Disabled Trans Lesbian Otherkin Artist 🏳️‍⚧️; Loves horror and gay shit; trapped in hell (the US); fuck AI; Free Palestine 🇵🇸
384 posts
Smol Hope That Capitano's Sword Is Called Durandal. It Would Just Be A Cool Reference
Smol hope that Capitano's sword is called Durandal. It would just be a cool reference
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I hope you cook more of this ship, I am intrigued about your vision

Anne Hathaway Twelfth Night redraw but make it Jean, Lisa, and Arlecchino. Lisacchino is my favorite rarepair.
Erlking Jean Bio
Before I talk about my Erlking Jean kinda-OC, I need to talk about regular Jean because the two are inseparably linked.
Jean, from an early age, was to be THE Gunnhildr heir. Despite the hatred Mondstadt has for aristocracy, the Gunnhildrs remain a prestigious family. They have always remained steadfast in their role as Mondstadt's protectors, their family motto even being "For Mondstadt, always". While her mother was a strict teacher, and instilled in her the values of their family name, Jean still was able to have a happy childhood, making friends with the Ragnvindr brothers and having a baby sister.
However, as the years past, Jean excelled at her studies and swordplay, her little sister, Barbara, did not. Jean would be the golden child of the Gunnhildrs, while Barbara would fall behind, in the eyes of her mother. Eventually, her parents divorced due to a conflict in what they wanted from their children, and Jean lost both her sister and father that day, severed from the Gunnhildr clan. With only her mother, which was more like her teacher, Jean was isolated.
The pressure of holding the Gunnhildr name continued, but Jean persevered, rewarded with a hollow love. Her friends from childhood, Kaeya and Diluc, had also drifted away after their schism. Though she didn't know what happened, the fact remained. Jean was alone. And she had to live with being alone.
No one complained when Jean became the Acting Grandmaster. Everyone agreed she was the perfect fit; kind, diligent, and unwavering. As a Gunnhildr should be.
But of course, she's not perfect. Varka would have made Noelle a knight, but Jean's expectations are too high. Whenever Klee gets up to mischief, Jean grounds her in "solitary confinement", because that's apparently what parents should do. She still holds Barbara at a distance. And of course, the big one, even when she promises others she'll take a break, she continues working. Over and over again. Working and working alone is all Jean has ever known. But people allow her, they understand even if some don't like it. Because it's for the good of Mondstadt.
And that is where we pick up at with Erlking Jean.
Erlking Jean's Mondstadt was destroyed.
She was one of the few survivors. Noelle was never able to become a Knight. Lisa had ran out of time. Jean would never be able to mend her relationship with Barbara.
In a strange twist of fate, she met a Traveler, but not the honorary knight she knew. This was a Traveler from another universe. They too had permanently lost their sibling, so they are traveling the multiverse with an artifice they created, looking for a replacement for their sibling. Tempted by such technology, Jean stole it. She just wanted to see her home again.
And what she found was Mondstadt in ruins again.
As she traveled the multiverse, Mondstadt somehow always finds its way to ruin. Along the way, she learns that Barbara has always felt inadequate compared to her and would always be in her shadow. Lisa had always had a crush on Jean, but she was never able to reciprocate due to work, dooming her love to be unrequited. It's when she came across a world where Varka never stepped down and Mondstadt was able to survive, she had a realization.
SHE was the cause of so much suffering in Mondstadt. SHE was the reason why Mondstadt fell. Mondstadt was to be always doomed under HER command.
It broke her. Every world she visited, she saw countless Jeans repeat the same mistakes over and over again. She saw that every Jean that will never improve. She saw that every Jean will always break her promises, to her people, to her sister, to her home.
...She then understood what she had to do.
For the good of Mondstadt, Every Jean Must Die.
Disillusioned, she cast aside the title of Gunnhildr. She views it with contempt because without it, she is nothing. She could never be anything because of it. The title of Gunnhildr is a cloak of arrogance to cover up her true hollow filthy self.
Though she hates her family name, the motto remains close to her heart. Though she never lied when she said it, it was a reminder of her duty. But when she cast off the Gunnhildr name, when she says it, it is wholly earnest.
