Don't even try to look up the word. You won't get the actual meaning.Tired...☆chill out my friend you're in a safe space☆ ☁️ 19🌈
689 posts
Just Realized I Don't Think I've Ever Posted My Updated Profile Images Or The Cookie Run Version Of Spirit
Just realized I don't think I've ever posted my updated profile images or the cookie run version of Spirit lol

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I'll try and write here what I've thought of so far for it. No guarantees that it'll make any sense lol. And mind you i'm no writer so some of my sentences may suck with "proper punctuation" and whatnot. And this very well could change later
After Jack had fallen with the star nobody had thought to take the bag with them.
As soon as everyone left Death came back to do his job properly. Feeling uncomfortable that someone could be watching him..he heads down into the abyss of the dangerously sharp star shards. To his surprise he stumbles upon a well made nanny bag that is still in perfect condition some how.
The only thing to take note of was the huge scent of blood but no visible body anywhere. Not wanting to risk any exposure to any rowdy or unknown magic while he was down there, death swiftly took the bag, and jumped onto the larger shards that promptly wedged themselves between the smaller divides of the star-shaped crater, and made away with his exit.
Jack was still not visible to Death anywhere near the scene of the incident. It bothered him that his senses were telling him he was close to where he SHOULD'VE been but nothing was showing. It wasn't until he sniffed the bag more when walking out of the forest; that he had caught a whiff of what smelled like a stale plum.
Stopping in his tracks before the exist of the forest, He crinkled his nose at the unsatisfactory smell and opened the bag only to be greeted with a giant hand that was trying to leave the voided space. He stepped back and held on to one of his sythes just in case. When the rest of the body was visible to Death, Jack was eventually kneeling down in front of him. Facing away.
The smell of blood had returned but this time it was stale. A bottle the size of a small figurine to Jack rolled to Death's feet as a small droplet of a reddish pink liquid threatened to drip onto him. Death stepped back slightly. The giant man kneeling before him was a mix of nauseating smells, but the one that stood out the most to Death was still the blood. With no sight of injury to the back of the man before him he had wondered what was causing the smell. He slowly and calmly walked to the front of Jack finally looking him in the eye. There was dried blood on the front of him, but no sign of injury.
"You aren't supposed to be alive pie boy."
"Then this must be hell. Wouldn't surprise me considering the things I've done."
"Suprisingly you managed to live and as surprising as that should be to me it's not. I've seen what nine lives look like. I suppose a man with a second one doesn't feel any different."
"Oh ho but it does! I feel like a million lifetimes are passing through my veins. If it weren't for my desire to stay alive so badly I would probably be dead at the bottom of that hell hole in the ground." (Jack points behind him)
"Now all I wish for is to look normal once again so nobody suspects a thing. And you're gonna promise to help me." With an sinful grin, Jack grabs Death by the scruff of his poncho and throws him into the bag beside them.
"I didn't promise anything to you Jack." Death's grinning smile fades through the abyss as he starts to whistle to himself and somehow ends up out of the bag. He will not be chained down by someone who is super-powered by the wishing star.
Sorry for the long post. It's just some of yall we're interested in the au and out of both of the names I have no idea which I want to use because they sound super cool. I can't guarantee that I'll be able to write or draw anything for this au but I would love to see anything that yall make from this!

Snowmen ocs because we said so
Fanart is accepted lol
Friend fell asleep in the discord voice chat so we have the one hour version of Cupcakke low-fi playing on the bot.
Henna doodle of her and her pet sabertooth during the early days of her circus.

Have fun kiddo

Was torn between the red being a scarf or part of the dress. Either way I think it came out okay. Sorry if I didn't get everything 100% I tried my hardest using my ability to read my little cousin's art lol. But yeah :D