Hi I do the selfshippy and I shitpost. Strictly sharing my F/O's if you wanna be mean about me having the same F/O just dni lmao
272 posts
B0tched-lobotomy - Ronnie - Tumblr Blog

life changing baby girl

L Lawliet 🖤
What selfshipping is like

me and my f/o’s don’t argue I bash their head in with a rock and they walk it off like a man

i love. Meulin Leijon
reblog to do this to your f/o right now

Night At the Museum (1) as pictures I found on Pinterest (Part 1):
The miniatures:

Ahkmenrah in his exhibit (he has been trapped there for 54 years):

POV you just woke up from a little nap at your new job as a museum night guard and the T-Rex skeleton is not on its pedestal:

Larry @ everyone in his life:

The Neanderthals:

Cecil @ Larry when calls for help (he is literally being attacked by a dinosaur):

Basically all the exhibits @ Larry for the first few nights:

Everyone @ Jedediah and Octavius:


Teddy watching Larry give his speech to the museum:

Sacagawea watching everyone do dumb shit from inside her exhibit:

Nicky watching his dad try to wake up a T-Rex skeleton when Cecil’s stolen the tablet:


Larry explaining why he’s good at his job:

Ahkmenrahs heart may be in a random jar but that heart belongs to ME
It is ABYSMALLY hilarious to me how often Monika suddenly appears whenever anyone is interacting slightly flirtatiously together like,

you can TELL she just ran across the clubroom to stop the conversation from progressing
also her stare adds so much, I swear to you
"toxic yuri" "toxic yaoi" the children yearn for the kismesissitude
*writes you a love letter*
*you can’t read my shitty handwriting*
okay guys this MIGHT be a handful

My sillies . ❤️



added some F/o’s to my list!!
Jack sparrow (potc)
regina George (mean girls)
master Qifrey (witch hat atelier)

proship dni !!
Imagine Bonking your f/o with ur head like a cat. Romantic platonic familial any kind of f/o just bonk them . it’s a real love language trust me ok

You can do anything if you imagine your f/o cheering you on. In a cheerleader outfit. It's imperative that they're in a cheerleader outfit btw

george wearing pink is something that’s so personal actually.

him in red <3
Cleaned up my desk, what do you guys think?? I’m planning to buy a Beatles poster for a fresh change :3

Reminder that its okay to be jealous of a popular ship cuz its w ur f/o. Its okay to block them, to get a lil upset over it. It is fine if you dislike/hate a ship. Just ignore em, ur f/o only needs, only wants you. They would never leave you for that other character. You are the only one they love <<3

Trink du zuerst und stirb in meinen Armen. Ich werde deine Augen schliessen, Deine Hände falten zum letzten Gebet. Und dann werde auch ich trinken.
Stillste Stund - Vereint