"For Mondstadt, always."
So she began to carry out her crusade, tired of seeing her home destroyed by her own hands. To rid all worlds of Jean. To save Mondstadt.
A howling tempest follows in her wake, and the screams of distant worlds can be heard on the wind.
Gods I love lesbians
Sonya themed ask jumpscare
Of his design, there are a few things to note. First is how he wears a strap full of bullets on his leg [though he hasnt yet been seen with a gun to my knowledge, its in his bag maybe?] but bullets in The City are notoriously expensive, and while Hermann did mention how he 'burned all that cash' I must wonder why he wanted them in the first place is he already carries a perfectly suitable weapon.
Smaller details that stuck out to me are the eye like pattern on his goggles, and his hair. Namely the lite specs of blue in it and how it was described as 'hyaline' - a word both relating to a form of cartilage and a way to describe something with a glassy appearance.
Onto his role in the story going forward: I believe that cantos 1-3 all set up the three major forces we shall be dealing with for the remainder of the story. N corp with canto 1, Demians group in canto 3 and the Yurodiviye in canto 2. Now at first it was unclear how exactly the YRDY would be able to have as much influence as the other two, but TKT sorted it all out. While Hermann represents the power held from corporations and Demian the power gained from the outskirts/stars/things that aren't fully understood, Sonia then stands as the representative for the power of people - namely in terms of tenacity and shear staying power.
He very clearly has connections to both Hermann and Demian, through both the chat at the end of canto 2 and the fact he's got the mark. This puts him in the position that oddly enough many though Asaeh was in before his icon was fixed, as one wearing multiple hats for his own gain. He does not hide his cause.
He actuallt reminds me a lot of Ayin. However this is already quite long and my brain is currently a plate of scrambled eggs so I shan't elaborate further. Plus I am not sure if what I've got is actual analysis or my desperate want to talk about Ayin again.
Only tangentially related but the author of C&P has also written a book called 'White Nights'. Neato.
That's all for now, we got like 2 hrs til we hopefully get a teaser and I'm bring so normal about it. I swear.
Ok let me go through this one paragraph at a time because Sonya is one of those characters that makes me go a little insane as well. Read more because. Yeah.
Point 1 - The Bullet Strap
The design detail of the bullets strap on his leg is intriguing and one I didn't notice initially. I went through to look through Canto 2 CGs of Rodya's flashbacks and all the Yurodiviye related character sprites in the recent Intervallo to check if this is something that's a part of the standard Yurodivy uniform and what I've found is... interesting.
For Canto 2 Yurodiviye, the only one whose legs we see clearly is flashback Rodya, and she doesn't seem to have that same strap as Sonya.

However, for TKT, something interesting happens. All of the Yurodiviye in District 20, including the Detective captain of their group, wear straps on the same leg as Sonya... except instead of bullets, the straps have a bag attached.

That difference in uniform between Rodya and this branch of the Yurodiviye is notable because of how differently they see Sonya. Rodya sees Sonya as someone with big ideals but not enough initiative to actually see them through, meanwhile the District 20 Yurodiviye look up to him so much as to call him a Saint, a term which we recently learned can refer to the most high-ranking members of the Dieci, the association that deals with knowledge (thank you Dieci Meursault uptie story). This difference in opinion would explain why these Yurodiviye are more invested in mimicking Sonya's uniform more closely, whereas Rodya's seemed more distinct and thus more distant.
Of course, the difference between the straps holding bags for the Yurodiviye while it holds bullets for Sonya is not lost on me. As you mentioned, bullets are expensive, which means it makes sense for the District 20 Yurodiviye to not be able to afford them and thus resort to using the strap to hold something else to have it still serve a similar function. Though it does bring up the question you posited: how was Sonya able to afford his own bullets?
It's important to note we don't ever get to see whether or not Sonya had the bullet strap before Rodya left the Yurodiviye. The only CGs we get to see his legs in are ones where his current self invades the flashback Rodya is having. If he got that after she left, it's possible his cooperation with N Corp granted him enough support to get the ammunition. Note that if Hermann is to be believed that Sonya would burn any and all cash he was granted, it's not impossible for N Corp to just give him bullets out right instead.
