Awesomespiritcat21s Rants - Tumblr Posts

1 year ago

Turning 18 was the largest mistake of my life.

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1 year ago
Images That I've Taken That Show What It's Like To Be An Observer
Images That I've Taken That Show What It's Like To Be An Observer
Images That I've Taken That Show What It's Like To Be An Observer
Images That I've Taken That Show What It's Like To Be An Observer
Images That I've Taken That Show What It's Like To Be An Observer
Images That I've Taken That Show What It's Like To Be An Observer
Images That I've Taken That Show What It's Like To Be An Observer
Images That I've Taken That Show What It's Like To Be An Observer
Images That I've Taken That Show What It's Like To Be An Observer

Images that I've taken that show what it's like to be an observer


[Please do not use these images!]

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1 year ago
Images That I've Taken That Show What It's Like To Be An Observer Part 2
Images That I've Taken That Show What It's Like To Be An Observer Part 2
Images That I've Taken That Show What It's Like To Be An Observer Part 2
Images That I've Taken That Show What It's Like To Be An Observer Part 2
Images That I've Taken That Show What It's Like To Be An Observer Part 2
Images That I've Taken That Show What It's Like To Be An Observer Part 2
Images That I've Taken That Show What It's Like To Be An Observer Part 2
Images That I've Taken That Show What It's Like To Be An Observer Part 2
Images That I've Taken That Show What It's Like To Be An Observer Part 2

Images that I've taken that show what it's like to be an observer part 2


[Please do not use these images!]

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1 year ago

Gonna attempt to draw something cursed brb

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1 year ago

I hope you know that you just made me smile like an idiot

Here Yall Go Jack Horner Posters And Enjoyers

Here yall go Jack Horner posters and enjoyers ๐Ÿ˜ญ

After two nights of nearly no sleep i bring you a fara-mite(faratholoriazin) version of Jack because I promised something for yall. I wasn't sure what exactly because I'm still working on the story thing with the Ai so I can draw some stuff from there(nothing has caught my eye yet) so yeah ๐Ÿ˜ญ

Enjoy! Love yall <3

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1 year ago

For anyone wondering. Yes I lay here and look at my own blog. Yes I reload it a million times expecting new art to show up. And yes I admire my own art after I post it.

Its called self love.

And delusion

But mostly self love, okay?!

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1 year ago

When I draw magic fire I don't tend to add shadows anywhere near it unless it's clothing because of how it kind of functions differently in faratholoriazin. Meaning every image you see with one of my flame skeletons or any oc with flame hair? They're canonically bald. It's only their magic keeping that shiny dome warm.

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1 year ago

I'm so down bad for so many villains it's not even funny anynore.

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1 year ago

Gonna make some y/n content with Titan because I need to draw him again and because putting a version of Sinoe in an awkward situation is humorous to me.

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1 year ago

Be careful to all you short film makers. I get that a strike is going on but various companies are now setting out "competitions" for any short films and ideas that are better than streaming services. Specifically Netflix. Don't get stuck in the loop.

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1 year ago

Just casually recreated what it would look like if Oppenheimer was filmed with Coffee instead of whatever they used.

How's everyone's day going?

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1 year ago

Was gonna try and draw something in my small sketchbook but I can't find it which means I lost everything in it including the original dragon horner doodles๐Ÿ˜ญ

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1 year ago

So I've been getting back into moomins and it just crossed my mind that the only consistent place that Snufkin visits every year is moominvalley. Like he's known to travel and not like staying in one place for long periods of time but he specifically goes out of his way just to see his friend ๐Ÿฅบ

(Still working on art don't worry this new one is just taking me a minute to finish)

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1 year ago

Used to tell every boy I talked to in middle school that i was a lesbian so they didn't try to go after me.

Few years later I've realized I am actually a lesbian and men for some reason still try to go after me.

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1 year ago

Blasting Green Day to shut out your siblings yelling over a fucking video game is like...the best therapy I can get in 2023.

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1 year ago

Why is it always the purple characters that seem to be very....romantic or sexual. Is it because purple is just that kind color? Gives that kind of vibe? Or what? Cuz making BlackJack for Circus of Flames was like:

Me: "Okay he's gotta be irredeemable until he realizes his enemies are litterally fighting for him to stay alive"

Brain: "Make him dislike shirts."

Me(who already settled on the shirtless while wearing a jacket design): "What?"

Brain: "What?"

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1 year ago

Please read this stupid story idea I came up with ๐Ÿ˜ญ

Picture this: it's 1982 and times are good. You live in a relatively medium sized town with your (parent of choice). Despite it being pretty large, all of the towns people here know each other. Only months after you moving in and making new friends (probably like a group of 5 or 6 people) a killer was on the loose. Of course rumors began to spread. When going to the store you and your family would go check out the meat. Picking out whatever looked best for the cookout. Everything was fine until you looked around and noticed all eyes were on you and your family. Nobody else seemed to be near the meat. Like they knew something was up. Upon buying it the butcher had nothing to say. You obviously told your friends about the experience and all of them murmured to each other and looked at you. They all knew something. It was only then that you realized they had been the only kids your age that you had seen around the town. And..that the meat you and your family had bought looked nothing like what you're used to. When you "snapped out" of your thoughts you only found yourself to be in a dark room with your friends surrounding you. Evil grins painting their faces as they got closer.

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1 year ago

Mettaton and Mangle were my trans information awakening.

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1 year ago

Working on oc icons again! Be prepared! :)

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1 year ago

Having a first paycheck is like throwing yourself at your closet to clean it and coming out wearing or having stuff you haven't seen in years.

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