushing over his handsome face and unique fashion taste, while your father can't help but smile at the young man's ninety degree bow to him. Your boyfriend is practically the epitome of relaxed in the best possible way, steering the conversation easily, making your parents laugh over and over again, and gushing about you half of the dinner as you sit with blushing cheeks beside him, punching his arm weakly in protest. In the end of the night, you find yourself having to detach your mother from a grinning Taehyung, and you get yourself another invitation for next week's dinner, which you're pretty sure you're not allowed to refuse lol.

BTS When They Meet Your Parents:


I feel like Jungkook will the cutest, awkwardest baby uwu. He's a pretty introverted person, so when you tell him that your parents invited the two of you for dinner, he can't help but feel anxious. Still, he smiles widely and tells you that he loves the idea, not wanting to disappoint you. (He even wears an outfit that isn't all-black for once hehe). When you enter your house, Jungkook is quick to bow deeply to your parents in greeting, before helping you take off your long coat, missing the appreciative glance your parents sent him. Your boyfriend helps your mother set all the food she made on the table, refusing to sit until the older woman was seated as well, and answers all the questions she asks him in that sweet voice of his, talking about his passion for music since an early age and his relationship with the older members. Jungkook probably won't exactly be outgoing during the first meeting, but it doesn't matter because your parents already fell in love with his sweet, caring and polite behaviour, loving the handsome boy from the second he entered the house, and they're quick to text you about how satisfied they are the second you leave the house.

BTS When They Meet Your Parents:

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