On a more symbolic side of analyzing his design, the bullet strap is a subtle way to show Sonya's own turn towards more direct action after Rodya left, while also emphasizing how he goes about that more direct action.
Just like a gun firing its bullets, Sonya's "direct" action is him telling people around him to do the deeds for him. Whether it's through inspiration like the District 20 Yurodiviye, or whether it's through networking and sending his people out to take money from the rich like we see in Canto 2. He's not the bullet actually breaking through a wall, he's merely the finger pulling the trigger. He aims and gives command to fire, but that's where his involvement ends.
Point 2 - The Goggles and Hair
This is something I touched upon in another post I made about Sonya, so I'm gonna be brief. Sonya's visual design with regards to his eyes, hair, and accessories, has a dual purpose.
For one, it implies that Sonya is albinistic. The color of his eyes, the lack of pigment of his hair to the point it's described as glass-like, and the inclusion of eye protection and gloves (accessories that is lacking in other Yurodiviye) points towards that idea.
This directly correlates with his own tendency to try and avoid the spotlight and redirect it to others whenever possible, see my point earlier about how his direct action involves sending other people out to do his bidding + his actions before and during the game in Canto 2 are all in favor of pulling attention away from him, such as deflecting Aida's comments about him by calling her the protagonist of life, or constantly asking Rodya questions to put the spotlight on her.
For two, it makes his design a direct opposite to Rodya's, matching with their opposite tendencies with regards to being put in the spotlight. Rodya's design is notably plain for what you'd consider a Slavic woman, with wheat brown-blonde hair and blue eyes, whereas Sonya's is extremely distinct with his purple eyes and hyaline hair.
And yet, like I mentioned earlier, Sonya is the one that wants eyes off of him, while Rodya is constantly trying to be the center of attention whenever possible. They're major foils to one another down to their visual designs.
Point 3 - Sonya and Yurodiviye's spot in the story
Ever since the first batch of Cantos, Sonya struck me as a sort of double agent between the New League and Demian's Blue Man Group. We know that he clearly has connections with both, but the fact that the color his name is put on in the dialogue box is purple, the mix of red (associated with the New League) and blue (associated with the Blue Man Group), only further adds to that idea.
Plus, I feel like his attitude towards Mirror Worlds and their usage should also be pointed out. Whereas Demian directly states he wants the Mirror Worlds to be left alone, comparing their exploitation to that of stealing chips from a bag, Hermann is on the other spectrum of that through wanting the desctruction of all Mirror Worlds.
Sonya is somewhere in between, clearly wanting to make use of them to bring about what he sees as his ideal world, but not wanting to touch them beyond that.
I think the above fact combined with how he acts in the Canto 2 post credit scene is leading to the possibility of Sonya outright betraying Hermann and the New League, which would make sense with how his side is meant to represent the common people. Project Moon ain't subtle about their critique of capitalism, so it only makes sense for Sonya to eventually turn on the representation of the power the Wings hold.
Which, speaking of that, I want to note how Hermann manipulated people to her side through exploiting Mirror Worlds. Yes, her main goal is to destroy all of them, but she's willing to twist the truth when trying to get other people to her side. With her and the New League representing the power of the corporations, those empty promises and white lies feel especially fitting. That sort of "Well if you join us we will keep This One Specific World You Want alive just for you" and "Well since we're already destroying them wouldn't you like to destroy this specific part of each of them with us" shit she's been pulling.
Ok. No. Anon, you can't drop a bombshell on me like that. WhiteNight is one of, if not the most important Abnormality to Lobcorp and thus Project Moon lore. It's one of the Carmen abnos. It's the final Abno boss alongside Apocalypse Bird. It's symbolically tied to the White Nights and Dark Days event through its name, one of the most important events in the fucking series.
And. Here's the thing Anon. If that's true, then that means Dostoyevsky's works being consistently important to PM lore is no longer just a coincidence, it's a pattern.
You see, there's another important Crime and Punishment reference in this series outside of Rodya's existence, it being the other abno tied to WhiteNight.
One Sin and Hundreds of Good Deeds.
You see, this abnormality's name? It's a reference to a fucking quote from Crime and Punishment, and a pretty notable one in that!

Now, mind you, the exact wording in the version of the quote is a bit different, likely due to differences in translation, but it's pretty fucking close don't you think?
One Crime, One Sin. Thousands of Good Deeds, Hundreds of Good Deeds.
Add to that the fact that One Sin is always the first abno you get in every LobCorp playthrough AND acts as an instant alternate way to defeat WhiteNight, and the fact that these two are both named after Dostoyevsky references should start raising some eyebrows.
With all of that pointed out, I'd like to adress the potential importance of both Sonya and Rodya in the wider plot of Limbus Company, based on the fact that Dostoyevsky references have been highly important to the lore from the very fucking start.
Let's start with Sonya. He and the Yurodiviye are in a bit of a unique spot compared to all the other factions Limbus Company is contending with. While sure, both the New League and Blue Man Group have a leader who is directly tied to one single sinner (Hermann tied to Gregor, Demian tied to Sinclair), we see that it's not an exclusive connection.
We know from Canto 5 that Rim, someone from the League of Nine, is definitely a part of the Blue Man Group, and the New League has not only two former members of the League of Nine (and is named to be a replacement for that group), but also Jia Huan of Hong Lu's family fame is there too for some fucking reason.
Sonya and Yurodiviye are thus far the only faction that is only connected to one single Sinner - Rodya, and thus only connected to a single source - the works of Dostoyevsky. The fact that Sonya is all but stated to be the connection between the two other groups and the effect he's had on the City thus far only add to his future importance. I don't think I need to go on about that for much longer.
That only leaves Rodya's importance undiscussed. Thus far she's the only Sinner to have recieved a "second Canto" in the form of TKT heavily focusing on continuing her character arc, but that doesn't really say much. For all we know we could see something similar be done to both Gregor and Sinclair at some point in the future. No, there's something a bit more subtle potentially going on with Rodya.
However, to explain this, I need to go on a tangent.
Let's put this out here: The Little Prince is the single most important book with regards to Limbus Company's running themes and motifs.
The "Seeing with the eye vs Seeing with the heart" motif is the single most long-running and important theme throughout the work. Demian directly says the fucking quote at the end of Canto 3 and consistently references the Little Prince whenever he appears. Blue Man Group is set up to be the ones who see with the heart, while the New League and N Corp as a whole are set up to be the ones who see with the eyes. Eyes and Hearts keep coming up in random places all over Limbus. The fucking name of the game and company itself, Limbus, can refer to two different parts of the body - corneal limbus, a part of the eye, and limbus of fossa ovalis, a part of the heart.
Why is all of this important? Because two of the Sinners explicitly have their symbols be a Heart and an Eye respectively, that being Rodya and Hong Lu. Add to that the fact that, similarly to Rodya and Sonya, Rodya and Hong Lu are essentially foils of each other with regards to how they view the world , and the fact that they're assigned the numbers 6 and 9, which in numerology are associated with yin and yang, which we know PM loves making references to spirituality and religion, and all of this is just a big ol nothing Game Theory that I'm just spitting here.
The rundown is this: Rodya and Hong Lu are both associated with symbols that are seemingly tied to key motifs and themes of Limbus Company and PM games as a whole. Rodya's focus through TKT and her connection to the one faction that isn't tied to any other Sinner makes her stand out. PM seems to fucking love making Dostoyevsky extremely important for some fucking reason.
All of this to say I would not be surprised if Rodya turned out to be one of the most important Sinners out of the cast.
...This post was supposed to be about Sonya. Whoops.
I’m still thinking about that “is OSHA regulations Cop Behavior” post. Like. You know who thinks regulations are for losers? People who build submersibles out of logitech gamepads and rejected carbon fibre. People who trust starlink as their only surface lifeline.
Do you wanna be like the fine film on the floor of the Atlantic that was once a billionaire? Is that the hill you’re really gonna die on?
We have an expression in my field- “Regulations Are Written In Blood”
People don’t have fucking safety standards as a power trip, we have them because somewhere in the past, NOT having those regulations killed or maimed someone.
A lot of laws out there are bullshit- safety regulations sure as fuck aren’t. I have the literal scars to prove it.